Is it necessary to do fluorography? What are the possible indications? What is fluorography, what does it show, how often can it be done and where to get this examination

Almost all people have undergone fluorography of the lungs at least once in their lives. Despite the negative attitude towards this research method, it is quite informative, safe, fast, affordable and very simple. Since this method raises a lot of controversy and questions, we decided to try to explain what fluorography is, to whom it is indicated, to whom it is contraindicated, and what diseases it helps to identify.

Why is fluorography of the lungs needed, and how is it performed? X-rays are used for this diagnosis. They pass through the body during the examination and are reflected from the screen, which glows. And fluorography of the lungs allows us to study the organs of the chest. In our country, this method is most often used to determine lung diseases. It is very informative and allows you to identify many pathologies. If doctors see some kind of pathology using fluorography or there is a suspicion that it exists, they prescribe additional methods research.

Fluorography of the lungs differs from conventional x-rays. It has a much lower radiation exposure, that is, the radiation dose received from fluorography is quite small. This is the same level of radiation that you would catch while tanning in a swimsuit in the sun over several days. Scientists claim that there is no relationship between undergoing fluorography and the occurrence of malignant tumors. According to research, when flying from the USA to Europe, a person receives the same radiation dose as during fluorography.

What does fluorography show?

What do doctors see on fluorography? First, they see the lungs. Secondly, the image shows the shadow of the heart with the pericardium and the shadow of the spine. Fluorography is more informative specifically in relation to the study of the lungs. It has long become part of medical examination, both in Russia and in the CIS countries. The study is carried out once a year or every two years. What can the doctor see in the image? Many pathologies in the lungs can be detected precisely during fluorography; it makes it possible to diagnose tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer and many other diseases. Fluorography is necessary in cases where:

  • it has been determined that there are cysts in the lungs or an abscess;
  • examination of lung tissue is necessary;
  • the patient undergoes an annual scheduled examination;
  • there is a suspicion of tuberculosis;
  • it is necessary to determine the presence of a tumor;
  • there are metastases in the lungs;
  • There were problems with enlarged lymph nodes.
  • smokers over 50;

IN mandatory Employees of public institutions, schools, kindergartens, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, and tuberculosis dispensaries must undergo fluorography. The presence of water in the lungs and many anomalies can also be detected by examination. Timely examination helps to identify the disease at an early stage and effectively combat it. It is worth undergoing fluorography, it is safe. This study does not require any preparation. It should be added that the method of applying images to film is becoming a thing of the past. Today, many medical institutions perform digital fluorography, which has a much lower radiation dose.

Many people are afraid of fluorography and refuse such diagnostics. But we must understand that some diseases do not make themselves known for a long time. Every year in our country hundreds and even thousands of people die from lung cancer, severe pneumonia and tuberculosis. If you have cancer and tuberculosis, the patient may feel great for a long time and without examination, he misses the time and opportunity to begin timely treatment that will save his life.

Many people are interested in how often fluorography is performed? If a person has been in contact with someone who has tuberculosis, it is necessary to undergo fluorography of the lungs every six months for several years. All other people should have their lungs checked every two years. Children under 15 years of age and pregnant women are not examined. Medical staff, school and kindergarten employees, as well as food industry workers are examined once a year.

Where and how to make fluoro without direction?

Is it possible to undergo fluorography in a city hospital without a referral from a therapist?

Today I had a fluorography done at the clinic to which I am attached. There is a live queue, no pre-registration. You only need to have your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy with you. No one is at all interested in why you need it, and a referral from a therapist is also not required. The next day you need to come in the afternoon for the result with your passport. That's all.

Probably, each clinic has its own rules. But for fluorography, a referral from a therapist is generally not required. Moreover, if you haven’t done it for more than a year, the local therapist during appointments reminds you that it’s time. The only documents needed are a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy, and they can be provided in the X-ray room, and not at the reception desk. You don’t have to follow the results: they send you where you need them. And if you need the results in hand (for example, for a medical book or certificate), then you receive them there the next day.

If a person had fluorography of the chest organs more than a year ago, a referral is not required. At your place of registration, with compulsory medical insurance policy and a passport in hand, they will provide the opportunity to undergo fluorography without a referral or additional fee. Different medical institutions have their own rules, but to undergo a simple diagnosis, sometimes it is not even necessary to pre-register at the reception desk. You can go to the X-ray room and explain to the doctor the reason for the visit.

Come to your clinic, go to the office where they sign up for fluorography and where they give it out, say that you want to undergo a fluorography examination, give them your passport, they look for your card file, look when you passed, if a year ago or 11 months ago, then you can go again, they register you and you go through. fluorography in two or three days, come and take the result, that’s all

Fluorography without a doctor’s referral

How to undergo fluorography without a referral - paid or free

If a person had a chest x-ray more than a year ago, a referral is not required. At the place of registration, you, with a compulsory medical insurance policy and passport in hand, will be given the opportunity to undergo fluorography without a referral or additional fee. Different medical institutions have their own rules, but to undergo a simple diagnosis, sometimes it is not even necessary to pre-register at the reception desk. You can go to the X-ray room and explain to the doctor the reason for the visit.

If a year has not yet passed, but you are concerned about the condition of your lungs, then in order to undergo an examination, you will need a preliminary visit to a specialist. A therapist, pulmonologist, phthisiatrician or doctor of any other special profile will examine you and issue a referral for fluorography, if necessary.

Who needs to undergo fluorography without a referral?

  • you are sick chronic diseases respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;
  • you have diabetes or if you are receiving corticosteroid or radiation therapy;
  • you are a representative of specific professions (chefs of catering establishments, food sellers, employees of schools and preschool institutions).

It is in the interests of every healthy person to undergo fluorography on time. This can be done either in a district clinic (without a referral or with a doctor’s prescription), but with a passport and insurance policy, or in a modern medical institution (without a referral and only with an identification document). You can undergo a paid examination with maximum comfort, without unnecessary nerves and long queues to see a therapist for a referral.

Modern digital fluorography poses fewer risks to human health compared to traditional film or conventional x-rays. However, pregnant women (or if there is only a suspicion of pregnancy) and children (under 15 years of age and with a height of less than 145 cm) should be careful and discuss diagnostic methods with a doctor.

Why and how to undergo fluorography - you can do it without a referral!

Fluorography detects the disease before its external manifestation. It is necessary to undergo the procedure immediately without a special doctor’s referral if you have:

  • complaints of shortness of breath, lethargy;
  • cough that lasts more than 14 days.

Do not wait for a referral from a specialist, but take a responsible attitude towards your own health and such ordinary issues as undergoing fluorography for prevention.

Where and how to get fluorography: a simple step to health

Fluorography is diagnostic method, in which the image of the organ is obtained in reflected form using a luminous (fluorescent) screen.

lung diseases, in particular tuberculosis.

Despite the fact that FLG is based on the use of X-rays, RG and FLG methods are fundamentally different, including in the design of the apparatus. Therefore, X-ray of the lungs and fluorography are not the same thing.

This is how it happens! Elena at 30 years old coped with illness. How did she cure pulmonary tuberculosis after doctors failed to help?

How to undergo fluorography?

Fluorography is a diagnostic method in which an image of an organ is obtained in reflected form using a luminous (fluorescent) screen.

This method is widely used for screening detection lung diseases, in particular tuberculosis.

