Celandine infused with milk whey. Bolotov's enzyme kvass - a medicinal drink for diseases, recipes. Kvass from celandine: benefits and contraindications

Enzymes are a new word in medicine.

These are preparations prepared by microbial fermentation. They can be easily prepared at home. To date, a number of enzymes have been developed that have diuretic, choleretic, trypsogonic, insulinogenic, analgesic, antitumor and other properties.

There are two types of Bolotov enzymes (kvass): whey-based and water-based.

Boris Bolotov:

“There are other ways to rejuvenate the body. First of all, you need to pay attention to enzymes and sorbents.

By enzymes I mean waste products of unicellular organisms, dividing them into two mutually opposite classes, which, in particular, include enzymes of animal and plant origin.

Enzymes of animal origin are formed as a result of the use, as a rule, of yeast tanks, as well as lactic acid bacteria. Enzymes on lactic bacteria have been used since ancient times medicinal purposes. For example, cow's milk under the influence of these lactic acid bacteria it is converted into a curd liquid mass with whey. These serum bacteria, when consumed internally, have a beneficial effect on the body. But whey, which is now formed from milk, on the contrary, has a depressing effect on humans. When I began to study this serum, I realized: this is happening due to the fact that the animals receive inferior food (grasses, as a rule, of a monotonous assortment). As a result, milk, and then whey, lose valuable medicinal properties.

I decided to restore these healing properties serum. I raised lactic whey bacteria in an environment where medicinal plants were present. If we take whey, add sugar and herbs to it, for example, celandine (celandine is a strong poisonous plant), then in such an environment where toxic alkaloids are present, only strong bacteria are able to survive. Lactic bacteria from whey cope especially well with such an unfavorable environment. goat milk.
It has long been noticed that goats eat celandine grass with great appetite. Thus, lactic bacteria, bred in an environment unfavorable for weak bacteria, became very healing.

Many years of experience in the use of celandine enzymes for diseases of the skin and all other surfaces shows its exceptional value as remedy traditional medicine. Thus, I have proven that taking half a glass of celandine enzymes orally for one to two weeks, half an hour before meals, allows you to completely restore the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and the entire intestine. It was also noticed that more and more heavy metals(lead, mercury, thallium, bismuth and other metals). Previously, they could not penetrate the body due to the formation of chlorides, which are insoluble on these metals. Some of the metals from among the radionuclides form insoluble complexes with gastric juices, which also get stuck in the epithelial hairs and which are also easily rejected with the help of celandine enzymes.

This feature is extremely important, especially for residents of Ukraine and Belarus who have experienced the effects of radionuclides. Knowing that radionuclides form insoluble complexes with gastric juices, you can protect the body from their ingestion by stimulating gastric juices.

Moreover, you can also use local celandine growing in this area. After all, the lactic acid bacterium itself is very sensitive to radionuclides. If a radionuclide gets into its plasma, then this cell quickly dies and settles to the bottom. The enzyme medium itself is non-radiative, and, as a rule, after drying, the level of its charge with radionuclides is several orders of magnitude (at least an order of magnitude) lower than the level of background radiation of the whey or celandine herb used. Of course, the celandine grass that grows on our territory has a certain level of radiation, but this level is not much higher than the level of radiation of the food products we use (let me remind you that B. Bolotov lives in Ukraine). The celandine enzyme can be used by both healthy and sick people.”

Kvass on celandine

Kvass (enzyme) according to Bolotov has the effect of regenerating the gastrointestinal tract with the restoration of healthy microflora!

Recipe for making kvass (enzyme) using celandine:

Nutrient medium: 3 liters of whey or boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar.
Sourdough: 1 tablespoon of sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!).
Filling: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine herb.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a gauze bag and use a sinker to lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate the culture of lactic acid bacteria. Cover the jar with two or three layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from infesting it. Store the jar in a dark, shaded place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong individuals of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, residues of herbicides and pesticides.

Products of whey fermented in the presence of celandine have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, pulmonary spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and genitourinary tracts. These enzymes have powerful stimulating properties. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

Take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not be long in coming: dysbiosis and diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms decreases radiation sickness etc. The epithelium of the colon is freed from salts of heavy metals - mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are removed by celandine enzymes. Cesium and strontium salts, thanks to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on radionuclide salts and pepsin. This is important for residents of our nuclear cities and zones affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the pepsin concentration at normal levels, and protection against the entry of radionuclides into the body will be ensured. Insoluble radionuclide complexes will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal tract epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the “protectors” of the radionuclide complexes of the porridge will remove the latter from the body along with the remains of food.

