Seeing your best friend in a dream. Why do you dream about a friend according to other dream books? Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

We often dream about people, especially those with whom we communicate. If you dream of a friend, your real one or from early childhood, what does this mean? This dream can mean a lot, depending on its shades, emotional content, events and details. But in general, very often seeing a friend in a dream means something connected specifically with her.

In order to find out exactly and in detail from the dream book what your friend is dreaming about, it’s worth remembering and replaying the entire dream in your memory, to the best of your ability. The dream book has many options, for example:

  • I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend.
  • A friend from early childhood, from the past.
  • I suddenly dreamed of a friend who was drunk, sick, or dying in her dreams.
  • The dead girl dreams of being alive.
  • Fight or swear with a girlfriend in a dream.
  • Hugging or kissing her.

There are still many options, and if you remember in detail what you dreamed about, you will be able to understand exactly what your friend is dreaming about in your case.

From past

Let's consider the options for why you dream of an ex-girlfriend or a girl from childhood with whom you were friends and communicated. And even why do you dream about your deceased friend, which also happens.

I wonder what the ex-girlfriend dreams about, the one with whom there was once a warm relationship, but for some reason it was interrupted - it doesn’t matter why. If you dream of an ex-girlfriend, this can mean one thing: you are tired of people, of an active social life, and it’s time to be alone for a while, even if only for a short time. This will be beneficial. This is what an ex-girlfriend dreams about in most cases.

As the dream book indicates, the girl dreams of an old friend from childhood in order to show that a solution to the problem will soon come and some difficulties will be overcome. Moreover, this decision will come completely unexpectedly, from an area where you are not expecting it. And everything will improve!

If you dreamed of an old girlfriend from early childhood, and in the dream you are again two little girls, then this is a serious hint. You dream about such things as advice: live in the present. Don’t hide in fantasies about the past and don’t dream about the future, but learn the wisdom to perceive the real world here and now. This is where happiness lies!

Let's see why you dream of a deceased friend who is no longer with you, alive and unharmed. Such visions often occur when people leave. This dream may portend help from above, wise advice or support from higher powers. Remember that you will never be alone, even in moments of loneliness you will have an invisible guardian.

If your ex or childhood friend died in your dreams, the dream book advises not to worry, this is not a prophetic dream. But you probably left something on your soul and conscience, and it torments you. Maybe you have guilt and you should resolve it, ask for forgiveness, communicate? At least just call her. If she cried in a dream, your actions in reality are not very pure and honest. Think carefully, aren’t you doing wrong to your loved ones? Maybe something should be changed?

Real, real

If you dreamed of a real friend, with whom you communicate and are close friends, or not so much, but in reality, in real life, remember what she was like and what she did in her dreams. This will help decipher them.

A real, real friend in a dream - the one with whom I communicate, why did I dream about her? This is a pleasant dream that portends carefree time, entertainment and pleasant hours in good company. Just don’t indulge in empty chatter and gossip, it will turn out badly.

If she was drunk, then in reality you should pay attention to this girl. Perhaps she is lonely or sad and lacks support. A drunk girlfriend in a dream is an advice to you to give your loved one more attention and care.

Why do you dream about your best friend or just a good friend who dies in your dreams? Don't be afraid of sleep, it's good, even if it's nightmarish. Everything will be fine with her: if she is sick, she will recover very quickly, and if her affairs are bad, everything will soon get better.

If she was pregnant, this is a sign of joy and some common cause that you will be doing with her. This will bring you both a lot of pleasure and benefit. Let's say in your dream your girlfriend gave birth. This means that your common business or activities will soon bring wonderful results to both of you, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results! Her wedding is an alarming sign that says that this girl needs your support, and maybe even help.

Your actions

What did you do? All your actions, be it a fight or a hug, indicate something important. Let's try to decipher!

Hugging a friend is a symbol of the support that you subconsciously lack. Don't close yourself off from your loved ones and don't push them away, especially when you need a friendly shoulder! Ask to stay nearby, talk, you need this and it will help a lot. You shouldn't be alone right now.

And kissing her is a symbol that change is coming. You want them and, perhaps, you are doing something so that something in your reality changes. So, this dream indicates that soon in reality the long-awaited changes will occur and a lot will change - it will become the way you would like, and the way that is best for you.

