Closed glands of the cervix. Why does a cyst form on the cervix, why is it dangerous? Cysts on the cervix: causes

What is a round ligament cyst? This is a disease in the form of a benign formation that appears in the cervix or cervical canal. The formation of these pathological formations begins due to blockage of the ducts with a special secretion in the nabothian glands. This secretion consists of glandulocytoma glandular cells. When there is a lot of it in the gland, the organ swells.

It is imperative to get rid of cystic formations, since they are a good environment for a variety of organisms, which can lead to inflammation and the emergence of new pathologies in the woman’s genital organs. In the future, inflammatory processes can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy, or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The main factor in the appearance of a cyst in the uterus is inflammatory processes in the canal connecting the vagina with the internal cavity of the uterus.

The causes of the disease can be infection, as well as injury to the organ mucosa. The causes of the disease can be different. A cyst in the uterus can occur due to the following causes of cysts in the uterus:

  • Performing hysteroscopy.
  • Abortion.
  • STD.
  • Administration of intrauterine drugs.
  • Diagnostic curettage in women.
  • Having sexual activity at an immature age.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.

Depending on the cause of formation, uterine cysts are divided into the following types:

A cyst can only be detected when visiting a doctor, or when there is inflammation in the woman’s reproductive system due to the development of microorganisms. The nature of the manifestation of the disease can be single or multiple.

Multiple uterine cysts are called polycystic, which occurs when there is a very large amount of secretion in the uterine ducts. Single formations (or endometrioid cysts) arise due to the fact that the endometrium is displaced onto a cyst in the uterus.


A cyst on the back wall of the uterus, as a rule, does not have any pronounced symptoms of a cyst in the uterus. There are no changes during the menstrual cycle, no discomfort or pain. Most patients found out that they had a cyst only during their next visit to the gynecologist. Only an examination by the attending physician can refute or confirm this diagnosis.

Externally, the disease looks like this - in the transformation zone of the cervix there are small mucous white dense formations. They can have different sizes - from a couple of millimeters to 4 cm. If a woman suffers from an endometrioid cyst, then this disease may have signs in the form of bloody discharge a couple of days before the start of the menstrual cycle.

If a woman with a uterine cyst has not visited a gynecologist for a long time, and the disease has developed, then this can be determined by the following signs:

  • Bleeding outside of menstruation.
  • Unreasonable pain in the lower abdomen, and this is not normal.
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse with a regular partner.
  • Vaginal discharge without stimulation.


Many women who have been diagnosed with cysts in the uterine cavity are frightened by this disease, and are primarily interested in its consequences. Although a cyst is called a tumor, by itself it will never develop into an oncological disease and is not malignant.

However, sometimes bacteria accumulate in white formations on the uterine mucosa, which may well become a uterine cyst and cause a new disease, in addition to the cyst, - inflammation of the cervix or the inner lining of the uterine body. These diseases are already really dangerous and can often recur.

Sometimes a cyst in the tube can reach quite an impressive size and cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. In advanced and extreme cases, this disease leads to infertility. This is all that can be said about the consequences of the disease.

If a uterine cyst is discovered during pregnancy, there is no need to worry. It does not affect the pregnancy of the child, his future health, or the condition of pregnant women. Basically, doctors begin to treat the disease after the woman gives birth.


If the tumor has already reached a large size, the doctor can detect it when examining the patient, but the doctor is unlikely to detect the formation of a small cyst in this way. Moreover, neoplasms can be located throughout the cervical canal.

In order to clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are performed:

  • Ultrasound of the diseased area.
  • Colposcopy, which helps to see changes in the structure of the cervix, characterize the changes, and make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Biopsy. Can be used to screen a patient for cancer.
  • Immunoenzyme test, through which female hormonal levels are studied.
  • Taking a smear that can determine the presence of oncocytology or infections.
  • In addition, your doctor may order blood and urine tests.

So much research is needed in order to identify the cause of the formation of a cyst, since it is often a complication of other gynecological diseases or accompanied by some diseases.

Treatment of pathology

Conservative treatment methods for the presence of uterine cysts are not used due to their ineffectiveness. For very small tumors that are deep, you just need to observe. To do this, you should visit your doctor at least twice a year.

If the nodes have reached a sufficiently large size, they must be removed.