To prevent whey kvass from running out, replenish it with nutrient medium daily. After 10-12 hours, the kvass becomes full-fledged. To prepare a healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of radionuclide contamination. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with nutrient medium once every two days. You should get 1 glass of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - you can hardly feel it!

Enzymes - enzymes

So enzymes or enzymes? And so and so will be correct. For comfort, modern medicine began to call the early name of enzymes - enzymes. This is where the science of enzyme therapy came from. But at first this miracle of nature was called enzymes. Enzymes or enzymes (from Latin fermentum, Greek ζ?μη, ?νζυμον - yeast, leaven) - usually protein molecules or RNA molecules or their complexes that accelerate (catalyze) chemical reactions in living systems. The terms “enzyme” and “enzyme” have long been used as synonyms (the first is mainly in Russian and German scientific literature, the second - in English and French).

We Russian speakers will use our terminology - ENZYMES. Moreover, in the books of B.V. Bolotov, the word enzyme is not present. There, only the enzyme is mentioned everywhere. And since doctors do not read the author’s books, the terminology used in Russian scientific literature will be more understandable to the general reader. And doctors will already understand what we are talking about.
In this article we will not talk about what enzymes are (you can read about this by searching the Internet), but about the enzymes described in the books of B.V. Bolotov. Here we describe whey starters using various herbs. It is briefly described for what diseases they are used. Why short? Well, because all these enzymes are described in more detail in books. If anyone is interested or necessary, let him read the books.

And so, enzymes are active biological substances, obtained during fermentation (the vital activity of whey bacteria) or by processing by bacteria in the intestines of animals. Enzymes are also secreted by the human body. Enzymes obtained by fermentation or processing by animal intestinal bacteria are not used for treatment human body, and for its improvement by stimulating the release of its enzymes in the body. The whole principle of healing, and not treating any diseases, in the author’s methodology, is based on the ability of the human body to independently restore disturbed homeostasis. Therefore, all the enzymes described below are aimed not at treatment, but at stimulating the body’s protective properties. The use of enzymes without the use of the quintessence written by him does not lead to a radical improvement of the body. The use of enzymes is integral part a comprehensive system for improving the body’s health, aimed at extending lifespan at least twice.

Description of enzymes:

1. Celandine enzyme.

The name “celandine” itself stands for “a plant that can cleanse the body,” that is, the surface of the body. This applies not only to the surface of the skin, but to all surfaces in the body, including the eyes, nasopharynx, ears, lungs, internal surfaces of everything gastrointestinal tract and etc.

Taking celandine enzyme orally for 2-3 weeks, half a glass (2-3 tablespoons) half an hour before meals allows you to completely restore the epithelial surfaces of both the stomach and the entire intestine. Heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium, bismuth, etc.) are rejected from the intestinal epithelial hairs. They previously could not penetrate the body due to the formation of chlorides. Some of the metals from among the radionuclides form c gastric juice insoluble complexes. All these formations are rejected with the help of celandine enzymes. It can be used by both sick and healthy people.

The celandine enzyme reduces or prevents the development of certain fungal diseases and has an antiviral effect.
Diarrhea almost stops if you drink a little celandine enzyme (1-2 tbsp per 1 glass sour milk). For ulcerative colitis, drink 2-4 tbsp. celandine enzyme every 3-4 hours. And also make enemas from the celandine enzyme diluted with whey.

Celandine enzymes can be inhaled by spraying for lung cancer. Treatment of asthma and tuberculosis is carried out by inhalation of the celandine enzyme. They are used for douching for uterine fibromas and cancer. For rectal and colon cancer, enzymes are used in the form of enemas.

Celandine enzyme is also used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, lung cancer, stomach cancer, myocardial infarction, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis, trachoma, diabetes mellitus, liver cancer, stomach cancer, retinal detachment, " night blindness", conjunctivitis, constipation, glaucoma, leucorrhoea.

2. Horse chestnut enzyme.

It removes radionuclides from the body very well. Used to make "royal beer". Kvass from chestnuts significantly strengthens the body, making it immune to many diseases. Intensifies and endocrine system, which is important in protecting the body during influenza diseases. Kvass from chestnuts increases the content of calcium, copper, cobalt, and iodine in the body. Helps strengthen the immune system. Kvass made from chestnuts tastes like beer with a slight bitterness and even foams like beer. You can drink it at large quantities. Kvass made from chestnut fruits can be offered not only to adults, but also to children under 10 years of age. Can be used by both sick and healthy people.

It is also used in the treatment of: stomach cancer, it is one of the most powerful stimulants that promotes the resorption of tumors of various types; pulmonary circulation; great circle blood circulation

3. Yarrow (milk plant) enzyme.

Kvass made from yarrow (milkwort) is very useful for nursing mothers. Helps increase mother's milk supply. Drink half a glass in 20-30 minutes. before meals.