If you and your girlfriend fought, she beat you or you beat her, then this is a reverse dream. It indicates your spiritual closeness and the fact that pleasant times are ahead when you spend time together. This person is devoted to you, and you should not doubt it. A true friend is nearby!

A best friend can appear in a dream for many reasons. The meaning of a dream depends largely on what role the girlfriend herself, the owner of the dream and its other participants play in it. A friend may dream of betrayal, difficulties in her personal life, shopping, or going to the hairdresser.

What if you dream about your best friend?

It is worth considering in more detail what interpretation of a dream about a friend takes place in a given case.

For example, a man having a dream and his girlfriend got into a big argument. It is likely that they will soon have a serious quarrel, the result of which will be the transition of the best friend to the rank of ex.

In another case, a friend beats off a young man. It is worth delving deeper into yourself. A dream may indicate the presence of unresolved problems that bother the girl, occupying all her thoughts.

If in a dream you have to drive a friend out of the house, this may indicate an imminent truce with a young man or lover.

A friend drinking alcohol uncontrollably may be a warning that you should be careful about drinking alcohol yourself.

If a person is in a quarrel with his best friend, her appearance in a dream indicates that he wants to make peace and is ready to take the first step towards it.

It is worth paying attention to your friend’s behavior in your sleep. If a person in a dream tries to hug a friend, but does not meet a reciprocal gesture from her, this may indicate that the girl has either lost confidence in him and will be wary of attempts at a truce, or does not want to renew friendly relations at all.

You can also dream about your best friend if your hitherto very warm relationship with the person seeing the dream suddenly began to change towards cooling. Perhaps it’s not just one friend who misses her former communication. The bustle of life could distract a person from thoughts about old friends, so you need to try to find time to talk with friends so as not to lose them completely.

A round-the-world tour with your best friend can be interpreted as a need for complete unity with your own thoughts, and an opportunity to analyze a particular situation that has arisen in life.

If in a dream a friend forgot about her birthday, a person should limit unconditional trust in people and faith in their omnipotence and power.

Did you dream that there was such a serious scandal with a friend that it came to assault? Most likely, this person’s entire life will be endless attempts to achieve some important goal, which will only be crowned with success when it is completed.

What does it portend?

Having figured out why your best friend dreams of finding herself in a particular situation in a dream, you can ask what her appearance in the form of a simple image or a mention from the lips of other people portends? The appearance of a woman’s best friend in a dream may mean that in the near future there may be gossip behind her back, gossip, and slander against her. In addition, such a dream foreshadows troubles in the form of female envy, rivalry in career, and personal life.

Former best friend in a dream - you should wait for the appearance of a woman encroaching on the heart of her lover.

Also, often the appearance of a girlfriend in a dream foreshadows the appearance of help, support from a person from whom one should not expect it.

If a traveler or merchant sees a girlfriend in a dream, a calculating representative of the fair sex may meet on his way.

For men, their best friend in a dream foreshadows love adventures, for which they will have to pay with their own health.

Betrayal by your best friend in a dream should make a person think about a relationship with her in real life. Is she as true as she seems? In addition, there may be hidden enemies who are not averse to putting a spoke in the wheels at a convenient moment for them.

Whatever the dream about your best friend turns out to be, in no case should you change your attitude towards people and life, relying solely on the interpretations of astrologers. A best friend is a person that not everyone can boast of.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a childhood friend in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Good afternoon)
    I dreamed of meeting a school friend. Now, we communicate little, since we live in different cities.
    She said that I look great) we were just talking)))
    and also in the same dream, I dreamed of a white kitten... he was just lying on the bed, and I was stroking him, and the cat with the kittens was on the street, and all the other kittens were black. And this little white one is in my house.

    I dreamed of a childhood friend, as if I was going to my homeland, and my friend said my son had died. What could this mean? And at the same time, she and her boyfriend came to some abandoned dachas, and went to bed there, and my father slept in the next bed. But in real life, my father has been gone for a long time. And he kind of wakes up and says nothing, you’re sleeping, that is, he doesn’t recognize me! And I get up and start telling him daddy daddy it’s me and I want to hug him. I don’t remember anymore!

