Lunar day of birth of children of Hecate. Lunar days of hecate. What do Hecate Days mean?

Everyone knows the unwritten truth - the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. And schizophrenia is no exception. The only problem is that in the early stages it is very difficult to recognize schizophrenia, and only relatives of the sick person can do this, and only on condition that they know what the early signs of this disease are.

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is not one disease, but a group of different mental disorders that manifest differently in each person. People often call the disease “splitting of the soul,” and indeed, the sick person turns into a completely different person, which neither friends nor relatives recognize. But such changes occur already in severe cases; in the early stages, a person’s behavior and thinking changes slightly, but still causes bewilderment among those who know him.

Unfortunately, today doctors and scientists cannot say for sure what is the cause of this disease. However, this does not mean that effective treatment is impossible. One of the leading clinics for the treatment of schizophrenia in Moscow is Mental Health - the clinic has its own hospital and research laboratory. Also, the Alliance Central Medical Health Center, the Preobrazhenie Clinic, and the Rosa Clinic are involved in the treatment of this disease.

Forms and symptoms: how to recognize schizophrenia?

How can we recognize schizophrenia among loved ones and thereby help a suffering person? You should know the main symptoms of schizophrenia and then, if you notice changes in the behavior of a loved one or close friend, you will be able to seek help in time.

So, the main signs of schizophrenia depend on its form. Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by the occurrence of delusional states. A person who has fallen ill with this form of the disease is extremely suspicious, believes that there are enemies around him, and often sees hallucinations.

The depressive-paranoid form includes the previous symptoms and is complemented by a depressed state of consciousness. The patient is consumed by anxiety and a premonition of imminent disaster.

Circulatory schizophrenia causes an increased sense of superiority, talkativeness and agitation. Such people think that they are better than others and that everyone around them is jealous of them. But the signs of catatonic schizophrenia are complete apathy and inaction of a person who can remain in one position for hours or, on the contrary, inappropriate behavior (he can scream, sing, laugh for no reason).

The first "bells"

The above-described symptoms of schizophrenia become noticeable when the disease enters the active stage. However, schizophrenia may remain asymptomatic for many years. More precisely, almost asymptomatically - loved ones notice that something is wrong with the person.

In particular, the first warning signs of the disease are severe headaches, panic fears, frequent mood swings, increased anxiety and aggressiveness, directed first at loved ones and then at other people.

Relatives of the sick note that the person withdraws into himself, becomes uncommunicative, thoughtful and at the same time very often goes into conflicts, although this has not been observed in him before. At first these symptoms are temporary, but over time, moments of normal behavior become extremely rare.

The main symptom of the disease is a change in perception of reality. If your loved one begins to “talk about nonsense”, and at the same time is sure that this is how things really are, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. At the same time, a private psychiatric clinic is the best choice, since in this case you are guaranteed confidentiality, professional diagnosis and competent treatment.

How to behave with a patient with schizophrenia?

Any doctor will tell you that if you notice signs of schizophrenia in a loved one, you should never laugh at him or convince him that he is wrong - this can provoke aggression and inappropriate behavior. You need to listen to him and reassure him if possible, and then consult a doctor. The psychiatric clinic has the necessary conditions and medications to stop an attack of schizophrenia and help the patient recover.

How does schizophrenia manifest, symptoms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex disease in which it is difficult for a person to distinguish between what is real and unreal, to think clearly, to manage emotions, to treat others objectively, and it is virtually impossible to live a normal life. But this does not mean that there is no hope with this disorder. Schizophrenia can be successfully managed. The first step is to identify the signs and symptoms. The second step is to seek help immediately, the third is to strictly adhere to treatment. With proper treatment and support, a person with schizophrenia is able to lead a happy, almost fulfilling life.

Typically, schizophrenia changes a person's inner world and behavior. Changes in behavior may include the following:

  1. Social self-isolation;
  2. Depersonalization (a feeling of unreality, being in a foggy and fairy-tale state), sometimes accompanied by intense anxiety;
  3. Loss of appetite;
  4. Loss of hygiene;
  5. Misconceptions;
  6. Hallucinations (auditory or visual, feeling that something does not exist);
  7. Feelings are controlled by external forces;
  8. Disorganized speech.

At times, a person with schizophrenia may not appear to be ill; in other cases, the illness may be more obvious, particularly due to eccentric behavior. For example, the symptoms of schizophrenia in adults are quite obvious if a person wraps his head with foil in the hope that aluminum will protect thoughts from some harmful waves that are transmitted to his brain.

Schizophrenia: symptoms

Positive symptoms in the patient’s behavior may appear and disappear. You need an accurate understanding of what to expect from a schizophrenic in order to take timely action. People who have the disease overt schizophrenia have very different symptoms, since patients differ from each other in their behavior, but by and large, they all cannot control the disease. In the active stage, the victim unleashes a stream of illogical sentences on others or reacts with uncontrollable anger and violence to a perceived threat. Patients may also experience relatively passive phases of the disease, in which they seem to lack personality, movement, and emotions (so-called flat affect). People with schizophrenia may alternate between these extremes. Their behavior is sometimes predictable, sometimes absolutely sporadic.