Well, a must for nursing mothers!

Also used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, liver.

4. Adonis enzyme (starodubka).

A particularly valuable enzyme for cardiovascular diseases, as well as for rejuvenating the body by dissolving vascular salts. This enzyme is drunk without the norm instead of water at any time of the day or night. It tastes very pleasant, after using it you feel freshness and vigor; it has strong diuretic properties, which is very useful for hypertension and kidney stones. During the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria process adonis in such a way that the signs of not only alkaloids, but also glycosides completely disappear. Therefore, the resulting kvass is a set of amino acids with unusual healing properties. These amino acids, on the one hand, significantly stimulate the release of insulin by the pancreas, and on the other hand, stimulate the adrenal cortex to enhance the release of the hormones adrenaline, prednisolone, hydrocortisone, norepinephrine. In addition, acidic amino acids promote the dissolution of hydroxyapatite (Ca5PO4OH), a mineral that accumulates in blood and lymph vessels. Therefore, the Adonis enzyme not only rejuvenates blood vessels, freeing them from major salts, but also rejuvenates the entire body, greatly prolonging its life. During fermentation, the enzyme produces tyrosine-like amino acids, which help increase hormonal adrenaline secretion in the body.
Also used in the treatment of: inflammation Bladder, glomerulonephritis, hidradenitis, edema of the extremities, liver cancer, cardiac arrhythmia.

5. Enzyme of gray jaundice (sviripa).

The enzyme of gray jaundice (sviripa) has similar actions like Adonis (starodubka). Very strong energy kvass.
It is also used in the treatment of: bladder inflammation, swelling of the extremities, liver cancer, cardiac arrhythmia.

6. Elecampane enzyme.

The enzyme of elecampane, as a bitter-containing plant, has a very strong property stimulate the activity of the pancreas, especially in terms of the release of insulin and trypsins. Thanks to the bitterness of elecampane, the pancreas forms very wide range insulins. These insulins are capable of breaking down a large number of esters, that is, fats, so elecampane also helps to improve the health of the body. It’s not for nothing that they call it elecampane, that is, they mean nine forces that heal all 9 systems of the human body. The “Eight Cube” theory describes 8 systems. The ninth system perhaps implies the soul. It is quite possible that elecampane also heals the soul.
Elecampane enzyme is used in the treatment of: cholecystitis, liver, lung cancer, pulmonary circulation, hypotension, disease of the spleen, right half chest, arm bones, right lung, pulmonary tuberculosis, cerebral palsy, convulsions (cold extremities), spleen cancer, hidradenitis.
The elecampane enzyme stimulates cell regeneration.

7. Calamus (tartar) enzyme.

The calamus (tartar) enzyme has similar properties as elecampane. Calamus roots contain a lot of bitterness, which helps reduce obesity.
It is also used in the treatment of: left lung, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, gastritis (low acidity).

8. Small centaury enzyme.

Centaury kvass contains sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine, as well as tryptophan, which promotes the rejection of cancerous tumors.

9. Eyebright enzyme.

Eyebright enzyme is a very good insulin stimulator. It also improves the functioning of the cerebral cortex very well. Insulin produced by this enzyme is capable of breaking down liver glycogen into forms in which the saccharides entering the eye elements do not damage them. Overall, consumption of eyebright enzyme not only reduces blood sugar but also improves vision lost due to diabetes.
It is also used in the treatment of night blindness and glaucoma.

10. Galangal enzyme.

The galangal enzyme stimulates cell regeneration.
Also used in the treatment of: “ bitch's udder", diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, "night blindness", male impotence, glaucoma, hypotension, inflammation of the appendages.

11. Calendula enzyme.

The enzyme from calendula helps with insomnia, eliminating inflammation of the blood vessels that causes it.
Also used in the treatment of: uterine cancer, lymphadenitis, migraine (inflammation trigeminal nerve), cramps, cold feet.

12. Black elderberry enzyme.

Black elderberry enzyme helps with constipation and hemorrhoids. It is also called the longevity plant. Those who want to live long and healthy must constantly take the fruits black elderberry V in various forms(raw, ground with sugar, fermented, dried), and also drink tea, syrup, kvass from flowers.
Also used in the treatment of: prostate cancer (fetuses), glomerulonephritis, hypertension, glaucoma (fetuses).

