Why sensitivity? Is it possible to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis and how to do it yourself. High density contraceptives

Increased sensitivity of the head causes inconvenience to many men. First of all, sexually. Hypersensitivity leads to too rapid ejaculation, which can cause psychological trauma to a man and leave his partner unsatisfied. In most cases, hypersensitivity of the head is present from birth. The sensitivity of this organ is determined at the genetic level, but under the influence of many different factors it can decrease or increase. If excessive sensitivity of the glans penis is present in a man from birth, it will be quite difficult to correct this, but there is still a possibility. If the increase in sensitivity occurred under the influence of any factors during life, it is necessary, first of all, to neutralize them.

Hypersensitivity and overstimulation: is there a difference?

It is very important to be able to distinguish between increased sensitivity of the glans penis and too much stimulation. These are two completely different concepts, between which there are a number of simple but clear differences. As noted, various diseases can lead to increased sensitivity of the head, including balanoposthitis and phimosis. However, these fairly common diseases are characterized not only by increased sensitivity of the head, but also by many other unpleasant symptoms.

Much more often, such a disorder is associated with excessive sensitivity of the nerve endings of the head of the penis. It is possible to recognize that a man is really dealing with increased sensitivity of the head of the penis, and not with overexcitation, by a number of specific features. The head of the penis with increased sensitivity has the following characteristic properties:

  1. Sensitivity does not come and go away spontaneously; the duration of sexual intercourse is always approximately the same.
  2. When having sex with a condom, the head becomes less sensitive, and sexual intercourse lasts noticeably longer than without a condom. Similar changes are observed during sex with artificial lubricant: the more of it, the less sensitive the head becomes and the longer the act lasts.
  3. Ejaculation does not occur until direct sexual intercourse, except in cases where ejaculation occurs while putting on a condom or due to friction of the head of the penis on underwear.
  4. The duration of sexual intercourse increases after drinking alcohol.
  5. Sexual contact becomes longer if special lubricants or condoms with an anesthetic are used.

If the methods discussed above help prolong sexual intercourse for some time, the man is dealing with increased sensitivity of the penis, and not with overstimulation. If desired, you can undergo treatment aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the penis. Treatment is recommended only if a man experiences discomfort from such characteristics of his penis and/or his partner expresses dissatisfaction with their sex life.

Treatment Options for Penile Hypersensitivity

The easiest option for reducing the sensitivity of the penis, which does not require any treatment, is to have sex using a special spermicidal lubricant or condoms with similar properties. If a man is satisfied with this option of reducing the sensitivity of the penis, as a rule, there is no need to treat anything.

Increased sensitivity of the penis can be triggered by various psychological factors. In such situations, treatment begins with communication with a sexologist and psychotherapist. Qualified doctors have a variety of techniques that can cope with increased sensitivity of the penis. Special medications may be prescribed, such as:

  • Prozac;
  • Paxil;
  • Anafranil;
  • Zoloft;
  • Celex.

Under no circumstances should you start treatment with these medications without a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication can lead to even greater sensitivity of the penis and many other side effects that are dangerous to health. Recommendations for admission will be given by your attending physician.

Previously, some specialists practiced treatment using intracavernous injections. However, at present this is almost never practiced, because Such injections, firstly, are practically ineffective, and secondly, they harm the man’s body.

To reduce the sensitivity of the penis, various sprays and ointments are often used. Before using any product, consult your doctor. He will be able to tell you the most effective remedy and give recommendations for use. The principle of operation of such products is extremely simple - they are applied to the parts of the penis listed in the instructions some time before sexual intercourse. The products are relatively inexpensive and have virtually no side effects. The only inconvenience is that you will have to figure out what to do with the girl while the product takes effect.

The most effective method of reducing penis sensitivity is circumcision. The foreskin is cut off, which allows you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse up to 2-3 times. This is ensured, first of all, by the fact that the head of the penis is constantly in contact with the underwear, gradually gets used to it and becomes less sensitive. However, not all men agree to such an operation, so the most common means of reducing sensitivity are special condoms, ointments and sprays. Additionally, you can use traditional medicine.

Traditional recipes for reducing penis sensitivity

There are many folk recipes that can increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Before using any recipe, be sure to consult your doctor to exclude the possibility of hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the recipes.

Eating currant and raspberry leaves will help reduce sensitivity. Mint juice can help - they need to lubricate the penis. You can prolong sexual intercourse with the help of alcohol, but you should not get too carried away with such a drug.