Clustering of schizophrenia symptoms

  • Negative symptoms in schizophrenia (or deficit symptoms): Social self-isolation, difficulty expressing emotions (in extreme cases, so-called blunted affect), difficulties in self-care, inability to experience pleasure. These symptoms are caused by serious mental disorders and are often mistaken for laziness.
  • Cognitive symptoms: Difficulty attending and processing information, understanding the environment, and remembering simple tasks.

Fragmentation of thinking is characteristic of this mental disorder. When medical students are taught how to identify schizophrenia, they are always advised to observe the way the person speaks. Patients typically have trouble concentrating and maintaining thoughts. They may respond to queries with an unrelated answer, start sentences on one topic and end somewhere completely different, speak incoherently, or say illogical things. Common signs of disorganized speech in schizophrenia include free associations, rapid transition from topic to topic, without connecting a single thought between several. Neologisms are ready-made words or phrases that only have meaning for the patient. Perseveration - repetition of words and statements; saying the same thing over and over again. Meaningless use of rhyme.

Helpful Definitions in Understanding Schizophrenia

Psychosis: Psychosis is defined as a feeling of being disconnected from reality. During this phase, one may experience delusions or severe hallucinations. People with psychosis do not know that what they experience or some of the things they think are happening are not actually real. Psychosis is a prominent feature of schizophrenia, but is not a condition unique to the disease.

Schizoid Personality Disorder: This term is often used to describe a personality disorder that is characterized by an almost complete lack of interest in social relationships and a limited range of emotional expression in interpersonal settings, making a person with this disorder cold and uncaring.

Schizotypal disorder: This term defines a personality disorder that is characterized by acute discomfort in relationships, as well as disturbances in perception, odd beliefs, and bizarre behaviors. Often people with schizotypal personality disorder are seen as unusual and eccentric due to their unusual mannerisms and beliefs, and these are not uncommon symptoms of schizophrenia in women.

Hallucinations: Patients may experience too much objects or events that are actually real only to them. Symptoms of schizophrenia in men who have fought may include experiences of events that are only real to them. Hallucinations may also involve visual images, hearing, smell, taste or touch. Hallucinations have no external source, and are sometimes described as "brain tricks" in humans. Research shows that auditory hallucinations occur when people misinterpret their internal self-talk as coming from an external source.

Illusion: An illusion is a false perception for which there is an actual external stimulus. For example, visual deception after seeing a shadow and misinterpreting it as a person. The words illusion and hallucination are sometimes confused with each other. Similar types of schizophrenia, but the symptoms are still different.

Delusion: A person with delusion has a strong belief about something, despite evidence that this belief is completely false. For example, a person may listen to the radio and believe that the radio is giving a coded message about an impending alien invasion. All other people who listen to the same radio program will hear, for example, an essay about road repair work taking place in the Moscow region.

Conditions that may look like schizophrenia

Medical and psychological conditions that a doctor must rule out before making a diagnosis of schizophrenia include:

Other psychotic disorders - schizophrenia, if you look at its symptoms on any video, is a type of psychotic disorder, that is, it involves a significant loss of contact with reality. But there are other psychotic disorders that cause similar symptoms of psychosis, including schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, and brief psychotic disorder. Due to difficulties in differentiating between psychotic disorders, final diagnosis may take six months or longer.

Substance Abuse – Psychotic symptoms can be caused by many drugs, including alcohol, PCP, heroin, amphetamines and cocaine. If you want to know how schizophrenia and its symptoms begin, go on a tour to any specialized dispensary where people who use these substances that kill personality and health are observed. But some prescription drugs can also cause unwanted psychotic reactions. A toxicology screen can rule out drug-induced psychosis. If there is an understanding of the patient's substance abuse, the doctor will determine whether the drug is the source of the symptoms or simply an aggravating factor.

Medical Conditions - Schizophrenia, its symptoms may also result from certain neurological disorders (eg, epilepsy, brain tumors, and encephalitis), endocrine and metabolic disorders, and autoimmune conditions that negatively affect the central nervous system.

Mood disorders - look like the initial stage of schizophrenia, as well as its symptoms. The illness often includes changes in mood, including mania and depression. Although these mood changes are typically less severe than those caused by bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Schizophrenia is particularly difficult to distinguish from bipolar disorder. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech) may look like a manic episode of bipolar disorder, while negative symptoms of schizophrenia (apathy, social withdrawal, and low energy) may look like a depressive episode.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, such as combat, accidents, or violence - there are cases of schizophrenia in women after violence. People with PTSD, their images, sensations of smells and sounds, memories, sometimes similar to schizophrenics with their hallucinations, however, these are completely different states.

How can you recognize a schizophrenic (schizophrenia)?

Understanding how to recognize a schizophrenic among others is very important. And not at all in order to avoid this person or make fun of him. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can greatly change consciousness and even force a person to take actions that are unusual for him, sometimes life-threatening. Having determined that someone has symptoms of schizophrenia, you can promptly provide them with qualified diagnosis, observation by a psychologist, or medical care.

To determine whether a person is schizophrenic, you need to know how schizophrenia manifests itself. But there is one nuance here. Most of the symptoms of this disease are significantly enhanced behaviors of healthy people. After all, every person has anxiety or aggression. In a healthy person, these types of behavior are normal. In a schizophrenic, they either go beyond the norm, that is, they are of a pathological nature, or they manifest themselves inadequately, not corresponding to the situation.

