Seeing a big moon in a dream. Noble dream book by N. Grishina. Full moon in a dream Full moon...

Did you happen to see two moons in a dream? This is a very ambiguous symbol. In addition to its direct meaning, it serves as a sign that exactly doubles both good and bad predictions. The dream book will explain without reserve what this strange image is about in dreams.

Miller's statement

Miller's dream book states that if a girl dreams of two moons, then she will exchange a romantic feeling for money and profit.

Joy or sorrow?

The dream book suggests starting with the interpretation of a dream by analyzing its main image. So the night luminary can dream of great joy and an event that will make life more harmonious and more fun.

In addition, the lunar disk, being a completely lifeless satellite, only reflects sunlight. Hence all the negative interpretations. Therefore, two moons signify a luxurious holiday or total misfortune.


Why else do you dream of two moons? The earth's satellite is often identified with everything unknown and endows a person with unique abilities.

In a dream, two months rose at once? This means that you will have to make a fateful choice. Moreover, it will concern both real relationships and spiritual progress.

Who influences you?

Have you ever seen two moons in the sky at night? The dream book reminds that the night guest reflects the feminine principle.

Perhaps two ladies will appear on the horizon at once, who will have approximately the same influence (mother and sister, wife and mistress, etc.).

In a dream, one moon shone in the sky, and the second was reflected in a mirror or in water? Events will turn in a completely unexpected direction.

New religion?

The worst thing is if the star in the sky suddenly splits and breaks up into a couple of separate parts. According to the prophecy of Vanga’s dream book, this is a symbol of the emergence of a new religion that will bring many troubles to humanity.

The appearance of two or more months in a dream also warns that the country will have several practically equal leaders. The same interpretation is true for one family or group of people.


Why do you dream of two full moons with a particularly bloody color? This is a sad harbinger of times in which only Darkness will reign on earth.

In a less global sense, full circles promise in a dream a meeting with a sorcerer of incredible power or a spiritual teacher.

For ordinary people, full luminaries are a sign of material enrichment. Did you dream about the sun and the moon at the same time? Soon you will meet your destiny and find happiness.

Hold on!

Why do you dream of two very bright yellow beauties? The dream book considers this a sign of secret love, which will lead to quarrels in the family.

If you dreamed that two yellow moons rose, then you will not be able to hold your loved one. If the yellow lights in a dream suddenly dimmed or were covered with clouds, then you will lose your happiness, and through your own fault.

What are they doing?

It is very important to take into account the dream behavior of a pair of companions. After all, it is known that in a dream, even unanimated characters are capable of the most incredible things.

Many peoples and dream books consider this night luminary a mystical symbol that controls natural processes and has a great influence on our lives. That is why the appearance of the moon in a dream is interpreted as a kind of warning about impending life changes. Whether they are good or bad will be determined by personal feelings. The interpreter will explain why you dream.

Several moons

If you saw two moons, then this is a hint that you have two goals that you cannot choose between. Moreover, in order to achieve one, you have to sacrifice the second.

Aesop's Dream Book warns that two moons in the sky may indicate loss of love due to greed and prudence. This is especially true for young girls. The interpreter advises showing more tact and respect in relationships.

Did you dream of a story in which there were three night luminaries at once? Modern dream books explain what they saw as a harbinger of uncertainty in a love relationship. Such dreams are often seen by people who are tired of their spouses.

Another option for what many moons dream of is turmoil and confusion in business. Looking at them is a sign of an unexpected joyful event, prosperity and happiness.

Full moon and month

The full moon in a dream symbolizes good changes and the achievement of your goals. If a young month appears in a dream, then the Universal Dream Book warns that the fulfillment of desires is postponed for a while.

If you dream of a mysterious and too big moon, this may mean problems at home or complications on the love front. But the nascent luminary rather warns of a new admirer or success in business.

Seeing a new moon with a moon is a symbol of an emerging feeling. Grishina's dream book also predicts making a profit.

If you dream about a dim month, this speaks of indifference. If a cold light comes from it in a dream, then you are seeking the favor of an insensitive person.

If a huge moon appears in the sky in a dream, then expect problems due to some kind of love affair. The universal dream book is convinced that it can lead to a showdown and quarrels at home. Due to difficulties, you will pay less attention to work.

Dreaming of a waxing moon means acquiring something good, especially when it comes to love. Sometimes a dream means a happy and almost perfect marriage. But the decreasing one can be considered a call for caution.

