Drive away a bad dream. What needs to be done to prevent the dream from coming true: folk signs and superstitions


Sometimes we wake up from the horror that has gripped us, and do not understand that it was a nightmare born of old phobias and frayed nerves, or a bad prophetic dream.


If you were frightened by a dream, then immediately after waking up, say the following plot:

“Where the night goes, there goes the dream.”

Then go to the window and say the same words in open window. Then, without communicating with anyone, enter the bathroom, open the tap with cold water, wash your face three times, and then hold your hands under running water and repeat the spell again three times.

After that, go to the kitchen, fill a glass with water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it (teaspoon) and say:

“As this salt melts, so my dream will not come true.”

Next, turn your back to the sink and throw water into it over your left shoulder.

There is another ritual that will prevent a bad dream from coming true. After you wake up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say:

“Rise up the good, and crack the bad in half.”

By the way, you should not tell anyone the plot of the dream that frightened you. A bad dream can only be told to a person who knows how to interpret dreams and can explain to you what it means and how to avoid the troubles it can bring. However, there is a completely opposite point of view on this matter. Some people believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, otherwise it will not come true. However, one should not neglect the fact that the retold troubles and fears seem to take root in real life. They gain the right to exist, and in some way begin to “grow in flesh”, only to then come true at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is better to keep bad dreams under control. own control, without releasing them into the real world.

If you are often bothered by bad dreams, then before going to bed, you should place an open container with clean water, or better yet, with a saint. Water will absorb all negativity and protect you from bad dreams. The water should be changed every day, empty the container with “used” water in the morning, and fill it with fresh water in the evening before going to bed.


If you can change the course of events in your dreams, then you can neutralize bad dream. As soon as you realize that some image or symbol frightens you, that it promises you trouble, try to immediately “intervene” and “free yourself” from it. So, if you dream of a black cat, and you understand what this promises big trouble- don’t be scared, try to “imagine” that in a dream you had a brush with white paint in your hands. Make a white cat out of a black cat. Plus, tie a huge bright bow around her neck. Then in real life you will easily cope with the blow, moreover, you will be able to turn an unfavorable situation for yourself into a winning one.

And if you dream that you are flying into an abyss (a symbol of trouble), then imagine that you have wings and you are flying above it. Then and in real life you will be able to rise above dangerous situation, look at it differently, and find a non-trivial way out of it. They will later say about you: “There would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped.”

If you dream that you are sick or one of your relatives is ill, then try, without waking up or not fully awakening (balancing on the edge of sleep and reality), to imagine yourself or a person close to you as energetic, healthy and cheerful. Do the same with other dreams that frighten you.

And most importantly, when you finally wake up, don’t look for coincidences with your dream in real life, don’t be afraid of similar details - in this way you attract the bad and give the bad dream a chance to come true. The more often you remember a bad dream, the more it will materialize. Abstract yourself from it, forget about it and never remember it!

Over time, society has changed its point of view on what dreams are and how to interpret them. It should be taken seriously and is it possible to tell bad dreams so that the dream does not come true. This process of rethinking led to the emergence of rules under the conventional name “how to behave so that the dream does not come true.” And they concern, among other things, the publication of dreams.

What psychologists say

Dreams worry people because... Things happen in dreams that may not happen in real life. The meaning and understanding of this phenomenon has changed as science has developed. Therefore, the topic should be considered with psychological aspect what to do to prevent a bad dream from coming true.

Dream as a reflection of reality

A nightmare dream can occur at the most various reasons both against the backdrop of difficult experiences, and because the person ate heavily at night. The psycho-emotional sphere is the domain of psychologists. From a psychological point of view, an effective way to forget about fear is to tell it.

Therefore, it is best to go to a psychoanalyst, who will listen carefully and explain why this could be a dream. A specialist will help you cope with your depressed mood after a nightmare.

Any system that is closed on itself is doomed to self-destruction, this also applies to human psyche. For impressionable and suspicious people, their own bad dreams are an excellent breeding ground for the rapid growth of all sorts of fears. Therefore, negativity needs to be poured out to avoid accumulation. If you don't do this, then breakdown or severe depression becomes a matter of time. Self-hypnosis will lead to an increased likelihood of making a mistake - and then what you saw in a nightmare may come true.

