Why does the base of the big toe hurt? Why does the big toe on my right foot hurt? The most likely causes of the pathology


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IN human body everything is interconnected. Violation of the functionality of one of its organs can lead to inflammatory processes in others. Sometimes it happens that one disease manifests itself with completely different, unusual symptoms. For example, if there is a violation of cardio-vascular system You may experience pain in your big toe. Moreover, she can wear absolutely different character. So what should you do if your big toe hurts? And how can you independently determine whether this symptom signals a pathology or not? Let's talk about this.

Clinical picture

Pain in the thumb area can be different - aching, sharp, tugging or dull. As a rule, if the pain syndrome is severe and there are no obvious reasons for this (trauma, ingrown toenail, etc.), then this signals inflammatory processes in the body.

Under no circumstances should such pain be tolerated. You need to see a doctor. Since if the cause of its occurrence is not eliminated in time, problems may arise. serious complications on the health side.

It is worth noting that other manifestations of the disease are very important for making a diagnosis. For example:

  • burning and itching of the feet and fingers;
  • redness of soft tissues;
  • numbness of the finger;
  • feeling of coldness in the finger or a rush of heat;
  • decreased activity, etc.

The time of onset of pain also plays a big role in diagnosing diseases. Most often it occurs when walking. But it happens that pain occurs only during physical activity or at night, when a person is at complete rest.

It would seem that all these are little things, but for a doctor they are all of great importance. Therefore, at your first appointment, you should tell your doctor:

  • frequency of pain in the big toe;
  • character pain syndrome;
  • the duration of its manifestation (1-2 minutes or maybe several hours);
  • how long have you been experiencing this pain?
  • Are there any manifestations of others? unpleasant symptoms etc.

It is worth noting that the appearance of pain in the toe can occur both as a result of exposure to external and internal factors.

External factors mean:

  • Finger injury. It may occur due to strong blow or bruise. Most often accompanied by aching pain, redness of soft tissues or bruising.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes. This factor also leads to damage to the big toe. If the shoes are very narrow, then they constantly compress the phalanges of the toe, which leads to severe pain. Also this symptom may occur as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes or shoes that do not fit the person's feet.
  • Ingrown nail. This problem occurs as a result of the thumb growing into the soft tissues, which causes inflammation and pain. However, most often it is acute in nature and may be accompanied by a purulent process.
  • Excessive physical exercise. For this reason, pain in the big toe occurs in most cases among athletes and dancers who often have to stand on their toes. And this puts a lot of stress on the joints, causing them to become inflamed and painful.
  • . Carefully examine the surface of your big toe. Perhaps the appearance of pain is associated precisely with the formation of a callus on it. If it is present, then trying to get rid of it yourself by piercing or cutting is unnecessary. This can lead to infection, which will lead to serious complications. In this case, it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist or surgeon.

Pain in the big toe may also indicate the development of certain diseases ( internal factors). For example:

  • Gout. This is a fairly serious disease, which is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid. It negatively affects the joints, provoking inflammatory processes in them, which causes pain. Moreover, the pain syndrome with this disease is most often observed precisely when a person is in a state of complete rest, that is, during sleep.
  • Arthritis. For of this disease Inflammatory processes in articular tissues and their resolution are characteristic. In most cases, pain with this pathology occurs not only in the thumb, but also in other parts of the body where small joints are located.
  • Arthrosis. Also a disease inflammatory in nature However, it causes deformation of the joints, which leads to decreased mobility of the thumb and thickening of the connective tissues. If you do not start in a timely manner, this can lead to deformation of the entire foot.
  • Blood vessel diseases lower limbs(endarteritis, atherosclerosis, etc.), which arise as a result of hypothermia and frequent physical activity.
  • Diabetes. This disease is accompanied not only by pain in the big toe. It is also characterized by external changes skin of the foot. It becomes pale, dry, and painful cracks appear on its surface.
  • Valgus deformity of the thumb (popularly this pathology is called a bunion). Accompanied by the appearance bone growth on the finger and its deformation. Pain with this disease most often occurs when walking, especially in narrow and uncomfortable shoes.

All these pathologies are quite serious, and therefore you should not hesitate to treat them. Unfortunately, most of them cannot be completely eliminated. However, it is still possible to stop the inflammatory processes and further deformation of the feet. For this purpose various medications, exercise therapy, electrophoresis and other modern methods of treatment.

How to get rid of pain in your toes

If you have pain in your big toes, treatment should be entrusted to a doctor. After all, most often the appearance of pain syndrome signals the development serious illnesses, from which the usual folk remedies don't get rid of it.

If you have suffered a thumb injury, you should see a surgeon. If you have a dislocation or fracture, you will need to use fixing devices. If you just have a bruise, which is accompanied by severe pain, then you may be prescribed various ointments and gels local application, which will contribute to the resorption of hematomas and the elimination of pain.

