I had a bad dream about what to do about the waning. Bad dreams: why they happen and what to do about it

Bad or scary dreams, unlike good ones, are remembered most often. Waking up in the morning or in the middle of the night, a person begins to go over in his memory what happened to him in the arms of Morpheus. It happens that awakening is accompanied by cold sweat or screaming. And then the questions arise, why do you have bad dreams and what needs to be done? If this happens rarely, then this is not so bad, but in the case when nightmares often torment you, it is imperative to understand the reason for what is happening.

Many scientists are trying to explain why we have bad dreams.

Causes of bad dreams

Why do I have disturbing dreams? Often people do not try to determine the causes of nightmares in the hope that everything will pass. However, you cannot put up with the situation, especially if it repeats itself every day. Somnologists and psychologists have long and quite successfully analyzed the causes of scary and disturbing dreams. On this moment they are divided into 2 groups:

  1. external factors leading to such sleep disturbance;
  2. internal factors.

The first group of reasons includes electromagnetic radiation emanating from home appliances, bad conditions for a night's rest. Fever air, stuffiness can provoke nightmares. To avoid unpleasant dreams It will help to develop the habit of regularly unplugging household appliances at night and ventilating the room well. You can experiment with rearranging furniture by placing the bed in a different place or turning the headboard.

The second group of reasons why we have bad dreams every day deserves closer attention. These factors are related to physical or psychological state person, they require a serious approach, and in some cases, the intervention of a specialist. This:

  • illnesses nervous system, heart, blood vessels (some pathologies can cause spasms in the lungs, which during a dream can be expressed as a nightmare);
  • stress (emotional and mental overload, accumulating, lead to bad dreams);

Stress and anxiety- one of the causes of nightmares

  • overwork;
  • past experiences, psychological trauma;
  • drinking alcohol the night before bedtime or smoking ( blood vessels are in a state of spasm, which makes it difficult for sufficient oxygen to flow to the brain, causing nightmares);
  • hidden grievances, unexpressed feelings and emotions (create internal tension leading to bad dreams).

In addition to those listed, common cause why you have terrible dreams from which you wake up become “horror films” that you watched the day before. This factor has a particularly strong influence on the child’s psyche, as well as on suspicious, impressionable people.

Nightmares in childhood

The reasons why a child has scary dreams are slightly different from adults. Children's horrors are most often associated with the surrounding emotional environment. A child may have a scary dream after hearing (or seeing) their parents quarrel. Other factors that answer the “why” question may include:

  • lack of attention from adults;
  • conflicting demands from mother and father (or grandmother);
  • overprotectiveness;
  • inflated expectations from parents in relation to the child;
  • fear, increased anxiety, mother's nervousness.

To eliminate the problem and normalize the child’s sleep, parents must first of all bring satisfactory condition own emotions.

In addition, you should not constantly focus on what is happening. After a preliminary conversation, you can ask your child to draw his dream, and then burn the drawing together and not remember this episode again. If the child is restless, continues to scream and wakes up at night, the reason may be deep in the subconscious, and the best solution would be to contact a specialist. He will explain why nightmares are common in each specific case.

Nightmares during sleep during pregnancy

Why do pregnant women have bad dreams? While expecting a child, a woman’s body experiences numerous physical and mental changes. Joyful anticipation may periodically give way to fear (difficult childbirth, the presence of abnormalities in the child, problems associated with upbringing, etc.). In addition, as the volume of the abdomen increases, sleeping in a comfortable, familiar position becomes problematic. This leads to the woman tossing and turning, waking up frequently, and without enough sleep, during the day she feels depressed, tired, and irritable.

Pregnant women are particularly frightened by nightmares

Some of the reasons why you often have bad dreams during pregnancy include:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • overeating, eating food immediately before bedtime;
  • excess emotions (positive or negative);
  • severe stress;
  • the presence of any diseases, pain;
  • high fetal activity;
  • tight nightwear.