From the point of view of psychologists, it is possible and necessary to tell bad dreams. The main condition is that you need to talk about such subtle matters only with someone who:

  • close enough;
  • I agree to listen.

“If only a good person was caught” is precisely about this situation.

Speaking out in front of those who do not want to listen does not mean getting rid of negativity, but increasing it.

A dream, like a hint from above

The attitude of the Christian religion to human dreams is worth a separate story. It is believed that a dream - good or bad - is the news that it sends high power believer. To warn, instruct, suggest, ward off reckless or bad actions. Therefore, a person’s task is to comprehend the dream, resorting, if necessary, to the help of an interpreter or confessor. A prayer for bad dreams is read before bed.

Cross or talisman

At the same time, Orthodoxy, to put it mildly, does not approve of fortune telling, conspiracies and all kinds of witchcraft and sorcery in any form. Because in this case a person entrusts his soul to otherworldly forces. According to the canons of Christianity, man cannot interfere in God’s providence, especially without resorting to the help of mysticism. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to decide where to turn for help - to religion or esotericism, so that the bad dream does not come true.

And it is completely unacceptable, from all points of view, to say prayers mixed with conspiracies and mix witchcraft with faith in God. By the way, it is not for nothing that at all times, before telling fortunes (no matter what), it was necessary to remove the cross.

Everything related to the Orthodox faith can never be used in esoteric rituals. This applies to:

  • prayers;
  • blessed and baptismal water;
  • crosses;
  • church candles;
  • icons, etc.

A spell against a bad dream and other readings designed to prevent such a dream from coming true can be combined with decoctions and dry herbs, and other natural substances, but they should never be accompanied by church paraphernalia. Orthodox faith considers such a mixture of genres a great sin.

For example, to ward off bad dreams, a Christian can consecrate a small icon, hang it in the bedroom and pray. But it is unacceptable to go to church to consecrate an amulet, amulet, dream catcher and other esoteric paraphernalia.

Who to pray to

If you already had a nightmare, a prayer against a bad dream will help so that it does not come true. It is pronounced to the Mother of God, Saint Cyprian, Saint Justina and others. If prayer alone does not help, it is recommended to go to church and light three candles: two at the icon Mother of God, about your health and your enemies, and the third about your health at the icon of “All Saints”.

Esotericism in the fight against bad dreams

A synonym for esotericism is mysticism, witchcraft, sorcery. Astrology also belongs to this area. Therefore, people called esotericists do the same thing as their colleagues called fortune-tellers and healers. They are believed to have some secret knowledge, inaccessible to the uninitiated, and with the help of their skills, esotericists can dispel evil spells, remove damage, and, among other things, ward off bad dreams.

Keep quiet or it will come true

Unlike psychology, esotericism believes that in order to prevent a bad dream from coming true, a conspiracy is best suited. Fortune tellers and fortune tellers claim that such dreams cannot be told, because the thought expressed tends to materialize, and after voicing it can come true. In this case, it will come true.

According to esotericism, the soul of a sleeping person travels to other worlds and can meet an evil spirit or another entity, a meeting with which does not bode well. To prevent this from happening, protection is needed. Amulet, amulet, talisman - it can be called differently, but the essence and purpose is the same: to drive away evil spirits from your dreams so that nothing bad could dream.

The best amulet is the one made by yourself or by someone close to you. They must be made from those natural materials that grow where a person lives.

Keep me, my talisman

Some precious and semi-precious stones can drive away a bad dream:

  • pomegranate;
  • amethyst;
  • Moonstone;
  • malachite;
  • rhinestone;
  • chrysolite.

They are placed at the head of the bed and washed with running water once a week. Select the right stone according to your zodiac sign.

It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday come true. Astrologers say that this is only partly true. The patron of Friday is the goddess of love Venus, so only a dream filled with romantic or love meaning will come true. The nightmares I had that night do not come true.

The same applies to the nightmare that I had from Sunday to Monday. What I dreamed about at the border sunny day(Sunday) and lunar (Monday), in life foreshadows something diametrically opposite.

In dream books, there is a very common interpretation of dreams when bad things come with good things and vice versa. And for this reason, you should not indulge in despondency or worry if you dreamed of trouble. If your dream is too good, you need to be on guard.

