How to develop intuition: exercises. How to develop and hear your intuition? Six rules for developing intuition

Many people today live as if in a dream: home-work-home. But in order to achieve something in life and climb up, you must have certain traits, such as intuition. But not everyone has these qualities. Therefore, the question arises: how to develop intuition and hidden abilities? Let's find out together.

What are we talking about?

Before finding out the hidden abilities, let's find out what is meant by this expression? What are these qualities that should help and make our lives easier?

So, hidden abilities are understood not so much as extrasensory perception, but as skillful mastery of psychology, hypnosis and suggestion. These three qualities will help, with the proper level of development, to achieve any goal and convince people of your point of view (even to the point that the sky above your head is green). Some people are given this by nature, but most people have to develop all these traits in themselves.

So let's find out how to develop intuition and hidden abilities in ourselves? Let us immediately stipulate that, like any science, this practice requires a certain amount of time and patience. Exercises must be regular to develop a habit, and practice must be carried out in life. After all, theory is theory, and without skills you won’t get far with the text.

How to develop intuition?

Strictly speaking, what is intuition and what is it used with? This quality is also called the sixth sense, which helps to predict or, if you like, anticipate events and people’s reactions to one or another factor. Everyone has this trait from birth, like sight, smell or touch. But because of our “tired” and insipid life, we suppress it for years and stop listening to our inner voice. Therefore, it is not intuition itself that needs to be developed, but the ability to listen to it. Start not with global issues, but with small ones. With well-developed intuition, its responses can manifest themselves in tactile, olfactory, visual, and auditory effects. For those who are just starting to work with it, these can be signals from the outside, such as the words of a random passerby, news from the media, and so on - all that people usually call “signs”.

There are several rules that will show you how to develop intuition and hidden abilities. The first is an unshakable belief in the existence of the subconscious and everything connected with it. The second rule is that self-confidence must be at the proper level. Without it, you are unlikely to succeed. The third rule is that in order for intuition to give you an answer, you need to ask a question to the subconscious, your inner self, and of such a nature that the answer is either “yes” or “no.” Rule four - any feeling sent by intuition cannot be ignored. Fifth, the vital importance of asking questions to your intuition: “Should I go to the shower?” - you shouldn’t even think about it. Sixth - do not set a path to solve the problem, but listen to yourself and your feelings. Seventh, at first you should do it alone. Any practice in the initial stages should be accompanied by a calm environment. When receiving an answer, do not “turn on” logic, but simply listen to yourself. If you fail, don't give up. On the contrary, they should encourage you to move forward. But if the answers of the subconscious are unclear or do not coincide with reality, you should understand what could have interfered with you in the process. Maybe the same logic intervened in the process?

How to develop hidden abilities?

Consciousness and subconsciousness are two different things. And radically different. Consciousness belongs to the realm of reflection. All thoughts ever born in your head were produced by consciousness. The subconscious is the area of ​​unconscious, unclear feelings. It is in it that an individual understanding of the world around us is born.

Also referred to as the subconscious. Experts have identified them into separate concepts: telepathy, foresight, clairvoyance, retrocognitivism, psychometry.

Each of these abilities can be developed, but to be frank, it is very difficult and will require much more time than developing the intuition that is given to us by nature. There are a number of exercises that will help test one or another side of extrasensory perception, allowing you to identify exactly your data. And there are a number of exercises that you need to work with. And believe me, it will be very difficult. You will give up more than once. Some people spend years trying to move a plastic glass a couple of millimeters with their gaze. Therefore, if you firmly decide and believe that you need these abilities, you need to practice many exercises, about which many books have been written.

For example, quite a lot of exercises are given in the book “Parapsychology” by the author Charles Litbeater. Moreover, not only theoretical knowledge is given, but also exercises and additional information about preparation before the start of training. We hope that the article “How to develop intuition and hidden abilities?” turned out to be useful for you.

Everyone has intuition, but not everyone has well-developed intuition. It is also called the sixth sense of a person. Let's figure out what kind of feeling this is?

