Why does the Maine Coon have oily fur? To make your cat's fur shine

In some situations, pet owners turn to veterinarians with complaints that the cat’s tail has become thinner at the base and has become covered with a layer of dense fat that is difficult to remove.

Cat owners are interested in what to do in such a situation, how to get rid of oiliness, and why blood may ooze from the affected areas of the tail skin. Most likely, in this case, the doctor will answer that the cat has a disease called “greasy tail.”

Causes of the disease

The reason for the appearance on the cat's tail similar problem associated with hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands located at the base of this feline mood indicator. Normally, the anal glands help the process of defecation by lubricating the exit of the anus.

If some kind of malfunction occurs in the glands, an infection gets into them or the exit narrows, the contents having a very strong bad smell, accumulates inside, causing the animal severe discomfort. Most often, an uncastrated animal is susceptible to this disease, so there is an assumption that it is associated with high level sex hormones.

The cause of oily hair on the tail may also be a disruption of the normal sebaceous glands. With increased production sebum the fat does not have time to distribute over the skin and hairs of the coat, and the animal cannot cope with the viscous, thick secretion. Often hyperfunction sebaceous gland is also associated with excessive keratin production. All together this leads to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands and their inflammation.

The outlet of the sebaceous gland at the base of the hair in the follicle becomes clogged with dense contents, and a comedon appears - exactly the same “black dot” that can appear on a person’s face and other parts of the body. If such a comedone gets infected, the fatty contents can easily become inflamed, fester, and an abscess is formed, which looks very similar to an acne abscess.

The disease in cats also has this name, and acne is localized mainly on the chin, especially in animals with light or white coat color in this area of ​​the body. Often the acne becomes inflamed and pus flows from it, causing serious suffering to the animal, especially if it is a small kitten.

When the tail is affected, the appearance of small seals, which turn into abscesses, and in the absence of proper care and treatment - into pyoderma. The fur, where sebum accumulates, begins to break off at the base at skin level, and the tail appears bald.

Treatment of a cat's tail can be complex and lengthy, but it must be done, since without proper attention to the problem, irreparable changes can develop, in particular, the cat can be left with a hairless tail, like a rat's.

Representatives of the breed Maine coon have semi-long hair. Their undercoat is soft and thick, the guard hairs are hard in cats and slightly softer in cats. Especially beautiful tail- long and fluffy. The Maine Coon nursery in the Moscow region Cybercoon offers to choose such a kitten and personally see its beauty and good-natured character.

However, before you get a pet, you need to know the intricacies of caring for it. Owners are especially concerned about the oiliness of their pets' fur, because the latter often participate in exhibitions and competitions. Therefore, let's look at the problem in more detail.

Causes of increased oily coat

In general, wool is a kind of indicator of the health of an animal. When everything in the body is normal, the guard hairs are smooth, soft, shiny, and pleasant to the touch. Sometimes they become dull, fall out more (even not during the molting period), and become noticeably fatter. There are several reasons:

  • Banal pollution. A kitten can get dirty indoors or outdoors when playing with children.
  • Oily seborrhea, a violation of the process of keratinization of growing hairs.
  • Increased output secretion from the perianal glands. This problem is especially relevant for adult cats that have not been castrated. In this case, fat content is observed in the tail and back area, the animal often rubs back about carpets and other similar surfaces.

In the first case, it will be enough to bathe the pet for the problem to disappear. In the second and third cases, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. He will hold necessary research and prescribe tests for staging accurate diagnosis and determining the cause. Depending on the results, treatment is prescribed.

Disturbances in the functioning of the perianal gland manifest themselves as follows:

  • the hair on the tail, back and sides becomes oily, dull, sticky, and begins to fall out;
  • Brown discharge is noticeable on the skin and smells unpleasant;
  • under the greasy coat the skin turns red and scabs may form on it;
  • The hair follicles become inflamed and small pimples appear in their place.

