Who has benefited from folk recipes for pneumonia? Pneumonia (pneumonia). Treatment with folk remedies. Herbal teas for pneumonia

Even common cold or ARVI with improper treatment or when there is not enough active work the body can be complicated by various serious diseases. So a runny nose may well develop into damage to the nasal sinuses, and inflammation of the throat or trachea may descend down to the lungs. In this case, doctors diagnose pneumonia, and this disease requires close attention and adequate full-fledged therapy, often using complex medicines. Let's clarify how pneumonia folk remedies, let’s discuss this treatment in a little more detail.

In the event that pneumonia in adults occurs in the lungs or average shape, the doctor may well allow her to be treated at home. In addition to prescribed medications, you can use traditional medicine. But it would be a good idea to discuss the advisability of their use with your doctor.

Healing mixture

A medicine obtained from juice squeezed from aloe leaves, birch buds, eryngium, propolis oil and honey will help cope with pneumonia. Prepare a glass of aloe juice. To do this, turn the leaves of this plant through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the resulting mass using gauze. Grind forty grams of birch buds. Do the same with sixty grams of eryngium leaves. Combine all ingredients with a kilogram of liquid honey. Add a kilogram of propolis oil there. Send the resulting mixture to water bath and heat for a quarter of an hour. Treatment of pneumonia in adults is carried out by taking the finished medicine, a tablespoon three times a day. It should be diluted in one glass of hot milk.


An excellent effect is achieved by using ordinary figs, a well-known dried fruit. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to prepare a couple of fruits and brew them with one glass of just boiled milk. Boil this mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Treatment in adults with a ready-made drink is carried out by taking it in the amount of one glass per day. And boiled figs are quite edible.


To effectively cleanse the lungs and achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, you can prepare a medicine based on hazelnuts. Pour half a kilogram of peeled and crushed raw materials with half a liter of dry red wine. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. The finished medicine should be taken one tablespoon immediately before meals.

Badger fat

Pneumonia can be cured at home with badger fat. This healing agent used to treat many diseases respiratory system, including pneumonia. Some healers advise using it on its own, taking one to three tablespoons about an hour before meals (on an empty stomach). Take it three times a day. The recommended duration of such treatment is one month, after which it is worth taking a break for two to four weeks and repeating the course from the beginning.

In order to somewhat neutralize the taste of badger fat, you can dissolve it in hot milk. Cool the resulting drink a little and sweeten it with honey.

If your body does not tolerate milk, you can spread badger fat on a piece of black bread. Eat it as a bite raspberry tea.

Onions with garlic

If pneumonia is on acute stage development, onions and garlic will help cope with it. You can chop the garlic to a paste and leave it covered. Pour two hundred grams of juicy garlic pulp into a liter of Cahors and leave for two weeks in a fairly dark place. Shake the prepared medicine periodically. Strain it and store it in the refrigerator. Take treatment with traditional medicine hot - a tablespoon at an hour interval.

To prepare onion-based medicine, you need to grate this vegetable. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass and mix it with high-quality honey, maintaining an equal ratio. Take the finished medicine one teaspoon three times a day, about twenty minutes before meals.


In order to speed up recovery and facilitate recovery from pneumonia, you can use natural immunostimulants.

The use of coltsfoot leaves gives an excellent effect. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed plant material with a glass of just boiled water. Leave covered for half an hour, then strain. Take the finished medicine strained in a quarter glass three times a day. If you wish, you can sweeten it with honey.

The use of rose hips also has a wonderful effect. Grind the fruits of this plant thoroughly. Brew a couple of tablespoons of the resulting raw material in a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight, then strain through cheesecloth. Sweeten with honey and drink throughout the day like tea.

To effectively stimulate the immune system, you can thoroughly chop the aloe leaves. Combine them with honey and Cahors, maintaining an equal ratio. Infuse the mixture for eight to ten days, then strain and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

For those who are just about to start treating pneumonia with folk remedies, let me clarify that the most popular recipe- the one with onions and garlic. Pneumonia can be treated at home with the help of healers, but it is advisable to carry it out only after the approval of the attending physician.

