The true story of the origin of the character "Jeff the Killer". Jeff the Killer (story based on real events)

So, anyone who knows about “Creepypasta” has certainly heard the American name Jeff with the addition of Killer more than once for at least two days. This character has become too popular lately, but all these “Jeff” fans don’t know about his appearance at all, and most only know the story where the little guy was attacked by hooligans, and he went crazy. But unfortunately, if you want to know the real story of its appearance and are afraid to suffer from terrible punctuation, then read this text with pleasure. Are you here now? Then let's begin. It all started back in 2008, when a user with the nickname "Sesseur" uploaded his first video in which he told the story of two brothers - Jefa and Lew. There he showed a photo of little Jeff parodying his brother, and a photo of Lew already an adult, at the time of the story Jeff is 23 and Lew is 25, Lew is a very successful salesman and also a womanizer, and as the author himself says, “When you meet him and talk to him at least 20 minutes you will definitely understand that he is a very good guy,” we are also told how Jeff once slipped on the soap and extended the bleach onto himself and burned. And then he escaped from the hospital and began making attempts on people’s lives. It also shows a photo of a spider in the corner that Liu took. A truck with the sign "Free Candy" is also shown, which Jeff uses to lure the children. In short, here's a video, watch for yourself -
This is the whole story of the origin of the STORY about Jeff, but where does that terrible picture come from? The author of the story himself told about this, this is a photo of a man in a latex mask, which was photoshopped by an unknown person and found by the author on the Internet.
Here are some more facts about Jeff from the creator himself:
Jeff's younger brother.
All other stories except this one are non-canonical.
Jeff has no nose, only two holes left of it.
Jeff is not crazy, he just decided that with such a face, ordinary life is of no use to him.
Jeff shouldn't be a creepy hero.
Things went very well for Jeff's family after he escaped from the hospital, especially for Lew.
Jeff doesn't have a sweatshirt.
Jeff and Liu don't celebrate birthdays, they have a small circle of friends with whom they communicate.
Jeff didn't make himself this way.
This information is taken from correspondence between the creator of "Jeff" and a fan of this story on YouTube, which I found in the comments under that video.
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Have you read comics about a strange teenager who kills everyone? Stories about Jeff the Killer excite many people living in the open spaces of the city. The fact is that it turns out that this is not an invented, but a very real “hero”, from whom you cannot protect yourself from meeting if you make an irreparable mistake. Yes, in order.

Jeff the Killer Story

It is reliably known that he was an ordinary boy, who turned thirteen years old in 2008. Only he had an “extraordinary” accompaniment. There was a demon nearby, just waiting for the right moment to take possession of the teenager’s soul and body. The moment has arrived. A fight ensued, during which the demon pushed Jeff to lose his temper. He committed his first murder and lost consciousness.

It was no longer Jeff Woods who came to his senses, but Jeff the Killer. The demon carried out his terrible plan and took possession of the teenager’s personality. The whole world has become different. Evil lights flashed more and more often in the boy’s eyes. He wanted blood. At the same time, it cannot be said that the features of an ordinary boy completely dissolved into a demonic essence. No, he still loved his mother. But nothing helped. She suffered from his unusual appearance. And there was a reason.

Jeff looks like a Guimplen vampire. Pale skin, huge eyes surrounded by scorched eyelids, a cut of a bloody smile (he cut the skin to make his lips smile). Mom cried constantly, and he decided that no one loved him, so he dealt with all his relatives. Now he lives in the urban jungle, killing and torturing those who are careless enough to call him.

Is it possible to call Jeff the Killer?

If you're not scared, then it's worth a try. The killer does not come to everyone, but the one who saw him remains silent, since he has either already died or has become his assistant in a terrible business. No one has ever said that you can escape from the clutches of a killer without loss. Preparations for the ritual must be taken seriously.

Sources say that you need to prepare five pieces of paper. But no one says exactly what to write on them. If you post the phrase “I don’t want to sleep,” nothing will come of it. Jeff needs to be touched before he decides to show up. To do this, on the prepared sheets you need to write the following words:

Not afraid!

On the fifth one you need to draw your image. These leaflets, as with , after midnight you need to stick them with chewing gum on the five floors of your entrance. The top one should have a self-portrait. There you need to draw his scary smile with red lipstick. Now go home, wait an hour.

