Chronic alcoholism: how to deal with the disease. Is it possible to effectively treat chronic alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a dangerous disease that develops as a result of alcohol abuse and is progressive in nature. People who suffer from it change a lot. Due to drunkenness, they begin to lead an antisocial lifestyle, lose their jobs, often quarrel with relatives and have many health problems. It is noteworthy that alcoholism is one of the most common causes of death. WHO staff have found that more often than from alcohol abuse, people die only from diseases of cardio-vascular system and cancer.

Why is alcoholism dangerous?

Let's start with the fact that the inability to control the craving for alcohol often becomes the cause of severe intoxication. The body is subjected to severe intoxication, which can lead to death.

Alcohol significantly worsens heart function, for example, leading to the development atrial fibrillation. As a result, alcoholics often die from heart attacks.

You should also be aware that people who abuse alcohol are more likely to various types injuries. This is dangerous not only for them, but also for those around them. For example, a drunk driver may get into an accident in which not only he, but also other road users will suffer.

Addiction to alcohol changes people's thinking and their attitude towards life. Many drunkards commit suicide while intoxicated. In addition, aggression increases as a result of drinking alcohol. This is dangerous, because any verbal altercation between alcoholics can end in a bloody fight or even murder.

We should not forget that alcoholism literally undermines general state health. People addicted to alcohol suffer from peptic ulcers, heart and vascular diseases, polyneuritis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Any of these ailments can lead to death. According to statistics, 60-70% of men with chronic alcoholism do not live to see 50 years of age.

Causes of alcohol addiction

People start drinking alcohol various reasons. Some people drink to lift their spirits, others consider alcohol to be an excellent way to relieve accumulated stress, while others like alcohol for its sedative (calming) effect. Conventionally, all alcoholics can be divided into several categories. The first of them includes people with a pathological character, the second - neurotics, the third - people experiencing problems with social adaptation, the last - men and women subject to increased emotional and physical stress.

The rate of development of alcoholism directly depends on the following factors:

  • Social environment;
  • Relationships with friends and relatives;
  • Heredity;
  • Education;
  • Level of stress resistance.

The risk group includes people with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. In most cases, it is heredity that becomes main reason development of the described disease.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

There are 3 degrees of intoxication: mild, moderate, severe. What it will be like directly depends on the volume of alcohol consumed, the body’s sensitivity to ethyl alcohol and the health status of the alcoholic.

Anyone who has drank alcohol at least once is familiar with a mild degree of intoxication. Having drunk just a little, a person becomes more cheerful, sociable and self-confident. He easily makes new acquaintances and has an incredible desire to talk. A mild degree of intoxication is accompanied by muscle relaxation, so a slightly tipsy person physically feels great, but despite this, it is more difficult for him to move and control his facial expressions.

Transition to medium degree intoxication is hard to miss. If earlier the alcoholic was cheerful and good-natured, now he is angry and irritable, easily offended and can behave aggressively. He takes any criticism with hostility. The gait becomes uneven, movements become unclear, speech becomes barely intelligible. A person experiencing a moderate degree of intoxication is prone to committing impulsive acts. This is not surprising, because his sensitivity to pain decreases. As for sobering up, it is accompanied general weakness, severe migraine, thirst, moral discomfort expressed in the form of apathy. Memory problems are rare. As a rule, a person experiencing a hangover clearly remembers how he behaved yesterday.

Severe intoxication is the most dangerous. It can lead to a change in consciousness, coma, and an epileptic seizure. People who have obviously had too much alcohol behave inappropriately, for example, defecate on themselves. However, the next morning they don’t remember anything.

To everything written above, you should add information about the existence of atypical forms of intoxication. For example, people with hypersensitivity to alcohol, being in the mild stage, they behave as if they are experiencing the middle stage: they become embittered, easily irritated, and prone to aggression. In some cases, drinking alcohol can lead to an increase in physical activity and foolish behavior. As a rule, this happens to psychopaths, mental retardation, and people who have previously received a TBI.

The simplest way to determine the stage of alcohol intoxication is diagnostics. During this procedure, clinical data is studied, and urine and blood samples are taken. Narcologists take into account the general condition of a drunk person: his behavior, speech, and bad breath. Blood and urine tests can determine the level of alcohol in the body. In addition, express methods for determining the degree of intoxication are known. One of them requires the use of a Mokhov-Shinkarenko indicator tube. With its help, alcohol vapors can be detected in the air exhaled by a person undergoing the test.

Treatment of degrees of intoxication

The most common method of treating moderate intoxication is gastric lavage. The patient must drink 1.5-2 liters of potassium permanganate solution, which will subsequently provoke an attack of vomiting.

Drink potassium permanganate solution while worrying severe degree intoxication is not worth it. This is dangerous, because vomit can get into Airways and lungs. It is better to contact a drug treatment center for qualified medical help.

What is pathological intoxication and how to treat it?

Pathological intoxication is an acute mental disorder caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It develops in people with diseases of the central nervous system, for example, epileptics and psychopaths. In addition, people who previously tolerated alcohol normally are sometimes exposed to the described form of intoxication. This happens for a number of reasons, among which it is necessary to highlight insomnia, accumulated stress, and poor nutrition.

To cause pathological intoxication, you do not need to drink a lot. 100 grams of vodka will be enough for serious changes to occur in consciousness. A man who finds himself in similar situation, as if transported to another reality and begins to rave. He may be subject to sudden attacks of fear or rage. Being excited, the alcoholic will try to do everything possible to protect himself from a non-existent threat. For example, he may start a fight, try to run away, or commit suicide.

The duration of pathological intoxication varies. Sometimes it is only a couple of minutes, and sometimes it lasts for several hours. When this time ends, the person experiences physical weakness and is prone to drowsiness. After sleep, memories of everything that happened are erased.

Pathological intoxication is a form of psychosis. If, being exposed to it, a citizen commits an offense, then a forensic psychiatric examination is mandatory. Based on its results, the perpetrator may be declared insane.

How does chronic alcoholism develop?

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of alcoholism. This disease characterized by both mental and somatic manifestations.

A person who is in the first stage of developing alcoholism experiences uncontrollable cravings to alcohol. When he starts drinking, he loses his sense of proportion. At the same time, many processes occur in the drunkard’s body, some of which make him more tolerant to ethyl alcohol. As a result, in order to get drunk, an alcoholic has to drink more and more often. Simply put, drunkenness becomes systematic. This negatively affects the memory of an alcoholic, who is often unable to remember where, when and with whom he drank.

home distinctive feature The second stage of alcoholism is when the body reaches its maximum tolerance to alcohol, which can be equal to 2 liters of vodka daily. By this point, the drunkard is already getting used to living with constant withdrawal symptoms. To relieve a hangover, he touches the bottle again and again, hoping that he will drink a little and feel better. If an absolutely healthy person drank a liter of vodka, then the next day he would suffer from severe intoxication and would feel a slight feeling of nausea at the mere thought of alcohol.

In people experiencing a hangover, facial hyperemia occurs and changes heartbeat, blood pressure rises, pain in the heart appears, limbs tremble, sweating becomes more severe. Besides, withdrawal syndrome accompanied by abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea.

Some alcoholics, due to circumstances, put off their hangover until later. They believe that it is better to drink in the afternoon or evening, rather than in the morning. The waiting time is painful for them, because all their thoughts revolve exclusively around alcohol. This leads to the development of mental manifestations of a hangover. People suffering from it are in bad mood, feel anxious and are subject to internal fears. Some realize their own worthlessness, consider themselves weak and weak-willed. It would seem that sleep would help improve the condition, but this is not so. You won't be able to sleep properly, because nightmares will cause frequent awakenings.

If mental manifestations hangovers are more pronounced in comparison with somatic ones, this indicates that the alcoholic is predisposed to the development of psychosis. Some conclusions on this matter can be drawn only on the third day of quitting drinking alcohol. If the patient is at the second stage of the development of alcoholism, then achieving the goal is very difficult, because such drunkards drink bottles every day. They are ready to do anything to drink. Abstinence from alcohol in such cases is forced, for example, a person may not have money for booze.

The transition to the third stage of alcoholism is accompanied by a decrease in the body's tolerance to alcohol. Nowadays, you don't have to drink that much to get drunk. Drunkards know this, so in order to save money they switch from vodka to cheap wines. The quality of alcohol ceases to play an important role for them. At the same time, alcoholics lose situational control. They are ready to do whatever it takes to get booze; generally accepted norms of behavior in society no longer concern them.

Among the symptoms of the third stage of alcoholism, it is necessary to highlight systematic binge drinking. As a rule, during the first two days a person drinks himself into unconsciousness. Later, due to disruption of metabolic processes in the body, he begins to drink less, but this is enough to cause intoxication. Not a single binge is complete without a deterioration in the physical and mental condition of the alcoholic. The drunkard loses weight, loses appetite, suffers from shortness of breath, experiences frequent convulsions and cannot even speak normally. Sometimes the reason for the end of a binge is the inability to continue it due to feeling unwell. Alcoholics with serious health problems drink for 2-3 days, and then abstain from drinking alcohol for some time.

Chronic alcoholism causes personality changes. Its signs can be noticed already at the second stage of the development of the disease. The main one is the acquisition of alcoholic character. The person becomes more emotional. He easily expresses his joy, admires certain things, and empathizes with other people. The only problem is that such behavior is a consequence increased excitability. As soon as the patient drinks even a little, he immediately becomes weak-hearted and sentimental. As you can see, emotional background drunkards are unstable.

Alcoholism entails the development of selfishness and indifference to others. A person becomes irresponsible and does not value what was previously dear to him. The meaning of his life is alcohol, so every drunkard thinks only about how to get it. The patient closes his eyes to the problems he has. He does not consider alcoholism a disease. For him, drinking is a way to feel better. When an alcoholic is asked a question about him bad habit, he just shrugs it off and says that all people drink.

At first, a person who cannot control his craving for alcohol behaves more or less delicately with loved ones. He tries to justify his own behavior. Over time, the problem with alcohol becomes obvious. For example, a drunkard stops paying attention to his appearance and can go meet friends in home clothes. At the same time, financial difficulties begin. Lack of money to buy alcohol causes theft and begging. If there is not enough money to purchase wine or vodka, then the drunkard will be happy with any alcohol-containing liquid: cologne, denatured alcohol, medicinal tincture. An alcoholic becomes unpleasant in communication. He jokes primitively, can behave aggressively, and is prone to cynicism. Personality degradation leads to frequent family scandals and fights. People over the age of 40 who have been drinking for at least 20 years are susceptible to similar personality changes.

Most often, the described disease develops in adolescent children raised in families with weakened parental control and families of alcoholics. Teenagers need finances to buy alcohol, so those who consistently receive pocket money or earn extra money are at risk. The age of young alcoholics is 13-15 years.

Teenagers prefer to drink alcohol in the company of peers, for example, school friends. They rarely drink with adults. Teenagers, even knowing about the dangers of alcohol, still try to drink as much as possible. They don't control themselves. This is dangerous because... entails the rapid development of the body's tolerance to ethyl alcohol.

A hangover in teenagers can be so severe that it can cause mental problems. As a rule, young alcoholics become either easily excitable and overly aggressive, or emotionally inhibited and apathetic.

Teenage alcoholism is more dangerous than it seems. Children lack life experience, they are interested in everything, so they easily go into desperate experiments. Teenagers often mix alcoholic drinks with various medications. In addition, drinking alcohol can lead to drug use.

Female alcoholism

Women suffer from alcoholism less often (compared to men). Representatives of the fair half of humanity, who have an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, try to hide to the last this problem. They drink alone or with close friends.

The age of most alcoholics is 35-50 years. Ladies prefer to drink alcohol either occasionally, depending on the circumstances, or cyclically, i.e. considering vodka, wine or cognac as a means that can solve a certain problem: to lift the mood, calm, reduce internal anxiety, relieve insomnia. Over time, alcohol becomes an integral part of a woman’s life, and its use becomes systematic. Some representatives of the weaker half of humanity fall into multi-day binges. They lose control over themselves and their actions. Often alcoholics go to work while drunk, and those who are unemployed do not hesitate to beg under shops.

Chronic alcoholism leads to complete personality degradation. A female creature who drinks constantly is sometimes difficult to even call a woman. This is a morally degraded person who has a genuine interest exclusively in alcohol. No love for children, strong family and marital fidelity in in this case out of the question. In addition, we should not forget that the habit of drinking significantly worsens health. Many alcoholics suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.

General information about alcoholism treatment

The disease described can be cured, but this is only possible when the patient himself wants it. Since the overwhelming majority of drunkards are convinced that they do not have problems with alcohol, before going to a drug treatment center it is impossible to do without an explanatory conversation. If one of your loved ones drinks, have a heart-to-heart talk with him and convince him of the need to undergo treatment. If your attempts are unsuccessful, then go to a psychotherapist together with the alcoholic.

Treatment alcohol addiction carried out in hospital and outpatient settings. Its course is determined by the doctor, who primarily takes into account the general health of the patient. If the patient experiences a severe hangover or has pronounced mental and somatic disorders, then he is prescribed treatment in a hospital setting.

All about methods of treating chronic alcoholism

The first stage of treatment includes detoxification therapy. Within its framework, the patient gets rid of withdrawal symptoms or is urgently removed from binge drinking. A hangover is relieved by intravenous or intramuscular injection vitamin complexes and medicines: unithiol, piracetam, magnesium sulfate, nootropil, pyroxan. If an alcoholic is susceptible to mental disorders, he is prescribed tranquilizers, for example, phenazepam or seduxen. Taking radedorm helps normalize sleep, and using barbiturates, for example, luminal, barbamyl, can help overcome insomnia and internal fears.

The patient must drink more water and juices to improve kidney function. If somatic disorders are severe, then you cannot do without additional treatment prescribed by the therapist. The patient’s diet also plays an important role, which should be high in calories and rich in vitamins. If an alcoholic has no appetite, insulin injections can be given to increase it.

When the patient's general condition improves, he will undergo anti-alcohol treatment. When choosing a course, your doctor will suggest various techniques. As a rule, treatment of alcohol addiction is rarely possible without psychotherapy. Her sessions help convince the patient of the need to undergo treatment course and radically change your lifestyle. The relationship between the doctor and the patient plays an important role, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on them.

A well-known method of combating alcoholism is conditioned reflex therapy. Its essence is that a former alcoholic, smelling alcohol, begins to experience a sharp attack of nausea. To achieve a similar effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment consisting of 20-25 sessions and take emetics in combination with a small amount alcohol. The presented procedure allows you to overcome the first stage of the disease, as well as female alcoholism. The best results are achieved by those patients who do not tolerate vomiting well.

You can get rid of alcohol addiction by undergoing sensitization therapy. This method of treatment is based on the fact that the patient is transferred to conditions that kill the craving for alcohol. As a rule, the patient is within the walls medical institution and takes medications. Narcologists often prescribe Antabuse. This drug by itself cannot cause harm to health, but if you mix it with alcohol, your health will deteriorate sharply. Also, as part of sensitizing therapy, subcutaneous or intramuscular implantation of Esperal can be performed. The latter is a bottle of tablets that begin to act only if the patient drinks alcohol. If the patient breaks down and goes on a drinking binge, he risks dying. It is for this reason that before implantation of Esperal, the patient signs documents justifying the actions of the doctors.

All types of alcoholism treatment include psychotherapy sessions. By visiting them, the alcoholic begins to realize that he is really sick and needs help. medical care. In addition, psychotherapy is the key to understanding that maintaining a sober lifestyle is the only way feel like a normal person again.

Explanatory psychotherapy has shown high efficiency in the treatment of alcohol addiction, but despite this, narcologists also resort to other methods. One of them is hypnotherapy. Its essence is that the patient is immersed in hypnosis and convinced of the need to stop drinking.

One of the most famous ways to combat alcoholism is coding. This word refers to many techniques. Some of them are copyrighted and therefore used only by their creators.

Among the ways to get rid of alcohol addiction, group rational psychotherapy should be highlighted. This method treatment has its own specificity. In particular, groups of patients are formed that include alcoholics who have the same psychological and social problems. By becoming one team, they feel a commonality of interests, and therefore support each other. This leads to the fact that during the treatment process, patients adequately assess their situation and acquire psychological attitudes that in the future will help them return to a sober lifestyle.

What do you need to know about periods of remission and relapse?

When the course of treatment in a hospital comes to an end, the former alcoholic will be discharged and subsequently adapted to society. A person must get used to the fact that there is no longer a place for alcohol in his life. Relationships with relatives and friends play an important role. It is highly advisable to avoid meeting with former drinking buddies, as well as receive moral support from relatives. If family members convince a person who has undergone treatment for alcohol addiction that he is doing everything right, this will guarantee him a long-term and high-quality remission.

Overcoming the craving for alcoholic beverages is not easy. It persists for a long time. Conscious abstinence from drinking alcohol causes signs of a hangover to appear. A person experiencing pseudo-withdrawal syndrome becomes very nervous and can easily “break down” and start a scandal. The main thing in such a situation is to find the strength not to drink. You can contact a narcologist to prescribe a preventive course of treatment. In addition, there are other ways to solve the problem. Firstly, eating helps overcome pseudo-withdrawal syndrome. It is desirable that the food be tasty and satisfying. Secondly, you can take 1-2 tablets of sonapax, seduxen, phenazepam or another sedative. Just remember that all these medications are psychotropic. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

>> treatment of chronic alcoholism

Chronic alcoholism is a disease characterized by a pathological addiction to drinking alcohol, as well as the presence of psychopathic disorders caused by chronic alcohol consumption. Distinctive features of chronic alcoholism are a pathological attraction to being in a state of alcoholic intoxication, a change in endurance in relation to the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the development of withdrawal syndrome after stopping drinking alcohol.

Etiology and pathogenesis
The development of alcoholism occurs under the influence of many factors of internal and external nature. The main internal factor is genetic predisposition to alcoholism. It is reliably known that in direct relatives of alcoholics, the risk of alcoholism is 7-10 times higher than the average in the population. Recent research in the field of genetics has identified genes whose damage predisposes a person to alcoholism (the predisposition is determined at the level of the body's enzyme and neurotransmitter systems). Specific personality type - easy suggestibility, difficulty in social adaptation, sharp fluctuations moods also favor the development of alcoholism. To factors external environment include the culture and tradition of the region, upbringing, as well as the social structure of society, which largely determine an individual’s initial relationship with alcohol and facilitate access for young people to alcoholic beverages.

In the pathogenesis of chronic alcoholism, we highlight two main points: the narcotic effect of alcohol on the structures and processes of the central nervous system and the toxic effect of alcohol and its breakdown products on organs and tissues of the body.

At the level of the central nervous system, chronic alcohol abuse disrupts the function of neurotransmitter systems, mainly opiate and catecholamine (these systems control emotional and behavioral reactions of a person, and are also involved in the formation of a sense of satisfaction), which causes the emergence of a pathological craving for alcohol, as well as the development of withdrawal symptoms syndrome and changes in the body's reaction to alcohol. At the same time, alcohol is a classic protoplasmic poison, which, penetrating into cells, has a destructive effect on cellular structures and disrupts metabolic processes. Acetaldehyde, a product of intermediate oxidation of ethanol in the liver, has the greatest toxic potential. Under its influence, lesions occur various organs and fabrics. In addition, an important role in the pathogenesis alcoholic impairment the body is affected by vitamin deficiency, dysfunction of the hematopoietic system and immune system body.

Classification and evolution of the disease
The very name of the pathology, “chronic alcoholism,” speaks of the development of the disease over a long period of time. In men, chronic alcoholism develops over approximately 10-15 years of chronic alcohol abuse. In women, this period is shorter than in men, which is explained by the increased sensitivity of the female sex to the effects of alcohol. The development of the disease occurs in several stages.

Here is a classification of chronic alcoholism in accordance with the clinical stages of the disease:

  • Stage I – this stage is characterized by the development of a pathological craving for drinking alcoholic beverages and the transition from casual consumption to systematic consumption;
  • Stage II – characterized by the development of withdrawal syndrome in case of cessation of alcohol consumption;
  • For Stage III characteristic a sharp decline tolerance to alcohol and the appearance of signs of alcohol impairment internal organs.

Clinical picture
The first stage of chronic alcoholism develops as a result of many years of alcohol abuse and is characterized by the emergence of mental and physical alcohol dependence. Mental dependence is manifested by the emergence of a spontaneous desire to drink alcohol or the appearance of a feeling of dissatisfaction when, for some reason, this cannot be done. The desire to drink alcohol is regarded by the alcoholic as akin to the feeling of hunger or thirst. Alcohol saturation occurs only when significant doses of alcohol are consumed, and a critical attitude towards drunkenness gradually decreases and disappears altogether. The patient tries to justify every episode of drunkenness. Social and labor activity is declining. Physical dependence is determined by a decrease in the body’s overall sensitivity to the effects of alcohol, the disappearance of the gag reflex in the case of drinking large doses of alcohol, and a significant increase in the duration of the alcohol intoxication phase.

At the second stage of chronic alcoholism, the amount of alcohol consumed and endurance in relation to alcohol reach a maximum. There is a sharp decrease in self-control under the influence of even small doses of alcohol. The behavior of a sick person, his mood and attitude towards the world around him change in negative side, severe nervousness and aggressiveness appear.

The maximum development of physical dependence gives rise to one of the most bright manifestations the second stage of chronic alcoholism - withdrawal syndrome (hangover syndrome).

Typically, withdrawal symptoms develop 8-12 hours after the last drink. Initial signs are of the nature autonomic disorders: increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, trembling of fingers, tongue, eyelids or other parts of the body. Nausea and vomiting often occur when trying to eat or drink anything. Sometimes clinical picture withdrawal symptoms are complemented mental disorders in the form of hallucinations and loss of consciousness. During this period, the desire for intoxication is maximum. Mild forms of withdrawal syndrome last no more than 2 days, severe forms more than 5 days. Binge drinking can sometimes occur as a result of ongoing withdrawal symptoms.

For the second stage of chronic alcoholism characterized by significant degradation of the patient's personality, changes in the value system and unpredictable behavior.

At the third stage of chronic alcoholism tolerance to alcohol decreases. Intoxication occurs even when drinking small doses of alcohol. Withdrawal syndrome becomes more severe course and is accompanied by attacks of reversible intellectual-amnestic disorders. Against the background of progressive mental degradation, hysterical attacks and passivity occur.

Damage to internal organs becomes irreversible, and various chronic diseases worsen.

Disease prognosis
Chronic alcoholism occurs at different rates. Severely progressive chronic alcoholism develops over 2-3 years and is characterized by a malignant course with a serious change in the patient’s personality and the absence of remissions. Moderately progressive chronic alcoholism develops over 8-10 years and is characterized by more light current. In the evolution of the disease, long-term remissions can be observed. Low-progressive chronic alcoholism develops very slowly. With this form of the disease, the third stage of chronic alcoholism never occurs, and remissions can last several years. Chronic alcoholism is especially difficult in older people. Alcoholism that begins in adolescence is also very difficult. The prognosis of the disease depends on the stage of the disease, the degree of change in the patient’s personality, the presence of damage to internal organs and the effectiveness of the treatment taken.

Treatment of alcoholism
Alcoholism treatment is carried out in stages. The primary goal is to stop drinking alcohol and develop a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages. This is achieved by using combined treatment using medications (for example, Teturam) and psychological measures on the patient. Equally important is the elimination of the consequences of chronic intoxication of internal organs and the normalization of the body’s metabolism. To prevent relapse of the disease, measures are taken to: social rehabilitation sick.


  • Entin G.M. Treatment of alcoholism M.: Medicine, 1990
  • Moiseeva V.S. Alcohol disease: Damage to internal organs due to alcoholism, M.: Publishing House of the Peoples' Friendship University, 1990
  • Lisitsyn Yu.P. Alcoholism: (medical and social aspects): A guide for doctors M.: Medicine, 1990

There are several stages of development of such a condition as chronic alcoholism, in which the disease is accompanied by several characteristic symptoms. Narcologists note that pathological dependence caused by ethyl alcohol develops more often in men than in women. Long-term intoxication causes disruption of all body systems of patients, leading to the formation of serious changes. Alcohol disease is a dangerous pathology that requires long-term treatment.

What is chronic alcoholism

A disease characterized by pathological dependence on ethanol is called chronic alcohol disease. People with this attraction experience psychopathic disorders and pathologies of internal organs caused by prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities. Distinctive feature alcoholic illness a change in tolerance to ethanol and the formation of withdrawal syndrome is considered.

Alcoholism has two main pathological effects on the body of a person suffering from addiction:

  • narcotic effect;
  • toxic effect of alcohol on organs and systems.

Alcoholism develops under the influence of several reasons. Progress is influenced by the frequency and volume of fluids consumed in conjunction with individual characteristics body. Some people are more susceptible than others to developing addiction due to their specific environment, mental predisposition and emotional state(high suggestibility, constant fear, depression).

There is often a hereditary (genetic) cause of the disease. The dependence of the formation of addiction to ethanol on the mutation of the gene encoding the serotonin transfer protein has been established. Experts note that direct relatives of an alcoholic are 7-10 times more likely to become addicted to drinking ethanol-containing drinks than people who have no drinking members in their family.

Russian narcologists identify several main risk factors for the development of alcohol dependence:

  1. Tolerance to ethyl alcohol. To achieve a state of euphoria, the body requires a large dose of alcohol, which the systems are not able to remove without complications. Each time the dose taken increases, and the intoxication becomes stronger.
  2. Abuse. People who drink rarely and in moderation do not suffer from alcoholism. To prevent the development of male and female alcoholism, narcologists recommend drinking alcohol in the following quantities: women are allowed 1 glass of wine or 50 ml of vodka per day, men - 2 glasses of wine or 75 ml of vodka.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress. The continued development of certain disorders (depression, psychopathic pathologies) increases a person’s risk of developing addiction.
  4. Early start. Minors are very susceptible to the destructive effects of alcohol. Their addiction develops over about five years.
  5. Chronic pathologies of internal organs. Impaired excretion of waste products and diseases of the digestive system contribute to the development of addiction.
  6. Stress and physical tension. Absence good rest lead to dependence on caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.

Excessive and constant use alcohol disrupts the functioning of all systems. Such patients are often diagnosed with pathologies of internal organs: heart disease, changes in the function of the liver, stomach, kidneys; in severe cases, cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis develop. Ethyl alcohol negatively affects the heart, causing myocardial infarction. Alcohol abuse leads to irreversible changes in brain function and mental dependence from this substance, emotional swings.

Stages of chronic alcoholism

Dependence on alcoholic beverages develops gradually. The stages and signs of chronic alcoholism are characterized by gradual increase a person’s need for alcohol and the inability to control his desires. An abusive person stops assessing the situation objectively. Beer alcoholism differs slightly from vodka alcoholism, but develops unnoticed. Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of addiction and the mental state of the patient.

In the first stage, a person gradually increases the dose he drinks, quickly loses control of himself and behaves cheekily. If he has chronic pancreatitis, gastritis or liver pathologies, then alcohol intoxication occurs faster. The patient may have difficulty resisting the desire to drink, realizing that he is overly drawn to alcoholic beverages. Therapy for a patient in the first stage of addiction is often successful.

Among the symptoms of the second stage of addiction are withdrawal syndrome, characterized by the desire to have a hangover the next day after drinking heavily. The patient develops resistance to small doses, so he begins to drink about half a liter of strong drinks per day. The patient experiences insomnia, irritability, aggressiveness, alcoholic encephalopathy, and amnesia. Due to the toxic effects of alcohol, a gag reflex often occurs.

Alcohol degradation in the third stage progresses. Pathological intoxication leads to chronic intoxication of the body. The third stage of alcoholism manifests itself with severe symptoms. A sick person experiences serious changes in all internal systems, and his personality deteriorates. Speech and thinking disorders occur, and intelligence decreases due to brain destruction. Long drinking bouts can be followed by short breaks, and relapses into alcohol intoxication are very difficult to bear. This form of intoxication often ends in death.

Symptoms of chronic alcoholism

Early symptoms of alcoholism may be invisible. A person may look happy, but he begins to feel discomfort, which decreases after taking the dose. Later, as pathology develops, the patient becomes irritable or may show rage if he is not given a drink. Withdrawal syndrome is severe, and the person experiences hangover-like changes in the functioning of the body: loss of appetite, tremors, fever, sweating. Due to the destruction of brain vessels and many neurotransmitter receptors, epileptic seizures.

Mental condition

A patient with the second and third stages of alcoholism requires psychotherapy, because the person cannot stop on his own and often does not understand that he has serious problems. The patient's mood quickly changes from depressive to aggressive. In difficult situations, an alcoholic can see visual hallucinations and be subject to alcoholic psychosis. Such conditions require hospitalization with long-term rehabilitation in special centers.

Physical state

Chronic alcoholics gradually develop many diseases of internal organs. Often, when sober, patients experience pain that decreases or completely disappears after drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks cause the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels - hypertension, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke;
  • disruption of the digestive system - chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, stomach ulcer;
  • kidney pathology – nephropathy, change water-salt balance blood plasma.

Treatment of chronic alcoholism

To achieve long-term remission, the patient must undergo a step-by-step drug course of treatment from a narcologist and receive psychological support. Steps to treat the patient:

  • exclusion of alcoholic beverages;
  • the formation of aversion to them;
  • reduction of body intoxication;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • psychological impact per patient;
  • social rehabilitation.

Prevention of chronic alcoholism

To avoid the development of alcoholism, you need to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages as much as possible. People at risk who have drinking relatives in their family should give up ethyl alcohol completely. Loneliness and idleness often contribute to the development of addiction. People who feel depressed and lack of demand need to find a hobby of interest to communicate with non-drinking acquaintances. If you already have an addiction, then you need to seek help as early as possible, without expecting personality degradation.

Stages of chronic alcoholism and their signs

Good day. Unfortunately, alcohol is modern world is one of the most popular products. Every average person consumes it in large or small quantities, without even realizing what consequences an evening in the company of entertaining drinks may entail. The development of alcoholism for most of us begins unnoticed - this is the biggest danger. Today I want to touch on the issue of the stages of chronic alcoholism and their signs.

Today, the term “chronic alcoholism” is considered obsolete. The name of the disease sounds like “Alcohol Dependence Syndrome” (according to ICD F 10.2 and F10.3). The disease has three stages:

  • Stage 1 - initial (activating, neurasthenic);
  • Stage 2 - expanded (stabilizing, drug addiction);
  • Stage 3 - initial (tonic, encephalopathic).

Stages of alcoholism and their signs

Any alcoholic drink contains ethanol, which is a strong neuroparalytic poison. It causes damage to all systems and organs human body, moreover, with regular use addictive. Experts have identified the main stages of alcoholism, which are characterized by the following conditions:

The first stage of alcohol dependence syndrome

In this case, insignificant psychological activity can be noted. If there are no alcoholic drinks on hand, or material resources on him - then the dependence gradually fades away. Here it is important to note the fact that a person who has the initial stage of alcoholism will not refuse to drink a dose of ethanol if he is offered or has the opportunity to purchase it. There are no significant physical pathologies observed at this stage, with the exception of a slight craving, the desire to have a drink with friends or after a hard day at work. In some cases, a person can dilute his loneliness with alcohol.

At the first stage of alcoholism, the patient’s mechanism of defense against alcoholism gradually disappears. large quantity drinking alcohol - gag reflex. For a narcologist, this is one of the main evidence that a person is developing an alcohol dependence syndrome.

The duration of this stage is from one to six years.

In order to protect a person from further development of addiction, it is quite enough to simply distract his attention, switch to activities not related to alcohol, or fill out all free time activities that do not involve drinking alcohol. But, if this is not done in a timely manner, the first stage of alcoholism gradually develops into more serious problem. At this stage, the patient rarely falls into the hands of a narcologist.

Second stage of alcoholism

At this stage, a person develops a “social” personality degradation. There is a constant obsessive desire drink alcoholic beverages. Everyday affairs do not distract from this desire, and even when very busy, a person entertains thoughts about how nice it would be to have a drink, and in some cases lives in anticipation of the moment (as you know, most able-bodied people drink a glass on weekends or even on end of the working day).

Alcohol withdrawal (hangover) syndrome is formed. This main feature second stage of alcoholism.

Also, stage 2 of alcoholism is characterized by the appearance of a “plateau of tolerance.” That is, the patient can no longer drink indefinitely.

The critical attitude towards alcohol almost completely disappears - drinks that contain alcohol become familiar. The picture of intoxication changes: the old euphoria is gone, it is replaced by aggressiveness, grumpiness, disinhibition and motor restlessness.

The apogee of the second stage of alcoholism - delirium delirium(“delirium tremens”, psychosis).

Duration - 10 - 20 years. This stage of alcoholism may not progress to the third.

Treatment of stage 2 alcoholism must begin as quickly as possible, since in the absence of attention a person will gradually move towards the next, more severe stage of alcoholism.

Third stage of alcoholism

This stage develops 10–20 years from the onset of the disease. Average age- 45 years.

From psychological dependence, it smoothly flows into physical dependence, since the body already gets used to regular doses of alcohol and stops secreting important hormones - as a result of which a person simply cannot stop drinking. Drunkenness is constant.

There is a complete depletion of all the body's resources. The gag reflex may occur again in case of alcohol poisoning. Diseases such as alcoholic encephalopathy, liver cirrhosis, polyneuropathy, and alcoholic epilepsy appear.

Also, stage 3 of alcoholism is characterized by the fact that tolerance to alcohol decreases. The patient can drink much less ethanol. He switches to weaker drinks (wine more often). Uses surrogates (“fanfuriki9raquo;”).

The picture of intoxication changes. Alcohol tones less. From the “violent9raquo; the alcoholic becomes “quiet”. Characterized by alcoholic personality degradation and psychosis.

If you can still try to cure the first stages of alcoholism on your own - look for new hobbies, don’t get hung up on drinking alcohol, then third-degree alcoholism requires outside intervention from a specialist.

Chronic alcoholism causes irreparable harm to human health and all organs - pathological changes begin nerve tissue, and the liver gradually degenerates, and prerequisites for cirrhosis arise.

If therapy is carried out at a compulsory level, a person develops symptoms that are characteristic of drug withdrawal; they arise against the background of withdrawal syndrome. At this moment, the alcoholic’s behavior becomes unpredictable, he loses his human appearance (even to the point of delirium tremens), and behaves violently and aggressively.

With the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, pathological changes begin to form in the structure of blood vessels, and the gastrointestinal tract organs, primarily the liver, suffer. Oncological diseases are quite possible, but they do not bother the patient, since he is busy with the only thing - searching for a new dose of alcohol, his interest in social life completely disappears.

If the first stage of alcoholism has minor symptoms, a person just needs to drink a couple of glasses of good wine, but in the last stages, alcoholics also like cologne, alcohol tinctures and even windshield wipers. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that at this stage it is only possible to get a person out of binge drinking experienced specialist– without the next dose of ethanol, the body will begin to rebel, which can even lead to fatal outcome. In this case, detoxification is required, as well as long-term treatment (social adaptation).

How to treat chronic alcoholism

  1. As for therapy, in the final stages it is necessary to contact experienced doctors. Today, there is a whole range of measures and methods that will help bring a person out of binge drinking, as well as discourage his desire for alcohol:

1. Aversive therapy. The method has been widely used in Soviet times and was known as “URT - conditioned reflex therapy.” Doctors prescribe certain medications (Disulfiram) that help induce aversion to alcohol by forming a conditioned reflex. These drugs are safe for the body of a sober person, but when interacting with alcohol they cause severe vomiting, weakness and malaise. Thus, after several such “binges” on the background of Disulfiram, a person will be able to give up alcohol, remembering how disgusting his health was the last time.

2. Psychological therapy. It will be relevant if the patient is fully and fully aware of his problem. This practice is very effective - after long and regular sessions, a person begins to realize what an irreparable evil alcohol carries and abandons it completely. Here a psychotherapist and medical psychologist play a huge role in treatment.

3. Detoxification. The methodology is very similar to the set of measures that doctors carry out when food poisoning. This method does not eliminate the desire to drink, but it helps protect the body from the harm caused by the breakdown of alcohol in the blood.

4. Social adaptation. Regardless of what stages of alcoholism have been diagnosed, a person decides to completely quit drinking and take the path of correction. This method is relevant only for those who are fully aware of their addiction and intend to fight it to the bitter end.

How to determine the stage of alcoholism?

Remember, no one can make a diagnosis of “Chronic alcoholism” in absentia.

A patient with a diagnosis of “Alcohol Dependence Syndrome” is registered at a dispensary only after examination by a psychiatrist-narcologist. No other doctor has the right to make this diagnosis.

  1. At the first stage of alcoholism, the patient drinks “like a horse.” Quantitative control over what you drink is lost. “Everything works out” for him when he drinks. Vomiting reflex When poisoned by alcohol, it fades away. An alcoholic limits himself to drinking alcohol for one day at intervals of several days. Sometimes short-term (no more than 2 days) excesses may occur, during which a hangover is not observed.
  2. How to determine the second stage of alcoholism? Appears hangover syndrome. Alcohol consumption becomes regular; a person takes alcohol to celebrate a particular event, after which he can abstain from consuming ethanol for 3 to 10-13 days. The end of the process is most often associated with external factors - money runs out, or conflicts begin in the family about this. In such a situation, the sooner qualified assistance is provided, the better, since treatment in the future becomes difficult.
  3. The disease alcoholism in the final stage implies constant consumption of alcohol against the background of decreased tolerance. It is impossible for a person to stop drinking ethanol due to poor physical health. This stage is characterized by short, maximum weekly, binges and alcoholic personality degradation.

And one more thing: it is impossible to register a patient with a dispensary in absentia! After the examination, the narcologist is obliged to explain to the patient what dispensary registration is and how long it lasts, what schedule should be used to visit the narcologist, what social and legal restrictions arise in connection with registration with the narcologist. The patient MUST sign the documents with his own hand that he agrees to be on dispensary observation from a narcologist. They are stored in his outpatient card all the time of accounting.

Good day! Have you ever wondered why...

Be that as it may, alcohol has been an integral part of humanity throughout its existence. And if we proceed from the stages of chronic alcoholism and their signs, then the initial stage can be noted in almost all citizens of adult age. The second stage is also large number population is present. Therefore, the main task here is to ensure that this does not really turn into a physiological dependence.

Yes, and a minor too. As the famous joke goes, at the age when Americans are allowed to drink, Russians have already stopped drinking. In practice, in fact, in high school and in the first years of university, young people drink a lot and often, and then, as they grow up and develop family relations, sharply reduces the frequency of alcohol consumption

You know, they say that there are no former smokers. The same applies to alcohol. My husband quit smoking (as it happened) not of his own free will, he simply could not smoke for a long time when he had an accident. Then I decided that it was not worth starting. And he hasn’t smoked at all for eight years, but he understands that if he lights just one cigarette, he won’t quit. That’s why he holds on, although he says that he sometimes has the urge to smoke. With alcohol, it seems to me, it’s more difficult. It is almost impossible to cure it. Only if a person really understands that for him it is poison, then with the help of doctors he will be able to refrain from alcohol. That is, by willpower. How long will it last?

Some people perceive alcohol as a medicine. It is taken to relieve nervous and physical stress, as a pain reliever. In addition, alcoholic drinks are a traditional decoration festive table. Alcohol abuse over a long period of time leads to the development of chronic alcoholism, a disease that is practically untreatable.

General description of the disease

Alcoholism does not develop on its own. A painful addiction does not form immediately, but over several years. And this is facilitated by many factors, both internal and external.

Experts have already proven that the main reason for the formation of alcohol dependence is heredity. Damage to certain genes is to blame causing disruption metabolic processes and insufficiency of neurotransmitters.

Another reason for the formation of chronic alcoholism is a person’s character. People who are suggestible are susceptible to this disease. It is difficult for them to adapt to society, so they try to suppress their indecision with a glass of alcohol. Alcoholism is often associated with psychological trauma received in childhood.

TO external factors the following applies:

  • traditions and cultural values ​​in the region of residence;
  • external environment;
  • availability of alcohol for young people.

There are two ways that ethanol affects the human body:

  • narcotic;
  • toxic.

In the first case, the development of alcohol dependence is facilitated by changes in the structures of the nervous system that occur under the influence of ethanol. And in the second - the pathological effect of alcohol on all organs and systems of the body.

The narcotic effect reduces the production of neurotransmitters that control emotions and evoking feelings satisfaction. That is why, in the absence of doping, a patient with alcoholism deteriorates and begins to have attacks of aggression.

During the breakdown of ethanol in the liver, acetaldehyde is formed - a poison, under the influence of which pathological changes occur in tissue cells. This substance causes severe withdrawal symptoms, the manifestations of which decrease after taking the next dose of alcohol.

How does chronic alcoholism develop?

Alcoholism is a disease that is difficult to cure. Women most often suffer from chronic alcoholism. This factor is explained by the instability of the female psyche. If in men this disease develops over 10–15 years, women need half as much time.

Chronic form The disease develops in several stages, which determine one or another stage of the disease.

Stage 1. This period is initial or neurasthenic and is formed over 3–10 years of systematic drinking. It manifests itself in an increase in craving for alcohol during the feast.

The patient does not get drunk immediately, which is explained by good tolerance to alcohol. Also, a person suffering from stage 1 of chronic alcoholism is able to control his behavior regardless of the amount of alcohol he drinks.

Stage 2. This stage of chronic alcoholism is called middle or narcotic. It can develop over 15 years and is characterized by an intensification of previous manifestations.

The patient's tolerance to ethanol increases, so he needs to increase the dosage of alcohol. And if you stop using it, a severe withdrawal syndrome develops, popularly called a hangover.

Stage 3. The last period is called severe or encephalopathic. Unlike the first two, when moving to the third stage, the patient’s resistance to alcohol sharply decreases. It only takes one drink for him to become very drunk. The patient shows signs of severe damage to internal organs.

Signs of developing chronic alcoholism

Each period of alcoholic illness is characterized by characteristic features. The initial stage can be recognized by the following manifestations:

  • absence of vomiting even with significant alcohol consumption;
  • memory loss after drinking a large dose of alcohol;
  • increased tolerance to ethanol;
  • increasing the duration of drinking periods.