Acute infection mainly bacterial etiology, characterized by focal damage to the lungs, is called pneumonia. Herbal medicine for this disease can only be carried out with strict adherence to the regimen and adequate care for the patient.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of pneumonia

After accurate diagnosis Doctors, you can try herbal medicine. You can get rid of cough, heaviness in the chest, mucus and phlegm in the lungs using traditional medicine. Here are the most effective folk remedies.

Herbal infusion

Mix coltsfoot root and leaves with oregano. Pour boiling water over and let stand for about an hour. Take half a glass, strained, twice a day before eating.

Medicinal decoction

Take marshmallow roots, sage and licorice leaves in equal doses, pine buds, anise fruit. Pour in hot boiled water. Drink one-fourth glass every three hours for a week.

After traditional treatment you will definitely feel lightness in your lungs, get rid of chest pain and cough, as herbal infusions clears the airways.

Honey infusion

Bring a mixture of a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of anise seeds and salt to a boil. Drink the folk remedy strained every 2 hours.

Agave balm

Pour several aloe leaves into Cahors with liquid honey and leave for 14 days. Consume three times before eating.

Plantain compress

Ask a relative to place clean plantain leaves on your back and chest before going to bed. Place a towel on top and wrap yourself up in a plastic bag. Wear a wool sweater or cover yourself with a warm blanket. The next morning everything unpleasant symptoms pneumonia will disappear.

Great help herbal teas. These are linden, sage, elecampane, raspberry, oregano, willow, string, elderberry and many others. They are taken hot, you can add honey.

You can take propolis, which is an excellent way against infectious diseases. Honey water also eliminates the symptoms of the disease and greatly facilitates breathing.

Home remedy, which restores the lungs very well, is prepared on the basis of one tablespoon of St. John's wort and three tablespoons of elecampane; this mixture must be poured with 0.5 lire of boiling water. Boil all this for 30 minutes, then cool the broth and strain. Add two glasses of liquid honey and two hundred milliliters to the already cooled broth. olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for two weeks, after which the remedy for pneumonia is ready for use. To treat pneumonia, you need to take one teaspoon thirty minutes before meals, five times a day.

Treatment with balm is relevant and most importantly effective. It is prepared on the basis of 250 grams of aloe, half a liter of Cahors, 350 grams of liquid honey. Aloe leaves must be thoroughly wiped, and under no circumstances should they be washed. After this, they need to be crushed and placed in a jar, pour in honey mixed with Cahors. Leave the resulting mixture in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Then the strained mass must be squeezed out. Taking one tablespoon of this balm three times a day will relieve all kinds of lung diseases and will act as tonic.

Elderberry - also effective remedy for pneumonia, take four preferably large elderberry umbrellas, fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka, let them steep for fourteen days and you’re done. You should take one tablespoon one hour before meals.

It is very important to do inhalations. Place a bandage rubbed with onion in a mug and try to breathe over it for ten minutes at least seven times a day. This type inhalation is very effective in treating any, even the most advanced stage illness, as well as bronchitis and tonsillitis.

Effective methods of treating pneumonia with herbs

Herb lungwort, great plantain, sage, centaury umbelliferum, wormwood for the treatment of pneumonia - equally.

Knotweed herb, anise fruits, dill fruits, pine buds, thyme herb, licorice root (crushed) - equally.

Marshmallow root, birch leaves or buds, elecampane root, St. John's wort herb, meadowsweet herb, string herb, eucalyptus leaves, angelica root, motherwort herb, sweet clover herb, mullein flowers, cyanosis herb, dill fruits - equally.

Oregano herb, clover flowers, raspberry leaves, coltsfoot leaves, chamomile flowers, yarrow herb, thyme herb, thyme herb, wild rosemary shoots, tricolor violet herb - equally.

Oregano herb, viburnum bark, fireweed leaves, coltsfoot leaves, mint leaves, dandelion root, plantain leaves, licorice root, rose hips, lungwort herb, primrose root, cuff leaves - equally.

Calendula flowers, clover flowers, plantain leaves, pine buds, sage leaves, rose hips, gravilat root, motherwort herb, speedwell herb, cyanosis herb, dill fruits, hawthorn fruits - equally for the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies.

