One hundred to one which fruit is the sweetest. What is the sweetest fruit in the world?

We all love to enjoy fruits: golden apricots, juicy peaches, delicious plums, red-sided apples. In addition to domestic fruits, overseas bananas, oranges and tangerines have long become popular and “our own”. Exotic pineapples and mangoes are fruits that often appear on festive table. They are all delicious, sweet and aromatic. But which fruit is the sweetest of all?

Unconditional record holder

For some reason, information is widespread everywhere that the most sweet fruit on the planet ─ this is the Thai sugar apple. But actually it is not. If you simply compare the sugar content in different fruits, then most of it is found in dates ─ the fruits of the date palm, most often sold as dried fruits. In 100 grams fresh fruits there are 60-65 grams of sugar, and 100 grams of dried dates contain 80 (!) grams of sugar.

Despite such a high percentage of carbohydrates, dates are very healthy fruits. Their sweetness is fructose and glucose, which are easily digestible, do not burden the pancreas and do not have any negative effects on the body. In addition, these fruits are very rich in vitamins, healthy salts and minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Scientists claim that you can eat only dates and drink for three years clean water without harm to health. In the East they are respectfully called “bread of the desert.”

Their spectrum beneficial influence on the body is simply huge:

  • strengthen immune system, increase the body’s ability to resist infections,
  • significantly reduce the risk of heart disease,
  • are a powerful oncoprotector,
  • strengthen tooth enamel, protect teeth from caries,
  • enhance brain activity,
  • give stamina, give energy, increase life expectancy,
  • significantly strengthens male potency,
  • improve digestion, intestinal, gallbladder and liver function,
  • stabilize acid balance body,
  • facilitate childbirth and stimulate lactation.

Interestingly, the sweetest fruit in the world is recommended to be eaten by those who want to maintain their weight at a normal level. Paradox? Not at all! The fact is that dates contain a number of substances that regulate blood glucose levels and normalize metabolism, preventing fat deposition.

Second place

The second place in sweetness is, of course, the Thai sweet apple. Despite its name, it looks like an apple only in a round shape, is 8-10 cm long, and the fruit weighs 250-350 grams. Covered with a lumpy, rough peel consisting of large segments; the color of the peel can be light green or green with blue or gray shades. Inside there is aromatic juicy pulp of milky or light beige color, in appearance, consistency and taste it is very similar to custard. The seeds are oblong, shiny and black. There are a lot of them ─ from 20 to 40 in one fruit. IN last years Breeders have developed new sugar apple hybrids, the fruits of which contain very few seeds ─ from 5 to 10.

Honorable third place

In third place is dried figs (or figs), which contain 55-60% sugars, that is, 55-60 grams of sweetness for every 100 grams of product.

Fresh figs are a juicy fruit, reminiscent of a pear in shape, with a large number of seeds inside; the skin of the fruit is colored differently depending on the variety: yellow, yellow-green, blue or black. Dried figs look like a large, wrinkled, round button.

This is a very healthy fruit. Even in ancient times, healers knew that the fig was a valuable dietary and tonic. It was attributed to being eaten by weak and emaciated people, those who suffered from heart disease. Beauties knew that sweet dried figs return a pleasant color to the face, fresh look and youth. IN modern medicine figs are recommended for the treatment of anemia, cardiovascular diseases, improve digestion and boost immunity.

Other very sweet fruits

In addition to the sweetness leaders listed above, there are many more fruits that are very rich in sugar. Their rating is given below:

  • apricot ─ when fully ripe, it is a very sweet fruit that contains 40-47% sugars, and in dried apricots (apricots ─ whole fruits, dried apricots ─ halves of fruits) the sugar content reaches 70%,
  • persimmon ─ there is a lot of sweetness in its orange or dark red fleshy fruits ─ 25 grams for every 100 grams of product,
  • grape. These berries are pure glucose, since their sugar content is 17-22%, even sour varieties differ high content sugars ─ not less than 15%,
  • pomegranate ─ juice and pulp of ripe fruit seeds contains 18-20% sugars. In folk medicine, it is excellent in treating anemia. It is also an effective anthelmintic,
  • mulberry ─ its complex fruit is very sweet, containing 15-20% sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose), especially the sweet fruits of the white mulberry. In some countries it is even used to produce sugar,
  • melon is a very aromatic fruit, containing 16-18% sugars. Has a lot useful properties, the main one of which is its ability to cleanse the body of toxins, “bad” cholesterol, internal organs─ from stones and sand, skin ─ from various rashes,
  • quince, its fruits also contain a lot of sugars ─ 15 grams for every 100 grams of product,
  • wild strawberry (strawberry) ─ is not inferior in sweetness to quince (15%),
  • black currant ─ its sugar content is also 12-15%,
  • peach ─ chemical composition its fruit largely depends on the variety. In total, there are more than 100 varieties of peaches on earth, which are united by one property - high sugar content, at least 10-15%,
  • apples ─ the same picture emerges here: the chemical composition differs different varieties apples (scientists have calculated that more than 10 thousand varieties of apples have been bred on the planet!), but on average their sweetness is 10-15%. I would like to add that apples are very healthy fruits. They perfectly improve immunity, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, counteract inflammation, and block harmful viruses and microbes.

Sweet fruits are a joy for any sweet tooth; they not only bring unforgettable pleasure, but also bring great benefit. Different fruits have different taste nuances; they can be sour, extremely sweet, and sometimes even bitter. Of course, people prefer to eat the sweetest fruits, so we decided to present a list of the sweetest ones for your consideration!

Externally, this fruit is very different from the fruit we are used to from Russian apple trees. This fruit is covered with a thick marsh-colored skin, and its light milky core is very sweet and has a pleasant smell. Local residents are accustomed to eating this pulp with a spoon. You can try it in every restaurant in Thailand, like delicious dessert and as a topping for ice cream. This fruit is “sweetened” by the humid and hot climate, which is why it is grown in the southern part of Thailand.

This fruit has many varieties, but it is Kanyao that has an extremely sweet taste. Some can even rival the sweetness of a sugar apple. To find the sweetest fruit, you need to sniff - the more intense the durian aroma, the sweeter its flesh. Durian is a very filling fruit, so even with severe hunger You can use just a little bit to feel full. Durian is different useful composition: The organic sulfur found in it helps the body cleanse itself of toxins. ethnoscience cannot do without this fruit.

This fruit is often called the Indian date. Despite its increased sweetness, you can safely eat it if you want to lose weight. And the secret lies in the fact that tamarind stimulates metabolism and reduces appetite. It is also useful for flatulence and is effective as a mild laxative. But this is not the only plus - tamarind reduces the amount of sugar and bad cholesterol in the blood and contains many the most useful vitamins and minerals.

The level of sweetness of this fruit cannot be compared with its counterparts. Bananas are so sweet that if you are very hungry, you can eat just a couple to fill yourself up. In addition, hairy bananas promote the production of endorphins, charging a person with a good mood.

In addition to their sweetness, these berries are distinguished by their high content of vitamins, essential elements and organic acids. Thanks to unique composition Kishmish can be called the berries of youth.

The berries of Uzbek cherries are very large, and the color is so rich that they can rather be called black. Their consumption improves digestion, and the fiber they contain helps cleanse the intestines of toxins. Uzbek cherries, despite the fact that they are very sweet, are not prohibited even for diabetics.

It is impossible not to mention these sweet fruits in our “sweet list”, containing many vitamins and the most useful elements. By the way, chempedak is often included in folk remedies for the treatment of many diseases.

The sweetness of the fruit did not affect its benefits for the figure - mangoes are often used in popular diets. Mango is especially common in diets in combination with milk. No wonder, because this fruit remarkably curbs appetite, as research by American scientists proves.

These are not the last sweet fruits on earth. This also includes sapodilla, persimmon, jackfruit, mangosti, marang and pineapple.

Fruits come in different varieties: sour, sweet, and even bitter. Today we will talk about the second category of fruits. What are these fruits? Let's figure it out now.

Sweet fruits are tasty and useful fruits, which are especially popular with those with a sweet tooth. These fruits contain increased amount vitamins and other necessary for human body substances.

As a rule, out of all the variety of fruits, people choose the sweet ones. But none of them, most likely, thought about which fruit is the sweetest. Let us look into this issue.

