Signs of what dreams mean. Folk signs of superstition - regarding dreams. If you had a bad dream

If you dreamed horrible dream, then you cannot tell it to anyone before sunrise, otherwise the dream may come true. Of course, no one wants the monsters that sometimes appear in our dreams to actually come to life. Therefore, this sign should not be neglected.

We must remember that deceased people never just appear in dreams. Usually they give some signs, and it is important to interpret these signs correctly. If a person who has gone to another world has not given a sign, then you just need to light a candle for his repose. The deceased also dream of bad weather, rain or blizzards.

Oddly enough, it is considered not a very good omen to see yourself in the role of the bride or groom. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But the ancestors were very afraid of such dreams, so, having seen themselves at the altar, it was better to go to church in the morning or simply read some kind of protective prayer.

You should not respond to any invitations in dreams. Our grandmothers believed that it was the dead who were trying to lure you to them and using the fragile world of dreams to do this. Of course, this is most likely not true, but you should be careful just in case.

Very important are dreams seen on church holidays. Such a dream may well come true, but not later than the second half of the day following the holiday. If you really liked the “holiday” dream and want it to come true, do not tell anyone about it until noon.

Child laughing in his sleep, in itself is a very good omen. Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, it is believed that at such moments angels play with babies, and therefore you should not disturb the children’s sleep. Secondly, since the child was visited by a heavenly messenger, it means that he remembers your family and cares about it. Agree, it’s nice to think that someone invisible and kind is watching over you and keeping you from harm.

It is very important to go to bed without wearing tight clothes or ties. This is especially true for collars. In addition to the fact that sleeping in a collar is simply inconvenient, it is also unsafe. It is not surprising that a collar on a sleeping person is a bad omen, foreshadowing the illness of the sleeping person. Even our grandmothers, who had many nightgowns with top ties in their arsenal, preferred to unravel them at night.

Many of us are so tired at work that we begin to suffer from insomnia. A simple whisper that needs to be said three times each time before going to bed while lying in bed will help get rid of it. The whisper words are:

“I plow, plow, insomnia from the servant of God (your name), from his clear face, from his bright eyes. I smell it on the bright eyes, and on the face white dream sound, sleep during the day, at night, in the morning, in the evening. My words are strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. Come quickly, sleep, to the servant of God (name). I close my words with a golden key, but I throw that key to the bottom of the blue sea. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Of course, dreams themselves play a very important role in our lives. But just as important are the signs that allow us to learn much more about the world of dreams, about what to do if we have a bad dream or a good one. We hope our “sleepy” signs will make your life a little easier.

How to get rid of a bad dream

Dream scientists believe that every dream, no matter how difficult or even scary it may be, reflects the inner world of a person. Nightmares are some kind of signals from the subconscious that want to draw our attention to some aspect of life. Also often bad dreams caused by worries, resentment, unexpressed emotions, and so on. Therefore, they mainly disturb us in difficult times. Despite some benefits of nightmares, many people want to get rid of them. If you are one of them, then try the following.

Find a small, light-colored glass bottle, such as a medicine bottle, but be sure to remove all labels from it. Pour rain or melt water into it. Cover the bottle and say out loud 5 times:

“A sweet dream is drowning, dripping down to me drop by drop. Every dream is in colors, every dream is good. Let it be so!"

After this, tie a red woolen thread to the resulting amulet and hang it over the bed. After a month, throw it away from the house.

If you often have scary dreams, then in order not to remember them the next morning, before going to bed, connect your index and thumb on both hands and say out loud 5 times:

“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr stone stands, preserves my dreams, lets through good dreams, drives away bad dreams. I’ll get up in the morning, I won’t find a bad dream, I won’t remember about it, I won’t flinch from it. Let it be so!"

After this, cross yourself three times and go to bed.

Everyone is widely aware of the superstitions about a black cat, a woman with empty buckets... But, sad as it may be, almost no one knows the superstitions associated with our dreams. Since ancient times, people have had signs about dreams that interpret all events related to dreams.