Birch buds, elecampane root, viburnum bark or berries, raspberry leaves, sage leaves, lilac flowers, marshmallow root, wormwood grass, motherwort grass, wild rosemary shoots, mullein flowers, coriander fruits - equally.

Dill fruits, oregano herb, nettle herb, coltsfoot leaves, pine buds, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow herb, gravilat root, violet herb, cuff leaves - equally.

Birch leaves or buds, viburnum bark, meadowsweet herb, mint herb, jasmine herb, St. John's wort herb, calendula flowers, thyme herb, angelica root, cyanosis herb - equally.

Oregano herb, chamomile flowers, rose hips, plantain leaves, licorice root, lungwort herb, thermopsis herb - equally.

Treatment of childhood pneumonia with folk remedies

For children, it is recommended to prepare infusions and decoctions in the following daily dose dry medicinal collection: up to 1 year – 1/2-1 tsp., from 1 to 3 years – 1 tsp., from 3 to 6 years – 1 tsp. l., from 6 to 10 years – 1 tbsp. l., over 10 years - 2 tbsp. l.

Plants, previously crushed (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder), mixed, 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, pour into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight.

Take 100-150 ml during the day 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment for pneumonia is 3-4 months.

Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications. Before taking this or that collection, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for the herbs included in this collection.

We must not forget that if pneumonia has complications, then herbal medicine can only serve as an addition to the main forms of treatment and to a course of antibiotics. It is strictly not recommended to self-medicate; this will only complicate your health. With a sharp rise in body temperature, fainting and shortness of breath, contact urgently ambulance. An accurate and correct diagnosis can only be made by an experienced doctor with a prescription laboratory tests and x-ray.

Rules for caring for pneumonia at home

Many different measures can be taken for treatment:

Pleural chest pain due to pneumonia in adults can sometimes be relieved by applying an electric heating pad, wrapped in a pillowcase and placed over the patient's underwear. In this case, caution should be exercised if the patient is restless, immobile, or has clouded consciousness.

If the patient has a high temperature, then to maintain body hygiene good help Bed linen and underwear made of cotton will be provided, as well as washing the patient and using talcum powder if necessary.

Regular brushing of teeth, rinsing the mouth, rinsing dentures (for those who have them), and sucking on ice cubes can help alleviate the patient’s condition.

When treating pneumonia at home, it is very important to regularly give the patient something to drink, since high fever is associated with dehydration. (dried fruit compotes, juices, fruit drinks, teas and herbal infusions, milk with honey, mineral water). If you have a fever, take at least 3 liters of water. It’s okay if the patient loses his appetite during acute attack illness - as soon as he gets better, his appetite will return.

During the period of pneumonia, strict adherence to bed rest. Occasionally sit down to cough up mucus.

The room where the patient is located must be kept constantly clean and ventilated more often. The air should be moist and clean. The room should be cool.

The patient's food should be high in calories, vitamins and contain microelements. These are all kinds of vegetables and fruits. In case of intoxication of the body, food pureed with a blender is recommended.

It is necessary to monitor the intestines, to prevent constipation and the development of flatulence.

For better removal of sputum and mucus from the lungs, special massage. With the help of relatives or a massage therapist, the chest area and back, arms and legs are massaged in a circular motion. There is acupressure (light stroking touches, pressing the sore point with a finger for ten minutes) and classic segmental massage. Also effective in treatment breathing exercises which helps eliminate respiratory failure. Physical exercise, which facilitate breathing and mucus removal, and activate blood circulation.

For ease of breathing during pneumonia in an adult, salt and alkaline inhalations.

You can treat pneumonia at home using cups, mustard plasters, warm compresses, and wraps. This helps remove mucus when coughing.

Usually for full recovery it takes a few weeks, although it depends individual characteristics sick. During the recovery period, attacks of depression often occur. All of the above patient care measures can be applied in case of bronchitis.

Prevention of pneumonia traditional methods

To prevent pneumonia, many doctors recommend strengthening the body and immunity with herbal decoctions. Honey is a universal remedy for the prevention of disease, 1-2 tablespoons with a hot drink, the same rate with raspberry jam. Increase the consumption of onions and garlic. Recommended herbs: raspberry leaves, elderberry blossom, coltsfoot and other anti-inflammatory herbs.

