Do I need to soak chanterelles before cooking? How long should you cook chanterelle mushrooms before frying? How long to cook chanterelles before frying - the secrets of housewives. Fried chanterelle recipe

The taste of fried mushrooms, their incomparable aroma, is familiar to many almost from childhood, especially to people living in forest areas or who have the opportunity to go mushroom hunting every year. And this, believe me, is a very exciting activity that requires attentiveness and other skills. Bringing nutritious and healthy gifts of nature from which you can prepare a great variety of delicious dishes. Often the whole family, in full, so to speak, goes for mushrooms. So this pastime is very popular as an active recreation. Moreover, you spend the whole day in nature, in clean air, in the forest!


Mushrooms sometimes live up to their popular name 100%! So the chanterelles are aptly and accurately named: their appearance really looks like the curled tails of the animal of the same name. In addition, this type of mushroom is one of the cleanest environmentally (of course, provided that they do not grow somewhere in an industrial zone or on a highway, but in natural conditions, in the forest). They do not absorb any harmful substances, as some other mushrooms do, on occasion replenishing their tissues with almost the entire periodic table from the soil and surrounding atmosphere.

Do you need to boil chanterelles before frying?

This question is directly related to the previous popular belief (we don’t know how scientifically confirmed it is, though). Do you need to boil chanterelles before frying? In fact, professional chefs recommend boiling any mushrooms, just in case, at least a little before the main preparation: baking, frying (sometimes even changing the water several times - for some types). This is done, again, for the purposes of human safety. After all, people have long known that these gifts of the forest are capable of being saturated with substances from the environment and the soils on which they grow. That is why it is not recommended to carry out mushroom hunting in places with poor ecology. Do you need to boil chanterelles before frying? It is difficult to give a definite answer. After all, traditionally for some types of mushrooms, which include champignons, porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and chanterelles, additional heat treatment may not be carried out if the mushrooms are fresh, just picked.

Fried chanterelles

Do you need to boil chanterelles before frying? If you are really afraid of being poisoned by forest delicacies (and people constantly hear horror stories about how in some hot years even non-poisonous mushrooms acquire the signs and properties of poisonous ones), then to be on the safe side you can boil them, but you also need to do this wisely and without excessive extremism. Of course, you will not cause any harm to the mushrooms themselves, but their taste and attractive appearance may suffer.

How long to cook?

So, how long to cook chanterelles before frying (secrets of experienced cooks):

  1. Neither dried nor frozen, these mushrooms are boiled before frying - only fresh, recently picked ones.
  2. Before cooking, you should carefully sort out the chanterelles and inspect them carefully. We leave them clean, without barrels, damage or stains. We cut out the rot.
  3. An important step is washing the mushrooms. Often, dirt, sand, and even insects can accumulate on forest mushrooms (especially under the caps). Therefore, it is necessary to wash them very, very carefully, literally each of the fungi, in running, without strong pressure, cool water. It is best to do this under an ordinary kitchen faucet. And also the secret of experienced housewives, who often have experience dealing with mushrooms: we fill a bowl with water at room temperature, pour the mushrooms collected in the forest into it and soak for several hours in a row. During this time, all the dirt that has dried on the forest inhabitants will become limp, and unnecessary organisms that have found shelter there will float to the surface. After soaking, drain the water, and wash the mushrooms in running water and clean them. And by the way, some people on the question of whether it is necessary to boil chanterelles before frying, at this stage already put an end to it, immediately sending the mushrooms to the frying pan. But you and I decided to move on.
  4. Therefore, we take a saucepan, put the already peeled mushrooms in it and fill it with water so that it covers them completely (there is approximately twice as much liquid as chanterelles). Add a whole onion and bay leaves to the pan. As soon as the water boils, cook over low heat for no more than 15-20 minutes, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  5. After cooking, place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with cold water. Then you can fry the resulting semi-finished product.

However, it should still be noted that some people, when asked whether it is necessary to boil chanterelle mushrooms before frying, choose a negative answer, frying them immediately after washing, arguing that this way the taste and beneficial properties are better preserved when preparing the dish.

Fried mushrooms are an amazing dish, the taste of which is well known to many since childhood. It is especially often prepared by those who live near the forest or have the opportunity to go on a “quiet hunt”.

