Wow my own fortress. Location "Fortress": a complete guide to development and management. Stone of Return to the Garrison

is your character’s fortress on Draenor, the home planet of the orcs. It is here that you will begin to accumulate the necessary resources, hire non-player characters - comrades-in-arms, and also prepare your troops for the battle with the Iron Horde. There are many buildings in the garrison, and each of them has its own purpose. Structures, like followers, can be customized, meaning they can be improved and changed, which immediately affects the garrison. Group members can enter the garrison to evaluate how the base is laid out, to trade special resources, or to interact with mercenaries.

The invasion of the Iron Horde is fraught with great troubles, and this threat must be eliminated by any means necessary. For this, the Horde and Alliance send their best warriors to Draenor, and you too join the ranks of fearless fighters. This means that you will need an army, because without it you will not survive in this world, where danger lurks at every turn.

Are we planning a development or what to build?

Now your worries increase - you will need to carefully plan the development of your garrison, as well as find and attract allies. Without them, it’s like having no hands: under your leadership, they will bring a lot of benefits - making useful items, extracting resources, constructing buildings at the base, even fighting in battle.

In general, garrisons are certain zones that are located within the reality of the game’s physical space. Each player, including you, can carefully explore them, to do this, enter different buildings and interact with teammates. The entrance to the garrison is open, you can get there without hindrance. But you can build your garrison only in two places in Draenor: in Shadowmoon Valley, where you can create an Alliance garrison, as well as in Frostfire Ridge, where you can build a Horde garrison.

As you know, a garrison is a fortress, and each fortress must have a developed and logical infrastructure. What to build? As already mentioned, each building provides its own capabilities, providing certain services. This could be the improvement and growth of teammates, providing open access to different professions, as well as other bonuses as the game progresses. It could also be access to resources, such as materials for crafters or preferences for garrisoned troops. In one of the buildings - the town hall - there is an architect who will help your character plan the territory and correctly and expediently place buildings on it. When you have companions, you will begin to assign them to certain tasks, which will bring you many benefits. In particular, if you send a mercenary to the enchanting pavilion (the ally must have the abilities necessary for this task), he will give you access to important formulas that allow you to give any weapon an original and unique appearance.

One of the categories of buildings in the garrison are starting buildings, which are provided to all players without exception. In order to orient yourself with the layout of the garrison, in addition to the help of an architect, you can use the drawings of the garrison. From them you will learn how, what and where to build, how to modernize and change, how to improve and repair the corresponding structure.

In addition, the garrison will contain trophies and monuments and trophies. The latter can be built by achieving certain goals. And you can collect trophies from killed opponents or receive them after successfully completing a task. For example, your teammates will bring you trophies after a successful raid or other mission of a certain difficulty level.

Defense of your fortress

Your garrison will not be safe, since it will be periodically attacked by enemies coming from different places Draenor. You can ensure the protection of your garrison with the help of your comrades at any time; mercenaries will help you, even if you are not in the game at the time of the attack. Attacks on the garrison may be associated with twists and turns in the game's storyline. Changes in garrisons occur depending on the level of your character and allies. These changes reflect the development of the participants in the game action. Among other things, the garrison plays a significant role in mastering the profession that your character will learn.

Having built a garrison in one of the two available zones of Draenor, you will no longer be able to change its location, that is, move it to another zone. However, you have the opportunity to build outposts in locations on the planet. Interestingly, in the garrison you can build three buildings, with the help of which you will create different things according to almost all recipes, even without mastering the profession itself.

The number of garrison sites for the construction of buildings is strictly limited and directly depends on the level at which the garrison is located:

  • 1st level plots - 1 small, 1 large;
  • Level 2 plots - 2 small, 1 large, 1 medium, 3 standard;
  • Level 3 plots - 3 small, 2 large, 2 medium, 4 standard.

Garrison levels

The garrison level can be increased - respectively, from 1st to 3rd. You can build a level 1 garrison immediately after completing several introductory quests in the Tanaan Jungle. You will build a Barracks and recruit your first follower.