    I dreamed that I was walking along the courtyard where I had walked as a child, and a childhood friend was walking behind me and swearing on the phone, then some other comrades from the same times came up, they all sat on a bench, but I sat as if separately, just listening to her cry and say that it’s all over then it turned out that our benches were very close and she stepped on my foot, I said something like she always smiled and when I saw her face clearly I woke up

    Hello! Start dreaming from Thursday to Friday! The first dream is that my best friend is pregnant, I see her belly, although in fact she is not pregnant and not married! The next dream is about a childhood friend and she has a girl child (of Kazakh nationality in her arms), although she is Russian by nationality and now she has a boy and a Russian husband! I wonder what these dreams are for

    Mutually. I want to know what this is for. I dreamed that I was communicating with my childhood friend. The essence of the conversation was as follows: I explained to her how to run her family business, which she inherited from her father. Please explain.

    I’m confused, mental pain, a closed coffin that looks like it’s made of mahogany, I don’t know who is there exactly and whether there will be anyone at all... a childhood friend, although we haven’t communicated for a long time, was in this dream and somehow calmed me down - I feel better...

    Hello. I see my long-dead childhood friend in a dream and 3 other women, I don’t remember them, but I know that I once communicated with them. I drink a bottle of vodka with them, but I don’t give it to my friend. I tell her that she gets violent after drinking. Then I’m driving with some man in a car backwards along the road. I go out and see a big white stray cat. What is all this for?

    Lately, I’ve been dreaming very often about an old friend from my early childhood, and we’ve never communicated closely with her! We haven't seen her for 20 years! And I dream about her almost every night! What is this for?

    In the dream it was that I was walking with some boy, but then I saw my best friend coming to meet me, then we started hugging (because we were separated not long ago, I moved to another city) and we went for a walk, but then I awoke.

    Good afternoon. In a dream, I saw my friend, as if she was supposed to arrive by bus, her mother and grandmother (now deceased), her father, and some other people were waiting for her. And I ended up at this stop by accident, but I saw that they were waiting for her and also stayed to wait. The bus arrived, everyone surrounded her, rejoicing, and I stood a little to the side. Then I go up to her, say how we haven’t seen each other for a long time (in reality, 25 years), and agree to meet and chat in the next few days. She looks very young, she doesn’t seem to have changed at all. The colors in the dream are very bright, everyone’s clothes are bright colors, everyone is satisfied and very happy. What is this for? Thank you

    I dreamed of horse and dog races together, I was an outside observer, on one of the horses there was a fiery red-haired young girl, as I was told this was my mother’s childhood friend. My sister and our dog took part in the race. Let me remind you what place, but our dog was overtaking another dog. The reward was supposed to be 5 rubles. After the competition, I began to look for all of my people, went to the place where awards were given out, and there on the ground there were two coins with heads facing up, and for some reason I thought that they were ours, I picked them up. I found my mother, she was younger, I gave her the coins, I couldn’t find the dog

    I dreamed of a friend with whom we lost contact, she moved, she was my best, but now I don’t see her, she imagines, I dreamed, she didn’t recognize me, no way, but that means I’ll see her, right?

    Good morning. I dreamed of a childhood friend. At the moment, we live at very long distances and have not communicated for 8 years. But then in a dream I dreamed that she flew to my city with some kind of business proposal. And everything is so interesting. She arrived, in her personal transport, all businesslike, well dressed, grabbed me and went to change me for some reason. That is, they changed my voice, they changed my image. And that's where the dream ended. Thank you in advance for interpreting the dream.

    I dreamed of a childhood friend, everyday I came to visit her and find out how she was doing. I see that he lives in some kind of scary, shabby dorm, which scares me? We were sitting at the table and everything was somehow strangely modestly poor.