It is important to understand that schizophrenia is a diagnosis, not a definition of strange people. Therefore, in no case should you take responsibility by calling a person schizophrenic. Only a doctor can determine this. A person incompetent in this matter can only assume the presence of a disease and recommend visiting a specialist.

To know how a person suffering from schizophrenia differs from healthy people, it is necessary to determine the main signs of schizophrenia in adults and children. Since an accurate diagnosis cannot be made through visual contact with a person, attention should be paid to the most striking manifestations of the disease.

Main manifestations of schizophrenia

One of the main manifestations of schizophrenia is the presence of hallucinations in a person. They can be not only visual, but also auditory. Moreover, the second option is much more common. Patients often hear voices or dialogues in their heads. Usually they are illogical and can push a person to commit rash and non-standard actions.

When such a symptom appears, schizophrenics are usually unaware of the true nature of these voices. They believe that aliens or deities are talking to them, for example. They are confident in the correctness of all those actions that are imposed on them, even if it is jumping from a roof, etc.

Hallucinations in schizophrenia may also be accompanied by absurd and confused thoughts, called delusions. It represents the presence of illogical statements in which the schizophrenic sees clearly formulated thoughts. Sometimes such delusions can be of a paranoid nature. In this case, the patient feels that he is being persecuted, that they want to kill him or take him to some world he himself has imagined.

Another version of delusion may be exalting oneself or someone from the environment. A schizophrenic may enthusiastically talk about how he is a messenger who will save the world, or a secret agent from another planet. All these stories will be intrusive, and if people around them reveal a lack of trust in these ideas, the patient may show strong aggression.

In addition, delusion can manifest itself in the form of jealousy. Having this symptom, a schizophrenic will be pathologically jealous of his partner. He will confidently talk about his significant other’s love affairs with a neighbor, a janitor, a salesman at a nearby store, etc. It is often impossible to convince such a person otherwise.

A symptom of schizophrenia can also be the identification of a hyper-significant personality by a person suffering from this disease. She may not only be a family member or acquaintance. This may be a stranger whom the schizophrenic will consider his master, mentor. He will be ready to unquestioningly carry out his instructions, believing in their righteousness. Because of this, the patient can become very vulnerable and fall under the influence of others.

All these symptoms characterize the most complex and profound form of the disease. Their manifestation may indicate a high percentage of probability of a person having the disease. But there are other types of schizophrenia, which differ in other signs and symptoms. They usually appear less intensely. Thus, in the first stage of schizophrenia, patients are often characterized by inappropriate behavior without visible disorders of consciousness.

Peculiarities of behavior of schizophrenics

The main behavioral features of people suffering from mild forms of schizophrenia include the following:

  • apathy towards people around you and work activity;
  • isolation and reluctance to communicate;
  • sudden and unreasonable outbursts of aggression;
  • catatonia.
  • This list is far from complete, since schizophrenia has many more behavioral changes. However, many of them border so much on the norm that it is almost impossible to identify a pathological character in them.

    One of the most striking manifestations of schizophrenia is apathy. It can affect absolutely all areas of a person’s life. A person may become indifferent to communicating with other people, lose interest in activities that he was previously passionate about, and give up work or study. At the same time, a person does not feel the need to communicate with the outside world, he withdraws into himself and is ready to be completely alone for days. This state seems comfortable to him.

    Vivid signs of schizophrenia

    Aggression may also be a sign of schizophrenia. Moreover, it is usually spontaneous and does not depend in any way on the situation in which the patient is. Such aggression is not controlled by a schizophrenic. In this state, he can easily harm both himself and others.

    Subsequently, he may not even remember what happened to him. In order to somehow explain these actions to themselves, schizophrenics give them a defensive character. They believe that this is the only way they can protect themselves from external threats. Moreover, these threats can sometimes be absurd. The patient may believe that some object or even color is causing him harm. He will avoid him in every possible way and be afraid of meeting him, considering it a mortal threat.

    The catatonic state as a manifestation of schizophrenia is a movement disorder. It can be characterized by incessant movements, which can develop into an obsessive state. Having this symptom, the patient constantly makes some movements, which are often meaningless. He may walk in circles around the room, fingering beads, or washing his hands.

    Another option is catatonic stupor. In this case, the schizophrenic freezes in some position, which can be completely uncomfortable and unnatural. The patient can remain in this position for several hours without responding to calls to him. Of course, this condition can also be a consequence of stress, but if it is systematic, then we can speak with great confidence about the presence of schizophrenia. This symptom answers the question of how to recognize schizophrenia.

    All these manifestations and symptoms enable anyone to understand how to recognize a schizophrenic among healthy people. However, they are not the last resort for making a diagnosis. They can only indicate the presence of a mental illness, including schizophrenia, and become a prerequisite for visiting a psychiatrist or psychologist.

    At the first manifestation of these symptoms in a loved one, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice.

    You cannot delay with this issue, as you can aggravate the condition when the first stage of schizophrenia develops into an incurable pathology.

