What are the requirements for clothing and appearance of a patient planning an MRI? Indications for the use of MRI. Survey Requirements

All processes in the human body are controlled by the brain. Human performance, speed of reaction, as well as the coordinated work of all organs and systems depends on its functioning. Disorders in the functioning of the brain lead to pathologies and various kinds diseases.

Timely detection of problems in the work of the brain allows not only to eliminate possible diseases, but also prevent their development. modern medicine allows you to study the work of the brain on the very subtle level. A technology called tomography helps in this.

Brain tomography is a process in which the examination of the activity magnetic field brain. There are two types of such a study: magnetic resonance imaging - MRI, and CT scan– CT.

MRI is an examination of nuclear magnetic resonance that occurs in the human brain due to radio frequency pulses emitted by hydrogen atoms. Electromagnetic pulses recorded by the device are digitized for further decoding. The resulting picture allows you to study the work of the brain and the state of the organ as a whole, detect possible pathologies.

The procedure is absolutely painless and does not harm the body. Children from the age of three, as well as adults and the elderly, can be subjected to such a study. The frequency of the procedure does not matter, therefore, if necessary, tomography is performed repeatedly.

The resulting image can be either monochrome or color.

With the help of substances introduced into the body before the examination, such as Magnevist, it becomes possible research based on contrast. Other substances may also be shown.

CT (computed tomography) is performed by tissue scanning thin beam of x-rays. The device records data based on the received radiation. The resulting picture gives the doctor the opportunity to identify pathologies in the human body. Schematic representation helps to identify neoplasms possible injuries brain and tissue hemorrhages and other damage.

The disadvantage of computed tomography is considered to be x-rays which negatively affects the human body.

There is also a more "advanced" technique for studying the work of the brain - positron emission tomography. The study allows you to get a color image of the scheme of the brain. Based on the data obtained, the most subtle processes occurring in the main organ of the central nervous system can be studied.

Indications for the use of MRI

brain MRI procedure shown in the following situations:

Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to study changes in brain tissues and makes it possible to diagnose emerging diseases. Before doing an MRI of the brain, the doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of the magnetic resonance method. MRI cannot be performed in the following situations:

  • The subject has a pacemaker;
  • The patient has a hearing aid;
  • Clips designed to stop bleeding;
  • Tattoos, which were applied with iron-containing dyes;
  • The first trimester of pregnancy may be a contraindication;
  • Possible phobias require the use of sedatives.

Computed tomography is prescribed if you have the following problems:

The brain MRI procedure has no hourly limits and can be carried out repeatedly. If necessary, it is carried out both in the morning and in evening time. No special preparation is required from the patient. It is enough to have a passport and the results of previous studies, if any, have been carried out before. You may also need a referral from your healthcare professional.

If there is a fear of confined spaces, the patient takes some sedative. Whether its use is necessary is decided by the doctor based on communication with the patient.

An MRI procedure (like a CT scan) is performed within 15 minutes, but sometimes it can take half an hour.

The study begins with preparation, in which the patient is placed on a special retractable table. To ensure immobility, the arms and legs are fixed with special straps, and the head with a roller and clamps.

When using the contrasting method, intravenous catheter, through which a substance is introduced into the body. The liquid has absolutely no effect on the body and in no way affects the patient and his feelings. Whether the presence of fluid in the body will be felt depends on individual indicators.

The nurse is present during the procedure and monitors the progress of the MRI. The human brain is examined in a special chamber into which a table is pushed. The communication system allows the doctor to freely conduct a dialogue with the subject. The patient can contact a specialist, reporting his health. This can be done using the button on the camera.

After undergoing the MRI or CT procedure, the patient is released from the fixing devices, the head is released and the catheter needle is removed. The procedure is over. Now the patient needs to wait a while while the doctor draws a conclusion based on the results. The picture can be printed on a printer and used in the medical history. It does not depend on the doctor whether the result will be ready on time, or you will have to wait.

Complications during brain tomography

In most cases, brain tomography passes without complications. The fear of closed space in a patient can cause some discomfort, however, adult patients successfully cope with this problem.