If the cause of pain in your toe is a simple bruise, then you can eliminate it with the help of traditional medicine. In such cases, a gruel made from onions. It is applied to the sore area, the leg is wrapped in polyethylene on top, and a warm sock is put on top. The procedure time is 30 minutes.


If pain in the big toe area occurs due to diabetes mellitus, then you need to use modern pharmaceuticals topical use as prescribed by your doctor.

In addition, you will need to adhere to a strict diet to prevent stress on your joints and aggravation of the disease itself. You also need to take special medications that help lower blood glucose levels. The use of traditional medicine in this case is not recommended.

Ingrown nail

If you find an ingrown toenail on your big toe, you should remove it to make yourself feel better. To do this, you can contact a surgeon or cosmetologist. They are using modern means doctors will remove the ingrown toenail and treat the damaged surface with special solutions to prevent infection.


Elimination of pain in the big toe with a disease such as gout occurs through the use of modern anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment of the pathology itself is aimed at reducing the level of uric acid in the body, and therefore requires a special diet.

You need to eliminate by-products from your diet, legumes, strong meat broths, red meat, etc. (your doctor will select a diet for you in more detail). And in case of exacerbations, you can use traditional medicine. Can be taken internally medicinal mixture based on alcohol and activated carbon, or use compresses made from chopped onions.


Arthritis is a disease characterized by joint inflammation and destruction. There are several types of this disease, but all of them are expressed pain symptoms. Moreover, each of these types has its own “favorite” toes.

With psoriatic and reactive arthritis, inflammation is most often observed on the big toe. The other 4 fingers can become inflamed with rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, a person mainly notices pain in the fingers at night, when he is at rest. But they can also be observed during the daytime.

If pain appears in the big toe due to the development of arthritis, special drugs, which protect and restore connective tissue. It is also necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes and exercise therapy classes.

As for traditional medicine, to relieve pain you can use a tincture prepared from bay leaf And raw potatoes, as well as apple cider vinegar lotions.


Arthrosis is a disease in which deformation of bone tissue occurs as a result of exposure to external factors or impaired metabolism. Most often, with this disease, pain is localized in the big toe.

Most susceptible to the development of arthrosis female part population of the planet. This is due to the fact that women often wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes that have a narrow toe. In it, the big toe is strongly deflected inward and pressed against the adjacent toe, resulting in a protruding bone, which is constantly injured by the shoes and begins to deform.

If no measures are taken at this stage of the disease, the disease spreads to the joints. They become thicker, leading to limited activity. On late stages arthrosis of the big toe is fixed in incorrect position and all attempts to straighten it remain fruitless.

It is worth noting that in addition to deformation of bone tissue, patients with arthrosis experience inflammation of the periarticular bursa, which leads to swelling, redness and soreness of the soft tissues.

If you delay the treatment of arthrosis, then in addition to the big toe, other toes begin to deform. Then deformation of the entire foot occurs, which greatly affects the person’s gait, because every step is difficult for him. And the treatment of such late stages of arthrosis is very long and, at times, unsuccessful.

Elimination of pain in arthrosis occurs with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as modern chondroprotectors. Exercise therapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures are also required.

At home, you can eliminate pain on the thumb by applying compresses based on yogurt and honey, as well as cabbage leaves.

Morton's neuroma

This pathology is also called plantar fasciitis. It is characterized by the appearance of pain not in the fingers themselves, but at their base. It occurs as a result of great pressure on the nerve endings. The disease is diagnosed in most cases in women.

The occurrence of plantar fasciitis can be caused by repeated injuries to the foot, which again occurs as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. If a nerve is pinched when receiving another injury, traumatic neuritis begins to develop.

This pathology is chronic. The damaged nerve begins to thicken over time and becomes more sensitive to external stimuli. The pain syndrome may intensify when carrying heavy objects and walking.

Hallux valgus

This pathology requires the use of special orthopedic devices that fix the thumb in one position. Unfortunately, using folk remedies to eliminate the pain in this case will not work.

If you have pain in the big toe area, there is no need to self-medicate. It's better to seek help from a doctor.


Toe pain never appears without a reason. Its appearance is provoked by various diseases that arise as a result of wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. That's why from of this disease Women are more often affected than men.

Therefore the only preventive measure One way to prevent pain in your toes is to wear comfortable and practical shoes. Don't chase fashion, because it costs your health!

It should also be noted that excessive physical activity can also lead to the development joint diseases accompanied by pain in the toes. So take care of yourself and stop lifting weights.

All organs and systems in the human body are interconnected. If a disturbance occurs in one place, it can lead to unpleasant symptoms in a completely different place. For example, if your big toe hurts, the doctor may suspect problems with the cardiovascular system. And this is far from the only reason for pain. Treatment is prescribed based on diagnostic results and is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

All kinds of injuries overweight, using uncomfortable shoes and not even proper nutrition can cause heaviness, pain and numbness of the lower extremities. A large and painful lump growing on the side of the foot, swelling near the nail and various discomfort during touching or movement, for example, when walking, appear due to the following reasons:

  1. Domestic trauma. A blow to the big toe, located on the left or right foot, a fall of a heavy object on it, a sprain or dislocation of a ligament, often causes them to swell and hurt.
  2. High physical activity and improper training. The stimulating factor is excess weight and sedentary lifestyle life.
  3. Active sports training. Athletes often experience dislocations associated with heavy load on the joint while pushing the leg off the surface.