Despite the fact that FLG is based on the use x-rays, RG and FLG methods are fundamentally different, including in the design of the apparatus. Therefore, X-ray of the lungs and fluorography are not the same thing.

At what age can you be examined?

Such a study can be carried out with fifteen year old age. This is due to several reasons:

(which is equivalent for X-ray examination and fluorography), in order to avoid harmful effects If possible, instead of X-ray radiation, children are prescribed an ultrasound examination;
  • lack of information fluorography in children: children's body significantly smaller than an adult, and during a fluorographic examination, the image is also reduced by 10-15 times; in addition, a pediatric radiologist will be required to decipher children’s images.
  • Photo 1. Fluorographic examination is not performed on children unless medically necessary.

    How often should you visit a doctor?

    Fluorographic examination of the lungs is required in many cases: upon admission to work, during hospitalization. It is enough to pass the FLG once a year, unless there are special indications (for example, persons, for work or other reasons, in contact with tuberculosis patients should be examined every six months).

    This is what will help! without a trace. So what helped her?

    Where to do fluorography and what is needed for this?

    It may be necessary to take fluorography in the most different cases- for example, when applying for a job, having a child in the family, or undergoing an examination before medical intervention. It is not surprising that the question often arises of where and when this can be done, as well as what documents are needed for this.

    Person and law. Compulsory medical insurance policy will come in handy

    Undergoing fluorography regulated federal legislation on preventing the spread of tuberculosis in Russia (No. 77-FZ, as amended on May 23, 2016).

    According to him every person registered on Russian territory and having a compulsory medical insurance policy can undergo this study for free and without any direction.

    In cases where a citizen cannot or does not want to use the services of free medicine, he has the right to apply for services at paid clinic . This is especially convenient for those people who prefer to be examined on weekends. In addition to commercial hospitals, government organizations can also provide services on a fee-for-service basis.

    To engage in such activities, a medical organization, regardless of its form of ownership, must have license to carry it out. A license is issued on the basis of a sanitary and epidemiological report obtained from the local Rospotrebnadzor Office, so that in the process of obtaining the necessary documents, the organization will be thoroughly checked.

    Important! Both government organizations and private institutions are engaged in providing paid services with mandatory compliance with the requirements of the Decree of the Russian Government dated 04.10.12. The list of services provided must be reflected in the license. A license is a mandatory document for an organization engaged in medical activities.

    Do you need a direction? We will prepare the necessary documents

    Any citizen has the right to go to the clinic to which he is attached to carry out FLG diagnostics once a year in the presence of passports.

    Attention! Despite the fact that by law you are not required to present your compulsory medical insurance policy, it is better to have it with you (to clarify the data).

    This happens in cases where a person goes for research on their own initiative or to obtain the necessary information, for example, for work.

    Photo 2. All you need for a preventive examination is a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

    But if the patient directed for such examination doctor for clarification or making a diagnosis, then you will have to take more documents:

    1. medical referral indicating the presumptive diagnosis;
    2. medical card with a note from the treating specialist.

    We pass the examination correctly

    A fluorographic image is obtained by fixing on a special film an image (shadow) of an organ, in particular the lungs, reflected from a luminous screen. This shadow occurs because X-rays from a fluorograph tube are passed through the patient’s body. From the fluorescent screen the image is transferred to the film in a greatly reduced form.

    Currently, film technology is increasingly being replaced digital, that is, the image is captured not on film, but on a computer screen; now you can send the image by e-mail or, for example, store it in the database of a medical organization.

    Photo 3. Modern fluorography has become digital; the radiologist immediately sees its results on the monitor screen.

    After the image is received, it is interpreted by radiologist. It often happens that on the doctor’s report you can only see a number, which is actually a standard numeric code that encrypts the results of the examination.

    Main advantage and the meaning of FLG is the possibility of mass coverage of patients due to the speed and relative cheapness of the study. With the proper level of organization, about a hundred patients or more can be examined in an hour using a fluorograph.

    What should be done in the fluorography room?

    How they do it fluorography? It’s simple: the patient enters the office, undresses, removes metal objects and puts away long hair, if they can fall into the field of study. The point of these actions is to exclude the projection of shadows from foreign objects onto the shadow from the internal organs of the subject. IN otherwise the resulting picture may not be reliable.

    To take a picture, the subject is placed facing the camera with his chest close to the screen.

    During fluorography, the patient is asked to take a deep breath and not breathe.

    This is done so that the shadows of the boundaries of the lungs and other structures of the respiratory organs do not move during the examination, otherwise the picture will come out blurry.

    Is it possible to undergo FLG on the same day as other procedures?

    In the process of passing medical examination saving time is extremely important. Therefore, many are concerned about the possibility of combining FLG with other manipulations.

    For example, the combination of ECG (electrocardiography) and fluorography is absolutely safely because it is based on different principles. An ECG is carried out by recording the electric fields produced by the heart during its operation; electrocardiography has nothing to do with radiation. Electrocardiography does not affect the result of fluorography, and vice versa - undergoing FLG on the same day does not change the result of the electrocardiogram.

    And here combine fluorography with other studies performed using x-rays (radiography, mammography, etc.) is completely undesirable. This is explained by the total radiation exposure at simultaneous use these methods.

    For example, a mammogram may be required if a woman undergoes a medical examination after forty years. This category of patients is examined with mammography at least once every two years.

    Mammography is an x-ray of the mammary glands to detect cancer in the early stages.

    Of course, a medical examination is usually limited in time, but there is still no need to rush when combining a fluorogram and a mammogram.

    Should I pay or go for free?

    Fluorographic examination is a procedure included in routine medical examinations both preliminary and periodic. Mandatory fluorographic examination is due to the need to identify such dangerous infectious diseases as pulmonary tuberculosis. Fluorography allows you to check in a short time a large number of people at minimal cost.

    Since fluorography is mandatory when undergoing medical examinations (at least once a year, unless there are special indications), it free.

    Take advantage of your right Anyone can get a free fluorographic examination when they come to the clinic at the place of residence and presenting a passport with registration.

    If for some reason it is not possible to go to your clinic, paid institutions will come to the rescue.

    Useful video

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the procedure for conducting fluorography in mobile rooms specially designed for this purpose on video.

    This is what will help! Elena overcame the disease at the age of 30. I tried a bunch of medications, but their use did not work for my body. without a trace. So what helped her?

    Online magazine about tuberculosis, lung diseases, tests, diagnostics, medications and more important information about it.

    What is fluorography, what does it show, how often can it be done and where to get this examination?

    Fluorography is a special type of research based on the use of X-rays. The technique was developed by a scientist from the USA and a researcher from Italy at the beginning of the 20th century.

    On this moment it refers to the mandatory methods used for diagnosis in the population annually.

    According to statistics, fluorography detects 3% of cases of malignant tumors, 14% of tuberculosis, and half of airway obstructions. Identification of these pathologies early stages contributes not only timely treatment, but also saves many lives. What fluorography shows, how it is carried out and in what cases it is prohibited, we will consider further.

    What is fluorography?

    Despite the fact that most of the population undergoes annual this procedure, not everyone knows what fluorography is. The method itself is a photographic recording of an image projected on a fluorescent screen.

    The picture takes shape thanks to the passage of x-rays. The method allows you to draw a conclusion about the state of the skeletal system, chest organs, etc.

    How do they do it?

