Dry fasting for underweight. Indications for dry fasting, contraindications and possible consequences. Which fasting is better?

Therapeutic fasting goes through certain stages.

1st stage.

It is called “food excitation”; during “wet” hunger its duration is, as a rule, 2-3 days, and during “dry” - 1-2 days.

The stage of food arousal is a mild stress for the body. This stress primarily causes activation of the hypothalamus. He starts to secrete various substances which have a special effect on the glands internal secretion in order to adapt the body to existence without food and water.

After 24 hours of fasting in humans, the secretion of somatotropic growth hormone by the pituitary gland sharply increases, and according to modern data, dry fasting has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It activates the pancreatic hormone glucagon, which enhances the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, which provides the body with nutrition. It also removes intoxication from the body through beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

During the first stage, any food signals can usually be irritating: the sight and smell of it, talking about food, the sound of eating utensils, etc. They cause salivation, rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach; sleep deteriorates, irritability increases, sometimes Bad mood. Thirst is tolerable.

Stage 2: (increasing acidosis).

Usually this stage of dry fasting lasts from 2-4 days. As soon as a person has completely given up food and water, his body begins to consume stored reserves and secondary tissues.

The breakdown of nutrients and tissues during fasting leads to the accumulation of their breakdown products inside the body. As a result of this, the pH of the body quickly shifts to the acidic side (acidosis), but the acidification values ​​do not exceed physiological norms. Acidosis during fasting is the first and most important physiological mechanism, causing the activation of a chain of other healing mechanisms that are in an inactive state during a normal diet.

4. Acidification of the internal environment of the body leads to the launch of tissue dissolution processes (autolysis). It turns out that in acidic environment phagocytes and some enzymes are activated, the function of which is to destroy weakened own tissue and everything foreign in the body. In turn, the processes of autolysis trigger a mechanism for cleansing the body of toxins, weakened and pathologically altered tissue. Due to the breakdown of the tissue, the toxins contained in it are released and removed from the body, and the modified tissue is destroyed.

Control over the breakdown of body tissue is carried out by a special function, which we called the “principle of priority”. It is precisely this function that ensures that everything unnecessary, pathologically altered, is first broken down, and then the turn of healthy tissue comes - according to the principle of importance for the life of the body.

Acidification of the body and increased phagocytic activity lead to normalization of the body's microflora.

Acidosis involves the mechanism of absorption by body cells carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air. It is this that promotes the fixation of carbon dioxide soluble in the blood according to the principle of photosynthesis, i.e. through the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes a “nutrient medium.”

In other words, with increased absorption of CO2 by cells, combined with increased consumption of nitrogen from the air, the most favorable conditions are created for the high-quality construction of nucleic acids, proteins and other biological active substances necessary for full human life. In other words, during a dry fast, we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create from them the proteins our body needs.

Increased breakdown of tissue as a result of autolysis and restoration of the structure and function of the digestive organs during dry fasting stimulate metabolism and increase the digestive ability of the body during the period of restorative nutrition.

During fasting there is an increase in protective functions the body, both at the cellular level and the entire organism as a whole. It becomes much more resistant to various internal and external damaging factors.

All of the above physiological mechanisms lead to a powerful revitalizing and rejuvenating effect in the period following fasting.

After we have described what “triggers” the process of acidosis (acidosis) of the internal environment during fasting, let’s return to the acidosis itself. The process of acidification of the internal environment of the body increases rapidly. Typically, maximum acidification is observed on the 2-3rd day of fasting.

And it happens like this. At the very beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, the body uses it. But as soon as glycogen reserves are depleted (and this usually happens on the first day of fasting), glycogen begins to accumulate in the blood. sour foods incomplete breakdown of fat (butyric acids, acetone), its alkaline reserves are reduced, and this is reflected in well-being: a starving person may develop headache, nausea, feeling of weakness, general malaise.

White coating on the tongue increases, dryness of the tongue and lips, mucus on the teeth, smell of acetone on the breath, dryness and pallor skin, the feeling of hunger is much reduced, while thirst increases at this time. Poor health is the result of the accumulation of harmful products in the blood: fasting-induced homotoxicosis.

5. The first acidotic crisis and its significance in the healing of the body.

The gradual acidification of the internal environment of the body during fasting leads to the displacement of most chronic diseases that develop and progress in the human body.

The most severe acidification of the body occurs during the period of acidotic crisis, and therefore at this time the chronic diseases. By the degree of exacerbation one can judge how successfully hunger has “hooked” on a particular disease and “uprooted” it from the body. If the exacerbation is pronounced, then one should expect complete cure. If weak, it means that hunger decides others more important issues in organism. After a while, repeat the fast, and then he will take care of the remaining diseases.

After the acidotic crisis has “uprooted” the disease from the body, the amount previously spent on the disease begins to increase. protective forces. Conducted studies of the body's reaction to various bacilli indicate that the processes of self-defense and increased defenses against microbes begin only after the end of the acidotic crisis.

This manifests itself in a tendency towards rapid healing of wounds and an increase in the body’s bactericidal capacity, which explains beneficial influence fasting for many diseases.

Hence the conclusion follows: until the body of a starving person has passed the first acidotic crisis, one cannot count on a cure for chronic diseases and a sharp increase in the body’s defenses.

The 3rd stage is called compensation (adaptation).

The duration of this stage is individual for everyone. On average, it begins on the 5th day of dry fasting and ends on the 8th day. During this stage, your health may improve, weakness may decrease, and all unpleasant sensations may disappear. This improvement may occur in waves. The feeling of hunger completely disappears, thirst may increase. Its duration depends on the fat reserves in the body. This stage ends with the second acidotic crisis, which lasts from 8 to 11 days.

The second acidotic crisis and its significance in healing the body.

From the moment the first acidotic crisis passes until the onset of the second, the body accumulates vitality. During an acidotic crisis, some people experience aggravation of their underlying disease, their state of health sharply worsens, loss of strength occurs, sleep completely disappears, and the temperature may rise significantly. These symptoms indicate that hunger has begun to “turn out” the disease. If in the first two stages of fasting autolysis of body tissues was the only source of nutrition, then during the second acidotic crisis autolysis performs more of the function of a natural surgeon.