Intuition- this is a person’s ability to anticipate an event, to foresee it even before it happens. Well-developed intuition is the first step towards clairvoyance.

In other words, intuition is a tiny part of the powerful ability that a person has lost to see clearly, that is, to penetrate with his inner gaze into the essence of things and phenomena.

Why is it even possible to predict or foresee events that have not yet happened?

According to esoteric concepts, any phenomenon, thing or event, before appearing in our physical world, first appears in the spiritual, subtle-material world. And it is precisely this that people “feel” intuitively, subconsciously.

People with a developed “sixth sense” feel not what will happen, but what has ALREADY happened, ALREADY happened, ALREADY exists. This is a simple transfer of information from the subconscious to the conscious, from the right hemisphere to the left.

How to develop intuition?

As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres - left and right. The left is logic and sober calculation, the right is premonition and impulsive decision-making. In most people, the left hemisphere is more developed and dominates the right.

The right hemisphere, as a high-precision receiver, receives signals from the Subtle World in the form of images, pictures, and the left hemisphere is capable of translating them into phenomena understandable to our minds.

Thus, to develop intuition, you need to develop more of the right hemisphere, as well as the connection between both.

Exercises to develop intuition

Intuition can be developed just like muscles in the gym. To do this you need to train regularly. Here are some exercises to develop your “sixth sense”:

Exercise “Deck of Cards”

Pick up a regular deck of playing cards face down, take 4 cards out of it at random and place them in front of you. With your left hand, make several circular movements over each of them and try to “see” the suit of each of them. Let go of all your thoughts, turn off logic and trust only your feelings. Red should feel like warmth, black should feel like cold. Make your choice and turn over the cards to find out if you “saw” the color correctly. After you can accurately identify colors, move on to suits, then to pictures, etc.

Exercise "Traffic Light"

The goal of this exercise to develop intuition is to develop a signaling system in yourself, like a traffic light. Green - yes, red - no. Close your eyes and imagine a two-color traffic light. Ask yourself out loud questions that require a clear answer - yes or no. For example: “My name is Anya?”, “Am I 27 years old?”, “Am I a brunette?” etc. Ask both right and wrong questions and look at the colors of the traffic lights. You may see other colors, each one is different. Once the signaling system is formed, use it to find answers to questions you don’t know.

  • Develop your right brain

As you know, the right hand is connected to the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left hand is connected to the right. This is why the left side of the brain dominates in most people; 90% of people are right-handed. Conclusion - you need to develop your left hand. To do this, try to “turn it on” and load it as often as possible. For example, get into the habit of brushing your teeth with your left hand, holding a spoon or fork in it when eating, combing your hair, writing, drawing, and so on. Personally, I do “left-handed days” a couple of times a week, that is, I try to do everything with this hand all day long.

  • Practice meditation

When meditating, your whole body relaxes, logic and reason are turned off, the flow of thoughts stops, and intuitive sensations come to the surface of consciousness. Regular meditation practices significantly develop intuition and increase the ability to have premonitions and intuitive insights.

  • Listen to yourself more often

Listen to your inner feelings. When going to an important meeting, a date or a visit, try to feel the future event in yourself. Just think about it and listen to yourself. Did you feel light and joyful or did you feel a heavy and oppressive feeling? Don't forget to compare your feelings with real events.

Developing intuition using the Silva method

Below you can watch a video that tells you how to learn to develop your “sixth sense” with the help of.

From it you will find out whether it is possible with the help of intuition:

  • Understand other people without words and feel their thoughts?
  • Make the right decisions and avoid mistakes?
  • Don't miss opportunities and always go the right way?
  • Planning your personal life?
  • Get a Route Map for your entire life?
  • Learn to heal yourself and others from a distance?

Developing Intuition with Reiki

The music in this video is charged with special energy " Intuition 999" to activate and strengthen the “sixth sense”. This system is designed to stimulate the ajna chakra and open the third eye.

Develop your intuition and listen to your heart!

