What to do if your fingers are frostbitten. Prevention of frostbite of the extremities. Symptoms of frostbite and hypothermia

During the cold season, there is a risk of getting sick not only from the flu, colds or pneumonia. Due to prolonged exposure low temperatures on certain parts of the body, you can get frostbite. The limbs are most often affected. Frostbite on the toes and hands can also occur at temperatures above zero (+4°C to +8°C).

As a result of hypothermia, a spasm of blood vessels occurs in these areas, which leads to a cessation of blood circulation in the fingers. Consequences may be varying degrees severity, up to amputation.

Factors that lead to frostbite of the extremities

Exposed areas of the body are the first to suffer from exposure to cold. If you are not wearing gloves and are outside for a long time in the cold, especially at temperatures from -10°C and below, then high probability get frostbite on your fingers. In winter, be sure to wear mittens or gloves. Try to constantly rub your hands and move your fingers when you feel that they are starting to freeze.

Frostbite toes occurs for the following reasons:

  • wearing tight shoes;
  • long stay on the street winter time of the year;
  • wearing thin socks that do not keep the foot warm;
  • increased sweating of the feet, which is why the inside of winter shoes is constantly damp and humid;
  • shoes are out of season.

Slow blood circulation, vascular and heart diseases, hunger, physical fatigue and alcohol intoxication can also lead to frostbite.

Try not to linger long outside in winter, move as much as possible, don’t stand in one place, dress warmly. The consequences of a negligent attitude towards one's health are always sad. Frostbite can lead to amputation of the injured limb.

Signs of frostbite in fingers

Thermal burn cold can be identified by the following signs:

  1. First-degree frostbite is characterized by pain and tingling in the affected limb, followed by numbness. It will be difficult for you to move your fingers, bend and straighten them. They may turn blue or red. This does not bode well if you return home in time and take first aid measures.
  2. In the second degree, blisters appear on the skin, which looks like a heat burn. The skin also becomes numb and changes color. In such a situation, the main thing is to remain calm and get to the nearest first aid station as soon as possible. Do not rub your hands, puncture or damage the blisters in any way!
  3. The third degree is determined by the fact that not transparent blisters form on the skin, as in the second degree, but blisters containing bloody fluid. In this case, serious skin lesions are observed, and nails come off. The only consequences that will remain in the future are scars. If first aid is not provided in time and hypothermia occurs again, then fourth degree frostbite may occur.
  4. The fourth degree is characterized by blackening and death of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, bones, joints and cartilage. At this degree, frostbite of the fingers is likely, which leads to their partial or complete amputation.

In addition, due to hypothermia in all these cases, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia, and tonsillitis can become the background for frostbite.

Actions for frostbite of fingers I degree

First of all, try to warm your fingers with your breath.

Have you noticed signs of frostbite in yourself? Has your child returned from a walk and complains of numbness and tingling in reddened fingers? The main thing is to remain calm. Timely assistance will reduce the possibility of negative consequences.

What to do if your fingers are frostbitten? First aid should be provided in a warm room, not outside. First, take the victim home. He needs to be fed hot food, at least with broth. Offering alcohol is strictly prohibited! Also, the victim should not smoke, as smoking constricts blood vessels and interferes with the restoration of blood circulation.

  1. Warm your fingers with your breath or body heat.
  2. Gently rub your fingers. You can't knead them too intensely. Do not use cream, alcohol or Massage Oil, especially – rub it with snow!
  3. Fill a bowl with water at room temperature. Gradually lower your fingers into it. The pain that occurs during this process indicates that blood circulation is being restored.
  4. Gradually add to the bowl warm water. Its temperature can be brought to no more than 40 degrees.
  5. After this, wrap your hands in a gauze bandage to retain heat and protect frostbitten areas from infection and mechanical damage.
  6. The victim must take an aspirin or analgin tablet, since active ingredients These drugs dilate blood vessels and help blood circulation return to normal. After this, take no-shpa or another pain reliever, lie down in a warm bed and sleep. You also need to call a doctor and take your temperature; hypothermia can lead to colds.

What to do in case of frostbite of II, III, IV degrees?

Thermal insulating bandage for frostbite on the hand.

If the skin turns black, blisters appear on it, or nails are peeling off, you should immediately call ambulance. Give the victim a warming sweet drink - tea or cocoa. You cannot rub, warm, or put frostbitten fingers in a bowl of water in the second, third, or fourth degree!

A heat-insulating bandage consisting of seven alternating layers of gauze and cotton wool should be applied to the damaged areas. Wrap the top with oilcloth, then with a woolen blanket, scarf or blanket. It is important to prevent recurrent hypothermia of the extremities.