13. Garlic enzyme.

Garlic enzyme improves metabolism, stimulates enzyme secretion (stomach pepsin, liver bile, trypsin and pancreatic insulin). It improves blood vessels, making them elastic, preventing angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, sclerosis, paralysis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, improves vision, restores memory, and rejuvenates the body.
It causes slight intoxication. Helps get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. Helps get rid of the craving for smoking and cures sclerosis of the whole body. The garlic enzyme stimulates the adrenal glands to release hormones that make a person drunk. Very effective in the treatment of alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction.
It is also used in the treatment of: microphlebitis, frigidity (female impotence).

14. Enzyme from the mother (oregano).

The enzyme from the mother (oregano) has the same properties as the adonis enzyme.
It is also used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, female infertility, inflammation of the appendages.

15. Enzyme from hop cones.

Enzyme from hop cones is useful for insomnia.

16. Enzyme from bison.

The enzyme from bison is very good at stimulating tooth growth. Add 2 tbsp to the enzyme. spoons of pig teeth powder. This powder, dissolving in enzymes, makes them richer in fluoride microelements, especially necessary for tooth enamel. Drink 2-4 tbsp of enzyme before meals. spoons.

17. Enzyme of unusual peony (marya root).

The enzyme is made from peony tubers (marina root). Very aromatic and tasty. You can drink without restrictions.
It is also used in the treatment of: leucorrhea (candidiasis), female infertility, inflammation of the appendages, frigidity, uterine fibroids, rheumatism, gout, epilepsy, insomnia, stomach cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer.

There are a large variety of enzymes in various herbs. Not all of them were studied by B.V. Bolotov, and therefore are not listed in this article. People come to B.V. Bolotov and tell him that they prepared kvass with strawberry leaves, and with raspberry stems and leaves, and with parsley leaves, and many other herbs. Some from the heart, some to improve potency, some for sweating.

I would also like to say something about sourdough starters made from whey from the garden. Different bacteria in whey love different treats. Some people prefer beets, others cabbage, others apples or carrots, cucumbers or tomatoes, etc. Try making whey sourdough in one tub by layering various garden delicacies. Firstly, the vegetables and fruits themselves are delicious, and secondly, the resulting pickle contains such a set of enzymes that no pharmacologist can recreate it. I have never had a tastier drink.

The very name “celandine!” speaks about the direction of action of this herb - cleansing. Moreover, the cleansing is so strong that many herbalists recommend celandine even for cancer.

In what specific cases will kvass be effective:

  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, lysbacteriosis, in general “clogging” of the intestines due to poor nutrition...);
  • cleansing the nasopharynx (systematic colds, sinusitis, runny nose...);
  • cleansing the lung space ( frequent cough, pneumonia, bronchitis...);
  • cleansing the genitourinary tract (cleanses, pyelonephritis, various gynecological and urological problems...).

The results of taking this kvass are very good. In fact, you immediately begin to feel better, your skin condition improves, your stool becomes normal, and many intestinal problems go away.

But since this is a non-drug treatment, and a plus accurate diagnosis Few people know - the process proceeds differently for everyone, of course. It is important to pay attention to your well-being and look for exactly the remedy that will help you personally.

And of course, no treatment will be effective without changing your diet from unhealthy to healthy!

Why kvass

The secret here lies in the fact that celandine is a poisonous plant. But during the fermentation process during the preparation of kvass, these toxic substances ferment and become less active.

Contraindications for use

There are 2 obvious contraindications:

  • acute leukemia;
  • diabetes.

Making kvass from celandine is not at all difficult. I'll show you how to make it from raw materials.

Cooking method

I picked celandine at the dacha, far from the city and harmful emissions. There are no problems with collecting raw materials; it grows everywhere and in large quantities.

We need 1 glass of celandine. There is no need to tamp too hard. Just fill the glass with herb. I didn't take the root, just top part celandine.

You will also need:

  1. approximately 2.5 liters of purified water (or boiled and cooled);
  2. 1 cup of sugar;
  3. 1 tablespoon of homemade (market sour cream.

According to the ingredients - if you take boiled water, be sure to cool it to room temperature. Sugar can be replaced with honey if you are anti-sugar (which is what I did next time). You won't get anything from store-bought sour cream.

The grass needs to be “shaped”, that is, made so that it does not float on the surface. It is important. So I took a piece of gauze and put celandine on it. You need a weight to make it heavier, I had a couple sea ​​stones. You can take a heavy glass or a 100 gram glass. You cannot take metal objects for weight.

I wrapped the gauze in an envelope and simply tied it around with white thread. Everything turned out solid and simple.

Pour 1 cup of sugar into a 3-liter jar, add a spoonful of sour cream and lower the “bag” of celandine.

Fill with prepared water. We don’t add water to the brim; we need to leave room for an “air gap.” After all, the most necessary bacteria come from the air.

Mix well.

I forgot to take this shot, BUT the bottles need to be covered on top not with a lid, but with 2-3 layers of gauze, so that there is still air access.