About how often you can do an MRI of the brain, should consult a doctor. In most cases, a re-examination is prescribed after treatment. Unlike a doctor's use of a CT scan, the body is not exposed to radiation.

Headphones are offered to children undergoing an MRI or CT examination in order to drown out the hum of the working mechanism. Adults can also use music to soothe. Some hospitals provide small musical speakers near the patient's head.

A substance introduced into the body can cause discomfort. Some patients report a flush of heat or, conversely, a feeling of "flowing" cold through the veins. It often happens that the examinee feels a taste of metal in his mouth. All of these signs are nothing to worry about.

Sometimes it is found row side effects after the administration of the drug, including urticaria and dry eyes.

The results of the tomogram of the brain

Results are prepared within one hour. Treatment based on the results obtained is prescribed either at the clinic conducting the examination, or by the attending physician who referred the patient for tomography.

Many are concerned about how often a CT scan of the brain can be done. The procedure is repeated as many times as necessary for the treatment. Repeated use of tomography is not harmful to health. The doctor may prescribe re-examination if the pictures are not in the best quality.

The advantage of MRI is that the research process is painless, the method is non-invasive (without internal influence on the body). But, of course, the biggest advantage of the study is the ability to make a survey of the most the finest processes in the main organ of the central nervous system.

Thus, tomography is one of the most effective methods research of the body and diagnosing diseases, once again confirming that medicine has made a huge leap.

Magnetic resonance imaging is the most advanced and reliable method medical diagnostics. MRI can detect even minor pathologies internal organs, brain and skeletal system and is often used as preventive diagnostics with serious systemic diseases(stroke, retinopathy, diabetes).

The principle of operation of the device is based on a simple physical phenomenon - all living organisms on the planet have their own magnetic field, and when a magnet acts on the body of a greater force, slight changes in the behavior of atoms can be detected. Scanning with a tomograph allows not only to detect the presence of the disease, but also to detect the dynamics of changes during the disease. To date, 3 types of tomographs are used, which differ in power. The most common devices with a field strength of 1.5-3 Tesla, they allow you to get a clear and contrast image of the diagnosed area.

Features of the survey

Magnetic resonance tomography externally is a rather large and hollow cylinder with powerful magnetic elements, where the patient is placed in a horizontal position. There are also vertical devices designed mainly for diagnostics. neurological diseases spine. The whole procedure is carried out from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the severity. clinical picture and area of ​​the area under study. A big plus of the procedure is the absence of any harm to the body, so MRI is more safe method than radiography. One of the only restrictions on the application of this diagnostic procedure– the presence of claustrophobia in the patient, which can lead to undesirable panic attacks and seizures.

MRI procedure

  • The patient is asked to take horizontal position on the retractable table of the device. In most cases, the person is placed on their back;
  • During the entire procedure, you must be in a stationary state, since any movement can affect the reliability of the results. Rest is especially important during an MRI of the spine. To fix the patient, soft belts and rollers are used, which are attached to the neck and limbs. In young children, MRI is performed under general anesthesia, and for restless patients, it is advisable to pre-take sedative drugs;
  • The work of the tomograph is accompanied by sounds of different volume and timbre. If this causes discomfort, it is recommended to use special headphones or earplugs;
  • In the study of certain diseases circulatory system injected into the blood contrast agent based on gadolinium, which allows you to get the most informative diagnostic results. The use of contrast increases the duration of the procedure by an average of 15 minutes;
  • Modern tomographs have a built-in voice communication system, which allows the patient to maintain contact with the diagnostician during the procedure, as well as hear all the necessary commands. In some cases, the doctor may ask you to hold or quicken your breath, take a deep breath;
  • The conclusion after the procedure and the pictures are usually ready the very next day, since all the results are displayed directly on the computer. In some clinics, you can request an MRI disk for follow-up consultations with other specialists.

In the study of some complex diseases, especially internal organs and the brain, it may be necessary to additional procedures. In addition, regular MRI is necessary after a stroke of any type, as well as with neoplasms in cerebral structures.

