Why for children and teachers. Category - why. Why does a peacock have such a beautiful tail?

At the age of 3-5 years, a child becomes a “why”, he is interested in everything in the world and develops before his eyes. The baby is trying to comprehend the world around him. We all asked our parents the question “Why?”, and they often answered: “Because!” Often such questions are so unexpected that parents are lost and don’t know what to answer.

The “Why” section was created specifically so that both adults and children can find answers to their questions, for example, how the world works, who are dinosaurs, why you can’t live in space, and many others. Kids will learn about the world around them, and adults, in turn, will strive for self-improvement.

We tried to cover all areas of living and inanimate nature - flora and fauna, humans, plants and animals that lived thousands and even millions of years ago, space, science and technology, minerals, countries and peoples and much more. The information on the site is constantly updated - new questions and answers are added, and existing ones are supplemented.

In addition to children and parents, the site will also be useful for teachers who are interested in conveying new information to their students. The “Why” section will open up the amazing world around the child, help parents find answers, and the child will be able to show his knowledge in kindergarten or school!

Be careful why!

Why and questions from them

We all have kids. They ask a lot. We must give answers to why to all questions, but we do not always know the answers.

Articles will help improve relationships with children!

Questions from the “What/who/when and how?” series!

Why do people ask a lot of questions? The most popular of them: “What is love?”, “How did the Earth appear?”, “What is science?”, “Where do children come from?”

Most parents are shocked by such questions and try to avoid answering them. There is no need to do this! Subsequently, children will either be ashamed to ask you, or will go looking for answers from third-party sources. Both of these factors have a bad effect on your authority with children and relationships with them. How to avoid this?

“Encyclopedia Why” is a great helper in solving questions from children!

So, let's look at the questions in order. The first of them is “What is love?” It is important to keep your answer short and also answer with heart. For example: love is when two people love each other very much.

Remember: children's whys are not just curiosity, but rather a desire to improve relationships with parents. After this question, be sure to tell him that you love him (her, depending on what gender your child is). Hold your child close and hug him.

The second question was: “How was the Earth created?” Just answer: “Honestly, I don’t know the exact answer to this question.”

This is how you can answer the third question: “Science is studied at school.”, “Science is physics, chemistry and mathematics.”.

"Where the babies come from?" - the most common question and usually it leads parents into a stupor.

The answer is simple (this is the answer for children aged 3-10 years). Namely: “Children are taken from the great love of mom and dad.”

Whychek Club! Questions from the squad: “why?”

“Why are apples green?”, “Why does a rainbow appear in the sky?”, “Why do birds fly” are popular questions from this category.

To the first question, the answers may be: “Apples are green, yellow, red, but I don’t know why.”, “That’s what the apple tree wanted (say with humor).”

On the second: “A rainbow appears when the sun peeks out from behind a cloud and looks at the water.”, “The rays of the sun hit the water and a rainbow appears.”

To the third, believers can answer: “God made them this way.” The rest can answer: “Someone is given the ability to walk (people), someone is given the ability to swim (fish), someone is given the ability to soar in the sky (birds).”

The most important rule!

Remember: children's whys are rather not a desire to fully learn something, but a desire to strengthen relationships with parents! Be sincere, don't be rude to your child!

– A special fat is secreted on the flies’ legs, with the help of which the fly can even cling to glass.

Why does a squirrel need a tail?

– the tail serves as a parachute and rudder for the squirrel during the jump.

Why does a bear go into hibernation?

– if the bear did not go into hibernation, he could die of hunger, since in winter he would not have enough food. During hibernation, the bear very sparingly uses its fat reserves accumulated over the summer and autumn.

Why does a camel have a hump?

– the camel stores fat in its hump for a rainy day.

Why does the grasshopper chirp?

– Male grasshoppers chirp to attract attention. Grasshoppers have a special vein on their wings that they use like a bow.

Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?

– The giraffe’s long neck helps it pluck leaves from tall trees.

Why do cats move their paws?

– when kittens eat milk from their mother cat, they work with their paws so that the cat produces as much milk as possible. Kittens associate these movements with warmth, softness and pleasant sensations. Therefore, when a cat feels good, he involuntarily begins to “flip” his paws, “remembering” his childhood.

Why do birds fly to the South?

– if we talk about insectivorous birds, then they fly away to warmer regions for the winter, because in winter they would have nothing to eat.

Why are baby boars striped?

– the striped coloring of small wild boars has a protective function, they help them camouflage. The stripes resemble the play of light and shadow in the forest.

What do bees make honey from?

- Bees make honey from flower pollen.

Why don't chickens fly?

– chicken is an artificially bred bird. She has heavy bones and wings not suitable for flight.

Why does a dog stick out its tongue?

– when a dog is hot, it “sweats” through its tongue. The moisture from the tongue evaporates and the body temperature decreases.

How does a camel survive without water?

– A camel stores water not in its hump, but evenly throughout its body. His body uses water very carefully. Therefore, the water he gets from food is enough for him.

Why don't dogs like cats?

– Not all dogs don’t like cats. In some breeds (for example, hunting ones), the prey instinct is strong, and the cat is perceived as prey. In some cases, the dog shows interest and curiosity towards the cat and runs after it in order to play and communicate.

Why do crocodiles cry?

– with “tears” excess salts are removed from the crocodile’s body. In addition, “tears” protect the crocodile’s eyes from dirt and bacteria.