    How to identify schizophrenia by behavior

    Modern methods of therapy make it possible to stop the manifestations of schizophrenia for a long time

    Schizophrenia is a real scourge of our time. It creeps up on a person unnoticed and distorts his reality. Unfortunately, this disease still has no cure, but it can be kept under control. True, for this you need to recognize it in time!

    Of course, only specialists can diagnose such a serious mental illness. But you can take a quick test to know you have nothing to worry about!

    What is schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia has many forms and variations. But the main sign of this complex mental disorder is that a person’s idea of ​​reality and his own personality completely changes

    The whole difficulty of diagnosing schizophrenia lies in the fact that few people are able to adequately assess their mental state. A true schizophrenic is absolutely sure that he is healthy. Moreover, he is convinced of his exclusivity and special great mission on Earth

    This is how it turns out that many people simply do not reach specialists. Of course, they suspect that something is wrong with them, but they attribute their “strange” state to stress, fatigue or some external reasons. Meanwhile, the insidious disease progresses and completely changes their lives.

    Not every psychiatrist can correctly diagnose schizophrenia. What can we say about ordinary people? Therefore, if you notice dangerous signs in yourself or someone you know, it is best not to panic, but to seek advice from good specialists.

    How does schizophrenia begin?

    Nothing is really known about the causes of schizophrenia. Psychiatrists say that most often genetics, coupled with stress, are to blame.

    Typically, the first signs of schizophrenia appear between 18 and 35 years of age. But this mental illness can occur in absolutely any person at any time in his life. In the case of childhood schizophrenia, oddities of behavior are often attributed to adolescence or personality traits.

    The initial signs of schizophrenia are difficult to notice. But most often the following happens.

    The person withdraws into himself and avoids communicating with people. He does not make contact well and loses interest in everything that previously brought him joy.

    All physical sensations are dulled: such people may not notice hunger, and also forget to wash and change clothes on time.

    A person may show inappropriate emotions: for example, the most innocent question causes irritation and aggression in him.

    Important: this behavior is not unique to people with schizophrenia. This can be the behavior of a child who has experienced psychological trauma, a rebellious teenager, or an adult during depression.

    Therefore, if you notice the above signs in someone, you should not immediately suspect schizophrenia. Such behavior only indicates that something is happening in a person’s soul. Perhaps you should talk to him and convince him to see a psychologist to get rid of stress and trauma.

    True schizophrenia is manifested not only by these signs. When making a diagnosis, psychiatrists also pay attention to two types of clinical symptoms: major and minor.

    How to recognize a schizophrenic: rapid test

    This special rapid test will help you independently assess your risk of developing schizophrenia. Just remember that its results are just a reason to think about your mental health and turn to a professional!

    So, to make a preliminary diagnosis, carefully review this list of schizophrenia symptoms and mentally check the box where you agree with the description.

    Symptoms of a large circle

    Hallucinations (voice, less often visual). A person can either understand that the voices in his head are only imaginary, or believe that he is talking to an invisible interlocutor. The main danger is that the VOICE can not only tell something, but also give directive instructions. For example, ordering someone to be harmed.

    Echo of thoughts. This is a special feeling that your own thoughts are repeated or echoed (but not spoken out loud) at a short interval. In addition, a person can feel the “OPENNESS” of thoughts. In this case, it seems to him that those around him can know everything he is thinking about. Sometimes the patient believes that those around him deliberately control his thoughts: they erase them from memory or, conversely, put their own into his head.

    Delirium of influence. A person is convinced that someone or something is CONTROLLING him. He can tell others that he was hypnotized, programmed, or specially exposed to some kind of rays.

    Crazy ideas. The schizophrenic sincerely believes in his great MISSION. He must uncover a Masonic conspiracy, save the world from aliens, decipher messages from unknown civilizations, invent a time machine, and so on. Often a schizophrenic comes to the conclusion that everyone around him does not understand anything; he alone sees the TRUTH.

    Small circle symptoms

    Strange speech structures. A person is trying to explain something very important to him, but completely INCOMPREHENSIVE to others, since there is no logical connection between the phrases. Sometimes words are used that he himself invented, something like: “Varkalos. The flimsy little shorts were darting across the nave...”

    Slow reaction. A person stops reacting to others and can sit for a long time and look at one point. In some cases, he falls into a STUPOR to the point of complete immobility.

    Persistent illusions. They arise when the patient’s brain completes its own REALITY. For example, a schizophrenic may feel that people on the streets periodically grow horns or that his things come to life at night.

    Negative symptoms. They are called so because a person gradually LOSSES skills: he becomes less emotional, loses interest in work, practically does not communicate with people, etc.

    The result of the rapid test: POSSIBLE schizophrenia is indicated by the presence of AT LEAST one major symptom in combination with two minor ones.

    In any case, the presence of any of these signs is a clear reason to go to a psychiatrist to figure out what exactly is going on.

    How to deal with a schizophrenic

    Having discovered a schizophrenic next to you, it is important to remember that some forms of this disease lead to exacerbations. At this time, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves especially strongly, and the person himself seems to fall out of reality.

    Since the patient does not understand what he is doing, it is impossible to predict his behavior. In the worst case scenario, a schizophrenic person may show aggression, which can be directed both at other people and at themselves.