Body mass index is equal to weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters

  1. Features of the profession. People who spend the entire working day on their feet experience high stress on their feet, which can lead to swelling of the big toe.
  2. Incorrectly selected shoes.
  3. Poorly performed pedicure.

Diseases that cause thumb pain

Often the causes of pain in the big toe are hidden behind the development of a number of diseases, for example, arthritis. Its symptoms are: decreased mobility of the phalanx, its swelling and redness. Arthritis can be:

  1. Infectious. Its development can be caused by a decrease in general protection body or an untreated viral infection. After streptococcus penetrates the joint, destruction occurs cartilage tissue. Initially, the pathology occurs without any manifestations. But over time, the patient begins to experience aching pain, which turns into a stabbing sensation. Typically, pain occurs during long periods of rest, for example, at night, but goes away by morning.
  2. In short supply. This pathology is associated with a deficiency or, conversely, an excess of certain vitamins, salts and minerals, which causes a violation metabolic processes. Such lesions lead to the accumulation of deposits in the articular area, which provokes pain under load of any nature.

Rehabilitation doctor Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin tells more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of arthritis:

Changes in the structure and functioning of the joint can occur due to the development of such pathological conditions:

  • Arthrosis is a change in the structure of soft and cartilaginous tissues.
  • Osteoporosis is a gradual decrease in bone tissue caused by a lack of certain microelements or vitamins.
  • bursitis – inflammatory process in the interarticular bursa due to salt deposition, immune disorders or foot deformity.
  • Planovalgus deformity of the foot (gout) is a displacement inward of the big toe, which provokes not only pain, but also loss of joint mobility.

  • Morton's neuroma is a thickening of soft tissue caused by entrapment nerve endings on right leg or left, which provokes tingling and cramps.
  • Injury ankle joint(bruise, dislocation, etc.), causing disturbances in the blood supply to the legs, fingers become numb and swollen.
  • Diabetes mellitus in patients causes circulatory problems and without surgery can cause gangrene.

Pain near the thumb

In situations where the thumb is swollen, one can assume the presence serious problems. The following pathological processes can cause swelling of the pad of the thumb:

  1. Gout is a disease associated with the accumulation of excess uric acid in the big toe joint. Over time, the salts calcify, and a lump appears in this place.
  2. Deformation of the thumb. This is caused by a constant inward tilt of the foot. Usually this pathology is diagnosed in women.
  3. Bursitis leads to redness and growth of a lump near the toe due to the presence of a joint capsule large quantity liquids.

In the video, the doctor talks about the symptoms and treatment of gout:

Joint pain

Doctors note that the joint of the big toe often hurts if arthrosis or arthritis develops. It is important to remember that timely detection of pathology and the beginning of its treatment allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. Without necessary therapy, the joint will wear out and the only treatment There will only be an operation.

Reason aching pain or a burning sensation near the ankle often becomes an injury to the ankle ligaments due to large body weight or high load on the joints of the feet.

Pain when pressing

Discomfort when pressing on the nail or phalanx of the finger can be caused by corns, improperly done pedicure, ingrowth of the nail plate into soft tissue, failure to comply with hygiene rules, damage to the cuticle or fungal infection. In this case, the soft tissues swell, become red and are very painful. If signs of purulent infection appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately to avoid significant damage to the joint.

In the video, neurologist Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin and cardiologist German Shaevich Gandelman figure out how to choose the right shoes:

For women, a specific cause of foot pain is narrow shoes that are incorrectly selected in size. This pair puts a lot of pressure on your finger. As a result of pressure, not only blood circulation is impaired, but also deformation occurs. Pressure is also increased by walking in high heels. This position of the leg is not physiological. Therefore, the nerve endings are pinched and a large load is placed on the fingertips. If such loads are applied to the foot for a long time, it becomes deformed.

Pain and swelling of the finger

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must understand the cause of the pain or swelling of the thumb. This is often caused by injury (blow or sprain). To reduce discomfort, it is necessary to provide complete rest to the foot for a while. In this case, you can use ointments with an anesthetic and vascular effect.

Chamomile is one of the most used plants in medicine.

Acute, twitching pain and swelling appear near the joint when a nail grows and has begun to fester. To treat the pathology, the doctor will recommend using antiseptics and baths based on folk remedies (chamomile or celandine decoction). Such procedures will help relieve inflammation and pain under the big toe nail. You also need to immobilize the affected area. For this purpose, there is an orthopedic splint - a leg pad.