If there is a forest nearby, you like to find the gifts of nature, and besides, you understand mushrooms - you simply cannot find a better pastime for an adult or the whole family. Active recreation, the opportunity to breathe clean forest air - what could be more beneficial for health? Mushroom dishes are no less useful, but in order for their beneficial components to be preserved in their entirety during heat treatment, you need to know how to prepare them correctly.

For example, do you need to cook mushrooms, and if so, how long should you cook the chanterelles before frying?

A little about chanterelles

Surely, the first thing you will think about when you find a chanterelle among the foliage is that the mushroom really looks like the tail of a red-haired prankster. They are really adorable, these little yellow mushrooms.

These are the cleanest mushrooms in ecological terms, but we are not talking about chanterelles growing near highways and industrial enterprises. They do not accumulate heavy metals and almost all elements of the periodic table, like, for example, oyster mushrooms, and if you add to this excellent taste and amazing aroma, then it becomes clear why these mushrooms are so popular.

They are not difficult to prepare; experienced housewives believe that these are the easiest mushrooms to prepare.

Do I need to boil chanterelles before frying?

Experienced chefs recommend that almost all mushrooms be subjected to slight heat treatment before frying. For some mushrooms, it may even be a good idea to change the water several times. Why not, because everyone tries to protect themselves, and a mushroom is a complex thing, fraught with many mysteries. As we have already said, mushrooms are considered natural accumulators, so they should be collected only in environmentally friendly areas. If you are not sure of this, then the issue of cooking mushrooms should be taken with particular seriousness.

Is it necessary to cook chanterelles? It is difficult to give a clear answer to this question. Most likely, yes, although for champignons, saffron milk caps, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles this procedure is not mandatory.

If the mushrooms are cooked before frying, you will be much calmer. But if you cook them this way, the aroma will be slightly weaker, and the taste will hardly change. And boiled chanterelles look less attractive than those that are immediately fried. Therefore, in order not to spoil the future dish, you need to cook the mushrooms correctly.

How long does it take to cook chanterelles?

Many people are interested in the question - what if you want to cook dried or frozen chanterelles? Let’s say right away that there is no need to cook frozen or dried chanterelles; this only applies to those mushrooms that you brought from the forest.

So, you have a basket of mushrooms in front of you, where to start?

  • The mushrooms need to be sorted out, carefully inspecting each of them. Remove garbage and those that cause you doubt. Leaves are removed from the chanterelles, conifer needles, rot, and other damage are cut off with a knife.
  • Mushrooms are washed with running water, turning each cap down, since it is under it that dirt, bacteria and microorganisms can accumulate.
  • Experienced housewives, if the mushrooms are dirty, advise pouring them in a basin with water at room temperature. In a few hours, all the dirt and debris will fall away and float to the surface, after which the mushrooms are washed under a small stream of warm water. If you don’t plan to cook them, send them straight to the frying pan, and we’ll move on.
  • Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and add cold water to cover them by about two fingers. Place the peeled onion and bay leaf there and put the pan with the mushrooms on the fire. Once foam appears on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat. Mushrooms are cooked over medium heat for no more than 15-20 minutes, but some cook them for an hour, and in vain, the mushrooms are tender, and such heat treatment destroys their structure, and besides, why such efforts, because you are going to send them to the frying pan.
  • The chanterelles are placed in a colander and placed under a small stream of warm water, after rinsing, set aside to drain. Under high pressure, fragile mushrooms can fall apart and their appearance will be unsightly.

After this, the chanterelles are ready for frying; by the way, after this procedure, you can not only fry them, but also marinate them. But if you are going to cook chanterelles for preservation, 15 minutes will not be enough, boil them for at least 30 minutes. If you plan to freeze the mushrooms, do not forget to lightly salt them.

They can be cut without fear that they will lose their beneficial properties, or they can be fried whole.

We told you about how to properly cook chanterelles before frying. It's up to you to decide whether to do it or not. It remains to add that both the first and second methods of preparation have their supporters and opponents.

Information for beginner mushroom pickers

  • Mushrooms that you brought from the forest need to be processed within 24 hours; storing them longer is not recommended.
  • Do not buy mushrooms at spontaneous markets, as they say, “from your hands.”