Dreaming of the reflection of a night luminary in water is considered a sign of knowledge of one’s own soul.

Sun and moon

Seeing the sun and the moon at the same time in a dream is interpreted as a sign of prosperity and wealth.

If they illuminate the body, then you will soon get a good position.

The Wanderer's Dream Book is convinced that dimming stars mean pregnancy. To bow to them with respect in a dream means great happiness.

If it falls in a dream, you know that very soon you will get married. Sometimes this phenomenon symbolizes unexpected and very significant profits.


The dream of an eclipse has many meanings. On the one hand, serious and highly contagious diseases may lie in wait for you, on the other hand, this is a symbol of false values. Often this is success in business, sometimes minor disappointments. To understand why such a plot is dreamed of, you should definitely remember all the details.

Idiomatic dream book

The moon - what symbolizes what you saw

Moon - “Howl at the moon” - greatly yearning, hopelessness; “walking under the moonlight” - a pleasant, exciting time, love. “nothing lasts forever under the sun” - frailty, transience and repetition of the same truths and laws; “sleepwalker”, “moonstone” (symbol of love relationships). The full moon is also associated with the activity of maniacs, crazy people and evil spirits (vampires, werewolves).

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Moon was dreamed

When the Moon appears in a dream, it is always a bad symbol. And that's why. As you know, the Moon is a lifeless and cold planet that does not emit its own light, but reflects someone else’s. The light of the moon is uncertain and flickering. Everything in it appears differently than it really is. From the point of view of a psychologist, if you dream about the moon, this indicates that your life is greatly influenced by the static past, which does not allow the present to develop properly. You are probably clinging too much to past delusions and mistakes, to what has actually already died out and cannot return.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing the Moon in a dream, what does it mean?

If a child dreams of the Moon, it means that something is bothering him. He probably has some troubles and sorrows, the cause of which he himself does not realize. In addition, the Moon in a dream predicts some strange, incomprehensible incidents, dangers or serious life changes. The light of the Moon is incorrect, cold and sad, distorting reality and often frightening with its deathly pallor. When you see the Moon in a dream, you dream about it - this is a sign that you need to understand more thoroughly what is happening, otherwise you can make a lot of mistakes.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Moon?

Moon - The appearance of a full moon in a dream foretells success in love and good luck in business. A new moon means an increase in wealth or a congenial partner in marriage. An unnaturally large moon foretells an unhappy love affair, family troubles and business disappointment. The appearance of a blood-red moon in a dream predicts war and strife. Two moons in the sky are a sign of disappointment in love due to one’s own commercialism.

Seeing the Moon, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Moon - Perhaps in the near future one of your acquaintances, or not so well, will invite you to spend an evening together. It is possible that you will become interested in this person and your relationship will become something more than a brief acquaintance. If in a dream the dark spots of the lunar seas clearly appeared on the Moon, then the meeting will not live up to your expectations. There may be no visible reasons for this, but the feeling that “something is wrong” will not leave you throughout the entire meeting. If the Moon pleases the eye with an even, smooth surface, then this date may well be one of the best memories of your life.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the moon

Moon - Seeing the full moon in a dream means you are subconsciously afraid of your partner’s behavior. His behavior both frightens you and causes unhealthy excitement. Don't play with fire - this person will not bring you happiness. Young moon (month) - you are not the kind of person who achieves your goal using your sexual capabilities. So stop trying to get the “right” person into your bed - they are doomed to failure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does the Moon mean in a dream

The meaning of the dream in which you see the Moon is different, depending on which particular moon you dreamed about. If it was a young new moon, a waxing month, then it often predicts an increase in your income, making big profits from business. The Full Moon, on the contrary, predicts some danger or suggests that serious life changes await you. For a girl or young unmarried woman, seeing the full Moon is often a sign of upcoming matchmaking; someone will propose marriage to you. If you dreamed of the moon’s reflection in a river or sea, this warns you that great forces are involved in your affairs. You can try to use them to your advantage, but be careful not to confront the person.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does the Luminary symbolize in a dream?