Ritual to summon Jeff the Killer

It's time to go meet the city ghost, if it exists. Go up the stairs, removing sheets of paper with inscriptions from the wall. In this case, you must say to yourself (or out loud):

“Jeff is his brother's killer! A terrible retribution awaits you!”

The same goes for mother and father. When you go up to the top floor, look carefully at the drawing. If you manage to hit Jeff, there will be a blood-red mark on him. You will smell rot in the air. Quickly erase your lipstick smile!

Precautions during a call

Keep in mind that before you have time to clear the trail, you will run into Jeff the killer in all his glory! We must act at the speed of sound! If you catch movement or a hint of steps, run! There's no need to hide. On the contrary, you need to move to where there are a lot of people: in the subway, in a store or somewhere else. He doesn't like crowded places, you'll be safe there. To prevent him from ambushing you and remembering where you live, you should wander around the city, sticking up houses and benches. You remember that this particular material was used instead of glue. Jeff is guided by them. He smells saliva like an animal!

If you cannot confuse the demon, he will definitely figure you out. It costs him nothing to go into the apartment and deal with his relatives. And then there will be hell! He will want to “play” with you. And this demon’s entertainment in human form is very scary. He can force you to kill those who still want to compete with him in dexterity and cunning.

We all (including the author) love Jeff. Of course, his story is a terrible tragedy, fans are convinced of his existence and long to meet him, but... What is Jeff really like? Why didn't the creator bother to think a little about whether this was possible? Source:

Hello, fans of the "creepypasta" fandom. You all know and love Jeff the Killer, of course, unless your name is Jane Arkensaw. The story of this character is well-read, fans can retell it by heart, reading it with expression in different voices. Many people want to meet Jeff in real life, make friends with him and go into the sunset, someone calls him at night in the entrance, posting notes on the walls (and this is already a plagiarism of Slenderman). On VKontakte, on deviantart and other resources you can find a huge amount of art of various styles, starting with \"my three-year-old sister draws better\" and ending with \"I'm a specialist in portraits\". In most cases, our favorite psycho is portrayed as a kind of prince with perfect white skin, lush black hair and a sweet smile, which is complemented by a sloppy laceration. In fan fiction, almost ninety-nine percent of the time, he is a typical sweet anime boy. Of course, the creator of this wonderful character is just great, we are all grateful to him, but! A huge, huge BUT with a billion exclamation marks! Why didn't he bother to think if this was possible? And the most interesting thing is that among the fans no one thinks about it either! So now we will sort out all the doubtful points. For this purpose, the author even conducted several simple experiments and consulted with a surgeon she knew.

As mentioned earlier, everyone knows the story, but for those who live in a welded tank at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, I’ll briefly remind you: Jeff’s family moved to a new house, and his mother immediately accepted the neighbor’s invitation to her son. Jeff begins to have a strange feeling. The next day, he and his brother were supposed to go to school by bus, but local minors "sharp little chavs" demanded a tax. Jeff beats them, the brothers run away from the crime scene. In the evening the police arrive, Jeff confesses, but Lew (brother, if anyone doesn’t know) manages to shield the younger one and they take him away. On Sunday, the family goes to a holiday, Jeff is again attacked by those gopniks and breaks a bottle of vodka on his head. The guy's psyche breaks down and he kills the punks. One of the attackers throws a lighter at the enemy before dying. Jeff wakes up in the hospital, his face is white, his lips are burned, his roof has collapsed. And at home he cuts his mouth, burns (more accurate translation) his eyelids and kills the whole family. I won’t say anything about Lew’s death, I don’t want to start an already inflated argument on the topic “alive or dead”? He's like Schrödinger's cat, if you read the fan fiction, although I firmly believe that he is still alive...

