Diseases of the labia minora. Inflammation of the labia minora: features of symptoms. Causes of irritation on the labia

Redness of the labia is an alarming sign that worries many representatives of the fair sex. Redness in the intimate area can signal an infection or an emerging inflammatory process, and therefore should not be ignored. Very often, reddened spots on the skin are accompanied by itching, burning, and irritation, which bring the woman significant discomfort. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse - from improper hygiene to diseases of internal organs that require immediate treatment.

Causes of redness of the genitals

Redness of the labia can occur in both young girls and women during the period of natural decline of reproductive function. There are several main factors that can provoke pathology:

  • Genital herpes virus - with this disease, reddened spots and itching in the intimate area are noted. Small red spots form on the affected areas of the skin, which rapidly increase in size, forming painful ulcers filled with fluid and erosions.
  • The cause of the pathology may be vaginal candidiasis. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms: redness of the labia, itching, burning. A woman may experience thick vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency. With candidiasis, discomfort increases noticeably during urination or menstruation, playing sports, or during sexual intercourse. Candidiasis most often develops after prolonged use of antibiotics or other medications, as well as a general decrease in the level of the body's defenses.
  • Frequent causes of the appearance of red spots on the surface of the external genitalia are vulvitis, vaginitis or vulvovaginitis - an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs or the entire vulva. Itching, red spots, burning - all this can signal the development of inflammation.
  • Redness of the intimate area may be a sign of bartholinitis, an inflammatory disease that develops in the area of ​​the Bartholin gland, located at the entrance to the vagina. Itching, burning and red spots on the skin of the external genitalia are the main symptoms of bartholinitis.
  • Many sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves as itching and redness in the perineal area. This could be trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or other diseases. Such infections are characterized by the appearance of copious discharge with a sharp, unpleasant odor, irritation, and pain in the intimate area.
  • Gardnerellosis is a gynecological disease caused by the pathogenic microorganism Gardnerella. The main signs of the disease are redness of the reproductive organs, irritation, and the appearance of grayish, whitish or light green discharge.

Other causes of redness of the labia

It is worth noting that itching and irritation in the perineal area are not always associated with diseases. There are other factors that can cause this pathology:

  • Insufficient hygiene of the external genitalia, an allergic reaction as a result of the use of soap or other cosmetic preparations for intimate hygiene that disrupt the normal microflora of the vagina.
  • In some cases, an allergic reaction can be caused by wearing sanitary tampons, pads, and synthetic underwear.
  • Underwear should be strictly selected in size - you should not constantly wear narrow, tight panties. For everyday wear, purchase a high-quality product made from natural cotton fabric that is breathable and allows the intimate area to “breathe.”
  • Common allergens are condoms, intimate gels or special barrier contraceptives. They can also cause redness of the labia. In this case, you should contact your gynecologist to select another method of contraception.

Treatment of redness of the labia

The tactics for treating irritation of the labia depends entirely on the cause of the pathology. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist; you may also need to consult a venereologist or dermatologist. A woman will need to undergo tests that will help determine the cause of the appearance of red spots in the bikini area.

If the redness is allergic in nature, you should avoid the allergen - synthetic tight underwear, wearing scented pads or using perfumed cosmetics. It is also better to limit your sexual activity for a while. If irritation of the intimate area is caused by the use of a condom or other means of local contraception, you should contact your gynecologist to choose a different contraceptive method.

Don't forget about regular hygiene procedures. You need to wash the genital area at least twice a day. For washing, you can use special products for intimate hygiene, as well as decoctions of medicinal herbs. But you should also be extremely careful with herbs - they can cause an allergic reaction to the sensitive mucous membrane of the perineum. It is best to use decoctions of medicinal herbs after consultation with a gynecologist.

Inflammation of the labia minora, like the labia majora, is a problem of the external female genitalia. This is how vulvitis most often manifests itself. Usually the labia minora become inflamed in combination with the vagina or urethra. Inflammation of the Bartholin glands, which are located in the area of ​​the minor lips, occurs less frequently.