Therefore, for the full therapeutic effect it is necessary to go through this crisis. The most important thing is to go through a second acidotic crisis for all types of fasting, during which all the body’s defenses are more strongly activated, which helps to cure many “incurable” diseases.

To put it simply: the first acidotic crisis eliminates the “stem of the disease,” the second destroys the “root of the disease.”

In the process of fasting, two very interesting moments stand out - primary and secondary restructuring; the body's regulatory systems are forced to switch to new life support conditions, when old ones are partially utilized and new biostructures are synthesized, differing from the old ones in their qualitative properties. In turn, the new quality directly depends on those specific situational changes that cause shifts in internal environment body.

6. Principled distinctive feature Any fasting, from spontaneously arising, is its dosage, because it can be stopped at any time.

It is extremely important that fasting occurs against the backdrop of a favorable psychological climate.

When we make a volitional decision to fast in order to influence a specific problem, our consciousness begins to “interfere” in the restructuring processes occurring in the body and exert a regulatory influence on them. This means that it is possible to design the future restructuring of the body with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures that have beneficial properties, that is, in fact, we are talking about the conscious regulation of processes occurring in the body, about the conscious improvement of one’s body.

All this speaks of one thing - our body, in a state of complete comfort and peace, weakens and loses its adaptive powers. But under conditions of a changing environment, influenced by strong negative stimuli, hitherto unknown abilities are awakened and autoregulation mechanisms are activated. We are now beginning to understand health in a new way.

A healthy body is not one that preserves normal indicators, but one that is able to successfully adapt to changing conditions, which is very important for our unfavorable environmental conditions.

It has been discovered that deformed membranes of slowly dividing or non-dividing “aging” cells, with endogenous nutrition, acquire shapes similar to those of the cells of young animals. That is, with HS there is a process of restoration of cell barriers. The division process of rapidly dividing cells slows down. At the same time, the restructuring of the enzymatic system ensures strengthening of the receptor apparatus of efferent cells (nerve endings) due to a qualitative improvement in the state of the enzymes of these receptors (chemoreceptors), which are embedded in the cell membrane and are capable of enhancing the barrier function through the activation of the intracellular nucleotide cAMP.

Thus, with HS, a comprehensive restoration of cell barrier functions is ensured by normalizing membranes and strengthening the cAMP system. Due to the renewal of the genetic apparatus of cells, new stem cells are formed during fasting, and additional ones appear in some organs. As a result of the elimination of old, damaged cells and the appearance of new stem cells, the organs and tissues of the body become much younger.

But there is another important source that ensures rejuvenation and “hunger survival.” Most cells in the human body live actively for only a few years. After which they age and become functionally passive, like fat cells.

Even colonies of microorganisms have formed a mechanism for “food utilization” of old cells. All multicellular organisms use their old cells as a source of raw materials and energy. But as a backup source, intended for a rainy day.

With prolonged inactivity of the “food utilization” mechanism, such cells can and do become a factory of pathological proteins that cause aggression of their own. immune system, factors, causing disruption tissue and central regulation, cells, ancestors of malignant tumors.

They must be removed from the body.

For millions of years, periods of forced starvation were the norm in the lives of animals. Therefore, the process of liberating multicellular organisms from “extra”, structurally or functionally atypical cells did not pose a problem. “Without fish, cancer is food.”

The combination of the “cellular self-purification” mechanism with the “starvation survival” mechanism was a successful and universal evolutionary acquisition.

7. Apoptosis.

This is programmed cell death, an energy-dependent, genetically controlled process that is triggered by specific signals and rids the body of weakened, unnecessary or damaged cells.

Every day, approximately 5% of the body's cells undergo apoptosis, and new cells take their place. During the process of apoptosis, the cell disappears without a trace within 15-120 minutes.

The genetic apparatus of multicellular organisms - animals, plants and fungi - contains a program of cell death. This special program, which under certain circumstances can lead to cell death. At normal development This program is aimed at removing excessively formed cells - “unemployed”, as well as “retired” cells that have ceased to engage in socially useful work. Other important function cell death - removal of “disabled” cells and “dissident” cells with serious violations of the structure or function of the genetic apparatus.

In particular, apoptosis is one of the main mechanisms of self-prevention oncological diseases.

With pathological strengthening, aplasia and degenerative processes occur, as well as some deformities with tissue defects, and with weakening - autoimmune processes, tumors and premature aging of the body. There are, for example, quite serious reasons to believe that pathological increases in apoptosis are associated with such dangerous diseases such as aplastic anemia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, AIDS, etc.

During fasting, a universal process occurs: on the one hand, the physiological process apoptosis: renewal and rejuvenation of the body due to the death of old, diseased, altered cells. On the other hand, they are eliminated pathological mechanisms apoptosis: premature aging, cancer, etc. Let us consider these mechanisms in more detail.

The body, as a community of cells, during the period of fasting “eats” not only fat cells, but also everything that is “bad”. Or rather, it doesn’t work well or doesn’t work at all. Without the function of self-purification of cell populations, the life of an organism is impossible. Infected with viruses, cells damaged by radiation or toxins, as well as those that have reached a biological limit, have one common property - they must leave the body. Or be eaten.

In nature it happens like this.

In the absence of nutrition, a special type of signaling molecules appears in a multicellular organism. These molecules cause the activation of intracellular proteins in the cytoplasm of “atypical” cells. These are cells that are not involved in the collective activities of the body and are sensitive to such molecules. They turn on the self-destruct mechanism. The cell “closes” all programs – its core “collapses”. The cell undergoes “crushing”. Without destruction of the outer membrane, it is “split” into 5-10 “apoptotic bodies” and absorbed by other cells. This is what it looks like in a colony of microorganisms. Or it is digested in the intestines. It shares the fate of fat cells.

The phenomenon of apoptosis was discovered relatively recently, in 1972. This was the most interesting event in biology and medicine in the last 50 years. According to modern concepts, apoptosis is a general biological mechanism responsible for the constancy of the number of cell populations, as well as the formation and culling of defective cells.