You will be able to upgrade your garrison to level 2 only when both areas are occupied for buildings. If this happens, simply click on the Town Hall icon in the game interface. When you successfully complete the task “Bigger is better,” you will automatically begin studying all the drawings of the garrison, that is, any buildings (large, medium and small) of the 1st level. When you improve your garrison to level 2, you will receive new slots for buildings - these will be sites for the Fisherman's Hut, Herbal Garden, and also the Mine. It is noteworthy that the walls of your garrison will immediately become wider and higher. Upgrading a garrison to level 3 will require 5,000 gold coins and the same amount of garrison resources.

This way, you will definitely have something to do in your garrison. But it is very important that you have an idea of ​​what exactly you should do, how to do the right thing and how to use the help of your associates.

What many players have been waiting for for so long will finally appear in World of Warcraft. Now, like in many other MMOs, it is possible to capture other people's fortresses and defend your own. Here's what Blizzard Entertainment says about it Nov 09, 2013 00:29 MSK

In the Warlords of Draenor expansion, you will have the opportunity to influence the fate of the world with military camp- a personal fortress that you can build and equip yourself, and in which you will be the master. You can change the layout of your camp, its appearance and game effects, and also hire helpers. The garrison system will allow players to have another significant part of World of Warcraft for personal use and will significantly diversify the gameplay - at the same time, you will be able to choose how much time and effort you are willing to devote to your fortress.

The military camp exists in the game world as a separate object, but to visit it, you do not have to enter the portal, as when going to the dungeon. As you travel through Draenor, your camp will always loom somewhere on the horizon.

And now - the details.


Companions are NPCs (non-player characters) who can be hired for service. You can send them on various missions to develop the camp or get additional trophies for your character. You can also assign them tasks such as gathering resources or crafting. Companions will do this regardless of whether you are in the game or not.

Companions have indicators such as development level, item level and abilities that can be useful when completing missions or tasks. For example, if your follower is skilled in mining, you can send him to the mine in your camp to collect resources for you. Companions are common, uncommon, rare, or epic; this classification affects the number of characteristics they can have.

Attracting teammates

To effectively manage a camp, you will first need to attract followers to it. Some will come to you on their own, and some need to be attracted, for example, by an improved tavern. As the game progresses, you will be able to win the loyalty of new teammates. Among other things, this will help you complete tasks... or the opportunity to fork out money for mercenaries.

During moments of rest from missions and assignments, teammates will always be in the camp. You can visit them at any time. One of the main goals of the military camp system is to keep teammates active and interested in the game. For example, if a teammate fails a mission in a local dungeon, he may be taken hostage, and the next time you are there, you can rescue him.


Mission objectives

Companions can perform various missions. If you complete them successfully, you will receive the resources necessary to develop the camp, but, among other things, they have the opportunity to receive wonderful trophies that will suit your character. For each completed mission, teammates will receive experience.

The resources you will obtain during missions include both regents for crafts and special materials for the camp. For example, if you send a follower to the mines, then, in addition to regular ore, you can also get stone - a new type of resource from which you can build buildings (or improve them).

While followers are great at solo missions, they can also be used in multiplayer games. By sending a group of companions on certain missions, you can unite them with the mercenaries of your guildmate, even if he is currently out of the game.

Companion Development

Just like your character, your teammates will also evolve. From levels 90 to 100, they will gain levels, which will significantly affect their abilities and the likelihood of a successful mission outcome. Their item levels will increase as you equip them with special mercenary armor and weapons. Once followers reach level 100, equipment will play a more important role in their effectiveness.

The camp and its buildings

Functions of buildings

Buildings are the components of your camp: stables, farms, mines, armories and much more. Thanks to them, you will be able to attract more teammates, you will be able to assign them more complex tasks and train them more effectively. On top of all this, this will allow teammates to complete missions faster and more efficiently, minimizing downtime.