But any disease can be prevented if you take care of your body and strengthen your immune system. First of all, this is hardening to prevent pneumonia. For young children this process should become the norm. Patching back massage and chest for improved blood and air circulation. Preventive course vitamin complex for the prevention of pneumonia has never harmed anyone. And remember, forewarned is forearmed, which means ready! Your health and the health of your loved ones is in your hands!

Photo: Elena Elisseeva/Rusmediabank.ru

Today we will talk about remedies for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Recipes with lungwort for lung diseases

IN medicinal purposes The entire above-ground part of the plant is used, collected before the flowers bloom and during flowering. The plant contains tannins, saponins, polysaccharides, a complex of microelements (manganese, iron, copper, vanadium, silver, nickel, strontium, iodine, etc.). Lungwort has a strong hematopoietic effect, so it is used for many diseases. The herb also contains substances that prevent blood clots. Thanks to high content silicon lungwort helps improve immunity and protective forces body. Rinse with a decoction of lungwort sore throat with a hoarse voice. Lungwort is a good wound healing agent.

Lungwort is most widely used in the treatment of all types of lung diseases: cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, catarrh, etc. That is why lungwort is popularly called lungwort.

2 tbsp. spoons of chopped lungwort herb and 1 tbsp. Boil a spoonful of honey in 1 liter of beer until half the volume remains. Drink 1-2 teaspoons before meals 3 times a day with water.

Fill a third of any dish with dry or dried lungwort leaves and fill to the top with vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Drink 1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day before meals.

1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry lungwort herb into a glass of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. If faster is needed, but effective treatment mild, including severe forms of the disease, drink lungwort decoction 4-5 tbsp. spoons a day.

Mix in equal parts lungwort, plantain, sage, centaury and wormwood. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then add the broth boiled water up to the volume of a glass. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Remedy for pneumonia in the elderly

Take in equal quantities black currant leaves, St. John's wort herb, Birch buds, mint, lemon balm, hawthorn fruits, mix and chop. 2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over spoons of the mixture, let it brew for half an hour, and be sure to filter. Drink warm infusion 1/2 cup 1-2 times a day.

“loves” weakened and elderly people and, as a rule, occurs in them in an atypical manner. Often the manifestations of the disease do not correspond to the severity of the patient's condition. There are no signs characteristic of the onset of the disease, such as fever, chills, cough, or chest pain. At the onset of pneumonia, older people may experience weakness, lethargy, Bad mood, lack of appetite. For some, the disease begins with excitement and delirium. Pneumonia in older people is characterized by increased blueness of the lips, wings of the nose, and fingertips. Patients begin to experience shortness of breath, painful sensations in the chest.

The patient must be put to bed and a doctor called. And before coming, it’s good to give the patient some tea, the recipe for which is given above. You can give rosehip infusion or cranberry juice. The drink should not be hot, but warm. You should drink slowly, in small sips and with pleasure.

According to doctors, the best drink for pneumonia is freshly prepared Orange juice, diluted half with boiled water or warm water"Borjomi".

Warm drinking helps lower body temperature and thin sputum, but there is no need to excessively increase the amount of fluid you drink, as this increases sweating and increases the load on the heart and kidneys.

good remedy milk with honey and a pinch was considered to cure pneumonia baking soda. But in older people, due to a lack of enzymes that process fresh milk, intestinal complications are possible (bloating, loose stool). And if the patient has had problems with drinking milk in the past, he should not drink it.

With inflammation of the lungs, sputum accumulates in the trachea and bronchi, which has a high viscosity and, accumulating in the folds of the mucous membrane, aggravates the inflammatory process.

Sputum can close small and even large bronchi. At this stage of the disease, herbal remedies are useful.

The herb Veronica officinalis and the flowers of mullein are rightfully considered one of the best expectorants for pneumonia. Each plant can be used separately, but they are more effective when combined herbal infusions, into which expectorant herbs with a softening, disinfecting and sputum-thinning effect are introduced. Here are some recipes useful for treating pneumonia, especially in older people.

Take 3 parts of Veronica officinalis herb, 1 part each of mullein flowers, plantain leaf and eucalyptus leaf. Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1 hour, take 1-2 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day and always at night.