The first symptoms of such inflammation are pain, itching, not only during sexual intercourse, urination, walking, but also in a calm state. In addition, inflammation may appear along with redness, swelling, or thickening of the skin.

Inflammation of the labia minora - causes

Experts say the most common cause is infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. The pathogens rapidly begin to multiply due to the patient’s failure to comply with genital hygiene.

Fungal infections are usually associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives or regular use of a swimming pool. Illness during menstruation or immediately before it can be caused by activation of the simplex virus.

Inflammation of the labia minora can also be the result of an allergic reaction to aerosols or products used when washing underwear. In addition, among the reasons may be a general disease of the woman’s body, which is closely related to certain metabolic disorders.

To prevent vulvitis, you should remember simple rules:

  • panties should be loose and absorb moisture well;
  • daily hygiene of the external genitalia is necessary;
  • It is advisable to have sexual intercourse using condoms.

Mechanism of disease development

If an infection enters the excretory flow of a large gland, inflammation develops and a purulent mucous secretion is released. If the inflammatory process is chronic, the walls of the excretory stream become denser.

Treatment of inflammation of the labia minora with traditional remedies

Treatment of the disease is prescribed only by a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the reason that led to the inflammation of the labia minora (whether it is an infection or a mechanical effect).

First of all, you need to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. You need to change your underwear every day. Avoid clothes that are too tight and tight, wearing which can aggravate the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that if the labia minora are inflamed, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse (as a last resort, you should use a condom).

To relieve the unpleasant phenomena that accompany inflammation, regularly take sitz baths with the addition of chamomile or bran. Cold compresses are also very effective.

It is very important to keep your external genitalia dry during treatment. Remember that if the symptoms of inflammation do not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. Otherwise, serious complications may occur. The specialist will examine the labia minora and determine the causative agent of the infection. If the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are usually prescribed.

As for fungal diseases, vaginal suppositories and special ointments are used in their treatment. If the inflammation is viral in nature, the doctor prescribes a certain ointment or removes growths caused by the virus (that is, condylomas).

Treatment with traditional medicine

There are also folk remedies that will help get rid of inflammation of the labia minora. You should wash your genitals with carbolic soap several times a day. It is recommended to add a little potassium carbonate to the water for washing.

There is another method, according to which it is necessary to apply compresses made of lead water or a cloth soaked with boric vaseline to the site of inflammation. Regular washing with silver water also has a good effect. Remember that all these methods should not replace traditional treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Possible complications

If treatment is not started in time, inflammation of the Bartholin gland tissue may occur. Such an abscess occurs in an acute form with an increase in body temperature. You can observe painful sensations in the labia minora area even at rest.

As for hyperemia, they become diffuse in nature, that is, not only the genital organs themselves are affected, but also the inguinal folds. In some cases, the inflammation spreads to the inner thighs. At the same time, the inguinal lymph nodes enlarge.

Thus, timely contact with a specialist will help get rid of inflammation of the labia minora and prevent the development of complications. You can prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process by observing the rules of intimate hygiene.

Very often, the cause of irritation of the labia is either vulvovaginitis - inflammatory processes that affect the lips themselves and the vaginal mucosa. The occurrence of diseases is explained by trauma to the mucous membrane with subsequent infection caused by wearing dirty underwear, touching with unwashed hands or accumulated secretions.

Irritation of the labia may be a consequence of a fungal infection caused by the activity of candida fungi. The impetus for the development of the disease could have been the use of antibiotics and the use of local action, which disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

If the cause of irritation of the labia is candidiasis (), antifungal drugs will be prescribed. For vaginal dysbiosis, the goal of treatment is to restore normal microflora.

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands located in the vestibule of the vagina, also accompanied by irritation of the labia. The function of healthy Bartholin glands is to secrete secretions, but when they are damaged, the excretory duct becomes blocked and the labia minora become inflamed.

Gardnerellosis is another genital disease, the symptom of which is irritation of the labia. Triggered by the pathogenic gardnerella, the pathology is accompanied by gray-green mucous discharge with a characteristic smell of rotten fish. It is these secretions that become a source of irritation.