Prepare delicious and healthy dishes from chanterelles, fry them with potatoes, chicken, spaghetti or eggs, add them to pizza, pies and casseroles, bon appetit!

When wondering how long to cook chanterelles, you need to understand that these mushrooms do not always need pre-treatment. For example, if you plan to make soup, multi-ingredient pie filling, or fry products, cooking will only negatively affect their texture. When you need to prepare a component for a salad or cold appetizer, you cannot do without such heat treatment. It won't take much time. Regardless of the condition of the chanterelles, the duration of their cooking will be from 15 to 30 minutes. The main thing is not to forget about a number of nuances that have a significant impact on the quality of the final result.

Some useful facts about chanterelles and their processing

Like any mushrooms, chanterelles are distinguished by their specificity. In order not to waste a lot of time without getting the desired result, they need to be handled correctly.
Problems will not arise if you always understand the following points:

Tip: Despite their delicate texture and low calorie content, chanterelles belong to the group of foods that are considered heavy food for the body. Even if there are no digestive problems, these components should not be included in the menu too often.

  • Today, you can increasingly find mushrooms grown artificially. Practice shows that in terms of health and taste characteristics they are significantly inferior to forest products.
  • In order not to collect or unknowingly acquire false chanterelles, which are poisonous, you need to remember three distinctive features. False products have a brighter color, a hollow stem and a more regular round cap.
  • While bright mushrooms do not tolerate soaking in water very well, being in a dairy environment only has a positive effect on them. If before cooking chanterelles, you soak them in milk for 1.5-2 hours, you can guarantee the absence of bitterness and obtain the most delicate texture of the component.

The benefits of properly prepared boiled chanterelles lie not only in their nutritional value. The component contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. Considering the fact that the product stimulates the strengthening of bones, increasing the body's resistance and energy production, it is recommended for use by people of all ages.

How to cook chanterelles in a saucepan?

It is recommended to cut the chanterelles, cleared of debris and washed several times under running water, into quarters, running along the length of the stem. If the mushrooms are very large, chop them even more. Now you need to do the following:

  1. Place the preparations in a saucepan and fill with water. For 1 part product there should be 2 parts liquid. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. If the mushrooms are used for salad or immediately eaten, they can be salted. When you plan to cook them further, it is better to do without adding salt.
  3. Cook the product for about 20 minutes using medium heat. Periodically it is necessary to remove the foam; it is better not to cover the pan with a lid. If the ingredients are kept in boiling water for too long, they will have a rubbery texture.
  4. Place the finished products in a colander and wait for all the excess liquid to drain.

If you need to keep the mushrooms hot for some time, it is recommended to hang them directly in a colander over a pan of gently boiling water. True, you should not abuse this approach. The texture of the product may not deteriorate, but there will be little benefit left in it.

Features of using a multicooker and pressure cooker

Mushrooms are pre-processed regardless of how they are planned to be boiled. If for some reason you don’t want to resort to the traditional option of temperature exposure, you can try one of the following:

  • In a slow cooker. Place fresh, defrosted or soaked ingredients in the multicooker bowl, fill with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add a little salt and close the lid. Cook the preparations on the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this approach cannot remove foam, so the final product may have an unpleasant aftertaste. It is better to use a special basket for steaming ingredients. In this case, a little water is poured into the bowl of the device, the “Steam” mode is set, and the timer starts for 40 minutes.

  • In a pressure cooker. Place the prepared mushrooms in the bowl of the device, add salt and spices. You can additionally add a little chopped onion and a pinch of citric acid for taste. Close the lid and set the timer for 15 minutes. The finished product remains to be thrown into a colander and further used for its intended purpose.

Some housewives cook chanterelles, and other mushrooms, in the microwave. The option is not very troublesome and quite fast, but you will have to select the exposure time yourself, depending on the volume of the product being processed and the power of the device.

How should you boil chanterelles for soup?