Arthur Golovin


Before you start speaking, it is very important to check your motivation. Because there is no point in starting something and then giving it up after a couple of days. Learn hear your intuition The issue is serious and requires significant investments of energy and effort. And I immediately have a question for you. I don’t want you to waste your time, start and quit. I want you to approach the issue consciously development of intuition.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________

Please indicate as many reasons as possible. The stronger these reasons, the more likely you are to succeed. After all, you must admit that a person finds resources for everything (time, money, energy, strength) if motivation is high. If motivation is weak or absent, subconscious resistance to action arises and you have to force yourself. If you have to force yourself, know that this is the beginning of the end. You won't last long with discipline. Sooner or later you will jump off. The subconscious is stronger than the conscious. But creating internal motivation in yourself, why you need to do something, is another matter.

Right now, if you haven't written yet, sit down and think about what you need hear intuition?

And now I will give you tips on how to develop and hear your intuition:

Rule 1: Intuition never explains why something should be done.

Logic always explains why it is worth doing one way or another. Logic operates with facts, experience, it always relies on something and always proves.
It should be done this way because…….

Intuition - this is the ability to feel answers from space. Intuition simply knows because it took this information from space. She doesn't know the answer to why. She just knows. She has no evidence, no explanation. She has nothing more than a simple answer.

This is precisely why it very often loses to logic. Logic is superior because it grounds actions.

Rule 2: The more you trust and rely on your intuition, the better it works.

Once you have made the decision to trust your intuition, you begin to focus on receiving intuitive answers. Where there is attention, there is energy. And of course, the answers come. Intuition is like your faithful worker. The more tasks you give it and the more you believe in it, the better it works for you.

Losers say “I’ll try.” They always have a fallback option: listen to logic. And of course, by doing this they show distrust. Intuition says: “Why should I try if he will listen to logic anyway.”

Trust your intuition 100% and it will be your allies forever.

Rule 3: Practice meditation

Meditation helps you calm your brain.
I have this association: thousands of thoughts rushing through my head at the “speed of light.” And everyone wants you to hear exactly her. They are like those little dogs that bark loudly in vain, only in order to feel their importance. And thanks to such speeds and such a number of thoughts, noise arises in the head. Because of this noise, you cannot hear your real thoughts. You can not hear intuition. She is drowned out by the noise of unruly thoughts.

Meditation. Meditation removes unnecessary and alien thoughts. The number of thoughts in the head decreases significantly, and their speed also fades. When there is order in your head, you are much more likely to hear your intuition.

This gives rise to the following rule:

Rule 4: The calmer you are, the better you hear your intuition.

When you want to understand the answer to your question, you first need to calm down. Enter a state of harmony. It is very easy to do this thanks to deep breaths and exhalations. Do this many times. Try this right now and you will see the result. (Now try to breathe quickly. Do you notice how the speed of your thoughts increases when you breathe faster?)

Never make decisions in a state of excitement and inspiration.
Also, never make decisions.

It is best to make decisions in a state of peace and calm.

Rule 5: Intuition speaks with feelings, images, not words

Don’t expect your intuition to give you an answer with words like “do this and that.”
Answers from intuition come in the form of feelings or in the form of images.

For example, when you ask yourself, should I do this, and a feeling of joy and confidence arises, then my intuition says “yes”. If you feel “something is wrong,” “it’s not clear,” “it’s all strange somehow,” a feeling of anger, rejection, aggression, then your intuition says “no.” An ambivalent feeling is the answer “no”.

Often answers come in the form of association images. The person himself cannot always understand what these associations mean. Again, pay attention to your feelings. What are these associations? What feelings?

Ask your intuition several times. Let her give you some associations.

Rule 6: Be alone with yourself

When you are alone with yourself, then you hear yourself. Other people, especially those you trust, greatly influence you and your ability to make decisions. Often they instill their decisions in you, and you make these decisions as your own. Women (especially beloved women) very easily inspire their desires and decisions in a man. And because men have a weakness for women, they are unable to resist.

Ideally, when you completely leave the space of other people. When making a decision in the office alone, you are influenced by the atmosphere of the office. Moreover, other people in the building who are interested in a certain decision on a mental level also influence you.
It’s better to retire to a park, forest, nature, restaurant, or some place where there are no interested people.

