Milk with figs for cough recipe. Figs in milk are an incredibly effective and tasty way to treat a cough. Cough figs - fig syrup recipe for children and adults

Fruits and berries are often used to combat various diseases. For example, they use figs with milk for cough; the recipe for preparing the product is simple and can vary depending on the ingredients used and the needs of the patient.

Benefits of figs for cough

Figs help fight coughs due to high content vitamin C and other vitamins. These connections improve performance immune system, which allows the body to cope with the disease on its own. One fruit can improve the functioning of the whole body, the main thing is to choose the right recipe.

The diaphoretic and diuretic effect of the fruit allows you to remove toxins from the body, removing intoxication, which negatively affects the functioning of the body and prevents natural fight immune system with disease.

Figs, combined with milk, help thin mucus, making it easier to remove from the lungs. Anti-inflammatory effect ready-made product helps relieve inflammation in the upper and lower respiratory tract, which allows you to get rid of not only wet, but also dry cough.

What cough does it help with?

A product made from figs with milk is recommended for the treatment of:

  • dry cold cough;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • tracheitis.

Simple recipes using figs can get rid of almost any type of cough, but you should note that the sooner treatment for cough with figs is started, the better the result will be.

How to cook and eat - recipes

It does not take much time to prepare medicine from figs, but despite this, all recipes are different high efficiency and pleasant taste qualities. Preparation of the products takes from several minutes to several hours.

Figs against cough, the most effective recipes:

  1. Traditional way. To prepare the medicine you will need 500 ml of milk and several dried figs. The fattier the milk, the higher the medicinal properties. The milk must be brought to a boil over low heat, then immerse the fruit in it and cook for another 30 minutes. The resulting mixture should be wrapped and left for 4 hours. Finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
  2. With ginger. It takes 5 to make a medicine fresh fruits and 250 ml of high fat milk. Figs should be chopped and immersed in milk heated to 60-65 degrees. When the figs have softened, the mixture should be passed through a blender and a little chopped ginger should be added to it.
  3. Figs with milk in three stages. Dried figs (3 pieces) should be immersed in cold milk (250 ml) and left for 30 minutes. Next, brew the figs in milk, bringing the mixture to a boil, then wrap and leave for another 3 hours. You need to add chopped ginger to the resulting product. You can also combine figs with honey.

You can also diversify any recipe if you combine:

  • dried figs with honey;
  • figs with ginger and lemon juice;
  • figs with radish.

These products can be consumed with or without milk. This method is suitable for treating people of all ages, regardless of gender.

For children

A healthy milk-fig drink can be used to treat children, but only after prior consultation with a specialist. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to prevent the development of pneumonia, which can occur with a bacterial cough.

Important! Fig cough medicine can be used for children over 6 years of age.

To prepare medicine for a child, it is allowed to use the same recipes as for adults. You should start giving fig remedy with small quantities, 30 ml per day.

For pregnant

Fruit and milk decoction is an excellent alternative synthetic medicines for pregnant women, which should not be used during pregnancy.

What is the recipe for treating cough in pregnant women? In order to prepare figs in cough milk, you need 750 ml of milk with a high percentage of fat content and 3 fruits.

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the mixture turns brown. The resulting product should be stored in a cool place. For better effect You can infuse the decoction in a slow cooker or in a thermos.

The duration of therapy during pregnancy is 21 days. The product should be consumed 1/3 cup three times a day. The result will be noticeable within 3-4 days of treatment. Milk medicine can be used as a main therapeutic agent, and as a preventive measure.

Features of using cough medicine

Despite the fact that the product in question is easy to prepare, to obtain the maximum effect, some subtleties of use should be observed.

If the whole fruit is used during cooking, it cannot be disposed of, it must be eaten. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the body, helping to reduce intoxication.

How to take the fruit (recipe without milk)? The fruit should be consumed before meals, separately from the drink. This allows you to improve digestion, activate the immune system and normalize metabolic processes, which will speed up the healing process.

The milk drink should be consumed warm, but not hot. A hot drink can cause your body temperature to rise. A cold product will not have the desired effect, since it does not have an enveloping effect.