In this case, the components need to be prepared as usual. Despite the fact that some cooks add already boiled products to the finished soup, it is wiser to use the following approach:

  1. Place the chopped pieces in cold water. Bring them to almost readiness, boiling for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and place the boiled product in a colander.
  2. While the remaining ingredients are being processed, you need to prepare the broth for the soup, for example, from a bouillon cube.
  3. Finely chop the carrots and onions, sauté in vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place the potatoes cut into small cubes and the prepared mushroom fry into the prepared broth. We cook all this until the potatoes are ready, i.e. approximately 10 minutes.

The soup prepared in this way will have a mild mushroom aroma. All components will cook evenly, providing the dish with a pleasant texture.

The nuances of boiling frozen and dried chanterelles

In this case, everything is very simple, the frozen and dried components only need to be brought to a standard state and can be boiled. If fresh food has been frozen for some reason (which is not recommended), first place it in the refrigerator for several hours, then finish defrosting at room temperature. The components are washed several times and boiled exclusively in a sweet solution, because... bitterness will most likely be present.

With dried preparations everything is much simpler. They should only be soaked for 2-3 hours, after which we change the water and begin boiling the products. It is enough to keep them in boiling water for 20 minutes after boiling to bring them to readiness.

Each product has beneficial properties and contraindications, we recommend that you read the article about

Chanterelles are a universal product that can not only be fried fresh, but also frozen for the winter. To achieve optimal results from this approach, you need to know how long to cook chanterelles before freezing. If you neglect the preliminary processing stage, the component will become very bitter, which will affect the quality of the final dish. It only takes 15-20 minutes to boil the chanterelles.. The procedure itself is not difficult, although it does involve certain specifics. Immediately after this, you can begin the freezing process, which can also be based on various technologies.

Is it possible to freeze chanterelles without boiling them?

Unfortunately, chanterelles, like all other types of mushrooms, spoil quite quickly after the harvest is harvested. Of course, they can be prepared for the winter in the form of canned food, but the taste and properties of the product will noticeably suffer from this. The best option is freezing, which will preserve the product in its original state. Ideally, for this you should use not only fresh, but also very young mushrooms. Then you won’t have to waste time boiling them.

In this case, the freezing process will look like this:

  • We select small mushrooms that have not yet straightened their caps. We cut off the lower parts of their legs, clear the caps of debris and rinse them in cold water.
  • Place the chanterelles on a towel to remove all excess moisture.
  • If preserving the shape of the mushrooms is not a priority, simply put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer.
  • If you want to prepare beautiful, separately frozen elements for the winter, then first lay them out in one layer on a large tray, which we place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, we take it out and pack the products in plastic bags.

  • Mushrooms should not be kept frozen for more than 6 months, so the bags should be labeled with the date and method of freezing. It is best to consume the preparations within 3 months after processing.

In order not to rack your brains over how to freeze chanterelles of unknown age, you should simply soak them in milk for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the product will acquire the necessary softness and at the same time no unpleasant bitterness will appear in its taste. It is recommended to pre-cut old and large mushrooms into pieces and soak for 1-1.5 hours.

How to properly boil chanterelles before freezing?

You won’t have to spend too much time pre-processing mushrooms if you act strictly according to plan and do not perform unnecessary actions. Properly boiled chanterelles can then not only be covered for the winter, but also used as a component for a salad, pie or an original side dish.

Particular attention should be paid to how to boil dried mushrooms. They must first be soaked for at least three hours. Only after this they are washed several times, sorted and boiled for no more than 20 minutes.

How to freeze large chanterelles?

When working with large chanterelles, you need to pay attention not only to the time of boiling them, but also to a number of other important points:

  1. Mushrooms must be soaked in milk, sour cream or cream, even if they are very young and fresh.
  2. Such chanterelles should not be cooked whole, but first cut into large pieces. It is best to separate the elements along a vertical line so that each part of the cap gets a part of the stem.
  3. After the product is crushed, it must be washed again in cold water.
  4. Mushroom slices can be filled with either cold or boiling water. In the second case, the benefits from the components will be slightly less, but the texture will be more delicate.
  5. After boiling, the water needs to be salted at least a little, boil the elements for 15 minutes, regularly skimming off the foam.
  6. Before freezing such preparations for the winter, they should be placed in a colander, then placed on a waffle towel and held until they cool completely and the water is removed.

After such preparation, all that remains is to pack the mushrooms in containers or plastic bags and put them in the freezer.