    At the moment, fluorography can be done using two methods:

    1. Film. The principle is based on the use of X-ray film. This method is considered obsolete.
    2. Digital. Digital fluorography - modern way receiving data. The use of new technologies allows you to save the result, print it again, or send it by email. Fluorography of the lungs is carried out using a special matrix that replaces film or with a linear detector. The latter method is the most preferable; it has the lowest radiation dose.

    The method used does not affect what fluorography determines.

    Is preparation required for fluorography?

    This procedure does not require significant effort. Preparation for fluorography includes:

    1. Temporary smoking cessation. On average, the period of abstinence from tobacco should be 2–3 hours. In this case, the fluorography result will be more accurate.
    2. Stripping to the waist. It's about not only about clothing items, but also about jewelry. Chains, pendants, and necklaces must be removed.
    3. Compliance with instructions. The radiologist will coordinate the patient's actions. His recommendations must be strictly followed; he will tell you in detail how to undergo fluorography in a clinic or private center. During the procedure, your back must be straightened and your shoulders pressed against the device. The picture is taken while taking a deep breath.

    The study is carried out regardless of the time of day. The procedure is not prescribed for bedridden patients, as it is carried out only if the patient maintains an upright position.

    Is it possible to smoke before the procedure?

    Smoking immediately before the procedure may negatively affect the detection of what fluorography checks. Cigarette smoke constricts blood vessels, leading to distorted results.

    Otherwise, the data will remain unchanged, even if you smoke a cigarette immediately before the study.

    Is it possible to eat before the examination?

    There is a lot of research on limiting pre-food consumption. Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to eat before fluorography. Yes, you can. The procedure is carried out regardless of diet. Full stomach does not in any way affect what fluorography reveals.

    What determines which diseases?

    Fluorography (the emphasis in the word is on the letter “a”) allows you to identify a number of diseases and pathologies. During the study the following may be discovered:

    1. Tuberculosis. Common infection, the causative agent of which is Koch's bacillus. Mainly affects the lungs, occasionally other organs. Every year in Russia the disease claims the lives of 25 thousand people.
    2. Pneumonia. Inflammation of lung tissue resulting from a lesion (most often infectious). Every year, 17 million cases of the disease are detected worldwide. When answering the question of whether fluorography will show pneumonia, it should be noted that diagnosing the disease is not always possible. If the disease is in its initial stages, it is sometimes impossible to identify it in this way.
    3. Lung cancer. A malignant tumor that occupies a leading place in the number of cases in Russia. The main cause of the disease is smoking.
    4. Obstructive bronchitis. Disease respiratory system complicated by bronchospasm and impaired pulmonary ventilation.

    Listed above are the main diagnoses identified during the procedure. Why is fluorography also needed:

    • for detection foreign bodies;
    • diagnosis of abscesses;
    • detection of emphysema, etc.

    Decoding, fluorogram evaluation codes

    After the examination, the pathology code is indicated in the conclusion.

    Table 1. Codes and interpretation of fluorography, according to generally accepted meanings

    The results of fluorography, the interpretation of which includes several numerical values, have the following features:

    1. Capable of displaying several pathologies at once. Each disease has a separate mark in the corresponding field.
    2. Express location. To do this, the code is placed in the second field in the form of a fraction. The numerator denotes the right and the denominator the left lung. Numbers from 1 to 7 are pulmonary fields.
    3. Determine the length. The second field contains a value from 1 to 4.
    4. The third field contains information about the specialist who conducted the study.
    5. The fourth field is intended to provide data on additional examination. If necessary, enter 1 in the field.
    to contents

    Darkening in the lungs in the image

    Darkening in the lungs may be a sign of pathology.

    Table 2. Types of dark spots in the lungs and probable causes

    However, in some cases the symptom does not indicate serious illness. Film defects can cause shadows to appear. In any case, if they are detected, you must contact a pulmonologist. He will not only be able to explain fluorography, that it shows what diseases are likely, but will also prescribe treatment.

    Will it show that a person smokes?

    This question is most often asked by teenagers who are addicted to cigarettes. In fact, whether it is visible on fluorography that a person smokes depends on the duration of the addiction.

    If the subject has recently become hostage to a bad habit and rarely smokes, then it is impossible to determine the presence of cigarettes in his life based on the result of the procedure.

    Can it be done during menstruation?

    During the procedure, the body receives a small dose of radiation. The procedure does not cause harm to the patient and if it coincides with critical days fluorography is not tolerated. To the question of whether it is possible to do fluorography during menstruation, the answer is positive.

    Can pregnant women have an FG study?

    Many pregnant women are interested in how fluorography is done in this case. During pregnancy or planning it, the study is not carried out. It is impossible to predict the likely effect on the fetus. One month before the expected conception, the procedure should be abandoned.

    When breastfeeding

    When looking for information on where to do fluorography and how it is carried out, you can find data prohibiting the study when breastfeeding. Forums recommend expressing milk before and after the procedure or taking a two-day break from feeding your baby.

    Is it possible to undergo fluorography and mammography on the same day?

    Both techniques are based on the use of X-rays. Their danger to the body has been known for a long time, which leads to the question of whether it is possible to do fluorography and mammography on the same day.

    Where to do it?

    Fluorography is needed not only to calm the nerves and confirm the health of the lungs. The result will be required by the employer and the medical institution. Without FG, doctors do not conduct appointments, sanatorium-resort institutions do not accept treatment. That is why there are a huge number of places where to undergo fluorography.

    How to undergo an FG test in a clinic without a referral?

    Most institutions do not require you to see a therapist before undergoing FG. How to do fluorography in a clinic without a referral:

    • go to the clinic at the place of registration/registration;
    • provide a passport;
    • have a valid compulsory medical insurance policy with you.
    to contents

    At what age is it prescribed to children?

    When conducting FG there are age restrictions. At what age do children have fluorography?

    1. For preventive purposes, the procedure is prescribed from the age of 15. Before reaching this age, a mantoux test is done to detect tuberculosis.
    2. The presence of obvious signs of a disease or the need for a diagnosis is a reason to reconsider the age at which fluorography is performed. In this case, research in younger children is possible.
    to contents

    How often can I do it?

    Research is not done very often. Typically, when answering the question of how often fluorography can be done, a specialist recommends carrying out the procedure once a year. The research is carried out as planned.

    However, scientists, reporting how many times a year fluorography can be done, talk about the slight harm of the procedure even if done monthly. But you shouldn’t conduct FGs so often.

    How long does the result last?

    The validity period of fluorography is uniform and regulated regulatory documents. Information on how long fluorography is valid is contained in Government Decree No. 892:

    • the shelf life of fluorography for the population subject to preventive examinations is 1 year;
    • how long the results of fluorography are valid for a number of specialties is indicated in the Decree, the period is 0.5–1 year;
    • during hospitalization, FG should be performed no earlier than 1 year after the previous one, if the results are available latest research and the absence of urgent indications.
    to contents

    What is the difference between fluorography and x-ray of the lungs?

    Both studies have the same principle of conduct. However, FG has less radioactive impact and penetrating ability. To obtain more complete information, a lung x-ray is prescribed.

    Chest X-ray

    The study allows you to evaluate the pathologies of organs located in this area. It not only helps diagnose tuberculosis, pneumonia or oncology, but is also recommended for diseases of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Conducting the study does not require special preparation. The answer to the question whether it is possible to eat food before an x-ray is similar to the answer to whether it is possible to eat before a fluorography. There are no dietary restrictions.