Moon – The area of ​​the feminine, maternal, including the unconscious. Opposition to the sun and its reflection, that is, the mirror. Moonlight in darkness often indicates the direction of intuitive knowledge of light in the depths of the unconscious, that is, the discovery of the Sun within oneself. If this intuitive understanding takes place, then it can become the source of all spiritual wisdom; if not, then the symbol indicates wandering in the dark, that is, psychosis. New and full moon. Magic and madness. Moon phases. Menstrual cycle. Change and the cyclical flow of life. Full moon. Pregnancy. In a man's dreams - his Anima. In a woman's dreams - her animus. Death and rebirth. An image of rebirth through a process of transformation. Attempt to reach the Moon. Desire, desire to achieve the impossible. Landscape flooded with moonlight. A refuge where lovers dream before contemplating harsh reality. Female fragility. Weakness and humility.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the moon in a dream?

Moon – The moon in the sky means happy love. success in business, good health of loved ones. A young moon can foretell a journey and a long journey, as well as a happy marriage. Seeing a clear moon in a dream means returning after an absence. Seeing the moon setting is a negative sign. Seeing a red and partial moon in a dream means misfortune, loss of money, a lunar eclipse means success in business. For a man to see the moon is a sign of marriage. For a girl to see the moon in the last quarter - to eternal girlhood; in the first quarter - to matchmaking; For a woman, the full moon means a pleasant surprise. Dreaming about the moon can also mean thoughts, worries about your mother, sister or daughter. If a pregnant woman dreams of the moon, she will have a boy, if she dreams of the sun, she will have a girl, and if she dreams of stars, she will have twins.

The meaning of a dream about a Bright Light (Egyptian Dream Book)

If in a dream a person sees himself looking at the Moon when it shines, this is good - it means that God will be merciful to him. In other words, if you dream of the Moon shining in the sky, illuminating you with its light, it means that Fate will be favorable to you, you will be able to achieve much of what you wish for. Ask and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you. For a sick dreamer, the dream promises recovery, and for a healthy dreamer, success and improvement in his well-being.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Moon from your dream

The Moon in your night dreams is an ambiguous sign. A full, bright Moon often predicts significant changes in your life, but it is also a warning of danger. The Full Moon can symbolize a close woman, such as a mother, sister, daughter, or lover for a man. For a lonely dreamer, she often predicts finding love. If the Moon you dreamed of was hidden by haze or you were watching a lunar eclipse, this usually warns that new love will bring with it a lot of suffering. This is the meaning of the dream you had last night.

Ancient French dream book

Moon - interpretation of a dream

Moon – If you dreamed about the moon, this is a good sign. The dream predicts the health of your loved ones, well-being in the family, happy love. The young moon foretells the successful completion of a difficult task. The crimson moon promises an interesting journey. You saw the moon in a cloud or fog - a dream predicts the illness of someone close to you. If you were going on a trip, it’s better to postpone it. If you dreamed of a full, shining moon, this is a happy prediction.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about the Moon in a dream?

If you saw a new Moon in a dream, a waxing month, it often predicts an increase in your income and receiving big profits from business. The Full Moon, on the contrary, predicts some danger or suggests that serious life changes await you. For a girl or young unmarried woman, seeing the full Moon is often a sign of upcoming matchmaking; someone will propose marriage to you. The Red Moon is considered a bad sign; it predicts significant financial losses or other misfortunes. If you dreamed of the moon’s reflection in a river or sea, this warns you that great forces are involved in your affairs.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about the moon, what does it mean?

The moon has long been considered a female planet, a female symbol. Therefore, when she appears in a dream, it usually symbolizes feminine and maternal emotions and feelings. Seeing a full and clear Moon shining in the sky surrounded by stars turns out to be a good omen, promising you good life circumstances, pleasant events, and often mutual love. But if you dreamed of the Moon hidden behind a haze or a cloud, if the Moon disappears or gets dark - a negative sign, predicting a quarrel with a close woman, illness or even the death of a woman in your family.

The meaning of the dream about the Mysterious Light (the message of the Tarot cards)

Moon - Magical influence.

The meaning of the dream about the Full Moon (Love dream book)

When a person dreams of the full moon at night, this is a good omen, indicating that happy mutual love will soon enter your life. For those who are already married or in an established relationship, to see a dream in which there is a full clear moon is a prediction of good luck and success in business. Seeing a young, waxing Moon for lonely dreamers turns out to be an omen of entering into a wealthy and almost ideal marriage. If in a dream it seemed to you that the Moon was of some unusual color, it means that you need to change your behavior. Try to moderate your ardor and categorical judgments a little, otherwise you will frighten your lover, and he will turn away from you.