Method of freezing mushrooms directly in broth

If you plan to freeze the chanterelles in order to prepare mushroom soups all winter, then it is best to do this using the broth in which they are cooked. In this case, the components are also boiled for 15-20 minutes, after which the liquid is not drained. Cool the entire resulting mass, distribute it into containers, fill it with the remaining broth and send it to freeze. There is no need to defrost this product! It is simply added to the prepared dish.

It is worth considering that, regardless of the processing method, thawed chanterelles (even if they were initially fresh) cannot be re-frozen. Repeated processing negatively affects both the chemical composition of the product and its gastronomic characteristics. By the way, it is necessary to defrost mushrooms only at room temperature. Using a microwave or hot water in this case is detrimental to the product.

Chanterelles are one of the most popular forest mushrooms, which are highly valued by chefs for their taste and nutritional properties. They are often used for frying or making soups, since during cooking they do not absorb excess moisture, remaining elastic and crispy. Before starting to process this food product, novice mushroom pickers and cooks should learn how and how long to cook chanterelles until tender.

Important facts

At the end of July, chanterelle season begins, so at this time markets and shops put these mushrooms on their shelves. Even restaurants include dishes from this food product in their menu: julienne, salads and soups.

Before you begin heat treatment and determine how long to cook chanterelle mushrooms, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic information about them. Knowledge will allow you to purchase or collect only high-quality specimens, as well as prepare a delicious dish from them.

Chanterelles have many advantages:

It is worth noting that pale and uneven color are also signs of staleness. However, you need to remember that the brightness of the cap primarily depends on the place of growth: mushrooms grown in the sun will be brighter than those collected in the shade.

Beneficial features

Chanterelle is not only tasty, but also healthy for the body. It is quite often used for the preparation of medicines and remedies not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Such mushrooms are popular both in Russia and foreign countries.

In addition, chanterelles are rich in:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, PP;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Mushrooms also have a number of beneficial properties: improve vision and prevent inflammatory processes in the eyes, increase the body’s protective functions and resistance to infectious diseases, and reduce dryness of the epidermis and mucous membranes.

Of course, you cannot consume the product raw. Usually chanterelles are boiled, fried, salted and pickled, but such food will not give the expected effect. Chitinomanosis dies during heat treatment, as it cannot survive temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius. Salt also destroys this substance.

Dried mushrooms retain all the medicinal properties, like frozen ones, however, the latter may develop a bitter aftertaste.

Self-collection in the forest

Many people prefer to pick mushrooms themselves rather than buy them at markets and stores. Indeed, this approach will allow you to obtain high-quality and fresh chanterelles, and searching for them in the July forest will become an exciting event with family and friends.

Before you go on a mushroom trek, it is important to remember what these tasty forest inhabitants look like. In total, about 100 varieties of chanterelles are known; first of all, they differ from each other in color. There are gray and almost white mushrooms, as well as red and amethyst ones. The latter are quite rare, and in terms of taste they are significantly inferior to their yellow and black relatives, which grow in Russia:

When organizing a trip for forest mushrooms, it is worth clarifying in which places you should look for them. Chanterelles can be found anywhere, mainly near trees, as they form a symbiosis with the roots of these plants. From which it follows that it is better to search for such mushrooms in dense forests. For example, Muscovites may come across chanterelle places in the forests near Moscow towards the north and west.

Heat treatment

Usually mushrooms are boiled to prepare a rich soup, but this procedure can also be used as a preparation before freezing or frying the product. In any case, the process is the same, so you can read the step-by-step instructions that will explain how and how long chanterelles are cooked in a pan:

Boiled chanterelles are poured into a colander so that excess moisture can drain, after which they are used for their intended purpose. If they were cooked for mushroom soup, then the water should be drained immediately after boiling, and then add fresh water to the product and cook according to the instructions. Along with salt, carrots and potatoes are also added to the mushroom broth.

Progressive Boiling Methods

Chanterelles can be cooked not only in saucepans on the stove; some young housewives prefer to use more progressive methods of cooking, How do the following kitchen appliances help them:

Boiled chanterelles have tender and crispy flesh, as well as a pleasant taste. They can be used to prepare salads, cold and hot snacks. Many people will like mushroom soups and pies. In its pure form, the product is no less tasty; it can be placed on bread or mixed with sour cream and sauces.