A decoction of oak bark has a good effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. Shortly before sex, you can drink an infusion of cornflower flowers - this will also prolong the pleasure.

A mixture of 15 g of motherwort, 5 g of hops and 800 ml of boiling water has proven itself well. The mixture must be infused for 6-7 hours. The infusion is filtered and taken three times a day, approximately 100 ml. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

Periwinkle has good properties. You need to take 20 g of periwinkle and pour it with a glass of clean water. Place the mixture in a steam bath and boil for about 10 minutes. Take 10 drops morning and evening. The course lasts 5 days. A break is taken for 3 days and the course is repeated.

You can get rid of too rapid ejaculation using a mixture of viburnum, rose hips, rowan and nettle. The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. A tablespoon of this mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered and taken twice a day, 1 glass before meals.

The following herbs can be used to reduce sensitivity:

  • yellow egg capsule;
  • motherwort;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • hop;
  • white water lily;
  • oregano, etc.

Remember, the main thing is not to focus on increased sensitivity of the penis and rapid ejaculation. If you and your partner are happy with everything, you can ignore this. Otherwise, you can consult a doctor and undergo the recommended treatment. Be healthy!

Having emotional sensitivity is quite normal, but at some point, this sensitivity can cause you harm. Control your strong emotions so that they are your allies, not your enemies. Due to increased emotional sensitivity, imaginary or unintentional insults may be perceived with hostility. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations of others' actions prevent you from living a peaceful, happy life. To stop overreacting to everyday events, you must be able to find a balance between sensitivity and common sense, confidence and resilience.


Part 1

Analysis of feelings

    Accept that increased emotional sensitivity is part of you. Neuroscientists have discovered that our ability to be emotionally sensitive is partly linked to our genes. Presumably, about 20% of the world's population have hypersensitivity. This means they have a heightened awareness of subtle stimuli that many people don't notice. In addition, the impact of these irritants on people with increased sensitivity is much stronger. This increased sensitivity is associated with a gene that affects the hormone norepinephrine, or stress hormone, which also serves as a neurotransmitter in the brain and is responsible for attention and response.

    Do some self-analysis. If you are unsure whether you are truly sensitive, there are some steps you can take to test yourself. For example, you can complete the emotional sensitivity questionnaire on PsychCentral. These questions will help you evaluate your emotions and sensations.

    • When answering these questions, try not to judge yourself. Answer honestly. Once you become aware of the extent of your sensitivity, you can focus on controlling your emotions in a more helpful way.
  1. Explore your emotions by journaling. Having an “emotional journal” will help you observe and examine your emotions, as well as your reactions to them. This will help you understand what triggers your emotional overreaction and help you know when your reaction is justified.

    Don't label yourself. Unfortunately, people with hypersensitivities are often insulted and given nicknames such as “crybaby” or “sob.” What's worse is that these insults sometimes become descriptive "labels" that other people use. Over time, it is very easy to apply this label to yourself, perceiving yourself not as a sensitive person who cries only occasionally, but 99.5% of the time behaves in a normal way. Thus, you will focus on one aspect of your personality to the point that you will believe that it defines you completely.

    • Resist negative labels through reframing. This means you have to remove the label and look at the situation in a broader context.
    • For example, a teenage girl cries because she is upset. An acquaintance stands nearby, he mutters “crybaby” and leaves. Instead of taking the insult to heart, she reflects this way: “I know that I am not a crybaby. Yes, sometimes I react too emotionally. Sometimes this means that I cry when less emotional people would not cry. I'm working on responding in a more appropriate way. In any case, insulting a person who is already crying is too rude. I'm too kind to do this to others."
  2. Identify the triggers for your sensitivity. You may or may not know what triggers your oversensitive reaction. You may have developed a pattern in your head of automatically reacting to certain stimuli, such as a stressful experience. Over time, this pattern of behavior will become a habit, and you will immediately react in a certain way without thinking about what is happening. Luckily, you can change your reactions and form new behaviors.

    Check to see if you are codependent. A codependent relationship occurs when your self-esteem and identity are dependent on the actions and reactions of another person. The goal of your whole life is self-sacrifice for the benefit of your partner. If your partner doesn't approve of your actions or feelings, it can be a big blow to you. Codependency is very common in romantic relationships, but it can occur at any stage of the relationship. The following are signs of a codependent relationship:

    • You believe that your satisfaction with life is tied to a specific person.
    • You acknowledge your partner's unhealthy behavior, but you still stay with him despite it.
    • You go to great lengths to support your partner, even if it means you have to sacrifice your own needs and health.
    • You constantly feel anxious about the status of your relationship.
    • Lack of common sense regarding personal boundaries.
    • You feel terrible when you have to tell someone no.
    • You react to everyone's feelings and thoughts by agreeing with them or immediately becoming defensive.
    • Codependency can be overcome. The best option is professional psychological help. There are also various support groups.
  3. Do not hurry. Getting to know your emotions, especially sensitive areas, is an arduous task. Don't force yourself to do everything at once. Psychologists have proven that personal growth requires going beyond your comfort zone, but acting too hastily can lead to regression.