So what do we have? First, Jeff was burned to death, doused in alcohol and covered in bleach powder. Thermal and chemical burns of the third, or rather even fourth degree. This is exactly what had to happen, given the fact that our beloved character was burning for about a few minutes while he ran out of the bathroom, rolled down the stairs and lost consciousness. Well, two minutes definitely had to pass, about forty seconds just to fall (the author knows, he often twists his legs on stairs). With this, the subcutaneous fatty tissue usually also lights up. Let's add to this the amplification effect - Jeff ran and flew down the stairs, which created an influx of air, the flame, by all laws, should flare up stronger. If there were no chemical, but only alcohol, then nothing would have happened at all - a well-known trick of magicians when a palm doused in alcohol is set on fire, but the skin does not burn. The clothes could have caught fire, but this is unlikely, meaning the bleach played a role here.
In the art, Jeff is all white, like a sheet of paper. Now let's think logically. A bottle of vodka was broken on the guy’s head (in general, the story should end with a concussion), therefore half of the liquid scattered to the sides along with the fragments. I checked by filling a bottle with water and breaking it on a piece of concrete sticking out of the ground (you won’t find anything like that in abandoned buildings). The concrete turned out to be about a quarter wet, and this piece was shorter than average human height. The future killer was doused with alcohol up to a maximum of the middle of the chest, plus his arms to the elbows, and not his entire body. This is simply physically impossible!
I have already mentioned third- and fourth-degree burns. The guy would have died immediately, given that a child’s body, which has not yet fully formed, is less resilient than an adult. Jeff was thirteen years old; boys only begin to develop into adults at that age!
Skin graft surgery - here the rehabilitation periods are met, and even exaggerated. The author stretched one week into three, but the patient was admitted to the clinic in critical condition, so such a delay is quite logical. But again, lack of knowledge let us down: if one’s own skin is transplanted, no reactions usually occur. Someone else's? Why someone else's? We have already figured out that everyone’s favorite killer burned only to the middle of his chest. In such cases, they transplant their own skin, but from the thigh. Moreover, there is no question of the rough stitches that Jeffrey allegedly felt all over his body. And there is not a single reaction of the body that would give white skin color. Often, if the skin becomes a different color, it is yellowish-brown.
"The alcohol burned and burned his skin, and the bleach whitened it." Fans, agree on one thing already! The story has been translated a hundred times, sometimes about skin transplants, sometimes not. If the integument of the body was transplanted, then Jeff could not be white! And about the above quote... Well, do you believe it yourself? I finally bought bleach powder, stole alcohol from the medicine cabinet, diluted it with a little water (vodka is forty degrees, and pure alcohol is ninety-six) and sacrificed a small, small area of ​​skin on my wrist. Yes, I'm so crazy, I crave experiments for the sake of truth! Basically, I poured alcohol on it, sprinkled it with bleach, and set it on fire. I swore at myself for half an hour and only received a second-degree burn, with a blister. Mom had to tell me that she burned herself on the iron. Yes, the time was not observed, I only held it for a couple of seconds, and then put my hand under the water, but still... For several days now I have been regularly applying ointment for burns, the blister has subsided, the redness is going away. Not a hint of white, I want to note.
In different translations of creepypasta you can find an option where the skin was not transplanted. After such an extensive burn, large scars would remain, I personally saw it on patients in the burn department. So you shouldn’t portray the Under-Joker (hello from Jane) as a young man with perfect smooth skin. In the case of this translation option for the phrase “I felt as if he had touched a leather bag,” I don’t. In the second case (with a transplant), this cannot happen.
\"He hit himself in the face, but did not feel any pain. The skin has lost sensitivity." This suggests that the nerves were damaged, but then Jeff would not be able to speak clearly, but in the story he laughs and speaks clearly! This means that the nerves are fine and he feels pain.

Phew, we're done with the skin. What is our second point? Hair. \"His hair turned from light brown to black, brown in places.\" Oh my God, what was the author smoking? I will not describe a brief research paper here, as with the previous point. Cut off a couple of hairs from yourself and bring it to a lit lighter, hold it for a couple of seconds, and then move it to the side. What's left in your hand? The same hair, absolutely intact, but black? No, they just melted. Eighteen to forty percent of hair consists of water, which immediately evaporates, so it shrinks in fire. The rest is pure organic matter that burns to ash in an instant. Did you get the hint? Where does the lush black mane come from if he has to go bald?

Eyes. Half of the fans are sure that Jeff's eyes have lost color, turning from bright blue to faded gray. This does not happen with burns of the eye. Porcelain white only. But, again, we turn on logic. You are burning, your eyes are burning. Will you stand there without blinking? Of course not! Close your eyes and thereby save your eyes! I often feel like killing myself with facepalms while reading fan stories and comments.