Kvass should be infused in a dark and warm place (room temperature).

Periodically, the kvass needs to be inspected and the top layer that forms on the surface removed. This is a mold that is formed from lactic acid bacteria.

You just need to remove it with a spoon and throw it away. Don't worry, it's not dangerous! After some time, mold will stop forming.

After 3 weeks, the kvass is ready. We pour 1 liter, this is the kvass that I will drink while preparing the next portion. It needs to be put in the refrigerator. As you can see, it is clean and yellow in color.

The taste is very tasty, with a very light pleasant bitterness. Reminds me a bit of Fanta!

Add the remaining kvass with sugar (1/3 cup) and add water to the same measure as at the beginning (actually pour out 1 liter of prepared water).

Since you cannot check the quality of sour cream, which is the basis for the development of lactic acid bacteria, if you have kvass:

  • not yellow;
  • has an unpleasant odor;
  • has a strange unpleasant taste;
  • very cloudy;
  • very bitter...

Better pour it out!!! And start the process again with new sour cream.

How to drink kvass

Since the product is quite strong, we start using it with 1 tablespoon:

  1. on empty stomach 30 minutes before meals;
  2. 3 times a day.

The maximum dose that can be used is 100 ml or 300 ml per day.

The course of treatment consists of 2 stages:

  1. 1st stage 14 days, when 100 ml of kvass is consumed 3 times a day - this is 300 ml * 14 days = 4.2 liters;
  2. Stage 2: 30 days, when 100 ml of kvass is consumed once a day - this is 100 ml * 30 days - 3.0 liters.

That is, for the full course, you will need to completely go through the process of preparing kvass (2 glasses of grass) 2 times.

DO NOT overdose, this is medicinal drink.

Video of the cooking process

Most people perceive celandine as a plant that can help the skin, but which should never be ingested. However, the Ukrainian scientist Boris Bolotov developed a recipe for kvass from celandine, which, according to him, is able to tidy up the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and greatly improve the health of the body.


Basically, Boris Bolotov develops medicinal drugs based on herbs, water and dairy products, arguing that this combination allows not only to remove harmful substances, but also to activate rejuvenation processes. Kvass from celandine according to Bolotov demonstrates the same effects. Using this remedy, a person can safely introduce bioactive components inside, the negative effects of which will be blocked by fermented milk products.


The main medicinal properties of kvass allow you to cleanse the digestive and circulatory systems, normalize intestinal microflora and stomach acidity, and also establish cell regeneration. In addition, the drug helps cope with certain diseases. According to the doctor, there are also such side effects, as strengthening the immune system and the ability to withstand stress. Moreover, it is believed that there may be significant improvement in vision.

After spending full course, the patient can be cured of cough and runny nose, sinusitis and bronchitis, diarrhea and constipation, as well as thrush and cystitis. In other words, the functioning of the digestive, excretory and respiration systems will be adjusted.


The use of Bolotov's kvass is mainly harmful for those people who are either prohibited from using substances due to health reasons, or who have allergic reactions to any component. In addition, non-compliance with the recipe and doses is always harmful, because vomiting, kidney problems, and even respiratory paralysis can be side effects.

Do not forget that celandine itself is a rather dangerous plant, and contact of juice with bare skin can cause burns.

How to do it right?

You can prepare medicinal kvass using several recipes. In any case, it is necessary that only neutralized components that can benefit the body, but not harm, pass from the celandine.

On serum

The recipe for kvass with whey is considered a classic. The ingredients you will need are a glass of sugar, a glass of celandine, three liters of whey and a tablespoon of high-quality sour cream, preferably homemade. If used fresh celandine, then it is pre-washed and finely chopped. In the case of dried, it is more convenient to purchase it at the pharmacy. The herb is placed in a bag made of gauze or fabric, and along with it is placed some heavy object that cannot harm the taste and medicinal properties, for example, a pebble.

The prepared celandine is placed on the bottom of the container. The remaining components are thoroughly mixed until homogeneous and placed in a jar. Instead of a lid, the neck is covered with gauze, folded several times, and the future kvass is put away in a dark, well-heated place. After three weeks, the drink will need to be strained and stored in the refrigerator. You can determine the readiness of kvass by its smell - it is somewhat reminiscent of apples. The taste should combine sourness and bitterness.

In another case, after two weeks of infusion, a liter of liquid is poured out of the jar. By the way, during this period, kvass needs to be freed from mold and sediment from time to time. The vacated space is filled with plain water, into which a third of the glass is poured granulated sugar, and everything gets mixed up. Afterwards, the bank is put back into storage for three days, and then the procedure is repeated. The addition of ingredients should be repeated four times, and on the fifth, fresh celandine is placed in the jar, and the kvass is infused until ready.