    What to do in this case? Call an ambulance for psychiatric help! In the meantime, the doctors are on their way to try to establish trusting contact and reassure the patient.

    Under no circumstances should you prove to a schizophrenic that everything in reality is not at all what he thinks. Not only will he not believe you, but he will also count you among his enemies. Do you need it? Better try to play along with the person. For example, if he believes that he has invented a time machine, ask him to be sure to take you with him when he goes back in time, since you have a lot of unfinished business there.…

    It also happens that a person is perfectly aware of reality, but at the same time periodically demonstrates certain symptoms of schizophrenia. Try to persuade him (for his own peace of mind!) to undergo an examination by a psychiatrist. This is difficult, but extremely necessary. If the patient refuses to go to the doctor, do everything possible to start his treatment: invite specialists to his home, go to private clinics, motivate him with anything

    Modern methods of therapy make it possible to stop the manifestations of schizophrenia for a long time. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact professionals in a timely manner!

    Days of the Dark Moon / Days of the Black Moon

    Hecate ruled over all ghosts and monsters, night visions and sorcery. She was born as a result of the marriage of the titan Persus and Asteria.
    Hecate had three bodies connected together, six pairs of arms and three heads. Zeus, the king of the gods, endowed her with power over the destinies of the earth and sea, and Uranus endowed her with indestructible strength.
    The Greeks believed that Hecate wanders in deep darkness at night with her constant companions, owls and snakes, lighting her path with smoldering torches.
    She walked past the graves along with her terrible retinue, surrounded by monstrous dogs from the kingdom of Hades, living on the banks of the Styx. Hecate sent horrors and painful dreams to the earth and destroyed people.
    Sometimes Hecate helped people, for example, it was she who helped Medea achieve Jason’s love. It was believed that she helped sorcerers and sorcerers. The ancient Greeks believed that if you sacrifice dogs to Hecate while standing at the crossroads of three roads, she would help remove the spell and get rid of evil damage.
    Underground gods like Hecate personified mainly the formidable forces of nature.

    (c) Ancient mythology

    Hecate– not dark, not black and does not represent the forces of evil and darkness.

    Hecate personifies process, the elemental power of destruction for the sake of creation, the power of renewal through death.

    In ancient Greek mythology, a chthonic deity (of Asia Minor origin), the patroness of all night evil spirits, witchcraft and divination. In literary sources, many other functions were also attributed to her, in connection with which Hecate was identified with the goddess of the moon Selene, the goddess of the underworld Persephone, and the mistress of wild animals Artemis. She was depicted with a torch in her hands, often with snakes in her hair (sometimes with three faces).

    (c) Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Hecate (Ekath)- the Greek deity of moonlight. The cult of Hecate first existed among the Thracians and from them it passed to the Greeks. In Hesiod's Theogony, where she is first mentioned, she is called the daughter of the Titan Perseus; others call her the daughter of Zeus and Demeter or Zeus and Hera. Hecate bestows wisdom in public assemblies, happiness in war, rich spoils in hunting, etc. As the goddess of the underworld, she was also considered the goddess of all things mysterious; the Greeks imagined her fluttering with the souls of the dead at crossroads, where, therefore, her cult was sometimes performed. She helps sorceresses, who, like Circe and Medea, learn their art from her. Hecate was sometimes depicted as one female figure with two torches in her hands, sometimes as three figures tied at the back.

    (c) W. Blake

    Hecate- goddess of darkness, witchcraft and mirages. Daughter of Persian and Asteria, granddaughter of the titans Koya and Kria, mother of Skilla (father of Phorcys). One of the most ancient and powerful goddesses, ruling over all ghosts and monsters in the kingdom of Hades. She had three bodies and three heads - a lion, a dog and a horse. At the crossroads of three roads, dogs were sacrificed and then Hecate helped not only in witchcraft, but also against witchcraft. At a later time, Hecate began to act as a symbol of otherworldly forces.

    Hecate is the Greek name of an Anatolian and Thracian goddess first mentioned by Hesiod (c. 700 BC). Nilsson, in Greek Popular Religion, believes that the cult of Hecate originates from Caria; "this is confirmed by the fact that personal names in which her name is included are often found in this particular area, while in other places they are rare or not known at all."

    There are versions that in early Hellenic history Hecate was a completely virtuous goddess associated with the Moon. Then the Hellenes, who brought patriarchal order, supplanted the goddess and she became formidable and terrible for them. However, from Zeus Hecate received power over the fate of the earth and sea, and from Uranus (grandfather) she received great power.

    Thus, in ancient times, Hecate patronized hunting, shepherding, horse breeding, protected children and young men, and granted victory in competitions, in court, and in war. Later, with the strengthening of the cults of Hermes, Artemis and Apollo, her influence decreases, or rather changes. Her attributes are a key, a whip, a dagger and a torch.

    In the classical era, Hecate became the goddess of the moon, the night and the underworld. More often she was depicted with a torch in her hand. Statues of Hecate were placed at crossroads to protect against evil. At the same time, it was she who was blamed for the madness and the appearance of ghosts. Even later, Hecate becomes the patroness of witchcraft and the progenitor of all sorceresses. She was responsible for the madness that befalls people, insanity or obsession with any idea. At the same time, she could protect against evil demons and witchcraft.