    X-rays of light

    An alternative to FG, it allows you to detect formations with a diameter of 2 mm or more. For comparison, FG reveals lesions larger than 5 mm. Allows you to assess the situation in more detail. It takes the same amount of time as fluorography.

    Useful video

    For more information about what fluorography shows, watch this video:


    1. Fluorography is not only mandatory, but also a very important study.
    2. Every year, FG allows us to identify thousands of cases of dangerous diseases.
    3. The method does not have a significant effect harmful influence on the body.
    4. The procedure is quick and free.

    Do you have a question or experience regarding this issue? Ask a question or tell us about it in the comments.

    How to get fluorography without a referral? How to make fluoro without direction?

    Fluorography has established itself as a high-quality diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia. Early detection of dangerous diseases makes it possible to apply modern techniques treatment, and the question of how to undergo fluorography without referral and unnecessary waste of nerves is becoming increasingly relevant.

    The requirement to undergo fluorographic examination annually is justified by statistics. The increase in cases of cancer and tuberculosis has prompted practicing doctors and government officials to pay attention to the advisability of undergoing a simple procedure without a referral from a specialized specialist.

    How to undergo fluorography without a referral - paid or free

    If a person had fluorography of the chest organs more than a year ago, a referral is not required. At the place of registration, you, with a compulsory medical insurance policy and passport in hand, will be given the opportunity to undergo fluorography without a referral or additional fee. Different medical institutions have their own rules, but for...

    I’m pregnant, and during fluorography my husband was found to have shadows, and an X-ray was taken (it says on the right side of the chest there are focal shadows. The roots of the lungs are compacted). They sent him to a phthisiatrician with suspicion of tuberculosis. So he went to the clinic “with suspicion” for a long time - they did not give a referral to a TB doctor due to the lack of one or another test. There are no symptoms, no cough, he didn’t seem to lose weight, he took tests at the clinic - they were normal (blood, urine), I only remember what he had in the summer - in his sleep sometimes cold sweat and what seemed like heavy breathing - but I didn’t attach any importance... In the picture, with the naked eye I can see a speck of 7-8 millimeters, well, no more than 10 for sure... well, the roots of the lungs are compacted - it seems a common occurrence for experienced smokers (my husband has been smoking for more than 15 years)) + work is often associated with dust (gypsum, cement and etc)

    As a result, I’m already at 30 weeks, and he got to the TB specialist when.

    Fluorography is fast, free and without referral - Video website

    In the Samara region, referrals for fluorography were canceled - Vademecum magazine

    Fluorography clinic 7 how to do - Needlewoman

    WHAT THE FLUOROGRAPHY RESULTS SAY Roots are expanded and compacted - Altayak - entertainment video portal

    On March 26, Vologda residents will be able to undergo fluorography free of charge without a doctor’s referral - Vologda and the Vologda region - IA SeverInform /

    How to do fluorography in a clinic -

    How to do fluorography in a clinic -

    How to take an X-ray yourself - News, reviews, repairs

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    Penza residents are called to check their lungs HEALTH AiF Penza

    How to make a certificate.

    Such ailments as damage to the diaphragm and pleura, lung disease, cardiovascular diseases are among the most difficult to treat, however, treatment will still be successful if each of these diseases is diagnosed in the early stages.

    Timely fluorography and regular preventive visits to a pulmonologist will prevent the development of serious illnesses, providing the patient with due attention to his health.

    To do this, it is enough to do fluorography in a timely manner. Kyiv has great capabilities and clinics with modern equipment, thanks to which patients can be sure that they are not afraid of the development of tuberculosis, the occurrence of tumors or inflammatory processes.

    Where to get fluorography and x-rays in Kyiv?

    In our Charitel center, patients have the opportunity to urgently undergo fluorography and make an appointment with a therapist for the purpose of preventive consultation on lung diseases. If.

    You don’t need to go to any doctor to undergo fluorography, all necessary information You will receive it either at the stands in the clinic itself, or at the reception there. In any city you can go through it either for a fee or at your place of residence for free, sometimes there is a general queue at the office, and sometimes they introduce a coupon system when there is a large influx of people. In our city this is happening, in the last two years only with coupons or for a fee, you can go annually or more often (for example, to get a job they require a more recent one for at least six months, and in any case a referral from a doctor is not needed). A referral is given in case of suspected diseases related to the lungs, but usually this is an x-ray, not fluorography. In order to pass it you only need.

    1 step

    Take it seriously. To undergo fluorography means to expose yourself to x-rays. Therefore, if you are pregnant, it is better not to do it at all. If there is still a strict need for fluorography, be sure to inform your doctor about this: now there are techniques that minimize the impact of radiation on the fetus. In addition, you should not run to the hospital in a panic every two months, this is harmful and life-threatening. Getting tested once a year is sufficient.

    Step 2

    Select the examination location. Here you are free to decide for yourself. Currently, a fluorography room is present in almost every hospital or clinic. In addition, there are many clinics, including those specializing specifically in ultrasound and x-rays. If you have a doctor's referral, fluorography will be done for free in any public hospital. If you would like to be examined at private clinic or without a doctor's referral, you will have to.

    Who has not encountered a situation in their life when, when visiting a clinic for medical assistance, are you sent to undergo fluorography first? Let's face it, this does not always evoke positive emotions in a person. We talked with a radiologist at one of the clinics in Moscow, and this is what he answered to our questions.

    How often do you need to undergo fluorography?

    By existing standards For preventive purposes, all citizens over 15 years of age must undergo fluorography at least once a year. However, there are groups of people who must undergo preventive examination Twice a year. These include: persons who have had tuberculosis (within three years after recovery); citizens who are in direct contact with persons who are a source of tuberculosis infection; citizens released from prison (within two years after release); HIV-infected.

    Extraordinary preventive examination.

    In this case, the human body receives a radiation dose greater than with digital fluorography. Tell me what to do there. Taking fluorography: simple rules1. Fluorography in our country is done annually, starting from the age of 16. But they are only vaguely familiar, but they often cannot answer the question of what fluorography shows. Well, examinations and examinations are done for everyone!

    On a fluorographic image you can see the condition of a person’s lungs. Fluorography is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and children under 15 years of age. It is carried out for nursing mothers in case of emergency. They did the same thing for 16 years, and I really didn’t care what was in the “photo!” They let us in as long as they want, but I very firmly and clearly say that I will come in alone and until I get dressed, so that they won’t let anyone in. In general, she closed the door like a sweetheart.

    And when I did it for a fee, there was only a doctor there, of course. What kind of queues and what kind of undressing for 5 people. Our doctors often try to please.

    What's new?

    Questions like “Why”, “Who sent it”, the announcement “Fluorography for registration of a medical record - paid”, etc.

    Discussion closed by moderator

    unusual! Our doctors don’t see you in a regular clinic without an x-ray. You fight it off as long as possible, but if there is no x-ray, the doctor won’t see you.

    Yes, but for this the doctor must give a direction. And for this you need to make an appointment, which cannot be booked without a photo? :o) This reduces the burden on the doctor.

    This obligatory crap really infuriated me. But this is how they fight tuberculosis.

    Although if you refuse F. the therapist will not accept you.