What can you do to relieve irritation of the labia at home?

You should never self-medicate. If any changes occur in the intimate area, you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition to prescribing treatment, he may recommend following a certain diet that excludes alcohol, hot, spicy and fatty foods and other foods.

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Herpes is a disease that has a wavy course. As a rule, the period of exacerbation is characterized by itching and burning of the genitals. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the herpes virus from the body. Even with modern and competent treatment, the threat of relapse always exists.

Fungal skin disease - athlete's foot. It is often transmitted through care items: oilcloths, sponges, washcloths, etc. In this case, treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician after a complete diagnosis of the patient’s condition.

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal inflammatory disease. It affects the mucous membranes and skin, genitourinary and other (nervous, digestive, respiratory) systems. In women, the external genitalia and vagina are affected. Currently, there is a huge choice for the treatment of this disease. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.

Skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis, also often cause itching in the genitals. They are characterized by a chronic and persistent course, affecting areas of the skin. Treatment of skin diseases includes inpatient and physiotherapeutic treatment, regimen, antihistamines.

Pediculosis pubis can be transmitted both during sexual contact and through underwear and bed linen. To treat this disease, special sprays, shampoos and ointments are used.

Scabies is a disease that occurs when scabies is introduced into the skin. It occurs with severe itching. Scabies does not go away on its own. That is why complex treatment of the disease is necessary, which can be prescribed by the attending physician.

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Questions and answers on: inflammation of the labia minora

2014-02-28 07:46:47

Anna asks:

Periodically, itching occurs and painful inflammation of the labia minora occurs. There is no discharge or unpleasant odor. At first, I noticed a connection between the use of scented personal care products and the occurrence of troubles. I excluded these household items, but still, itching appears periodically. The tests are normal, the vaginal cleanliness is second.

Answers Irkha Lina Sergeevna:

An analysis for hidden infections (femoflor screen) is necessary, and during an exacerbation - bacterial culture of the discharge. This condition is possible with other diseases: diabetes mellitus, helminthic infestation, hormonal disorders; during menopause: atrophic vulvitis. It is necessary to look for the reason.

2014-11-04 16:34:06

Natalya asks:

Hello, please help!
The labia minora itch, and crumbly and sometimes cheesy discharge began to appear from the vagina.
what to do, there is no redness or inflammation
Thank you for your attention!

2013-01-13 17:46:09

Olga asks:

Hello. I recently had sexual intercourse with my first and regular partner during my period (1st day). On the 2nd or 3rd day I started urinating frequently. Further, between the labia minora, some kind of inflammation appeared in the form of a relief surface. What could it be?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

To make a diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, examination and examination are necessary. Come for an appointment at the antenatal clinic.

2010-07-24 15:59:27

Ekaterina asks:

During the first sexual intercourse with a young man, we did not use a condom; it was interrupted sexual intercourse. Subsequent acts soon followed, although I read that girls are advised to abstain for several days after losing their virginity. A few days later, itching appeared, a small rash on the inside of the labia minora, slight inflammation, and discharge with an unpleasant odor. Later the discharge became curd-like, and then everything went away. What could it be? The partner also had itching, rash, redness, mild inflammation - everything went away, but he still had a whitish discharge with an unpleasant odor. Can this go away without medication? Thank you in advance!

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Ekaterina! Itching, rash and discharge with an unpleasant odor are signs of an infectious and inflammatory process in the genitals, which cannot go away on its own. Moreover, if left untreated, the inflammatory process will enter a chronic stage, when conventional treatment may be ineffective; additional medications that affect the functioning of the immune system will be required, as well as repeated courses of antibacterial drugs. And it’s not a fact that massive therapy will rid you of the infectious agent forever. Therefore, it is necessary to get examined as soon as possible - both you and your partner. The gynecologist and urologist will prescribe treatment, after which it will be necessary to undergo a re-examination, which should confirm the fact of cure. And only after this will it be possible to return to regular sex life. Take care of your health!