    In Rome, Hecate was compared with the goddess Trivia - “the goddess of the three roads.”

    Hecate is the oldest Greek form of the triune Goddess who ruled the heavens, the Underworld and the Earth. She was known to the Amazons as the Goddess of the Black Moon and Queen of the Underworld. After the fall of matriarchy, the Greeks worshiped her as one of the queens of the Underworld and the mistress of the crossroads where three roads converge. She was called Hecate Trevia, Hecate Triple, her three-headed statues stood at crossroads, where her fans asked her for white magic during the full moon, and black magic during the Black Moon.

    An ominous snake-haired and three-faced goddess, appearing on the surface of the earth only in the moonlight, with two flaming torches in her hands, accompanied by dogs black as night and monsters of the underworld, Hecate - nocturnal “chthonia” and heavenly “urania”, “irresistible” wanders among the graves and releases the ghosts of the dead, sends horrors and terrible dreams, but can also protect from them and from evil demons and witchcraft. Among her constant companions is the terrible Empusa, capable of changing her appearance and frightening belated travelers, as well as the demon spirits of Kera. This is exactly how the goddess is represented on monuments of ancient fine art.

    The Romans identified Hecate with their goddess Trivia - "goddess of the three roads", just like her Greek counterpart, she had three heads and three bodies. The image of Hecate was placed at a crossroads or crossroads, where, having dug a hole in the dead of night, they sacrificed puppies, or in gloomy caves inaccessible to sunlight.
    Since ancient times, in order to appease and win over the goddess of witchcraft and mistress of ghosts, Hecate, chicken hearts and honey cakes are left for her at the threshold of her home. It is significant that the gifts are placed on her threshold, because the door is the boundary separating the world of the living and the world of the dead. And although an altar to the goddess is placed in the house, they don’t really want to invite her inside because of her relationship to the afterlife. Since ancient times, people love and fear her at the same time, this is due to her dual nature.

    Triple Goddess

    Hecate is characterized by its triplicity. Her statues were three-body, depicting three identical mature women facing three directions and holding torches, snakes (or whips) and daggers. Such statues of Hecate were placed at crossroads.

    It is sometimes believed that she had three guises - a mare, a dog and a lion. And also ruled the triad of human existence - birth, life and death and time - past, present and future. It is more likely that its triple nature was primarily associated with the three states of the Moon - the waxing Moon, the full Moon and the waning Moon.

    In our time, she is credited with the “three whips of power” with which she controls humanity. However, in depictions she always has two whips (sometimes replaced by snakes) in two hands. The remaining two bodies are holding other objects. Being depicted in one body, the goddess more often held torches than whips (and she had only two hands).

    Lunar Triad:
    Artemis - Demeter - Hecate

    Hecate was seen as the “occult sister” of Artemis. They have similar character and some attributes. Both of them rush along the same paths and roads known to them. Both do not have a husband who restricts their freedom. Both are accompanied by dogs. Both patronize women in trouble, she is also a hunter, but her hunt is a dark night hunt among the dead, graves and ghosts of the underworld, she rushes around surrounded by a pack of hell dogs and witches.. She was also closely associated with two other goddesses - Demeter, the goddess fertility and her daughter Persephone (Kore) - the goddess of the Underworld. Hecate acted as an assistant to both in dark matters associated with the darkness of the night.


    Two days before the new moon and two days after the new moon are a difficult time of black moonless nights. The so-called days of Hecate. At this time, the body is at a decline in vital activity and is most susceptible to the influence of gloomy thoughts. Moreover, with the appearance of the Dark Moon in the sky, the dark sides of our psyche are also activated.

    At the time of the new moon, the body experiences the greatest loss of strength for the entire lunar month. We lack the strength to cope even with our basic responsibilities. In addition, during the new moon our perception is heightened, sensitivity increases (including to everything negative) - and we react more painfully to what we would previously have left unnoticed. Since during the days of Hecate we are often visited by various fears, general depression and even depression are possible.

    The new moon itself is not a cause of stress. It only aggravates existing symptoms of stress or reveals something that for the time being went unnoticed. This may be a lack of appetite or, conversely, a tendency to constantly overeat, insomnia, a constant feeling of fatigue, nervous tics, increased sweating, a tendency to bite nails, muscle twitching and cramps, nausea, difficulty breathing, tearfulness for no apparent reason, impotence or frigidity.

    The following symptoms also indicate a state of stress:

    • constant irritability when communicating with people, obsessive fear of getting sick;
    • general loss of interest in life;
    • constant expectation of failure and fear of the future;
    • constant dissatisfaction with oneself, dissatisfaction with one’s appearance;
    • loss of interest in other people, desire to be left alone;
    • a constant feeling of barely contained anger or rage.

    If you find yourself with at least a few of the above symptoms, then you are susceptible to stress, which will certainly manifest itself during the new moon and will affect the exacerbation of these symptoms during this period.

    What to do in this case? First, of course, try to figure out what the cause of anxiety and worry is. Otherwise, these experiences will only torment you even more.