On the water

In the case when kvass is prepared with water, the liquid is taken as clean and chilled as possible. Preparation is carried out according to the same method as in the case of whey, but first you are allowed to fill the jar with water, and then with celandine. In addition, you can add fresh water with sugar every two days. The readiness of kvass is determined by the appearance of foam.

In addition to the above recipes, Bolotov invented several more useful variations kvass, which are definitely worth trying. Cooking from banana skins, according to the academician, will even make it possible to cope with oncology. Three glasses of banana peel are combined with a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream. The finely chopped skin is placed in a three-liter glass container, then sand is poured into it. The remaining space is completely filled clean water, and everything is carefully stirred.

As soon as the sugar has dissipated, you will need to add sour cream mixed with a small amount water. The container is covered with gauze, folded several times, and put away for a couple of weeks in a lighted place. While infusing the crusts, kvass should be periodically cleaned of mold. After the specified period, the kvass is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Other sources recommend using medicinal properties kvass, but combine them with other ingredients, for example, make a drink from horseradish. To do this, first prepare 100 grams of horseradish leaves and 100 grams of the roots of this plant, as well as 150 grams of honey and two liters of ordinary bread kvass. The plant parts are thoroughly washed, even using a brush, finely chopped and filled with kvass. The drink will infuse for about a week in a darkened space. The filtered drug is mixed with honey.

It is impossible not to mention Izotov’s jelly, prepared using a similar method. Its preparation starts with 500 grams oatmeal poured into a three-liter glass jar. Seven tablespoons of ground oat grains are added there, and all free space is filled with 100 grams of kefir. The lid is closed, and the medicinal drink is put away for a couple of days where it is dark and warm. As soon as foam forms on the surface, the drink will need to be poured through a sieve into a saucepan.

The remaining flakes are washed with clean water, which is poured into a separate container. This liquid is then left alone until it separates into suspension and water. It is the suspension that is used to prepare jelly. Take five to seven teaspoons of the substance and combine it with a liter clean water. The drink is placed on low heat, where it will stand until it reaches a thick consistency.

If desired, you can add either to the final jelly vegetable oil, or honey.

It is necessary to drink medicinal kvass in quantities ranging from 100 to 150 milliliters before meals. You need to take it for two to four weeks, depending on the purpose of use, and then you need to stop for at least a month. It is worth immediately adding that in some sources the break time increases to six months. In any case, during downtime, you can take other medications according to Dr. Bolotov’s prescriptions. By the way, kvass does not have to be consumed internally - there is also the possibility of inhalation.

In this case, the drink is heated to 40 degrees in a container with a large diameter, for example, a saucepan. A person sits next to you, leans over the flowing steam, covers himself with a wide towel and breathes deeply for about ten minutes, or until the liquid cools down. You will have to carry out the procedure two to three times a day, but be sure to brew new portions. It is also a good idea to hold your breath for a couple of seconds while inhaling the vapors. Judging by the comments, such inhalations will remove phlegm, excess mucus and other harmful elements.

Finally, it is possible to wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad or a clean cloth dipped in liquid. Eczema or dermatitis must be treated very carefully. External processing worth adding internal use. For two weeks, half an hour before meals you will need to drink half a glass of kvass. By the way, at the same dosage medicine It is also used for preventive purposes.

It is important to ensure that more than 300 milliliters of medication is not released in one day. Then, for four weeks a day, 100 milliliters of the drink are consumed at a time. In total, seven liters will be drunk during the entire course. During treatment you should also limit your consumption harmful products and go on a diet.

Winter and summer in the same color - what is it? Nothing more than celandine, widely known among the people. It goes under the snow without losing its bright green, and it appears just as green to us in early spring. Latin name Celandine translated into Russian means “swallow”.

With the arrival of these birds, this amazing plant begins to bloom, and fades when the swallows leave our region. Substances in celandine actively fight against harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and celandine tincture is widely used in the treatment of many diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties of the plant

Celandine contains many alkaloids, and there are much more of them in the roots than in the leaves. Among the organic acids, citric, succinic and malic acids can be noted. The content of carotene and vitamin C is high. In addition, celandine contains tannins, essential oil and many salts such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium. It also contains a lot of iodine, potassium, magnesium, and bromine.

Important! Be careful when self-medicating such formations. Very often, such a life-threatening disease as skin cancer is confused with papillomas and precious time is wasted.