During illness, the animal not only loses its external attractiveness, but also experiences discomfort, especially if it has developed into a chronic form. Therefore, it is important to notice the problem in time and quickly contact a veterinarian.

Combing is a mandatory procedure. To do this, get two combs - with frequent and rare teeth. The second is needed to remove matted hairballs; it is with this activity that combing should begin. Movements should go in the direction from head to tail. The regularity of the procedure (1-2 times every seven days) will be an excellent prevention of tangles. After this, go through the wool with a comb with fine teeth to tidy up your hair. During molting, it is recommended to repeat the activity every day.

You should wash your cat with by special means immediately before exhibitions and during the molting period. Shampoo is chosen depending on coat type and color. After water procedures dry your pet and dry it with a hairdryer, turning on warm, not hot air. If indoors normal temperature, you can leave the cat to lick and dry on its own. However, in this case, make sure that he does not leave the house and is not in a draft, otherwise there is a high risk of catching a cold.

Do you want a luxurious animal to become part of your family? Visit our Maine Coon cattery or choose a kitten on the website. About the cost and additional information contact us by phone, e-mail. You can also leave a request on the page.

When a cat's fur begins to fall out profusely, pet owners become concerned about this issue and don't know what to do. There are many reasons that pets can suffer from. Hair loss may be one of the severe symptoms growing disease. But this does not mean that there is necessarily something serious with the cat. Cats also shed hair seasonally.

To better understand and understand what to do in such situations, read this article, in which you will find all the answers to the accumulated questions.

If a cat's fur is growing in clumps on the back, neck, belly, paws, tail, ears, how to help and what vitamins to give

If your pet is shedding fur in large quantities, then after you notice this, you need to increase the frequency of caring for your cat. Brush regularly with a comb, removing excess hair that has not yet fallen out. This is especially true for long-haired breeds; they require this even when they are completely healthy. Regular washing of your pet with medicinal shampoos, which can be purchased at any veterinary store, will help. Wash your cat at least twice a week. Although some shampoos are intended healing process require more. Read the instructions.

Balance your pet's diet by combining healthy vitamins, which strengthen the coat and prevent similar situations. These vitamins include B2 and B5. Their use is mandatory, but it’s up to you to decide how to give them. Can be combined with or without food.

Why does a cat have oily fur and what could be the reasons and how to fix it?

It is common for young cats to have some areas of their fur that are oilier than the rest of their fur. What could be the reasons for such an anomaly? Everything is actually simple and there are not many reasons. Often, such symptoms appear only in young cats and cats that are in the process of puberty. The reason for this is hormones that activate work. sebaceous glands.

There is another similar reason that is associated only with cats. For those who have not yet mated with a female, oily coat considered the norm. Everything will stop as soon as the process of growing up is completed.

If your cat is not bothered by oily fur, then there is nothing to worry about. Nature itself will correct the situation. IN extreme cases resort to castration, after which such symptoms immediately cease. But, of course, it is better to wait and comb out the oily coat, giving it a well-groomed appearance.

Oily hair on a cat’s back, tail, belly, near the neck: how to treat and what to do

The local occurrence of oily fur can threaten not only the fact that the cat has hormonal disbalance, and even more serious illnesses. This disease is called oily seborrhea and is accompanied by dandruff, so only two reasons are enough for you to understand what is happening to the cat. This disease is especially common in unsterilized cats and uncastrated cats.

In such cases, the cat is treated with disinfectants such as alcohol. The area where the fatty fur and dandruff is located is completely cut off and wiped with ethyl ether or a solution of brilliant green. A progressive disease should be left to professionals.

Food for removing hair from the stomach of cats, operating principle and list of the best solutions, price, brief description

Everyone knows that cats, by licking themselves, take care of the condition of their fur. Thus, they eliminate unpleasant odor and dead hair. But in this process it's hard for them not to swallow a large number of wool, so many hairs end up in the stomach, where lumps form. Such hairballs need to be removed with the help of feed and additives, as they can provoke painful condition pet and severe cases intestinal obstruction.