    Secondly, you need to treat yourself with care, love and care. Give yourself more time. Do this at least once a month, on the new moon, following these recommendations:

    • first of all, try not to overwork - work no more than eight hours daily;
    • try to get full rest during two days off every week;
    • take time to just sit and listen to quiet, pleasant, relaxing music;
    • learn to walk slowly and talk slowly and calmly - without haste, nervousness and fussiness;
    • try to smile when meeting people;
    • exercise regularly, preferably in the fresh air, and watch your breathing - it should be deep. There is a very good way to get rid of stress: while playing ball, imagine that along with the ball you are throwing away all your tension, all the irritability and aggression that have accumulated inside. The same can be done by throwing pebbles into water;
    • learn to live in the present moment, without indulging in fears about what might happen, without dwelling on negative memories;
    • learn to express your feelings openly so that tension does not arise due to suppressed emotions;
    • never look for someone to blame for your failures. Know that everything in your life depends only on you and you have enough strength to cope with all your problems.

    Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the ruler of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution.

    In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him.

    The so-called satanic days (9, 15, 23, 29) and the days of Hecate are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate as harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.

    Kali, Inanna, Artemis, Ishtar, Astarte, Bombo, Selene, Kokyangviiti, Kannon... all these are manifestations of Hecate.

    Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

    Here is what Globa writes on this topic:
    “Lunar cycles begin and end with the so-called dark days of the Moon, when the Moon hides in the rays of the Sun, is not visible, and does not shine. These days were highlighted in a special way by ancient astrologers, and the most strange, mysterious, mystical meanings were attributed to them. They were associated with Hecate - the goddess of witchcraft, hidden forces, the goddess of reserves, treasures, what is hidden, including in the subconscious; the goddess of what frightens, irritates, and can bring fear to any person. Sorcerers and witches chose the days of the dark moon for collecting magical herbs, witchcraft, and casting spells on people.”


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    Days of the Black Moon - days of Hecate: how to protect yourself and benefit from the dark period?

    Have you noticed attacks of uncontrollable negativity? Or the feeling that everything is going wrong? Or maybe it happens that you are ready, out of the blue, to snap and yell at a negligent colleague for a seemingly minor offense? Or quarrel with your best friend over a trifle? If yes, then you are one of those who feel the cycles of the moon very keenly. And I’m talking now not only about women, but also about men. Yes, yes, dear men, you can also be subject to the cycles of the Moon.

    What do Hecate Days mean?

    In astrology there is such a thing as lunar cycles. They begin and end on certain days, the so-called days of the Black Moon or- these are two days before and two days after the New Moon of each month ( 28, 29 and 2, 3 lunar days). These are the most difficult days of the lunar cycle.

    Hecate is the ancient Greek goddess of moonlight, dark witchcraft, forbidden knowledge, poisons, witchcraft and the other world. And, as a symbol of everything unknown, it found its personification in the far side of the Moon, which is inaccessible to human sight. According to legend, only a few days a month she can completely control the Moon, and this time is considered dangerous and difficult.

    The days of Hecate are characterized by an increased nervous state of people, deterioration of their psychological and life assets. At this time, our dark subconscious is activated, which is why so many cases of uncontrollable outbursts of rage occur, and conflicts between people become more frequent.

    At this time, weakness, emotional instability, fatigue increase, and a depressive, depressed state increases. Astrologers recommend trying to avoid heavy workloads and not make important decisions at this time.

    This may seem surprising, but men react most sharply to the days of Hecate. They withdraw into themselves, become unyielding, conflictual, are overcome by dark thoughts and, in some cases, can become aggressive.

    For example, Hecate Days are very good at helping you sort things out. It is believed that cases completed at this time, especially very complex ones, will end most favorably. Hecate's days help to clear your mind, free yourself from unnecessary burdens of emotions, and better understand and accept yourself. This time is very good for fasting days and fasting. And the second and third lunar days are the best time to start diets and get rid of bad habits. During the days of Hecate, a person is freed both at the physiological and energetic levels from excess husks.

    Gifts of Hecate

    People born on these days are considered endowed with the gift of Hecate. Such people have unusually highly developed intuition; they often discover a gift for extrasensory perception. People born on the days of Hecate have enormous energy; their inner strength can both help and destroy. Such people feel their calling from childhood. They have incredible charisma and magnetism.

    Such people have a rather complex character, it is not easy to find an approach to them, but if you were able to win his trust and love, rest assured that this person will go through thick and thin for you. It’s hard to imagine more devoted friends, more faithful lovers. If such a person loves, then he will carry this feeling through the years, and will remain faithful to his chosen one to the end.

    How to make Hecate's days successful?

    Finally, let me give you some practical advice that will help you get through this difficult period as painlessly as possible:

    - Try not to start new cases or sign new documents.
    - Try not to borrow or lend, and not to take out loans or other debt obligations.
    - Do not give in to negative emotions, do not be fooled by outside provocations.
    - Do not act rashly or make impulsive decisions.
    - If you feel like you are ready to break down, do a simple technique of breathing energy exercises: close your eyes, take 5-7 deep breaths, concentrate on the sensations of warm air penetrating into your chest, imagine how this warmth begins from the lungs and expands with each breath until will not cover the entire body. Stay warm for a few seconds. Take a deep breath. All! Are you ready for new achievements!

    May the Dark Days of the Moon bring you only good things!