    Allow yourself to feel your emotions. Avoiding increased emotional sensitivity does not mean that you should stop feeling your emotions altogether. In fact, trying to suppress or deny your emotions can be harmful. Instead, you must accept unpleasant emotions like anger, pain, fear, and grief—emotions that are just as essential to emotional health as positive ones like joy and elation—and not let them take over. Try to maintain a balance of your emotions.

    Part 2

    Thought analysis
    1. Learn to recognize cognitive biases that may be making you oversensitive. Cognitive distortions are patterned deviations in thinking and behavior that we have cultivated in ourselves. You can learn to identify and combat these deviations.

      • Cognitive distortions almost never occur in isolation. As you analyze your thinking pattern, you will notice that you are experiencing multiple distortions in response to one feeling or event. Take the time to fully explore your reactions to understand which ones are helpful and which ones are not.
      • There are many types of cognitive distortions, but the most common culprits of emotional oversensitivity are personalization, labeling, should sentences, emotional reasoning, and jumping to conclusions.
    2. Recognize and combat personalization. Personalization is a fairly common bias that causes heightened emotional sensitivity. It means that you consider yourself to be the cause of things that may have nothing to do with you or that you cannot control. You can also take things personally that don't apply to you at all.

      Recognize and fight labels. Labeling is an all-or-nothing type of thinking. It often occurs in combination with personalization. When you label yourself, you generalize yourself based on one single action or event, rather than understanding that what you do and who you are are not the same thing.

      • For example, if you receive negative comments about your essay, it may make you feel like a failure. By calling yourself a failure, you subconsciously think that you will never improve, which means there is no point in even trying. This can lead to feelings of guilt and shame. This also makes it difficult for you to tolerate constructive criticism, because you perceive any criticism as a sign of failure.
      • Instead, you should accept your mistakes and failures for what they really are - specific situations from which you can learn something and become a better person. Instead of labeling yourself as a failure when you get a bad grade on an essay, you should accept your mistakes and think about what you can learn: “Okay, I didn’t do a good job on this essay. I'm disappointed, but it's not the end of the world. I will talk to my teacher to see what I need to do differently next time.”
    3. Recognize and combat “should” statements. Such statements are harmful because they hold you (and others) to standards that are often unreasonably high. They often depend on unimportant ideas instead of those that really matter. By breaking another “should,” you can punish yourself for it, thereby further reducing your motivation to change. Such ideas can cause guilt, despair and anger.

      Recognize and combat emotional reasoning. When you use emotional argumentation, you confuse your feelings with facts. This type of distortion is quite common, but with a little effort you can learn to identify and combat it.

      Recognize and combat hasty conclusions. Jumping to conclusions is very similar to emotional reasoning. When you jump to a conclusion, you cling to a negative interpretation of a situation without any facts to support this interpretation. In extreme cases, this can lead to hysteria, such as when you allow your thoughts to gradually spiral out of control until you reach the worst possible scenario.

    Part 3

    Taking action

      Meditate. Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, can help you manage your emotional reactions. It will even help you improve your brain's ability to respond to sources of stress. By practicing mindfulness techniques, you acknowledge and accept emotions as they are, without making judgments. This is very helpful in overcoming excessive emotional sensitivity. Take a class, take up online meditation, or teach yourself mindfulness meditation.

      Learn to interact positively. Sometimes people become overly sensitive because they are unable to clearly express their feelings and needs to other people. If you tend to be overly passive in your interactions, you will find it difficult to say “no” and communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly and sincerely enough. If you learn to interact positively, you will be able to express your needs and feelings, which in turn will help you feel heard and valued.

      Act only after you have calmed down. Your emotions can interfere with how you react to a situation. Acting under the influence of emotions can lead to consequences that you may later regret. Try to calm down for a few minutes before reacting to a situation that caused a strong emotional reaction.