2010-01-14 16:58:18

Elena asks:

Hello! About three years ago, after hypothermia, there was a severe exacerbation of chronic disease. metroendometritis and salpingoophoritis. Various antibiotics and suppositories were prescribed. Complaints included nagging pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, spotting and bloody discharge after menstruation. But despite the treatment, nothing went away. I ate a lot of medicine. Since the pain and discharge persisted, I was prescribed physical therapy, laser-magnetic therapy (sorry if I wrote the name incorrectly). The pain has decreased, but the discharge remains. I couldn’t take any more antibiotics because I developed pancreatitis. She underwent examinations more than once, including smears for viruses using the PCR method, but nothing was found. After such a long treatment, I had the following problem: during my menstruation, ulcers began to appear on my labia, on
small, that is, on the mucous membrane of the labia. Painful. At first it was internal, then an abscess appeared and opened, and gradually everything went away. And this happens almost every month. The abscesses were sometimes very small, sometimes larger and very painful, each time in different places, but each time on the mucous membrane of the labia minora. I visited the doctors when the abscess appeared, they said that it was not bartholinitis or herpes. And at the time the abscesses appeared, I was also in the hospital and underwent various tests, including culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics from three points, and smears using the PCR method. PCR tests were always negative for viruses; in culture they found: Enterococcus sp 10* 8 CFU/tamp, Escherichia coli 10* 7 CFU/tamp, once they also found Staphylococcus haemolyticus 10* 6 CFU/tamp, in the urethra. They prescribed antibiotics to which she was sensitive, various suppositories such as polyzhenax, terzhinan, betadine, etc., drank polybacteriophages. The vagina was treated with furatsilin when she was in the hospital. Myself
and the gynecologist prescribed various immunomodulators, geneferon, which gave me slight urticaria and fever, cycloferon, imunomax. But everything repeated itself again. After treatment, nothing appeared for a couple of months, and then again. . Sometimes they even began to appear not during menstruation, but in the second phase of the cycle. Before another abscess appears in that place, itching begins. The last time I injected an antibiotic was about 4 months ago, the doctor, after another culture and a complaint about an abscess, prescribed me an antibiotic to which I was sensitive, but told me to inject it during menstruation, because during the examination she did not find inflammation, the appendages and uterus were painless. She also prescribed Klion D suppositories, and then Acylact. So, against the background of acylact, two abscesses came out for me, for some reason. I also visited the immunologist more than once. One immunologist, after looking at the immunogram, prescribed me polyoxidonium. A year passed, I went to the Institute of Immunology and another doctor looked at a fresh immunogram and said to inject Galavit, which is what I am doing now. And she said that Derinat intravaginally gives very good results for 10 days. Now I just inject Derinat into my vagina with a syringe, at night and in the morning. The immunologist herself said that she does not see immunodeficiency as such,
There are of course changes, but minor ones. Diagnosis: In the immune status, there are signs of decreased T-cell protection, inhibition of G and A. immunoglobulin production. She said that I have a decrease in immunity, which is responsible for the mucous membranes. Half a month ago, before my period, an abscess popped up again, I couldn’t stand it and without a doctor I bought dalacin in suppositories. I inserted three candles that were in the package. My period started, so I didn’t do anything else. A week after my period, I took a flora test and a flora culture.
V - Epithelium of the flat surface layer. Leukocytes - single in the field of view. Microflora -
lactomorphotypes in moderate quantities. Gram (+) cocci in scanty quantities.
C - Strands of mucus. Columnar epithelial cells. Surface squamous epithelium
layer. Leukocytes - 2 - 4 in the field of vision. Microflora - the same, in smaller quantities.
U-Cells of vaginal and urethral epithelium. Leukocytes - single in
drug. The microflora is the same as in \"V\", in smaller quantities.
Trichomonas were not detected. Gonococci were not found.


