Egyptian Oracle of the Pyramids - a new online fortune telling on Egyptian symbol tablets. Fortune telling Egyptian oracle

Fortune telling Egyptian Oracle is an ancient ritual that allows you to get accurate predictions and reveals the secrets of the future. The ritual is simple to perform.

The essence of Fortune telling

Egyptian fortune telling is a popular ritual that exists in the virtual space. Fortune telling is carried out in a room filled with a magical atmosphere. The fortuneteller chooses three geometric figures from those proposed. For the prediction to be as accurate as possible, you need to concentrate on the question.


The culture of Egypt attracts with its mystery; many fortune-telling originated in this country. Some were popular about 5,000 thousand years ago and are no less relevant today. They keep Egyptian wisdom. Predictions show a person the right path and give clues. Thanks to the Oracle, modern people learn about ancient civilizations.

Oracle Help

Online fortune telling will help a person solve certain problems:

  • in personal life;
  • at work, university;
  • with friends or relatives.

An Egyptian ritual will prevent trouble.

Fortune telling online

For the interpretation to be most accurate, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Before starting the ritual, you should relax and abstract yourself. The atmosphere in the room should be calm.
  2. It is important to trust online fortune telling, concentrate on the question, and clearly formulate it.
  3. Fortune telling is allowed no more than once a day. If the answer is not satisfactory, the ritual is repeated the next day.

The Egyptian Oracle will tell you how to find a way out in difficult times and warn you of impending troubles.

Egyptian fortune telling with cards

Legend has it that hundreds of years ago there was a temple in which there were 22 rooms, in each of them certain scenes were painted on the walls. The inhabitants of Egypt were sure that these images showed the entire history of the people. The priests of the temple created a deck of cards that depicted the very drawings from the secret rooms. They encrypted knowledge in the Tarot and believed that thanks to them, people would be able to learn about the secrets of the Universe.

Stages of work

Fortune telling consists of several stages:

  1. The tarot is shuffled. The movements should be the same. Not a single lasso should fall out.
  2. The person focuses on the problem, puts the deck in front of him.
  3. With the left hand, one card is pulled out at random.
  4. The interpretation of the lasso will answer the question.

It is important to remain quiet and in good health during the process.

Interpretation of the Arcana

There are several Tarot decks that are most suitable for performing this ritual. The first deck was created by the scientist Papus in 1909. Tarot is almost no different from the Lenormand deck; both decks have numbering and images. The meaning of the arcana is presented in the table.

Map Meaning
Fool A person should allow himself a little more freedom and rest. Rash actions can destroy everything.
Mage It's time to become more independent and at the same time control your thoughts and actions. There are ill-wishers nearby.
Papess Success awaits the fortuneteller in his work if he trusts his intuition. A new fan has appeared.
Empress It's time to start thinking positively. Relationships with your partner will move to a new level.
Emperor It is worth thinking about the future and boldly moving forward. Time wasted cannot be returned.
Hierophant You need to defend your point of view and not change your principles. Failures at work are compensated by success in love.
Lovers If the fortuneteller listens to his heart, things in his personal life will improve.
Chariot It's time to learn to control your emotions, don't get involved in adventures. In the near future, a person will experience career growth.
Justice Financial difficulties are coming, so the questioner must pay off all debts. Troubles in your personal life are possible.
Hermit It's time to get to work.
Wheel of Fate Implementation of plans. Success will come if you show resourcefulness and courage.
Force Believing in yourself will lead to success.
Hanged Time to take a break from routine and go on a trip.
Death The past interferes with the present.
Moderation Harmony in relationships. Everything will be calm at work.
Devil You need to control your desires. A wild lifestyle will lead to sad consequences.
Tower Failures at work, with finances and in love.
Star It is important to be persistent and confident in your abilities.
Moon There are many enemies and envious people around.
Sun Disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
Court Positive changes in the near future.
World If a person proves himself, luck will smile on him.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

The culture of Ancient Egypt has always been associated for us with something mysterious and unknown. For this reason, many people are interested in mythology and various esoteric techniques from this country. One of the ways to predict the future is fortune telling called the Egyptian oracle, which was carried out back in the era of the pharaohs. However, at that time, only wealthy people could afford to tell fortunes using this method, since its implementation was associated with the need to use complex mechanisms.

Now the task has been simplified many times - the Internet service allows you to replace the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians.