If any discomfort occurs near the thumb, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to identify the cause and begin treatment. To begin with, you can visit a therapist who, by prescribing an examination, will be able to determine what is causing the discomfort in the area of ​​the joint of the big toe.

Diagnostics consists of:

  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Complete blood count to monitor hemoglobin and white blood cell levels.
  • Blood sugar test.
  • A general urine test, which makes it possible to diagnose arthritis.

  • X-ray examination.
  • Analysis to determine the amount of uric acid in the body.
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

After identifying the cause of the discomfort, the patient will be sent to a specialist. If an injury is detected, see a traumatologist; if there is foot deformity or arthrosis, see an orthopedic surgeon; if hormonal disorders in the body - to an endocrinologist. Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe a course of therapy.

Treatment of pain and discomfort

When big toes hurt near the nail, the patient needs compulsory treatment, which will be based on the survey results. The course of therapy is always aimed at eradicating the main cause that led to discomfort.

Ingrown toenail

Sometimes, if a toenail is cut incorrectly, it can begin to grow into the surrounding soft tissue, which causes the patient a lot of discomfort. Because of this pathology, which occurs not only in adults, but also in children, the finger becomes red and swollen. At the same time, standing on your feet becomes more and more difficult.

Physician Elena Vasilievna Malysheva and surgeon Oleg Emmanuilovich Lutsevich discuss how to solve the problem of ingrown toenails:

A nail that has begun to grow in needs to be cut correctly. To do this, you need to contact a surgeon who can teach the patient to do it independently. The same service is offered by various salons that provide pedicures. Its cost depends on the specific institution.

If the nail is not trimmed in time, soft tissue infection may occur. In this case the only way out from the situation is the complete removal of the nail plate.

Trauma and hallux valgus

Getting an injury to your leg is quite simple; you just need to hit a heavy object with it, place your leg incorrectly, etc. As a result, not only a bruise or hematoma can appear, but also a sprain, dislocation or even a fracture. Injuries should be treated by a qualified surgeon using a cast on the thumb. In case of a bruise or sprain, the doctor will recommend an ointment that will help eliminate pain and inflammation in the damaged area.

Valgus deformity

A deformed toe can be caused by: hereditary factors, flat feet and work disorders endocrine system. Treatment of the pathology involves the use of an orthopedic pad, which allows for displacement of the joint. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used.

Read more about hallux valgus deformity and her treatment is told by surgeon Alexey Vasilyevich Maksimov:

Folk remedies will help alleviate the patient’s condition: applications of medical bile, a mixture of ammonia and red pepper, or baths with turpentine.


The disease is caused by inflammation of the leg joint. The cause of the disease is the penetration of bacteria into the bone. Sometimes autoimmune causes of the disease are diagnosed.

When infectious arthritis, the patient requires treatment with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. A course of exercise therapy helps restore the mobility of the leg joints.

When identifying autoimmune cause diseases, doctor recommends constant control monitoring the patient's condition and supportive therapy.

The video provides tips for treating arthritis with folk remedies:

Traditional medicine offers its own methods of treating the disease: a compress of raw potatoes, wrapping the leg in the area of ​​the affected joint with the leaves of some plants (cabbage or burdock), which are ground until the juice appears. Are considered effective foot baths from sea salt and a decoction of birch leaves. Herbalists suggest taking herbal tinctures from yarrow, tansy, calamus, elderflower or horse sorrel root internally.


Pathology represents what causes its deformation. Gradually, connective tissue increases, and joint mobility decreases. The cause of the disease is infectious processes and injuries that provoke deformation of the joints on the leg.

Involves an integrated approach:

  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Long-term use.
  • Physiotherapy (laser therapy, ultraviolet exposure or wave therapy).

To prevent the toes from touching each other, the patient is recommended to use orthopedic pads.

Orthopedic pad

In case of severe arthrosis, surgery is indicated. If you do not pay attention to the pathology in time, then deformation of the foot gradually begins to occur.

To improve blood circulation in the leg, you can use folk remedies - alcohol compress with salt and honey, lotions or baths with decoctions of oregano, juniper or thyme. To stimulate the production of joint fluid, foot massage is used.


The cause of the disease is the accumulation of uric acid. This compound causes inflammation of joints throughout the body, including the toes. On initial stage a person feels pain only during rest. However, if the pathology long time progresses, the patient is no longer able to move and work normally.

Dr. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov answers the question about the treatment of gout:

Gout is not easy to treat, but its progression can be prevented. Medicines and special diet, which a rheumatologist will recommend to use.

To remove uric acid salts, traditional medicine uses a decoction of red madder root. Their use may cause discomfort in the bladder area.

Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs and diabetes mellitus

Such diseases include endarteritis, atherosclerosis, etc. All of them are associated with impaired circulation in the legs, therefore treatment will be associated with its resumption. To do this, you need to use vitamins, hormonal and anti-inflammatory ointments. If the patient is bothered by acute pain, the doctor may perform a novocaine blockade.