Follow these tips. Trust your intuition and it will become your allies.


Everyone has a sixth sense, but not everyone is able to feel it and recognize the signals of the inner voice. To learn to use intuition, it must be developed and trained, like any other human ability. If you want to figure out how to develop intuition, you need to clearly understand how it works.

What is intuition

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

  • The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, according to which most ordinary people live. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often making wrong decisions, ignoring their sixth sense.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things, and is well developed in creative people. It contains the subconscious, which contains everything that happened in our lives, all feelings and thoughts. The subconscious mind is capable of capturing a million pieces of information per second and storing this knowledge to use for making the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, insights necessary for non-standard solutions to problems and answers to important questions come from the right hemisphere of the brain.

A person reveals hidden abilities and develops psychological skills when he is able to use both hemispheres of the brain equally. According to scientists, many successful people have this feature.

What is needed to develop intuition?

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, increase your self-esteem.

People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it.

A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him.

Once you have built up your self-confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, you won’t be able to use the channel, because it only works for those who believe.

It is important to learn to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know whether you will get a job, you need to mentally voice: “I will get a job.” And listen to the sensations that appear in your soul. Phrases constructed in the form of a statement do not affect logical thinking and are not capable of spoiling the answers sent by the intuition channel.

How to learn to hear intuition

If you expect to hear a straight answer to a question, you will be disappointed. The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells.

For example, there are widely known cases where passengers canceled their plane tickets at the last moment, because on a subconscious level they sensed impending misfortune and thereby saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings.

Signals of intuition manifest themselves in a rapid heartbeat; you may suddenly feel hot or cold. Some people feel a tingling sensation in the pads of their fingers.

Before making an important decision, listen to your feelings. If they are joyful, the subconscious mind sends you a positive response. When the chest is compressed by an unpleasant feeling and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is negative.

In rare cases, the subconscious mind sends responses through intuition, expressed by different smells. There have been cases when people, before an important joyful event, smelled the smell of oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit.

Sometimes a person is not able to subtly sense signals from the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside. For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across your eye that points to the right path, or a bird knocks on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, various events can happen.

How to tune in to the desired channel

Meditation helps to develop intuition. Find a quiet place and get lost in your thoughts. Having completely relaxed, ask your subconscious a question that worries you and wait for an answer. The sixth sense does not always answer immediately, but the answer will definitely come, you just need not to miss it.

When inspiration hits you and a new idea appears, turn off logic, follow your intuition and see what comes of it.

How to use your intuition

To avoid making mistakes in people, use your intuition. Everyone has had a case in life when, during an acquaintance, they did not like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered: “Be careful and don’t trust him.”

Your subconscious sensed the negative energy emanating from this person and sent a warning through the channel of intuition. If, when you first meet a person, you have a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, a stomach cramp or a headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them.

  • The subconscious mind gives us the ability to distinguish lies from truth using intuition.

When a person tells a story with all sincerity, his energetic vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he is lying, intuition speaks about this with internal resistance and anxiety.

  • Learn to recognize these signals; they will help you avoid many mistakes.

The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world around you, trying to catch what your inner voice is saying.

Technique for developing intuition

The American psychologist’s technique, which he called “Glass of Water,” helps to develop intuition well.

  • To implement it, before going to bed, pour a full glass of clean water, tune in to the problem for which you want to know the solution and drink half of the water with the words: “I know the answer to the question I’m thinking about.”
  • After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning drink your water, repeating the same words.
  • In a few days, the subconscious will reach you and send you a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve a problem.

The main rule for receiving answers from the subconscious is the specific formulation of the question in a positive way. Don't forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the particle "not" in it.

Practical lessons

Developed intuition has many possibilities. Try sending a signal to your loved ones using your sixth sense.

To do this, think about relatives or friends who are far away all day and before going to bed. Imagine them in your imagination as clearly as possible and do not stop doing this for several days. Energy waves will reach these people and they will contact you. They will call, write a letter or come to visit.