    We were at school (which we graduated a long time ago), there were a lot of people there, my parents, other people, everyone was having fun, a childhood friend came up (we don’t communicate now and live in different cities), said that the teacher didn’t want to give her a 5 and she wants to buy him cognac for 5 (but the teacher she named works at my university)

    I dreamed of a friend whom we had not seen for about 7 years. She was happy that we had met. But for some reason it didn’t seem that she was much sad. I hugged her and called her by name - Natasha Mndvedeva, this is her first and last name. She now lives in New York with her family and two daughters with her husband. Then I see me jumping out of the plane, it wasn’t high. All my relatives were on the plane, and they wished me good luck. There was earth and many trees where I jumped out. I really wanted to go there….. It was approximately like this in my dream. Thank you)

    I dreamed of a childhood friend with whom we have not communicated for many years and she was well dressed, smiling, I think we even talked a little in the dream. And I dreamed of my mother wearing new blue jeans. Nice jeans, not torn

    I dreamed about a childhood friend. I come to the village to visit my grandmother. I decided to visit a friend. Her sister at the porch said that she was sick and it was better not to disturb her. And then the friend finds herself on the porch. And he says. I'm pale. I take her hands, and they are cold. And we walked down the street with her. We're talking about something. And in my head I’m thinking about how her illness might not pass on to me. After all, my hands did not warm up for a long time after her cold hands. And they reached us. Before our grandmother. And they decided to come to our house. And we haven’t seen each other for 20 years.

    From Monday to Tuesday I saw that my childhood friend and little daughter were walking through the airport, where there were a large number of people, and I explained to my daughter that this is an airport and that we will all go abroad together.

    I dreamed that I was celebrating a friend’s birthday in another city, and my friend lives in that city, and in real life I moved from this city. In the dream, I was late for my birthday. I was with my grandmother at the hotel and for some reason my grandmother gave me puppies. I arrived for a birthday, there were a lot of people there and I looked askance at one girl. I gave her a puppy and said that this was not the whole gift, and since I forgot the gift, I went back to the hotel to ask my grandmother for money for the gift. I didn't warn her about the gift. And my aunt calls me, the wife of the owner of the puppy whose friend I gave to her

    It was a very long dream. I dreamed of a guy, he was fair, his name was Grisha. We somehow started a relationship. I remember that we fell asleep together a couple of times. Then I don’t remember what happened. I remember the park, I was looking for something. Then in some class, I persuade half the person, half I don’t understand, who to paint him blue. As a result, I painted it, he got angry and said that he would find me and kill me. I ran away. It seemed like I was among people and my sister was there, they were preparing the room for the New Year. I didn’t like how they started decorating it, so my sister asked if we could decorate it some other way, but she said that there was no other way, my mother said to decorate it this way. I helped them. And she went to dad. He had a new girlfriend. Dad was sleeping. I ran and pushed my dad onto the bed, he said, what are you doing here. I say, close the curtains all the way, they want to kill me. Then, after some time, I had to go to my mother and I met with a friend. She said: that they want to kill me, and the fellow traveler is only for 1000 rubles and at 19 o’clock, so I will go by bus. My classmate was sitting on a bench and agreed to go too and cunningly tried to reduce the price. On the way to the bus, I told my friend about Grisha.

    I dreamed of me walking with my dad along a city road (we don’t communicate with him). Suddenly, I saw a girl my age walk past me. The hair is grey-brown, short, the eyes are brown, the face itself is elongated. And suddenly, “memories” from kindergarten began to come to me about how we were friends. We held hands, hugged, laughed, talked. She always wore ponytails and a sunny gray skirt. I felt very sad and heavy at heart. I really wanted to hug that girl. (The point is that I was never friends with the kids from kindergarten and this is the first time I’ve seen this girl). So, she went into a building, either a cafe or a clothing store. I didn't understand this. And my father suddenly started talking about her, saying that we need to find her and all that. For some reason, I was terribly happy about this. I was filled with a variety of feelings: joy, sadness, excitement. My dad and I went into that same store and saw two staircases leading to different sides of the building. After looking for her for some time, my father and I began asking passers-by if they had seen her. One plump and bald man stated that he saw her going up the right staircase of the building. And so, rejoicing, I began to thank fate for being so generous to me when suddenly, that man began to demand something in return. In my pocket I found 150 rubles in bills and small change. The man only took bills, but for some reason did not take change. At that moment I felt my father’s scolding gaze on me (he regretted the money). And I, ignoring him, rushed towards where that girl was getting up. And so, a snow-white coffee table appeared in front of me, where four people were sitting. Among them was my “childhood friend.” Also, sitting opposite her was a girl who studies in the same school with me (7th-8th grade). But not about that. I began to walk around the table from the side where my “friend” was sitting. Coming closer to her, my hands shook with uncontrollable excitement, and there was a lump in my throat. But I forced out: “Girl, can I talk to you?” - she turned around in surprise - “Talk to me?” She got up from the table and we walked somewhere to the side. I didn’t know where to start our conversation and why it was needed at all, when suddenly I heard swearing behind me. Turning around, I saw a young guy standing near the table (apparently, her boyfriend). Judging by his swearing and insults towards his “friend,” one could understand that she had left home for a walk with her friends, although he did not let her go. Apparently, he was jealous of me, calling her a girl of easy virtue. I, unable to bear it, began to tell him that this was my friend since childhood, that we always walked home hand in hand, she always wore ponytails and a skirt. The young man fell silent, looking guilty. Then it dawned on me that my “friend” had also heard my words.
    Further, the picture ends abruptly and I saw myself and my dad leaving that building. He talked to me about something, and I cried. She cried quietly and uncontrollably.