The main task when transporting a patient to medical institution– do not further damage frostbitten tissues and joints. To do this, it is necessary to fix the patient’s legs and arms in one position using available means - boards, pieces of plywood or cardboard. They are carefully applied over a heat-insulating bandage and secured with bandages.

It is important to provide first aid correctly, consult a doctor on time and undergo complex treatment. But it’s even better to simply prevent frostbite.

Prevention measures

Even an innocent snowball fight can result in frostbite. To avoid this, follow the recommendations:

  • Buy high-quality winter shoes made from natural materials. Synthetic shoes do not retain heat well, your feet feel uncomfortable in them, and this is a prerequisite for frostbite on your feet. Therefore, it is important that winter shoes are made of leather and insulated inside with natural sheepskin.
  • Buy winter shoes one size larger. There must be room for an air gap inside the boots or boots, then the foot will be warm and comfortable. You should be able to move your toes freely in your shoes.
  • You cannot wear demi-season boots in winter.
  • The inside of your shoes should always be dry and warm. Wear a felt insole. Always bring a spare pair of wool socks with you.
  • To avoid frostbite on your fingers, always wear warm mittens in winter. Please note that it is colder in gloves, and the risk of frostbite on your fingers is much higher. Therefore, when the temperature outside is below zero, wear mittens.
  • Did you go for a walk for an active pastime - snowball fights, sledding, etc.? Wear mittens that don't get wet. Regular knitted ones will not work. You need an option made of leather or thick water-repellent fabric with sheepskin inside. You should also have a pair of replacement gloves with you.
  • Move your fingers and toes periodically, do not stay in one position for a long time.

If you feel discomfort, drowsiness, chills, or weakness, immediately return home or go to a warm room. On a winter walk, always take a thermos with tea or cocoa with you. Avoid hypothermia. Take care of your health!

Winter brings not only traditional snowball fights, sledding, and skiing, but also some problems inherent to this period of the year. And not just a cold or a bruise on the ice. The cold season causes a problem, sometimes quite serious - frostbite on the hand. Such a nuisance can affect not only upper limbs, but also the nose, cheeks, ears, and toes. Let's look at how to identify frostbite in time and what kind of help the victim needs.

Main reasons

Before we consider what to do if your hands are frostbitten, let's talk about the factors that provoke this state. After all, their elimination can protect the body from hypothermia.

So, all the causes of frostbite can be divided into three groups:

  1. Cloth. It must be completely appropriate for the weather. It is best to choose natural materials. Wool mittens will create a “thermos” effect, minimizing the possibility of frostbite. In addition, do not forget that clothes should not be tight and fit very tightly to the body.
  2. Weather. Not only cold can lead to frostbite. Atmospheric humidity and wind speed play a big role.
  3. Features of the body, diseases. Many people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, tumors, become less protected from the cold. Such individuals may suffer even in conditions in which healthy man doesn't freeze.

Diseases or risk factors

The possibility of getting frostbite on the hand is quite high in people with the following conditions:

  • heart failure;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • injuries;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • large blood loss;
  • pregnancy - 3rd trimester;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Degrees of frostbite

Cold in the tissues of the body can cause changes, sometimes even irreversible. Under the influence of low temperatures, vascular spasms occur, blocking blood flow. The severity of these changes depends entirely on the extent of the damage.

Frostbite on the hand is divided into 4 degrees based on the depth of tissue damage. Let's look at them.

1st degree

This is the most light form. With it, the affected areas do not die. The first degree is characterized by pale or purple skin. The person feels a tingling and burning sensation in the affected area. After this, the problem areas go numb. After first aid, patients feel pain and itching in the damaged areas.

As a rule, people who have suffered 1st degree frostbite on their hands recover after a week.

2nd degree

Staying in the cold for a long time can significantly worsen the situation. Manifestations of 2nd degree frostbite are quite similar to those described above.

However, with this form there are serious consequences. 1-2 days after frostbite occurs, blisters appear on the surface of the skin. They contain clear liquid. This distinguishing feature, which is characterized by frostbite Treatment is delayed, as a rule, for two weeks. Except long term, with this form the patient feels much more painful discomfort.

3rd degree

In case of prolonged exposure to the cold, irreversible consequences may occur. At grade 3, blisters appear on the surface of the skin, containing not a clear liquid, but bloody contents.

This is a fairly severe form in which all elements of the skin die. The nails are coming off my fingers. Over the course of three weeks, skin rejection occurs in the damaged areas. Instead, scars form. New nails may grow, but in most cases they are deformed.