Therapy must be carried out for a long time. It will not be possible to get rid of a cough in a couple of days using the presented method. The duration of treatment directly depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Minimum term treatment – ​​10 days. At chronic course Therapy will take up to 1 month.

The product should be used after eating food. Single dosage for adults 200 ml, for children – 1/3 cup. Frequency of use – 3 times a day.


Figs and milk can not only strengthen the body, but also harm people suffering from certain diseases.

Figs should not be consumed by persons with:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergic reactions to the product rarely occur, since it contains small amount ethers. Allergy sufferers should start consuming the fruit with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop eating figs and symptomatic therapy in the form of a reception antihistamines, for example, Fenistila.

Irrational use of any product can lead to negative consequences. But if you approach the presented recipes wisely, you can not only get rid of unpleasant manifestations illness, but also strengthen the body.

Colds and their symptoms are often treated and folk remedies, which are often more effective than other methods. One such remedy is milk with figs. Depending on the method of preparation, different effects can be achieved, but the main focus remains the treatment of severe and prolonged cough.

Milk with figs for cough

Recipes based on dried or fresh figs primarily have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. Wherein active ingredients help improve the health of the respiratory system, improve the condition of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi.

This approach, in turn, allows us to overcome persistent cough, as well as its manifestations after the relapse has been cured chronic bronchitis. Warm drink Based on the presented ingredients, it removes phlegm, softens the larynx, and also strengthens the potential of the immune system.


Which beneficial features This drink is isolated in the treatment of the human respiratory system:

  1. Enriching the body with vitamins;
  2. Antipyretic effect due to diaphoretic effects;
  3. Mucolytic effect;
  4. Acceleration regenerative processes in the tissues of the respiratory system due to tissue softening;
  5. Creating conditions for quick removal inflammation;
  6. Strengthening immunity, both local and general.


A similar drink is indicated for drinking the following diseases and symptoms:

If you follow a similar list of symptoms, then this remedy is effective for bronchitis, ARVI, influenza, and other pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Benefits and harms, compatibility of milk with figs in our video:

Several recipes

There are several recipes for this remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and accompanying contraindications:

  1. Pour 3-4 washed figs into a glass of milk and place on the stove to warm up. As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the gas to a minimum and simmer for 2 hours until the mixture acquires a brownish tint. It is better to heat it in a water bath. Next, pour it into a container and consume 50-100 ml. If you leave the figs in milk, then mash them to a puree before putting them in the refrigerator. Store for no more than 3 days.
  2. For those who cannot tolerate milk, this ingredient is removed from the recipe. Instead, add a glass of water to 8 dried figs and boil the mixture for about half an hour. Next, add a glass of sugar and water to the resulting mass to make a syrup. After mixing the ingredients, add a pinch of dry ginger and about 20 ml of lemon juice.

The same recipes can be used for rinsing.

You should know that this method has its own application features:

  1. It should not be used if the patient has, or if there are problems with respiratory system generally caused by an allergic reaction.
  2. Before use, the solution is always warmed to warm state. You can't drink it hot.
  3. Take up to 3 times a day.
  4. Any of the recipes is used for 10-30 days, depending on the course of the disease.
  5. The product can be used during pregnancy, as well as childhood. In the case of children, it can be given only if it does not cause side effects, and also if the child is generally able to drink such a remedy.

When children's use it should be taken into account that children's body more sensitive to allergens, and therefore can give an allergic reaction faster and stronger. Therefore, you should carefully monitor his condition. In general, it is not recommended to use the product on a child under 1 year of age.

Ancient healing berry– figs – will cure many ailments. Fig tincture boiled with milk is very useful for children and effective against cough.

Today, fig fruits can be found in many medicines. But healing effect at home, it will be much more effective and healthy if you prepare milk with figs for coughs for children yourself, and also use these fruits as a prevention of other diseases.

Fig berries with milk are shown as medicinal and prophylactic pregnant women. Fig fruits can be used in the treatment of children from 9 months of age; as a rule, medicinal products with this berry begin to be given to children from 5 years of age.