The meaning of the dream about the night luminary (Muslim dream book)

Moon - Seeing a month in a dream means a king, or a royal vizier, or a great scientist, or a humble slave, or a deceitful person, or a beautiful woman. If anyone dreams that the trace of the moon fell to the ground, then the people of that land will benefit from the royal vizier. If anyone dreams of a dark month, then some kind of trouble will befall the royal vizier. If someone sees the moon in his bosom (in his arms), then he will get a beautiful wife from a noble family, and if a woman sees that the moon has descended into her bosom, then her husband will achieve a high position. If she does not yet have a husband, then someone in a high position will become her husband.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where Sputnik was dreamed

Moon – At the archetype level, the moon is often associated with the image of a woman. In many rituals and religious movements, the moon is identical to the mother figure. This is true for the literature and beliefs of the peoples of North America, Africa, the East, and for Christianity. A dream with the presence of the moon intuitively suggests that a woman from your close circle is pregnant. The dream about the moon is also associated with the events of the twentieth century. Namely, it is inspired by the desire for space TRAVEL. Such dreams can be generated both by the desire to fly into space, and by the desire for spiritual growth, complete separation from the anxieties and storms of life on EARTH. The moon can be associated with mystery and magic.

The meaning of the dream about the Moon sickle (Vanga’s Dream Book)

Why do you dream about the Moon? – Dreaming about the full moon is a bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows that bad times will soon await the Earth. The forces of Satan will descend on our planet: witches, sorcerers who will seize power and make life throughout the world unbearable. If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster that will claim hundreds of lives. A catastrophe will happen when people notice the bloody moon in the sky, because it will become a sad reminder of the harm they have caused to nature. Dreaming of dark spots on the Moon is a prophecy of great danger that will come to Earth from space. Perhaps the planet is threatened by a huge meteorite. Watching the reflection of the moon in water in a dream means your expectations will be deceived. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity. If you saw moonlight, then such a dream foreshadows an exciting journey to distant lands. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant. Dreaming of a split Moon is a bad omen. The dream prophesies the emergence of a new religion on Earth, which will cause people to renounce the Lord. God will not forgive people for their infidelity, and therefore the world is threatened by war, violence and robbery. Why dream that you are flying to the moon? The dream is a harbinger of space expeditions. In the future, stations will be built on many planets that people can visit. Space expeditions will become very commonplace and simple.

The meaning of the dream about the Heavenly Disc (according to Nostradamus)

Moon - This is a symbol of secret power, silence, surprises. Dreaming of a full moon is a harbinger of the fact that the time will come when black forces will reign on earth: the time of witches and sorcerers. For the dreamer, the dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will have a significant influence on his destiny. To rush to the moon in a dream - the dream speaks of your desire for something new, hitherto unknown. Perhaps the dream prophesies that in the not too distant future, space will be so developed that space expeditions to the moon will become frequent and accessible to everyone living on earth. Seeing the moon colored bright red or purple is a warning. Environmental disasters and wars are possible. Dark spots on the moon are a warning and can also mean a change in power. You will see moonlight - it means that in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle that will be difficult to eliminate. Seeing the reflection of the moon in water or a mirror in a dream means an unexpected turn of events. Dreaming of a split moon means experiencing mental fatigue and difficulties in choosing your life path. If you perform a ritual of worshiping the moon goddess, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

Esoteric dream book

Moon in night dreams

If you see the Moon in a dream, this characterizes you as an overly dreamy person. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with dreaming. But the key word here is excessively. You are wasting your time on completely unrealistic dreams, living in a phantom world, daydreaming. If you dream about the Moon, it seems that real life does not attract you at all or seems overly rough and cruel to you. Meanwhile, day after day, it passes by your attention. This is what the dream that I had in my sleep tonight speaks about.

The meaning of the dream about Moonlight (Persian dream book of Khuybashi Taflisi)

Moon - Seeing the moon or a month in a dream is a harbinger that you may meet in reality the ruler of a country or a great scientist; sometimes such a dream predicts a meeting with a deceitful person or an unfamiliar beautiful woman. When in a dream you saw the month dark, then you know: some kind of trouble will befall the ruler of the country. If a man dreamed of a moon falling onto your womb (or you held him in your arms), then he will get a beautiful wife from a noble family. If a woman has a dream, then her husband will reach a high position. If she does not yet have a husband, then someone in a high position will soon become her husband.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about the moon in a dream?