  • Find what's lost

With the help of intuition, you can find a lost thing, you just need to tune in to the right channel and release energy for the search. If you have lost your keys or phone in your apartment, close your eyes, relax and allow the energy waves emanating from the subconscious to fill the entire house.

Listen carefully to your inner voice and you will feel where the loss is. Perhaps not everything will work out the first time, but if you constantly practice, you will be surprised at the accuracy of your sensations.

  • Maps and flashcards

The development of intuition is improved by a regular deck of cards. Place 4 cards face down on the table and try to determine what suit they are.

To do this, start slowly moving your hand over each card and listen to your sensations. You may feel heat or cold coming from a certain suit of cards. Trust your first impression, turn over the shirts and check how many suits of cards you guessed. With each new training, your intuition will strengthen, and soon you will accurately determine the suit of each card.

  • Blind reading

The correct answer to a question can be obtained by blind reading. This method is easy to use and quickly develops intuition.

When you are worried about a certain situation or question, focus on thinking about it, prepare 3 sheets of cardboard, sit at the table, take a pen and write possible solutions to the issue on the cardboard. Place the cards with the inscriptions down, mix thoroughly, relax and hold your hands over the cardboard.

Tune in to receive information, and soon your palms will feel a slight warmth or tingling. The card with the strongest feeling carries the correct answer.

  • Mantras

In addition to meditation, mantras can be used to develop intuition. These are poems written in Sanskrit that have a mystical meaning. Many people believe that with the help of mantras you can fulfill any desire and greatly improve your life.

There are special poems for developing the sixth sense, which need to be read during the waxing moon and combined with meditation. This technique releases a person’s hidden abilities, allowing him to see the future and treat diseases with his biofield.

It is very difficult to achieve this; constant training of intuition and spiritual development is required. Such a gift requires great responsibility in the use of knowledge.

A person with developed intuition has extrasensory perception, and he can heal diseases with the help of the subconscious. To do this, you need to concentrate and hold your hands over the body of a sick person, listening to sensations and signs. The energy of the biofield will quickly find pain points and let your palms feel warm or cold. Initiating healing is more difficult than making a diagnosis; it requires special training and a lot of intuitive experience.

To develop intuition, you need to understand that it is not a unique feature inherited by a select few. This is a gift of nature, available to anyone who wants to master this skill and use it to help themselves and their loved ones.

The sixth sense often comes to people's rescue in stressful situations. By developing intuition on your own, you can ensure that such a “lifesaver” will be available not only in difficult situations, but every day.


Intuition is the ability to make instant decisions or understand the essence of what is happening, or what is about to happen, without the participation of rational thinking, unconsciously.

This is the sixth sense, which tells a person the right decision, warns of danger or, conversely, of some profitable, pleasant events. Women are more prone to such superpowers and intuitive thinking, since the male mind in 9 out of 10 cases is guided by logic and calculation.

You can learn more about what intuition is in the video below.

Developed intuition means that a person can make decisions or receive information from the outside, relying on his feelings, experiences, premonitions and insights. It’s like a guide who will lend his shoulder in time, preventing you from stumbling.

In esoteric practices, intuition is compared with the sixth chakra Ajna - “Seer”, “third eye”, “House of Knowledge”. This chakra is responsible for the subconscious, for clairvoyance and intuitive thinking - knowing everything, without knowing how this information was obtained.

The human eye is capable of perceiving exclusively the material world, while with the help of an open sixth chakra and developed intuition one can look behind the veil, touch and observe the “subtle” world, the spiritual. To do this, you need to learn to use your “hunch” and open up to the unknown.

Exercises to develop intuition

Our brain consists of two hemispheres. The left is responsible for logic and sanity, cold calculation, and the right is guided by premonition, responsible for impulsive impulses and unexpected decisions.

Important! For most, only one is active in life, and the right hemisphere is suppressed by the left. In order to develop mindfulness and intuition at home, you need to activate the right hemisphere, as well as the connection between them.

Interestingly, children have a more developed sixth sense than adults. In a child, both hemispheres are active, but over time and under the influence of society, the left one begins to “fall asleep.”