Scarring of the skin surface continues for a month.

4th degree

This is the most severe form of frostbite and is characterized by tissue death. However, it is not only the damaged area of ​​skin that poses a danger. Sometimes such frostbite affects joints and bones, as a result of which the patient develops gangrene. The consequences of this condition are irreversible. The patient needs amputation of damaged limbs.

Symptoms of frostbite

While walking outside, it is very important to pay attention to the signs that the body uses to signal the onset of pathology. In almost 95% of all cases, the limbs are affected. They are the first to sense the disruption of natural blood circulation.

Let's look at how frostbite occurs on the hands. Symptoms occur in a certain sequence:

  1. Decreased mobility. Initially it occurs in the fingertips. Then spreads to the limbs. This pathology occurs as a result of slow impulse conduction. Cooling of tissues leads to changes in the walls nerve fibers. Because of this, the speed of impulse transmission decreases.
  2. Reduced sensitivity. Initially lost, then pain sensitivity decreases. Then the feeling of one’s own body is lost.
  3. Burning sensation. It occurs when the damaged area of ​​the body thaws. This stage precedes the onset of pain. These symptoms are typical for frostbite of 1st or 2nd degree. At 3 and 4 it is completely absent. The burning sensation is accompanied by redness of the skin.
  4. Pain. Intensity of this manifestation depends on the degree of damage. In addition, the quantity plays an important role nerve receptors in the affected area. In other words, frostbite will cause more discomfort than an injured elbow. As swelling increases, the pain will intensify. Such sensations are characterized as tearing, burning, and extremely sharp. It should be noted that discomfort occurs only during thawing of the injured limb. When exposed to low temperatures, the patient does not feel pain.
  5. Color change. IN initial stage frostbite, the skin becomes pale, with a matte tint. Then the limb acquires burgundy color. If the patient has severe frostbite, then pallor is followed by cyanosis. The final stage of frostbite is black. It indicates the non-viability of tissues.
  6. Blisters. Their appearance indicates frostbite of 2, 3, 4 degrees. The fluid that accumulates in them can be clear or bloody. The patient feels a pulsation at the location of the blister.
  7. Itching. This sign can be observed during thawing or during the recovery period.
  8. Tingling. Symptoms are characteristic of the recovery stage after frostbite. The patient feels such phenomena as “goosebumps” and “needles”.

First aid

Every person should know what to do if their hands get frostbite. After all, in the case of a cold injury, every minute counts.

  1. Take the victim immediately to a warm room. Remove his cold clothes. It will take time for it to warm up again. Therefore, it is better to replace it with another one.
  2. Rub damaged hands with a warm, soft cloth. This promotes blood flow to them. The result is warming. When helping with frostbite on your hands, it is very important not to rub them with snow. Such actions are contraindicated, since snow does not retain heat. In addition, it can leave microcracks on the surface of the skin. If they become infected, the treatment process will be significantly more complicated.
  3. Offer the victim a hot drink. Broth, coffee or tea, once in the stomach, will become an additional source of heat, which will spread throughout the body with the blood.
  4. Place your hands in warm water. The initial temperature is recommended around 18-20 degrees. Over the course of two hours, heat the water very slowly, aiming to reach 36 degrees. It is forbidden to lower limbs into cold water. This will lead to an increase in the affected area. It is also unacceptable to use hot water immediately. Warming injured hands should occur evenly and slowly. IN otherwise the number of dead cells will increase.
  5. How to treat frostbite on your fingers if it is not possible to put warm water on them? In this case, they should be wrapped in foil. The shiny side should be in contact with the skin. You can insulate it with cotton wool or a special thermal blanket. Several layers are applied on top of the foil warm materials. The victim’s torso should also be wrapped, because the hands will warm up from the inside and very slowly. Under such conditions, the viability of many affected cells will remain.

It is important to remember that the results from your help should occur within 10-20 minutes. If there are no changes, then the victim has severe frostbite on his fingers. Treatment in this case should be carried out exclusively by doctors. Call an ambulance immediately.