Atherosclerosis of the legs

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, you need to eat a lot of foods containing vitamin C (black currants, strawberries, rose hips, citrus fruits, etc.).


The development of the disease always negatively affects the health of the legs. On the thumbs you may notice dry skin, ulcers and a burning sensation.

The video gives a recipe for how to lower blood sugar at home:

To get rid of limb damage, it is important to normalize sugar levels in the body. Additionally, ointments are used that soften and heal damaged skin. Patient reviews prove their effectiveness.


To avoid a situation where the big toe is swollen and begins to hurt, you need to follow the preventive rules:

  1. Wear only high-quality shoes that fit, avoiding narrow high-heeled shoes. You can wear heels over 6-7 cm for no longer than 3-4 hours a day. It is important that your fingers are always free.
  2. If you need to stand for a long time, it is important to evenly distribute the load between your legs, constantly changing your supporting leg.
  3. Minimize smoking, consumption alcoholic drinks, as well as too fatty foods.

In the video, doctors advise how to monitor your weight without scales:

  1. If you notice signs of a growing bone near your big toe or if your nails hurt, you need to use a special one and perform exercises that the doctor will show you.
  2. Feet need proper care. It is important to prevent the skin on your feet from becoming rough and trim your nails properly.
  3. Monitor your weight and prevent it from increasing excessively.
  4. Avoid possible injury, and in the event of an accident, seek medical help.

Any painful sensation is a cause for concern, and pain in the joints of the big toe also serves as a harbinger of a serious illness.

For the most part, this is a sign of arthritis, arthrosis or circulatory failure.

Finger pain can seriously impair quality of life

Temporary lameness, taboos on dancing, jumping, running and fast walking are the consequences of impaired functionality of the first toe.

Evolving, the big toes became not as mobile as the fingers, “situated” parallel to the rest and began to “help” the foot play the role of support. Thanks to these changes, the load when walking began to be distributed evenly.

In fact, pain in the big toes does not always mean illness.

Often, this is the body’s response to specific types of stress. It is caused by physiological factors:

  • Long walking/running;
  • Wearing the “wrong” shoes - narrow pointed toes, inappropriate size/fullness, high heels/wedges;
    Watch the video to learn how to choose the right shoes.
  • Prolonged stay “on your feet” (standing professions).

The above reasons can cause pain for a long time, and in the future - become a platform for various diseases.

Traumatic factors of pain in the phalanx of the big toe

Among the causes of pain in the joint of the big toe, injury is very common:

  • Bruises;
  • Dislocation and fracture of the phalanx;
  • Stab, cut wounds;
  • Nail injury;
  • Ligament sprain.

Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis

The symptoms of the injuries are similar to each other, so only a qualified doctor can make a correct diagnosis, based on an x-ray and examination data.

Arthrosis as a source of pain at the base of the big toe

In most women, less often men, arthrosis and subsequent deformation of the first finger can be caused by the following circumstances:

  • The specific structure of the foot (wide foot);
  • Trauma, often untreated;
  • Flat feet;
  • Overweight;
  • Wearing narrow shoes, high heels/wedges;

Arthrosis can severely deform the foot

Arthrosis often manifests itself in stages, in several stages:

  • Stage I Pain appears in the big toe when walking (prolonged), at the end of the working day. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by a crunching sensation in the joint. The patient may observe a slight protrusion of the bunion on the foot;
  • Stage II The pain progresses and is noticeable after everyday activities. Often during this period, people take anti-inflammatory medications (painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs). The bunion defect worsens, becomes more noticeable, and the first finger deviates by outer side feet. Due to deformation, the shoe size increases. Cosmetic defect prevents the wearing of previously purchased boots;
  • Stage III Painkillers lose their effectiveness because... strong pain in the big toe becomes chronic. The tilt of the first toe on the outer side of the foot is aggravated, which entails deformation of the rest. At this stage it is recommended surgical intervention.

Pain in the joints of the big toe due to arthritis

Arthritis - inflammation in the joints - is accompanied by morning stiffness, a feeling that “the leg is numb.” Acute and/or chronic inflammation may develop due to:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Autoimmune processes;
  • Penetration pathogenic microorganisms with subsequent development of infectious arthritis.

Determining the cause of arthritis is an important part of its treatment.

The most common one is rheumatoid arthritis- indicates a problem in immune system, accompanied by painful sensations in several small joints at the same time.

Arthritis is accompanied by pain

The doctor decides how to treat pain in the big toes. Often, for preventive purposes, calcium and vitamin D3 supplements are prescribed to avoid the development of osteoporosis.

Acute pain in the joint of the big toe - the “fault” of gout

A serious disease, gout develops as a result of a disorder in uric acid metabolism. Salts of uric acid, so-called urates, accumulate in the joints and initiate health problems. These crystalline deposits cause a gout-specific flare-up of arthritis.
Most susceptible this species pain in the foot on the big toe joint of a man aged 35-45 years. Gout affects women more often small joints hands
Gouty arthritis always manifests itself suddenly and sharply:

  • Acute pain;
  • Swelling;
  • Increased temperature up to fever;
  • Redness of the skin area;
  • Swelling (lumps can be felt under the skin - uric acid crystals);
  • General malaise.