Simple and effective guides, exercises and techniques will help you wake him up.

Traffic light

The essence of this effective exercise is to develop conditioned signals, where green is yes and red is no. Hence the name.

  1. Close your eyes, relax and imagine a traffic light in front of you. Work out all the details mentally, let it come to life in your mind's eye.
  2. Then start asking yourself questions out loud that have a clear yes or no answer. For example, “my name is Olga?”, “I’m 23 years old?”, “I live in Moscow?”.
  3. You need to ask questions with different answers and observe the reaction of the mental traffic light - depending on the color, it will be clear what answer the subconscious gives.
  4. Don't be upset if things don't work out right away or if the colors are different - this is an individual thing, different for everyone. The more often the exercise is performed, the more amazing the results will be.

Card deck

Is it possible to develop intuition on your own - yes, it is quite possible and not at all as difficult as it seems. The following exercise will help with this.

  1. Take a deck of cards in your hands, shuffle them several times, tuning into their energy. Let the cards flow from one hand to the other. Relax and throw away all thoughts and worries. Take any four cards from the deck and place them face down in front of you.
  2. Extend your left hand (after all, it is the one that is connected with the right hemisphere) and move it over each card in turn, lingering over them. You can make circular movements, you can simply hold your hand - let your intuition tell you how to do it correctly.
  3. Concentrate and try to feel the color of the card - the red mother will be warm, and the black mother will be cold.
  4. Repeat this exercise as often as possible. The most important thing is to learn to clear your consciousness, only then will intuition work, drowning out logic.
  5. After you learn to accurately determine the color, move on to suits and then to pictures.


This exercise will help you open the sixth chakra and learn to see with your eyes closed, and will also contribute to the rapid and correct development of intuitive abilities.

  1. Stand in the middle of the room. Choose an object, let it be a figurine on a shelf, an armchair, a TV - whatever. Close your eyes and extend your left hand towards the object, pointing your finger at it.
  2. Relax, clear your mind and feel its vibrations, energy and signals. As soon as you concentrate enough on the object, without opening your eyes, spin around in place. Stop and try to determine which side of you this thing is now located on.
  3. If you can’t guess, look around, what confused you? Try again. Train as often as possible, and then move on to the second level - do household chores with your eyes closed for a few minutes a day, gradually increasing this time.

Question answer

This simple exercise, based on engaging the “sleeping hemisphere” in your work, will help you quickly develop your abilities; as it awakens, your intuition will also become stronger.

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Write a question with your right hand (if you are left-handed, then with your left). Close your eyes, clear your thoughts and relax. Review the answer in your head. Take the pen in your other hand and write the answer.
  2. In this way, the second hemisphere (for most it is the right - intuitive) will be “developed” and get used to taking part in the work. This will mean that your intuition becomes strong and active.

Known Techniques

People have long been interested in the intangible world and the gift of foresight. Since strong intuition borders on clairvoyance, many studies are aimed specifically at its development.

According to Alexander Litvin

The famous parapsychologist, writer, researcher and psychic, who won the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, spoke in his speeches about his development of hidden abilities.

He said in an interview that his family became the main driving force in this process. Since childhood, Alexander was instilled with intuition, taught to listen to himself, to trust his feelings and impulsive decisions. A sixth sense has formed in him, which throughout his life leads him along the right path.

Litvin claims that “you can’t become happy by moving like everyone else,” that is, he calls on people to open up to themselves, look inside and listen. Our inner “I” is silent because we do not listen to it.

In the video below, Alexander Litvin shared the secrets of a happy life and talked about how to use intuition correctly and improve it:

Silva method

Jose Silva is an American parapsychologist, the author of an effective technique aimed at the rapid development and improvement of hidden abilities and intuition.

The essence of his method is to create complete harmony with your inner world through the unification of the three components of our thinking - imagination, emotions and, of course, intuition.

All exercises are aimed at fixing intuition and the “inner voice” in an active state; they help to quickly develop “dormant” abilities and improve all areas of life. Silva claims that they can even be used to simulate “happy accidents.”