1 - 10^8 KOE/tamp Enterococcus sp.
2 - 10^8 KOE/tamp Escherichia coli
A comment
S - sensitive.
R - stable.
I - moderately stable.
Microscopic picture:
The epithelium is flat on the surface layer.
Leukocytes - single in the field of view.
Microflora - gram (-) rods, gram (+) cocci in moderate

Sowing for flora and AC


I’m very tired of this; I can’t have a normal sex life with my husband. It's just scary. Because, on top of everything else, it happened to me several times - when, apparently, these bacteria were present in the vagina and I had sex, using a condom, then after gentle intercourse, cystitis began the next day. Yes, and also, my husband also took a smear test. But everything is fine with him, and we’ve been having sex for three years now, while all this continues for me, we only have sex with condoms. Blood tests, including sugar tests, were always normal. Please advise what I should do, what else to examine or how to treat. Now pustules appear not only during menstruation((. I’m so tired. Sincerely, Elena

Answers Bogdanov Vladimir Konstantinovich:

Good afternoon. You did not indicate what specialty you were treated by. Such diseases must be treated in a gynecological hospital. Both husband and wife need to be examined at the same time. The test results you provided (and even then incomplete) force us to suspect a change in the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system (dysbacteriosis). The primary cause of inflammation could be any infectious agent (up to the tuberculosis bacillus). First of all, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of STIs (infections transmitted primarily through sexual contact). Of these: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, gardnerelosis, cytomegalovirus infection,
herpetic infection, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, donovanosis, gonorrhea and even syphilis, chancroid, donovanosis, genital warts, molluscum contagiosum. Damage to the mucous membranes can also occur with some non-infectious skin diseases. Therefore, no correspondence consultation can replace an examination in a dermatovenerological clinic. The leading institution dealing with diseases that are predominantly sexually transmitted is the Kharkov Research Institute of Dermatovenerology
(Chernyshevsky St.).
Consultations with Dr. Bogdanov are by appointment only: 0662237871.

2009-12-05 22:23:21

Sveta asks:

Many small pustules were found on the labia minora (white, painless, with no inflammation around them). Pain in the lower abdomen and white discharge appeared. Maybe it's a coincidence, but they appeared after I had a cold. What could it be?

Answers Vengarenko Victoria Anatolevna:

Sveta, you need to take a smear to see the nature of the discharge, and pustules may indicate reduced immunity after a cold, but if everything is normal in the smear, then you need to take a course of immunomodulators. Quite suitable:
cycloferon 0.25 mg 7 after 48 hours or neovir 0.25 ml intramuscularly 7 after 48 hours. Viferon 1 million per day in the rectum for 10 days or suppositories with methyluracil, 1 at night for 10 days.

2009-11-09 21:00:18

Olesya asks:

Hello, I am 23 years old - I have not given birth or had an abortion. My husband and I haven’t been able to get pregnant for about a year. The doctor discovered a cyst on the right ovary. Ultrasound findings - a fluid cyst (possibly endometrioid or inflammatory in nature), also said that there is a slight inflammation in the cervix. Smears showed that there are no infections, but there is some kind of inflammation (they didn’t specify it for me.) The uterus is normal. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland - the gland is normal (but on the verge of going beyond normal limits.) I was prescribed treatment - sodium thiosulfate (30% - 10.0 per 10 days), AHT 5.0 10.0 10 days, nerviplex (3 .0 IM 5 days) alternate with Naklofen (3.0 IM 5 days). And according to the prescription, the pharmacy prepared a solution for tampons - dimexide 20.0; furatsilin 20.0; novocaine 0.5% -20.0; pinecellin 1.0; analgin 4.0; Diphenhydramine 2.0. I use tampons at night and they cause terrible swelling of the labia minora and strong cheesy discharge, is this normal or should I stop using it? And why exactly was this prescribed to me?
In the instructions for the drugs that inject, I did not find a prescription specifically for the cyst and at first I was upset, but then I read your answers and realized that maybe the doctor was of the opinion that the cyst arose due to inflammation and by curing it we will cure the cyst? :) In general, I wanted your opinion on the appointment. I also have a question - if the cyst is only on the right ovary, will I not get pregnant most likely due to inflammation (after all, the left ovary seems to be normal)? And how can you determine what kind of cyst it is, using what tests? I really hope for your advice! Thank you very much in advance!!!