Today, there are several surgical treatment methods for uterine cysts:

  • Puncturing. The operation is performed by puncturing the disease capsule to remove the contents. After this, it is necessary to treat the tumor bed in order to exclude the possibility of secondary infection.
  • Diathermocoagulation. The operation consists of cauterizing the tumor with an electric current, which allows for radical and deep removal of pathologically altered areas of the mucosa. It is possible to perform the procedure both contact and non-contact. Basically, this procedure is prescribed to women who have reached menopause and are not planning to conceive. Among the disadvantages of this method are narrowing of the cervical canal, frequent relapses, and a long healing period.
  • Cryodestruction (that is, cauterization with liquid nitrogen). During this procedure, exposure to low temperatures is performed. In the presence of infectious or inflammatory diseases, fibroids, endometriosis, cicatricial deformities of the cervix, dysplasia, as well as suspected oncology, the procedure is contraindicated. The advantages of this method: minimal damage to healthy tissue and rapid healing, little bleeding, simple and painless procedure, minimal likelihood of complications and relapses, no rough scars.

  • Laser coagulation. The procedure for removing the tumor is performed by exposing the cyst to a laser beam. This method allows for maximum removal of affected tissue. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control under local anesthesia, by inserting a needle into the cyst cavity through which an optical fiber will be passed. That is, all manipulations do not go beyond the neoplasm, but are carried out inside it. Advantages of the method: short recovery period, good tolerability, minimal risk of relapses and complications.
  • Radio wave method. Currently, this procedure is considered the safest. The operation consists of evaporating a thin passage using a special non-contact method. The walls of the tumor collapse after the procedure. This removal method can also be used for girls who have not given birth. Advantages of the method: no scars are formed, no burns occur, quick recovery process.

Regardless of the method of removal, after the procedure, a uterine cyst requires treatment with medications. The doctor prescribes analgesic and antibacterial drugs to prevent pain, as well as the possibility of secondary infection.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods have long been used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. If the disease is diagnosed, it is better not to resort to using folk remedies to treat uterine cysts, even the most effective ones, without consulting a doctor.

The following folk remedies are considered effective in treating the disease:

  • Cedar nut tincture. Take one glass of pine nuts (no need to peel them) and pour in 0.5 liters of alcohol. The infusion should be kept in the dark for two weeks. Take after meals three times a day in a dosage of one tablespoon.
  • A decoction of partitions with. The remedy is prepared like this. It is necessary to grind the nut partitions to obtain four cups of raw materials. Place three glasses of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Add crushed raw materials. Boil for another 20 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for an hour. Strain. Take the decoction two or three times throughout the day, 1/3 cup.
  • A mixture of butter, eggs and pumpkin seeds. Boil seven chicken eggs hard. Take the yolks from them and grind them. Grind one glass of peeled pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder and add to the yolks. You also need to add 0.5 liters of sunflower oil. Simmer the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Cool, put in the refrigerator. Take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

A woman must understand that for effective and high-quality treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, early diagnosis is extremely important. That is why it is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. When a diagnosis is made, you should not self-medicate, but strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

A cervical cyst is a cavity formation filled with fluid and located in the cavity of the cervical canal or on the outer surface of the cervix. The tumor-like formation can be filled with serous or hemorrhagic substrate.

The incidence of this pathological condition in women is especially high in reproductive age, from 20 to 40 years. The disease may be asymptomatic, but it has serious consequences threatening the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive function.

What is a cervical cyst?

The cervix is ​​lined by two types of epithelial cells. One of them is capable of producing a special secretion - mucus, which helps to carry out a protective function. Sometimes, under the influence of unfavorable factors, blockage of the ducts of these small glands may occur, resulting in cavities filled with secretions.

Cysts that arise in the cavity of the cervical canal have the following features:

  • The size of the formation is no more than 30 mm;
  • Do not disappear on their own;
  • Have no effect on hormonal levels;
  • Do not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy;
  • Do not have a tendency to become malignant;
  • If there is an infection, they can fester.

Upon examination, cysts look like round or oval cavity formations. Their color depends on the type of pathological process.

Types of cysts

According to ICD-10, cysts that form in the cavity of the cervical canal belong to two subgroups: non-inflammatory diseases of the cervix and endometriosis. It follows that cysts on the cervix can be one of two types:

Nabothian (or retention) cysts.

They arise due to blockage of the excretory ducts of the nabothian glands by epithelial cells or thickened mucus. At the same time, liquid secretion accumulates in the cavity of the formation. Externally they have a white-yellow tint. More often such formations are multiple.

Endometrioid cysts.

In this case, the formation will have a chocolate or red-blue color. An endometrioid cyst of the cervical canal occurs due to the germination and functioning of endometrial cells on the surface of the cervix.