The victim experiences quite unpleasant symptoms. This should not be forgotten, since the patient may experience severe agony. How to treat frostbite on fingers? It is recommended to use the following medications to alleviate the patient’s sensations:

  1. Antispasmodics. Such remedies can eliminate spasms in peripheral vessels and promote the flow of warm blood to the skin. The following drugs are in demand for treatment: “Papaverine”, “No-shpa”, “Mebeverine”, “Duspatalin”, “Drotaverine”.
  2. NSAIDs. Reduce intensity inflammatory processes in the affected area with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When using such a group, do not forget that they are contraindicated. Maximum duration therapy is 5-7 days. Remember how to treat frostbite on your hands. The most suitable NSAIDs are: Aspirin, Nimesulide, Ketorolac, Ketanov.
  3. Antihistamines. It is advisable to use them when allergic manifestations of any origin. In addition, they have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Often, for frostbite, the medications Suprastin, Clemastin, and Zyrtec are used.
  4. Vitamins. They should also be entered into drug therapy. Vitamin C will have the most beneficial effect on the body. It is able to “heal” blood vessels damaged by cold and strengthen their walls.
  5. Ointments. We should not forget about them. For mild degrees quick recovery It is recommended to use an ointment with reparative properties. For frostbite on the hands, Bepanten is in great demand. You can use balms “Keeper” and “Rescuer”.

Before using the above medications You should consult your doctor about the required dosage and advisability of this therapy.

In addition, carefully monitor the condition of the victim. If the temperature does not drop to 37.5-37 degrees, it does not go away pain syndrome, be sure to contact your doctors for help. Treatment by specialists will also be needed if your hands begin to fester after frostbite.

Development allergic reactions or side effects from the undertaken drug treatment also requires adjustment of therapy by a qualified doctor.


In conclusion, it is important to remember that everyone can prevent frostbite. To do this, you should choose clothes that are appropriate for the temperature, do not wear tight shoes, and be sure to wear mittens.

In addition, you should not stand in one place on the street. It is recommended to move more. People suffering from poor circulation will need very warm clothing.

Never use alcohol to warm up! It provides a short-term effect, followed by worsening freezing.

Follow these rules, and you won’t be afraid of frostbite!

An organism weakened by hunger, overwork or alcohol is most easily susceptible to injury to the skin when exposed to low temperatures. The risk group for cold injury also includes people with immune or of cardio-vascular system.

What is frostbite

According to the medical classification of diseases, frostbite is an injury to the body's tissues due to exposure to cold. The first signs of cold injury are low temperature body and slow pulse. The skin begins to go numb or tingly, and a chill is felt throughout the body. In such cases, the main thing is to give yourself first aid before going to the hospital. This will help avoid severe consequences for good health.

What to do if you have frostbite

Everyone should remember that proper first aid for hypothermia can minimize the effects of cold on the body. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the correct actions to take in case of frostbite. People make mistakes that aggravate the condition of the body. To know what actions will be correct, you need to remember the causes and signs of injuries caused by frost. They can appear even after a long winter walk.

Signs of frostbite

Low temperatures and a combination of accompanying factors can lead to hypothermia, which subsequently leads to frostbite of tissues. First, the body temperature decreases (less than 35 degrees), all processes slow down, including the heartbeat. Frostbite can occur with prolonged exposure to low temperatures. Everyone should know what the symptoms of skin frostbite look like:

  • whitening, loss of sensitivity of the skin;
  • a slight tingling sensation (in the first degree);
  • the onset of the second degree of cold injury is characterized by the appearance of blisters on the skin, similar to a burn (within 12 hours after warming up);
  • third degree is characterized by darkening of the skin, which indicates the beginning of tissue death.

Causes of frostbite

An obvious cause of cold injury is the effect of cold temperatures on the body. Some causes of hypothermia and frostbite are tolerated by people simply out of ignorance, because even when exposed to slightly low temperatures, you can get frostbite. The process of hypothermia can be triggered by:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • overwork of the body, hunger;
  • insufficiently properly selected clothing (synthetic fabrics, tight-fitting items that interfere with blood circulation);
  • wearing tight shoes that leave no room for air;
  • wet clothes at high air humidity;
  • long stay on the street strong wind.

Degrees of frostbite

The impact of low temperatures may be insignificant; in this case, body tissues can easily recover. However, cases leading to human death are also possible. More often this occurs due to ignorance of the signs of cooling and the danger that each degree of frostbite can pose. The basics of PMP (first aid) will help. Correct first aid and the basic rules of behavior in the cold, which even every schoolchild should know, are necessary to avoid deaths.

Depending on the degree of tissue damage, frostbite can be:

  • First degree - pale skin, tingling sensation, numbness. After warming, the tissues are easily restored.
  • Second - the skin turns white, itching and burning are felt. When warmed, it acquires a brown or bluish tint, and bubbles with liquid appear on the surface of the skin when warmed. At this stage, changes in tissues are reversible with proper PMP.
  • Characteristic for the third degree sharp decline blood pressure, circulatory disorders and a decrease in body temperature to critical levels. After warming up, the skin has a bluish-black color, the sensitivity of the frostbitten area is lost, and after a couple of days severe pain is felt.
  • The fourth degree is characterized high probability fatal outcome, necrosis of cells and sometimes bones occurs.