To correctly understand the dream in which you saw the Moon, you need to remember exactly what it was like. If you saw the full moon, this predicts a new love interest for you. If the Moon was near the Sun, for a man the dream promises a quick acquaintance with a pretty girl. Full and clear Moon - expect some happy events in your life, and if you dreamed that the Moon was covered by clouds - to a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing the Moon falling from the sky means you will be lucky, a happy occasion awaits you, which will help you achieve success. If you dream of the Moon in the last quarter, it is a sad warning about the infidelity of your significant other. The waxing moon predicts the death of an outstanding dignitary. Seeing a sleepwalker walking is a sign of family trouble.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

The moon as an image in a dream

To correctly understand the dream in which you saw the Moon, you need to remember exactly what it was like. If you saw the full moon, this predicts a new love interest for you. If the Moon was near the Sun, for a man the dream promises a quick acquaintance with a pretty girl. Full and clear Moon - expect some happy events in your life, and if you dreamed that the Moon was covered by clouds - to a quarrel with your loved one. Seeing the Moon falling from the sky means you will be lucky, a happy occasion awaits you, which will help you achieve success. If you dream of the Moon in the last quarter, it is a sad warning about the infidelity of your significant other. The waxing moon predicts the death of an outstanding dignitary.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen the Moon

In a dream you see a red and incomplete Moon - this predicts loss of money and other possible misfortunes. For a girl to see a dream in which the Moon waning in the last quarter is a sign of eternal virginity; on the contrary, if she sees the Moon in the first quarter, it means quick matchmaking. If the dreamer is an adult woman, and she sees a full clear moon in a dream, this is a good sign, promising. That in the coming days some unexpected, but very pleasant event for her, will happen.

The meaning of the dream about the Face of the Moon (Lunar Dream Book)

When a girl or unmarried young woman dreams of a bright moon, this predicts her imminent matchmaking. If you dream about the Moon, it means that very soon someone will propose marriage to you. But if a married woman or man sees the Moon in a dream, this predicts some pleasant surprise for them. Seeing the moon hiding behind the clouds means quarrels and arguments with a loved one. When you dream of a red flawed Moon, it predicts the loss of money or some other very unpleasant events for you.

The meaning of the dream about Figures on the Moon (the message of the Tarot cards)

Moon, Scorpio on it - Deals with conscience are inappropriate, unacceptable, dangerous

Seeing the Moon - Seeing in a dream in all its splendor means happy love, the health of your wife and the acquisition of wealth; seeing the new moon foreshadows the road; to notice damage to the moon means the death of a boss or some nobleman; Seeing the dark moon foreshadows the death or illness of a wife, mother, sister, daughter, loss of money, death on the road, headache or eye disease; Seeing the dark moon brightening up for a woman portends profit, and for a man an increase in rank and respect; seeing the full moon for women foretells good fame and public respect; foretells punishment worthy of them for thieves and murderers, death for the sick, and shipwreck for sailors; to see a dazzling white moon for a girl and a widow foretells an early marriage, and for a woman the birth of a beautiful daughter; for a single person it marks a virtuous bride, and for a married person the birth of a son; goldsmiths, jewelers, bankers and merchants happy production of their ordinary occupations; seeing two moons means an undoubted significant increase in wealth.

Sleepwalker - Being one is a nuisance.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Moon in a dream?

Sleepwalker - If in a dream you see yourself as a sleepwalker, in life you will involuntarily agree to some kind of agreement that will bring you a lot of worries or end in failure.

Moon – Seeing the full moon in a dream portends success in love and good luck in business. A mysterious and supernaturally large moon signifies an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and business disappointments. A lunar eclipse foretells an epidemic of a contagious disease that will affect your environment. Seeing a young moon means increasing the well-being of a congenial partner in marriage in the future. If a young woman sees that she is turning to the moon to find out her fate, this foreshadows her long-awaited gift of fate: marriage with a worthy chosen one. If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism. If she sees that the moon is clouding, it means that at the highest moment of her happiness she will show a lack of feminine tact.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with the Moon, taking into account your date of birth?

In spring, what does the moon dream about - a party.

In the summer, what does the full moon mean in a dream - to grab luck by the tail.

In the fall, why dream of seeing a flawed moon - a loss of strength.

In winter, why dream of a blood-red moon - it foretells war and strife.