There is also a classification of cysts according to their location:


In this case, a cyst forms on the outer surface of the vaginal part of the cervix.


Formations located in the cavity of the cervical canal.

Both types of pathological formations can occur singly or in groups. Multiple cysts on the cervix are called “polycystic uterus”.

Why do cysts appear on the cervix?

The causes of cystic formations on the cervix are always associated with damage to the epithelial layer on its surface. The following factors may lead to this:

  • Erosion and ectopia on the cervix;
  • Changes in the ratio of female sex hormones;
  • Cervical injuries sustained during childbirth, during abortions and other obstetric and gynecological procedures;
  • Consequences of surgical treatment of the cervix.

Endometrioid cysts form at the site of possible damage to the cervical tissue. In this case, foci of endometriosis can be found on other organs of the genitourinary system.

A predisposing factor for the formation of cysts is the presence of an infectious disease occurring in the organs of the reproductive system. Inflammatory processes in this case can be caused by viruses, bacteria that are part of the normal microflora of the vagina, and specific infectious agents.

What is the danger of a cyst?

By themselves, cysts located in the cavity of the cervical canal do not cause any negative consequences. Complications that arise from untimely treatment of this pathology are dangerous to a woman’s health. Among them, a special place is occupied by:

  • Cervical infertility, the appearance of which is caused by the blocking of the cervical canal by cystic growths;
  • Abscesses that occur when the contents of the cyst suppurate;
  • Deformation of the cervix due to the formation of several large cysts inside the cervical canal.

In some cases, formations that are significant in size - more than 20 mm - may burst. It is not dangerous as it is mostly painless and without any symptoms.

However, sometimes a blood vessel may pass through the cyst wall. In this case, when the formation bursts, bleeding may occur, the intensity of which depends on the size of the vessel.


Very often, a woman does not suspect that tassels have formed on her cervix, especially if the disease is in the early stages of its development. With significant sizes of cystic formations or with polycystic disease, the following symptoms occur:

  • Intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Discomfort felt during sexual intercourse;
  • Pathological discharge from the genital tract.

A woman begins to feel the main manifestations of the disease if inflammation occurs in the vaginal cavity or cervical canal. Then there may be an increase and change in the nature of vaginal discharge, and an increase in body temperature appears.


Primary diagnosis of cervical cysts will not be difficult for a gynecologist, even in a regular clinic. For this purpose, it is necessary to examine the genital organs using gynecological mirrors.

To study in more detail the causes of the disease and assess the need for any treatment, the following additional diagnostic methods are used:

Allows you to determine the size of the formation, the detailed structure of its walls and the presence of accompanying erosive lesions.

Flora smear.

Assessment of the composition of the microflora of the vagina and cervical canal.

Smear for oncocytology from the cervix.

With its help, you can assess the risk of oncological processes on the cervix.

Intravaginal ultrasound.

May help identify endocervical cysts.


Blood test for STDs.

Cervical biopsy.

If necessary, it is possible to use histological research methods, the material for which is obtained during a biopsy of the cervix.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor determines the possible causative factors for the occurrence of cysts and builds tactics for further management of the patient.

Treatment of cervical cysts

At the moment, there is no consensus on the treatment of nabothian cysts. Many gynecologists believe that there is no need to treat them, but only need to observe them. But most doctors agree that its treatment depends on which cervical cyst has symptoms.

For small tumors and the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process, it is advisable to carry out conservative treatment. Therapy in this case is carried out with antibacterial or antiviral agents using anti-inflammatory drugs.

Multiple large cysts are subject to surgical treatment, which prevent spontaneous conception and deform the cervix. Cysts that have festered and developed into an abscess are also treated surgically. For this purpose, the following operational methods are used:

  • Laser treatment;
  • Radio wave therapy;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Exposure to chemicals.

A special place among these methods is occupied by conization of the cervix. It is used quite rarely, but is the most radical method. After removal of the cervix, the possibility of relapse of the disease is completely eliminated.

Before surgery, it is necessary to stop the infectious process with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In any case, the choice of treatment method should be agreed with a gynecologist. Independent uncontrolled treatment with folk remedies can lead to irreversible consequences in terms of negative effects on a woman’s reproductive function.

Postoperative period

Surgery to remove cervical cysts usually takes place without any complications. Bloody discharge from the genital tract for 3-5 days is considered normal. Pain in the lower abdomen is also possible for a week.