In a dream, you can see both people you know well and those you see for the first time.

Why is your friend dreaming? How to correctly interpret such a dream?

Why does a girlfriend dream - the main interpretation

If you dream of a friend who very strongly invites you to visit, do not succumb to provocations from loved ones, most likely these will be empty steps on their part and behind them there will only be a desire to annoy you. If you dream that your friend is crying, this is a very sad dream that should be interpreted quite diligently and not miss a single opportunity; interpret this interpretation as you please.

To fully interpret a dream, it is important to take into account all its even the most insignificant details:

Did your friend appear in a dream?

Have you been worried about your friend?

What exactly did she tell you and how did she behave;

Were you upset by everything you saw;

What emotions did you experience after sleep?

Did you feel like crying, or did you experience emotions of joy;

How did you feel during the dream?

If you see in a dream that a friend is throwing something under your door, be on alert. Most likely, your friend is planning something nasty against you, and you will not be able to avoid problems in communicating with her.

Try not to focus on what happens to your friend in a dream if she quarrels with other people in it. This means that in reality nothing will bother you except your own life and your own happiness. Don't pay attention to anyone else. Try to find a compromise in communicating with every person who appears in your life. Do not refuse help and support to anyone, and then no one will refuse you, but will delve more and more into the situation that will happen in your life soon.

If you and your friend are drinking tea and having a rather pleasant conversation about something in a dream, in reality you will have a wonderful opportunity to take a break from everything that has been gnawing at you for so long. You can finally allow yourself to speak out.

Perhaps in everyday life you have few interlocutors and increasingly feel lonely. Then, soon after sleep, you can finally get out of the routine and constant pressure on you from your close circle.

Seeing a friend embroidering in a dream means difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. You will expect understanding and acceptance from men, but they will only look at you as a narcissistic person who lacks self-control. Try to restrain your emotions and not expect anything supernatural from other people. Everyone has their own life views and their own life positions. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you are not similar to someone in your inner experiences.

If in a dream a friend dances with your man, you will be prepared for the fact that she may covet something important for you. There may be banal envy that will be difficult for a woman to cope with. Don’t be upset if your friend doesn’t appreciate you and doesn’t help you get out of a difficult situation after such a dream. She is most likely very jealous of you.

If you are having a heartfelt conversation with a friend in a dream, remember what it’s about. Perhaps this is a very important conversation for you, without which you will simply feel uncomfortable communicating with her in the future. Don’t be offended by her and yourself if you don’t have enough time in your life to meet and chat – you’ll soon have it.

If you dream that someone is knocking on the door, and your friend is behind it, be prepared for the fact that you will soon start some important business together. This could be a trip to buy things that are important to you, or a trip to another store to buy gifts. You can go to some event together and then you will remember this pleasant incident for a long time.

If you dream that someone is telling gossip about your friend, you will become a participant in a scandal at your work. This will be a real test for you, as someone close to you will begin to tell unpleasant things about you and your life. Try not to react too violently to this. Soon you will understand that everything is not so dire and you just need to wait until the gossip subsides, because work is worth working at.

If you dream that you and your friend are buying things in a store and trying them on, you can soon go on a pleasant journey to distant lands. This will be a real paradise for you. You can finally take care of yourself, and without overthinking how your life should actually turn out, everything will just turn out great.