In gout, uric acid salts accumulate in the joints

Treatment of pain in the joint of the big toe due to gouty arthritis is carried out in a hospital.

It is also extremely important, after confirming the diagnosis, to change your diet - exclude fish/meat/mushroom broths, meat of young animals, offal, smoked meats, canned food, salted and fried fish, cheeses, sauces, spices and legumes. Taboos are also imposed on coffee, alcohol, chocolate, strong tea, raspberries, grapes, figs and cream cakes. Consumption of all of the above products leads to an increase in the formation of uric acid salts.
It is important to understand that gout is an incurable disease. At the same time, changing your lifestyle and following a diet will help regulate the course of this disease.

Other possible causes of pain

If you have ruled out the reasons described above, but, nevertheless, the joints of your big toes hurt, perhaps the explanation for this can be found below:


Diagnosis of pain in the big toe and appropriate treatment is carried out by a qualified doctor. Often used to make a diagnosis x-rays to clarify the degree of joint deformation and the specifics of cartilage damage.


To straighten the position of the first toes, it is effective to use a bandage for the big toe.

A bandage is used to straighten the finger

When the first toe is displaced, bandages/valgus splints help distribute the load evenly, reduce painful bursitis and gently correct the function of the joint.
On early stages For the development of the disease, a course of physiotherapy or the use of compresses may be sufficient.

If the disease progresses, they connect drug therapy, and in the presence of severe deformity and partial loss of function, surgical intervention is recommended.

In any case, treatment will initially be aimed at eliminating the main “culprit” of pain.
An appropriately qualified doctor will confirm or refute your fears, because Pain is a harbinger of dangerous diseases in the body.

Pain in the legs is a fairly common and unsafe complaint, regardless of the location of its source. Often this is just one of the symptoms of the disease, the presence of which can only be determined by a specialist. But if you just have a pain in your big toe, can it be dangerous and is it worth bothering the doctor about such a trifle? If you want to save beautiful light gait and healthy legs, it is necessary to consult a specialist in any case. Quite often, unexplained pain progresses, leading to temporary or permanent lameness.

Big toe hurts - causes

To get rid of excruciating pain, you need to find out the cause as quickly as possible and try to eliminate it. Great amount The factors that cause big toe pain do not allow us to consider all of them in detail, but it is advisable to know the most common ones.

1. Gout

main reason"aristocratic" disease - a violation correct exchange substances. Crystals of uric acid derivatives of sodium urate are deposited in the joints and gradually lead to its destruction. As a rule, an attack gouty arthritis begins with a sharp pressing pain, often at night. First, the big toe hurts excruciatingly, then the accompanying symptoms rapidly increase - redness of the skin around the joint, swelling of the tissues, the temperature in the affected area rises, and the pain spreads up the leg. During the day it becomes a little easier, but at night the unbearable pain returns with renewed vigor. The inflammatory process can cause suffering for several days and even weeks. Exacerbations of gout are possible up to several times during the year, and their main causes are:

- alcohol abuse;

- the presence of too many fatty foods on the menu;

- hobby strong tea and coffee.

It is impossible to get rid of frequent gout attacks without following correct mode nutrition. The representatives most often suffer from the disease strong point, after forty years. Other joints can also become the target of gout attack.

2. Arthrosis

The disease often plagues beautiful ladies and is evidence of their defeat in an unequal duel with capricious fashion. Wanting to keep up with the latter's rapid pace, the women bravely squeeze into narrow-toed high-heeled shoes and with a sweet smile endure the discomfort and merciless squeezing of their toes for a long time. The result is curvature of the thumb, the appearance of an unesthetic “bone” and deformation of the joint. A periodically occurring inflammatory process leads to an increase in the problem - the big toe hurts more and more noticeably, at first only after a long walk, and later at rest.

3. Uncomfortable shoes can cause another problem - ingrown nails. In addition to tight shoes, this can also be caused by cutting your nails too short and improperly rounding their edges. In this case, the big toe hurts severely, the skin around the nail is red and swollen, and pus accumulates inside. It is unlikely that you will be able to deal with the problem on your own; you need to immediately contact a specialist.

4. Morton's neuroma

Illness arises from degeneration fibrous tissue and its significant thickening as a result of wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, excessive loads on the feet, injuries and flat feet. The source of pain occurs at the level of the fourth and third fingers, but the big one also suffers. The pain is felt at the base of the toes and affects only one leg. It occurs due to pinching of certain nerve endings, gradually intensifies and makes even simple walking impossible.