In order for the recovery process to proceed as quickly as possible, the woman is prescribed healing suppositories. An example would be the drug Depantol, which activates blood microcirculation at the site of surgery and thereby increases reparative processes in epithelial tissue.

After adequate treatment, as a rule, the prognosis for this disease is favorable. However, sometimes there is a recurrence of cysts on the cervix. To prevent this, a woman should follow the instructions of a gynecologist:

  • Take a course of physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Undergoing regular preventive examinations using ultrasound diagnostic methods and colposcopy.

Prevention of recurrence of cysts on the cervix is ​​the timely detection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

During a gynecological examination of a woman, doctors often make a diagnosis such as a uterine cyst, the treatment of which is mandatory. This disease is less dangerous than a tumor. The exact reasons for the development of cystic neoplasms have not been established.

Cyst formation in the uterine cavity

In women, the reproductive system consists of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina and vulva. A cyst is a benign neoplasm that is a cavity with liquid contents. This pathology can be distinguished from cancer only through histological examination. Not every woman knows what a cyst is.

This is a very common gynecological problem. This pathology occurs in 10-15% of women. There are many girls among them. Normally, the lining of the uterus contains glands that synthesize mucus. If their patency is impaired, the secretion stagnates, promoting the formation of a cavity. The development of this pathology is based on blockage of the excretory ducts.

In the uterus, a cyst can grow for a long time without causing any complaints. Symptoms of the disease indicate the development of complications and the large size of the tumor. In most cases, the cervix and cervical canal are affected. Cysts are endometrioid and nabothian. They differ in different formation mechanisms.

Why does a neoplasm occur?

The causes of cysts in the uterus have not been established. The following factors are involved in the development of this disease:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • aging of the body;
  • swelling of the excretory ducts of the glands;
  • the presence of pseudo-erosions;
  • inflammation of the vaginal part of the cervix;
  • endometriosis;
  • carrying out induced abortions;
  • medical procedures (curettage, removal of polyps, hysteroscopy).

Nabothian cysts often form against the background of age-related changes. The cervical canal of women is lined with columnar epithelium. There are no glands in the vaginal part. With age, one layer can creep onto another, which leads to disruption of the patency of the glands and the formation of a cyst with a capsule.

Another reason lies in hormonal imbalance. This can cause changes in the composition of the secretion (mucus) and blockage of the glands. Nabothian (retention) cysts are more often found in women with a history of childbirth. A common cause of the disease is endometriosis. This is a condition in which the glandular tissue of the uterus grows in other organs. This is manifested by the release of blood, which can stagnate and give rise to a cyst.

Course of the disease

Like ovarian cysts, this pathology is asymptomatic in half of women. Changes are detected by chance during a routine gynecological examination. Signs of a uterine cyst include:

  • pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia);
  • copious mucous discharge;
  • bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • lower abdominal pain.

The appearance of discomfort during sexual intercourse is due to a decrease in the amount of mucus and vaginal dryness. If the symptoms of a uterine cyst are pronounced, this may be a sign of complications. Sometimes suppuration occurs. In this case, inflammation develops. It manifests itself as an increase in temperature.

Sometimes purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor is detected. Ovarian cysts proceed somewhat differently. It disrupts the menstrual cycle, causes asymmetry in the abdomen, and causes constant pain. The appearance of acyclic bleeding indicates the development of an endometrioid cyst.

The main symptom is metrorrhagia - bleeding that occurs independent of menstruation. Sometimes this symptom occurs after sexual intercourse. Sick women notice spotting and spotting. Other symptoms of the disease include dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Uterine brushes against the background of inflammatory diseases can lead to infertility and tubal pregnancy. Possible consequences of the disease include organ deformation and cervical hypertrophy.

Types of examination

Before treatment, it is necessary to establish a correct diagnosis. This is possible only based on the results of instrumental research and examination. A uterine cyst must be distinguished from other neoplasms (polyps, fibroids, cancer). The following studies are being carried out:

  1. examination of the vaginal mucosa and cervix using mirrors;
  2. colposcopy;
  3. transvaginal ultrasound;
  4. polymerase chain reaction;
  5. analysis of smears from the vagina, urethra and cervix for STI pathogens;
  6. examination of scrapings;
  7. histological analysis;
  8. biopsy.

An ovarian cyst is detected during ultrasound and laparoscopy. If necessary, blood is tested for tumor markers. Genital tassels can be detected using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. This test can detect endometriosis. X-rays of the tubes and uterus are required. General clinical urine and blood tests are of little value. Changes in indicators may indicate the development of complications.