The essence of free online - fortune telling Egyptian oracle

Below will be a special internet service, where fortune-telling by the Egyptian oracle is carried out online. By using it, you are guaranteed to do everything as the method initially implies. The fortune telling algorithm looks like this:

  1. Ask yourself three true questions (in this case, true means that they relate to your life). They must be asked with your eyes closed;
  2. You should take a close look at the original icon, which vaguely resembles a cross. He will lead you along the right path!
  3. Having followed the Amiya good luck symbol, you will see a structure in which there will be many cells - in fact, these are the doors behind which your future, or more precisely, its interpretation, is hidden.
  4. To find out fate, a person will need to choose three “doors”, behind which the values ​​​​are constantly changing in order to exclude a false result.
  5. Once you select the cells, you will see three results that during the online fortune telling the Egyptian oracle will be presented to you by the dominant deities of Ancient Egypt.

It is important that the online fortune-telling predictions are correct, it will be necessary to ask only three questions, and the resulting interpretations will be read in three sequentially opening cards, which will contain the words of Seth, Isis and Thor (Egyptian deities who predetermine the future).

Things you can learn from the Egyptian Oracle

The proposed methodology will never indicate the need to perform this or that action - all predictions received from the most ancient deities will be abstract (rather, the peculiarities of the culture of the Egyptians are important here). That is, you will not receive specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. All the predictions that people receive during the Egyptian Oracle, it will be possible characterize in the following way:

  • Information regarding what surprises may arise in the near future, and who will cause trouble first.
  • If you pose the question correctly, from this fortune-telling you will learn what fate has in store for you in terms of your personal life.
  • Is it possible to somehow influence the outcome of a certain situation, as well as change the fate of people close to you. In addition, the Egyptian oracle can indicate not only the feasibility of this action, but also its expediency and usefulness.
  • The technique helps to find out whether health problems should be expected in the near future, because this value was considered the most significant in Egyptian culture.
  • Should we expect dramatic changes in the field of career growth, and what needs to be done to implement them as quickly as possible?

This is an interesting technique that, thanks to the combination of the wisdom of the ancients, priests and modern technology allows you to find out your future , without leaving home. Agree, there is nothing complicated in implementing this process - you don’t need any ingredients that can’t be found anywhere. And fortune telling itself does not require a person to have supernatural abilities - anyone can use the service offered below!

Let the wisdom of the deities of Ancient Egypt help you find out your destiny and, perhaps, at least change your life a little for the better, having learned in advance about upcoming events. Fortune telling is free!

The culture of Egypt remains incomprehensible and alluring for most archaeologists and art historians today, since the secrets of the emergence of civilization and the emergence of stunning myths excite the imagination of any traveler.

We know from history that ancient Egypt was famous for its powerful gods, with their help they resurrected loved ones and restored lost strength and youth. To this day, fragments of ancient wisdom are found in excavations, which continue to arouse undeniable interest not only among archaeologists, but also among famous healers and magicians. The ancient world of Egypt was filled with beautiful and mysterious rituals, which at that time were constantly recorded on papyri and safely stored in dungeons.

The work of archaeologists and historians has led to the fact that the secret writings of the past mystical world have been preserved to this day. Through centuries of centuries, Tarot cards have come to us from antiquity, without which it is difficult to imagine a magician or fortune teller. At that time, the Egyptian pharaohs wanted to understand how to build a life and conduct politics so that the whole world would be subject to them, and their reign would never end. But, as one wise man said, peace cannot last forever, and people even in ancient Egypt had questions about how to maintain calm and balance. This is how predictions were invented in ancient times.

Where to begin

Even the pharaohs wanted to find out what awaited them in the future.

The real Egyptian Oracle (online fortune telling) will take you into the world of ancient mysteries. From the very first seconds of turning on fortune telling, pleasant and specific music begins to sound, allowing you to relax and immerse yourself in meditation.

The user of original and truthful fortune-telling must take the most convenient and comfortable position for him and focus on his inner sensations. To get a more reliable answer, you need to try to clear your mind and think exclusively about the topic that worries you.

After this, you should ask a question; the accuracy and reliability of the received answer directly depends on the accuracy of the wording.

The Egyptian Oracle, fortune telling online for free, will remove the veil of mystery and invite the user to use the three movable plates of the pyramid. Mentally asking an exciting question, the fortuneteller must intuitively turn over the slabs, behind which the constantly changing number is hidden. The user does not need to remember the order of the numbers, he just has to navigate according to the oracle's instructions.