During pregnancy, a woman should understand that bad dreams are just the body’s reaction to changed life circumstances. But if a nightmare haunts you every night, then you need to seek help from a specialist.

In addition to performing general recommendations To improve sleep and get rid of night fears, a pregnant woman can enroll in special centers that prepare for childbirth. Such communication will allow you to dispel and forget any fears.

How to get rid of nightmares?

When the question of why you have bad dreams has been resolved, all that remains is to completely get rid of them. This can be done in the following ways.

  • Change the script. Having replayed the dream in your head, you should come up with your own continuation (or beginning). It is desirable that the characters become absurd and funny. You can come up with additional episodes that radically change what is happening.
  • Draw the dream on paper. Having placed what you saw on a piece of paper (no matter in what form), you need to say goodbye to the nightmare and thank you for your presence. Then burn the drawing and scatter the ashes on the street.

Burning a piece of paper that describes a nightmare

  • Change your train of thought. Receptive people They are often afraid of certain situations in life, even if they do not occur. Suspiciousness and fears subconsciously result in nightmarish images at night. You will need to do serious work on yourself, change your thinking, stop fantasizing about what does not exist.
  • Record the vision in detail. Such a diary will help you quickly understand what is happening in the subconscious. One or two dreams will not give a clear answer, but after writing it down in detail several times, it will be possible to trace a certain logical chain.
  • Learn to manage your sleep. It is necessary to fight back the enemy during the dream. This will require preliminary work with the subconscious (there are many techniques). Daily training will definitely give results.
  • Work out the dream. If any moments repeated in a dream take place in reality, then they need to be “worked out” - continued in reality. You won't have nightmares anymore.
  • Tell the dream to another person. Perhaps the situation about which we're talking about in a dream, is incomprehensible to you, and you cannot associate it with real events. However, from the outside, everything may turn out to be much simpler and clearer.

In some cases, to get rid of nightmares, you will need the help of a specialist.

If you find out why you constantly have bad dreams and you can’t cope with them on your own, then you should consult a psychologist or somnologist. Psychological trauma, especially those received in early age, is difficult to identify and correct through introspection. This requires the use of special knowledge, techniques and skill.

Anyone can have a bad dream. Timely identification of the cause, getting rid of anxiety, fear, increasing resistance to stress - all this will help normalize night rest and forget about nightmares forever.

What to do if you dreamed bad dream, and it doesn’t get out of your head, distracts you from work and spoils your mood. First you need to stop being upset and try to analyze it. Vivid dreams filled with negative emotions foreshadow changes in life, and they are often positive.

Dreams are the work of the cerebral hemispheres, which process received impressions and some signals from the senses, which continue to function all the time. As a result of complex activity, the brain produces a video sequence that a person views at night.

Why do I have terrible dreams?

Any information received consciously or unconsciously during the day can be seen in a dream from a different angle at night. Therefore, children often dream of dinosaurs, scary monsters, monsters, and this terrifies them. Such dreams should be taken out of the window or washed away with water for peace of mind and forgotten about them forever. Many people use the magic phrase for this: “Where there is night, there comes sleep,” while looking out the window.

A bad dream most often comes in the morning, in the stage REM sleep, which lasts only 5 minutes. It is clearly remembered and then becomes the subject of discussion. It can reflect sexual fantasies and sensations, various fears. A detailed interpretation of such a dream helps to calm down and forget the dreamed event forever.

Women have bad dreams more often than men, and this is related to work reproductive system. The course of natural monthly cycles with decrease and increase basal temperature And premenstrual syndrome may cause bad dreams.

Negative energy accumulated during periods of prolonged stress is processed during periods of sleep. It is used by the cerebral hemispheres to remove nervous tension. Such night visions bring mental state a person benefits, because the negative is replaced by a positive perception of life, and the person adapts to society.