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    Hecate is not dark, not black and does not represent the power of evil and darkness.
    Hecate personifies process, the elemental power of destruction for the sake of creation, the power of renewal through death.

    In ancient Greek mythology, a chthonic deity (of Asia Minor origin), the patroness of all night evil spirits, witchcraft and divination. In literary sources, many other functions were also attributed to her, in connection with which Hecate was identified with the goddess of the moon Selene, the goddess of the underworld Persephone, and the mistress of wild animals Artemis. She was depicted with a torch in her hands, often with snakes in her hair (sometimes with three faces).

    The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.
    They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

    Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

    There are lunar days on which amazing people are born - people who have the power of the Goddess Hecate

    Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the ruler of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution. In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him. The White Moon is a symbol of a woman housewife, whose tables are laden with food, healthy and happy children are rustling, and her house is entwined with grapes. In a word - a woman who creates simple and beautiful earthly happiness. This woman becomes the Black Moon when her children and a respectable home are in danger and she turns into a protector. Hecate’s main task is to protect the house covered with grapes from dark forces. It is believed that Hecate can destroy night ghosts, vampires and even demons.

    Lunar days on which power passes to Hecate - 9, 15, 23, 29

    People born on these days are endowed with the gift of Hecate. What does it mean? In their presence, everything falls apart and collapses. It's not their fault. This is their space program. But at the same time, the true necessarily grows with tenfold force, and the false dies forever. “Hecates” are a kind of bulldozers that clear new areas for new flower beds in the Universe. People born on 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are ecstatic. It costs them nothing to run out into the snow barefoot in the winter cold or rush from a cliff into a raging sea in a thunderstorm to experience a state where the spirit is captured by the feeling of their own strength and unity with the elements.

    Should Hecate be feared? No. In no case. They are saviors. They can stop a fight, help a person out, intervene in a situation in which neither the police nor professional rescuers would risk finding themselves. You can rely on them. Hecates are betrayed to death by those they love. We can say that they are loyal to friends and loved ones. But not everyone correctly understands this devotion and fidelity. God gave them the opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is no small luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from your life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like “Hecate.”
    There is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck.

    “Hecates” will allow you to write the novel of your married life together on a clean sheet of paper, where they will not leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hecate it can increase turnover several dozen times. So, honest entrepreneurs, hire Hecate!

    Hecate's Challenge

    Call Hecate on one of her days - 9, 15, 23, 29, as well as two days before the new moon and two days after. “Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.” If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.
    "New Interesting Newspaper"

    The days of Hecate include 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days, because It is believed that it is at this time that the energy passes into the hands of the Dark Goddess. She also has two days before the new moon and two days after it. And now is the time :)

    The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.

    They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

    “Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.”

    If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.

    Lunar days on which power passes to Hekate are 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days. The days of Hecade are usually called the two days before the new moon (28, 29 or 30) and the two days after (1 and 2).

    These are days of cleansing, liberation and letting go. Everything we have worked with this month comes to an end. This time is ideal for cleansing rituals and completion of any kind of work. You can burn black candles, which, when melted, will take away the negativity. You can take a ritual bath by candlelight, which will wash away all the fatigue and past experience from you. This is the time when in the dark we look at what we managed to do, draw conclusions so as not to make mistakes in the future, and thank what is leaving for what it was.

    First and second days of Hecate (days before the new moon)

    This period is intended solely to get rid of the negative burden of the past. Don’t plan and especially don’t start new things. It’s better to analyze your past actions, and then get rid of everything unnecessary that is no longer necessary for you and has become obsolete. It’s good to conduct forgiveness meditations these days, to remove the burden of past grievances. You can arrange fasting days for yourself. It will also be useful to soothe the soul and body with aromatic baths.

    First day of Hecate

    People are overwhelmed by confusion and indecision, so during this period we especially need communication and support. However, you need to be careful, because on the first day of Hecate it is very easy to fall under the influence of others. You may also experience fussiness, a desire to occupy yourself with something, to be in constant motion. Despite this, do not under any circumstances start new business and, if possible, try to postpone all important negotiations. Luck is fickle at this time.

    Second day of Hecate

    At this time, the dark side of our personality tends to come to the surface. People become prone to deception and may commit inappropriate actions. On this day, frequent quarrels are possible, in particular with the closest people. Well-being may worsen, especially for women, because they, as you know, have a closer connection with the Moon than men.

    The third and fourth days of Hecate (days after the new moon)

    These days you should start planning your future affairs. But don’t start implementing, but planning. And two days after the new moon is the best time to give up bad habits or start regular physical activity. Some recommend that you also devote this time to meditation and visualization of your plans and desires.

    Third day of Hecate

    People become secretive, gloomy and stubborn. During this period, we, as a rule, communicate little, and sometimes even fall into apathy. In addition, a young moon makes a person emotionally unstable. Therefore, frequent and unreasonable mood swings are also possible.

    Fourth day of Hecate

    Brings with it excessive impressionability and sensitivity. During this period, a person responds well to hypnosis. We become trusting, like children. Therefore, you should avoid communicating with “bad” people; it would be much better to completely devote this day to yourself.

    Remember that there is nothing good or bad in the cycle of nature or in the cycle of life. There are only tools with which we work correctly or incorrectly, and they always serve primarily as a source of experience.