  • IN gynecological practice Celandine is used in the form of douching for infectious colpitis, erosions and cervical polyps.
  • Celandine tincture with vodka is widely used as an effective remedy for lowering blood pressure.
  • Our “Russian ginseng” also has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
  • The use of celandine tincture in vodka is popular, as excellent remedy for the treatment of periodontal diseases.
  • This herb also helps in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.
  • It is no less effective as a painkiller, as well as for skin tuberculosis.
  • According to some herbalists, celandine tincture is also effective against cancer. However oncological diseases are so complex and serious in their consequences that it is still not worth relying solely on traditional medicine.
  • Method of preparing the tincture

    As we have already noted, celandine is used in folk medicine in various variations: the juice of this plant is used to treat various diseases, decoctions, tinctures, ointments and oils are prepared from it. We will dwell in more detail on how to prepare a celandine tincture with alcohol and whey.

    On alcohol

    One of the most common methods of using celandine is to prepare a tincture from it. To do this, a half-liter glass container is filled with fresh washed celandine and filled with vodka. Then the container is placed in a dark, cool place for 10 to 14 days. After this time, the strained tincture is ready for use. As you can see, the recipe for preparing celandine tincture with vodka is very simple and will not be difficult. As for the direct use of the medicine internally, one should be extremely careful here, since celandine, as is known, is a poisonous plant and, contrary to expectations, can bring not a positive, but a negative effect.

    Important: Apply folk remedies based on celandine for the treatment of any diseases is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. The plant is poisonous and, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm body.

    So how to take celandine tincture correctly?

    • First of all, you need to start using this medicine carefully: with 2-3 drops diluted in 100 ml of water, gradually increasing the dose to 20 drops per day.
    • Another recommendation: after a week of using the tincture, you should take a break of 3-4 days, after which you can resume treatment.

    On serum

    No less popular in folk medicine is the use of kvass with whey and celandine. To prepare this drug, 250 g of sugar is dissolved in a 3-liter glass container with fresh whey, 10 g of low-fat sour cream is added to the whey and mixed thoroughly.

    Then dry or fresh celandine, prepared in advance, crushed and placed in a gauze bag, is placed in a container with whey. In this case, the bag should not be allowed to float up, so a weight is tied to it (this could be, for example, a stainless steel spoon or a glass ball).

    Then our container is tightly covered with several layers of gauze and sent to a dry, warm place for about a week. In this case, it is necessary to periodically check the celandine tincture on the serum for the presence of mold in it. If the latter is found, it should be carefully removed.

    After a week, when sediment appears in the container, the upper liquid is drained, a new portion of whey is added to it and again sent for ripening. After another 2 weeks, the mixture should begin to foam, which will indicate its readiness for use.

    Important points when treating with celandine tincture

    As already noted, celandine is a poisonous plant and, of course, it has some contraindications:

    • Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from treating with celandine tincture;
    • Also, the use of this plant is contraindicated for liver diseases;
    • careless treatment with celandine tincture can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane;
    • and lastly, cancer patients and patients should not self-medicate diabetes mellitus.

    All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

    Decoctions and infusions of plants have always been used by people to promote health and treat diseases, and their properties are still being studied. Bolotov's kvass on celandine also has a healing effect, and reviews about it are attracting more and more attention to the drink. It combines medicinal properties and medicinal plant, and the effect is achieved due to their fermentation.

    Useful substances of celandine

    The plant has a peculiar smell, as well as a burning, bitter taste. Celandine contains flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, kaempferol), vitamins (provitamin A and ascorbic acid), organic acids, mucus, tannins, as well as a number of alkaloids. The composition of the substances determines the medicinal properties of the plant:

    • calms the nervous system;
    • has an analgesic effect in cases of dysbacteriosis, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
    • decoctions and infusions have diuretic and choleretic effects;
    • The main purpose of celandine is to cleanse internal and external environments human body;
    • the herb is popular in treatment various lesions skin as a bactericidal agent.

    It should be noted that when misuse the grass can be poisonous.

    Useful properties of kvass

    Surprisingly, the properties of celandine listed above are enhanced, becoming clearly expressed in a drink made with the healer’s serum. Before making Bolotov’s kvass with celandine, let’s consider its health-improving and medicinal effects:

    • improvement of vision, especially myopia, due to strengthening and cleansing of the vision mechanism;
    • cleansing the surfaces of the ears, nasopharynx, intestines, stomach;
    • restoration of the intestinal mucosa;
    • cleansing of the bronchi and lungs, due to which bronchial asthma and allergies go away;
    • bonds between radionuclides are weakened: thanks to active enzymes kvass they break down and then leave the human body;
    • Bolotova kvass - an indispensable tool in the treatment of the following diseases: gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
    • strengthens the heart muscle, treats hypertension, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • cleanses the body of benign tumors;
    • affects human skin: acne and pimples disappear, the condition of the skin is restored, cuts and wounds do not even leave a trace.