You can develop intuition and mindfulness with the help of a video about the Silva method:

Glass of water

An exercise that is aimed at obtaining an answer to an exciting question from the outside.

  1. Before you go to bed, take a glass of water. Close your eyes and drink half of it, saying to yourself: “This is what I must do to get the answer to my question.” Go to bed. Immediately after waking up, repeat all actions and words, finishing your water.
  2. The answer to the question may come in a dream, or over the next day. It is important to carefully observe the signs and events of the day. The answer will not be given in a clear form, but strong intuition will help you catch all the signals and recognize them.

Important! When forming a question, stick to a positive construction, no “NO”, and also do not ask more than one question.

Managing Emotions

Thanks to a simple trick, you will learn to control your emotions and violent reactions in any situation. This is important in order to have good intuition - temper will extinguish it.

As soon as you feel that you are losing your composure, bring together the tips of three fingers - thumb, index and ring, and mentally say “forgive”, “calm down” or “don’t be afraid” three times, depending on the situation.

State of relaxation

In order to work on developing your abilities, you need to learn to completely relax, both physically and spiritually. The following exercise will help with this.

  1. Take a comfortable position (sitting, lying, standing - it doesn’t matter), close your eyes. Alternately tense all the muscles of your body for a few seconds, alternating with seconds of relaxation. Then tense your whole body at the same time and relax again. Repeat this several times.
  2. Take a lying position, close your eyes and take several deep, even breaths. Then concentrate - a strong breath fills your body with energy, feel it with every cell, imagine it mentally. Exhale slowly and your body leaves fatigue and tightness, exiting through your feet. During the exercise, try to visualize everything with your eyes closed.
  3. While lying down, begin to breathe as if you were inflating a mattress rather than your lungs. After a few minutes, imagine yourself as this mattress and imagine opening the valve. Slowly release all the air from your lungs, while simultaneously feeling your body relax.


In Silva’s technique, the ability to present objects colorfully plays an important role. There is an exercise to develop this skill.

  1. Relax, clear your thoughts and close your eyes. Imagine a large ripe watermelon being cut into four parts. Watch how the juice flows from it, how the pulp sparkles under the sun. Then put all the parts together and imagine how the watermelon became whole again and melted into the air.
  2. Imagine yourself in front of you. Imagine all the details of your appearance, concentrating on your face. Draw all the smallest details - every wrinkle, pimple, mole.
  3. Do the same as yesterday, now imagining the face of a loved one - husband, sister, girlfriend, mother.
  4. Picture yourself again in your mind's eye. Then imagine the most comfortable and pleasant place for you and take yourself there. Concentrate on the sensations associated with this place - a sea breeze, a breath of wind, pleasant music, the taste of wine, the touch of a loved one - it can be anything.

An integral part of the Silva method is meditation. This video will help you develop your intuition and learn to relax:

How to use abilities

It is important not only to improve and develop intuition, but also to learn how to apply it in practice and at the right moments.

  1. Learn to listen to yourself. Relax and think of any situation where you were able to use your intuition - guessing who was at the door, predicting who was calling before answering, anticipating rain, and so on.
  2. Imagine the whole situation in detail, concentrate on those events and in particular on what you felt then. Try to capture this feeling.
  3. Relax! When you are stressed, scared, in a hurry, intuition will not interfere, it will not be missed by the iron grip of the logical left hemisphere. Try to throw away everything worldly, let the situation take its course. Let everything take its course, give your premonitions a chance to lead.
  4. Believe in yourself. Distrust of people, the world around us and oneself is the first and most persistent obstacle to the ability to use intuition. If you don't trust yourself, what kind of subconscious action can we talk about? Let go of the steering wheel.
  5. Don't forget that intuition only works with your life and events related to you. Only people with a highly developed sixth sense are able to “see” and feel situations with other people. Learn to help yourself first, and only then you can think about others.
  6. Feel your fear. Don’t run from it, but feel it to the end, experience it and finally get rid of it. This is the only way to do it.
  7. Learn to listen to yourself. Only by being left alone with yourself, relaxing and opening up to new things, can you hear your second “I”. In a crowded office it will remain silent.
  8. Visualize and imagine. This is a great way to develop your subconscious and show the Universe what you are missing. Imagine constantly and everywhere what you dream about. Let the pictures be bright and rich, real. You are an artist, and your brush is your imagination. So draw!