In medical practice periods of frostbite are considered: the pre-reactive period of the lesion, early and late. The pre-reactive period is characterized by not too long exposure to cold. The reactive period is characterized by severe tissue damage, the late period is associated with a painful recovery process, and in some cases, if treatment is unsuccessful, with amputation.

Providing first aid for frostbite

According to ICD 10, frostbite refers to injuries caused by external factors. This injury is sometimes more dangerous than other types, due to the fact that improper first aid for frostbite can aggravate the victim’s condition and lead to irreversible consequences. Emergency care for frostbite is as follows:

  • the first thing is to remove the person from the cold, but not to allow sharp changes temperature to avoid severe tissue injury;
  • secondly, cover the cold-damaged area with a dry bandage to reduce the rate of warming, go into a warm room;
  • provide plenty of warm, even sweet drinks, in order to give the body strength to warm up from the inside, it is necessary to exclude exposure to cold, and prohibit active movements;
  • Be sure to consult a doctor; in case of serious injuries, call an ambulance to stop the rapid development of irreversible processes.

What to do if you have frostbite on your hands

Exposure to cold is more common on bare skin, so frostbite on the hands is more common in medical practice. PMP for hypothermia in case of limb damage is similar general scheme actions when providing emergency care. It is necessary to warm the limbs without rubbing the skin, apply a dry bandage and call an ambulance if the exposure to cold was prolonged or intense.

What to do if you have frostbite on your feet

The course of action if frostbite is detected on the legs is similar general principle providing first aid for cooling. You need to pay attention to what not to do in case of frostbite lower limbs:

  • You can’t rub your feet in the cold, or take off your shoes, otherwise your limbs may swell in a couple of minutes and become very painful; In this case, you won’t be able to put your shoes back on;
  • place the limb on a heat source: radiator, hot water, etc.;
  • rub the surface of the skin of the foot, fingers with snow, smear with alcohol-containing liquids and fats.

What to do if you have frostbite on your face

To avoid consequences in the form of pale spots on the face, as in the photo on the Internet, and even more so - deep damage to the skin by cold, you need to adhere to preventive measures. You can prevent skin frostbite by following simple rules:

  • if it is severely frosty outside and you feel unwell, it is better to stay at home;
  • to avoid superficial injuries skin, before going outside you should not smear your face with creams - they contain liquid that will injure you in the cold delicate skin;
  • To avoid freezing your nose and cheeks, wrap yourself well in a scarf so that warm breath warms your face but does not create condensation.

First aid for frostbite of the facial skin is carried out according to the usual scheme - depending on the degree of skin damage from cold. How to treat frostbite on the face? Treatment of frostbite of 2-4 degrees is possible only under the supervision of a doctor, and the scheme and duration of the effects differ only depending on the severity of the lesion. If you find that your skin has lost sensitivity and darkened after warming up, contact your doctor immediately.

Frostbite and general freezing

First aid for general hypothermia of the body is slightly different from how first aid for frostbite is carried out. If a person’s skin is not damaged, but the body temperature has dropped to critical levels, loss of consciousness and loss of strength are possible, then the following steps should be taken:

  • place a person in a heated room;
  • if possible, place it in the bathroom with warm water(at room temperature first, then gradually increasing the temperature);
  • as the redness of the extremities passes, sensitivity appears, and the person regains consciousness - give him warm tea with sugar, wrap him in a warm blanket and see a doctor for examination.

Characteristics of the treatment process general freezing slightly different from the scheme used for frostbite. Restore the body after light form freezing is possible in less than a week. In more severe cases a long course of recovery is possible. Remember that freezing and frostbite cannot be ignored, since the health consequences of such exposure can be irreversible.

Prohibited actions in case of frostbite

Ignorance of the basics of first aid for frostbite can lead to aggravation of the situation. Sometimes people, trying to help, only make things worse. What not to do if you have frostbite:

  • rapidly warm the victim;
  • Rubbing the damaged area is prohibited;
  • give alcohol to warm up;
  • take off clothes and shoes in the cold, trying to rub the affected areas.

Video: PMP for frostbite

As a result of exposure to low temperatures on the body during long period Over time, general hypothermia and frostbite (frostbite) may occur, the cause of which is impaired blood circulation in the soft tissues. Blood vessels in the cold they tend to contract, and when long stay in the cold, the flow of blood to the tissues stops, which causes frostbite, for which first aid should be provided immediately. Often people who are weakened or exhausted suffer from frostbite.