Sugar apple

So, which fruit is the sweetest? It has long been known that a large amount of sugar in Thai food is almost the same as regular sugar. The only difference is the rather dense, marsh-colored peel. Beneath it is aromatic and sweet pulp. This fruit is usually eaten with a spoon. Since the Thai apple is very sweet, it is not always possible to finish it completely in one sitting. It gives you a feeling of fullness very quickly.

Sweet fruits: list of fruits

So, in first place - dates. Oddly enough, in our country this brown fruit is put in first place in terms of sweetness, completely forgetting about the Thai apple.

Sweet fruits: continued rating

  • The next highest sugar content in there's blood coming out a fruit called grape. It, like persimmon, contains a large number of glucose and fructose. If we talk about sugar, then there is less of it. Grapes contain approximately 29%. Note that this fruit is also beneficial for people who suffer from heart disease. But for those who are contraindicated, grapes are diabetics.
  • Next in the ranking is figs. This fruit contains about 16% sugar. Figs have anti-inflammatory, laxative and disinfectant properties. The fruit contains tryptophan. What is this? Substance needed for normal operation brain.
  • A last place Banana took the top spot in the ranking. This exotic yellow fruit contains about 12% sugar. Banana is considered but eating it is healthy. As a rule, it does not cause an allergic reaction.

As you may have noticed, sweet fruits are good for heart disease, but should not be consumed if you have diabetes. Although many heart patients simultaneously suffer and diabetes mellitus. In this case, the fruits can be eaten in very small doses so as not to harm the body.


Now you know what the sweetest fruit in the world is. This is a sugar apple. In addition, this is the name given to the date. After all, it contains more than 80% sugar. We also looked at other sweet fruits and compiled a list for your convenience. We hope that the information was useful to you. Remember: despite its usefulness, the sweetest fruit in the world should not be consumed in large quantities, especially those who have excess weight, because

October 31, 2013

Wonderful natural dessert

Sweet fruits are a wonderful dessert that every sweet tooth is sure to enjoy. They are characterized by a high content of vitamins and other valuable substances, so eating them is also very healthy.

It is known that fruits can have different different flavors. They can be both sweet and sour, and even bitter. Most people still prefer sweet foods, but few people have seriously thought about which of them are the sweetest. It has now been proven that the sweetest fruit is the Thai Sugar Apple.

Thai sugar apple

Outwardly, it very vaguely resembles the familiar fruits grown on ordinary apple trees. Thai fruits are covered with a dense marsh-colored peel, under which lies a sweet and very aromatic light milky pulp. In Thailand, it is customary to eat this pulp with a spoon. Sugar apple is very often served in specialized restaurants, both as a dessert and as a base for delicious ice cream. A sugar apple is so sweet that after half the fruit has been eaten, most people tend to feel full. This fruit loves a humid and hot climate, so it is grown in the south of the country.

Sweet Uzbek fruits

In addition to Sugar apples, other fruits with a high fructose content grow in Thailand. A striking example of such a product is the “hairy banana” growing on local plantations. Very sweet fruits also grow in Uzbekistan. Local dark blue "Kish-mish" grapes and juicy cherries consistently occupy the top positions in the ranking of the ripest fruits. In addition, for fans cloying taste You should pay attention to some varieties of melon growing in southern countries. In addition to the exotic fruits listed above, more common fruits are also high in fructose.

First of all, these include mangoes and persimmons, which can be bought at any large supermarket. It should be noted that persimmon has good taste qualities only during the period of its maturation, which falls on late autumn. Unripe fruit is usually viscous and tasteless. Some people consider pineapple to be one of the sweetest fruits. A well-ripened pineapple really has a very interesting sweet taste. Speaking about fruits with a high sucrose content, it is impossible not to recall the fruits of the date palm - dates. In modern Russian supermarkets they are sold dried. This product is very sweet, which attracts those with a sweet tooth and allows it to be consumed mainly as part of desserts.

With caution for health

It should be noted that all sweet fruits have a high calorie content and, unfortunately, are absolutely not suitable for dietary nutrition. Such products should be used with great caution by people prone to symptoms of allergic reactions, as well as those who suffer from high content blood sugar levels. At regular use It is important to eat sweet fruits in moderation and completely healthy people, since the intake of excess sugar into the body will not benefit anyone.

It should be noted that the sweetest fruits grow in hot countries. That is why lovers of sugary taste should purchase such delicacies in markets specializing in the sale of exotic products.