At the initial stage, the patient experiences pleasure when recalling the sensations experienced during the process of intoxication. The alcoholic justifies his misbehavior as drunkenness. He becomes aggressive towards others. And during periods of sobriety, the patient becomes nervous and angry. A feature of the initial stage of the disease is a mild hangover that does not require treatment.

At the next stage, the following signs are formed:

  • severe hangover caused by prolonged poisoning of the body with ethanol breakdown products;
  • the formation of long-term drinking bouts.

Withdrawal syndrome is expressed in the following manifestations:

  • increased thirst;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • hand trembling;
  • increased heart rate;
  • hallucinations;
  • psychoses.

On last stage chronic alcoholism, resistance to ethanol sharply decreases. The patient begins to drink non-stop, interrupting only when the body is unable to cope with the breakdown products of ethanol.

When stopping drinking, the patient experiences a severe hangover. His circle of interests is narrowing, his environment is completely changing. Intelligence decreases, develops ulcerative lesions digestive organs, pathologies of the liver, heart and blood vessels.

The duration of the last stage of chronic alcoholism does not exceed five years. The patient, as a rule, dies, the reason for which is accompanying illnesses(myocardial infarction, stroke, liver cirrhosis, etc.).

Is chronic alcoholism treatable?

No chronic disease can be completely cured. In the process of long-term therapy, only long-term remission can be achieved. The chronic form of alcohol dependence is no exception. If the patient is determined to stop drinking, he can be helped. But the craving for alcohol will definitely remind you of itself sooner or later. Whether there will be a breakdown or not depends on the patient himself.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in several stages

At this stage it is applied drug therapy, during which the remaining ethanol is removed from the body. To eliminate withdrawal symptoms, various groups of medications are used, including sorbents, psychostimulants, analeptics and vitamin complexes.

Rehabilitation therapy. In the process of rehabilitation therapy, therapeutic measures, aimed at restoring the functions of internal organs and systems. Doctors use drugs with the following spectrum of action:

  • improving brain activity and memory;
  • calming, relieving irritability and depression;
  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • restoring liver function;
  • eliminating mental disorders;
  • restorative mineral balance in organism.

Elimination of psychological dependence. Elimination of psychological dependence on ethanol is achieved with the help of drugs, disgusting to alcohol. For this purpose, disulfiram-based drugs are used, as well as drugs that block the sensitivity of opioid receptors.

Rehabilitation period. This stage of treatment is the longest and involves the restoration of social connections and skills of the patient.

How to avoid developing the disease

To avoid the development of chronic alcoholism, it is necessary to minimize alcohol consumption. This is especially true for people who have alcoholics among their relatives.

You can prevent the emergence of painful addictions if you do not exceed permissible dosages alcohol. Women can take no more than 1 glass of wine or 50 ml of spirits daily, and men - 2 glasses of wine or 75 ml of spirits.

When this diagnosis is made, associations with family grief, tears and degradation appear. However, many chronic diseases, including alcoholism, are treatable. True, with great difficulty. So, we will learn about the development and manifestations of chronic alcoholism, the possibilities of its treatment.

Features and development of the disease

home distinguishing feature diseases - pathological addiction to alcohol. It is always accompanied by psychopathic disorders. Alcoholism significantly changes a person’s character and physiological functions.

And this is developing dangerous disease gradually, from periodic drinking to addiction. The process is different for all addicts. It can last from two years to fifteen.

The early stage is irregular drinking, which most often occurs in company. During this period, usually no one is involved in treatment. Over time, drinking becomes more and more frequent. The disease takes on pronounced forms. The addict’s well-being worsens, he becomes irritable, inadequate and even aggressive. And this is already a dangerous stage in the development of the disease. After all, the body simply requires daily servings of alcohol for relief. Without vodka he feels bad, anxious and scared. This is already a persistent addiction. That is, the stage of transition from periodic drinking to long drinking bouts.

Doctors refer to such symptoms as the second stage of development of chronic alcoholism. Stable addiction strengthens, binge drinking becomes continuous. A person’s level of intelligence decreases, self-criticism towards his actions disappears. He has tantrums.

Chronic alcoholism of the third stage is accompanied by long-term binges. A person can already hardly tolerate alcohol. He stops drinking, but only for a short time to go on another binge. Abstinence takes on a pronounced character. Amnesia becomes frequent. Personality degradation occurs against the background of damage to internal organs. The liver and kidneys are the first to suffer. Acute psychoses, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic gastritis, and epileptic seizures accompany the third stage of the disease.

Chronic alcoholics rarely stop drinking on their own.

Symptoms of chronic alcoholism

In order to diagnose the disease in time, you should know about the conditions that require special attention. Here they are:

  1. Pathological craving for alcohol. It happens unconsciously. A person explains the desire to drink with a lot of reasons and reasons.
  2. Gradual loss of control over what you drink and how much you drink. A person is no longer completely satisfied with a glass of wine and a mug of beer, for example. He needs his intoxication to reach a certain level. These are symptoms of the transition to the second stage of chronic alcoholism.
  3. Loss of gag reflex. The body's protective properties are destroyed. It adapts to the action of toxins. And this is already evidence of fully formed alcoholism.
  4. Constantly increasing doses of alcoholic drinks. There is also a transition from light strong drinks to stronger ones.
  5. Drinking alone. The addict no longer needs reasons, company, or justification for drinking alcohol with specific special events. He drinks secretly from others, which is a transition from everyday drunkenness to a dangerous disease.
  6. Withdrawal syndrome.
  7. Memory lapses that occur in an alcoholic during rare periods of sobriety.

Treatment of chronic alcoholism

Narcologists emphasize that therapy for this form of addiction is possible subject to a change in the environment and isolation of the person from his “colleagues” in misfortune.

Treatment lasts in stages. First, you stop drinking alcohol and the craving for it is relieved. Next, a negative attitude towards the use of strong drinks is formed. Usually, combined treatment is used for this purpose, which also includes psychological effects on the addict. After eliminating the intoxication of the body, the patient’s metabolism also returns to normal. A mandatory component of treatment is social rehabilitation measures. This is the basis for preventing relapse of the disease.

All of the above measures make it possible to restore the human body and return a full-fledged member to society. But for this it is extremely necessary own wish dependent, because without it necessary results not reach.