Cold injuries most often affect protruding areas of the body: ears, fingers and toes, nose, chin. Frostbite spreads from the most distant parts to the less distant parts, that is, from the fingertips to the hands and then up the arms. Most often, frostbite can occur at air temperatures below -10°C, especially with high air humidity and wind. Frostbite should not be confused with a cold burn, which occurs when the skin comes into direct contact with icy substances, such as dry ice, liquid nitrogen etc.

Symptoms of frostbite and hypothermia:

  • skin tone is white-bluish;
  • sensitivity (pain, temperature, tactile) of the affected areas is absent or noticeably reduced;
  • when freezing in a warm room, severe pain, severe redness and swelling occur;
  • - in cases of deep damage to soft tissues, blisters may form after 12-24 hours, the contents of which contain traces of blood;
  • with frostbite accompanied general hypothermia, body temperature is reduced (to + 36°C), pulse is increased, skin have a white tint and are cold to the touch;
  • there is a decrease vitality, the patient does not show interest in what is happening, is a little inhibited and lethargic.

The severity of frostbite, depending on the depth of tissue damage, is classified as follows:

1st degree– the mildest (superficial) damage to soft tissues, accompanied by a white skin color, which changes to purplish-red with a blue tint when in a warm room, the victim feels a burning sensation, tingling or numbness, then swelling appears, recovery occurs in a few days, possibly slight peeling of damaged skin areas;

2nd degree– the deeper layers of the epithelium are affected, in addition to stage 1 symptoms, the formation of blisters filled with bloody fluid is added, the patient experiences severe pain, tissue restoration occurs after 7-14 days;

3rd degree– the appearance of hemorrhagic blisters, after warming the patient complains of severe pain, in the second week after the injury, rejection of the affected layers of the epithelium begins with the formation of scar tissue and granulations, complete healing occurs after 30-35 days;

4th degree– damage not only to the skin, but also to muscles, and sometimes bone tissue, the most severe, damaged area has Blue colour, after warming up, blisters do not appear, but develop severe swelling, tissue necrosis is observed, and under unfavorable circumstances, loss of frostbitten limbs is possible.

2, 3 and 4 degrees of frostbite require urgent intervention doctors, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting. The sooner the patient seeks medical care, the less serious the consequences of cold injury will be.

Causes of frostbite

Freeze soft fabrics Any person can do it after a long stay in the cold. There are certain factors that provoke frostbite, such as: narrow shoes and tight-fitting synthetic clothing(leads to deterioration of blood supply to the extremities), physical exhaustion, famine, preceding cold injury, chronic diseases cardiovascular system, inability to change body position for a long time, severe injuries with blood loss, excessive sweating feet, alcohol intoxication, smoking.

Frostbite - first aid

The patient is transferred to a warm place, his clothes and shoes are removed if they are wet. It is necessary to wrap the victim in a warm blanket or blanket.

Next, a plentiful hot drink is provided, which can be any tea, herbal infusion, heated milk with honey, and hot food. Alcohol-containing drinks and smoking are strictly contraindicated, since nicotine and ethanol further worsen tissue metabolism. In addition, alcohol provokes a rapid expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which, unable to withstand the load, they can simply burst. Tincture of valerian root or motherwort will help calm the victim. At severe pain give analgesics.

For mild frostbite damaged tissue warm with gentle stroking movements, light rubbing with a woolen cloth, warm with breathing until the skin turns red, after which a dry gauze bandage is applied.

For deeper frostbite massage is contraindicated. A special heat-insulating bandage is applied to the damaged limb or area of ​​skin: a layer of dry gauze, a layer of cotton wool, another layer of gauze (if there is no cotton wool, gauze is placed in 7 layers), then rubberized fabric (cellophane, oilcloth or other airtight fabric available on hand) , on top - woolen fabric. This bandage prevents the affected areas from heating up quickly, ensuring a gradual increase in temperature.

For deep frostbite damaged limbs are fixed using improvised means (board, plywood, etc.), bandaging them.

It is necessary to call an ambulance or take the patient to the hospital yourself in case of frostbite of 2, 3 and 4 degrees. Children and elderly people should seek medical assistance for any frostbite, regardless of severity.

  • rubbing the affected areas with snow, as it can further injure the epithelium and damage small vessels, which will only worsen the situation in the future - tissue infection is possible;
  • rubbing with oil compounds and alcohol liquids;
  • quick warming using fire, a heating pad, hot water or other heat sources;
  • massage for frostbite of 2-4 degrees.