    I remember my first experience of the fluorography procedure. It's called both laughter and sin :)

    A fluorographic machine came to our village for preventive examination of the population (there are rural residents who go to the district clinic once every 10-15 years). I, a 15-year-old girl, am very modest, shy, with already formed feminine curves. Since by age I met the mandatory fluorography test, and even more so, I was finishing primary school, which meant I was facing an extensive medical examination for possible admission to college (I ended up going to 10th grade).

    I went into the “office” and, due to natural shyness, I couldn’t take off my T-shirt. The man did not wait long, and then began to get angry. I took off my T-shirt, but I couldn’t put on a bra. To the point of tears. Well, I can’t - that’s all! And then this already unfriendly man yelled at me: “Well, quickly took off your bra! What didn’t I see there?! In my life, you know, I’ve seen enough of THEM!” :) This is his attack now.

    Certificate of completion of fluorography – medical document, indicating the absence of pathologies in the lungs and chest organs. A certificate of fluorography is issued based on the results of the fluorographic method of X-ray diagnostics of the lungs and chest organs, in which an X-ray image of an object is transferred from a fluorescent screen to relatively small photographic film. Compared to radiography, this technique requires less cost, is less informative, but creates a relatively lower radiation dose.

    Ukhta resident Lyudmila Igusheva

    No, we put pieces of paper on the map like the picture was taken by such and such.

    If I go to a dentist, or a therapist, or someone else, I can go to a fluorography BEFORE the appointment and say “I want”, a year has passed. Well, or there 11 months.

    This obligatory crap really infuriated me. But.

    In general terms, everyone probably knows what fluorography is. This diagnostic method, which allows imaging of organs and tissues, was developed at the end of the 20th century, a year after X-rays were discovered. In the photographs you can see sclerosis, fibrosis, foreign objects, neoplasms, inflammation of a developed degree, the presence of gases and infiltrate in the cavities, abscesses, cysts, and so on. What is fluorography? What is the procedure? How often and at what age can it be done? Are there any contraindications for diagnostics? Read about this in the article.

    Features of the application of the technique

    Most often, chest fluorography is performed to detect tuberculosis, malignant tumor in the lungs or chest and other pathologies. The technique is also used to examine the heart and bones. It is mandatory to carry out such a diagnosis if the patient complains of a constant cough.

    The main thing is all the news

    Kirov residents can undergo fluorography for free and without a doctor’s referral

    The region is celebrating tuberculosis prevention month.

    News in the Kirov region, March 21 - New Option. March in the Kirov region is dedicated to the prevention of tuberculosis. Unfortunately, this disease is still registered in all social groups population. Those most at risk of getting sick are smokers and people with alcohol addiction, patients with HIV, diabetes, hepatitis, that is, all those who have reduced immunity. The most effective method of early diagnosis is fluorography, which all adults should undergo once every 2 years, and citizens from risk groups - annually.

    This week, Kirov residents will have the opportunity to undergo fluorography without a doctor’s referral and also free of charge, the regional Ministry of Health reported. You must have your passport and compulsory medical insurance policy with you.

    Residents of the Novovyatsky district.

    It is difficult for an ordinary person to understand the intricacies of diagnosis. For example, fluorography and x-rays of the lungs are used today to identify pathologies of the respiratory system. What is the difference between these types of examination and what to choose? Which procedure is safer and more informative?

    Picture is different from picture!

    In clinics, lung x-rays and fluorography are used to diagnose pulmonary pathologies. There are differences between them, and quite large ones. They are:

    An x-ray will provide the doctor with more information. All characteristics of the pathology (shape, area of ​​damage) are more clearly visible on an x-ray. And even if fluorography (FLG) helps to detect deviations from the norm, it is not suitable for making an accurate diagnosis. Even a non-specialist will notice how different X-ray from fluorographic; X-rays can be taken several times. This poses much less danger to the patient; FLG gives a significant radioactive dose.

    At all times, there have been debates about the safety of fluorographic examination. After all, during the procedure the body is exposed to radioactive radiation, which by definition cannot be useful for it. But at the same time, a certificate confirming the completion of the study is required almost everywhere, whether you are getting a job or taking your child to the pediatrician. So let's figure out whether fluorography is harmful and, if not, how often the procedure can be done.

    General definition of the concept, types of procedure

    Fluorography is a method of examining the chest organs. It is based on the ability of body tissues to unevenly absorb X-ray radiation passing through them. The results of the examination are displayed on the screen, after which they are subject to examination by a specialist.

    Fluorography is a preventive procedure. It cannot be used to make an accurate diagnosis or see the full clinical picture. But at the same time, the examination allows timely detection of pathological changes in the respiratory system, on the basis of which a more thorough examination can be carried out by a specialized specialist.

    Today, two methods of chest examination are used. And, interestingly, it is this factor that determines the potential harm that can be caused to the body from radiation.

    Film fluorography

    During the procedure, X-rays pass through the patient's body from the back and fall on a special photosensitive film onto which an image is projected bone tissue and organs. The main disadvantages of this method are the need to use special equipment for developing images and a higher radiation dose compared to new technologies.

    The radiation dose during film fluorography is more than 50% of the permissible annual norm.

    Considering weak sides this research method, modern clinics are abandoning its use in favor of new digital equipment.

    The method is based on the passage of a directed linear beam only through the examined area. The resulting image of the organs is displayed on the monitor screen, after which it can be immediately examined by a specialist.

    Using digital fluorography, you can instantly obtain and process X-ray images. But the main advantage of this method is low level radiation exposure and, as a result, minimal harm to the body.

    In medicine, there is such a thing as an effective equivalent dose. This is an indicator indicating possible risks development of complications after irradiation. So, in the case of film fluorography, this dose is approximately 0.5-0.8 mSv, while when conducting an examination using digital equipment, this figure does not exceed 0.04 mSv. The difference in numbers is more than significant. And it will not be difficult for any person to independently assess how harmful and dangerous it is to do fluorography using the outdated traditional method.

    Many patients confuse fluorography and x-rays. X-ray is diagnostic procedure, allowing you to get a better and more detailed picture of the state of the respiratory system. But for this “quality” it will be necessary to apply a large dose of radiation. Therefore, it is impossible to do a chest x-ray for prevention.

    Indications for the procedure

    According to WHO, all people over the age of 15 should undergo screening. In the absence of special indications, fluorography is recommended once a year. An annual chest examination is also mandatory for the following categories of the population:

    • patients with a history of severe chronic diseases respiratory organs (bronchial asthma, Chronical bronchitis with obstruction, pulmonary emphysema, chronic pneumonia and others);
    • patients undergoing radiation or steroid therapy;
    • people who don't have permanent place residence;
    • social service workers in contact with children and adolescents;
    • employees of hospitals, sanatoriums, schools and sports institutions who have constant contact with a wide audience of the population.

    There is another category of patients who are recommended to undergo examination every six months. Indications for more frequent visits to the fluorography room are:

    • HIV infection, including those diagnosed for the first time;
    • carriage of Koch bacillus or close contact with tuberculosis patients;
    • work in a tuberculosis clinic, maternity hospital or kindergarten;
    • the presence of serious chronic diseases, for example, bronchial asthma or diabetes.