    Bolotov's kvass acquires these qualities through fermentation of the plant with the help of whey fermentation bacteria and enzymes supporting sugar. As a result of this process, the bioactive components contained in celandine make bacteria much stronger. This symbiosis produces an amazing healing effect.

    from celandine

    Bolotova's kvass, reviews of which we can see in the article below, has outstanding therapeutic effect on the body. Bolotov himself claims that this drink capable of paving the way to immortality for every person. Although obtaining such a true elixir requires experience.


    • 0.5 cups celandine.
    • 3 liters of whey.
    • 1 cup of sugar.

    To prepare Bolotov’s kvass, the recipes for which are given below, we will need dried or fresh celandine. Collect it in clean forest areas or purchase it at the pharmacy. Grass collected from the forest must be washed. Coarsely chop the plant material and place it in a gauze bag.

    Dissolve a glass of sugar in three liters of whey, add a spoonful of fresh low-fat sour cream, stir everything and pour into a 3-liter glass jar.

    We now need to secure the resulting bag of grass at the bottom of the jar. A cutlery can be used in the form of a weight. The bag should not float to the neck of the jar.

    We close the neck of the jar with gauze, secure it with an elastic band and put it in a warm and dry place. Once every couple of days we check Bolotov’s kvass for the presence of mold. If it is found, carefully remove it.

    After a week, a sediment will form in the jar. Upper layer We pour the kvass into another jar, add whey, bringing it to 3 liters, and put it away to ripen in a warm place. Pour out the sediment. During the remaining two weeks, plants that have received healing powers will appear.

    If we did everything correctly, then after two weeks the mixture will begin to foam, which indicates its complete readiness. Properly prepared Bolotov kvass has the aroma of apples, as well as a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness.

    We pour 1 liter from a jar, after which we supplement it with fresh whey, in which we first dilute ½ cup of sugar. You can top up 3 times in this way. Then you need to add fresh starter.

    Bolotov's kvass, the recipes for which are given in this article, should be stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.

    Beet kvass

    It’s easy to prepare according to Bolotov. For this you will need:

    • purified warm water;
    • red fresh beets;
    • a pinch of mint;
    • 15% sour cream (1 spoon).

    Peeled beets are finely chopped. Its quantity is determined individually, and it should fill a 3-liter jar 2/3 full.

    Sour cream is dissolved in warm purified water, which is added for enzymatic fermentation.

    This liquid is poured into a jar, leaving 2-3 cm of free space up to its neck. The container is covered with gauze and removed for fermentation in a warm place.

    After 2 days, mold must be removed from the surface of the liquid, and this should be done every 2 days thereafter.

    In kvass, on the 5th day, a sediment mainly appears, which is better to get rid of, then the finished drink will turn out to be pleasant to the taste and aromatic. To do this, first carefully pour it into another container. clear liquid, and then remove the precipitate. The beets are filled with a clear solution and diluted to the original volume with fresh water. After 10 days beet kvass he'll be ready. It is stored tightly closed in the refrigerator. Take 0.5 cups twice a day.

    Banana kvass according to Bolotov

    Bolotov himself claims that such kvass is very effective remedy against cancer!

    You will need:

    • 1 cup of sugar;
    • 3 cups chopped banana peel;
    • 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

    In order to prepare banana kvass according to Bolotov, you need to thoroughly wash the indicated fruits, clean them of damage and peel. Then cut the peel into small pieces.

    Pour into a thoroughly washed 3-liter jar and then add sugar. Fill the top with clean water almost to the top.

    When the sugar has completely dissolved in the jar, you need to add sour cream, which is pre-stirred in small quantity water.

    The jar should be covered with gauze folded in 2 layers. Keep the bottle of kvass in the light for two weeks. It is imperative to periodically remove mold that appears on the surface of this drink.

    When the kvass has finished aging, it should be strained and put in a cool place.


    The main condition for taking this elixir is its correct preparation. Therefore, acquiring a skill is your first task. If you doubt its quality, it would be better to make a new starter.

    Bolotov's kvass also has contraindications, like many traditional medicines. It should not be taken by people who have Sick bronchial asthma If you have diabetes, you need to be careful; start taking it with 1 spoon (teaspoon) and carefully monitor your health. In addition, severe damage to the central nervous system, epilepsy, neurological diseases must be taken into account upon admission.

    Kvass Bolotova: reviews

    Reading reviews about this kvass, we can conclude that it improves the well-being of people who consume it, increases their immunity, and helps cope with various ailments. Many admire him pleasant taste and unique healing properties. Among negative reviews You may find that this drink is difficult to produce and has contraindications for use.