Fig - fig, wineberry or fig is considered the oldest fruit on Earth. Mentioned since biblical times. Since the same period, its remarkable healing properties have been well known.

Beneficial properties of figs

The fig tree is literally a “green pharmacy”, which uses leaves, bark, and fruits. After fig leaves, the most valuable are the berries, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to diminish. The benefits of figs lie in their saturation with proteins, sugars, microelements, coarse fiber and vitamins.

Dried and sun-dried figs contain more protein and sugar than fresh ones. In terms of potassium content, figs are second only to nuts. Dried figs are a high-calorie product.

Fresh berries contribute to:

  • regulation of blood pressure;
  • normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • relief from constipation;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • urine output, proper operation kidney;
  • prevention and treatment of vascular and heart diseases;
  • rejuvenation of the skin, retina, and other tissues;
  • improving potency.

Consumption of figs will help quench thirst, and treatment with these berries stops the development of anemia, anorexia, and prostatitis. Also, fig syrup is a healing remedy for muscular rheumatism, stones in bladder and kidneys, with increased liver volume. Due to the substance benzaldehyde they contain, figs inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and the available antioxidants slow down age-related changes.

And finally, figs are highly effective in treating colds, various types cough, including asthma, chest pain, loss of voice, other throat diseases, has excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Also widely used in cosmetology. And fig syrup is a useful and effective tonic for children, which you need to know how to take and in what doses.

Contraindications for use

  • at overweight, obesity;
  • at elevated level glucose, diabetes mellitus;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, pancreatitis in acute/chronic forms;
  • in cases of allergies, lactose intolerance.

For proper, effective and healthy consumption of figs, do not forget to consult your doctor. Also, do not exceed the dose for nursing mothers.

Recipes for making fig milk for cough

To cook healing decoction figs in milk, it is better to take fatty cow's or goat milk. For 750 ml (one and a half glasses) of liquid, take 1 medium fig.

Wash the berries and put them in a saucepan with milk. You can pre-boil the milk, or you can put it raw on the fire, heat it up, and, bringing it to a boil, boil the fruit for about 30 minutes under a lid over low heat.

The milk, combined with the figs, will boil down by about 1/3. You will get a pleasant caramel brown liquid. After cooking, wrap the container with fig milk well or pour it into a thermos. Let the figs steam and brew. After cooling completely, pour into a glass container.

Using this cough recipe, brew no more than 0.5 liters of the healing drink. Not accepted per day more than a glass medications. Store in the refrigerator and drink warm.

Regular intake of prepared figs as a preventive measure will relieve even a smoker from a choking cough and will significantly strengthen the immune system.

Another recipe for making milk with figs will be useful for both adults and children. For those who want to lose weight, it is good to drink this tonic syrup for dinner, and also use it for preventive purposes.


  1. 1 glass of milk,
  2. 1 glass of hot water,
  3. 100 g dried figs,
  4. 1 tsp Sahara.

Wash the fruits and chop finely. Pour a glass of boiling water over the berries and leave to brew for 4 hours. You can add sugar.

Boil a glass of milk and let cool. Mix the soaked and swollen figs with cooled milk and beat the mixture with a blender. The recipe is convenient because you don’t have to boil the milk for fear that it will burn or run away.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of figs for children, as well as for adults. Information about him healing qualities passed through the centuries. To always be healthy, use these fruits in your diet and treatment.

Pregnancy, lactation, age under 3 years - these are the main contraindications that are indicated in the instructions for most medications. IN in this case A simple question may arise - what then is the treatment for people who fall under this category? Many find a way out folk medicine. Most recipes have no restrictions on their use and, in addition, they do not contain chemical substances.

Naturally, if we are talking about a serious illness, then it is better to immediately consult a specialist, but such an ailment as a cough can be cured on your own. Simple figs, but cooked, will help you with this in a special way. It is completely harmless, so it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Cough figs are effective, and recipes with this fruit are very popular among the population.

Benefits of figs

To make sure it's effective of this fruit, we will look at its composition and beneficial properties.