Long before fortune telling began to be called esotericism, people fought bad dreams as best they could: they could speak, wash them off with water, etc. The nightmare was treated like garbage or dirt that was being cleaned out.

Beliefs associated with dreams have everyday background. So, it is believed that to say what you dreamed about before lunch means to invite trouble. In fact, in a primitive society, a person had so much to do from the moment he awakened that to be distracted by lengthy stories was to waste time.

By the way, only one man out of ten is inclined to tell nightmare and tell about what you dreamed. This is the prerogative of the weaker sex.

And the woman has to get up before dark, light the stove, put bread on to bake, feed the cattle, prepare food. There’s no time for dreams, otherwise you won’t have time to do everything. But after lunch you can relax.

There is another point of view, which says that in the afternoon the sun is at its zenith, and the bright rays act as a spell from evil forces. Fire or sun accompany a conspiracy against a nightmare.

Spells for the sun and water

Folk conspiracies, spells and others verbal means are necessarily combined with ritual actions and are divided into two groups. In the first, a bad dream is driven away sun rays, in the second - washed off with water.

If you take a closer look at the sayings relating to dreams, the short meaning is – where there is night, there is sleep. Sentences are supplemented with auxiliary words, combined with washing, using decoctions, etc., but the essence remains the same. Therefore it is considered effective way, in which, after a terrible dream, say this phrase three times. It is better to open the window so that the nightmare flies away from the home.

It is better to start the morning after a bad sleep with a spell, accompanied by washing. Dew works well medicinal herbs, if they grow nearby. At the same time they say “where there is water, there comes trouble.”

Don't take nightmares as a serious omen. Most dreams reflect what has already been experienced. But you need to get rid of the negativity that accumulates from such dreams. Telling is only one way.

Many people are tormented from time to time by questions: “What to do if you see negative dream? How can we prevent it from coming to fruition in real life?” Knowledgeable people They assure that nothing irreparable or fatal can happen in dreams, so any bad dream can be “cancelled” if desired.

Bad sleep means your worries and restless thoughts

It is necessary to understand that prophetic and bad dreams are two different things. Dreams are most often a reflection of events that happened not so long ago, or are associated with obsessive, restless thoughts. Anxieties are deposited in our subconscious and manifest themselves in the form of nightmares. But it’s quite difficult to figure out what kind of dream the person had this time. Therefore, it is better to immediately take measures so that the negative dream does not come true.

Firstly, do not panic when you see a bad dream. However, nightmares can really frighten a person, especially if there are creatures from other worlds. People often dream that they are trying with all their might to escape from danger, but they don’t seem to move. There is a strong heaviness in the legs, and the voice seems to disappear completely. Those dreams are also frightening in which a person is attacked by wild or, or the dreamer does not have enough air and fear comes in a new wave.

Horror in a dream

Having experienced horror in a dream, people begin to worry about events in their real lives, about the consequences of such a vision. To regain peace of mind and protect yourself from bad sleep, you need to say early in the morning, before even getting out of bed: “Where night goes, sleep goes”. You need to say these words three times. Afterwards you need to say the same expressions through the open window, and then go to the bathroom and wash your face three times cool water from the tap. Next, bring your hands under the running water and repeat the same words three times. You should not tell anyone the details of your nightmare and the dream will not come true.

Controlling and preventing bad dreams

You can also learn the ability to control your own night visions. This is a great way to independently cope with the situation in a dream and turn luck in your favor. Having awakened from the fear you have experienced, you need to roll over to the other side, read the “Our Father,” close your eyes and try to resume sleep, imagining how you defeat your opponent.

Bad dreams can not only be spoken, but also prevented. To do this, you should create around your sleeping place a special protective aura in the form of a magic circle. A small one-way round mirror will help in the ritual. You need to stand near the head of the bed and read the spell, turning around yourself three times clockwise and holding the mirror so that the walls of the room are reflected in it. The words of the conspiracy sound like this:
“Fear is not fear, I’m not afraid of shaggy sleep.
There is a wall around my bed from heaven to earth, and from earth to sky.
I’ll lie down, lock myself up, I’m not afraid of anyone.”
After such a ceremony disturbing dreams should not visit a person.