Mix pine buds and caraway seeds in a 1:1 ratio, brew 1 tbsp. spoon of collection with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, drink 1-2 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of pine buds into a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Take 2 tbsp infusion. spoons several times a day. An infusion of pine buds thins viscous mucus, forcing the mucous membrane’s own glands to “work.”

Treatments chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis

No. 1. Fat mixture

In a saucepan heated in a water bath, put 100 g of fat (goat, pork or goose) and butter. Melt and, stirring continuously, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoon of aloe and lemon juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day before meals, washed down with a glass of hot milk.

If the medicine is intended for the sick, lemon juice exclude.

No. 2. Infusion of flower baskets and daisy leaves

Pour 3 teaspoons of crushed daisy flowers and leaves into a glass of cold boiled water, leave for 3 hours, strain.

Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. The infusion is drunk not only for tuberculosis, but also for coughs, bronchial asthma, used as an expectorant for bronchitis.

No. 3. Remedy for chronic cough

Mix honey and carrot juice mix in a 1:1 ratio. Take 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

No. 4. Remedy for bronchitis, tracheitis, cough

It is very useful to chew the pulp of ripe persimmon, holding it in your mouth for 2-3 minutes. Astringent specific sensations from a piece of persimmon affect reflex zones tongue and thus contribute to the fight of the whole body against infectious and inflammatory processes. Persimmon - wonderful prophylactic many respiratory diseases.

Chest collection for cough treatment

Used as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ready-made breast mixtures are sold in pharmacies, but you can make them yourself by combining various herbs.

2 parts each of marshmallow root and elecampane root, 1 part oregano herb.
2 parts marshmallow root and coltsfoot leaves, 1 part oregano herb.
2 parts marshmallow root and licorice root, 1 part fennel fruit.
2 parts each of marshmallow root and licorice root, 1 part each of pine buds, anise fruits and sage leaves.
4 parts coltsfoot leaves, 3 parts each licorice root and large plantain leaves.

Brewed breast collection like this: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup warm every 3 hours.

Chest collection for pneumonia

Take 1 tbsp. spoon linden color, thyme herbs, sage leaves, knotweed herbs, nettles, sweet clover and peppermint, raspberry leaves, coltsfoot, black elderberry color.

1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave in a thermos for 20 minutes. Drink the infusion hot as tea during the day and a glass at night.

Remedy for laryngitis and tracheitis

It is useful to breathe freshly prepared onion or garlic gruel, wrapped in a gauze bag.

For tracheitis, gargle with infusion onion peel. 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a thermos and leave for 3 hours. Gargle with warm infusion several times a day.

Be healthy!

Currently, folk remedies are actively used to treat pneumonia; the most popular recipe can be found on the Internet. It is recommended to consult a doctor first.

Medical indications

Pneumonia can develop as a result of infection in the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, or influenza. Often the cause of pneumonia is a virus, infection, allergy to chemical substances. An infectious disease can become a complication after injuries and prolonged bed rest.

Before prescribing treatment, it is recommended to determine the type of disease:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • lobar;
  • bronchopneumonia.

Acute pneumonia is characterized by sharp increase body temperature, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, sometimes pain in the side. This type of pneumonia progresses to chronic form as a consequence of chronic bronchitis, sinusitis.

During the period of exacerbation, symptoms characteristic of acute form diseases. Over time clear signs inflammatory process subside, but the patient does not recover.

Before treating pneumonia, it is necessary to determine the stage of the disease. Pneumonia in older people is recommended to be treated in a hospital, since at this age they often occur accompanying illnesses. Such patients are treated comprehensively. You cannot treat pneumonia with traditional methods without consulting a doctor.

To cure pneumonia using folk remedies, which my grandmother used to treat many diseases, they use healing herbs(St. John's wort, elecampane, mint). Balm is an effective remedy for tuberculosis and in the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies.

To prepare it, you need to take a dry collection of elecampane 3 tbsp. l., St. John's wort 1 tbsp. l. The herbs are mixed and 0.5 liters of boiling water is poured. It is recommended to infuse the product for 30 minutes over low heat. Let the infusion cool and strain. Then take 2 glasses of linden liquid honey. Heat 1 glass of olive oil over a fire, stirring, pour into honey. The syrup is combined with herbal infusion. The resulting product is infused for 2 weeks. The balm should be stirred before use. The course of treatment lasts 15 days.