Why are elephants afraid of mice?

– there is a version that a mouse can climb into an elephant’s trunk and block its breathing. However, an elephant only needs to sneeze a couple of times to solve the problem.

Why is a zebra striped?

– The zebra's stripes confuse the predator, allowing the zebra to escape.

Why don't we see pigeons?

– pigeons build their nests in places inaccessible to people. Baby pigeons spend their entire childhood in the nest and leave it, having already acquired their usual appearance.

Why do horses need horseshoes?

– a horseshoe is needed to protect the hooves from wear and tear and from the traumatic effects of hard ground.

Why does a lizard drop its tail?

– in case of danger, the lizard controls this process with the “power of thought.” Throwing away her tail, she manages to hide.

Why do birds line up in a school?

– the strongest bird flies in front of the wedge. It takes on the greatest air resistance. The remaining birds line up in such a way as to make the flight as easy as possible and take on the least amount of resistance.

Why does a cow always have diarrhea, but a goat never?

– cows do not conserve water, since for a long time their ancestors grazed on green pastures rich in vegetation. On the contrary, the ancestors of goats, in a dry climate, were forced to value every drop of liquid.

Why does an elephant have a trunk?

– An elephant’s trunk is an elongated upper lip fused with the nose, which serves the elephant not only as an organ of smell, but also as a hand. Due to its structure, without a trunk, an elephant would die of starvation because it would not be able to reach food.

Why does a cat need a mustache?

– Whiskers for a cat are an important organ of touch, capable of detecting any movement or rustle even in complete darkness. They are simply irreplaceable when hunting. In addition, it is through its whiskers that a cat can distinguish hot from cold, which often saves its life.

Why can't fish live without water?

– Fish, like all other animals, cannot live without oxygen. But their body is structured somewhat differently than ours: instead of lungs, they have gills that extract oxygen from the water. If a fish is taken out of the water, it will die, deprived of access to oxygen.

How does a spider weave a web?

– The spider has special glands in its abdomen that produce liquid silk. Upon contact with air, it immediately hardens, turning into the finest threads.

Why does a peacock have such a beautiful tail?

– Only male peacocks have a beautiful tail. They need it to attract females. The more beautiful a peacock's tail is, the more likely it is to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Why don't fish drown?

– Fish have a swim bladder, which is filled with oxygen and prevents the fish from drowning. But some fish, for example, a shark, do not have such a bladder, and they remain afloat thanks to their motor activity.

Why do cats' eyes glow?

– In cats, the back wall of the eye is covered with special reflective crystals that allow them to see better in the dark. Thanks to this feature, cats' eyes can reflect light in the dark, but they cannot glow on their own.

Why don't walruses freeze?

– Walruses live in the Arctic and, as you know, swim with pleasure and for a long time in icy water. Their amazingly thick skin and a layer of fat underneath help protect them from the cold.

Why can't you pet a dart frog?

– The dart frog, which lives in Latin America, is extremely poisonous. She secretes a poison that covers her entire body and protects her from predators. Even just touching such a frog can cause death.

Why do swallows fly low before it rains?

– Swallows feed on small insects that they catch in the air. In good dry weather, warm air lifts insects high, and swallows catch them in flight. Before a thunderstorm, the air becomes humid and heavy, which forces insects to descend lower. Following them, the swallows also find themselves closer to the ground.

Why are hedgehogs prickly?

– Nature awarded hedgehogs with thorns to make them invulnerable to enemies.

Why don't penguins fly?

– Since penguins live on the ocean shores, they feed exclusively on fish. In order to get food for themselves, they are forced to swim a lot. To make it easier for them to swim and dive, their wings turned into something similar to fins or flippers, and penguins lost the ability to fly.

Why is a black cat considered a bad omen?

– This belief originates from ancient times. In the Middle Ages, people believed that a black cat was a witch who took the form of a cat. A meeting with such a cat certainly foreshadowed misfortune.

Why is the Red Book red?

– Red is the color of anxiety and the importance of the problem. With its bright colors, this book attracts public attention.

Why is the ladybug called that?

– Everyone knows a bug called “ladybug”. At the slightest danger, the ladybug secretes orange milk on its legs, which has a protective function. Because of this, she got her nickname. The word "god's" most likely means "darling."

Why does a leopard hide its prey in a tree?

– The leopard, unlike many other animals, which prefers a solitary lifestyle, is an excellent tree climber. Taking refuge in a tree and hiding its prey there, the leopard thus escapes from uninvited guests who encroach on its food.

Why does the cuckoo throw eggs out of the nest?

– As you know, cuckoo mothers do not care for their offspring. They “entrust” this work to other birds. The female cuckoo secretly places her egg in someone else's nest, and the unsuspecting bird hatches the cuckoo's egg along with her own. Once born, the cuckoo shows extreme gluttony. In addition, due to its large size, the chick soon becomes crowded among its half-brothers and sisters, even if they have not yet hatched. The cuckoo clears its territory, throwing them out of the nest, one by one. For this purpose, he even has a special notch on his back.

What do snakes smell?

– Snakes have a well-developed sense of smell. But they smell not with their nose, but with their tongue. In the snake’s mouth there is a deep pit, the “Jacobson’s” organ. By sticking out its forked tongue for just one moment, the snake catches microscopic particles in the air, and then puts its tongue into the hole and receives all the necessary information.