Having a bad dream is often a signal from the nervous system that it needs help. Nightmares can occur when the subconscious is trying to convey to the conscious mind about the onset of serious failures in organs internal secretion. After such dreams, a person usually begins to get sick. Doctors say that some dream details can be correlated with health problems:

  1. The chases are seen by people with heart problems. When you dream of running with strange feelings of weakness and fatigue, you need to consult a cardiologist and check the functioning of the heart muscle during exercise.
  2. If you had a bad dream with suffocation, drowning, or a clear lack of air, then you can assume that the disease has affected the respiratory system.
  3. Video sequence with raw meat and the smell of rotten meat may be present due to disturbances in the digestive system.
  4. Wandering in an impenetrable forest, an unfamiliar place or a labyrinth signals overwork and depression.
  5. Fire or steam is often dreamed of at high temperatures.

Such visions must be perceived as the work of the body and developed intuition, and it is advisable to take timely care of your health. Seeing a doctor for preventive examination helps to get rid of the developing disease in time.

How to get rid of bad feelings

Popular experience recommends getting rid of dreams that are disturbing with their information. This only works if the vision was born during the period of processing the information received and the emotions experienced. It does not indicate illness and only creates uncertainty about the future.

To prevent such a dream from coming true, you need to perform a ritual:

  • look at the flame so that the energy is cleared;
  • escort him out the door;
  • tell your loved ones about it;
  • leave it to the stone by knocking on it;
  • wash away information cold water, having washed three times.

All rituals must be accompanied by affirmations that accompany sleep. It is recommended to use the following words:

  • indicating the direction: where, there;
  • objects that can carry away unpleasant thoughts;
  • actions that will be performed for purification.

So, in order to get rid of bad premonitions, they first tell about the dreamed episode of a stream of water from a tap or running water in a river or stream, and at the end they ask for water to take away all troubles and sorrows.

Such ritual actions help to forget the dream, but if it is prophetic, it will still come true. This is how the subconscious mind warns a person about danger or changes in life. To calm down, you need to try to understand what it wanted to communicate. To do this, you can purchase a dream book and read in it why you dream about objects and actions that were seen at night. Often after this you can realize that the worst dream is an allegory that carries a positive meaning.

What do they pay attention to?

There is a popular belief that dreams do not always come true.

To understand whether it can come true, you need to take into account the position of the moon, the day of the week and the time of day. It is believed that:

  1. A prophetic dream can only occur at dawn.
  2. On Monday he gives the schedule for the week.
  3. What you dream about from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Thursday to Friday often comes true.
  4. A Sunday dream can only come true in the first half of the day. If you dreamed of something terrible, sit out the weekend at home and nothing bad will happen.

People involved in astrology believe that you need to pay attention to a nightmare you have had on the new moon, when energy information is laid down for the entire lunar month. 8, 12,13, 25 and 28 lunar days can bring important information, which should be taken into account. Nightmares that occur at this time require cleansing ritual actions.

If a person does not suffer from an excess of emotions, leads a calm lifestyle and does not have mental problems, then he can consider some visions as prophetic. Usually the following events occur in them:

  1. Dead relatives may come in a dream - with reproaches, warnings of danger, words of gratitude.
  2. About the offensive important event the monk can inform.
  3. A dreamed icon indicates a change in worldview.
  4. Water always indicates future changes.
  5. Attacks by animals and reptiles indicate upcoming quarrels and intrigues.

There is no need to be afraid of such dreams, they need to be taken into account and some steps must be taken so that they do not come true or the damage is much less. Many people avoid trouble when they perceive what they dreamed as important information and do not try to get rid of it, but use it in planning their day.

Bad dreams can come true not only because of mysticism, but also because of some psychological factors. Having seen a terrible event in a dream, a person at the subconscious level begins to think about negative circumstances. In this state, you can, without meaning to, literally attract failures into your life.

There are many ways to neutralize the bad one. To do this, you can use conspiracies and beliefs, the history of which goes back to the distant past.