Rituals after bad dreams

If it is better for people who believe in God to read a prayer in order to protect themselves from making a dream come true, then atheists can resort to help ordinary water from the tap. The most simple method is to rinse your hands and face in running water. As soon as you wake up from the fear you experienced in a dream, go to the bathroom and do these simple manipulations. Do not try to wipe the drops of water with a towel - let all the bad things drain and dry along with them.

Fire is also a good helper in the fight against bad dreams. Write down your nightmare in great detail on a piece of paper and then burn it.

Fire for ritual

Everything bad will leave your thoughts along with the ashes.
This technique helps calm the excessive beating of the heart, relieves fear and balances. You can also turn your pillowcase inside out to prevent bad dreams from returning.
The consequences of a negative dream will not manifest themselves in real life if, in the morning, without getting out of bed and without looking out the windows, you proclaim:
“Let the good rise again, and let the bad crack in half.”

There is an opinion among experienced people that if a bad vision is not described to anyone, then it will not come true and will lose its evil powers. It is especially important not to talk to people about your dreams until lunchtime. You can only turn to those who are good at interpreting dreams for help.

A cup or glass of holy water will help protect a person from obsessive nightmares, but if this is not available, then clean tap water will do. It should be left near the bed of a sleeping person so that the water absorbs negative energy and negative experiences. Under no circumstances should you wash your face with this water or use it for drinking. It must be poured out in the morning and replaced with fresh one in the evening.

Dream adjustment

Correcting dreams of bad dreams

Sometimes you can correct your dreams. You should start training any night. For example, if you dreamed of a black cat, try to imagine that you are holding a can of white paint and a brush. Imagine that you are repainting a furry animal in White color. The problems should pass.
If in a dream you seem to have fallen from high altitude into the abyss, then imagine that two large wings have opened behind you. With this development of events, in real life you will have the opportunity to circumvent any troubles and find an original solution to the problem. In scary dreams, try to destroy everything unpleasant moments and images - tear to shreds, burn, bury or explode, change everything negative to positive.

There is one more important point: after a nightmare, you should not expect similar events to occur in real life. Thoughts are material and negativity is very easily attracted to a person. If the dreamer has a dream with the same content over and over again, it is necessary to remember and write down all the details of the dream. Thus, all experiences will be transferred to paper. These manipulations will help create protection from possible troubles.

So that the dream does not come true

Anxious and scary dreams are not uncommon. They can be so frightening that a person for a long time will not be able to find a place for himself and work calmly. But our ancient ancestors had the knowledge of how to deprive such a dream of its power and what to do to know for sure that the dream would not come true. Many conspiracies and rituals have survived to this day, but most of them are already slightly modified.

To prevent a nightmare from coming true, many people advise immediately after waking up to remove the pillowcase and shake it out as much as possible. Even if such a process does not affect the dream in any way, it will at least help you finally wake up and put your thoughts in order.

Many people advise removing all bedding and washing it. Then the negative energy of sleep will not be able to pester you and affect the future.

Almost all methods of neutralizing bad dreams can be divided into the following groups:

  • experiencing the most difficult moments through numerous dream stories;
  • keeping it secret;
  • read a conspiracy or perform a ritual;
  • for frequently recurring nightmares, amulets or dream catchers are used.

The first two methods contradict each other, but in popular sources that seem to give a comprehensive interpretation, such contradictory advice is found. How to enter in this case- it’s up to you to decide, those who advise not to tell a disturbing vision are exactly as many as those who guarantee that night dream It definitely won’t come true if it is told to as many people as possible.

If you had a bad dream

To understand this advice simply from a psychological point of view: talking through the most terrible situations of a dream several times in a row means depersonalizing and depriving the dream of emotional coloring. It is advisable to use the same words to describe events. And then it stops frightening and causing inconvenience.

The main actions to neutralize single dreams

If you suddenly have a disturbing dream or one that prophesies trouble, it is important to take some actions to prevent it from coming true. Having done everything correctly and on time, you can be sure that bad events will in no way be caused by this night dream.

Telling a dream

Some sources say that in order for a nightmare not to come true, you must find out about it as soon as possible. large quantity of people. Required condition is to have time to do this before noon. Others argue that this should not be done under any circumstances, and that the nightmare should be forgotten as soon as possible and not disturb your soul. Only in this case it will not come true.

In third sources there is a solution to what to do in this case, in the style of wisdom folk tales, which does not contradict either the first advice or the second: you need to tell water, fire or stone, while saying a certain conspiracy.