For some, dreams are “tricks” of the human subconscious, while others believe that they are given to people to foresee future events that can either be changed or prevented. To do this, it is enough to correctly decipher the meaning of the dream, which is often not at all easy. There are too many symbols in human night visions: in different cultures, these signs can carry a completely opposite message. For example, when you dream of the moon, Vanga’s dream book gives one interpretation of this vision, but among the peoples of North America or Africa, the image of the night luminary has a completely different meaning.

Mythology of peoples

The most ancient mention of the Moon as a luminary is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, written many centuries ago. In those distant times, the bright cosmic body was for many peoples of the world not only a time meter, but also a Goddess who gave people light in the darkness. The lunar cult from ancient times has remained in many modern religions. For example, it is by the earth’s satellite that the time of Christian Easter is determined. The lunar goddess was called by different names among the peoples of antiquity: among the Greeks it was Selene, among the Babylonians - Astarte, among the ancient Romans - Diana.

It was believed that it was the Moon that patronized animals and was responsible for fertility, separating light from darkness. Perhaps this is why the moon interprets this symbol differently? Some oracles associate it with dark forces and sorcerers, while others associate it with fertility, personifying pregnancy or abundance. Dreams are so symbolic that when explaining each one, one should look for the hidden meaning even in the smallest detail. Thus, the interpretation can vary significantly depending on the components of the vision: where the luminary was located in the dream, what color and size it was, what it illuminated, and so on.

When searching for the answer to a dream, do not forget that in the moonlight everything looks different, so the meanings can have a double meaning. undeniable, therefore it should be taken into account that it is the subconscious that influences the content of the dream. For an answer, you should turn to him first, and then to dream books.

The meaning of the big and full moon

Different nations have their own legends associated with the full moon. In some of them, a person is transformed into a werewolf: a wolf, bear, fox, lynx or other predator. Many calendars at different times and in countries completely different in cultural and geographical aspects were or remain associated with the phases of the Moon. From the point of view of dream interpreters, each lunar phase means something. If we turn to the classics, the book by psychologist Miller entitled “Dream Book” enjoys the greatest authority. For him, the full moon is associated with success both in love and in finance. This is most likely due to the fact that the completed form of a satellite on a full moon is associated in the subconscious with replenishment. Therefore, such an allegory has spread to the monetary and love spheres.

If you compare another dream book, the full moon in it means the arrival of dark forces on Earth. This is what Nostradamus and Vanga believed in the first place. Their interpretation is rooted in the belief that the full moon brings out the worst in a person. After all, in ancient times they believed: when there was a round light in the sky, like a ball, you could turn into a werewolf. Ancient cults based on the full moon and human sacrifices were transformed into occultism and Satanism with the advent of Christianity. These beliefs may be in the subconscious of people whose past incarnations took part in similar rituals. Parapsychologists explain it this way, therefore, when you dream of the moon, the dream book can provide information that the subconscious cannot explain.

You should listen to the sensations that appeared during sleep. If you liked what you saw, then you can expect a turn of events for the better and not pick up the dream book. A large moon that causes fear or anxiety requires an explanation. First of all, think about what events or people cause similar feelings in you. Compare the information received with that given by the interpreters.

Two moons

For people who poorly understand the nature of dreams, events that occurred during a dream on a moonlit night can cause anxiety, even if they didn’t dream anything terrible. This is due to a subconscious fear of the dark or children’s “horror stories” with which parents scare their children who do not want to go to bed. But if you dream of something extraordinary, which cannot happen in reality, something that was not “feared” in childhood, only a dream book can give the answer. Two moons in the sky belong to this category of dreams. Although this vision is explained in different ways, interpreters agree on one thing - the imagined picture speaks of duality.

Most often, several moons seen in a dream mean the number of goals, and the subconscious mind seems to warn: if you chase two birds with one stone, you may not catch a single one. As the dream book explains, an unmarried girl dreams of a double moon as a warning: a young lady may lose her love due to greed or prudence.

For a merchant, a dream with two moons speaks of the duality of the upcoming transaction and the fact that it may have a dubious secret side. For example, according to the Italian psychologist Antonio Meneghetti, who compiled a modern dream book, the moon is a negative image of the past that does not allow a person to develop and create his own future. For practitioners, a patient's vision of a double moon can symbolize the duality of not only his consciousness, but also his personality. Thus, all interpreters agree that 2 moons are a warning dream that should definitely be heeded.