The most effective means getting rid of the bad influence of sleep is considered to be management own thoughts. You must try to forget about the events you saw. Don't take nightmares seriously. Such dreams are not always a warning.

In most cases, they torment a person if real life he often thinks about problems, feels constant fatigue or experiences excessive anxiety for themselves or their loved ones.

In order to protect yourself from bad dreams, you can do the following:

  • At night, place a glass of holy water at the head of the bed., and in the morning pour that water into the sink or toilet.
  • It is believed that bad dreams will not come true if you turn the pillowcase inside out after them.
  • If you have nightmares regularly, then you should go to and light two candles “for your health”, one of them for himself, and the other for his enemies.
  • About a bad dream you need to as soon as possible tell someone moreover, than more people they will know about him, so much the better.
  • Smoke can tell you about a bad dream y (events should be retold in as much detail as possible).
  • After waking up from a bad dream you need to look at the fire or the sky.
  • In the morning needs to be washed all bed linen.
  • It is believed that the dream will not come true if you tell it to the stone(this must be done before lunch).
  • If you dream about death loved one, That the next day after seeing the situation you need to stop eating(it is advisable to drink holy water).
  • If you remember a bad dream, then after waking up you should try to imagine the opposite situation(for example, instead of a bare forest, you need to think about dense tree crowns, instead of a desert, imagine meadows with flowers, instead of death or illness - happiness and joy).
  • If in a dream you dreamed that someone close to you died or got sick, then you need to change the situation with your own thoughts. You need to imagine the person as clearly as possible as happy, joyful and healthy. You can wish him as if he were nearby. Similar actions

can be done in relation to yourself, for example, looking in the mirror with a smile.

Conspiracies A conspiracy is not necessarily accompanied by complex rituals. Exist short phrases , which have a powerful power that is no different from prayers or spells. The main nuance is that when pronouncing certain words, you need to believe in success. IN all efforts will be in vain, and thoughts of bad events will not only continue to disturb the mind, but may also materialize.

Phrases that must be said without getting out of bed and without talking to anyone after waking up:

  • “What I see in a dream, I will not see in reality.”
  • “All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”
  • “What arrived in a dream disappeared without a trace at sunset. Amen. Amen. Amen." You need to repeat the phrase 9 times.
  • “What was dreamed was forgotten. And what was forgotten did not come true. Amen." You need to say the phrase when washing your face; it is better to use holy water.
  • “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows. Where there is water, there comes sleep.” You need to pronounce the words with the tap water on.
  • “As this salt melts, so my dream will disappear, it will not cause harm.” The phrase must be said at the moment of throwing a piece of salt into a glass of water.
  • “A good dream rise again, a bad dream crack in half.”
  • “My dream is out of place, go to the waterfall, go from the waterfall to hell. Amen." While pronouncing this phrase, you should place your palms on your forehead and close your eyes.
  • “Whose dream comes true, but it doesn’t concern me. The Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine. Amen."
  • “Samson, Samson, where night goes, sleep goes.” It is recommended to say the phrase while looking out the window.
  • “Smoke, smoke, as you eat your eyes, so eat away the evil from your sleep!” The words must be spoken while burning the sheet of paper on which the dream is described.

Conspiracies for bad sleep:

Dependence on time of day

The ability of a dream to come true is influenced by the time of day in which it occurred. Certain hours are characterized by the so-called uselessness of dreams. The likelihood of repetition of events in real life is reduced to a minimum. If you had a dream at such a time of day, then you should not carry out special rituals or attach significance to what you saw.

The probability that a dream will come true depending on the time of day:

  • morning dreams come true most often
  • events, dreamed during the day, have no meaning
  • from bad dreams seen V evening time , you should protect yourself with rituals, conspiracies or prayers
  • at night the likelihood of seeing events that will be repeated in real life increases

Dreams and days of the week

The ability of a dream to come true is also influenced by the day of the week on which it occurred. When determining the time of the event seen, it is necessary to take into account that dreams occur, as a rule, on the night from one day to the next. If, for example, it is necessary to interpret events seen from Monday to Tuesday, then it will be considered that the dream took place on Monday.