The best way to develop intuition is through regular exercises that can be performed in everyday situations, combined with usual activities. Esotericists and psychics share their practices.

  1. On your way to work, to the store or to school, try to guess who will meet you first - a man, a woman or a child. Do this regularly, gradually complicating the task - add the color of clothing, style, age, hair color.
  2. As soon as your mobile phone rings, take your time looking at the screen and try to guess who is calling you.
  3. Think about a loved one. Mentally imagine it, touch it, hug it. Envelop his figure in a cloud of warmth and light, saturate him with your love. You'll be surprised how quickly he'll call you or stop by for a visit.
  4. Try the coin game. Determine which side will be “yes” and which side will be “no”. Ask questions to the coin and trust it to solve simple and frivolous issues. Over time, your brain will get used to trusting the unconscious and connecting intuitive abilities.
  5. Don't let your guard down. In everyday life we ​​are surrounded by signs and signals, the main thing is to learn to catch them. Watch what you see: headlines in newspapers, pictures on advertising posters, slogans, fragments of phrases of passers-by, repeated numbers and phrases - all this can be signs of fate.
  6. Get used to listening and accepting yourself. Start with nutrition - intuitive eating is a great method not only to establish a connection with your inner voice, but also to lose extra pounds. Ask yourself, do you really want to eat right now? Do you really want this product? Always listen to the hidden signals in your mind before you do anything.
  7. While listening to the radio, try to predict what song will come on air next or within the hour. Record your results, compare and monitor your progress.
  8. If you are tormented by an unresolved issue, ask the universe for help. Take any book, mentally ask this question, clearly and briefly, open it to a random page and point your finger to some place on the page - the dropped line will be the answer.
    Intuition can give us answers in the most unexpected ways - listen to the world around you, snippets of conversation between strangers on the subway may turn out to be the answer to your question.
  9. Don't try to connect logic. If you are waiting for an intuitive solution to a problem, forget about weighing the pros and cons and other methods that are familiar to you. The answer will appear on its own, without third-party intervention.
  10. Meditate. Try to disconnect from the world at least for a while. Turn off your mobile, computer and radio. Immerse yourself, forget about where you are and what you are doing. Relax and open up to the spiritual world, let it study you, and you - it.

Zodiac signs with developed intuition

If you believe the horoscope, then among the zodiac signs there are those who have better developed intuition.

  1. Twins
    This is the most socially active sign; these people intuitively know what, when and to whom to say in order to achieve their goal. They can also anticipate a person's reaction and what they will say in response.
  2. Cancer
    This is one of the most emotional signs. Cancers subtly feel their inner voice and perfectly understand their emotions. These people are empaths - they know how to capture the emotions of both loved ones and complete strangers. Therefore, those around them experience comfort and calm, subconsciously knowing that they will be understood correctly.
  3. Virgo
    This sign is distinguished by observation skills worthy of Sherlock Holmes - they notice the smallest details, putting them together into a whole picture. Thanks to such skills, Virgos intuitively solve problems and avoid pitfalls.
  4. Scales
    People born under this sign are hypersensitive. They are closely connected with their inner world and rely on their sixth sense, anticipating danger or benefit. Libras are able to see the positive in any situation, which helps them not to lose heart under the weight of failures and see future prospects.
  5. Scorpion
    A zodiac sign with highly developed intuition, these people always know when they are being lied to. They literally physically feel lies and insincerity. No matter what you say, Scorpio always knows the truth.
  6. Fish
    Incredibly creative people, their intuition helps them create and create amazing things. Their creative impulses are closely related to intuition and come from somewhere from the depths of their nature. They simply do what their inner voice tells them to do, without asking unnecessary questions.