It is in the way of this physiological “mechanism” that regular nutrition and terrible ecology stand in the way.

8. According to our observations, activation of the process of nutritional apoptosis occurs after 20 hours of dry fasting (subject to the correct fasting technique).

At continuous mode Nutrition "calorie waste" is becoming the number one problem. It causes illness and premature aging in humans. “Saving technologies” save life during starvation, but kill it during constant satiety.

American researchers have indirectly confirmed the benefits of Muslim fasting. They were able to uncover a cellular mechanism that explains the connection between fasting and lifespan in humans and other mammals.

Islam prescribes abstaining from food and liquids during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. Scientists David Sinclair and his colleagues found that during fasting, the SIRT3 and SIRT4 genes are activated, which prolong the life of cells. Perhaps this information can be used to create drugs for diseases associated with aging.

Experiments conducted by scientists on animals indicate that fasting increases the ability of heart cells of old animals to self-cleanse by 120% and had virtually no effect on the condition of the cells of young animals.

To assess the effect of restricting calorie intake on the ability of cells to get rid of toxic waste products, scientists assessed changes in the content of certain proteins in the body, depending on age and diet. It turned out that the cells of old animals that were subject to starvation were characterized by a very high level of proteins, which is essential for starting the process of autophagy.

An interesting fact remains that the activation of autophagy is especially important primarily for heart cells, which contain a large number of mitochondria. Partial recycling of damaged mitochondrial organelles is the key to maintaining the performance of the heart muscle of an aging organism as a whole.

Renewal of fabrics.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.V. Polezhaev, a leading specialist in the regeneration of limbs in animals, who developed a method for restoring lost paws and tails, for example, in amphibians, writes: “Fasting is a process of increased physiological regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition. Interestingly, the biochemical changes during fasting and reparative regeneration are very similar.

In both cases there are two phases: destruction and restoration. In both cases, the destruction phase is characterized by a predominance of the breakdown of protein and nucleic acids over their synthesis, a shift in pH to the acidic side, acidosis, etc.

The recovery phase is also in both cases characterized by the predominance of the synthesis of nucleic acids over their decay, and the return of the pH to a neutral state.

From the study of regeneration it is known that an intensification of the destruction phase leads to an intensification of the recovery phase. Therefore, with sufficient grounds, one can consider therapeutic fasting as a natural factor in stimulating physiological regeneration. At the core therapeutic fasting lies a general biological process leading to the renewal and rejuvenation of tissues of the whole organism.”

But new cells grow especially intensively during the recovery period. A similar renewal occurs in other organs and tissues, which is why fasting is “ universal doctor" No surgeon is able to remove individual affected cells of a tumor or ulcer while preserving adjacent healthy ones and without compromising the integrity of the tissue. The great doctor - Hunger - treats this way.

9. Preventive mechanism: protection from radiation, adverse environmental factors, prevention of cancer. Why does fasting protect against radiation and why are fasts carried out on designated days?

To fully answer this question, let’s start with a seemingly completely different topic - how does radiation damage our body?

Radiation is a powerful flow of energy, which, when introduced into organs, cannot be absorbed by cells due to its power and causes the phenomenon of ionization in them. Ionization is the separation of atoms or molecules by particle impacts. As a result, a mass of radicals is formed in the cells.

A radical is a biologically extremely active fragment of a molecule that, when combined with DNA molecules, blocks their biological properties, which begin to damage its hereditary apparatus. The double helix of DNA and RNA breaks. How often does this happen, and this happens mainly in the rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, the cells stop dividing and begin to be destroyed as foreign by their own immune system.

A destructive process develops in tissues. In such “microholes” that arise from the above process, infections easily take root (of which there are quite enough in the gastrointestinal tract) and sepsis begins, which leads to the death of the body.

Scientists have conducted a number of interesting experiments on rats. One batch of rats was irradiated or fed food containing radionucleotides and allowed to starve. For comparison, a group of absolutely healthy animals were starved. The physiological period of hunger in rats is 12 days. The control group of healthy animals completely died out after this period, and the irradiated ones lived for 24 days and began to look even better than before and did not think about dying. Researchers were forced to kill them, and their tissues were subjected to careful analysis, which revealed that they looked great, like young, healthy animals, and did not contain any radioactive damage! Why is this happening? It turns out that during hunger, during enhanced biosynthesis, energy is needed, and previously indigestible radiation is now completely spent on this. Evil turns into good! Along the way, a number of other mechanisms were discovered that protect the body from radiation during famine.

Here they are:

1) By increasing the production of alcohol, the body restores cell membranes. Restoring cell membranes is nothing more than strengthening cellular barriers. As a result, subsequent radioactive exposures will have a less pronounced damaging effect on cells.

2) Increased content carbon dioxide in cells reduces ionization caused by radioactive radiation (the effect of the Buteyko method!).

3) The most vulnerable to radiation, the rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, sharply slow down their division during hunger. After all, they are forced to divide quickly due to the fact that during the digestion process they are exposed to their own digestive enzymes, become damaged and peel off. Due to the rapid division of these cells, the body restores the walls of the stomach and intestines.

This is not the case when you are hungry. The cells of the gastrointestinal tract rest, and the energy previously spent on accelerated division is now spent on restoration internal structures, “repair” of broken DNA and RNA helices. This is also facilitated by enhanced biosynthesis inside the cell due to the fixation of CO2 in it, which is not the case in the food regime.

Thanks to this, they do not die, are not rejected by their own body, and when switching to a diet, they divide as if nothing had happened and fully perform their previous functions. But in the nutritional mode, these two processes of division and restoration of the internal structures of the cell cannot be fully carried out, and radiation further aggravates this.

10. 4) As practical studies have shown, radiation and radionucleotides are eliminated from the human body in just 12-14 days of wet fasting or 5-7 days of dry fasting. At the same time, a person loses much less weight than during normal fasting. As a result of the above processes occurring during famine, the problems of radioactive exposure are completely solved.