The power of water

The most accessible and common way is to use water for such rituals. Ideally, taken from a spring or well, and in the absence of one, water will do from the water supply.

Neutralizing sleep with water

You need to fill any transparent vessel with water and tell her the whole dream in detail. It is also worth paying attention to what worries you and what prophecy you fear most. Then you need to pour the glass on the ground at your feet, saying the spell: “Where there is water, there is trouble.” This must be done before you say at least one word to a living person.

The earth has dark, heavy energy, it will absorb your experiences and fears, and by processing them it will feed the roots of the trees. They, in turn, will raise the water to the leaves, and those on sunlight, they will give pure oxygen with already positive, purified energy. So there will be no trace of sleep left.

The cycle will not change if you use regular tap water, which is drained into the general drain.

The power of fire

You can tell a scary or bad dream to fire. To do this, you can use anything: a match, a lighter, even gas stove. But it’s most convenient to use a candle, and more pleasant is a real fire.

It is better to choose a candle of a dark color - black (protects against magical effects) or brown (the color of the earth, which is capable of converting negative energy into positive). You need to light the candle and tell your dream in detail. All bad events will burn in fire.

If you use a fire, it would be good to add brushwood or a splinter at each break in the story so that the fire flares up better and burns away bad emotions. At the same time, you need to say the following conspiracy: “Trouble will burn, the fire tells it to go past me.”

To enhance the effect, you can write down the dream in detail on a piece of paper and burn it, flushing the ashes into running water (optionally into the toilet), or burying it in the ground.

Silent Stone

Tell the dream to the stone

A large, lonely stone lying on the road has seen enough events to be able to process any energy. It is heated by the sun, it is rained on, it is frozen and frozen. Such a stone has unique properties. He can take away the negative and give back the positive.

You can tell a bad dream to such a stone if you come across it along the way. There is also a conspiracy for the stone: “Good things come true, bad things don’t concern me.”

You need to touch him and tell him in detail what scared you. It’s good if, after the story, you feel that the place you touched at the beginning has warmed up. This means that the stone took away the negative and gave you the positive.

Read the spell on the window

The easiest way to make a bad dream not come true is to read the spell on the window immediately after waking up. This is very simple, but often, after a disturbing dream, a person does not have time to get his bearings and immediately remember about the conspiracy. Thus, the most favorable time for this is lost.

The plot must be spoken while looking out the window, only after the night is coming on the decline (that is, preferably after two in the morning). Ideally - before dawn or during. It's okay if you wake up much later. But first of all, you need to look out the window and read the conspiracy: “Where the night is dark, there is only one misfortune, but when the sun rises, it will take away the worst.” There is another one that is applicable in this situation: “The light is with me, trouble will not come home.” This must be done before speaking to anyone.

Anyone who is worried about such dreams and cannot orient themselves in time, trying to remember the words, thinking that “it seems like a phrase,” can put the spell written on a piece of paper under the pillow. Because the accuracy of words must be strictly observed.

Getting rid of obsessive nightmares

It happens that a bad dream becomes attached and is dreamed often, with a certain frequency. Or is it the same vision, but with a slightly different plot. Perhaps there are for him psychological reasons, but if something like this happened around Christmas, then it’s still worth taking action, because on this night dreams most often come true.

Use a dream catcher

Contact the dream catcher

This homemade simple, but at the same time beautiful accessory will help protect your dreams. In order to make it, you need to take a willow twig and bend it into a ring. To prevent it from unraveling on its own, you need to beautifully tie the willow ring with woolen thread. Then you need to completely entangle him, as if a spider had woven a web on him.

Bad dreams, entangled in fleecy threads, will get stuck in the catcher and will not be able to reach you. And if you dream of something bad, it will never come true. You need to hang the catcher above the headboard or in the bedroom door, then disturbing dreams will not be able to reach you.

It needs to be changed approximately once every six months, ideally burned, so that the negative is not released, and the positives come true.

Apply amulets

The simplest and most reliable amulet against bad dreams can be considered a stone. You definitely need to find him on the street. To enhance the effect, you can specifically place it in a place accessible to sunlight and moonlight place. After twenty days of such enhanced energy saturation, the stone is ready to protect you from disturbing dreams.