5. Injuries

The most common fractures of the terminal phalanges of the thumb occur. The following signs confirm the injury in the first hours after the incident:

- the big toe hurts even with passive movement;

- there is swelling;

- bruises on the back and side surfaces of the finger;

- There is pain when palpated.

If the nail bed is damaged, there is a high possibility of infection.

6. Bursitis

A mobile, soft and round swelling around the joint, a purple, “flaming” skin color and a noticeable pain in the big toe - these are the main manifestations of inflammation of the joint capsule called bursitis. If it appears as a result of injury, then infection may be present. Bursitis becomes purulent, and the following are added to the initial symptoms:

- weakness and nausea;


- increase in body temperature;

- unbearable pain spreads throughout the entire foot.

The big toe hurts in the company of younger brothers and with other diseases:

- inflammation of arterial vessels;

- diabetes mellitus;

- deformation and incorrect position of the foot;

- tendon lesions.

Big toe hurts - treatment

If you experience pain in your big toe, you should definitely contact a specialist - a traumatologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist or surgeon. Trying to cope with the problem on your own without knowing the diagnosis can only make it worse. In the case when the big toe hurts in the joint area, the doctor prescribes full examination to determine the root cause. During the procedure, you should limit the load on your toes and feet as much as possible.

Whatever the reason for the pain in the big toe, treatment should begin with an impact on the underlying ailment. For example, if you have gout, the doctor recommends eliminating fatty foods from your diet; if you have diabetes, you should control your body weight. A surgeon or specialist from the podiatry department will help you get rid of an ingrown toenail, and after an injury you should seek help from a traumatologist.

If a joint is deformed and a bone has formed, initial stage folk remedies and special fixatives will help. It is quite effective to perform special exercises, which are recommended to be performed at least once a day, repeating each of them 5-6 times:

1. stretch a regular elastic band thumbs legs;

2. try to lift small objects from the floor with your feet;

3. sitting on a chair, place your feet on your heels and forcefully push your toes apart;

4. In a lying position, vigorously straighten and bend your fingers.

A small soft roller, inserted between the thumb and second finger at every opportunity, will help gradually return the “lost” finger to its usual place.

If treatment is ineffective and the deformity is pronounced, surgical intervention is indicated. Modern methods surgical treatment maintain functionality and mobility of joints. The rehabilitation period lasts 1-2 months, during which the doctor recommends specialized shoes to avoid stress on the foot. Before deciding to have surgery, carefully select a clinic. Success depends on the professionalism of doctors and reliability medical institution.

Big toe hurts - treatment with folk remedies

In some cases, when your big toe hurts, you can use the simple secrets of traditional medicine. However, this should not be an alternative to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

1. When severe bruises the thumb will be helped by the gruel of onions. Ease pain and fresh leaves plantain or wormwood, bodyaga.

2. If the culprit of the pain diabetes, a tincture of celery root and a decoction of walnut partitions will be effective.

3. If the pain is caused by gout, compresses made from lard or fresh fish, chopped onions, activated carbon pulp and alcohol will help relieve it.

4. For arthritis, apply apple cider vinegar to the sore spot and make lotions from potato infusions or bay leaves.

5. For arthrosis, fresh cabbage leaves and yogurt compresses are good.

Especially a lot grandma's recipes suggested for the treatment of bunions in case of deformation of the thumb joint:

— Make a mixture of 50 g of red clay, one tablespoon of sea salt and a glass of boiled water. Add 5 drops of turpentine, mix thoroughly and apply to the seeds. Keep the mixture until it hardens, then rinse the skin thoroughly warm water without detergents.

— Make comfortable foot baths with water and sea salt every day. It should be no warmer than body temperature, and the procedure lasts 15 minutes.

- Boil potato peelings, dilute the broth with water and keep your feet for 15 minutes.

— The carcass of a freshly caught fish with the bones removed from it is applied to the desired place and bandaged. In the morning, wash the leg with warm water and lubricate the bone. fir oil.

However, all these remedies are aimed, rather, at alleviating pain. You shouldn’t rely too much on your grandmother’s advice; it is much more effective to combine their implementation with the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Big toe hurts - prevention

The most successful treatment for any disease is its prevention. To avoid having to complain to the doctor that your big toe hurts, try following some tips:

- do not wear uncomfortable or too narrow shoes, keep your toes in a free position;

— if you have to stand for a long time, distribute the forced load on your legs equally, change your supporting leg;

high heels- not for walking on them for the whole day, the optimal period is 3-4 hours;

- don't get too carried away fatty foods, alcohol and smoking, limit the consumption of coffee and strong tea;

- if signs of enlargement of the bone appear, use a fixative and do special exercises;

- take good care of your feet, avoid roughening the skin and trim your nails correctly;

- Avoid all kinds of injuries, and in the event of an accident, immediately seek professional help. medical care.

Normal weight, comfortable shoes, proper nutrition and careful attention to your health - a real chance to maintain healthy and beautiful legs into old age!