And indeed, after Chernobyl, Academician A.I. Vorobyov decided to use fasting for people affected by acute radiation sickness (when ulcerations form in the gastrointestinal tract). Transfer bone marrow and the use of powerful antibiotic therapy in such cases is almost futile, and the affected people regained their health during starvation. For the first time in world practice, the fasting method helped in a case where other, most modern (American, Japanese) treatment options were powerless!

And no wonder, because these “treatment options” are the fruit of artificial conclusions, and hunger is a natural process that has nothing in common with them.

After this introduction, let's move on to the main question - why are fasts held at strictly defined times of the year? If we combine the dates of fasting and the signs of the Zodiac, we will see that three out of four fasts fall on “ fire signs" The Nativity Fast (40 days) falls on the sign of Sagittarius. Lent(48 days) for the sign of Aries. The Assumption Fast (14 days) is for the sign of “Leo”, and the Petrov Fast, its duration is not constant and ranges from 8 to 42 days.

This fluctuation is caused by adjusting to natural rhythms. During years of active sun, when there is a lot of energy, its duration increases. In cold years, on the contrary, the duration of this famine is reduced. There is no gag here - everything is according to the laws of Nature. During these periods, an increased amount of energy falls on the Earth from Space, which acts like radioactive energy. It can cause disruption in the functioning of the body.

Remember the work of A.L. Chizhevsky “Earthly Echo of Solar Storms”, and much will immediately become clear.

If you fast at this time, then the cosmic and increased amount of solar energy will go to creation - enhancing biosynthesis. If you continue to eat, then the energy not absorbed will cause destruction in the cells and free radicals will have a depressing effect on the cells, undermining the vital potential of the entire organism.

But bacteria and viruses, during this period, from the abundance of energy, enter an active state and successfully attack the weakened body. It is at this time that epidemics of influenza (spring and early winter) and cholera (summer) are observed throughout the world. During the years of active sun, these processes become so pronounced that in the Middle Ages, the majority of the population of Europe died out from this!

You can fast at other times of the year, but the combination of increased natural energy and hunger gives best effect, activating the “fiery principle”, which is extinguished by hunger. The ancient sages took absolutely everything into account and gave best recommendations, we just have to follow them.

Protection from adverse environmental factors.

Along with the “native” wastes and toxins formed in the body, during hunger, introduced poisons are also eliminated - from the chemicals that have filled our everyday life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from water and food. But this, however, was to be expected. In our environmental conditions, these facts cannot be ignored. But fasting also provides a remarkable preventive effect. More for a long time after dry fasting, the highest protective potential is maintained; with periodic fasting, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.

11. Prevention of cancer.

Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev talked about an interesting experiment.

Students of the Stavropol Medical Institute took 120 white rats, divided them into 4 groups... One was a control group, and the other three were subjected to a 3-day fast.

The first of these three was inoculated with sarcoma before the fast, the second during it, and the third after it. The non-starving control group died completely. Of the 30 individuals that were injected with sarcoma before the start of the experiment, half died, and of the 30 that were injected during the fasting period, a third died. All those who were treated after him remained alive.

During dry fasting, the strongest, most viable cells survive; even short-term dry fasting is serious prophylactic against malignant tumors.

American scientists managed to record another “miraculous” effect of famine. They studied the effect of fasting on the development of severe forms of cancer. The animals were divided into two groups - experimental and control. Rats in the control group were exposed to radioactive radiation. The dose was selected so as not to cause rapid death of the animals, but within 2-3 weeks after irradiation all of them had blood cancer.

The other group, the experimental group, was even more lucky. Before irradiation, the animals underwent a course of complete fasting. It would seem that the body, weakened by fasting, should react to this negative impact even more acutely, the disease should take on more severe forms. But the results were just the opposite! In the experimental group compared to the control group, the number of sick rats decreased by 70%.

Renewal of the body's energy.

Water is one of the best energy information carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Also, scientists have proven that in the human body, long before the symptoms of diseases appear, local areas“heavy” water – water with an irregular structure – “pathological zones”. Any “Evil Eye”, “Damage”, or simply human envy, in short, all negative energy is located in these “pathological zones”. During dry fasting, the old one is replaced dead water, to high-quality, energetically renewed, living water synthesized by the body itself.

Dry hunger uniformly burns through all organs of the body everything unsuitable for its evolution, not only mechanically, but also spiritually. Since after at least 7-10 days, negative energy entities, feeling their death in the absence of nutrition, begin to leave you, because they cannot stand dry hunger and the positive vibrations emitted by you. Especially if you back it all up with positive deeds.

Dry hunger provides a supply of energy. This seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, wastes energy, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb “subtle energy” from the Cosmos and environment. With the transition to normal nutrition, the effect of super-recovery is triggered - the body gains energy more intensely than before the famine, fortunately, all the possibilities for this appear.

After all, fasting cleanses the chakras and energy channels on which many abilities depend.

After breaking fast, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person is literally filled with strength, and the energy that overwhelms him is seething within him. This wonderful condition lasts for a long time if you adhere to a healthy diet, do physical exercise, breathe shallowly (shallowly!), be in the air and the sun - closer to Nature!

This is a way to reboot the body and set it up for further high-quality work. As life progresses, the human body becomes clogged with toxins and other debris. Therapeutic fasting helps to deeply cleanse tissues and organs cellular level. Dry fasting is the most effective way to carry out such a cleanse.

Dry therapeutic fasting involves complete abstinence from both food and any liquids. There are 2 types of dry fasting treatment.

  1. With the first method, you need to give up food and moisture. In addition, any contact with water is prohibited. You cannot give cleansing enemas, which are an integral part, you cannot take healing baths and perform other useful water procedures. Even hand washing is prohibited.
  2. The second method limits food and liquid, but you can arrange it for yourself. The same applies to enemas.

What are the benefits of dry fasting? Most people turn to this technique as a way to lose weight. But weight loss is far from the main benefit of therapy. In addition to the effect on body weight, this method carries out the following work in the body:

  • deep cleaning at the cellular level;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • reducing the load on the digestive tract, liver and kidneys;
  • treatment of many chronic diseases, as well as acute illnesses in the initial stage;
  • prevention of many diseases.

As for healing from diseases through dry fasting, its sessions are prescribed for the following disorders:

  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin diseases;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the bronchi and lungs;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • benign tumors, etc.