In pet stores, it is common to sell food for removing hair from the stomach in the form of pads. They are consumed from 5 to 10 pieces per day, which contributes to the natural removal of hair from the pet’s body. The course of treatment is carried out over two weeks. The price of such food is from 250 to 500 rubles.

Also popular are pastes that help remove both hairballs and undigested food. The paste is given in pure form or mixed with food. It is recommended to give the cat no more than 3 grams once a day. A 200 gram tube costs about 300 rubles.

What to do if your cat has dandruff?

The appearance of dandruff in pets is often associated with diet. Therefore, in order to get rid of unnecessary dandruff, you need to balance your cat’s diet. By giving him more vitamin Adding to your pet’s diet will significantly improve the condition of your pet’s skin and reduce the amount of dandruff.

Your cat will benefit from giving up dry food and switching to healthy food, and most importantly, organic. Favorite of cats food - milk and fish, will help restore the original healthy appearance of the skin.

My cat has a lot of hair coming out in the summer, what should I do?

If we exclude everything possible diseases and hormonal imbalances, as well as growing up, it is considered normal for cats to shed their fur in the summer. They thus lighten the cover on themselves so that it is not so hot. Therefore, the only thing you can do is help clean off excess hair. You can also help your pet by bath procedures during the busy season.

In the article we'll talk about a problem that occurs only in some pets, but this does not mean that it is not serious and...

When a beautiful person lives in the house well-groomed cat, then such a view can only please the eyes of the animal’s owner. The cat is a fairly common animal that can be found in almost any home or apartment. But if any problems affect the change in the appearance of the pet, then in this case the cat owner has significant reasons to worry about him.

The appearance of oily hair on the animal's tail

When a cat suddenly develops greasy hair on its tail, then the owners may immediately have the first thought that their pet is smeared himself on something greasy. This fur is especially noticeable on cats. white with luxurious fluffy hair.

First of all, the owners try to eliminate a cause of this nature by putting the mustachioed dog in the bath and soaping it completely or just one tail separately. Washing the animal will help if it actually gets dirty in something greasy. However, if after some time the animal again has oily hair on its tail, and then this problem appears again and again, then in this case it should be said that the cat has fatty tail syndrome.

Causes of oily tail hair

A cat is an animal that walks on its own; it comes home to eat, sleep, and then, having satisfied its needs, hits the road again.

Oily tail hair may appear for the following reasons:

  1. A cat can get its tail into something greasy and thereby dirty its tail. IN in this case Washing the animal and thoroughly drying it will help.
  2. A cat can be soiled by children, who are generally the greatest aggressors for all cats. Children love to pet animals, carry them everywhere, and constantly squeeze them. No wonder if one such mischievous child jumps out from behind the dinner table with with dirty hands and accidentally wipe them on the tail of his beloved pet when he, in turn, tries to escape from the little monster.
  3. But for the most part this problem has a fairly serious justification in the form of a disease associated with increased activity paraanal glands. This problem can be identified only by one symptom: the cat constantly crawls on the carpet with its butt. In a similar way, the animal cleanses its perianal glands, squeezing out all the excess contents, which in turn ends up on the animal’s fur, making it very oily.
  4. One of the reasons for the appearance of oily fur in a cat can be considered diseases such as oily seborrhea and disruption of the keratinization process.

Features of this disease

According to statistics, such a disease most often occurs in uncastrated cats; in their castrated counterparts it occurs much less frequently.

Hyperplasia of the paraanal gland leads to the accumulation of excess on the cat’s skin. great amount a secretion that gets on the fur of the mustachioed and contaminates it, giving it in turn a very greasy appearance.

In non-castrated animals, this disease also occurs in representatives of non-furry breeds, but fluffy-tailed ones are more susceptible to it.

This disease is specific to such breeds of the cat family as:

  • Rex.