Composition of figs

The beneficial properties of figs are explained by its rich vitamin composition, which has a positive effect on the body. Most of all it contains potassium. Also present are vitamins E, C and B6, minerals - iron, calcium, magnesium, fluorine and other trace elements.

Properties of figs

This fruit has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. That is why the fruits are used to treat coughs and throats. In addition, it is useful for venous insufficiency.

It also puts the nervous and cardiovascular system. In addition, due to its iron content, it is used as a drug to treat anemia. It helps increase hemoglobin levels during the most short time.

To all of the above you need to add its mild laxative and diuretic properties. It easily removes waste and toxins from the body, gently cleansing the intestines.

However, despite the naturalness of the product, there are certain categories of people for whom it is contraindicated.


This fruit, in addition to all the above components, contains large quantities carbohydrates and sugar. All this makes it detrimental for people with diabetes.

There is another contraindication - allergies. Remember that figs contain vitamin C. Therefore, if you experience allergic reactions on citrus fruit, then, most likely, they will appear after eating figs.

Figs have no other contraindications.

Figs for cough: suitable for both adults and children

How to cure a cough with figs?

To effectively use figs for cough, it can be combined with other components, making mixtures and decoctions from them.

Figs with milk

This is the most popular recipe. With its help you can cure the disease in the shortest possible time. To prepare, take 1 liter of milk (can be cow or goat). Give preference homemade product, since in the store-bought version a number of useful substances are lost after processing. In addition, the fat content of the milk should be high, as this helps warm the throat and provides the effect of retaining this heat. Next, what you need to do is pour the product into a container and heat it over low heat. At this time, take 5 pcs. figs, wash them and put them in milk. Cover the container with a lid and cook for 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the broth from the heat, wrap it (or pour it into a thermos) and leave for 3 hours. You need to use the medicine according to the following scheme: eat the fruits before meals, and drink the milk before bed, preheated.

Several days of such treatment and cough will go away. You will feel relief after the first procedure.

Dried figs with honey

This remedy will help get rid of the disease, which is maintained not only by viruses, but also by smoking. To prepare, you need to chop 10 pcs. dried figs and add 10 tablespoons of honey to them. Next, stir the mixture. For best result It is recommended to use a blender. The resulting medicine should be taken one teaspoon in the morning and evening. After taking it, it is not recommended to eat for half an hour.

Figs with radish

Radish is often used in cough recipes. In particular, it is consumed together with honey. The combination with figs is no less effective. To prepare this product, you need to peel and grate the radish (preferably black). After this, perform the same actions on the figs, of which you need to take 6 pieces. Add 10 tablespoons of honey and mix all ingredients. Cover this remedy with a thin towel to limit the access of light to it and place it in a cool place for a day. Use a tablespoon in the morning to treat cough.

Figs with lemon juice and ginger

Cough figs can also be used in the form of syrup, together with lemon juice. Thus, the body will receive enough vitamin C, which will strengthen the immune system and the healing process will go much faster. Take 8 figs, cut them into small pieces, add a glass of water and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, add 2 parts water and a little sugar. The syrup must be put on the fire again and brought to a boil. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of ginger. Use according to dessert spoon 3 times a day.

A cough in itself is not dangerous if you take timely measures to treat it. However, if this is not done, then it can go into much more serious illnesses- pneumonia or bronchitis. Figs will help prevent this. All the recipes indicated in this article are very effective only when regular use until the disease subsides. If you stop treatment halfway through, you risk relapse. Only full recovery will be a signal that you can stop taking the funds. By following all the requirements, you will quickly get rid of a cough with the help of figs without harming your health.

A cold prevents you from enjoying clear winter days and can lead to serious complications. The best counteraction to the insidious symptoms of the disease - safe and useful folk recipes. IN last years Figs with cough milk are gaining popularity. If you prepare this healing drink correctly, it will turn out very delicious medicine, which will relieve inflammation of the throat and bronchi no worse than medications.

What kind of cough can be treated with “fig” milk?

Cough is a symptom various diseases. Milk decoction of figs can treat coughs that occur during colds, acute bronchitis, tracheitis and nasopharyngeal lesions.