Dry fasting therapy is more effective than wet fasting. It lasts 1-3 days, and during this time all 3 stages of fasting are carried out.

  1. The stage of food arousal, which with the usual method of fasting lasts up to several days, with dry fasting lasts only a few hours. Although these indicators are strictly individual.
  2. The stage of increasing ketoacidosis, also depending on individual indicators, may require from 1 to 3 days.
  3. And after 3 days, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs - the moment of complete cleansing of the body, from which the patient’s well-being sharply improves. The wet fasting method allows you to achieve a crisis only on days 7-16.

Dry fasting Filonov

Sergey Ivanovich Filonov is an expert in the field of therapeutic fasting. While still a student, he himself regularly practiced wet method starvation treatment. Now Sergei Ivanovich works at the Sinegorye health center, where clinical settings conducts sessions of therapeutic fasting.

Filonov was inspired to develop his own methodology by Paul Bragg, as well as the practice of Indian yogis. Sergei Ivanovich agrees with ancient observations, which prompted yogis to turn to fasting treatment. All nature is subject to one form or another of starvation - suspended animation, hypobiosis, hibernation. In such states, animals and plants do not receive food and water, but nevertheless survive, and by the time they awaken, they are renewed and begin to continue their life activities with new strength.

IN Chinese tradition By refusing food and water, a transition to energy food was achieved, and from this the ancient Chinese sought to move on to the original “food” - the energy of the cosmos. Filimonov also sets the goal of his methodology to clarify thoughts and enlighten the entire human essence.

Dry fasting: myths and reality

Sergei Filonov outlined his many years of experience in the field of dry therapeutic fasting in the book “Dry therapeutic fasting: myths and reality.” Despite the fact that Sergei Ivanovich is a physician by profession, he tried to talk about hunger therapy in a form accessible to the average reader.

The author dwells in detail on the mechanisms of anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation in nature, and draws parallels human life with the functioning of the body of animals and plants. Filonov describes in detail all types of fasting, specifically focusing on dry fasting.

The book will become priceless and complete guide for anyone who wants to practice therapeutic fasting at home.

Dry fasting at home

Sergei Filonov reminds that not a single type of fasting will be useful without proper preparation for it and the right way out. Here are some tips on preparing for your first dry fasting from Sergei Ivanovich.

  • Do not practice dry therapy without first trying wet therapy.
  • Before fasting, be sure to cleanse your intestines and liver.
  • Before cleansing the intestines and liver, follow a healthy diet for at least 14 days.
  • Start with the shortest session period (1 day) and gradually increase its duration (3-5 days).
  • Fasting should be regular, this is the only way you will achieve a therapeutic result.
  • Preparation for the first session should take about 3 months. This includes the transition to proper nutrition, periodic fasting days, cleansing procedures and the practice of wet fasting.
  • Before a dry fasting session, it is forbidden to do enemas or take laxatives.
  • On the eve of the event, eat only fermented milk products.
  • Whether you touch the water or not is up to you. Under no circumstances should you drink liquid, but completely avoiding contact with moisture will simply enhance the cleansing effect of the procedure.
  • Do not be alarmed if during a fasting day you feel weak, as well as an exacerbation of long-standing ailments. This normal reaction body. When fasting for several days, the illness disappears by about the third day.
  • Choose a calm and non-work day for the session.

Dry fasting: a way out

Coming out of dry fasting is even more important than the procedure itself. It lasts twice as long as a hunger treatment session. With a one-day fast, you will need 2 days to break it.

36 hours – medical practice, during which a person refuses food and water. This is done with the aim of healing the body, removing waste and toxins, and rejuvenating the body. Also, during this practice, immunity improves, excess weight disappears and well-being improves.

Features of 36-hour dry fasting

Prolonged fasting helps, but only because the body is depleted and uses fat as fuel. But then you will also return to your normal diet, that is, you will gain your weight back. If you want to cleanse yourself of waste and toxins and at the same time lose weight, then use fasting, but then eat right so that the weight does not come back.

If you want, then eat properly with a calorie deficit and exercise. Only this method will help you lose weight and maintain a beautiful shape.

Possible difficulties

During the fasting process, you may encounter various difficulties, for example:

  1. Misunderstanding of loved ones. Our society is structured in such a way that any person who lives differently from others is immediately put on the right path. Therefore, you will hear comments such as “why do you need this”, “don’t do nonsense”, “don’t torture your body” and the like. There is no point in proving anything to such people, so continue doing what you want and don’t pay attention to them. If your parents are against this, then explain that this is a necessary experience, and then you will return to normal life.
  2. Bad feeling. If you feel unwell on the day of fasting, stop the experiment immediately. If it doesn't get better after this, call a doctor.
  3. Irresistible desire to drink. If you did everything correctly, then everything will go fine. Remember that 36 hours includes night-day-night. If you fast according to the day-night-day principle, the result will be 48 hours. If it is difficult to restrain yourself, reduce the time to 24 hours.
  4. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting. Small signs of these symptoms sometimes appear, but if they are very strong, then stop the experiment.
  5. If, after completing the fast, your stomach begins to hurt, problems with gastrointestinal tract. Remember whether you went through all the steps correctly, especially the exit, to understand what the reason is. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to start treatment on time.

Dry fasting - good way, provided you do everything correctly. Eat different variants this technique: for 24 hours, for 36 and for several days. But it is worth remembering that a person cannot live for a long time without water. Some people extend the dry fast to 5-7 days, but the recommended amount is 3 days maximum. The 24-hour fast is suitable for complete beginners. 36-hour is optimal, as it does not require long restrictions and does not put much strain on the body.

Losing weight by fasting is a bad option. Especially in the case of the dry method. Such techniques are good for cleansing the body of toxins and waste, but not for losing weight.

Please remember that you are responsible for using this technique. The results are impossible to predict: some people gain energy and their body heals, while others experience health problems and deterioration of their condition. Try to fast when there is someone at home, so that if you feel unwell, someone can take care of you and call a doctor for you. Especially if there are chronic diseases and contraindications.