Interpretation of the answer

After completing the online fortune-telling Egyptian Oracle, the user will see the full answer, revealing the whole essence of the question. Having studied it, the user will be able to understand for himself how he behaves in society, how correct and worthy his behavior is, whether his actions will lead to something greater and more significant in his life than the baggage that he has today.

A distinctive feature of fortune telling is the fact that the Oracle directs the user to fulfill his desire and gives him colorful motivation.

The answer to the question is just one small benefit for the fortuneteller; the main help is that the Virtual Fortune Telling Egyptian Oracle online guides and corrects a person’s actions for free, while answering the question asked and can provide practical and meaningful advice. Fortune telling will reveal the true worldview of the fortuneteller and possibly guide a person to make adjustments that lead to a complete change in the strategy of behavior and attitude towards people around him or his life position.

Features of virtual fortune telling

The oracle will completely dispel doubts and remove the veil of mystery regarding the question of whether the fortuneteller’s wish will come true. In addition, having received an answer, a person will see instructions on how to behave in the future in order to feel recognition and respect from the world around him.

Find out what the future holds for you. A real oracle from Egypt online will tell you everything for free!

Colorful and original fortune telling will allow you to completely relax and transport yourself to the virtual world of the Cheops pyramid and ancient papyrus, through which the powerful Oracle will reveal all the secrets and provide answers to long-standing questions.

What can you learn from the Oracle? Any question can be asked by a person who decides to communicate with an ancient and mythical creature. You will be able to find out how correctly you have chosen the path of development or how to build your relationship with a certain person.

It is worth noting the pleasant musical accompaniment and design of the account, which engages and attracts you to the monitor screen. The user does not need to go through complex and multi-step registration procedures. Moreover, Egyptian fortune telling is among the free ones, which, undoubtedly, should be considered another advantage.

Every person longs to receive answers to all the questions that arise, but having received answers, people are not always able to competently manage the information received. The peculiarity of the Egyptian Oracle is an accurate, modern and truthful prediction, but also correct assistance to the fortuneteller. After all, getting an answer does not mean saving the result.

The oracle will tell and guide the user on what to do correctly, how to preserve or correct the current situation as much as possible. Feel the opportunity not only to get answers to your questions for free, but also to reveal the secret, inner powers that allow you to achieve amazing success in life! Egyptian fortune telling is available to everyone!

Fortune telling The Egyptian oracle has a long history and came to us from Ancient Egypt. His predictions are distinguished by their accuracy and allow one to discover the path to success, the secret of the future, the present, the riddles of fate and the world as a whole.

What is the Egyptian Oracle?

At all times, Egyptian culture has attracted people with its mystery. First, let's figure out what the word "oracle" means. Translated from Latin, this is a prediction. On the Internet, the Egyptian oracle is the most popular online fortune telling, and it’s also free. This type of prediction is based on the Egyptian ideas about good and evil, about the unity and struggle of these two principles in man. It is believed that the oracle sees through everyone, all the good and bad thoughts, the essence of a person. The virtual oracle compares your strengths, then your weaknesses, evaluates your potential and anticipates what to expect from you in the future. The modern Egyptian oracle is a separate isolated room, with a mysterious atmosphere, in which you have to choose three triangles from those offered. For a high-quality result, it is important to focus on the question and the answer will be represented by the selected tiles. The online program presented is based on the table of celestial signs.

History of the Egyptian Oracle

Egyptian culture produced many different types of fortune telling, which were used very widely in ancient times. Such predictions, containing all the wisdom of Egypt, were very popular in Ancient Egypt about 5,000 thousand years ago. In those days, priests were called oracles, and fortune telling was based on the ability to predict events. Oracles directed a person to achieve a new spiritual level and attract joy, goodness and harmony. Largely thanks to this, we have preserved information about many secret knowledge of ancient civilizations. Therefore, this oracle remains relevant to this day, with increasing interest daily.

Rules for fortune telling using the Egyptian oracle

When using the online version of the Egyptian Oracle, to get the correct answers to your questions, it is important to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Before you begin fortune-telling, you need to relax and choose an appropriately calm environment and get rid of unnecessary extraneous thoughts.
  2. Completely trust the oracle, do not doubt the result, show respect for the ritual.
  3. Concentrate on a topic that excites you.
  4. State your question in a focused and clear manner. Choose only the question that is really important to you today.
  5. Don't ask the same question several times in one day. Even if you are not satisfied with the result, wait until the next day and repeat the ritual again.