Each building can be improved, which will affect its efficiency and appearance. For example, after upgrading, the barracks will increase in size and become more impressive. But not only! You will also be able to send a larger number of comrades on missions at a time (for example, with barracks of the first level, you can simultaneously send 5 mercenaries on missions, then 7, then 12 - the numbers are not final, but they give an idea).

Changing the appearance of the camp

The buildings in your military camp can be arranged in different ways. You can place small buildings (mostly those related to crafts) on modest-sized plots. Larger buildings, such as barracks, simply will not fit on small plots. You can start building large buildings from the very first days of the camp’s life: even at the initial stage there will be enough space for them. As the level of a military camp increases, so does the amount of space available and the size of the building sites, not to mention the variety and improved potential of the buildings.

The appearance of the Horde and Alliance camps differs. You can set up camp in one of the designated areas of Draenor. You yourself draw up a plan for your camp (where the buildings will be located within its walls) and choose what exactly you want to build. The “specialization” of buildings (details below) affects their appearance: furniture, decorations, as well as various effects that affect the gameplay.

You can show off your camp to the players of your faction who are in your group: they will be able to enter your base, talk to your NPCs and evaluate the layout. Besides pure vanity, there is another reason to show off your camp to others: sharing resources. If, for example, you have extra building materials, you can take them to your friend’s camp, and in exchange take from him what you need.

Specialization of buildings

The specialization of buildings determines their characteristics and the bonuses they provide. For example, one of the mine specializations allows miners to collect ore faster, while another increases the likelihood that they will come across a vein with rare minerals. Some buildings will give your character access to professions that he does not have (but don't expect to fit buildings for all professions there - there won't be enough space).

At the beginning of building a camp, you will have to interact with it quite a lot. But over time it will take less and less energy. At lower levels, missions will have a shorter cycle time (a few minutes, hours, or days), and when followers reach higher levels, they can be sent on missions that are as long as a week. We want the military camp to be an important part of the game, while remaining simple so that interacting with it is simple and enjoyable, rather than annoying.

Your own base on Draenor

Your military camp is directly linked to the gameplay of the Warlords of Draenor expansion. It all begins when the head of your faction orders you to go to an alien world and gain a foothold there - but what the future fate of your fortress will be depends only on you.

To become the owner of your own fortress, castle or palace in Europe - who hasn’t dreamed of this at least in childhood? But not everyone knows that realizing this desire is often much easier than it might seem at first glance.

According to Zoopla analysts, every 15th buyer of locks in Europe is Russian. For some, buying a castle is the realization of a romantic dream, for others it is a profitable investment that involves making money on an excursion program or organizing an unusual hotel, while others see the purpose of purchasing “feudal” real estate as the high mission of preserving world cultural heritage.

From one euro...

Offers for the sale of castles and palaces are commonplace on the European real estate market, and the range of prices is incredible. The cost of a historical residence can vary from 1 euro to several hundred million. As a rule, the older the castle, the higher its cultural and material value. In addition, pricing is influenced by the condition of the object, location, possibilities of commercial use and even...genius loci - genius of the place!

The symbolic price, equal to a cup of coffee, for a historical building in disrepair is usually explained by the buyer’s obligation to reconstruct the building while fully preserving both its façade and interior architecture and decoration. Similar “mandatory” programs operate in almost all European countries. Often, three parties are involved in signing a contract for a transaction: the seller, the buyer and the state. Therefore, when purchasing real estate for next to nothing, you need to be prepared to invest millions of euros in it.

...and ad infinitum

On average, you can buy a residence in Europe at a price quite comparable to the cost of a good apartment in Moscow - for 2-3 million euros. For this money you can find good historical real estate, for example, in Italy, Spain, Croatia, Hungary. It is possible to purchase a hunting castle in the Czech Republic in quite satisfactory condition for a price of less than a million euros. You just need to take into account that the castle will be located far from tourist trails, and therefore it is unlikely that you will be able to make money on it. The most expensive real estate in this segment is in France: for a historical villa you will have to pay at least 5 million in European currency.

Real estate market experts cannot name an upper price limit: the most unique and expensive proposals are outside the zone of public discussion.