Treatment methods

Improper treatment or ignoring the symptoms of the disease can cause complications (secondary infection, infertility, malignancy).

How to treat neoplasms? Ovarian and uterine cysts require close attention. Drug therapy is ineffective. Asymptomatic retention neoplasms are not dangerous. Treatment in this case is not necessary. If the symptoms of a cyst in the uterus are confirmed by instrumental studies, then surgery is required.

Nabothian neoplasms are punctured. The contents are removed, after which laser therapy, cryodestruction or radiosurgery is applied. Chemicals are often used. The attending physician knows that in the presence of an endometrioid cyst, surgery alone is not enough. Hormonal medications help cure women.

The product is selected individually. The following medications are most effective:

  • combined estrogen-gestagen drugs (Janine, Jess);
  • gestagens (Visanne);
  • antigonadotropic drugs (Danazol);
  • gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists.

For cystoid neoplasms in the uterus, treatment is carried out for a long time. If you have endometriosis, you need to take hormonal medications for several months. If an ovarian cyst is detected, resection may be performed. The most radical treatment method for women is conization.

This procedure involves cutting off the inner layer of the organ. After this, women can carry a child and give birth. In the presence of a uterine tumor and an ovarian cyst, even the most modern treatment cannot 100% guarantee that there will be no relapses in the future. To prevent them it is necessary:

  1. carry out physiotherapy;
  2. use homeopathic remedies;
  3. take hormonal medications;
  4. be examined regularly.

Treatment of uterine cysts with folk remedies does not completely get rid of the disease. Such therapy is possible with single tumors and the absence of complications. The following folk remedies can be used:

  • burdock leaves;
  • tincture based on white acacia;
  • a mixture of nettle leaves, plantain, rose hips and calendula;
  • decoction based on walnut shells;
  • a mixture of pumpkin seeds and egg yolk.

Herbs do not completely restore the uterine organ. This is an addition to the main treatment. Thus, a cyst in the uterine area does not pose a great danger to women. Malignancy occurs very rarely.

A cervical cyst is a formation with a cavity inside, located in the cervical area, consisting of a blocked gland with excretory ducts, dilated as a result of accumulated contents (mucus, blood, pus). Today, about 20% of women of childbearing age know from their own experience what a cervical cyst means and its treatment.

A cyst on the cervix may not have symptoms for quite a long time. It does not hurt, does not change the course of the menstrual cycle, and does not produce discharge.

Almost always, a cervical cyst turns out to be an unexpected gynecological finding for the patient. This can be either an examination for preventive purposes, or a visit to a gynecologist, dictated by the presence of other gynecological diseases.

Nabothian cysts

Nabothian cysts of the cervix are the most common type of cyst in this location. These are yellow formations of dense consistency located in the transition to the vagina. They are the result of blockage of the ducts of the nabothian glands that secrete mucous secretion.

A cervical cyst does not exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant and does not bring pathological changes to pregnancy and the process of childbirth. But a large cyst can create a mechanical obstacle to the possibility of conception. Therefore, pregnancy may not occur for some period. In such a situation, it is recommended to remove it at the stages of pregnancy planning using the most gentle method, and not to look for a way out of how to get pregnant with a cyst.

Causes of cysts

Today, if a cyst is diagnosed on the cervix, the causes of its occurrence, as a rule, remain only speculation. There is no reliable explanation for the blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands and the formation of cysts. In fact, there is either compression of the lumen of the duct from the outside by inflammatory edematous tissues, growing connective tissue, a tumor, or blockage by a clot of secretion, exfoliated particles of the epithelium, or an infectious agent.

Gynecologists rely on risk factors that, individually or in combination, can contribute to the formation of cysts:

  1. Trauma to the cervix during childbirth. The damaged cervix is ​​quickly restored. However, as a result, a narrowing or complete blockage of the gland ducts may occur if the connective tissue is damaged or grows and compresses the ducts. This will gradually lead to a cyst-like formation.
  2. During an abortion, the cervix may be injured during forced dilatation and curettage. The high professionalism of the gynecologist minimizes such complications.
  3. Menopause has its own risks of developing cysts. The layers of the uterine wall become thinner, the glands lose their elasticity and shape. The walls of the uterus become sensitive and react to any impact by pronounced stimulation of the glands to produce mucus. As a result, there is a greater risk of blockage of the gland ducts with a large amount of secretion.
  4. Infectious diseases of absolutely any etiology lead to an inflammatory response. Swelling of the tissues and compression of the gland ducts from the outside occurs. Which ensures their possible blockage.
  5. Chronically occurring any processes in the reproductive system.
  6. Pathological changes in hormonal levels.
  7. Erosive disorders of the mucous membrane.