      • Ask yourself the “if...then” question. “If I do this now, what might happen later?” Consider as many consequences as possible, both positive and negative. Then compare these consequences with your reaction.
      • Let's say you just had a verbal altercation with your spouse. You are so angry and hurt that you have thoughts of asking for a divorce. Pause and ask yourself the “if...then” question. If you ask for a divorce, what might happen? Your spouse may feel insulted and unloved. He'll remember this later when you've both calmed down, taking it as a sign that he can't trust you when you're angry. In the heat of anger, he may agree to a divorce. Do you need such consequences?
    1. Treat yourself and others with compassion. You will discover the fact that due to over-sensitivity, you avoid stressful and unpleasant situations. You may feel that any mistake in a relationship can become a stumbling block, so you avoid relationships altogether or they are insignificant. Treat others (and yourself) with compassion. You need to see the best in people, especially those you know personally. If your feelings were hurt, don't assume it was intentional: express a compassionate understanding that everyone, including friends and loved ones, makes mistakes.

      Seek professional help if necessary. Sometimes, even if you try your best to cope with emotional sensitivity, you can still lose to it. The involvement of a licensed psychologist can help you explore your feelings and reactions to them in a safe and supportive environment. An experienced psychologist or therapist can help you uncover destructive thinking patterns and teach you new skills to help you cope with your feelings.

    2. High emotional sensitivity Maybe be associated with depression or another disorder. Some people are born very sensitive, which is noticeable from their early childhood. This is not a disorder, not a mental illness or some kind of illness - it is just a character trait of a person. However, if a person's sensitivity has increased from normal to excessive, he has become overly touchy, whiny or irritable, this may be a sign of problems being experienced.

      • Sometimes, high emotional sensitivity can be a result of depression, which makes a person unable to cope with emotions (both negative and positive).
      • High emotional sensitivity can be caused by chemical imbalances. For example, a pregnant woman may react very emotionally. The same applies to a young man going through puberty, or a person who has problems with the thyroid gland. Some medications or treatments can also cause emotional changes.
      • An experienced doctor should evaluate you for depression. You can also easily diagnose it yourself, but it is still better to seek help from a professional who can understand whether a person is depressed or whether their excessive sensitivity is caused by other factors.
    3. Be patient. Emotional growth is similar to physical growth. It takes time and is sometimes unpleasant. Experience will come through the mistakes you need to make. Failures and other challenges are necessary in the process of emotional growth.

      • Being overly sensitive as a teenager is much more difficult than as an adult. Over the years, you learn to cope with your feelings more effectively and also gain the ability to cope with life's difficulties.
      • Don't forget that you must know something very well before you take action. Otherwise, it will be like traveling to new places after briefly looking at a map without understanding anything. You don't know enough about the area to set out and you'll probably get lost here. Map your mind and you will have a better understanding of your sensitivity and how to deal with it.
    • Empathy for your shortcomings eliminates shame and increases empathy for others.
    • Don't feel like you always need to explain your anxiety to others to justify your actions or emotions. It's okay to keep them to yourself.
    • Cope with negative thoughts. Negative self-talk can cause serious harm. If overly self-critical thoughts pop into your head, think about the following: “How will he feel if I tell him this?”
    • Emotional triggers are different for each person. Even if you know someone with a similar trigger for a similar issue, the way it affects you may affect them completely differently. This principle is quite random and is not universal.

Do you feel like your reaction to things is stronger than others? Do you worry about how other people feel? Do you prefer quiet rather than chaotic environments?

If the above applies to you, then you may be very sensitive. The personality trait—which was first researched by Elaine A. Aron, Ph.D., in the early 1990s—is relatively common, affecting one in five people. Aron has written many works and books on hypersensitivity, including such as “Highly Sensitive People”, and also developed a test () that will help you determine whether you are a very sensitive person.

Although recent interest in introversion—driven largely by wide-ranging publications on the subject, including Susan Cain's book Silence—has brought more interest in personality traits than the meaning of less stimulation and more sensitivity, Aron noted that highly sensitive people are also are generally considered a "minority".

But "minority" doesn't mean it's bad - in fact, a highly sensitive person combines many positive characteristics. Below are some common traits that all sensitive people share.

1. Their feelings are deeper

One of the hallmarks of highly sensitive people is the ability to experience deeper feelings than their less sensitive peers. “They like to perceive things on a deep level,” Ted Zeff, Ph.D., author of “The Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive People” and other books about highly sensitive people, tells HuffPost. “They are very intuitive and can go a lot further to figure things out.”

2. They are more emotionally responsive.

Highly sensitive people react more strongly to situations. For example, they will be more sympathetic and caring about a friend's problems, Aron says. They may also care more about other people who have been the victim of negative actions.