Waxing and waning moon

In many ancient world cultures and religions, the state of the luminary in the sky played a major role. On the waxing moon it was possible to sow and harvest crops, while the waning celestial body was associated with losses and damages. Even in our time, there is a lunar calendar for gardeners, and also for cutting hair. Focusing on the shape of the luminary, it is recommended that those who want to increase their income or get a more profitable position act.

Even in ancient times, shamans and priests noted what changes in society as a whole or in specific people were caused by the phases of the Moon. These observations did not go unnoticed by fortune tellers and dream interpreters. For example, as the English dream book explains, the moon growing in a dream favors businessmen, lovers and grain growers. It portends profit, a big harvest or a new feeling.

In Miller's dream book, a new or waxing moon means either an increase in well-being or a profitable new business. When you dream of a waning celestial body, the dream book recommends not starting new things, but letting old ones take their course. Sometimes such a moon warns of a possible threat of robbery, and for the sick it foreshadows deterioration in health or even death. For married women, if they dream of a waning moon, the dream book warns of a possible betrayal of their husband or an upcoming divorce.

Psychologists recommend taking dreams about a waning star seriously, since the subconscious, showing concern for its owner, often sends a similar warning about impending danger or ruin. Thus, from ancient times to the present day, the relationship between human behavior and lunar phases has been preserved, not only in dreams, but also in reality.

Moon and sun in a dream

This happens in real life too. The simultaneous presence of the Moon and the Sun in the sky can often be observed during the full moon, since it is during this period that the rising of one luminary coincides with the setting of the other. This natural phenomenon is not something exceptional in reality. But the dream book interprets it in a special way. The moon and the sun, simultaneously seen in a dream, have a huge impact on a person’s real life. For example, for lonely hearts, such dreams foreshadow a meeting with their other half.

In many world cultures there was a division between the cult of the Sun and the Moon. The daylight symbolized male power, fertilization and the rebirth of all things under its rays. For example, for the Egyptians the Sun meant life and light. According to them, it divided the year into 4 seasons and 12 months. Philosophy was built on the unity of three worlds: spiritual, generating causes (Sun); material, cognizing consequences (Moon); intellectual, giving the mind meditation and reflection (stars).

That is why many dream interpreters and psychologists interpret dreams in which the sun is in the sky at the same time as the moon as harmony or disharmony in consciousness. As the dream book explains, the moon is large and the sun is small in a dream, indicating that the sleeper has dark aspirations that can harm him or his loved ones. When both luminaries are equal in size and radiance, this means a harmonious life or a solution in reality to all existing problems.

Defective Moon

This is another famous lunar phase. A detrimental moon is popularly called a night luminary that is declining. According to ancient belief, the cosmic body has 2 stages:

  • The first two weeks are the so-called aging of the Moon. During this period, it is recommended to finish what you started and not start new things, as a person’s energy declines.
  • Second stage. It is given to people to comprehend the events that exist in their lives and search for what can radically change it for the better.

Since the period from the full moon to the complete disappearance of the moon, dramatic changes occur in a person’s energy and emotional field, this could not but affect dreams. Even in ancient times, people noticed that all the plans begun during the period of the flawed Moon were either not implemented or were not implemented at all the way they wanted. When a child was born during this period, the parents gave him a name representing strength, success or victory in order to compensate for the weak energy of the newborn with his powerful waves.

What does the dream book tell us? The moon in the sky, declining in a dream, shows the state of affairs or the health of the sleeper. The subconscious seems to be telling its owner that he should save energy, not waste it on unnecessary people, or not start new relationships or affairs. Thus, it protects a person from loss of strength.

Another process that the dream book draws attention to is that the huge Moon in a dream begins to quickly decrease. The subconscious mind indicates that big plans may not come true, since past actions or unfinished business do not let go of a person. After such a dream, you should carefully review the list of your past actions and rethink your relationships with people around you.

Moon eclipse

For ancient people it had the same mystical meaning as the sun. It is not for nothing that a child born during this natural phenomenon was considered the chosen one. People believed that an extraordinary fate awaited him. In many ancient religions, the eclipse of the Moon was associated with the struggle of the heavenly light of love with the insidious demons of the Night.

If during an eclipse the luminary was blood-red, then the priests believed that there would be a battle or in some other way human blood would be shed en masse. As the dream book usually explains, the moon even in a state of eclipse speaks of a difficult period in a person’s life. Perhaps you should stop and think about your purpose, understand yourself.