Preparing medicines at home

When pneumonia is detected, treatment with folk remedies consists of preparing an infusion to strengthen the lungs. For this you will need aloe vera leaves. The flower cannot be watered for 2 weeks. Then remove dust from the leaves with a cloth (do not wash them with water), cut them finely and put them in a glass jar. The prepared aloe vera solution is poured into Cahors, mixed and left to infuse in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks.

To treat pneumonia with folk remedies, you can use elderberry. To do this, pour 4 large flowers of the plant with a bottle of vodka, allowing it to brew at room temperature for 14 days. Drink the tincture 3 times a day.

An effective folk remedy for pneumonia can be prepared according to the following recipe: a mixture of interior lard(300 g) and green apples (6 pcs.), without peeling, cut into small cubes. The apples are set to simmer over low heat, stirring regularly, not allowing them to burn. Take 12 chicken eggs, carefully separate the yolks from the whites, grind the first with 1 glass of sugar, crush 300 g of chocolate. Yolks are added to the mixture. Lard and apples are rubbed through a sieve. The components are mixed.

Inhalations are used to prevent pneumonia during cough, sore throat, initial stage bronchitis. Rub the bandage or gauze with onions passed through a meat grinder. The mixture is placed in the inhaler. The patient must breathe for 10 minutes. For inhalations, infusions of fresh pine needles and eucalyptus oil are used. Good effect gives Vietnamese balm star.

Rules for preparing compresses

An oat-based remedy can be used to treat pneumonia. Boil a glass in 1 liter of milk oat grain. The composition is filtered and drunk throughout the day. To improve your well-being using folk remedies for pneumonia, you can pour a spoonful of dry crushed coltsfoot leaves into a glass of boiling water. The product is infused and cooled. You can soak the pine needles from the Christmas tree for 3 days. The resulting medicine is drunk 5 times a day.

Symptoms of pneumonia are similar to those respiratory diseases, colds and other ailments associated with respiratory tract. If the disease is not treated promptly, it may develop various complications, including pleurisy, pulmonary destruction, cardiopulmonary failure.

To prevent complications, it is necessary to strengthen the body’s protective properties, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, and refuse bad habits, exercise.

Excellent folk methods in the fight against pneumonia are compresses. Mustard plasters and a compress of cottage cheese and honey are considered one of the proven and reliable remedies. For cooking last resort you will need to mix the components. The mixture is spread on a cloth and applied to the patient's chest. Cover the top with paper. The compress is left overnight. Honey warms well, and cottage cheese has a softening effect. To enhance the process, you can drink it at night Herb tea. In the morning you need to look at the matter, if the cottage cheese yellow color, then the procedure is repeated.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using the following recipe: use chopped garlic mixed with goose fat. Using a water bath, the product is heated and spread on parchment paper. The compress is placed on the patient’s body, covered with a second layer of paper, and wrapped in a woolen blanket. The compress is left overnight.

During treatment with folk remedies, it is recommended to use a large number of liquid that removes toxins and free radicals from the body. These include various compotes, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, mineral water. Schisandra, chamomile, St. John's wort, onion, garlic, and ginseng root improve immunity well.

Effective herbal medicine and prevention

To treat the disease in question, you can prepare the following remedies:

  1. 1 spoon of parsnip root is poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The composition is taken 5 times a day.
  2. For 300 g of garlic pulp you will need 1 liter of Cahors. The product is infused for 2 weeks, filtered. The infusion should be consumed warm. If necessary, it can be used to rub the body.
  3. For 5 buds of cloves, 4 cloves of garlic and 1 tbsp. l. sugar you will need 300 ml of water and Cahors. The product is boiled in a closed saucepan over low heat. The decoction is drunk hot. Then the patient should go to bed with a heating pad.

After an illness, balloons can be inflated for a month to restore pulmonary function. If pneumonia has not been treated with the methods described above, then it is recommended to consult a physician. Experts advise using folk remedies in combination with drug therapy. In this case, the patient must remain in bed.

One of the severe complications of influenza or respiratory infections is pneumonia ( pneumonia ).
Pneumonia- an infectious disease that occurs in people with reduced immunity or who are under mental stress. The disease usually begins suddenly and manifests itself high temperature body, chills, cough with sputum, weakness.