If you have a dream in which a friend prepared a gift for you, do not rush to rejoice. Most likely, you will be disappointed with this gift, and you will not be able to help yourself. You will worry about trifles that could have been avoided. Try not to get upset about your friend's problems. She will soon solve them, and you will still worry about her. It is important at such moments to let go of doubts and let joy and pleasant experiences into your life.

If you dream that your friend is riding a horse in a dream, you have put too much on your fragile shoulders in reality. It's time to take off the burden of difficulties and start living in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for you to spend every new day.

Why do you dream about a friend according to Freud’s dream book?

If in a dream you see a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time, wait in reality for the appearance of that person whom you would not really like to see. Most likely, you will have to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to the one you would like to forget about.

If you have a dream in which you count money and give it to a friend, you will have troubles with your partner financially. You will want support from him, but he will not provide it.

If in a dream you and your friend quarrel, you will have conflicts in your personal life, perhaps you are too trusting and expect trust and understanding from others. But in response you only get the bitter truth. Try not to focus your attention on the negative experiences of the past. There will definitely be people in your life who will be worthy of you, with whom you will feel confident and comfortable.

If you dream that a friend is knocking on the door and screaming loudly, you are about to take an important step for yourself, but she will not support you and this will play a huge role in your life. You will become so upset that you will not be able to do anything further. You will become despondent. The dream book warns you against such actions and even thoughts about them. Try to lead a more active life and not let anyone influence it.

Why do you dream about a friend according to the Esoteric dream book?

If you dream of a friend that you actually don’t have, try to find support in the person who is close to you in spirit. This could be a colleague of yours that you really listen to. This could be your mother, whom you respect very much and worry about her all the time. This could be an ex-friend of yours that you would like to reconnect with.

If a friend dies in a dream, do not rush to take care of her health in reality. Most likely, the person who spoiled it all the time, who did not give you the opportunity to restore your strength, will leave your life. It could be your relative who constantly criticized you, and you perceived the criticism as a signal for global change.

If in a dream you are fighting with a friend, try to restrain your emotions and prevent an outburst of negative thoughts. Try to think more about something pleasant and live in harmony with your experiences and ideas. Do not allow fears - they will not lead to anything positive. Try to take things casually.

Why do you dream about a girlfriend according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that one dreams of a friend as a symbol of agreements that will be lost. You can hope for a positive outcome of the case, but in the end you will be disappointed and in tears, since the result will not satisfy you. Try to think about your actions much in advance.

If you dream that someone is sleeping on your bed and it is your friend, then stop sharing your most intimate things with this person, because she is already living your life and she likes it.

Why do you dream about a girlfriend according to Aesop’s dream book?? Aesop's dream book says that you dream of a friend when it is high time to change priorities in life, when it is important to consider all life situations from the other side. When it's important to support each other. If you see that at a difficult moment you are left alone, it’s time for you to stop communicating with those people who are dragging you down.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Girlfriend in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a Girlfriend in a dream?

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream about a Girlfriend, interpretation:

What does it mean to see a Girlfriend in a dream? Girlfriend - Seeing a friend is a dream that suggests that you will soon have to face rapid changes in your life. It is quite possible that in reality you do not have close people involved in your destiny.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about a Friend in a dream book?

You saw a friend in a dream - If you dreamed of a friend, then in real life you will receive support from the side where it would seem there could not be any. A dream in which you had a big fight with your friend means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a Girlfriend, what does it mean:

Seeing a Girlfriend in the dream book means her betrayal. A deceased friend dreams of being cheerful - happiness awaits you, sad - of sadness.

Angelic dream book

Seeing a friend in a dream:

Girlfriend - Seeing a friend is a dream that suggests that you will soon have to face rapid changes in your life. It is quite possible that in reality you do not have close people involved in your destiny.

If you dream of a friend who smiles and looks quite happy, expect positive changes in your life, which, although not global, will lift your spirits.

If a friend is sick or sad in a dream, then such a dream should be taken as a warning - it is quite possible that troubles and disappointments await you in the near future.

If you had a dream in which you quarreled with your friend, then in real life you are dissatisfied with the behavior of the people around you - it is quite possible that you believe that not everyone can appreciate your merits, that those around you do not pay due attention to you.

If you dreamed that your friend was offended by something, it means that in reality you are not behaving very nicely towards others, forgetting to pay attention to people close to you in pursuit of achieving your goals.