3. They are used to hearing: “Don’t take everything so personally” or “Why are you so sensitive?”

Depending on the culture, sensitivity can be perceived as a valuable asset or a negative trait, Zeff explains. In some of his studies, Zeff says that highly sensitive men from different countries he worked with - such as Thailand and India - were rarely or never teased, while men from North America were often or always teased. "So many of them are very cultured - the same person who said 'in certain cultures this is considered a valuable contribution.'

4. They are used to working alone

Highly sensitive people tend to avoid being on a sports team where there is a sense that everyone is constantly monitoring the other's actions, says Zeff. In his studies, the majority of highly sensitive people surveyed preferred individual sports - cycling, running, hiking - rather than group sports. However, this is not a universally accepted rule - some highly sensitive people had parents who instilled in them the understanding that it would be easier for them to become involved in group sports, Zeff reports.

5. They take longer to make decisions.

Highly sensitive people are more knowledgeable and detailed in their decision-making, says Aron. Even if it is not a 'right' or 'wrong' decision - for example, it is impossible to choose the 'wrong' flavor of ice cream - highly sensitive people will tend to take longer to choose because they are weighing every possible outcome." Aron advises: “Think as long as the situation allows, and ask for more time if you need it,” she writes in a recent issue of the Comfort Zone newsletter. “During this time, try to claim a minute, an hour, a day, or even a week that will help you get on the right path. How does it feel? Often, on the other side of the decision, things look different, and this gives you a chance to more vividly imagine that you are already there.” One exception: One day a very sensitive person will come to the conclusion that in this situation the right decision will be this, and in another situation this will be, and in the future he or she will quickly make these decisions.

6. They are more frustrated when they make “bad” or “wrong” decisions.

Can you imagine how you feel when you make a bad decision? For highly sensitive people, "these emotions are magnified because their emotional activity is higher," explains Aron.

7. They are extremely detail-oriented

Highly sensitive people are the first to notice details in a room, new shoes you put on, or changes in the weather.

8. Not all highly sensitive people are introverts.

About 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts referring to Aron. He explains that many times highly sensitive people who were also extroverts grew up in a tight-knit community—whether in a cul-de-sac, a small town, or with a parent who worked as a priest or rabbi—and so interacted with a lot of people.

9. They work well as a team

Because highly sensitive people are deep thinkers, they are valuable employees and team members., says Aron. However, they are well suited for those command positions where the final decision does not need to be made. For example, if a highly sensitive person is part of the medical team, he or she is valuable in analyzing the pros and cons of the patient being operated on until someone else ultimately makes a decision about whether the patient needs surgery.

10. They are most prone to anxiety or depression (but only if they have had a lot of negative experiences in the past)

"If you have enough bad experiences, especially early in life, that you don't feel safe in the world or feel confident at home... or at school, your nervous system is too 'anxious,'" Aron says. But needless to say, all highly sensitive people will continue to worry - having a supportive environment can go a long way towards protecting them from all this. Parents of highly sensitive children, especially, need to "understand that these are truly great kids, but they need to be kept on track," Aron says. “You can overprotect them, but you can’t underprotect them. You have to titrate them when they are young so they feel confident and have a good time.”

11. An irritating sound irritates a very sensitive person even more.

It's hard to say that anyone is a fan of annoying sound, but highly sensitive people are even more sensitive to chaos and noise. That's why they tend to be more depressed due to overactivity, Aron says.

12. Violent movies are the worst.

Because highly sensitive people sympathize even more and get irritated even faster. Violent or horror films are not their thing, says Aron.

13. It’s easier to make them cry.

That's why it's important for highly sensitive people to put themselves in a situation where they don't feel upset or somehow "wrong" to cry easily, says Zeff. If their friends and family realize that it is simple - that they can easily be made to cry - and support this form of expression, then "easy crying" will not be seen as something shameful.

14. They have good manners

Very sensitive people are also very conscientious people, as Aron says. Therefore, they are likely to be attentive and have good manners - and always notice unscrupulous people. For example, a highly sensitive person may be more aware of where his cart is in the store—not because he's afraid someone might steal something from it, but because he doesn't want his cart to get in the way of someone else. .

15. For highly sensitive people, the consequences of criticism are greatly amplified.

Highly sensitive people have a reaction to criticism that is more intense the less sensitive the person is. As a result, they may use certain tactics to avoid criticism, including flattering (so that no one will criticize them), criticizing themselves first, and avoiding sources of criticism, Aron says.