Nutrition for patients with pneumonia

A patient with pneumonia especially needs: foods rich in calcium - milk, cheese, cottage cheese; vitamins and honey to support immunity. It is better to give vitamin C in the form of rosehip infusion with honey, rather than in tablets. You should also constantly reduce the intoxication of the body with fluids, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Naturopaths consider it the best drink for pneumonia Orange juice (freshly prepared), diluted in half with boiled water or warm Borjomi.
Also, for pneumonia, gentle rhythmic tapping on the chest is helpful to move accumulated mucus in the lungs so that the patient can cough up.

Herbal medicine for the treatment of pneumonia

Phytotherapy in no case does it cancel mustard plasters, hot drinks, bed rest, light food, vitamins.
For better cleansing bronchi from sputum, to increase the body's defenses and tone, reduce temperature ethnoscience offers multi-component fees.
Since pneumonia lasts for at least 2-3 weeks and goes away various stages, the composition of herbal teas needs to be changed every 5-7 days.
In the progressive stage of pneumonia after short-term use“shock” teas, switch to expectorant teas. With inflammation of the lungs, sputum accumulates in the trachea and bronchi. It has high viscosity, and, in addition, due to the folding of the mucous membrane and the obstruction of the movement of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, microorganisms, exfoliated cells, leukocytes and their fragments are retained, which aggravates inflammation.
Sputum can close small and even medium-sized bronchi. At this stage of the disease, herbal teas are prescribed to dilute sputum and disinfect it. Helping the natural process of cleansing the bronchi and lungs should not be suppressed by prescription potent drugs containing codeine.

Herbal collection No. 1 for pneumonia

Sheet coltsfoot - 2 parts, grass oregano - 1 part, grass - 1 part, grass common chamomile - 1 part, sheet plantain - 2 parts. 4 tbsp. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for at least 2 hours, take 0.75 cups warm 4-5 times a day.

Herbal collection No. 2 for pneumonia

Grass yarrow - 1 part, grass celandine - 1 part, grass St. John's wort - 1 part, grass peppermint - 3 parts, grass violets tricolor - 2 parts, sheet black currant - 1 part. 5 tbsp. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for at least 4 hours, strain and take 0.75 cups warm, 3 times a day.

Herbal collection No. 3 for pneumonia

Elderly patients with concomitant emphysema and shortness of breath are prescribed an infusion of the herb thermopsis or root decoction elecampane . These drugs not only increase mucus production, but also deepen breathing.

Herbal collection No. 4 for pneumonia

Grass Veronica - 3 parts, flowers mullein - 1 part, sheet plantain - 1 part, sheet eucalyptus - 1 part. 2 tsp collection, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1 hour, take 1-2 tbsp. 5-6 times a day and at night.

Aloe for the treatment of pneumonia

Recipe with aloe for the treatment of pneumonia No. 1. Take a glass of aloe juice (250 g), 600 g of honey, a bottle (0.8 l) of Cahors wine. Place all this in a glass container and place in a dark place for 5 days. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The first 5 days take 1 tsp, the last 5 days - 1 tbsp.

Recipe with aloe for the treatment of pneumonia No. 2. Take 300 g of five-year-old aloe (before cutting, do not water it for 5 days), wipe and squeeze it; 0.5 kg of lard (lard), 0.5 kg of honey, 1 can of cocoa. First boil lard, pour aloe into it, then honey and cocoa. Boil over low heat for 2 hours, then pour into a glass container, put in a dark place for 24 days and take 1 tbsp. with hot milk three times a day. At the same time, brew rose hips and give them to drink instead of tea.

Pine buds for the treatment of pneumonia

Infusion pine buds dilutes viscous sputum, forcing the mucous membrane’s own glands to “work.”
One of the best expectorants is the herb Veronica officinalis and the flowers of mullein. Each plant can be used separately - in the form of preparations, into which expectorant herbs with an emollient and disinfectant are additionally introduced. and sputum thinning effect.
You can also take pine buds and seeds caraway seeds in a 1:1 ratio, brew 1 tbsp. collecting a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, drink 1-2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day.