Is napping good or bad for weight loss? Sleep time: how much sleep during the day? When to sleep during the day

Among people of different ages There are a lot of people who feel a great desire to take a nap in the afternoon. Most people feel better after a nap and feel a surge of energy.

Many would not mind taking a nap during the day, but due to work and other commitments, not everyone has such an opportunity. But there are also those for whom napping during the day brings a feeling of exhaustion.

Let's try to figure out whether sleep is beneficial daytime Or is there any harm from it?

Experts in the field of physiology have found that the need for afternoon sleep appears as a result of changes in the biorhythms of our body. Such fluctuations occur due to changes in metabolic rate over a daily period.

This fact can be confirmed simple measurements body temperature: per day there will be two intervals in which the temperature will be the lowest:

  • between 13.00 and 15.00 during the daytime;
  • between 3 and 5 o'clock at night.

The decrease in temperature during the designated periods is not affected by either sleep or foods consumed. At this time, there is a strong need for rest, which involves falling asleep. Let's figure out why you feel drawn to sleep during the day, whether daytime naps are beneficial and how much time is permissible to sleep during daylight hours?

How long should you sleep in the afternoon?

The maximum duration of sleep in the afternoon is half an hour - only in this case will rest be beneficial. In 30 minutes you will not have time to fall into a state deep sleep, and this has great value. Daytime sleep times may vary depending on your job, age, and physical condition.

In most cases, half an hour's sleep or even a quarter of an hour's rest is enough for recovery. This is enough to improve your mood, improve physical and emotional state.

Sleeping for more than half an hour will bring you a feeling of exhaustion. A long rest that involves falling asleep will cause lethargy. That is why most physiologists recommend sleeping while sitting during the day, because in a lying position it is easy to fall into a long sleep. Take a few minutes of nap during your break right at your desk and you will feel better.

Benefits of sleeping in the afternoon

Many people have to overcome the feeling of sleepiness that appears after lunch - not everyone has the luxury of taking a nap during the day. But if conditions allow, know that the benefits of sleeping in the afternoon for the body have been proven by scientific studies conducted in several countries.

Why do you feel sleepy during the day and after lunch? The reasons are simple: in the afternoon hours, some of the brain cells that are responsible for wakefulness fall into a lethargic state, and the desire to take a nap appears.

To combat drowsiness, in most cases they drink strong brewed coffee, but research by scientists from England has proven that a short nap after lunch restores performance much better than coffee drinks. An afternoon nap is part of the daily routine for people living in tropical countries. climatic conditions and subtropics.

A short siesta provides an opportunity to escape the sweltering heat and promotes satisfaction. physiological needs. A short rest in the afternoon increases efficiency and gives you a feeling of vigor.

Benefits for the nervous system

Due to a short siesta, the amount of hormones that provoke stress decreases. An excess of such hormones poses a danger to the nervous system and negatively affects the psyche.

A short sleep allows you to get rid of tension and increases resistance to mental and emotional stress.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Taking a short rest during the day reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke. Scientists from America have been conducting experiments in this area for several years. The results of these experiments showed that people who slept after lunch for half an hour at least three times a week, the likelihood of developing vascular diseases decreased by 40 percent, when compared with those who did not rest after twelve days at all.

Benefits for the brain

The studies carried out allowed us to conclude that the brain is actively restored during a short daytime rest, thanks to this, after waking up, its work improves, and the departments responsible for making responsible decisions begin to function. A 15-minute nap during the day gives you the strength to take on new tasks.

Researchers say that a nap in the afternoon is necessary to “reboot” the brain, “cleaning” it of unnecessary information. A tired brain can be compared to a brain full of failure by mailbox, which is unable to accept new messages due to lack of space.

Research conducted by scientists from the USA has proven that the intensity of visual reactions among students participating in the experiment decreases several times in the evening. But those who took a short nap during the day perceive and remember information at the same speed as they did in the morning.

During a short afternoon siesta, the same thing happens in brain cells effective recovery, as during sleep at night. Sleeping during the day normalizes hormone levels, thus relieving stress that was received before noon. After a short afternoon rest, the ability to concentrate increases, which has great importance during mental work.

For adults

Many women try to make time for naps during the day. After all, a short rest in the afternoon has a positive effect on your appearance and gives a slight rejuvenating effect. Regular daytime sleep allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes and has a positive effect on your condition. skin, hair and nails.

A tendency to nap during the day is also observed in pregnant women, especially in the first trimester.

In men nap in the afternoon it improves the functioning of the reproductive system, in addition, it is a great way to restore strength after working the night shift.

It is reliably known that many popular people who had a high ability to work, including former American President John Kennedy, regularly rested during the day.

Harm from daytime sleep. Is it good for everyone to take a nap during the day?