    Fluorography is not performed if there are such contraindications:

    • Children's age up to 15 years. Even minimal doses of radiation provoke a decrease in immunity, making a young body susceptible to infections. In addition, fragile organs are not able to withstand any amount of radiation, which in the future may threaten the growth of cancer cells.
    • Pregnancy period. The exception is an emergency situation in which the examination is carried out for vital reasons. In such cases, fluorography is possible for a period of more than 20 weeks, when the fetus has formed internal organs. It is mandatory to comply with all precautions, in particular, the use of a protective apron to prevent irradiation of the abdominal area.
    • Breastfeeding period. It is not a strict contraindication, but if examination is necessary, it is recommended to express breast milk after the procedure. In the future, the baby is fed with a new produced portion.
    • General serious condition of the patient, in which he cannot be in vertical position.
    • Claustrophobia and other diseases accompanied by severe lack of oxygen.

    As you can see, there are no absolute contraindications to fluorography. And the listed conditions are a temporary obstacle to the examination.

    So is there any harm?

    According to statistics, the average radiation dose received by the inhabitants of the planet from natural sources, is 2.3-3.5 mSv. And this is many times more than the equivalent dose received during routine digital fluorography. Therefore, fluorography itself, as a method of annual diagnosis, is not able to cause significant harm to the body. But taking into account the general background radiation and the need to use other methods of x-ray examination, some risk is still present. True, these risks are significantly lower for those associated with the course of hidden diseases diagnosed using a fluorograph.

    The final decision whether to undergo fluorography remains with the patient. After all, according to the law, a person can refuse forced exposure to radiation even if there are certain indications for it. But first, it’s worth weighing the pros and cons of this examination method and listening to the scary statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis.

    Everyone knows about fluorography. For some reason, when you first go to the clinic, not even for a cold, the therapist forces you to undergo this procedure. Is fluorographic examination really that important? Why is it prescribed, what is visible in the picture, and whether the patient receives a dose of radiation, as well as other facts, are in this article.

    Fluorography is one of the diagnostic methods based on the properties of x-rays. They are unique. Unlike others, the X-ray beam is neither reflected nor refracted. Passing through the human body, they are absorbed by tissues to one degree or another.

    The radiation is generated in a special tube and passes in a given direction. Hard tissues (for example, bones) completely absorb them, but voids do not retain them. Soft substances, depending on their density, partially transmit the rays. The finishing point for the flow is a fluorescent screen, which, using special optics, transmits the image onto a negative film. So, bone structures are displayed on it in white, cavities in black, organs in different shades of gray. Based on the image obtained using a fluorograph, the doctor draws conclusions about the correspondence of what he saw to the x-ray anatomy of a healthy person.

    Types of fluorography

    There are two types of fluorography: film and digital. The fundamental difference between them lies in the point at which the image is captured. If in the first option it is photographic film, then in the second it is a more sensitive digital matrix.

    Classic X-ray equipment is still ubiquitous in public hospitals and clinics. But gradually more and more medical institutions equipped with modern electronic installations.

    Digital fluorography has a number of advantages compared to film:

    • excellent image detail;
    • low dose of radiation. Since the matrix is ​​more sensitive, the duration of the ray flow is reduced;
    • high performance;
    • low cost per procedure. It is worth noting here that in many clinics the price for digital diagnostics may be higher than for standard ones. This is not due to the high ongoing costs of the session, but rather to the desire of the owners to “recoup” the cost of the equipment, which, indeed, costs a lot;
    • storing and sending results in electronic form.

    Why is fluorography needed?

    The main object of fluorography is the chest area, where the condition of the lungs, heart, mammary glands, and, less often, bones is studied. This study is more likely to be a screening study than a diagnostic one. Its goal is to identify dangerous diseases on initial stages when it doesn't appear yet clinical symptoms. The method is effective for early diagnosis of tuberculosis, pneumonia, and malignant tumors.

    WITH for preventive purposes Fluorography is mandatory:

    • all citizens who have reached the age of 16 - at least once every two years;
    • patients of any medical institutions upon initial treatment;
    • people living together with a woman who is registered as pregnant, as well as with newborn children;
    • young people recruited for military service(fixed-term or contract);
    • patients with confirmed HIV.

    Unscheduled fluorography is prescribed for suspected:

    • pneumonia, pleurisy and other inflammatory processes in the lungs and surrounding organs;
    • tumor in the lungs and mediastinum;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • diseases of the lungs and coronary vessels.

    Contraindications for prescribing a fluorographic examination

    Fluorography of the lungs is considered a conditionally safe procedure. “Conditionally” - because it does not provide negative influence on the body when administered in doses. In addition, there are categories of patients for whom even a minimal dose of ionizing radiation can cause serious harm. These include:

    • pregnant women, especially in the first trimester. During this period, the embryo (later the fetus) actively grows, and the main organs and systems are formed. The child’s body is very susceptible and vulnerable. X-ray radiation can cause deviations in normal development and cause a miscarriage. An FLG examination is prescribed only in cases where the risk to the health and life of the expectant mother outweighs the potential danger to the baby. In this case, protective measures are taken - zone reproductive organs the patient is covered with a lead apron;
    • children under 14 years of age. Due to the lack of evidence of harmlessness X-ray methods diagnostics at this age, this norm is approved by law.

    Relative contraindications are considered severe shortness of breath, a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and so on). In such conditions, the patient is not able to hold his breath, which negatively affects the information content of the results. For objective reasons, the procedure is not performed if it is impossible to be in an upright position and claustrophobia.

    A session may be canceled if the total radiation dose of a particular patient has reached the permissible maximum. In such cases, they try to resort to alternative diagnostic methods.

    How to undergo fluorography

    Undergoing fluorography does not cause painful and discomfort. This is very simple procedure. No preparation is required to be admitted to it.

    Before undergoing fluorography, the patient must remove all clothing and jewelry above the waist (girls too). After this, you need to go into the booth where the X-ray will take place. You need to press your chest tightly against a special screen and place your chin on the stand. The doctor will make sure everything is done correctly.

    At the radiologist's command, you must hold your breath for a short time. This is done to obtain a static image, without artifacts. Usually the picture is taken in two projections, less often - in three.

    After the session is over, you can get dressed and leave.

    How long does fluorography take?

    Regardless of the type of fluorography (film or digital), the location of the procedure (in a public clinic or private medical center), the number of projections performed (direct, lateral, oblique, with a choice of targeted focusing), the duration of the session does not exceed several minutes. In a standard situation, when the picture is taken only in frontal and lateral projections, the scanning time is, on average, half a minute.

    Decoding the results: table

    The result of fluorography is presented in the form of a decoding, which looks like a set of codes. Each code value indicates the presence or absence of pathologies on the x-ray image. In addition to indicating the assigned code in the final report, the doctor describes the location of the identified deviation.

    A list of the most common diseases with a description of their inherent symptoms is given in the table.

    Sign of pathology in the image Pathological condition
    Foci of darkening (single or multiple) Pneumonia and other inflammatory processes, tuberculosis
    Local enlightenment Emphysema, cavities and other cavities filled with liquids or gases
    Abnormal shadows in the mediastinum (interpulmonary area) Enlarged heart, accumulation of air or fluid in the pleural cavity
    Compaction and expansion of roots (blood vessels, lymph nodes, main bronchus) Inflammation of the lungs or bronchi, accompanied by vascular swelling, enlarged lymph nodes
    Compaction of roots (without increasing their size), their heaviness Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), consequences of smoking
    Strengthening the pulmonary pattern (vascular network) Talks about increased blood circulation. Observed in heart failure, heart defects, mitral stenosis, acute inflammatory processes, cancer, after a flu or cold (normalizes after a few weeks)
    Pleuroapical layers (adhesions) Fixed in the upper part of the organs, indicating previous inflammation
    Violation of the x-ray anatomy of the sinus (voids formed in the folds of the pleura) Pleural effusion (the presence of fluid in the pleura) is a symptom of other diseases and requires additional examinations. A sealed sinus is a consequence of pleurisy, trauma, etc.
    Calcifications Tissue infection, tuberculosis, outbreak helminthic infestation, foreign body
    Fibrosis (overgrowth connective tissue, scars) Previously rescheduled inflammatory disease(pneumonia, tuberculosis), consequences surgical intervention, injuries
    Aperture offset Structural anomalies, obesity, post-traumatic or post-surgical complication

    What does fluorography show?