Dependence of dreamed events on the day of the week:

  • Monday- events will not come true
  • Tuesday– most often have prophetic dreams
  • Wednesday– situations can be repeated in real life (you cannot tell anyone about the dream)
  • Thursday– the second day when prophetic dreams occur
  • Friday– situations in dreams can be ignored
  • Saturday– the likelihood of seeing prophetic events is minimal
  • Sunday– you can ignore the situations you see

You can get rid of thoughts about bad dreams with the help of a homemade amulet, which is called “Dream Catcher”. Feeling his protection, a person at the subconscious level will stop worrying about the fear of nightmares. In addition, the amulet is powerful enough to make such dreams unmemorable.

To make it you need to take a willow twig, leather cord, dark feathers, silk thread and various beads for decoration. A round frame is made from a rod, which must be braided with leather cord. The middle of the circle is crossed with a silk thread to create a web.

All people, without exception, see bad dreams: some people do not attach any importance to them, while for others, the terrible picture cannot get out of their heads, deprives them of peace, and does not allow them to concentrate on everyday activities. In order to nightmare has not poisoned your existence, you need to “deal” with the unpleasant vision and restore peace of mind. What to do if you had a bad dream?

Our wise ancestors were very good at dealing with negative messages from the dream world. They believed that bad dreams could harm a person in reality, deprive him of health, prosperity, and beauty. And that is why they tried to get rid of the consequences of bad visions as soon as possible. The ancient rituals that our grandmothers performed are quite possible to carry out today.

You can prepare for the appearance of a nightmare and meet it fully prepared: place a heavy stone next to your bed. As soon as you woke up and realized that the dream was far from pleasant, take the stone in your hand and say the following: “So that the dream hits like a stone!”

Bright light: sunlight, light from an electric light bulb, or a bright fire in the fireplace will help you quickly forget a terrible dream.

In order to prevent the nightmare from persistently spinning in your head, you can use a small ritual that our grandmothers resorted to: you need to turn the pillowcase inside out and turn the sheet over to the other side.

Causes of disturbing dreams

A man has nightmares difficult periods your life when there is a threat to health, well-being, career. Horrifying dreams warn that you should solve the existing problem before it is too late.

Nightmares caused by physiological reasons or external factors. Sometimes we provoke scary dreams ourselves, even if we don’t set a specific goal for this.

Uncomfortable position, full stomach, stuffiness, bright light, sharp sound- here is an incomplete list of reasons that can cause unpleasant dreams.

Nightmares may be caused by an incipient illness. All these images are in no way associated with a bad omen, but only mean that you need to quickly seek help. medical assistance. What to do if you had a bad dream caused by problems in the body?

  • If in a dream you are running away from someone, you should check your heart;
  • If you suffocate in your sleep, there may be problems with the respiratory system;
  • When you smell rot, you need to check your liver function;
  • Fire burns from the inside - there may be disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • If you get lost in a maze and can’t find your way out, there is a chance that you have a prolonged depression.

When should you ignore nightmares?

Our dreams are “ruled” by the Moon - this feature was noticed by our ancestors back in ancient times.

Dreams that occur on the waning moon talk about the past and what will soon leave our lives. Dreams that appear to us during the growth of the Moon will tell us about the future, about those events that will very soon fill our existence.