Frostbite - first aid using folk remedies

Infusion of chamomile inflorescences: Having ensured internal warming with hot drinks, you can begin external manipulations. For example, it is good to apply warm compresses from infusion chamomile inflorescences: 2 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry raw materials into 0.3 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and use for wiping, washing or compresses.

Solution boric acid: 5 ml alcohol tincture dilute boric acid in 200 ml of warm boiled water, soak gauze in the composition and apply to the sore spot for half an hour.

Potato decoction: for mild frostbite good result gives immersion of limbs in warm potato broth.

Aloe juice used for rubdowns and compresses. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, quickly restoring cells in damaged skin areas.

Calendula flower decoction: 1 tbsp. spoon into a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain - an excellent remedy for restoring and soothing the skin during frostbite.

Cabbage: in the old days, for mild frostbite, a thin leaf, crushed in the hands, was placed on the surface of the skin white cabbage, active ingredients which is reduced painful manifestations, heat, burning, without further irritating the skin.

Sea buckthorn or olive oil: the next day after frostbite, add sea buckthorn or olive oil to infusions and decoctions, which contain fat soluble vitamins– retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E), which have beneficial effect on the skin. Goose fat and lard.

Viburnum decoction or infusion taken internally. 15 g viburnum berries steam in a 0.75-liter thermos and drink a glass three times a day.

IN rehabilitation period It is advisable to consume foods rich in vitamins A and E, as well as essential omega-3 acids and lecithin: avocado, linseed oil and seed sea ​​fish, nuts, orange fruits, leafy greens, liver, eggs, fish fat, caviar, seafood.

In order to prevent hypothermia of the body and frostbite of various parts of the body, it is necessary to dress wisely in winter, not going out into the cold without mittens, a hat and a scarf, wear winter shoes with high-quality insoles, hide from the wind, which significantly increases the risk of cold injury, and do not get carried away with alcohol drinks, do not quench your thirst with snow, ice or chilled drinks and protect open areas skin using a rich cream or fat. Be healthy!

The onset of winter cold in our country is usually accompanied by an increase in the flow of hospital visitors. This is connected not only with the spread coldsa large number of people are forced to see doctors with frostbite varying degrees gravity.

However, doctors cannot always save a patient, especially if he has not received the correct and timely assistance Houses. Therefore, treating frostbite at home should be familiar to every person.

Some facts about frostbite

What is frostbite?

The term “frostbite” refers to damage to body tissue (even death) caused by exposure to low temperatures.

Most often, poorly protected and exposed areas of the body (face, cheeks, hands, toes) are exposed to the harmful effects of cold.

Prolonged exposure to cold causes severe hypothermia the entire body (so-called hypothermia), which can lead to amputation of a limb or even death.

Causes of frostbite

Not every winter walk ends in frostbite. Certain factors are required for tissue damage. Among them:

  • air temperature below -10 - -15 o C or temperature around 0 o C with strong wind and high humidity;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • tight or wet clothing;
  • physical fatigue;
  • forced immobile position for a long time;
  • hunger;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • weakening of the body due to concomitant diseases;
  • blood loss and others.

Degrees of frostbite

Depending on the severity of the damage, there are 4 degrees of frostbite:

  1. First degree characterizes fairly mild frostbite that occurs with short-term exposure to cold. In this case, the skin on the affected area is pale, with decreased sensitivity, when rubbed and warmed, it turns red and swells a little. The victim may feel a slight burning, tingling or pain. Such tissue damage does not lead to tangible consequences, except for peeling of the skin area, and goes away in about a week, so in case of 1st degree damage, you can treat frostbite at home.
  2. Second degree frostbite accompanies longer exposure to low temperatures. After warming the affected area, pain, itching and a burning sensation occur. After a few days, quite large blisters with clear liquid inside. Damaged skin heals after 1-2 weeks without scarring.
  3. For third degree frostbite Bubbles also form, but their contents are bloody fluid. The area of ​​skin with blisters is lost pain sensitivity. Severe tissue damage occurs, which 2-3 weeks after frostbite is torn away and after another week is replaced by scars and granulations. Fallen nails generally do not grow back.
  4. The fourth degree of frostbite is the most dangerous. Necrosis of soft tissue occurs; in severe cases, the damage reaches bones and joints. The color of the affected area is blue, with a marble tint. No blisters form, but there is a loss of all types of sensation. Even after warming, the damaged area remains noticeably colder than the rest of the body and swells greatly.

First aid for frostbite

Basic first aid techniques for people with frostbite vary depending on the degree of injury.