    Various deviations from the normal picture, which are visible as a result of fluorography in the image, allow the doctor to confirm or refute preliminary diagnosis. This method of examining the lungs is the most effective in early diagnosis tuberculosis, when typical symptoms are still absent. In addition, FLG identifies the following diseases and conditions:

    • inflammation of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy) and localization of lesions;
    • obstructive bronchial lesions;
    • fibrosis;
    • abscesses, cysts, cavities and other non-physiological cavities;
    • abnormal accumulation of infiltrate and gases in voids;
    • layering and fusion of the pleura
    • hernias and domes of the diaphragm;
    • tumors, including lung cancer;
    • the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
    • damage to bone and muscle tissue;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • age-related changes in the lungs.

    Norm and deviations on fluorography

    Assessing the results of fluorography, the doctor, first of all, makes a conclusion that the resulting picture corresponds to the norm:

    • correct location and size of the lungs, the presence of five lobes in each of them;
    • lack of fiber visualization;
    • homogeneous structure, no darkening in soft tissues and directly in the lungs;
    • clear drawing, normal size roots;
    • correct outlines of the shadow of the heart.

    Anything that does not correspond to the theses listed is a rejection. Based on the nature of the identified violations, the reasons for their occurrence are determined. So, if the roots are compacted and at the same time they are stringy, we can certainly talk about a chronic respiratory disease or the presence of addiction the patient smokes. But if the blood vessels are dense and at the same time dilated, it means that there is an acute inflammatory process. It is important to prevent its chronicity.

    Each identified formation or pathology corresponds to a code, which, after decoding the image, is indicated in the report. For example, “25” is a fluorogram of a healthy person, “5” is a pleural effusion detected, “21” is a problem in the musculoskeletal system, and “23” is a problem in the cardiovascular system.

    The initial digits of the code indicate the type of deviation, the following ones indicate its localization.

    Causes of spots

    Fluorography of the chest organs, despite its simplicity and speed, is very informative research. The spots found on the images, their shape and location, will tell the radiologist about serious (and not so serious) health problems. The causes of blackouts are:

    • pneumonia, bronchitis and other inflammatory processes;
    • foci of active tuberculosis, post-tuberculosis changes;
    • tumors (benign and malignant);
    • pleural effusion;
    • abscess;
    • damage to connective tissue due to injury;
    • natural consequences of smoking.

    The photographs are interpreted by a specialized specialist. Based on the contours, size, location and distribution of the spots, a diagnosis is made.

    Deciphering the FLG of a smoker's lungs

    Fluorography or radiography of the chest organs of a patient who is addicted to smoking de-anonymizes his bad habit. The image of a smoker's lungs differs from that of a healthy person. Characteristic markers of addiction are thickening of the lung walls and dense, stringy roots. A similar picture is observed in COPD and other chronic diseases lungs. In a smoker, unpleasant symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and similar signs may not appear.


    Fluorography can perhaps be called the most famous and popular form of diagnosis. However, there is still some misunderstanding. Let us reveal the answers to the most common questions about the well-known “stick”.

    Who makes FLG

    A referral for the procedure is usually issued by a physician. If desired, the examination can be done without a doctor's prescription.

    An x-ray technician works with a patient in a fluorography room. But fluorography is interpreted by a specialized specialist - a radiologist, pulmonologist, or phthisiatrician.

    How long is fluorography valid?

    The results of fluorography of the chest area are considered valid for 12 months. In the absence of indications, it is not recommended to undergo this radiological examination more often.

    There are categories of citizens who need to undergo a preventive FLG examination once every six months. This includes people at risk due to an increased risk of infection or development occupational diseases respiratory organs. These are medical staff of maternity hospitals and tuberculosis dispensaries, workers whose activities are associated with hazardous production (steel industry, rubber, asbestos production, mining).

    How often can fluorography be done?

    Fluorographic examination is a mandatory preventive screening aimed at early detection of tuberculosis and lung cancer. The frequency of its passage for an adult is once a calendar year, but not less than once every two years. According to the law, a citizen has the right to refuse FLG, but before making such a decision, one should be aware of all the risks and possible consequences such actions. Some citizens need to take a photo more often due to special professional conditions or health conditions.

    If the fluorogram turns out to be defective, if there is a suspicion of diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by concomitant symptoms, the doctor will refer the patient for the procedure again. There are no clear restrictions on the number of sessions allowed. It is only important not to exceed the permissible annual total radiation dose.

    At what age can you pass

    Fluorography is allowed for children only after they turn 16 years old, in some states - from 14 years old. If the danger to the life and health of the child in the absence of timely diagnosis exceeds probable risks occurrence of radiation consequences, targeted radiography of the affected area is performed, less often - FLG.

    Who needs to undergo fluorographic examination more often?

    Fluorography of the lungs should be performed every six months:

    • employees of maternity hospitals;
    • medical personnel whose activities are related to the treatment of tuberculosis patients;
    • workers employed in the mining industry;
    • citizens employed in hazardous industries - production of rubber, asbestos, steel casting and the like.

    Are X-rays wrong?

    The likelihood of obtaining unreliable results during any X-ray studies- negligible. This fact is usually associated with errors made during the scanning process; if the patient did not remain still, the image was foreign objects, such as hair or jewelry. The human factor cannot be ruled out, when the radiologist interpreting the image incorrectly interpreted the resulting picture.

    Fluorography and X-ray of the lungs - what is the difference

    Both fluorography and radiography are methods based on the properties of ionizing rays. The principle and algorithm for both procedures are the same. In both cases, the image is obtained on film or a digital matrix after the radiation beam passes through the tissue human body. The difference is that an X-ray image is a picture of the organ under study in real size, while a fluorographic image is a reduced one. This explains the differences in the radiation dose (with FLG it is lower) and the cost of the procedure (X-ray is a little more expensive, since it requires more Supplies).

    How harmful is the procedure?

    Rumors about the dangers of fluorography are greatly exaggerated. Indeed, during the session the patient is exposed to radioactive radiation, but its dose is so small that it is not capable of causing damage to his health. Much more dangerous may be the consequences of refusing to do such a procedure every year.

    After fluorography, the patient does not experience any discomfort, nothing hurts.

    Radiation dose

    In accordance with the requirements set out in the Resolution of the Chief State Physician of Russia, the annual permissible dose of radiation exposure to the body during medical procedures should not exceed 1 mSv. During fluorography, the patient is exposed to radiation in the following doses (depending on the type of equipment used):

    • film FLG on old-style devices – 0.6-0.8 mSv;
    • film FLG using modern technology – 0.15-0.25 mSv;
    • digital FLG - 0.03-0.06 mSv, with the latest equipment - approximately 0.002 mSv.