Lips... Yes, theoretically they could become redder, but not scarlet! The skin there is thin and recovers quickly. So don't act like the guy stole mom's lipstick.

And we got to the most interesting part (well, finally)! Transformation of the cute Jeffrey Woods into the formidable Jeff the Killer. I just want to say: “Smile, a bird is about to fly out!” Jeff cut his cheeks. Firstly, do you know how to distinguish cut wounds from lacerations? Open any search engine, find pictures and look! Why do you think Jeff's wounds have sloppy, jagged edges if they're cut! These are straight, even lines! There is another option - Jeff did not cut all the way through the cheeks, but only slightly cut the skin. You don't lose the ability to express emotions if you scratch your cheek.
Why didn't the diction suffer? He has cut almost all the facial muscles, and at the same time he moves his jaw? There is no need to start holivars on the topic “it’s just cheeks”! Type everything in the same search engine \"facial muscles\" and look at the pictures. Mentally draw lines of incisions from the corners of the lips, which will be shaped like a smile, and you will see for yourself that almost everything has been cut, except for the eyelids and brow ridges. This means that the poor teenager's mouth won't shut. Try talking without clenching your teeth. How much will others understand from your speech, huh? That's it! So what kind of broom does Jeff still have the diction of a seasoned orator?
Eyelids... How many times have disputes arisen among glorious creepypasta fans over this issue! Burnt or lightly burned? Lightly burned your mother! Learn English! In this case, as one author wrote, the eyelids would actually fold into a tight accordion, but it would be impossible to blink; blackening indicates that the muscle has burned out, these are dead areas. Stand in front of the mirror and try not to blink as long as possible. Gradually the eyes begin to water. Now imagine how a person who cannot blink will live. Constant uncontrollable lacrimation.
In terms of the number of battles, the eyelids were defeated only by the nose. Why does everyone think that Jeff doesn't have a nose? Was he a boy with no nose? No, he was a normal child! As the author of the article, to whom I already referred in the paragraph above, said, he was not cut off! Fan canon states that Jeff's nose was smashed into his jaw by blows from Keith, Randy, and Troy. Lord, my friend’s father is a boxer, a master of sports. He regularly gets punched in the nose during training by healthy, powerful men, and something about this part of his face is on him. And for some reason Jeff lost his nose from blows much weaker than those of professional teenage athletes.

Bottom line: if we assume that Jeff’s head is empty and the blow from the bottle didn’t even knock him out, and then he somehow survived after receiving injuries from which normal children die, then we will get something that is very, very different from the usual image this character.
The upper part of the body is slightly darker than the lower part and is all covered with scars, the skull is bald, the eyes are of normal color with black remnants of burnt eyelids, and tears flow constantly. The mouth does not close, speech is inarticulate, most resembles a moo. The cheeks are cut in straight lines. Agree, you can’t make a cute little anime boy out of this monster. And I’ll just tell you one last thing - look for more information when writing fanfiction/creating a character, make everything more realistic! We now understand that Jeff, by the mere fact of his existence, blows to hell a good half of modern knowledge about the structure of the human body, as well as about medicine. And don’t think, I don’t encourage anyone to do anything! It's your right to make the character the way you see it.

Jeff the Killer is a popular creepypasta character. Stories about this character are very popular in America. Many people are interested in whether Jeff the Killer really exists, and they even conduct research to make sure. Distinctive features in appearance include scary eyes, lack of a nose and a wide smile.

Does Jeff the Killer exist in real life?

To understand whether this is a fiction or a lie, let’s first look at the history of its appearance. According to the existing legend, Jeff was born into a prosperous family, and everything would have been fine, but behind the boy there lived a demon who was waiting for a good opportunity to take possession of him. At the age of 13, in one fight, Jeff had his face doused with alcohol and then set on fire. Looking at himself in the mirror, he went crazy and used a knife to cut his mouth almost to the ears so that it seemed that he was always smiling. The once gentle and joyful boy became angry and aggressive. From that moment Jeff took possession and he began to kill. At first it was the offenders, and then relatives. Evidence that Jeff the Killer exists regularly appears on the Internet along with descriptions of his bloody massacres. What’s interesting is that there is actually a similar story about a boy, but there are no facts about his bloody adventures.