Surcharge for ghosts

A castle with history costs 10% more than its average market counterparts. Examples of castles “with history” are the d'Artagnan estates in France and Blicklinghall in Norfolk (Great Britain). The first belonged to the family of Charles de Batz, who became the prototype of one of the main characters of the famous novel by Dumas, the second is filled with ghosts. At least, local old-timers They say that in addition to the ghost of Henry VIII’s wife, the castle is inhabited by the spirits of knights killed in duels.

Responsibility and Opportunities

Remodeling a purchased villa or palace to suit your taste is often absolutely impossible. Each European castle, which is under state protection, imposes a number of obligations on its owner.

Firstly, even before concluding a real estate transaction, you need to inquire about the tax burden. The tax on the acquisition of real estate can be 15% of its value. Of course, for example, in the Czech Republic, real estate tax does not involve serious expenses, but in other countries it can be more than noticeable. It is also necessary to provide for payment of inheritance tax. In France the amounts can be colossal!

Secondly, you must be prepared to closely cooperate with the state authority for the protection of monuments. As a rule, even door handles cannot be changed without his permission, and replacement of double-glazed windows is out of the question.

However, often the status of a historical monument can result in benefits - subsidies for restoration from the state or public funds.

In France, it is possible to receive a cash grant for the maintenance of real estate, which compensates for 35-50% of restoration work. In the Czech Republic - receive finance under the state programs “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Real Estate” or “Provincial Development Program”.

In general, in Europe, owners of historical buildings have the opportunity to repair objects at the expense of income tax. In addition, you can try to get EU subsidies for the maintenance of real estate, subject to its social use, for example, as a nursing home.

Simpler options

Despite all the benefits from EU states for owners of castles and palaces, only truly wealthy people can afford to buy them, for whom this property is clearly not the only one. For lovers of antiques with a more modest income, there are simpler options.

For example, towers. On the one hand, their historical value may not be inferior to large castles, on the other hand, maintaining such an object will cost much less.

Another option without having a solid account to live in a castle is to buy apartments in it. Similar offers are often found, for example, on the Italian market.

Maria Lobareva

Two months have passed since the release of WoD and having felt the garrisons on “live” servers, we can draw some conclusions regarding the usefulness of certain buildings. Below the cut is the fourth part of the garrison guide, in which we will talk about optimal builds at different stages of the game with different characters.

Garrison buildings

Small garrison buildings

Everything is simple here. The higher the level of the building, the more orders you give to workers. On the 1st there are 7, on the 2nd - 14 and on the third - 21. One task takes four hours to complete. Therefore, you can puzzle the staff for a period of one to three days. Convenient if you have craft alts - the higher the level of the building, the less often you need to enter. In order to increase the number of orders, you can set up a warehouse (not to be confused with a scrap warehouse). It will also give you access to the guild bank and the Void Vault directly from the garrison.

In principle, level 1 is quite enough, for which you need to complete several quest chains in the starting location. For level 2 you will need character level 94 or an outpost in Talador. Level 3 blueprints are unlocked after receiving the “Big Pile of Orders” achievement (250 orders completed in the garrison).

Recommendations : The scrap warehouse stands apart among the small buildings. Take it without fail, because followers bring junk from missions in which you can find all sorts of useful junk. In addition to the “green stuff” and improvements to the followers’ armor and weapons, it may contain items for transmog. The only alternative is a weapons factory. And you need to dress followers because otherwise they will not be able to complete missions with good rewards.

In addition, you can get a level 665 epic from the salvage box. This epic is BoE, so if you get some kind of trick, you can get it for 25-30 thousand gold.

If you are happy with a weapons factory, then instead of a scrap warehouse, install a pavilion.