If you had a good dream, then:

  • you can’t tell it to anyone, then it will come true;
  • It’s worth scratching the palm of your left hand if you dream about money;
  • you need to look out the window with a smile, as if welcoming upcoming joyful events;
  • you can tell by seeing good dream: “The dream rolled into reality”;
  • it cannot be interpreted. You should take what you dreamed literally, then there is a chance that the dream will come true as you dreamed.

If you had a bad dream:

  • it is necessary to say, “where there is night, there comes sleep”;
  • I need to tell you a dream to a loved one, then it will not be fulfilled;
  • need to wash cold water, you can also whisper into the flow cold water flowing from the tap the following words: “Water, water, flow away to nowhere, take away my sleep”;
  • you can say to yourself: “I had a bad dream and rolled away from me into the distance”

Also, when waking up, they say: “a good dream will be resurrected, but a bad dream will crack in half”! They look out the window not only when they have a good dream, but if, when waking up from a bad dream, they look out the window into the distance and say the following words: “what you dreamed about did not happen in reality,” then the dream will not come true. Also bad dream can be exchanged, that is, tell how it is possible more Human.

If, when waking up from a bad dream, you get the impression that it is prophetic, then you can save yourself from future events by fulfilling the dream yourself, that is, playing out the events of the dream. Thus, it will turn from a prophetic dream into a fulfilled dream, and nothing bad will happen anymore.

If you place a glass of water at the head of the bed, then in the morning, depending on your sleep, you can drink or pour out the water. If the dream is bad, then the water is poured out, if it is good, then you should drink the water when you wake up. In a sense, those who know how to influence their dreams are lucky. As soon as they see something bad in their dreams, they can influence their dream and rid it of negativity.

Believers seek salvation from bad dreams in prayers, since there are prayers aimed at protection from evil and prayers-requests for the fulfillment of what is desired.

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Hello, phaQ, you correctly understand that such a dream cannot promise anything good. Take it as a warning. It is known that whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Perhaps there is something that can still be changed for the better in your family, correct some mistakes, thus preventing sad news (the image of a crow breaking into the windows to sad news) Direct all your efforts to preserve your family, the well-being of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Strong Crow

The dream does not report anything bad at all!!! You have the opportunity (door to the balcony) to get out of the prison of habits and outdated concepts (room), but you are frightened by possible powerful changes (crow). You can also see your dependence on other people’s opinions (relatives). Get out of your head that crow Bad sign, this is a messenger of the Force and only in rare dreams reports empty troubles. Never listen to those who scare you! Only fears prevent us from being free and make us easily controlled. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Holding hands in a dream!!

Your dream is most likely about the current situation today. Part 1 of the dream speaks of a past relationship between you and your concern that something might break it down. And part 2 of the dream reflects your need to somehow change (“sweeten”, improve) the upsetting situation that has developed between you. (he leaves) h

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Hello, phaQ, you correctly understand that such a dream cannot promise anything good. Take it as a warning. It is known that whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Perhaps there is something that can still be changed for the better in your family, correct some mistakes, thus preventing sad news (the image of a crow breaking into the windows to sad news) Direct all your efforts to preserve your family, the well-being of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Strong Crow

The dream does not report anything bad at all!!! You have the opportunity (door to the balcony) to get out of the prison of habits and outdated concepts (room), but you are frightened by possible powerful changes (crow). You can also see your dependence on other people’s opinions (relatives). Get rid of the idea that the crow is a bad omen, it is a messenger of the Force and only in rare dreams reports empty troubles. Never listen to those who scare you! Only fears prevent us from being free and make us easily controlled. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Holding hands in a dream!!