People may say something negative [and] a non-HSP (highly sensitive person) may say, “Never mind,” and not respond, Zeff says. But the OCCH will feel it very deeply.

16. Offices = good. Open offices=bad

Since highly sensitive people prefer to work alone, they also prefer a solitary work environment. Zeff says many highly sensitive people enjoy working from home or being self-employed because they can control the stimuli of their work environment. While those who don't have the luxury of creating their own flexible work schedules (and environments), Zeff notes that highly sensitive people may enjoy working in a cubicle—where they have more privacy and less noise—than in open offices.

Increased skin sensitivity is not only inconvenient or uncomfortable, but also quite painful, not to mention irritable. In the medical field, skin soreness is usually defined by one term - allodynia. This condition implies such a high sensitivity that a person can feel pain even from a slight breath of wind.

What is the level of skin sensitivity?

To date, the following types of sensitivity have been established and studied:

  • Mechanical or tactile "triggered" to touch;
  • Static mechanical, when the skin responds with pain to minimal external pressure or touch;
  • Dynamic mechanical. This pathology excludes the possibility of complete cleansing of the skin, not to mention the possibility of peeling the face or body;
  • Thermal pain, in which pain results from the influence of heat or cold.

Abnormally increased sensitivity may well signal serious health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, viruses or problems with the nervous system, for example.


The increased sensitivity of the whole body or its individual parts that a person has cannot go unnoticed. Local or all-encompassing pain appears immediately after the skin begins to be affected by an irritating factor.

To understand the scale of such a pathology, we can give the following example: a person whose skin gets a piece of cotton wool or a thread from a bandage, a drop of cold or hot water, begins to experience severe pain or an unbearable tingling sensation.

As mentioned above, the pain may not spread beyond the site of exposure to the irritant, but may affect the entire body.

Depending on your skin types, sensitivity may include burning, itching, tingling, or a sensation of something crawling on your body.

Why does the skin become overly sensitive?

Sensitive skin can be the result of a serious internal disease or a simple sunburn.

Most often, pathology appears due to the following reasons:

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight, which dries out the dermis and makes it responsive to the slightest touch;
  • Neuropathy, that is, severe damage to nerve endings. The latter usually accompanies injury, diabetes or vitamin deficiency;
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to the slightest touch can be a concomitant symptom of migraine. If this is so, then during headache attacks a person cannot even comb his hair, not to mention wearing jewelry, makeup, etc.;
  • Previous chickenpox or treatment for it. Such an infection provokes the occurrence of shingles, rashes, blisters and other skin formations that can withstand even minimal touch;
  • Fibromyalgia is a separate disease that involves persistent fatigue, problems with normal sleep, chronic pain of the entire skin and, as a result, allodynia itself;
  • Internal processes occurring with nerve cells. If their myelin sheath is damaged, then the person begins to feel unpleasant symptoms, and skin sensitivity and soreness in particular;
  • Defects in brain function, when sensitivity to touch results from impairments in the ability to evaluate and sort stimuli.

Treatment Options

Treatment of such a pathology implies the complete eradication of the causes that provoked it.

Again, fibromyalgia and the destruction of the myelin cell sheath are not easily cured, while mild tingling sensations can be eliminated by regular intake of vitamin B.

Shingles can be removed with the help of general or local antiviral and anti-infective drugs in the form of tablets or ointments.

Nipple sensitivity

Along with the sensitivity and soreness of the entire skin, in medicine there is such a thing as increased sensitivity of the nipples. Most often it is applied to women, although it can also apply to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Since nipples are rich in nerve endings, literally everything can irritate them, from the touch of a sexual partner to underwear, a towel, and even soap.

Provoking factors can be the following irritants:

  • almost all body care cosmetics;
  • dyes and chemicals used to treat fabrics;
  • cleaning products, powders, gels and other household chemicals;
  • creamy preparations and ointments used to treat cracks and other pathologies of the nipples; they may contain components that cause allergic reactions;
  • approaching or ending menstruation;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • mastitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • herpes;
  • impetigo;
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • pain in the chest muscles, reflected in the nipple;
  • Paget's disease;

If we talk about men, then their painful nipple sensitivity can be the result of the following processes:

  • puberty;
  • nipple injuries;
  • penetration of infection into them;
  • gynecomastia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • abnormal functioning of the pituitary gland, testicles or adrenal glands;
  • breast cancer;
  • active use of anabolic steroids and steroids.