Clothing for MRI

There are strict clothing requirements for the procedure. This allows not only to obtain reliable data, but also to reduce the risk of damage to expensive equipment. Before the examination, it is necessary to remove all metal accessories, piercings, jewelry, and metal implants, if possible. Most clinics present a disposable gown that does not have buttons, hooks or other unnecessary elements. If you are asked to bring your own clothes, you must take a spacious bathrobe made of natural fabrics without any metal elements.


For diagnostics using magnetic resonance imaging, there are a number of contraindications that can be temporary or permanent:

  • The presence of tattoos on the body using metal components in the composition of the paint;
  • Any metal implants, including pacemakers, fillings, dentures;
  • Intrauterine devices, as well as cosmetic accessories implanted in the body;
  • Pregnancy in any trimester. IN rare cases on later dates MRI is acceptable if the method is the most informative for diagnosing diseases of the mother or fetus;
  • The rehabilitation period after operations on cardiovascular system and brain;
  • Neurological pathologies, stable forms of epilepsy;
  • Excessively large body weight of the patient. In most cases, the weight limit is more than 120 kg;
  • The presence in the body of metal fragments, shot or parts of a bullet.

Even before the start of the examination, it is necessary to warn the doctor about the presence possible contraindications for the procedure. You should not hide from the specialist the presence of limitations, which can lead not only to distort the results of the study, but also lead to damage to the tomograph. Before the examination, the doctor should not only explain in detail how an MRI is done, but also talk about all the contraindications and consequences.

Possible Complications

If you do not fulfill all the requirements for the procedure, this can lead to serious consequences:

  • Severe burn at the tattoo site, regardless of location;
  • Corneal damage and other structural elements visual system;
  • disruption or total loss functionality of the implant, especially in the presence of electronic elements.

Although MRI is not recommended during pregnancy, there are currently no reliable statistics on the effects of magnetic fields on the fetus.

If the patient has serious chronic diseases kidneys or liver, it is recommended to pre-pass all necessary tests blood and urine, on the basis of which a decision will be made on admission to the procedure.

MRI with axial load

Spinal tomography is the most reliable and informative method study of diseases of this organ. MRI with axial load allows not only to assess general state all parts of the spine, but also to reveal hidden areas of inflammation, neoplasms, even in initial stage. Standard scheme how to do an MRI of the spine:

  • After spinal tomography classic version the table simultaneously with the patient is raised to a strictly vertical position;
  • Due to the weight, gravity begins to act on the spine, which leads to a natural displacement of all vertebrae. This allows you to identify hidden disorders, as well as tumors on early stages development;
  • For a better diagnosis, it is recommended to show the obtained images to several specialists, which allows you to accurately interpret the data, since reading the MRI results is complicated procedure which not all physicians can handle.

Magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative and safe diagnostic method to date. However, due to the high cost of the device, not all hospitals have the opportunity to quickly undergo an examination, often patients have to wait in line for several weeks. The procedure itself is paid, while the price depends on the region, as well as on the part of the body being studied. Not in all settlements there are specialists who are able to correctly interpret the survey data, therefore, for a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to contact only qualified diagnosticians.

> How do they do it?

How is an MRI done?

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - relatively new method survey, which, nevertheless, has already managed to establish itself as highly accurate and reliable. The technique itself is quite peculiar, and patients who undergo MRI for the first time require additional instruction before starting the examination.

In most clinics, before prescribing and conducting an MRI, the doctor asks the patient to fill out a questionnaire, where the patient must indicate the presence of metal objects and / or electronic implants in his body. The questionnaire also indicates the presence of allergies or a tendency to allergic reactions. If the patient has chronic diseases, then the doctor should also find out about this before the MRI procedure. In some clinics, they also ask you to sign a contract for the provision of diagnostic services, after which the doctor is ready to answer the patient's remaining questions.

An MRI is performed in a special room where a tomograph is installed. Before the procedure, the doctor who will carry out the diagnosis asks the patient to change into hospital pajamas. If the examination is carried out on an outpatient basis (and not during planned hospitalization patient), the patient can bring a change of clothes with him. The main condition is complete absence on the patient's clothing and body of any metal elements. In order to detect such elements just before an MRI, a nurse or doctor may ask the patient to undergo a metal detector examination.