Symptoms of the disease

A disease such as “greasy tail syndrome” has the following symptoms:

  1. The appearance of greasy hair at the base of the animal's tail.
  2. Clumping of fur into tangles.
  3. Accumulation of a wax-like mass on the skin of an animal Brown, giving off a rancid odor,
  4. Redness and inflammation skin, located under the oily hair on the tail.
  5. Inflammation hair follicles and the appearance in their place of small pustules in huge numbers.
  6. Hair loss is common.
  7. The appearance of scabs.

When acquired by a disease chronic form tail pet In general, it can completely lose hair and go bald. And the appearance of scabs on the tail, in turn, can lead to the formation of eczema in the poor animal.

Diagnosis of the disease

Specifically install clinical picture existing illness in the cat, can only only veterinarian . For this purpose it will be carried out prophylactic appointment With full inspection pet and prescribe a series of tests if necessary.

In this case, the cat should be shown not only to the veterinarian, but also to a specialist in general diseases, but it’s worth going to an appointment with a highly specialized doctor - a dermatologist.

Treatment of the disease

If the appearance of greasy hair on a cat's tail is an isolated case (the animal is simply dirty), then the cat, of course, does not need treatment. It should be washed well.

If you experience greasy coat syndrome, you should seek help from specialists who will need to select remedies to eliminate the cause of the disease.

First of all, the animal will be prescribed vitamin therapy course, which will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous and perianal glands of the cat. One of effective drugs in this case is .

If the perianal glands are full, the veterinarian can remove the contents by squeezing them. These glands when frequent inflammation and isolating the secret from them can be completely removed by surgical intervention. You can also periodically wash the glands; this procedure is done under anesthesia.

During treatment oily seborrhea and impaired keratinization of the skin, specialized shampoos Meladerm and Dermilen should be used.

A shampoo such as Lactaderm can help cats get rid of greasy tails for a while; the lactic acid contained in it perfectly cleanses the fur of the secretions of the perianal glands and relieves it of bad odor.

Category: Pets

Beautiful shiny wool Gives the cat an exquisite charm. What should an owner do to keep a pet’s fur coat in the best possible condition?
The appearance of your pet will please the eye and will be proof of its health if you follow all the rules of care. Seasonal molt does not affect the cat's health, it is a natural process of hair renewal and adaptation to changing conditions (heat and cold).

Reasons Why wool loses its chic and shine may be:
Many diseases (infections and work disorders internal organs)
Allergies (to food, flea bites, etc.)
Unbalanced diet
Poor body condition after serious illness
Postpartum period
Very old age

Skin diseases cannot but affect the condition of the coat. If an animal pays a lot of attention to any part of the body, you should not expect it to go away on its own. You need to show your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible, and carefully follow the prescribed recommendations. Fungal infections skin and hair problems cannot be cured without special tests and individually selected medications.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract system, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance after sterilization or the use of corticosteroids provoke baldness. A consultation with a veterinarian is required to adjust the treatment of the underlying disease.

A cat needs high-protein food: hair consists of proteins, an unbalanced diet will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the condition of the coat.

Licking for self-soothing - normal action for a cat. However, stress can manifest itself in continuous licking of certain areas of the skin, even to the point of bleeding wounds. There are many reasons for stress: from boredom to... feeling unwell for a long time. It is difficult for the owner of the animal to determine what is causing poor condition The wool has become stressed. Put correct diagnosis and only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

After a serious illness or childbirth, the cat’s body is severely depleted. The pet needs an enhanced high-protein diet, with minerals and vitamin supplements. The new fur will take several months to grow.

In addition to illness, immobility and tooth loss, old age can cause a cat to become bald. You can introduce a complex of vitamins and minerals into the diet, improve nutrition, but time in this case works against the animal.

Shiny, thick fur is the first sign of a cat's health. Most animals do not require serious care: just brush once a week. It is not recommended to wash your cat frequently (except special occasions: the pet got dirty or got fleas). Only Sphynx pets need regular washing. And representatives of long-haired breeds need daily combing and a thorough examination for tangles and fleas.