Medium buildings


As experience has shown, garrison resources are not always enough at the stage of pumping up the garrison (and there are also problems at cape). The sawmill is a good way to solve the shortage problem. We cut down trees, give them to workers and get RG. True, the method is somewhat stressful, since the trees still need to be found, and competitors are not asleep. I can’t remember how many times a tree was cut down right under my nose. In addition, you can’t cut down every tree; you must first pump up the building. The last disadvantage: after reaching the level cap, the high-level character’s movements around Draenor are minimized. Ashran, garrison, locations where there are daily events for apexis. It is unlikely that you will specifically farm firewood. If only because there are more attractive alternatives for RG production.

A level 3 sawmill blueprint is given for the achievement “Improving the sawmill” (75 orders at the sawmill).


The building is useful for three reasons:

  • NPCs who enter the tavern give daily quests in the dungeons, with good rewards, including in the form of “blue”;
  • the ability to hire followers with the necessary traits (at level 2);
  • At level 3, additional missions with good monetary rewards become available. How much you need it - decide for yourself. In my opinion, what they bring you from regular missions is quite enough. Level 3 tavern blueprint is awarded for the achievement “Come and Listen to Me.”

Recommendations : the building is useful if you are going to level up your character on instagram. However, swinging by 5ppl is now not as effective as by locations. And if you are a damage dealer, a queue of 30-40 minutes is not very encouraging. So it's up to you.

Trade Shop

Perhaps the easiest way to get RG. You give the vendor resources for the task and receive a decent amount of RG. Access to the auction is also given. To do this, you need to collect a certain amount of spare parts to receive the quest. Where and how to get the necessary items -.

A level 3 trading post blueprint is given for the achievement “Wild Friends”. To do this, you need to level up your reputation with at least one faction of Draenor to exalted status.

Gladiator's Sanctuary

If you love PvP, then you need to have this building - it gives bonuses in PvP. For example, at level 1, health recovery is accelerated, and at level 3, at 35% health, incoming damage is reduced by 50%. In addition, with the help of the Gladiator's Sanctuary, you can access the PvP kit. For orders you receive level 600 and 620 blue, which scales in PvP mode to 660 and 670, respectively. In addition, the number of titles that opens up for the owners of this building is the largest among those given by garrison buildings.

Level 3 Gladiator Shrine Blueprint is awarded for the “Bone Collector” achievement (4000 pieces).


This building should be called a slaughterhouse. The key to obtaining Wild Blood, the main reagent for high-level improvements to crafted items. By constructing a building you get the opportunity to catch wild animals in Draenor. At the slaughterhouse they are freshened to produce meat, wool and leather. At the 3rd level of the building, the opportunity to catch elites and receive Wild Blood from them opens up. A drawing of a building of the 3rd level is given for the achievement “Skilled Trapper”. To do this, you need to make 125 orders for skinning.

Recommendations: if you plan to seriously engage in crafting, then be sure to install this building. To speed up leveling up to level 3, place the same buildings on your alts - the order takes four hours to complete, so even if the main is fully loaded, leveling up will take almost three weeks. With alts the process will speed up dramatically.

Large buildings


The more followers the better. From missions they bring blue, epics, and gold. If you have a salvage warehouse, you can even get BoE-epic from the boxes. Patch 6.1 will bring other useful things, such as Wild Blood. Therefore, five additional followers is a useful bonus. You will receive them on the 3rd level of the building. A blueprint for a level 3 building is given for the achievement "Patrol of Draenor".

Dwarven Bunker/Armory

By constructing this building you will have the opportunity to collect fragments of the armor of the Iron Horde and buy transmog sets for them. In patch 6.1 they promise to sell upgrades for the weapons and armor of your followers for the same debris. You can get these same improvements by placing orders for RG. At level 3, the building vendor gives a free Seal of Tempered Fate - an additional bonus roll after killing a raid boss.

A level 3 building is awarded for the achievement “Filling the Ranks” - leveling up 20 followers to level 100.


The building is useful as an additional source of RG. Daily tasks for training mounts provide a decent amount of resources, so you shouldn’t neglect them. Mount collectors will find it useful for getting additional animals. A Level 3 building blueprint is given for the achievement “Unrivaled Rider”.