Big toe pain is a common complaint from patients to doctors. This symptom may hide gout, arthritis, arthrosis, onychocryptosis and other dangerous diseases.

With this condition, a person cannot wear tight shoes, feels discomfort and finally seeks medical help. My big toe hurts - the patient complains to the doctor - why is this happening? To understand the roots of this condition, the doctor carefully examines the nature of the pain.

This symptom in the form of pain can be a companion to various diseases. Causes painful sensations in this area has both mechanical and infectious nature.

The most common causes of pain in the big toe: ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis), arthritis, arthrosis, gout, excessive physical activity. Let's analyze each reason in more detail.


A disease in which the nail grows into the periungual fold is called onychocryptosis. With this disease, the patient may notice that the thumb is slightly swollen. It can also be felt when walking. With onychocryptosis, the nail grows not only upward, but also to the side. During deformation of the growth of the nail plate, soft tissues are affected and suppuration forms.

The causes of onychocryptosis can be:

  • cutting the nail too deeply;
  • fungal diseases;
  • finger injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • flat feet;

To warn dangerous consequences onychocryptosis is necessary, treat it with early stage. In this case, you cannot self-medicate; it is better to seek medical help.


Pain in the big toe can also occur with gout. The nature of the painful sensations that accompany this illness is sharp and very pronounced. Associated symptoms in this case there is inflammation and redness. Gout nodes form on.

Uric acid crystals provoke the appearance of gouty arthritis. They are the ones who accumulate in soft tissues and cause unbearable pain. Gout affects mainly men, but this disease also occurs in the weaker sex. Average age patients are 50 years old.


A disease such as arthritis can also contribute to the appearance of pain in the big toe. Arthritis is characterized by damage to the joint and destruction of cartilage tissue.

Pain may be felt when bending a finger and when walking for a long time. The unpleasant sensations are aching and sometimes boring in nature. The curved bone may bulge. For more late stage the patient notices that the thumb is swollen and slightly deformed.

The causes of arthritis have various origins. Common reasons arthritis, hypothermia, infectious diseases, poor motor activity.


At the first stage of arthrosis, the patient feels stiffness in the toes of the left or right foot, depending on the location of the disease. With the development of arthrosis, the patient may notice that the finger is swollen and curved. Possible bulging of the side bone. When walking and bending a finger, a sharp pain is felt, it spreads near the inflamed bone.

The causes of arthrosis of the big toe are:

  • dislocations, fractures and other injuries;
  • wearing tight shoes;
  • excess body weight;
  • hereditary predisposition and anatomical features feet.

To keep joints healthy, it is necessary to use preventive measures. Osteoarthritis is better treated at an early stage.

Flat feet

A pathological change in the natural curve of the foot can also cause pain in the toes. This orthopedic problem can not only change the patient’s gait, but also bring discomfort to his normal life, forcing you to wear special shoes.

Transverse flatfoot causes curvature of the big toe and. The pad wears out and the person feels acute pain. Flat feet develop simultaneously in both the left and right legs. Often this problem interferes with walking and causes difficulty bending a finger.

Treatment options

Painful sensations in the big toe can be eliminated with the help of qualified medical therapy. Treatment can be carried out in three main ways:

  • medicinal;
  • surgical;
  • physiotherapeutic.

First of all, we explore the methods drug treatment, are used for this problem. Let's look at the most effective of them.

Drug treatment

For every disease, causing pain in the toes, drug therapy is prescribed. For arthritis, arthrosis, especially if the finger is swollen and there is serious inflammation, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. In addition to relieving inflammation, NSAIDs help reduce pain (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac).

To restore damaged articular cartilage, it is necessary to use chondroprotectors (chondroitin, glucosamine). These remedies can also cope with pain.

In addition, in case of acute unbearable pain, it is possible to use hormonal medications. These include steroid drugs ().

TO drug therapy This includes taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. These remedies are aimed at strengthening cartilage tissue, as well as stopping the deformation and bulging of the bone. These complexes contain collagen, vitamin D and calcium - the building material of bone tissue.


A radical type of treatment is necessary when the disease causing discomfort in the finger has severe form. Surgery necessary if the patient has a problem such as an ingrown toenail. Removing the entire ingrown nail or part of it is all that the doctor can do in this case.

This operation can be carried out using electrocoagulation or phenol. Ingrown toenail removal local anesthesia. After the intervention, an ingrown toenail does not appear with proper pedicure.

It is also possible to stop the protrusion of a bone during arthrosis surgically. Laser surgery is most often used for this because this method has virtually no contraindications.


The most frequently prescribed physiotherapy for arthrosis of the big toe: mud therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultrasound. If the finger is swollen and its pad is red, electrophoresis is necessary. This physiotherapy perfectly relieves inflammation and eliminates redness.

A swollen fingertip due to arthrosis, arthritis or gout will return to normal condition, after a course of magnetic therapy. It is the magnetic field that has an anti-edema effect and also strengthens bone tissue and prevents the occurrence of infection.