  • A terrible dream can unsettle anyone, but one should not look for a terrible prophecy in it if it appeared on the waning Moon.
  • During the full moon, people most often have terrible dreams (especially if a person is overly impressionable). "Nightmares" full moon"mean absolutely nothing, but merely reflect internal state the dreamer are a projection of his own fears.
  • Dreams of 2 lunar days(good and bad) empty and foreshadowing nothing. There is no need to attach meaning to them and try to figure them out. Just don't think about what you saw.
  • Of the dreams of the 5th lunar day, only those that have a positive orientation come true. Nightmares and unpleasant visions mean absolutely nothing.
  • A terrible dream seen on the 9th lunar day (sometimes also called “satanic”) is absolutely meaningless.
  • Dreams that occur on the 16th lunar day are considered empty. This applies to both good and bad dreams.
  • If you had a nightmare on the 17th lunar day, it should be regarded as a favorable dream. It’s just that the interpretation should be “turned around.”
  • On the 22nd lunar day, people most often have terrible dreams. However, they do not carry a prophecy, but only a warning. Thus, our subconscious warns us of danger and gives us time to take appropriate measures.
  • All dreams that a person has on the 25th lunar day are false and deceptive. This also applies to favorable dreams, and nightmares. Just throw the dream out of your head - it means absolutely nothing.
  • There is no need to solve dreams that occurred on the 27th lunar day. They are usually confusing and meaningless. What he saw does not lend itself to any intelligible explanation, and it is not worth trying to unravel it.
  • Dreams of the 29th lunar day are very unpleasant, although empty. You should not attach importance to them, although the painful feeling generated by them will haunt you for a long time.

About the benefits of scary dreams

All people, without exception, have horrifying dreams - this is a normal physiological phenomenon. It’s not for nothing that they were singled out into a separate category of sleep types. If scary visions are not repetitive and do not destroy the human psyche; to a certain extent they can be considered useful.

A nightmare experienced in a dream is a kind of preparation for dramatic events that can await a person in real life. He does not allow him to relax to the point of being completely unprepared for the blows of fate.

You should not take the terrifying vision literally; it is likely that the dream only revealed your fears, and nothing like this will happen in life.

Dreams (even the most terrible ones) are part of our “ego”, although not fully known, but not losing their significance because of this.

We must live in accordance with our dreams: cognize, compare, penetrate into the mystery. You shouldn’t ignore the clues of fate, but you don’t need to get hung up on what you see. A terrible dream is not a death sentence; it can be “cancelled” by first extracting warning information from it. In captivity of Morpheus (god of dreams) when we dream, I don’t want to wake up, it’s so wonderful to bask in a warm bed, holding images. Everyone would like for the good things to come from a dream into life, and for the nightmare to disappear forever.

Today I want to talk to you about bad dreams. You should always be confident and sincerely believe in what you want, and everything will be exactly like that. If you constantly have the same negative dream, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, don’t yearn to get rid of it and forget it as quickly as possible. It is much more important to understand it; to do this, be sure to write it down in the “Notebook of Dreams”. Then analyze it, it is always better to know about the upcoming problems, but think about how to save yourself from troubles in real life. Let's sort it out simple recommendations, which will save you from nightmares and fear of dream fulfillment.

How to get rid of a bad dream so that it does not come true?

Washing will help you forget a nightmare

When you have a bad dream, don’t be scared when you wake up, immediately say: “ Where night, sleep there.” Repeat the same phrase at the open window. Then, without speaking, go to the bathroom and wash your face 3 times with cool running water. To consolidate the result, to finally calm down, hold your palms under the flowing stream from the tap, saying: “Where the night went, sleep went, just as the water went, so did the trouble go.” This method will help you do this, This is what what needs to be done to prevent a bad dream from coming true.

To prevent a nightmare from coming true in a dream, salt will help

Throw in 1 tsp. salt in a glass of water. While stirring with a spoon, say: “As the salt dissolves, so let this dream dissolve.” Then through left shoulder pour all the water into the sink.

Prayer for a bad dream not to come true

To a believer, so that a bad dream doesn't come true, we recommend reading the prayer right away, in any form possible, the main thing is that the words come from the heart. Ask to protect you, to save you from all misfortunes. Cross yourself three times.

Keep your dreams secret

You should never tell a dream. The only person there may be a loved one whom you completely trust, who can help you correctly reveal the meaning of your dream. Who can tell me how to prevent future troubles.

There is an opposite theory, that a negative dream needs to be retold to three trusted persons, then the dream will definitely lose its power and will not be able to come true.

By the way, do not forget that all fears and phobias expressed in words are attracted into our lives. If a person is constantly upset, always dissatisfied with his life, often complains, etc., these negative emotions begin to materialize after some time, when we no longer expect them or have begun to forget them.

Church water from nightmares

When nightmares torment you, place a container with church water. This reliable protection from bad dreams, and water tends to absorb information, in in this case will absorb some of the negative energy. Don’t forget to throw out the “negative” water in the morning and prepare fresh water at night.

Change the course of the dream scenario

If you are familiar with dream management, then it will be easy for you to deal with a nightmare. When you understand that what frightened you is dangerous, try to change the course of events, remove the frightening appearance of a person or animal, change it.

For example, I dreamed dirty cat pitch-colored when they realized what it was big problems, don’t be afraid that the director will make “amendments” to this script. Try to make friends if the cat is angry and scratches. Then feed him, bathe him in white paint, let him, after bathing, become light with a white chest. You can tie a beautiful bow on the cat’s neck, put it on a dress, let it become tender, soft, etc. This will mean that even in real life you can easily cope with any situation, turn obstacles in your favor, and win when no one expects it from you.

Falling in a dream means danger

If you dreamed of flying into an abyss, this is a sign of trouble or failure. While flying, try to imagine how wings miraculously appear in you, and you no longer fall, but soar like a bird, easily and freely over this canyon, gorge... In real life, you will not only cope with an unpleasant situation or a serious problem, but you will see it on the other hand, help will come to you unexpectedly, like inspiration from heaven.

How to remove a threat in a dream

There is another technique: when you realize that some sign can bring trouble or something frightens you, try to destroy it in any way. Feel it vividly, explode it, let it crumble into small pieces, throw this symbol, beast, etc. into the abyss. Your task is to remove it before you wake up, bring this terrible image to the last frame.

If you dreamed of illness in a dream

If you dream about the illness of your loved ones or your illness, at a moment when you are not yet fully awake, try to vividly feel your relative (yourself) absolutely healthy, happy, and cheerful. Also work with any negative dreams.

It is very important to forget a bad dream

When you wake up, you should not look for any coincidences with the dream, do not allow fear - by doing this you will bring the negative closer, create all the conditions for it to come true. There is no need to remember negativity, it can enter your life. Try to move away and forget about him, as if he never existed.

To fulfill a happy dream, try to remember it more often, in bright details and colors.

No one needs to retell the dream so that they don’t “scare off” luck with their doubts and envy.

In the morning, say: “What I saw in my dream, I took everything for myself.” Mentally imagine an alluring image with all the feelings from the dream, something that you want to experience in the near future. Controversial issue, should it be interpreted or not so that dreams are sure to come true?

Sometimes a wonderful dream that gave us so many pleasant emotions, for example, a long sweet kiss with a loved one, can mean the opposite situations in life. A kiss is usually a dream of scandal and separation. - write it down on paper and make a wish.

If you understand with a sixth sense that it is better not to look for an interpretation of a dream, vivid feelings experienced in a dream, that this could very well happen in your life, listen to yourself. You need to trust yourself more, your intuition, trust your receptivity. You need to think more often and tune yourself only to positive emotions and feelings, and then the troubles themselves will gradually disappear from your life forever.

The world of dreams is full of secrets, but interesting and attractive. Sleep has been studied for many years - this is the science of oneirology. Everyone is capable of dreaming, but not many are able to remember it. Negative dreams they don't always talk about trouble. But suddenly something scared you in a dream, remember my advice, over time, it will become a habit. You will stop being scared and learn to manage dreams: correct and forget bad ones, and believe in happy ones and bring them closer.

Calm and happy dreams!

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