Ogre Portal / Mage Tower

Having leveled two characters to level 100, I can say that there is no particular need for the building. However, there is one useful bonus - one of the portals leads directly to the High Hammer raid. So it might come in handy. Especially for those who like to run to their garrison during a break. A blueprint for a level 3 building is given for the achievement “Find your waystone.”

Goblin Workshop/Gnome Workshop

The building gives access to all sorts of engineering stuff. To be honest, I didn’t install it because the list of goodies didn’t impress me. So, for information, a drawing of a level 3 building is given for the achievement “Amazing Technology”.

Garrison Builds

To begin with, let’s designate the “growth points” of the garrison and the composition of buildings at different levels.

1st level: Character level 90. You gain access to the garrison automatically after you complete the starting chain. Composition of buildings: 1 large and 1 small. The benefit of such a garrison is minimal, especially since blueprints for large buildings are opened only after completing a chain of quests, and only the barracks are available. And the presence of one small building will allow you to fully use only one profession.

2nd level: 91-93 character level. The garrison consists of 1 large, 1 medium and 2 small buildings. In principle, this is a sufficient configuration for an alto crafter. If you exert yourself a little, then after leveling up your character a little, you will open a mine and a vegetable garden.

3rd level: Character level 100. 2 large buildings, 2 medium, 3 small and all additional. In general, only here you will get a full set of functions. And then, in fact, it’s initial, because the main benefits are in buildings of the 3rd level.

Builds for alta crafter

1st level We don’t consider it, it’s practically useless.

2nd garrison level

Garrison composition:

  • small buildings: those that correspond to the professions on the character.
  • medium building: since your character is unlikely to crawl out of the garrison, then install a trading post. The easiest way to get RG.
  • large building: the purpose of an alta crafter is to make money, and in this regard, followers are a good help. Remember that their level does not depend on the level. In addition, they will be able to upgrade you. Therefore, set up a weapons factory to improve the fighters of your personal squad.

Garrison level 3

Perhaps here you will fully realize the potential of such a character.

  • small buildings: two for the main professions, on the third site you place either a chanter’s pavilion or a salvage warehouse. I recommend the warehouse, because from missions followers bring not only junk, but also sometimes BoE epics. Another option is a warehouse. Then you will have to visit your character less often, because the number of tasks increases.
  • middle buildings: trading post for RG and stable for Wild Blood.
  • large buildings: barracks and armory. The first one at level 3 will expand the active roster to 25 people, and the armory will provide improvements for them.

Build at the stage of pumping up to level 100

Here it is important to remember about the RG deficit, because the speed of leveling up a character will be higher than the rate of obtaining garrison resources.

2nd garrison level

The solution is the following:

  • small buildings: two for the main professions, or one for the Chanter pavilion - there will be a lot of all sorts of blue-green junk that will fall, so it will be useful for spraying.
  • medium buildings: sawmill or tavern. The sawmill is a good way to get additional RG while leveling up. Tavern - as an additional source of equipment. If you are a caveman, then place the Gladiator's Sanctuary.
  • large buildings: barracks or stables. The barracks will allow you to have a follower companion. Stalls are again a source of additional resources for the garrison.

PvE cap builds

Option 1

This option is designed for the fact that you rarely play alts, raid and don’t like messing around with crafting.

  • small buildings: two for main professions, one for scrap storage or spraying of things.
  • middle buildings: trading shop (for RG) and tavern (possibility of hiring followers with the necessary traits).
  • large buildings: barracks and weapons factory. You definitely need pumped up followers. Among the many missions, there are those from which followers can bring an epic from the Heroic or Mythic version of the raid. The factory is needed to improve the body kit of your fighters.

Option 2

This build is for those who raid, but also like to make extra money at the auction.

  • small buildings: two for main professions, one for a scrap warehouse.
  • middle buildings: a trading post (for RG) and a stable (for the extraction of Wild Blood).
  • large buildings: the same as in the first option.

Look like that's it. If you have any valuable comments, do not hesitate to express them in the comments.

The next part of the guide will be dedicated to followers.