Your dream is most likely about the current situation today. Part 1 of the dream speaks of a past relationship between you and your concern that something might break it down. And part 2 of the dream reflects your need to somehow change (“sweeten”, improve) the upsetting situation that has developed between you. (he leaves) h

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Everyone knows that if a black cat crosses the road, then, according to popular belief, trouble awaits. Did you know that there are no less signs associated with dreams? Here are some of them.

If you have a terrible dream, you cannot tell it to anyone before sunrise, otherwise the dream may come true. Of course, no one wants the monsters that sometimes appear in our dreams to actually come to life. Therefore, this sign should not be neglected.
We must remember that deceased people never just appear in dreams. Usually they give some signs, and it is important to interpret these signs correctly. If a person who has gone to another world has not given a sign, then you just need to light a candle for his repose. The deceased also dream of bad weather, rain or blizzards.
Oddly enough, it is considered not a very good omen to see yourself in the role of the bride or groom. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But the ancestors were very afraid of such dreams, so, having seen themselves at the altar, it was better to go to church in the morning or simply read some kind of protective prayer.
You should not respond to any invitations in dreams. Our grandmothers believed that it was the dead who were trying to lure you to them and using the fragile world of dreams to do this. Of course, this is most likely not true, but you should be careful just in case.
Dreams seen in church holidays. Such a dream may well come true, but not later than the second half of the day following the holiday. If you really liked the “holiday” dream and want it to come true, do not tell anyone about it until noon.
A child laughing in a dream is in itself a very good omen. Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, it is believed that at such moments angels play with babies, and therefore you should not disturb the children’s sleep. Secondly, since the child was visited by a heavenly messenger, it means that he remembers your family and cares about it. Agree, it’s nice to think that someone invisible and kind is watching over you and keeping you from harm.
It is very important to go to bed without wearing tight clothes or ties. This is especially true for collars. In addition to the fact that sleeping in a collar is simply inconvenient, it is also unsafe. It is not surprising that a collar on a sleeping person is a bad omen, foreshadowing the illness of the sleeping person. Even our grandmothers, who had many nightgowns with top ties in their arsenal, preferred to unravel them at night.
Many of us are so tired at work that we begin to suffer from insomnia. A simple whisper that needs to be said three times each time before going to bed while lying in bed will help get rid of it. The whispered words are: “I plow, plow, insomnia from the servant of God (your name), from his clear face, from his bright eyes. I smell the bright eyes, and the white face of a deep sleep, a day's sleep, a night's sleep, a morning's sleep, an evening's sleep. My words are strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. Come quickly, sleep, to the servant of God (name). I close my words with a golden key, but I throw that key to the bottom of the blue sea. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Of course, dreams themselves play a very important role in our lives. But just as important are the signs that allow us to learn much more about the world of dreams, about what to do if we have a bad dream or a good one. We hope our “sleepy” signs will make your life a little easier.

How to get rid of a bad dream

Dream scientists believe that every dream, no matter how difficult or even scary it may be, reflects the inner world of a person. Nightmares are some kind of signals from the subconscious that want to draw our attention to some aspect of life. Also, bad dreams are often caused by worries, resentment, unexpressed emotions, and so on. Therefore, they mainly disturb us in difficult times. Despite some benefits of nightmares, many people want to get rid of them. If you are one of them, then try the following.
Find a small, light-colored glass bottle, such as a medicine bottle, but be sure to remove all labels from it. Pour rain or melt water into it. Cover the bottle and say out loud 5 times:
“A sweet dream is drowning, dripping down to me drop by drop. Every dream is in colors, every dream is good. Let it be so!"
After this, tie a red woolen thread to the resulting amulet and hang it over the bed. After a month, throw it away from the house.
If you often have scary dreams, then in order not to remember them the next morning, before going to bed, connect the index and thumb on both hands and say out loud 5 times:
“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr stone stands, preserves my dreams, lets through good dreams, drives away bad dreams. I’ll get up in the morning, I won’t find a bad dream, I won’t remember about it, I won’t flinch from it. Let it be so!"
After this, cross yourself three times and go to bed.