The power of a miracle drink

Drink made from fig tree fruits cow's milk has a number of healing qualities:

  • promotes the removal of sputum;
  • stops inflammation in the throat;
  • increases immunity;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose;
  • relieves pain in the trachea and hyperthermia;
  • has a diuretic effect necessary to remove decay products of pathogenic microorganisms from the body;
  • saturates the body useful substances, especially B vitamins;
  • normalizes sleep.

This medicinal dessert will protect pregnant and lactating women from the effects of colds and vitamin deficiencies. But before using it, they should definitely consult a doctor.

5 rules for successful treatment

It would seem that it could be easier to use than medicines from food products? But small mistakes often turn out to be a fly in the ointment, which can ruin a whole barrel of honey.

To milk drink with oriental figs will benefit you, remember 5 rules for treating cough with milk and figs:

  1. You cannot drink hot milk - only warm milk, otherwise you risk burning your throat and aggravating the inflammation.
  2. Figs, which share their benefits with milk, should not be compared with squeezed lemon. The fiber remaining in the pulp improves the health of the intestines, an organ that doctors consider the basis of strong immunity.
  3. Get treatment healing drink it will take a long time - don’t limit yourself to one glass of fruit delicacy. If a cold occurs in mild form, a ten-day course of treatment is needed, in severe cases The process of cleansing the bronchi may take up to a month.
  4. The composition should be taken between breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. Dosages are not the same for everyone. People aged 15 years and older should drink 1 tbsp. funds three times a day. Cough milk with figs for children younger age prepare a couple of degrees less warm than for adults, and give 100 ml at the same frequency.

If your health worsens: fever and headache, shortness of breath or other severe symptoms, do not place all your hopes on the “people's first aid kit” - call an ambulance.

The medicine will be most effective if prepared with full-fat milk. When you have a cough, it’s best to forget about weight loss diets for a while and take care of your health. The fat content of milk should be 3.2%. It is advisable to purchase whole village milk for preparing the product.

Figs can be used fresh or dried, but there is a little trick - purple fruits are the most useful for women.

Recipe No. 1

This composition is consumed fresh - you should not keep it in the refrigerator or leave it on the table for a long time. It's easy to prepare:

  1. Take 4 fruits, wash them thoroughly, rinse with boiling water and place in a massive bowl.
  2. Pour 0.3 l figs raw milk, cover with a lid and place on medium heat.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cover the container tightly.
  4. Simmer the figs in milk for 2-2.5 hours, stirring the potion regularly.
  5. Remove the broth from the stove, cool slightly and drink. Eat the fruits separately or mash them first to make a creamy fruit soup.

At the end of cooking, the milk will turn brownish and taste sweet. Don’t be surprised - this is the normal “state” of the treat.

Recipe No. 2

The delicacy prepared according to this recipe can be poured into glass jars and store in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, reheating before use:

  1. Pour one fruit with 1.5 tbsp. milk and place on low heat.
  2. When the milk boils, keep it covered for 30 minutes until the amount of liquid has reduced by 1/3.
  3. Stir the mixture from time to time to prevent it from burning.
  4. Remove the pan with the medicine from the heat, carefully insulate it and leave to cool.

Recipe No. 3

This delicacy is best suited for expectant mothers and young children for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections:

  1. Wash 4 fig fruits and pour 3 tbsp. fresh milk.
  2. Place the workpiece on the fire, wait until it boils and reduce the burner level.
  3. Boil the product until the milk turns into a viscous and dark mass.
  4. Cool the mixture, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator.
  5. Drink the heated drug, 80 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  6. If desired, you can add ½ tsp to the dessert. honey

Contraindications for fig medicine

“Delicious treatment” does not help everyone - sometimes figs with milk are harmful. But this trouble only happens to those who decide to fight cough with the help of such a remedy, not taking into account that it is dangerous for certain ailments:

  • allergies to milk protein or figs;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • severe indigestion;
  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infections.

Didn't find a disease in this list that would be relevant to you? Still, don't be surprised if after using this healing agent loosening of the stool will occur - such reactions occur quite often.