Tongue sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of the tongue is a rather rare diagnosis associated with chronic diseases of the intestines, stomach, hormonal imbalances and changes in the psycho-emotional sphere of a person’s life. Sometimes the pathology becomes a kind of allergy to dentures and filling materials.

High sensitivity in many cases turns out to be a disadvantage. Such a feature as the susceptibility of the head of the penis to irritants does not in itself pose any danger and does not threaten health. However, this property often affects the duration and quality of sex, which entails big psychological problems.

What are the sensations associated with?

The ability to have prolonged sexual intercourse for a man in most cases is a virtue. But in a certain way it depends on the general sensitivity of the organ. The faster and stronger the nerve endings react, and the more there are, the faster, unfortunately, ejaculation occurs.

Strong sensitivity of the glans penis can be congenital or acquired. The congenital form is characterized by the persistence of symptoms for a long time, so the duration of sexual intercourse remains short both in adolescence and in much more mature years, since the hormonal background does not matter here. But all the means leading to dulling of sensitivity - ointments, condoms - are extremely effective.

If the changes occurred as a result of an illness, the signs may differ - they depend on the nature of the illness.

Prostatitis “provides” ejaculation with painful symptoms, to the point that a man loses the ability to enjoy orgasm. And with phimosis, ejaculation can occur before sexual intercourse and without any prior stimulation.

The congenital form of sensitivity is very difficult to correct. However, the use of condoms and special ointments solve this problem, but, however, they have to be used constantly. The acquired form is, to one degree or another, associated with the primary disease. Sometimes surgery is necessary to treat it.

Causes of increased sensitivity of the head

As already mentioned, there are 2 types of hypersensitivity - congenital and acquired. Congenital is caused by an increased number of nerve endings. This condition cannot be called a disease or pathology; it is truly an individual feature that a man will have to come to terms with.

Acquired appears as a result of diseases:

  • Phimosis can be either congenital or acquired. In this case, the head of the penis is always closed or semi-closed, since due to the short frenulum it is not freed from the foreskin. As a result, the skin on the head is too sensitive. In the acquired form, the cause of incomplete exposure of the head is scarring of the foreskin tissue. The result is the same - hypersensitivity and inability to have prolonged sexual intercourse.
  • Balanoposthitis is an inflammation caused by infection, in this case staphylococci. This condition exacerbates the sensitivity of nerve endings, and as a result, the reaction to stimuli turns out to be too violent.
  • Prostatitis indirectly affects the “work” of the penis, but in most cases makes ejaculation a painful process.
  • Stress – nervous excitement ensures a constant erection, sometimes quite painful. In this case, the sensitivity of the head increases sharply, but under such circumstances the disappearance of stress returns everything to normal.
  • Hormonal imbalance is most often the cause during adolescence. During the period of hypersexuality, constant arousal results in short sexual intercourse. However, over time, this hypersensitivity disappears on its own, due to the equalization of hormonal levels.

High sensitivity and overstimulation

This feature should be distinguished from simple excessive excitement, which naturally occurs after prolonged abstinence or at a young age.

Signs of hypersensitivity of the glans penis are:

  • sexual intercourse is always short, both at a young and at a more mature age;
  • the duration does not depend on the number of repetitions, that is, both the second and third acts of the night turn out to be equally short. Under normal over-excitement the second act will always be longer;
  • when using a condom and lubricant, the duration increases, since the head of the penis is protected from irritants and does not cause such a violent reaction. In this case, sperm is released only when the penis is still in the partner’s vagina. Again, with normal overexcitation, the presence or absence of an excessive stimulus plays a much smaller role;
  • When drinking alcohol, the duration of sex increases, which never happens with overstimulation. This paradoxical reaction is due to the fact that alcohol dulls the sensitivity of nerve receptors;
  • with the use of prolongators, the time of sexual intercourse also increases;
  • a special spray with lidocaine is a means to prolong sex. The mechanism of action is the same: lidocaine dulls sensitivity.

Distinguishing between these 2 concepts is important to understand the essence of the problem. Normal overexcitation is a temporary phenomenon and does not require any treatment. In case of hypersensitivity, certain measures have to be taken, since this problem cannot be solved on its own.

How to reduce?

A man’s sexual abilities are affected by both purely objective external and internal factors - stress, cold, illness, and subjective ones - experiences, hypertrophied demands, etc. Actually, treatment, or rather correction, of such a deficiency as sensitivity of the head is also possible using various methods, including self-hypnosis.