Hunger heals, that's it known fact. All animals stop eating when serious illnesses, so their condition improves. Some experts claim that during fasting, special processes are launched to quickly heal the body. Dry fasting is considered radical for people, but effective method for healing the whole body. What are the benefits and harms of this type of body cleansing? What schemes of such fasting exist and how to apply them?

The benefits and harms of dry fasting

Dry fasting is a complete abstinence from water and food throughout the entire period of cleansing the body, which usually lasts from 1 to 4 days. While observing it, it is necessary to exclude any contact with water: showering, washing hands, rinsing the mouth, using enemas, etc. This method of cleansing the body is used to treat various diseases.

Unlike water fasting, dry cleansing of the body is more effective because it creates more stringent conditions that promote the active breakdown of fat deposits and the destruction of pathological tissues present in the organs. The body begins to undergo a restructuring of its systems in order to extract from its reserves nutrients and water. This leads to tissue breakdown and acidification in the shortest possible period. As a result, everything foreign is destroyed in the body.

During dry fasting, transport albumin breaks down. Their amino acids are sent to meet the needs of the body's organs. Needs are met first of cardio-vascular system and brain, a large amount of hormones are also released into the blood. Glucocorticoids in the blood become 3 times higher than normal, which causes a strong anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body. This leads to the destruction of all foci of inflammation.

When a person undergoes this method, he feels a heat inside himself: this is due to an increase in the core temperature of the body. Fever accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, which leads to the destruction of toxins that cause diseases. There is an active release of interferon, which plays an important role in the fight against viruses. Dry fasting helps the body get rid of everything foreign, because it does not enter the body. harmful substances with food and water. This means that no harmful substances enter the blood, which ensures excellent purification.

How are the body's vital processes supported? A person cannot exist without water, therefore, when there is a lack of it, the body spends its body fat. But to carry out metabolic processes protein is also required. The body extracts this substance from tissues that are of little value to it, so the breakdown of disease-causing tissues occurs: edema, adhesions, tumors, atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, etc.

This method refers to harsh treatment methods. It is strictly not recommended to fast for more than 2-3 days at home. Starve more long term Recommended only under medical supervision. Before deciding to be treated with this method, you should consult a qualified doctor, because the method has many contraindications.


  • Renal pathology.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Varicose veins veins
  • Anemia.
  • Gout.
  • Sick gallbladder.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Body weight is too low.
  • Not recommended for use by weakened people.

Negative consequences include:

  • dehydration,
  • dizziness,
  • dry and cracked skin,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • decreased performance,
  • fatigue,
  • fragility of blood vessels,
  • stomach pain,
  • development opportunity diabetes mellitus and a strong mental burden.


This method helps:

Preparation period

Dry fasting includes 3 periods: preparatory, fasting, and exit. The preparatory period lasts 2 weeks. At this time, you should not eat refined sugar, salt, sweeteners, foods containing sugar, salt-containing foods, meat (beef, pork, lamb), drink alcohol, or drink coffee. You should also not smoke during all periods of dry fasting.

It is recommended to consume 2 weeks before fasting and in between periods of fasting:

  • poultry, fish, eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits, dried fruits, berries;
  • stevia;
  • mushrooms;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • porridge;
  • sprouted grains;
  • clean water;
  • Herb tea.

1 week before the start you only need to eat plant foods. At the end of the preparatory period, you need to eat. In the last hour before cleansing the body, you should drink a large amount of water (it is recommended to add lemon or honey to it).


Cascade fasting is considered mild. Its principle is to alternate days of fasting and days of eating food, and its advantage is gentle cleansing the body from toxins, waste and poisons. This method is effective for losing weight. In this case, the result appears quickly and lasts a long time with proper nutrition after cleansing. Cascade cleansing of the body is easier to endure from an emotional point of view, because a short period of food abstinence does not cause stress and discomfort. Let's consider some cascade treatment schemes.

Gentle cascade

The gentle cascade is recommended for those who have decided to try the method for the first time or have not gained confidence in more stringent cleansing schemes. The main rule is to strictly adhere to this scheme. In the intervals between periods of fasting, you are allowed to eat the same food as during the preparatory period. The gentle cascade includes 5 periods:

  1. Hunger – 1 day, then 1-2-3 weeks of eating.
  2. Hunger – 2 days, then eat food for 1-3 weeks.
  3. Hunger – 3 days, then 1-3 weeks of food.
  4. Hunger – 4 days, then 1-2-3 weeks of food.
  5. Hunger – 5 days, then you need to go out.

Brief cascade

During cascade fasting, it is important to have a positive attitude and take time for walks or exercise in the fresh air. The short cascade for dry fasting is designed for a short period of time. The short cascade includes 5 stages:

  1. Hunger - 1 day, and then you are allowed to eat for 2 days.
  2. Hunger - 2 days, and then food - 3 days.
  3. Hunger - 3 days, and then you are allowed to eat for 4 days.
  4. Hunger – 5 days and then out.

Short cascade

  1. Hunger – 3 days, then 5-10 days of eating.
  2. Hunger – 5 days and then out.

Description of cascade fasting using different methods

Experts have developed several methods for dry fasting. Cascade schemes according to Lavrova, Shchennikov, Filonov and A. Yakuba are popular and effective methods for dry fasting. There are a few guidelines to consider before following these patterns. If you are new to this type of body cleansing, then it is best for you to start with water fasting during the day.

Over time, increase the period of fasting. Subsequently, you can try dry fasting. The best time to start cleansing is in the spring. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the question of how to properly exit dry fasting. This stage has great value for good health. To avoid negative consequences for the body, follow a number of rules:

  1. It is recommended to start the solution by drinking a small amount of clean, boiled, cool water. It must be drunk in small sips for several hours.
  2. After completing step 1, you must use a small amount of dietary food.
  3. After dry fasting you need to eat food in small portions so as not to harm the pancreas.
  4. Try not to eat unhealthy foods for an extended period of time after cleansing. Unhealthy foods include: sugar, salt, meat, flour, canned food, and semi-finished products.