After that, the patient is placed on a retractable table-couch. MRI is carried out taking into account the planned examination area, around which the sensors will be located. In some cases, immersion of the patient in the tomograph tunnel is not required completely. So, when examining the brain, the couch moves into the tomograph only partially - so that only the patient's head is inside the tunnel.

During the procedure, you must remain completely still. Any movement, even involuntary, adversely affects the quality of the images, so the doctor may suggest additional fixation of the area being examined with straps and rollers.

During the examination, the patient has the opportunity to contact the doctor at any time - modern tomographs are equipped with a communication system. This is done so that the patient can warn the specialist about the discomfort or fear that has arisen, and also so that the doctor can instruct the patient to hold his breath or do deep breath(this is necessary for some types of diagnostics). During the examination, the diagnostician himself is in the next room, from where he remotely controls the process of the device and monitors the computer processing of the results.

During operation, the tomograph emits quite a loud noise. Many patients are frightened by this noise and feel uncomfortable during the diagnosis, so you can take earplugs with you to the procedure or ask the doctor to give you headphones.

MRI can be done with or without contrast. In the first case, the procedure time increases by 10-15 minutes and can be up to 45 minutes. Without contrast, the procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Contrasting is the introduction a special drug based on gadolinium intravenously, which makes it possible to improve the visualization of blood vessels and tumor formations.

In cases where MRI is performed without hospitalization of the patient, after the diagnosis, the patient can immediately go home. The interpretation of the images and the doctor's conclusion are issued a few hours later or the next day after the procedure.

IN difficult cases or if you have difficulty making a diagnosis after an MRI, you may need additional examinations- the doctor will notify the patient about this after issuing the conclusion. The doctor who performed the MRI may also recommend visits to certain subspecialists after the results have been processed and a diagnosis has been made.

Relatively recently, such a diagnostic method as. Almost everyone heard about it at least once in their life, but few people went into details and learned the advantages and disadvantages of the method, as well as how tomography is performed.

First of all, you need to consider the definition of "magnetic resonance imaging" itself, so that it is as easy as possible to understand what is at stake.

  • Fear of closed spaces, or as it is scientifically called, claustrophobia. In this case, there will be more harm than good, because a person is afraid of an enclosed space and at this moment the pressure may rise, the pulse will quicken, and an attack will begin.
  • The presence in the body of medical devices that are based on metal, especially we are talking about hearing aids, heart valves, pacemakers
  • The presence on the human body of any metal objects, this includes chains, beads, watches, etc.
  • epileptic seizures. This is dangerous because it will not be possible to urgently help a person, and because of the excitement, an attack can happen even when taking special drugs.
  • Mental disorders, due to which he cannot adequately respond to the world around him, it seems to him everywhere that he is being persecuted, etc.
  • Allergic reaction to the contrast agent, which is very rare

Despite the fact that the method is considered safe for both children and adults, pregnant women should not do an MRI just like that. A referral for a study is required, in which the alleged diagnosis will be prescribed, on the basis of which a decision will be made on the conduct of a tomography

There is no special treatment for patients before magnetic resonance imaging, the only exception is the study of organs with cholagiography. It must be done on an empty stomach.

Basically, the preparation before the study is as follows:

  • Dressing in special sterile clothing that does not contain metal inserts and elements. The patient is allowed to carry out the procedure in his own clothes, but only if it is checked for the presence of metal objects.
  • Remove jewelry and other metal objects such as dentures, credit cards, pens, etc.
  • In the event that the patient will undergo an MRI using a special one, it is not recommended to eat four hours before the start. The contrast contains special components that, penetrating into the blood, can cause allergic reaction as well as nausea or vomiting.
  • Sometimes a person may be discharged sedatives especially if he is very worried. This is done so that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible and does not cause stress.

More information about MRI can be found in the video.

The patient must warn his attending physician, who sends for an MRI, about the presence of claustrophobia, because this will negatively affect the result, as well as about pregnancy (applies to women).

It is forbidden to conduct an MRI with contrast for those people who have kidney problems, so you need to warn the doctor about this.

Although MRI is considered safe procedure, no studies have been conducted on how the fetus reacts to a magnetic field. Therefore, if it is possible to wait with the procedure, and there is no danger to the life of the mother, then it is best to postpone to a later date.

Diagnosis of diseases

As mentioned above, with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, many can be diagnosed, especially at an early stage.

These include:

  • stroke, especially when an MRI of the brain is performed. How early a brain hemorrhage was noticed will depend further fate human
  • tumors, both malignant and benign. It is very important for physicians to consider all possible tumors in the body, since with the diagnosis of "cancer" you need to get rid of all metastases
  • vascular disease, especially easy to consider an aneurysm. In the event that the doctor has discovered an aneurysm, it is urgently necessary to operate on it, since a rupture can occur at any time
  • organ enlargement, which often happens due to an infection that has entered the body
  • disease reproductive system, especially when it comes to oncology, etc.
  • malformations that cannot be detected during other studies
  • injury, especially if the person has lost the ability to move limbs
  • intervertebral hernia, which gives a person great discomfort, etc.

And this is not the whole list of diseases that can be detected during.Not many people know how an MRI is performed, and therefore there are a lot of questions related to this procedure. In fact, there is nothing terrible and dangerous in it, the main thing is to turn to experienced doctors so that they can describe the results normally and make an accurate diagnosis.

All more people suffer from headaches. And not always the doctor can immediately determine the cause of the disease. In this case, an MRI of the brain comes to the rescue. This modern method diagnostics helps to identify all anomalies and changes in the cerebral cortex and blood vessels of the head.

This progressive high-tech examination is carried out using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. The main part of the device is a strong magnet. A powerful magnetic field is created around the patient. With the help of a special computer system, high-frequency impulses of each cell of the human head (or other part of the body) are recorded. Thanks to this, an image of the brain and blood vessels of the patient appears on the screen.

The received images are decoded by the specialist if necessary. They can be printed or sent electronically to the attending physician. Based on the results of the examination, the attending physician will be able to accurately determine the state of human health and develop a suitable therapy technique.

When is MRI ordered?

Exists whole list diseases, in case of suspicion of which an MRI of the brain is done. Among them, the following are especially common:

  1. Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  2. Stroke.
  3. Diseases of the pituitary gland.
  4. Anomalies of the vascular system.
  5. Pathology of the organ of hearing.
  6. Injuries.
  7. Multiple sclerosis.
  8. Frequent headaches, the origin of which is not clear.
  9. The presence of brain pathology in dementia.

Some conditions may require a procedure with contrast. She is different from regular topics that a special chemical substance is injected into the patient's blood, which allows you to get a clearer image.

Such a study is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. thrombosis or stenosis of blood vessels.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Adenoma is a tumor in the pituitary gland.

In some cases, MRI becomes the only exact method diagnostics.


MRI of the brain and blood vessels is considered a completely safe procedure. It can be done for both adults and children. Moreover, the frequency of studies, if necessary, can be weekly. But there are a number of contraindications in which the examination can be harmful to health:

  1. The presence of metal implants.
  2. Hemostatic clips installed in the vessels of the brain.
  3. The presence of prosthetic heart valves.
  4. Acute heart failure.
  5. The presence of tattoos applied with metallic paints.
  6. The presence of a pacemaker.
  7. Pregnancy.
  8. Claustrophobia, seizures, panic attacks.

In the presence of such contraindications, other diagnostic methods will have to be selected.

Preparation for the procedure

Before going for an MRI of the vessels of the brain, you need to get a detailed consultation of a specialist. The doctor will be able to identify the presence of contraindications and give basic recommendations.

In order for the test result to be as accurate as possible, adhere to the following rules:

  1. There should be no metal parts on your clothes. Choose models without buttons, zippers, rivets and other similar elements. Give preference to loose-fitting clothing. During the examination, you should feel as comfortable as possible, as you will have to lie still for a while. Many clinics today offer patients to change into special disposable clothes before the examination. Do not disregard this recommendation.
  2. Take a good look at yourself before you have an MRI. Remove watches, jewelry, hearing aid and others hardware. Check your pockets, they shouldn't have any foreign objects. Even a small coin left in your pocket can seriously distort the results of the examination.
  3. There are no special restrictions on food and drink before the procedure. The only exception is alcoholic beverages. Their use is strictly prohibited. If the MRI is done with contrast, it is recommended not to eat three hours before the examination. If you eat a heavy meal, you may feel severe discomfort during the study.
  4. IN special occasions the doctor may recommend the introduction of special solutions before the MRI. They help to make the diagnostic process better. In this case, you need to find out in advance whether such substances will cause an allergic reaction in you.

Many people wonder how the procedure goes with an MRI of the brain. In fact, there is nothing complicated in it. It can be divided into several main stages:

  1. Before an MRI is done, the specialist once again interviews the patient and examines him outpatient card. Checks for direction.
  2. The patient takes off all metal products, empties pockets and, if necessary, changes clothes.
  3. The person is taken to the room in which the study will be conducted. The magnetic resonance tomograph is a large apparatus shaped like a tube. The patient is placed on the table and fixed with special rollers and belts. This is necessary in order to ensure immobility during the study. If a person moves, the picture will be blurry and the results of the examination will be considered invalid.
  4. The table slowly moves inside the main part of the tomograph. The duration of the procedure is on average about 40 minutes.
  5. At the end of the examination, the patient needs to lie still for some time. At this time, the specialist will analyze the received data. In some cases, additional or repeat exposures may be necessary.
  6. The patient is helped to get up from the table and leave the office.

The patient can take the images obtained as a result of the examination with him, or they are automatically transferred to the attending physician.

How is the contrast procedure performed?

In some cases, the patient is recommended to do an MRI of the head with contrast. This helps to obtain a more accurate image of the vessels. The process of passing the examination differs from the usual one only by the introduction of a special chemical. The contrast is injected some time before the start of the diagnosis. The specialist should monitor the body's reaction to the administered drug.

During insertion, the person may feel cool or metallic taste in the mouth. In some cases, the injection may be painful.

Next, the patient is also placed in a tomograph and scanned. The key to a successful result will be the immobile state of the patient. If a child suffering from hyperactivity has to undergo an examination, anesthesia may be required.

The procedure is absolutely painless. Immediately after its completion, a person will be able to return to their usual way of life. MRI with contrast will help the doctor to better see the vascular pattern and all brain anomalies.

How does the patient feel during the examination?

The person being examined does not feel pain. Unpleasant sensations can only be associated with long stay in a stationary state.

After the scan starts, the machine makes a slight noise. The patient may feel warm in the area being examined. If the procedure is performed with contrast, then heat spreads throughout the body. In some cases, a person, on the contrary, may feel cold.

The reason for stopping the examination may be bad feeling sick. If the procedure has caused nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, or any other negative manifestations, the doctor immediately removes the person from the machine.

If the procedure was carried out with the use of anesthesia, then after its completion, the anesthesiologist should observe the patient's condition for some time. This will help to avoid negative consequences for good health.

Deciphering the results

The most difficult part of the procedure is deciphering its results. This should not be done by the patient on their own. All received pictures are carefully studied by professionals. Any disease is reflected in the resulting image:

  1. The presence of a tumor is given out by light spots. They have asymmetrical edges. It is impossible not to notice them. They are too bright.
  2. Stroke. Determined by availability bright spot. If the procedure was carried out with contrast, then in the picture you can see a decrease in blood circulation in this area.
  3. Hydrocephalus. Depicted as an expansion of the ventricles of the subarachnoid and perivascular space.
  4. Multiple sclerosis is defined by the presence of light areas in the white matter. There may be several such areas.
  5. Aneurysm. The picture will show a strong thinning and expansion of the walls of blood vessels.
  6. The presence of fluid in the brain is determined by dark spots in the channels through which the cerebral fluid flows.

Correct interpretation of the results will help to quickly diagnose and develop a competent treatment strategy.

The MRI procedure is quite simple. For its passage does not require special preparation. Moreover, this diagnostic method is rightfully considered the most accurate.