Such chanterelles will last for about a day in the refrigerator, while by freezing the boiled mushrooms, you can extend the shelf life to one year.

Other cooking methods

In addition to cooking, the product can be fried and stewed. To do this, it is not necessary to boil it, just remove the adhering debris and rinse a little with clean water. You shouldn’t get too carried away; chanterelles easily absorb moisture. Place clean mushrooms on a paper or waffle towel to dry. Chanterelles, ready for frying, are not moist to the touch.

Cooking algorithm:

The good thing about this recipe is that these chanterelles can be used for cooking, mixed with fried potatoes, and even frozen. If at stage 4 you do not drain the juice and add a little water or sour cream, you will get stewed mushrooms.

Chanterelle soup recipe

Chanterelles are a universal product, which fits well into almost any dish. They do not require long cleaning and heat treatment, so they will not complicate the cooking process.

Chanterelles make a nutritious and aromatic soup. Its recipe is quite simple, so novice housewives and mushroom pickers can add it to their bookmarks.

To start cooking you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms - 400 grams;
  • potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • carrots - 2 small;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • water or broth - 3−4 liters;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

During the mushroom season, you can please your family with a light soup made from fresh chanterelles or a rich one made with meat broth. For this:

The soup is poured into bowls, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and seasoned with sour cream. This tasty and healthy dish can be prepared from wild chanterelle mushrooms.

How long does it take to cook chanterelles?

Before cooking, mushrooms must be thoroughly washed under running water. Then it is better to soak the chanterelles for 1-1.5 hours in water or milk. This procedure is necessary so that there is no aftertaste in the prepared product. After this, add cold water in a ratio of 1:2 and bring to a boil. And now cook the chanterelles for 20 minutes over low heat. At this point, if you plan to use mushrooms in dishes that you will salt, then it is better not to add salt when cooking. And also, skim off the foam periodically, it will form during the cooking process.

If you have dried mushrooms, pre-soak them for 3 hours. And cook the dried chanterelles for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling over low heat.

How long does it take to cook chanterelles in a slow cooker?

The preparatory work is the same, washed and soaked. Then put the mushrooms in the multicooker bowl, fill with cold water in a ratio of 1:2. You can add a little salt. Now close the lid, select the “Baking” mode and cook the chanterelles in the multicooker for 40 minutes from the moment of boiling.

How long does it take to cook chanterelles for soup?

To boil chanterelles for soup, of course, you must first wash them. Then pour cold water over the mushrooms, cut into several pieces, add a little salt and boil for 15 minutes. Then drain the water. Chop the carrots and onions. Now fry the vegetables and mushrooms in vegetable oil. At this time, the broth for the soup is boiling. And we put finely chopped potatoes and our sauteed vegetables with mushrooms in it. And cook everything together for another 10 minutes. In total, it turns out that we cook the chanterelles for the soup for 25 minutes.

How long does it take to cook chanterelles in a pressure cooker?

Place the prepared mushrooms in a pressure cooker. Now add salt, spices, peeled onion and a little citric acid. Then close the lid. And cook the chanterelles in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes. Afterwards, place the cooked mushrooms in a colander.

The calorie content of chanterelles is 20 kcal. They contain: proteins - 1.6 grams, fats - 1.1 grams, carbohydrates - 2.2 grams.

Chanterelles contain a large amount of provitamin D, which stimulates the restoration of pancreatic beta cells and inhibits the growth of tubercle bacilli. These mushrooms do not accumulate radioactive substances.

Chanterelles are poorly digestible, so it is better to exclude them from children's diets.

Some useful facts about chanterelles and their processing

Like any mushrooms, chanterelles are distinguished by their specificity. In order not to waste a lot of time without getting the desired result, they need to be handled correctly.
Problems will not arise if you always understand the following points:

Tip: Despite their delicate texture and low calorie content, chanterelles belong to the group of foods that are considered heavy food for the body. Even if there are no digestive problems, these components should not be included in the menu too often.