To make sure whether Jeff the Killer exists or not, you can perform a special ritual. To do this, you need to take lipstick, a rag, a knife, four sheets of paper, a marker and tape. At night, when everyone is asleep, you need to go out into the entrance. On the wall of the fifth floor you should write “Go to sleep” in lipstick. You need to draw a wide smile above the inscription. After this, a sheet is glued on the first floor, on which write “I” with a marker, on the next floor - a sheet with the inscription “Not”, on the third - “I want” and on the fourth - “Sleep”. Then you need to go home and wait about an hour. During this time you can do whatever you want. After the time has passed, you should go to the entrance and see what has changed. Evidence that Jeff the Killer exists can be seen by checking the leaflets posted on the floors. If he gets in touch, the sheets may be overhanging or wrinkled, and another obvious sign is the smell of rot. Having noticed all these facts, you need to run to the fifth floor as quickly as possible, wrap the knife in a rag and erase the phrase and smile written in lipstick. These actions will help drive out Jeff the Killer. If nothing has changed, it means that he considered that you are not worthy of a meeting.

I hope everyone knows the famous creepypasta hero Jeff the Killer, or more precisely Jeff the Killer. The story was taken from real events and the author of this story is me! Well, let's get to the story.

I was a little girl, well, an ordinary one, I was 10 years old, I knew who Jeff the killer was, I read a lot of stories about him, at first I was afraid, especially at night, I sleep alone! And it happens that parents are not home until 3 o’clock. Then after a few days I stopped being afraid of him, he seemed like a sweetheart to me. Now I have grown up, I am 20 years old and since childhood I have wanted to fly to America!

And so I turned 20 years old and I flew there, in fact, I flew not to live there or relax, but to Jeff’s house itself!
I thought that this was not true, and so I arrived, I left and went to look for a house. There were few people there, and then his house caught my eye, I saw his house in the photographs and it looked exactly like there.

I approached the house, I was scared, I opened the door, it was dark in the house, I turned on the flashlight. I went to examine the house, it stank of rot and then I saw the corpse of his mother. More precisely, her head, I got scared and moved on trying not to make sounds. I saw the door to the bathroom, I went in there and it didn’t surprise me; it was written on the mirror in blood: I am beautiful - which means “I am beautiful” in translation. I knew that it would be written there, I went to the 2nd floor and now I was really scared! And then I heard sounds behind me, I decided to turn around and saw him with a knife.

I pointed a flashlight at his face and saw his face, it was white, his eyelids were missing and his mouth was cut. It seemed creepy. I started walking back from him, I was scared! And then I remembered his sad story, the fear disappeared from me and I went to meet him. This seems strange, and I'm not crazy! I felt sorry for him and then I said:
- I know you want to kill me, and I’ll tell you what, Jeff, you’re beautiful!
I said this out of pity for him, and if anyone doesn’t know Jeff, he knows Russian. When I said these words, he looked at me, and the knife fell out of his hand. He himself ran into the bathroom, I followed him and took his knife. The door to the bathroom was ajar, I walked in and saw him. He sat and pressed himself against the wall, it was clear that he was crying, and I said.
- It’s not your fault that you kill people, you’re lonely, you have no friends and I feel sorry for you!
- Aren't you afraid of me? Am I not terrible to you?
- No, why should I be afraid of you?! You're not terrible to me!
- For the first time I see a person, or rather a girl, who is not afraid of me! And I don’t even want to kill you!
Jeff looked at me with surprised eyes and falling in love! And it was immediately clear that he did not want to kill me.
I walked up to him and sat down next to him, and gave him the knife. He looked at me without taking his eyes off, he was so surprised that he didn’t even believe that I wasn’t afraid of him! I laughed and said.
“I don’t believe I saw you either, I thought you were going to kill me!”
Jeff didn't know what to say. I just took him and hugged him, he was even more surprised and hugged me too. I decided to stay with him. The next day it was time for me to fly home, I headed towards the exit, just as Jeff grabbed me behind my back. I turned around, but he was without a knife! And he said.
- Bye, I hope we'll see each other again!
And then he kissed me on the lips. I was shocked by this and then I relaxed and hugged him. It was very surprising for me! I said goodbye to him. And flew home.

Some people won't believe it, but it was the real truth!