It should be placed under the bed at the head of the bed. Thus, all negativity will be absorbed into the stone, and not a single bad dream will come true. Stones need to be changed approximately every six months.

An ax can cut through an obsessive nightmare. To prevent the dream from coming true, it must be placed with the tip outward towards the exit of the bedroom or to the main entrance doors. Even if that night an alarming or horrible dream- the ax will cut through his prophecy, and it will definitely not come true.

Prayer and the Power of Faith

The ancient rituals that have come down to us from pagan times are not entirely suitable for believers. A true Christian is ready to accept a bad dream prediction with the necessary humility and say, “Everything is God’s will.”

If dreams are very disturbing, then prayer will help. You can read any one you know. Most often they read “Our Father” and “Virgin Mary”. Psalm 90, “Living to Help,” has particular power.

Helps you calm down morning liturgy in the temple. If you feel the need, you need to confess.

Dreams for Christmas

Most often, dreams come true that come on the night of the great patronal holiday. One of these is Christmas, because at this time the heavens become closer to people, and dreams become prophetic. People have whole week in order to ask for the fulfillment of desires and see all the answers in dreams.

What needs to be done to prevent a bad dream seen during this bright time from coming true? First of all, it is advisable to look out the window and say “happiness rise, sorrow burst in half.” This should be done before speaking to anyone in the morning.

Also, on the night before Christmas, you can order a dream by asking for an answer to the question you need. To do this, you need to write it on a piece of paper, put it under your pillow and say the following words: “When the light comes in the morning, I will receive the answer.” If on this day you receive a negative prophecy, then in order for it not to come true and stop disturbing you, you need to do this: remove the pillowcase and put it on the pillow again inside out. This is the only way to sleep the next night.

A Christmas dream will not come true if in the morning you take a handful of snow on the street (you can take it from the balcony) and melt it in a glass. At the same time, you need to say: “As the snow melted, so the dream became empty.” If you do this before speaking to any member of the household, then the dream will definitely not come true.

Christmas is a very bright holiday, so even such a simple method will help to avoid the troubles that dreams prophesied, the main thing is not to be lazy in doing it and sincerely believe that it will help. It is not difficult to understand why both good and bad dreams come. After all, life, in essence, is a series of pleasant and sad moments, just like night dreams.

How often does it happen that we wake up in a cold sweat, not understanding what it was - an ordinary nightmare caused by frayed nerves and old phobias, or a bad and at the same time prophetic dream.

Or, on the contrary, we smile and do not want to open our eyes, so as not to frighten away the beautiful vision-dream. And I really want everything good that I dreamed to come true. And what scared me has sunk into oblivion.

Today we’ll talk about how to do this. Just remember that you must truly believe in any action, then it will be the way you want. And further. If the same negative dream comes to you several times, then you should not try to get rid of it; it is much more important to write it down and try to analyze it, so that you not only know where to expect trouble, but also how you can get rid of it in real life.

How to prevent a bad dream from coming true

If a dream frightens you, then immediately after waking up say: where the night goes, there goes the dream. Then get up and repeat the same phrase into the open window. Then, without talking to anyone, go into the bathroom and let cold water, wash it three times and hold your hands under running water, repeating these same words three times.

Then go out to the kitchen, pour a glass of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it. At the same time say: Just as this salt has melted, so my dream will not come true. Then turn your back to the sink and throw this water over your left shoulder.

You can also, waking up, without getting out of bed and without looking out the window, say: resurrect the good, and crack the bad in half.

If you are a deeply religious person, then in order to prevent a bad dream from coming true, read the prayer in the morning: Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will preserve myself by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will be swaddled in the shroud of the Lord. May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear, as wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face lovers of God, and signifying sign of the cross. Amen. Amen. Amen. And cross yourself three times.

Under no circumstances tell anyone the meaning of what scared you. You can do this only in one case - if the person you are going to trust is a dream interpreter and can explain to you what this dream means and how you can avoid its consequences. True, there is a completely opposite opinion on this matter - some believe that a bad dream must be told to three people, then the dream will supposedly lose its power. However, one should not discount the fact that fears and troubles, clothed in words, seem to be consolidated in real life, they gain the right to exist and begin, in some way, to “grow in flesh”, only to materialize later at the most inopportune moment. So it’s better not to experiment and keep your bad dreams under your own control, and not “give them to the real world.”