According to Filonov

The Filonov hunger strike includes a 3-month course of recovery. It is divided into the preparatory stage, alternating days of hunger and nutrition, and the exit stage. Consider a scheme for 3 months of abstinence from food:

First month

  • 1st, 2nd week – dietary, proper nutrition;
  • 3rd week – intestinal cleansing;
  • Week 4 – strict buckwheat diet or 1 day of water fasting (WF).

Second month

  • 1 week – 1 day of VG, remaining 6 days – dietary food;
  • Week 2 - 2 days on VG, the next 5 days - nutrition;
  • Week 3 – 3 days on VG, the remaining days of the week – diet food;
  • Week 4 – from 5 to 7 days VG.

Third month

  • The scheme is similar to 2 months, but VH is replaced by dry fasting.

According to Lavrova

The effective technique of cascade fasting according to Lavrova will help cleanse, heal the body, and also rejuvenate all its organs and systems. Using this method, it is necessary to exclude any contact with water (do not drink, do not wash your hands and body, wash dishes with gloves). The preparatory period before abstaining from food according to Lavrova lasts 14 days.

At this time, you should not eat foods containing sugar, salt, sweeteners, meat, alcohol, or coffee. A ban on nicotine is also being introduced. 7 days before cleansing you need to switch to herbal products nutrition. It is recommended to drink large quantities of water 1 hour before the start. The Lavrova hunger strike scheme is divided into 5 periods:

  • 1st period. 1 day of hunger - 1 day of nutrition. This alternation is continued an unlimited number of times (optional).
  • 2nd period. 2 days of hunger - 2 days of food and so on as many times as you like.
  • 3rd period. 3 days of hunger - 3 days of food and so on unlimited times.
  • 4th period. 4 days of hunger – 4 days of food and so on.
  • 5th period. 5 days of hunger – 5 days of nutrition and so on.

According to Shchennikov

The Shchennikov method includes 3 stages: a preparatory period, 5-11 days of dry fasting and exit. The preparatory period includes 2 days, during which food is allowed raw vegetables. Shchennikov advises following several rules:

  • Maintain a positive attitude.
  • Breathe slowly.
  • Ventilate the home.
  • Constantly be in motion, but they must be smooth, slow. Bed rest unacceptable.
  • You are allowed to shower, but water should not get into your mouth.

Daily routine according to Shchennikov:

  • Sleep: from 6 to 10 hours.
  • Walk: from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Mental activity: from 13 to 15 hours.
  • Lesson with a personal instructor: from 15 to 18 hours.
  • Sleep: from 18 to 22 hours.
  • Moderate outdoor activity: from 10 pm to 6 am.

According to Anna Yakuba

Cascade fasting according to Anna Yakube is based on the principle of alternating dry (DS) and raw food diets. Yakuba recommends 2 programs for getting rid of extra pounds. The first program is called “Small Cascade” and is designed for 2 weeks, and the second program is called “Compressed Cascade” and lasts a month.

It is strictly forbidden to violate the order of the diagram. During nutrition days, it is advised to eat following products: freshly squeezed juices, green cocktails, fruits and vegetables only raw, nuts, dried fruits, herbs. Meals should be small and moderate. The use of enemas, dietary supplements and medications is prohibited.

14-day small cascade:

  • 1st day – SG;
  • 2nd – raw food diet;
  • 3rd – SG;
  • 4th – raw food diet and so on, alternating the SG day and the raw food day for 2 weeks.

28-31 day compressed cascade:

  • SG – 1 day, raw food diet – 2;
  • SG – 2 days, raw food diet – 3;
  • SG – 3 days, raw food diet – 4;
  • SG – 4 days, raw food diet – 5;
  • SG – 5 days, then exit.

“Observe nature, learn from it, take the best and improve - there is no limit to perfection.”

Dry therapeutic fasting is now considered one of the new methods of treatment. Meanwhile, this method was born at the dawn of humanity. Moreover, it can be confidently stated that from the very beginning of the development of currently existing forms of animal life, it was actively used by all representatives of the animal kingdom. The process of fasting without water has been known for a very long time, thousands of years, but, unfortunately, it is not used by the majority of humanity, many do not even know about it. In nature, dry fasting is much more common and more common than wet fasting. All living matter uses varieties of dry fasting (anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation) for survival, treatment and improvement of its species.

Let's discuss whether this process is natural?

Yes, this is a natural process, it is written in the genetic code of humans and animals. As soon as an animal gets sick, especially if it’s serious, it immediately refuses food and water, and so does the human body. But often a person does not react to this state of the body, eats and drinks forcefully, often drinks something that only harms him, “eats” ... on pills. When the body gets sick, it begins to fully mobilize vital forces for salvation, protection, and reserves are used, if, of course, they still exist. And so that the body is not distracted by “working” with food and water, the program for saving the body includes “refusing” food and water. Similar situations may also occur under stress.

As for the conscious abstinence from food and water for the purpose of health, it was probably the result of observations of people and animals on whom “starvation involuntarily” had beneficial influence. These observations, repeated many times, were remembered and then passed on from generation to generation along with other knowledge. In the early period of pre-written history of mankind, the experience of such treatment was the “oral property” of all members of the clan or tribe, and the practice of healing itself was carried out by the elders - as the most experienced members of primitive society.

The history of the emergence of the system of dry therapeutic fasting goes back to ancient times, and primarily to Indian yogis. It has already been said that yogis have always been excellent observers of nature, animals and flora. That is why in their recommendations they strived in every possible way for man to be closer to nature, to nature. Yogis drew attention to the fact that not a single animal, when it is sick, will eat, and if it is seriously ill, it refuses water.

Abstinence from food and water has deep roots in Chinese traditional medicine. It pursues the goal of not just regulating the health of the body, but the idea of ​​some kind of its evolutionary transformation. Chinese healers believed that by changing the quality and quantity of physical food consumed, one could gradually switch to “energy” food, and then completely to pure, so-called “genuine” or “primordial” energy of the Cosmos. This system represented a gradual abandonment of material food products in general. At first they ate more material (in terms of hardness) food, then they switched to jelly from vegetables and fruits, and then only their own saliva and air ether remained in the diet. “Eating is like breathing,” was inscribed on one of the Egyptian pyramids. But the priests of ancient times erased this inscription...