Answers Bystrov Leonid Alexandrovich:

Hello, Olesya! Firstly, this is the so-called. "talk" for vaginal tampons, this method of treatment is from the past, but some doctors love it, although today there are more modern and easy-to-use methods for local treatment. It is often possible to determine the nature of the cyst using ultrasound, especially if the study is carried out in several cycles. A possible cause of your infertility is impaired patency of the fallopian tubes (as a result of inflammation of the uterine appendages). In general, I would recommend that you contact the Donetsk Regional Center for Maternal and Child Health, they will certainly help you and provide qualified assistance.

2008-09-19 10:33:06

Nick asks:

After menstruation, the labia minora began to itch, a solution of borax in glycerin did not help much this time, there was no cheesy discharge, instead it was spotting - perhaps they were associated with emergency contraceptive pills, the itching almost calmed down on the 5th day, but the mucous membrane itself was very inflamed, it was very painful go to the toilet. Tell me how to temporarily relieve inflammation and pain on the labia minora, because... I can see a gynecologist only in 3 days. Is it possible to anoint with sea buckthorn oil or chloramphenicol + methyluracil + polyethylene oxide ointment?

Answers Zlamanets Vasily Iosifovich.

When you contact us, we provide discounts.

Which doctor should I contact: to the gynecologist.

Inflammatory processes in a woman’s genital organs are a serious reason to contact a gynecologist for help. Inflammation of the labia causes many problems for women. It would seem that you probably need to apply some cream and everything will go away, but this is far from the case.
Before taking any action, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination, take tests, and identify the cause of the inflammatory process of the labia.

Causes of inflammation of the labia

Inflammation of the labia is designated by the medical term - vulvitis. The causes of vulvitis are varied, but most often inflammation occurs as a result of infection with an STD, due to wearing dirty underwear, poor genital hygiene, masturbation, or wearing tight or synthetic underwear. Signs of vulvitis are unpleasant sensations in the labia area - itching, desire to scratch, redness, swelling, rush of blood to the labia, burning, pain when walking and urinating. Often there is inflammation of the labia minora and majora, the appearance of a yellowish-green leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor.

It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary vulvitis. Most often, vulvitis occurs in children and elderly women, since a child can touch the genitals with dirty hands, without thinking that inflammation is possible, and elderly women often neglect personal hygiene due to their health.

The development of vulvitis is also promoted by general diseases (diabetes, ovarian hypofunction, obesity, etc.), mechanical stress, helminthiasis (pinworms), the presence of genitourinary fistulas and cystitis, irritation of the genital organs with chemicals at work, irrational use of antibiotics and other drugs.
Secondary vulvitis occurs with diabetes mellitus, genitourinary and enterogenital fistulas, with irritation of the external genitalia by pathological discharge from the cervix and vagina due to endocervicitis and colpitis.

First of all, the treatment of vulvitis consists of maintaining genital hygiene and temporarily abstaining from sexual intercourse. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wear underwear that is appropriate to your size, and temporarily refrain from wearing tight synthetic underwear, tight trousers or jeans, and elastic tights.

It is necessary to carefully maintain the cleanliness of the genitals during menstrual flow.

To treat vulvitis, the gynecologist will prescribe:
- local anti-inflammatory therapy;
- medications to correct the immune status;
- treatment of concomitant extragenital diseases.

Washing (rinsing) the labia with tinctures of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect also gives a good effect in the treatment of vulvitis. It is also possible to wash with silver water 2 - 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment for vulvitis depends on the stage of the disease, the extent of the inflammatory process, the effectiveness of the drugs and treatment methods used, as well as the patient’s compliance with the gynecologist’s recommendations.

If the immune system is severely weakened, treatment may take longer than with normal protective properties of the immune system.

If vulvitis periodically occurs again, that is, a relapse occurs, then you need to reconsider your lifestyle and change your underwear.

If you need a consultation with a gynecologist, treatment of vulvitis or a preventive examination by a gynecologist, call the numbers listed on the website.