This category includes both medications and medications for external use, and even devices:

  • A condom with thick latex walls is a simple and effective way to prolong an erection, since the material significantly reduces sensitivity. Many men complain about this feature of the condom, but in this case the density of the film turns into an advantage.
  • Additional attachments - such a device can be found in a sex shop. The nozzle is fixed in place of the frenulum and to some extent protects the head from too “close contact”.
  • Anesthetic ointments - lidocaine spray, heparin ointment, SS cream, catajel, etc. Ointments reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, which automatically solves the problem.
  • Medicines - medications are used that reduce the general excitability of the nervous system - diprofen, papaverine. In addition, drugs designed to control ejaculation, like Cialis or even Viagra, have the same effect.
  • Tonics are usually of plant origin. The drugs affect muscle tone, which helps reduce sensitivity.
  • Sedatives - with relatively mild nervous excitement, a regular infusion of motherwort or valerian can help. Potassium or sodium bromide works in the same way.
  • Antidepressants - in particular, selective serotonin reuptake suppressors - Paxil, fluoxetine. The drugs relieve nervous tension and relieve obsessive states.
  • Tranquilizers - elenium, meprotan, are used for general excessive excitability and some mental disorders.

All medications, in fact, are aimed at symptomatic treatment, that is, eliminating sensitivity during sexual intercourse. Physiological problems are easier to heal. But solving the psychological problems that provoked this syndrome requires both time and effort.

Traditional methods

Excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis is not a problem of today. Traditional medicine offers its own methods of healing.

Some of them are quite rational and applicable at home:

  • Mint juice has a kind of “cooling” effect, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings. Before sexual intercourse, it is recommended to lubricate the penis with juice.
  • Cornflower tincture has a slight sedative effect and reduces excitability, which also helps to prolong sexual intercourse.
  • A tincture of 5 g of hops and 15 g of motherwort - pour 800 ml of boiling water and infuse overnight, reduces general excitability. The medicine should be taken three times a day, 150 ml for 1 month.
  • A collection of equal parts of rose hips, viburnum, rowan and nettle leaves also has a tonic effect. All of the listed components are poured into 1 cup of boiling water and left in a thermos for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk twice a day before meals, 1 tablespoon.
  • Tea with periwinkle also helps. 20 g of the dry mixture is poured with water, boiled for at least 10 minutes, and then taken 10 drops twice a day for 5 days. This course is repeated again after 3 days.

Drinking alcohol also dulls sensitivity. However, the use of this remedy is fraught with much more serious complications than premature ejaculation.


There are certain techniques that can reduce sensitivity and prolong sexual intercourse. Even with such a feature as a sensitive head.

However, mastering them requires a certain level of self-control:

  • Start-stop - with some training, a man learns to predict the moment before the onset of orgasm. To prevent too rapid ejaculation, the penis is at this moment removed from the vagina and pinched at the base of the head. After a couple of seconds, the hyperexcitation subsides and sexual intercourse can be continued. This technique can be repeated several times.

It is important to prevent ejaculation, not stop it. If ejaculation has already begun, pinching can lead to reverse ejaculation and other problems.

  • Stopping friction and taking a deep, slow breath works in the same way. In this case, the loss of erection reaches 20–30%, which is enough to prolong sexual intercourse. The technique can be repeated, but for this, of course, you need to have a certain self-control.
  • Kegel exercises – Kegel suggested that ejaculation that was too rapid was due to disturbances in the innervation. He proposed solving this problem with the help of special exercises involving the pelvic organs. This will not affect the sensitivity of the head in any way, but will allow the man to have greater control over his own erection and consciously prevent premature ejaculation.

The simplest exercise of this kind is specific tension and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle, which occurs when trying to stop or delay urination. This cycle is contraction-relaxation, performed 15 times 2-3 times a day. The load can be increased by contracting the muscles up to 50 times. This practice helps prevent an orgasm from happening too quickly.

Another way to reduce sensitivity is to try to distract yourself during sexual intercourse: think about something unpleasant or at least list in your mind the paragraphs of the next law adopted by the government.


Surgical treatment is indicated only for phimosis, when the head is not completely exposed. In this case, the foreskin is simply cut off, and after some time the process returns to normal.

If the head is too sensitive, surgery will not help. Some time ago, neurosurgical intersection of the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the head was proposed, but such an intervention is fraught with almost complete loss of sensitivity of the penis, and, therefore, a weakening of the erection. Today the method is recognized as crippling and is not practiced.

A sensitive head of the penis is not a disease, but in most cases a feature of the body. There is no need to treat this feature if the problem is not caused by some kind of illness, and it should be solved using conservative methods.
In the video about the causes and methods of treating head sensitivity: