Komarovsky how to treat runny nose in one-year-old children. What causes runny nose in children? When the cause of a runny nose is an allergy

It is probably impossible to find a person who has not experienced what rhinitis is at least once in his life.

This is not a pathology, Dr. Komarovsky points out, a runny nose is only a symptom of one of them.

Understanding this, it will not be difficult to choose effective treatment runny nose in an adult or baby.

What is a runny nose in essence? This is the increased production of mucus by the membranes of the nasal passages and cavities, which in turn is enhanced under the influence of the most various factors. It can be:

  • Viral or bacterial infections upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Inhalation of dry or polluted air.

Sometimes temporary rhinitis occurs due to contact with external stimuli– for example, when a person chops onion and inhales its scent, his nose begins to run. When crying, when excess tears enter the nasal passages, the mucous membrane also swells and nasal discharge appears.

But most often rhinitis is caused by acute respiratory viral infections. Active production of mucus in this case is the body’s natural protective reaction to the virus or bacteria that have settled in the nasal cavity. Mucus, or snot, as people say, contains special enzymes that can neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, snot can be considered one of the body’s ways of fighting the disease, and it is not they that need to be treated, but the disease itself and the reason that caused it, the doctor explains. But it is possible to cope with the infection and cure the disease only if the mucus is not thick and viscous, but liquid. IN otherwise the active substances contained in it are not effective.

If rhinitis is accompanied by high temperature or dry and warm air in the room, the mucus dries out and thickens. And then it is not only not useful, but also harmful. Thick secretion in the sinuses is just a buildup certain type protein, in which it is very convenient for bacteria to settle and multiply.

What happens in this case? A viral infection turns into a viral-bacterial one, which needs to be treated with completely different methods and means. The type of bacteria can only be determined by analyzing a smear and throat. But the fact that bacteria have joined the viruses can be determined by the characteristic yellow-green color of nasal discharge, suggests Dr. Komarovsky.

The conclusion from all of the above: if a runny nose is caused by viruses, no medicine will help and treatment will not be effective; snot itself is a cure for viral infections. You just need to drink as much fluid as possible, the doctor recommends, to maintain optimal mucus viscosity.

It is important to monitor the humidity level and air temperature in the room. To prevent the air from becoming dry, Dr. Komarovsky’s school advises:

  1. Do wet cleaning twice a day.
  2. Ventilate the room several times a day, even at sub-zero temperatures outside.
  3. Use air humidifiers or at least place containers of boiled water in the room.

There are medications for the nose that will prevent the mucous membrane from drying out and the secretion from thickening. You can regularly rinse your nose with regular saline solution - this is the best and gentlest treatment practiced by Dr. Komarovsky’s school. In the training video you can see how to properly rinse at home.

In addition, the following nasal drops can be used:

  • Pinosol;
  • Ectericide;
  • Saline solution.

Pinosol should be instilled according to the instructions, but Ectericide and solution table salt can be administered without sparing - no less than half a pipette into each nostril at a time.

You can learn a lot of interesting things about the treatment of rhinitis in the video in this article.

The Komarovsky School has repeatedly covered the issue of allergies and the causes of their occurrence. This can be plant pollen during the period of active flowering, animal hair, some products and medicines, household chemicals– washing powders or air fresheners.

To treat effectively allergic runny nose, the reason for its occurrence is not so important. The main thing is to minimize contact with the irritant. And rinse the nasal passages with the same saline solution - thanks to this procedure, dust particles and allergens are washed away well.

If for some reason it is impossible to eliminate the irritant causing an allergic runny nose, you will have to treat it with medications.

In the pharmacy you can find a number of remedies in different pharmaceutical forms for allergies. The most popular:

  • Allergodil,
  • Cromohexal,
  • Cromoghlin,
  • Flixonase.

Treating a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops

In most cases, doctors recommend treating a runny nose of any origin with vasoconstrictor nasal drops. What are these drugs, how do they work and do they really help get rid of rhinitis?

Vasoconstrictor drops, upon contact with the mucous membrane, affect the capillaries located in it - in other words, they narrow the blood vessels. The result is a double effect:

  1. Relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Mucus production decreases.

At the same time, such drops act almost instantly. The nasal passages widen, the mucus accumulated in them flows out and nasal breathing is being restored.

The mechanism of action of such drugs, as well as contraindications and possible side effects, are almost the same.

But the composition and duration of exposure of the droplets are different. The most popular drugs in the pharmacy are:

  • Otrivin;
  • Tizin;
  • Nazol;
  • Sanorin;
  • Galazolin;
  • Xylometazoline;
  • Adrianol;
  • Afrin.

And this is far from full list vasoconstrictor nasal drops offered by modern pharmaceuticals. It is not so important which ones are assigned and purchased, says Komarovsky. It is much more important to follow the basic rules and features of the use of medications of this type and to carry out them correctly:

  1. Under no circumstances exceed the dosage recommended in the instructions, otherwise side effects can't be avoided. Vasoconstrictor drops affect not only the vessels of the nasopharynx, but also the vessels of the entire body.
  2. Do not exceed the duration of the course of treatment - usually it is 7 days; if you use the drops longer, addiction will develop, you will need to increase the dosage to obtain the desired effect, and this, as mentioned in the first paragraph, will inevitably lead to side effects.
  3. If the dosage was nevertheless exceeded, note in varying degrees severity following symptoms: swelling of the mucous membrane, drying out, itching, burning, tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, sleep and vision disorders, depressive states.
  4. Many drugs are contraindicated in young children school age or are produced in lower concentrations - this must also be taken into account.

If some questions remain unclear about the runny nose, its causes and treatment, you can watch the video in this article by Komarovsky on this topic.

A child has a runny nose - how to treat and when to consult a doctor? Everyone is familiar with the situation: during a period of mass virus infection, your child comes home with a high temperature, weakness, a stuffy nose and a sad look - the first signs of ARVI. Soon a runny nose appears, which becomes a reason for parents to think: how to treat it and when to go to the doctor? In this article you will find a comprehensive answer to these questions from Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, host of the program “Dr. Komarovsky’s School”, doctor highest category and one of the most famous specialists in the field of pediatrics.

A common cause of a runny nose is acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), transmitted by airborne droplets. Mucus (popularly called snot) released from the nose performs two functions:

  • Blocks the virus from reaching the throat and lungs.
  • Produces substances that kill infections.

If the disease is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, then according to Dr. Komarovsky E.O. no need to search magic pills and miracle sprays. The healing process is interconnected with clear laws of physiology. The body even small child is able to cope with the disease on his own, he just needs help.

  • If the snot is liquid, flows out on its own, it is easy to blow your nose, therefore, recovery is on the right path.
  • If the snot dries out and becomes thick, there is a risk of infection getting deeper. The main task of adults is to prevent mucus from drying out. This is necessary so that all infections come out without lingering in the body.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the list of actions requiring parental intervention includes the following:

  • Constant use by a child large quantity clean water room temperature. You can diversify your drinking diet with dried fruit compote, tea with raspberries, decoctions of herbs and rose hips, and mineral water.
  • Placing the patient in a cool room with moist and clean air. The mucus will quickly dry out at temperatures above 22 degrees, this will lead to viruses gaining access to the child’s throat and lungs, causing the development of pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • Decrease in child's body temperature. This is again necessary to ensure that the mucus produced by the body does not thicken. Will help effective and safe drug– paracetamol.
  • Rinse the nose with saline solution. This product is available at any pharmacy, the cost of a bottle will be up to 100 rubles. If for some reason you cannot purchase saline solution, then its analogue can be prepared at home: add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of boiled water, and the resulting liquid is injected with a pipette into each nostril every hour.

By observing these simple rules Komarovsky, you will help your child’s immunity cope with the disease on its own and will not cause him harm in the form of antibiotics and vasoconstrictor sprays.

To make sure you don't miss anything, watch the video:

When to sound the alarm and see a doctor

There are times when parents begin to panic if the child does not get better by 3 or 5 days. About, when you need to see a doctor, Dr. Komarovsky also has the answer.

A well-known pediatrician believes that you should see a doctor immediately if you have a runny nose, but if for some reason you cannot do this, then it is important to monitor the dynamics of the patient’s condition throughout the week.

When viral infections enter the body, the immune system switches on powerful protection. At the beginning of the disease, against the background of high temperature, the protein interferon is produced, which reaches a maximum on the 4th day of the disease, then the first improvements are noticeable. Accordingly, if no improvement in the patient’s condition is observed on the 4th day, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.

In addition, the child’s body produces antibodies that eliminate the virus, maximum action which occurs on the 6-7th day. If the temperature does not decrease on the 6th or 7th day, then you need to contact your pediatrician.

It is necessary to monitor whether the child is getting worse. If you notice your symptoms getting worse, it doesn’t matter whether it’s on the 3rd or 6th day, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

If the consistency or color of the mucus coming from the nose changes (the snot turns yellow or green), you should think about whether you did everything correctly and seek help from a doctor.

!!! Be aware and avoid!!!

Often, parents choose drops and sprays as the first remedy for a runny nose. Their indiscriminate use is fraught unpleasant consequences. This does not mean that you should be afraid of such remedies, but you should avoid:

The former are contraindicated, since an allergic reaction is possible, and if in the future the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for more serious purposes, its use will become dangerous for the body.

The latter are harmful in that at first the patient feels improvement, as the runny nose stops, but after a while swelling of the mucous membrane begins, and it becomes even more difficult for the child to breathe. Often the use of such sprays or drops puts parents in vicious circle, and they again and again give the remedy to the child, but the improvements are short-term.

!!! Welcome!!!

Taking vitamin C in the form of vegetables, fruits, or ascorbic acid, observing dosages. This vitamin will not put the child on his feet in one day, but will help the body cope with the virus faster and prevent complications.

Thus, during a child’s illness, the parents’ actions should be clear and deliberate. Remember the main rules of Komarovsky that you need to follow:

  1. runny nose - protection from viruses; you should not treat the snot, but help the body resist infection by providing the child with constant fluids and a cool room;
  2. lack of improvement on day 4 or elevated temperature on day 7 is the reason to consult a doctor;
  3. deterioration of the condition is also a wake-up call and a reason to make an appointment with a pediatrician;
  4. Taking vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the process of getting rid of viruses.

Take care of your children and be healthy!

Runny nose- a symptom of an enormous number of diseases, and there is probably no one among the readers who has never experienced runny nose on myself.
Physiological basis runny nose- increased production of mucus by the membranes of the nasal passages. Reasons for the above " increased output"can be very different - infections (viral and bacterial), allergies (to anything), just increased content dust in the inhaled air.
By the way, sniffling is not always a disease. For example, any active sobbing and the associated increased production of tears inevitably leads to the need to urgently use a handkerchief - “extra” tears are discharged into the nasal cavity through the so-called lacrimal-nasal duct.
Most common cause runny nose are acute respiratory viral infections. Excess mucus, called " snot", is actually one of the body's ways of fighting the virus. The fact is that the mucus in a huge number contains special substances that neutralize viruses.
A completely different question is that these substances can act successfully only when the mucus has a strictly defined consistency - when it is not thick. If the mucus dries out - for example, the room is warm and dry or the patient is very heat- such mucus is of no use, on the contrary, - dried or simply thick mucus is rich in protein a liquid in which it is very convenient for bacteria to multiply. And this transition viral infection it is easy to replace it with a viral-bacterial one due to the changed color snot- they become greenish or yellowish-green.
Thus, if the reason runny nose- viruses, it should definitely be concluded: there is no cure for the common cold and there cannot be. Snot for a viral infection they are needed, because, as we already understood, they neutralize viruses. The task is to maintain optimal mucus viscosity - drink a lot, breathe cool, clean and not dry air (wash floors, ventilate, use humidifiers). To prevent mucus from drying out, you can also use medications - pinosol, ectericide, regular saline(approximately 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter boiled water). The last two drugs - do not regret - half a pipette in each nostril every hour.
The next reason, both in frequency and relevance, is runny nose- allergies. What exactly caused allergic runny nose of fundamental importance for further actions does not have (washing powder, pets, something blooms, something smells, etc., etc.) The main thing is to try to immediately part with the supposed source of the allergy. If this is not possible, well, you will have to use medications.
The fundamental fact is that very effective cold medicine really exist and eliminate a runny nose, by at least, temporarily, does not amount to special labor. There are a number of medicines, called " vasoconstrictors For local application". Instillation or inhalation of these drugs into the nasal passages quickly leads to a narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. As a result, firstly, the swelling of the nasal mucosa and, secondly, the amount of mucus produced by the cells of this mucous membrane decreases. The result is quick and specific - nasal breathing is restored and snot stops running.
Examples vasoconstrictor drugs: naphthyzin, sanorin, galazolin, xylometazoline, nazole, tizin, otrivin, leconil, afrin, adrianol, etc. (you can definitely write about two dozen more names). In general, both the mechanisms of action and side effects are very similar. The differences are in the strength and duration of the therapeutic effect.

Usage vasoconstrictor drugs requires certain knowledge, which we will now share.

    When using any vasoconstrictor drugs addiction develops quite quickly, requiring increased doses or more frequent use. The consequence is the development of side effects associated with the fact that almost all of these drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, have not only local influence on the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but also generally - on the vessels of the whole body.

    Subject to the rules of administration - the recommended doses are not exceeded, the total duration of use is no more than 7 days - side effects are rare.

    Side effects can be local and general. Local - swelling of the nasal mucosa, burning, sneezing, tingling in the nose, dry mouth. General - palpitations, disturbances heart rate, sleep disorders, dizziness, increased blood pressure, blurred vision, vomiting, depression....(no comments).

    Using vasoconstrictors in children, remember that: a) there are special children’s forms that differ from adults in lower concentration active substance in solution (naphthyzine for children, galazolin for children); b) many vasoconstrictors children, especially children under 2 years of age, are contraindicated (consult your doctor, as a last resort, read instructions).

By and large, the topic of this article is " cold medicine" - may well be exhausted by the list vasoconstrictors. The effect is too quick and specific: runny nose Yes - they put naphthyzine in the nose or sprayed nazol - there is no runny nose. But the causes of a runny nose remain!
From this point of view, the impact is not on the effect (that is, a symptom of the disease - runny nose), and the cause of the disease, for example, the severity of allergic reactions, can also be regarded as treatment runny nose. And in this aspect, both calcium gluconate and antihistamines- Same cold medicine. You can also liquefy thick mucus- after all, well-known expectorants (acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, ambroxol - see our article) act not only at the level of the bronchi, but also at the level of the nose.
There are antiallergic agents for topical use - they are used for seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis (rhinitis- inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in other words, this is a runny nose). Examples are allergodil, cromohexal, cromoglin. A pronounced local anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by drugs containing glucocorticoid hormones, for example, beconase, nazacort, flixonase.
There are complex medicines containing several active ingredients. Thus, a dosed aerosol with the complex name rinofluimucil includes a vasoconstrictor component and acetylcysteine, which thins thick mucus; the drug betadrine contains antibacterial, antiallergic and vasoconstrictor components.
The list of drugs can be continued for a very, very long time. But only a qualified doctor can figure out what is best and what exactly is required. And we have given many names of drugs only to convince the reader of the considerable possibilities modern medicine.
There are two main conclusions from this article:
The first is that treatment of runny nose is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, for the suffering subject with a bottle of naphthyzin in his trembling hand surprisingly resembles an ostrich with its head in the sand and not understanding the dialectical relationship of cause and effect.
The second conclusion is no less important - the best “medicine” from a runny nose is a doctor who, unlike the ostrich, understands and is aware of the dialectical relationship between cause (a specific disease - allergic, infectious) and effect (just a symptom - runny nose).

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

In addition to everyday worries and worries in the first months after the birth of a baby, baby runny nose. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a baby is a consequence of some viral disease, Start inflammatory process or the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

A runny nose and stuffy nose causes great discomfort and inconvenience to the baby. The appearance of snot disrupts restful sleep baby and causes difficulties with feeding. It's hard for him to breathe, he's capricious. After all, a baby mainly breathes through his nose; to ease breathing, due to a stuffy nose, the baby still does not know how to consciously open his mouth. The nasal passages of a newborn are still very narrow, so even small discharge or swelling of the nasal mucosa completely covers them.

These circumstances make my mother very nervous. Parents try to alleviate the suffering of their baby, but if treatment is carried out incorrectly or nothing is done at all, a runny nose can result in complications associated with inflammation of the child’s sinuses and ears.

Therefore, before starting treatment for a runny nose, it is necessary to carefully analyze possible reasons rhinitis, so as not to make a mistake with treatment tactics.

Pediatricians distinguish two types of main causes of nasal mucus in children:

  • physiological, which do not require treatment. For example, teething, active functioning salivary glands, which occurs in the first months of life of newborn children. Discharge from the nose is moderate, clear and does not cause much concern;
  • pathological reasons. These are precisely the cases that require treatment and prevention. These include viruses, bacteria, and allergens.

Manifestation of pathological rhinitis

Viral snot. Usually their appearance is associated with an increase in temperature and occurs after contact with a patient.

Bacterial runny nose. This type of snot is also accompanied by fever, but the discharge from the nose is slightly different from viral rhinitis. Slime greenish color, in which leukocytes stain it. They accumulate in secretions after a fight immune system a child with bacteria that have entered the body.

Allergic rhinitis most often manifests itself without elevated temperature, general state baby is normal. Allergens can be near the baby in the form of pet hair, pollen, and dust.

Dr. Komarovsky also draws the attention of parents of newborn children to the fact that if the room does not maintain sufficient humidity (about 70%), then a runny nose can be a reaction to dry air in the form of protective moist mucus.

According to Komarovsky, the main thing that parents of a baby should do is to determine the cause of rhinitis and treat it, and not the runny nose itself.

How to treat rhinitis in a baby

If the doctor has diagnosed a pathological runny nose in a child, then along with the prescribed treatment, the baby needs to remove the mucus that appears from the nose so that he can breathe. Naturally, at this age the baby does not know how to blow his nose, so parents will have to learn how to perform some procedures.

How should a runny nose be treated in newborns?

1. Regularly suck out mucus from the nose. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a nasal aspirator or a mechanical aspirator in the form of a tube or special vacuum and electronic aspirators.

Many models of electronic spout cleaners are equipped with a function for moistening the mucous membrane.

2. Use physiological solutions in treatment. In my own way chemical composition they are closest to human blood serum. The most commonly used solution is 0.9% sodium chloride. Use this drug to moisturize the nasal passages, better removal snot from the nose and preventing it from stagnating in the child’s nasal passages. Infants under 1 year of age need to instill 1-3 drops of saline solution into each nostril. The liquid will soften the secretions and move them towards the larynx. The baby will subsequently swallow them, and breathing will be restored.

Saline solution can also be used to prevent rhinitis. Doctors also say that in preventive and medicinal purposes You can use a few drops of breast milk.

3. Use some vasoconstrictors if recommended by your pediatrician. If the cause of rhinitis in an infant is swelling of the nasal mucosa, then the dose prescribed by the doctor vasoconstrictor drops will relieve swelling in the nose and restore the baby's breathing.

The disadvantages of using vasoconstrictor drugs are the following:

  • long-term use can be addictive and cause drug-induced rhinitis;
  • These drugs also have an effect on cardiovascular system baby;
  • the action of such drops makes the walls of the nasal mucosa quite vulnerable;
  • all drops used to treat the child end up in his stomach. Saline solution is almost harmless, and vasoconstrictor drops have a more aggressive composition, which can cause a certain effect on the child’s body.

What does Dr. Komarovsky recommend for the treatment of runny nose in children?

Komarovsky's technique is as follows. For a child normal breathing cool and moist air is needed to prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. During a runny nose, the child should receive drinking plenty of fluids, which maintains the required rheology baby nose.

Saline solution should be used regularly. Dr. Komarovsky advises treating rhinitis in infants according to the following scheme: every 30 minutes, 3-4 drops of solution should be dripped into the nose.

How to care for your child with a runny nose

In order to prevent the appearance of a runny nose, parents of infants need to strengthen their baby’s immunity - take walks more often. fresh air, fulfill physical exercise and feed the child properly.

A runny nose is considered mild illness. Indeed, an adult can easily tolerate even acute inflammation mucous membrane in the nose. However, for a child, any runny nose, and especially his reappearance can be a real problem.

Komarovsky video: Runny nose


Causes of children's runny nose

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a child’s runny nose most often appears due to a weakened immune system.

That is, the child’s body does not have the resources to resist pathogenic organisms that very quickly “capture” the child’s nose. And since children have narrow nasal passages, a small viral infection is enough to cause a runny nose and the development of rhinitis.

Komarovsky claims that a child may also develop a runny nose as a result of a “temperature shock.” For example, during overheating child's body begins profuse sweating, and the body loses a lot of moisture and protective function weakens. Hypothermia is also not good for a child’s body.

A child's runny nose can also be caused by allergic reactions. In this case, as Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose should be accompanied additional symptoms: itchy nose, watery eyes, swollen face.

In more in rare cases a runny nose may appear due to the presence foreign body in the child's nose, which he could put there while playing.

Symptoms and possible consequences

Runny nose in a baby

A new book Dr. Komarovsky is not only a comprehensive guide dedicated to the most pressing topic of childhood acute respiratory infections, but also a textbook of common sense...