However, the overall goal of the measures taken is to stop exposure to cold, restore blood circulation in the affected limb, and prevent the development of infections and sepsis.

Therefore, in case of frostbite of any degree, it is necessary, first of all, to move the victim to a warm room, remove clothes and shoes from the frozen limb, and also give him any warm drink, which will help restore blood supply.

Frostbite 1st degree

At slight damage It is enough to provide first aid and treat frostbite at home. To do this, you need to lightly rub the damaged areas of the skin with your fingers or woolen items and warm them with your breath. A sign that the skin has warmed sufficiently will be redness. After this, a sterile cotton-gauze bandage should be applied to the damaged area. If frostbite is extensive, you can place the person in a bath of warm water, gradually increasing its temperature from 24 to 34 ° C.

Frostbite 2nd degree

With more severe frostbite It is strictly forbidden to rub the damaged area. It is necessary to bring the person to a warm room, give him warm tea and food, apply a sterile bandage to the affected area of ​​the body and wrap it with available heat-insulating materials (several layers of cotton wool or wool, wrapped on top with oilcloth or any rubberized fabric; quilted jackets or sweatshirts). After warming up, you should consult a doctor.

Frostbite 3rd and 4th degree

In case of severe frostbite, first aid is aimed at stabilizing the victim so that he does not get worse. However, a person can only be saved with emergency hospitalization. Optimal first aid includes the same actions as for frostbite of the 2nd degree.

What not to do if you have frostbite

There are many misconceptions about first aid and treatment for frostbite. Some actions not only will not help the victim, but will also harm. If you have frostbite, it is strictly forbidden to do the following:

  • Do not use open fire to warm the affected areas, or sharply warm them with intense rubbing, heating pads, or a hot bath (the damaged area may suffer even more);
  • It is dangerous to rub the skin with snow (since it is prickly, you can further damage the skin and blood vessels and cause infection through the wound);
  • in case of deep tissue damage, do not rub the damaged area with oil or alcohol;
  • Do not open the blisters that appear (infection will occur);
  • In case of deep frostbite, you should not try to cure the victim yourself; it is better to try to deliver him to any medical facility as quickly as possible.

Treatment of frostbite with folk remedies

Correct Application folk remedies from frostbite will help improve blood supply to the damaged limb, so that the tissues will recover faster.

Folk remedies for external use

  1. A calendula compress will reduce the formation of scars. Mix calendula tincture (1 tsp) with 0.5 liters of water. Apply a compress with the resulting solution to the affected area for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day for 10 days.
  2. If your fingers are frostbitten, you can rub rose oil into them.
  3. Rubbing lemon juice, celandine or ginger will help cope with 1st degree frostbite. With absence open wounds The juice must be applied to damaged areas 2 times a day.
  4. Chamomile lotions will speed up the healing of frostbite. Pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile into a glass of boiling water and infuse the decoction, wrapping it in a towel. After 1 hour, strain the solution and use it as a lotion.
  5. If you have frostbite on your toes and hands, you can take hot baths with a decoction of potato peelings.
  6. For mild frostbite, you can rub onion juice into the damaged area. To do this, you need to grate a large onion, place the resulting mass on gauze and slowly rub in a circular motion into the damaged area for 15 minutes.
  7. For more fast healing Baths with celery decoction are recommended. 1.5 kg of celery should be poured into 1 liter of water, boiled, cooled and the damaged hand or foot should be placed in the prepared broth. When the broth has cooled, remove the limb and immerse it in cold water, and then spread goose fat and cover.
  8. For mild frostbite on the face, nose or cheeks, it is recommended to rub it with goose fat or lard, as well as apply compresses with a decoction of calendula, aloe juice, plantain, cabbage and raw potatoes.

Folk remedies for internal use

  1. An infusion of chamomile can be taken orally to improve blood circulation 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. The recipe for making the tincture is the same as for the lotions.
  2. Fresh ginger will be useful for improving blood supply to the extremities. You need to swallow ¼ tsp. grated ginger, washed down with a glass of ginger wine.
  3. Viburnum decoction will improve general health and will make healing easier. To prepare it, boil 15 g of viburnum berries in 0.5 liters of water and drink the decoction throughout the day, after dividing it into 3 parts.
  4. To calm the victim and reduce pain You can use tincture of valerian or motherwort.

In modern traditional and folk medicine exists great amount means for the treatment of frostbite. However, this is a very long and painful process, which does not always allow one to avoid amputation of a limb. Therefore, everything should be observed necessary measures prevention, because best treatment disease is its prevention.