    For reference, critical dose the received radiation is 700 mSv.

    FLH during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Pregnancy is a period when X-ray examinations can really cause harm. Its passage is especially dangerous in the first trimester, which is characterized by processes active growth, bookmarks of the main organs and systems. At this time, intensive cell division of the embryo occurs, and ionizing radiation is a factor that provokes the occurrence of mutations.

    For women carrying a child, fluorography is prescribed in extreme cases, when there are no alternative, safer diagnostic methods, and the threat to the health and life of the mother if it is not carried out exceeds the risks to the baby. In this case, it is necessary to use additional protective equipment in the form of a lead apron covering the area of ​​the patient’s reproductive organs.

    Fluorography does not affect the quality of mother's milk, so lactation is not considered a contraindication.

    The lungs are important body For human life. Thanks to their work, the body is saturated with oxygen. If inflammation occurs in the lungs, or diseases appear that do not go away long time, the doctor may prescribe a lung fluorography procedure.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" Lung research" width="640" height="480"> !}

    The lungs are an important organ for human life.

    Chest fluorography is a way to examine the condition of the lungs. It is carried out using x-rays. X-rays pass through the lung tissue, and after that, thanks to fluorescent particles, the image is transferred to a special film. Today, this procedure is carried out quite often, but many experts believe that it does not carry too much information, so if there is alternative methods studies, they are necessarily offered to the patient.

    Fluorography reveals changes in the normal structure of the lungs and can show the progression of the disease. Since all organs in a person have their own structure, they appearance will differ from each other in the picture. The lungs in such a picture appear light; if there are deviations or inflammations, then darkening or clouding of the overall pattern may be visible.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" Snapshot of the lungs" width="640" height="480"> !}

    Chest fluorography is a way to examine the condition of the lungs

    You can also determine the deviation if the area on the lungs is too highlighted. This may indicate another pathology. It is believed that during FLG the radiation is lower than that generated from sunlight. Most often, the highest radiation occurs when summer is in full swing. The sun is hot enough that most people are outside without thinking about the consequences. Therefore, if we compare fluorography and solar radiation, we can say with confidence that fluorography is much safer than sunlight.

    Indications for fluorography of the lungs

    A healthy person needs to visit a fluorography office once a year. This is necessary in order to avoid the progression or occurrence of lung diseases. Diagnostics x-ray radiation indicated for people with long-term and chronic diseases, for example, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="View image" width="640" height="480"> !}

    A healthy person needs to visit a fluorography office once a year

    Also, once every six months, employees of maternity hospitals, medical institutions or other medical enterprises. There is a need to undergo the study for people with HIV, diabetes, asthma, as well as for people who have been in prison for even a short period of time.

    A pulmonary scan will allow you to detect the disease and begin its treatment as early as possible. If any family member is diagnosed with tuberculosis, everyone must undergo testing and undergo it every 6 months until the disease is minimized.

    Another indication for fluorography may be the presence of any foreign body in the lungs. People called up to serve in the army must undergo such a study. Fluorography is prescribed if any disease of the lung tissue is suspected, as well as if there is a suspicion of lung cancer or a cyst.

    It is important to remember that any indication for undergoing this procedure must come from a specialist.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" Tuberculosis" width="640" height="480"> !}

    The procedure is mandatory for those people who live in the same area as a pregnant woman or small child.

    Contraindications to fluorography of the lungs

    This procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy for more than 6 months. The exception is in cases of urgent need and doctor's permission. Fluorographic examination is prohibited for children under 15 years of age. In other cases, the appointment of fluorography is discussed with the doctor. Despite the fact that this procedure is simple, you should not neglect the prohibitions. A relative contraindication can be considered the period of lactation in a woman. Basically, the doctor offers alternative fluorography options; if these are not available, it is better to refuse breastfeeding for a certain period of time. It is better for patients with a pacemaker to inform their doctor about its presence.

    How does the procedure work?

    In order to undergo a lung examination, no special preparation is required. It is enough to remove all metal jewelry and underwear if there are bones in it. You need to remove clothes up to the waist from the top. Men are allowed to undergo examination in a T-shirt. After this, the patient receives an apron to avoid harmful rays from reaching other organs and approaches a special screen. You need to press your chest against this screen and place your chin on the stand. On the doctor’s command, you need to take a deep breath and not exhale for a short period of time. At this moment, the doctor takes a picture. This procedure only takes a couple of seconds, after which you can get ready and wait for the result. The results of the analysis will be valid throughout the year if there are no deviations.

    This method of examining the lungs can be considered safe if carried out correctly. It is important to warn the doctor about the presence of diseases that require refusal to undergo fluorography. You should also make sure that the specialist will provide you with a special apron that will prevent waves from hitting other parts of the body.

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Bronchoadenitis" width="640" height="480"> !}

    Infiltrative bronchoadenitis

    This is necessary not only for safety, but also to avoid changing the result due to the influence of other parts and the presence of metal parts on clothing.

    What does fluorography show?

    When receiving an image, you should not try to determine the presence of diseases on it. Only a doctor can decipher the result. But if the image is uniform, without clouding, without dark or light spots, you can calmly wait for the image to be decrypted. An unmistakable lung fluorography procedure can show the presence of cancer, tuberculosis, inflammatory processes, adhesions, presence of foreign bodies in lung tissue. Fluorography can show bronchitis and pneumonia. It is important to remember that if such a test shows cancer or tuberculosis disease, don't panic. For precise setting diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis and undergo a more complete examination. If the doctor sees fibrosis of the lung tissue in the image, then the patient must immediately give up the bad habit of smoking. Otherwise, such a person will face an unfavorable outcome of this disease; fibrosis is generally considered a disease that precedes cancer.

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    When receiving an image, you should not try to determine the presence of diseases on it.

    Transcript of the study

    In order to have at least a minimal understanding of fluorography, it is important to know in what cases and how the pathology is shown in the image. First of all, a healthy person has a photo of the lungs with a smooth outline without dark or light spots. If the film was not damaged and the person did not move during the procedure, spots and marks indicate pathologies. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations if he or she recommends taking the photo again. Basically, stains can be the result of movement and malfunction of the film on which the design is applied.

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    It is important to take into account the fact that the patient should not independently determine the presence of pathology. This procedure is best left to the doctor. There is no need to once again look for spots in your photo and project them onto diseases. Only an experienced specialist can determine the presence of the disease and prescribe treatment.

    How often can fluorography of the lungs be done?

    A question that interests many patients is: how many times a year can fluorography be done. It has several answers.

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    Fluorographic image of the lungs

    Carrying out this study allowed healthy people as preventive actions once every 12 months. For people who are at risk or have lung diseases, testing can be scheduled every 6 months.

    For those who are interested in how long fluorography is valid, the answer is ambiguous. For patients who need to undergo fluorography every six months, the result is valid for 6 months. For others, the duration of the effect is exactly one year. Many people are at risk. Therefore, it is best to discuss the issue of conducting such a study with your doctor. Taking care of your health is necessary for every person; it should not depend on the presence of worries. Everyone who wants to maintain their health needs to undergo timely examination. An annual survey won't do any harm. to the human body, so no need to worry about exposure. It is recommended to follow all doctor’s instructions in the presence of pathologies shown on the lung image. Then it will be possible to get rid of the disease much faster and lead a full life. And it is very important - it is better to quit smoking in order not to provoke the body to relapse of diseases.