To a lesser extent, the formation of cervical cysts is provoked by the procedure for introducing a spiral into the uterine cavity, inflammation in the appendages.

A separate type of cervical cyst is the endometrioid cyst of the cervix.. They are the result of clogging and expansion of glands in areas of endometrioid tissue that are pathological for a given localization. Periodically, the pathological tissue bleeds. When the glands are blocked, bloody contents accumulate in them, which is a favorite environment for bacteria. Diagnosis is also difficult in the early stages due to the absence of symptoms.

If the disease has been developing for quite some time and the patient has not consulted a gynecologist for a long time, then the symptoms can be quite significant and obvious:

  • bleeding in a small amount outside the usual time of menstruation,
  • pain in the lower abdomen for no specific reason;
  • painful and uncomfortable sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • the appearance of vaginal discharge for no reason.


The most informative is an examination by a gynecologist. The specialist will identify white or yellowish, mucous, dense formations, small in size (from a few millimeters to 3 cm), localized mainly in the transformation zone.

When an endometrioid cyst is detected, examination reveals a red-brown formation, periodically bleeding, with a cavity inside and liquid brown contents. It is difficult to confuse such a cyst with light yellow small nabothian cysts.


  • the microflora in the vaginal smear is examined;
  • a smear is examined for pathological microflora;
  • biopsy.

An ultrasound is always recommended when a cyst is detected. Then the change in tissue structure and the size of the lesion are determined. Sometimes, a more detailed examination using a transvaginal probe is required. An ultrasound will also show areas of endometriosis not only on the cervix, but in other locations.

Biopsy is the most accurate method for diagnosing endometriosis and atypical processes. But it is rarely used. Histological examination of the area under study makes it possible to determine changes in cells throughout the thickness of the epithelium.


There is an opinion that cysts on the cervix have the ability to disappear on their own. However, they can easily recur. Gynecologists have slightly different opinions regarding the treatment of nabothian cysts. Some treat them as minor deviations that are not worth worrying about, others insist on prompt removal in order to avoid the formation of potential infectious foci in the body. The decision will depend in each case on the individual characteristics of the patient.

With a competent approach, a cyst of this localization can be successfully cured. The ability for successful pregnancy and delivery is preserved.

Endometriosis is considered a disease associated with hormonal imbalances. There is an increase in estrogen levels in the blood. Therefore, therapy is aimed at restoring its optimal level in the blood. The use of oral contraceptives with minimal estrogen content is recommended (Jess, Logest, Janine). This treatment is effective in the initial stages of the disease. With severe manifestations of endometriosis, there will be no effect. Then progestins are prescribed. They optimize estrogen levels and reduce the number of endometriotic lesions (for example: Visanne).

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists also have a pronounced effect in the treatment of endometriosis. These drugs are recommended when the previous ones are ineffective due to the presence of side effects. -

Cervical cyst treatment, patient reviews

Oksana, 27 years old.

A gynecologist discovered a cyst during an examination, which I attended when I was barely pregnant. Treatment was postponed until the postpartum period. The doctor said it was quite big. Perhaps this was the reason that I did not get pregnant for six months. The entire pregnancy and childbirth passed without any special features. Only a year after the birth of the child, I found time to take care of my women's health. Unfortunately, then inflammation of the appendages also had to be treated. I went through all the treatment and the cyst was removed using radio waves. Almost painless. Of course, it was necessary to solve the problem before pregnancy, but that’s how it turned out.

Ksenia, 23 years old.

I was diagnosed with polycystic disease completely unexpectedly for me, when I came just to get checked and get advice about contraceptive methods. In addition, there were also inflammatory phenomena. I had to treat it for about a month. Mom insisted on traditional medicine. I used tampons with sea buckthorn oil and a decoction of nut partitions. After a month, the inflammation really went away, but cysts were still present when examined a month later. I plan to undergo treatment again, but with a specialist. Not all the time. Or just a little scary.

Elena, 48 years old.

I started having discharge for no particular reason and sometimes discomfort in the lower abdomen. I thought it was no big deal, just some pre-menopausal stuff. However, everything remained for a couple of weeks. I went to the antenatal clinic to see a doctor. I turned out to have several cysts on the cervix. Some with suppuration. Then there was a couple of months of anti-inflammatory therapy, opening of cysts, antibiotics. But now everything is fine. No relapses for half a year. I recommend everyone not to ignore preventive examinations, no matter how much they want to.

A cervical cyst may not make itself felt for a long time. Therefore, conclusions about the magnitude of their prevalence are very relative. This is not a serious disease, but it also requires timely treatment. So that you don’t have to treat purulent complications and inflammation of other important organs of the reproductive system later.


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Some diseases do not make themselves felt throughout life and are a sudden discovery when contacting a specialist. A cervical cyst is one of these ailments.

What is a cervical cyst? By definition, a cyst is a hollow, thin-walled formation that is filled with liquid contents.

Endocervix cysts on the cervix can develop in almost any organ and part of the human body, in particular inside the cervix. There is little free space in this organ, which is why endocervical cysts in the cervix rarely grow to impressive sizes and often open spontaneously.

They are difficult to find during a simple gynecological examination. They are often found on an ultrasound, since all doctors know what a cyst looks like with such an examination.

What are the most common multiple cysts? The international classification of the disease uses a special code for each of its types (cervical cysts ICD 10). There are two key causes of the disease: blockage of the glands, as well as endometriosis.

With the first type of cervical cyst, there are usually no signs, so they are rarely found, the true frequency of occurrence is virtually unknown. Very rarely, malignant tumors can take the form of cavities in the cervical canal. Inflammatory processes are not the cause of cervical cysts, but they can be the background of the disease, so often a cyst on the cervix and cervical erosion are located nearby.

Today, if a cyst on the cervix has been diagnosed, the reasons for its appearance mostly remain only speculation. There is no reliable explanation for the blockage of gland ducts and the formation of cysts.

In fact, there is either compression of the lumen of the duct from the outside by edematous inflammatory tissues, growing connective tissue (tumor), or blockage by a clot of secretion, an infectious agent, or exfoliated particles of the epithelium.

Gynecologists rely on risk factors that, collectively or individually, can contribute to the formation of the disease:

  • Trauma to the cervix during childbirth. The damaged cervix recovers quite quickly. However, the consequences are a narrowing or complete blockage of the gland ducts when the connective tissue grows (damages) and compresses the ducts. This will soon lead to the formation of a tumor.
  • Cervical cyst and pregnancy (conception). When performing an abortion, the uterus may be injured due to forced dilatation. The high professionalism of the doctor minimizes such complications.
  • The time of menopause has its own risks of disease. The layers of the uterine wall become thinner, and the glands lose their shape and elasticity. The walls of the uterus become sensitive and respond to every impact with pronounced stimulation of the glands to produce secretions. As a result, there is a high risk of blockage of the gland ducts with a very large amount of secretion.
  • Under the influence of pathological hormonal changes.
  • Infectious diseases of any etiology lead to an inflammatory response. Tissue swelling appears, as well as external compression of the gland ducts. Which ensures their blockage.
  • Chronically occurring various processes in the reproductive system. Is it dangerous? Yes.
  • Erosive disorders of the mucous membrane, discharge.
  • A separate type of cervical cyst is the endometrioid cyst of the cervix. It is the result of blockage and expansion of glands in areas of endometriotic tissue that are pathological for this localization. Diagnosis is difficult in the early stages due to the complete absence of symptoms.


A full examination by a gynecologist is considered the most informative. The specialist will identify yellowish or white, mucous, dense formations, small in size (from a couple of mm to 3 cm), localized mainly in the area of ​​transformation.

When an endometrioid cyst is detected during a medical examination, a red-brown formation is visible, periodically bleeding, with a cavity inside, as well as brown liquid contents. It is difficult to confuse it with small light yellow nabotova (nabotova).

If a disease is detected, the doctor will recommend a more thorough examination in order to determine the type of disease (for example, Nabothian cysts of the cervix), optimal treatment, identify the cause, and also prevent the continuation of the disease.

To diagnose and further eliminate the disease, the following is performed:

  • Colposcopy.
  • Biopsy.
  • The microflora in the vaginal smear is examined. Is this necessary? Yes.
  • A smear is examined for pathological microflora.

It is advisable to always perform an ultrasound when a tumor is detected.

An ultrasound will show the size of the endometrioid tumor, as well as areas of endometriosis not only on the cervix, but also in other locations.

Biopsy is the most accurate method for diagnosing endometriosis and atypical uterine processes.


How to treat the disease? How is a cyst on the cervix treated? Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical cysts?

  • Chemical cauterization of cervical cyst. The cervix must be anesthetized before cauterization, then the affected area is treated with Solkovagin, which contains acetic and nitric acids.
  • Electrocoagulation is the cauterization of a cyst on the cervix using an electric current.
  • Cryocoagulation is the cauterization of a tumor with liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser removal. The main advantage of this method is that in order to remove small cystic cysts, contact of the affected tissue with instruments is not required. Due to this, there is no chance of infection. The operation is bloodless. There are no scars left after it. Therefore, it can be used to remove cervical cysts in women who have not yet given birth. The operation is usually performed a week after the end of menstruation. It takes about one month after cyst removal for complete healing.
  • Radio wave method. The neoplasm is punctured (a small puncture), the mucus is removed, and then irradiation occurs with high-frequency radio waves to completely stop the bleeding and disinfect the surface. After the operation there are no scars left, there are no complications. No anesthesia is required when piercing occurs.
  • Removal via endoscope (surgical intervention). An endoscope is a device with a light source and a special camera that allows you to make a precise incision and examine the affected area.
  • Cutting with electric and radio tools. A single 3 cm cyst on the cervix, if ruptured, poses a high risk of infection. In this regard, it is usually cut with special tools to remove the contents.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to the main treatment methods prescribed by your doctor, you can also use folk remedies to treat cervical cysts. But we must repeat - treatment with folk remedies for a cyst on the cervix is ​​just an addition! Visits to the doctor and compliance with all his instructions are mandatory.

Recipe No. 1

To do this, you will need a medium-sized clove of garlic, which must be wrapped tightly in gauze and made into a tampon. It should be inserted into the vagina at night. This procedure can be done for a month.

Recipe No. 2

Hard boil seven chicken eggs, remove the yolks from them, then chop them and mix with crushed pumpkin seeds (one cup). Add half a liter of sunflower oil to the mixture. Heat in a water bath, stirring regularly. The mixture should be taken one teaspoon in the morning five days after five days until it runs out.

Recipe No. 3

Collect four tablespoons of partitions. Add three cups of boiling water to the powder, put on fire, continue to boil for another 20 minutes. Next, leave the broth to cool and strain it through a sieve. It should be taken orally two to three times a day, half a glass.

Recipe No. 4

To do this, you need two large bunches of fresh burdock leaves. They need to be ground in a meat grinder to make a paste. Squeeze the juice out of it. Treatment with this remedy proceeds as follows:

  • The first two days - drink one teaspoon twice a day.
  • The next two days - drink one teaspoon three times a day.
  • After this, drink one tablespoon three times a day.
  • Treatment with burdock lasts for a month.

If the disease relapses, then therapy with burdock juice can be repeated. The juice should be stored in a dark and cool place in a container with a lid. In order to achieve the best result, this course of treatment can be combined with the following prescription.

Recipe No. 5

To do this you will need two tablespoons of fresh acacia flowers, one glass of alcohol or vodka. Place the plants in a bowl and fill with alcohol. Leave the mixture to infuse. After this, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. The course of treatment with acacia is one month.

The way to take the solution is to dilute it with water in the ratio of one part solution to two parts boiled water. Take one tablespoon orally three times a day.

Recipe No. 6

How else can a cyst be treated?

Various small herbal remedies can also help cope with the disease. To treat a cyst, you can use a collection consisting of:

  • Water - one glass.
  • Chamomile - three teaspoons.
  • Sea buckthorn leaves - three teaspoons.
  • Nettle leaves - five teaspoons.
  • Celandine - three teaspoons.
  • Rose hips - three teaspoons.
  • Plantain leaves - five teaspoons.

All plants must be crushed and then dried. After this, pour boiling water over the dishes and pour all the herbs into it. Pour this mixture into a glass of boiling water. Cover the dish with a lid and wrap it in newspaper and a towel.

The mixture must steep for at least 6 hours. After this, strain and drink one teaspoon twice a day.

Recipe No. 7

Another useful decoction, which has positive reviews from women and helps cure the disease, consists of boron uterus. Preparing such decoctions is quite easy. To do this, add one tablespoon of herb to one glass of boiling water and stir. After this, the broth must be infused in a thermos or a covered container for at least 3 hours.

You should take the product three times a day before meals, a third of a glass. In addition, the herbs can be changed. One week you can drink an infusion of boron uterus, the second - zyuznik. The course of herbal treatment should not exceed five weeks.