During the hours of a lunar eclipse, as people once believed, even terrible werewolves lose their strength as much as they gain it during the full moon. According to many psychologists, a dream about a lunar eclipse indicates a person’s need for spiritual cleansing and transformation of consciousness.

Another variation of a similar dream, which is interpreted by the dream book, is that the moon is full, large, suddenly darkens, and then clears again. He says that a transformation is already taking place in a person, which can lead to enlightenment. If the luminary remains black, then a person can be swallowed up by darkness. Modern psychology perceives dreams of a lunar eclipse as a borderline state of consciousness, which does not at all contradict the ancient people’s belief in a bad omen during these phenomena.

Fire Moon

The cult of fire in almost all world cultures was equated with the hypostasis of God on earth. The flame warmed people during the cold season, fed them, and helped protect them from wild animals. But it also killed, left people homeless and without supplies. Fire was a symbol of purification, which in ancient cultures was associated with, and in the Middle Ages, with the liberation of the soul in the flame of a fire. Fire was considered a mediator between gods and people, so any manifestation of it in a human dream has great semantic significance. For example, if you dream of a fiery moon, the dream book may interpret this as the rebirth of one of the areas in a person’s life or his complete transformation.

According to Miller, the fiery color of the moon warns the sleeper about losing money. In Vanga’s interpretations, such a dream foreshadows an environmental catastrophe in which many living things on the planet will die. Sometimes in a dream the moon, engulfed in fire or having the color of flame, becomes an omen of the death of a loved one from an accident. In some cultures, such a dream was perceived as a sign of purification and rebirth, when everything bad or unnecessary went away, allowing changes into life. Psychologists recommend that after such a “vivid” dream, listen to your feelings: whether the vision was ominous or breathtakingly beautiful. Based on the emotional perception of the dream, its meaning can be explained.

Bright moon

Such dreams also often visit a person. As the dream book usually interprets, a bright moon in a dream means qualitative changes in life. This is due to the fact that even in ancient times, during the bright radiance of the luminary, people felt a surge of strength on the physical level and faith in the fulfillment of dreams on the spiritual level. If such a moon illuminates the road in a dream and one manages to walk along it, then a person will reach new heights in business, career or love easily, without encountering obstacles along the way.

The priests believed that on the days of the full moon the luminary was freed from the “guardianship” of the Sun, so on these nights they called on the ancestors. They believed: the bright Moon, like a beacon, illuminates the path for souls to earth. Often the interpretation of a dream suggests that one should honor the memory of deceased relatives by going to church or a cemetery.

If you see the reflection of a bright moon in a dream, then this dream is given by the subconscious so that a person pays attention to his spiritual growth and emotional state. If the reflection of the moon is clear, then everything is in order; when it is blurry and unclear, it is better to find out the cause of your mental discomfort.

Often interpreters associate a bright moon in a dream with the feminine principle. If a pregnant young lady dreams of her, then you can expect that a beautiful girl will be born. For a man, such a dream speaks of a beauty’s love for him. If the moon is bright and eclipses it, it means that love for a woman will completely take over his consciousness.

Fall of the Moon

Any dreams about destruction or cataclysms warn that global changes in life will soon await a person. So big that not only will the place of residence or work change, but also the habits and lifestyle will completely change. When you dream that the moon exploded and falls to the ground, you should remember how the night vision ends. In any scary or tragic dream, the important part is the end of the disaster, and not its course.

The dramatic interpretation of a dream about the destruction of the moon on a subconscious level is associated with the ancient belief that evil can absorb the night star and there will be complete darkness, during which people will be tortured by demons before sunrise. Psychologists believe that the cause of such dreams may be anxiety about changes in life for the worse. For example, when a person is worried about upcoming layoffs at work, knowing that he is completely dependent on the salary he receives.

After such a dream, there are several things to figure out. Firstly, what exactly causes subconscious fear. Secondly, you need to figure out on a conscious level what terrible things will happen if this anxiety becomes a reality. Thirdly, think about how life will change after the disaster. The answers to these questions are in the subconscious, and the dream was given so that the person would finally ask himself them.

After the content of the dream about the moon has been verified with the dream book, you should turn to the best specialist in dreams - your subconscious. Since it sends them to its owner, it means it knows what they mean.