In the customs of the North American Indians, dry fasting also occupied an important place. The American Indians considered fasting as the most important and indispensable test in turning a boy into a warrior. The young man was brought to the top of the mountain, and he was left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered, without exception, by all American Indians as a means of cleansing and strengthening. IN different periods During his life, the Indian went alone into the wild, starved and meditated.

Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. If this is not the case, then death inevitably follows, both of an individual and of an entire nation.

Almost all ancient peoples considered refusal of food and water the best way cleansing the body.

From a physiological point of view, the body does not experience a significant fluid deficiency during complete fasting, because for every kilogram of broken down fat mass (or glycogen), up to 1 liter of endogenous (metabolic) water is released daily.

Dry fasting gives more healing effect than complete fasting (with water), because already on the third day of absolute fasting, acidosis occurs, after which the patient’s well-being significantly improves, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the body is observed. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days.

Dry hunger for up to 3-4 days does not lead to severe dehydration body (the body releases about 1 liter of endogenous water every day when breaking down fats) and is relatively not difficult to tolerate. Carrying out a 3-day dry fast is equivalent to a 7-9 day fast with water.

The fasting period takes place in the same three stages as during complete fasting, but the timing of their onset is reduced. The stage of “food arousal” lasts several hours (very individually), the stage of “increasing ketoacidosis” lasts from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the 3rd day of absolute fasting, a “ketoacidotic crisis” occurs, after which the patients’ well-being significantly improves (stage of compensated ketoacidosis). Contrary to the established opinion that dry fasting is subjectively more difficult to tolerate than wet fasting, it is observed more likely inverse relationship. Patients do not experience a feeling of thirst (except for a slight dry mouth), a feeling of hunger and bad feeling caused by ketoacidosis resolve more quickly.

When using dry fasting, there is more early start and more complete breakdown of deposited fats. Within 24 hours, the content of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood increases. The share of fats in the body's energy supply increases by the beginning of the 2nd day of absolute fasting from 15 to 31%. Reduction overweight body weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg per day, with 40% of the lost mass due to water, 30-40% due to the breakdown of adipose tissue, 15-20% due to a loss of lean body mass, mainly liver glycogen and skeletal muscles ( Khoroshilov I.E., 1994).

There are two types of dry hunger. One, the most hard and dry, is associated with a complete refusal of water, and not only from drinking, but also from any contact with water. That is, we do not wash, bathe, or take a bath; we try not to wash our hands or come into contact with water. Another, more soft way associated with the refusal to drink water internally, while external contact with water in any possible and accessible form is allowed.

Now we will analyze the processes occurring during these methods of fasting, their differences and advantages. Let's start with the fact that dry fasting puts the body in more severe conditions than water fasting. The processes in the body that are aimed at survival are much deeper during dry hunger. The body must not only adapt to a different expenditure of energy and reserves, but also resist dehydration. Also, with dry fasting, we work through not only the fear of living without food, but also without water. As a result, we penetrate much deeper into the inner world, coming into contact with deep-seated fears. As a result, the transformation of the inner world is much deeper. If you refuse food and water, noticeable changes in the composition of the blood and the condition of the mucous membranes occur within 18-20 hours. Healthy body cells begin to take away from the weak, sick and foreign not only food, but also water. Sick, low-quality cells seem to dry out and are rejected. Moreover, in the absence aquatic environment various viruses, bacteria and even worms stop reproducing, and if fasting continues for several days, they either leave the body or die. It's just small part processes occurring within us. During dry fasting, the mucus that has accumulated in our body is destroyed, and accordingly, it ceases to be a breeding ground for various pathological microorganisms. The vitality of every cell of the body increases very quickly and significantly.

During dry fasting, processes are activated within us aimed at significant renewal. It begins as soon as we come out of dry fasting. The whole body is renewed and rejuvenated. During dry fasting, blood vessels are effectively cleansed. The mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines and oral cavity are perfectly cleansed and renewed.

For dry fasting, a special mindset is important. For most people, it is psychologically more difficult to bear. Although many people who have decided and gained such experience often switch to dry fasting in their practice. Enemas are contraindicated during dry hunger. Even if the intestines do not work, they quickly and immediately recover when they come out of fasting. It is permissible to do a small series of enemas before fasting, especially if you feel clogged, sludge-laden in your body, or if you are prone to headaches.

Let's return to the two types of dry hunger

The first method is to completely avoid contact with water, both inside and outside. The body is placed in the most severe critical conditions and activates hidden internal reserves for its survival. The body begins to dry out very slowly. Moreover, our diseases, mucus, viruses, tumors, and swelling are the first to dry out. They dry out due to the fact that body cells take away nutrition and fluid from them. As a result, the cells become strong and very vibrant. Water and liquid consumption is reduced. Breathing changes. The lungs are renewed. If you fast like this for three or four days, sensitivity increases incredibly. We begin to smell sharp smells, feel subtle energies, people’s states; it is difficult to be in energetically dirty spaces, and, conversely, it is very pleasant to be in clean ones. People begin to dream of bodies of water and streams of water. Sometimes in a dream you drink water and quench your thirst. Dry mouth, lips, throat, dry skin. The great advantage of this particular type of fasting is the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin and mucous membranes.

The second type of dry fasting is refusal to take water inside, but contact with water from the outside. A supporter of this type was Porfiry Ivanov. He called for a weekly dry fast of 40-42 hours, while dousing yourself with water and swimming in open water. He himself went hungry for a long time. Some people, fasting dry for several days, sit for hours in the bathroom, often wash their faces and wet their hair. External contact with water makes fasting easier to bear, making it easier to go hungry longer. Every contact with water cleanses pores, refreshes, and invigorates. True, after this you often feel more thirsty.

Effects internal cleansing with the second type of fasting, they are practically the same as with the first, maybe a little weaker. But skin rejuvenation is much less. If we rinse our mouth and throat, the mucous membranes are also less cleared. When we come into contact with water, the skin absorbs water. Skin nutrition is activated. This is dignity this method. It is also advisable to contact with clean water.