  • Today, you can increasingly find mushrooms grown artificially. Practice shows that in terms of health and taste characteristics they are significantly inferior to forest products.
  • In order not to collect or unknowingly acquire false chanterelles, which are poisonous, you need to remember three distinctive features. False products have a brighter color, a hollow stem and a more regular round cap.
  • While bright mushrooms do not tolerate soaking in water very well, being in a dairy environment only has a positive effect on them. If before cooking chanterelles, you soak them in milk for 1.5-2 hours, you can guarantee the absence of bitterness and obtain the most delicate texture of the component.

The benefits of properly prepared boiled chanterelles lie not only in their nutritional value. The component contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. Considering the fact that the product stimulates the strengthening of bones, increasing the body's resistance and energy production, it is recommended for use by people of all ages.

How to cook chanterelles in a saucepan?

It is recommended to cut the chanterelles, cleared of debris and washed several times under running water, into quarters, running along the length of the stem. If the mushrooms are very large, chop them even more. Now you need to do the following:

  1. Place the preparations in a saucepan and fill with water. For 1 part product there should be 2 parts liquid. Place the container on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. If the mushrooms are used for salad or immediately eaten, they can be salted. When you plan to cook them further, it is better to do without adding salt.
  3. Cook the product for about 20 minutes using medium heat. Periodically it is necessary to remove the foam; it is better not to cover the pan with a lid. If the ingredients are kept in boiling water for too long, they will have a rubbery texture.
  4. Place the finished products in a colander and wait for all the excess liquid to drain.

If you need to keep the mushrooms hot for some time, it is recommended to hang them directly in a colander over a pan of gently boiling water. True, you should not abuse this approach. The texture of the product may not deteriorate, but there will be little benefit left in it.

Features of using a multicooker and pressure cooker

Mushrooms are pre-processed regardless of how they are planned to be boiled. If for some reason you don’t want to resort to the traditional option of temperature exposure, you can try one of the following:

  • In a slow cooker. Place fresh, defrosted or soaked ingredients in the multicooker bowl, fill with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Add a little salt and close the lid. Cook the preparations on the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this approach cannot remove foam, so the final product may have an unpleasant aftertaste. It is better to use a special basket for steaming ingredients. In this case, a little water is poured into the bowl of the device, the “Steam” mode is set, and the timer starts for 40 minutes.

  • In a pressure cooker. Place the prepared mushrooms in the bowl of the device, add salt and spices. You can additionally add a little chopped onion and a pinch of citric acid for taste. Close the lid and set the timer for 15 minutes. The finished product remains to be thrown into a colander and further used for its intended purpose.

Some housewives cook chanterelles, and other mushrooms, in the microwave. The option is not very troublesome and quite fast, but you will have to select the exposure time yourself, depending on the volume of the product being processed and the power of the device.

How should you boil chanterelles for soup?

In this case, the components need to be prepared as usual. Despite the fact that some cooks add already boiled products to the finished soup, it is wiser to use the following approach:

  1. Place the chopped pieces in cold water. Bring them to almost readiness, boiling for 15 minutes. Drain the liquid and place the boiled product in a colander.
  2. While the remaining ingredients are being processed, you need to prepare the broth for the soup, for example, from a bouillon cube.
  3. Finely chop the carrots and onions, sauté in vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place the potatoes cut into small cubes and the prepared mushroom fry into the prepared broth. We cook all this until the potatoes are ready, i.e. approximately 10 minutes.

The soup prepared in this way will have a mild mushroom aroma. All components will cook evenly, providing the dish with a pleasant texture.

The nuances of boiling frozen and dried chanterelles

In this case, everything is very simple, the frozen and dried components only need to be brought to a standard state and can be boiled. If fresh food has been frozen for some reason (which is not recommended), first place it in the refrigerator for several hours, then finish defrosting at room temperature. The components are washed several times and boiled exclusively in a sweet solution, because... bitterness will most likely be present.

With dried preparations everything is much simpler. They should only be soaked for 2-3 hours, after which we change the water and begin boiling the products. It is enough to keep them in boiling water for 20 minutes after boiling to bring them to readiness.

Each product has beneficial properties and contraindications; we recommend that you read the article about the benefits and harms of chanterelle mushrooms