By following these rules, you will get an amazingly truthful result: the oracle will warn you about your readiness for trouble, tell you how to overcome difficulties and do it completely free of charge.

What can the oracle tell you?

This method of fortune telling will help you understand the following situations:

  • problems in personal relationships with a loved one;
  • troubles in matters related to work, career, business;
  • conflict situations in communication with relatives;
  • disagreements with friends.

As you can see, Egyptian fortune telling will help you understand almost all areas of your life in the present and future, give worthwhile advice and help you avoid many troubles and problems. Time-tested, amazingly accurate predictions will help you reveal all your personal secrets in the shortest possible time.

Virtual fortune telling The Egyptian oracle can reveal to you many secrets of the present and future and show you the right path. This fortune telling is more than 5000 years old, it came to us from Ancient Egypt, and is capable of revealing the secrets of fate and the world. Many of the predictions of the Egyptian Oracle are amazingly accurate, but to do this you need to concentrate extremely hard on the question being asked.

Fortune telling "Egyptian Oracle" online for free

If you want to tell fortunes, the Egyptian Oracle will become an intermediary between you and the mystical Egyptian Gods. Think of any question, and the oracle runes will tell you when your deepest desire will come true.
Open the Egyptian Oracle online for free, and it will show you the possible development of a situation that you have previously imagined.
The scarabs of the Egyptian oracle will deliver in their paws the most cherished desire to the main Gods. They will advise you what to do in the near future, and the Oracle will convey their decision. The gods only open a window into the future, and you will need to decide for yourself how to proceed.

Concentrate on what interests you at the moment. Try not to let anything distract you from the subject of fortune telling.

Are you ready?
Then click the "Continue Fortune telling" button!

The secret knowledge of the priests of Ancient Egypt has amazed the minds of scientists for many years. Many texts on the walls of destroyed palaces and temples have not yet been deciphered, and the wind blows sand over the remains of once majestic buildings, threatening to bury the last secrets of a vanished civilization under the dunes...

It was from Ancient Egypt that many methods of modern fortune telling and fortune telling came to us. Now there are many different versions of ancient predictions, even the famous Tarot Cards have undergone a lot of changes and editions, but there are fortune telling that, no matter what, continue to amaze with their accuracy and fidelity. For example, online fortune telling by the Egyptian Oracle, which recently became popular on the Internet. Translated into the virtual world, the Oracle has not lost its mystical powers and provides answers to all your questions. The mysticism and mystery that once surrounded the Egyptian Oracle with a shroud of mystery have not dissipated to this day. You will be surprised with what accuracy he answers your questions, and how truthful all his forecasts turn out to be. The Egyptian Oracle is not wrong.

The priests of Ancient Egypt jealously guarded their secrets, and statues of the Gods stood in temples, hidden from the views of ordinary people. There they made sacrifices, and fire blazed in the braziers, casting shifting shadows on the white walls of the temples. There the Priests received answers to all questions. Only on great holidays, with unprecedented respect, was the statue, hidden from human eyes, carried through the streets and people hurried to it, in the hope of touching something great and learning secrets hidden beyond human powers. Now, thanks to the great Champollion, who once deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs, the opportunity has opened up to touch a piece of those times when mysticism and real life merged together, and people believed that the Gods walked freely between cities, giving mercy to the righteous and punishing the hard-hearted. Nowadays, high technologies help to get answers to pressing questions without leaving your computer. What once seemed to be forever lost knowledge came back to life thanks to the efforts of young and talented people from the Avesta Design company, who painstakingly and diligently collected information about it and transferred the Oracle to the flash platform.

In order to tell fortunes using the Egyptian Oracle, you need to focus on the question that interests you or the current situation, and then select three blocks from the magic triangle. All the numbers hiding behind the slabs will lead you to one or another symbol or Deity.

The Egyptian Oracle will give you the answer in the following order:

1. What is your strength? What's on your side.

2. What is your weakness. Who and what gets in the way of your goal.

3. Outcome of the situation.

This fortune telling has rightfully gained its popularity. It is very rare that fortune telling on the Internet gives such an accurate and correct answer, helps you choose the right decision and makes you look at the world around you with a new perspective. The Egyptian Oracle can do this.