Daytime rest, which involves falling asleep, does not benefit everyone. In some cases, a strong desire to take a nap after lunch indicates both overwork and the need for recovery, as well as serious problems with health.

Important! Don't ignore strong feeling drowsiness that appears during the daytime.

Sudden drowsiness may be a sign of an impending stroke. If you often and without obvious reasons drowsiness occurs, be sure to visit a doctor and examine your heart and blood vessels. Elderly people should be especially careful with daytime rest: they experience pressure drops during sleep in the afternoon, sudden jump may cause hemorrhage.

In addition, a sudden desire to sleep that appears during the day may be a sign of a rare disease called narcolepsy. If you have this disease, a person may fall asleep several times a day. Only a specialist can diagnose the disease and prescribe therapy in such a situation.

People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes also need to avoid napping during the day. Research conducted by Australian scientists showed that when diabetes mellitus After sleeping in the afternoon, the amount of glucose in the blood increases greatly, so daytime sleep is harmful for diabetics.

If you begin to have difficulty falling asleep at night, reduce the duration of daytime sleep or even stop resting during the day.

Is afternoon rest good for children?

Does a child need a nap during the day? Only adults should be careful with daytime sleep, but as for children, they need rest in the afternoon for full development.

The child's body is not able to stay awake for a long time; Children's brains cannot continuously process information received throughout the day.

The picture of children falling asleep literally while walking was observed by many. This happens due to loss of strength, because the body of children is not adapted to heavy loads. Daytime nap gives nervous system children a respite from large quantity incoming information.

Important! If children younger age do not sleep during the day, their natural biological rhythms are disrupted. Such failures can provoke disruption of the functioning of the child’s entire fragile body.

How much time do children need to nap during the day?

Eat approximate standards regulating the duration of sleep during the daytime in children. But in reality, the duration of daytime rest for children is set individually, since each child has different sleep needs. The duration of sleep in the afternoon also depends on age.

Babies who have just been born sleep almost all the time. By the time they reach the age of two months, they already distinguish day from night, and their daytime sleep takes about five hours at intervals.

Six-month-old babies spend an average of four hours sleeping during the day, with two to three intervals.

Children aged one to one and a half years usually need two hours of daytime sleep.

For young children it is important to lay the foundation for good health And mental development. Nutrition, physical exercise, development of intelligence - all this is important for child development, but you also need to properly organize your child’s sleep. Parents should study the rules for organizing children's recreation.

Benefit afternoon nap proven scientific research; rest during the daytime serves as a preventive measure for a number of ailments. Consider the value of daytime rest, because we spend most of our lives on sleep, and our well-being depends on its quality.


To sleep or not to sleep during the day, if you want? How to sleep after lunch correctly? How not to violate night sleep a short day's rest? Professor R. F. Buzunov gives answers to these questions in this video:

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Children's naps during the day are considered beneficial for health. But when a person becomes an adult, the habit of sleeping in the middle of the day puts him in the category of lazy people.

Why is the opinion about healthy sleep with age? Scientists around the world claim that napping helps restore physical strength, normalize emotional background, increase the efficiency of any activity. Patterns in society about daytime naps have no scientific basis. In this article we will talk about an important and interesting topic for many - is it good for an adult to sleep during the day?

Historical and scientific facts

Scientists from the University of California conducted a study of a group of people who practiced daytime naps throughout their lives. Based on the experiment, experts came to an amazing conclusion that proved the benefits of napping in the middle of the day for health. Compared to adherents of wakefulness, such people have a 50% increase in concentration and a 30% improvement in memory. Napping does not disrupt life biorhythms and does not cause insomnia. Useful practice prevents the development of depression and improves mood, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 40%, allows you to relax and begin work with renewed vigor.

It is wrong to think that they can sleep during the day lazy people, losers or slackers. Historical facts indicate the opposite. Great people: creative people, politicians, philanthropists prefer to relax in the middle of the day. Such a vacation greatly contributed to their success, allowed them to concentrate on their goals and respond correctly to difficult situations. life situations. The benefits of daytime sleep for humans are confirmed by their example by Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Eleanor Roosevelt, Leonardo Davinci, Thomas Edison, and John Kennedy. These people have always practiced napping and at the same time achieved success and worldwide popularity.

Benefits of resting in the middle of the day

The question of whether it is useful for adults to sleep during the day can be answered positively with confidence. Those who practice napping remain healthy for many years into old age, and their life expectancy is higher than that of people who are constantly awake during the day.

Health benefits of napping:

  • restores performance, gives a feeling of vigor;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases resistance to stressful situations;
  • sharpens the functioning of the senses and reaction to external stimuli;
  • activates metabolic processes in organism;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • aligns the emotional background, promotes a good mood;
  • improves thought processes: attention, memory, creativity;
  • prevents physical fatigue.

The more regularly a person allows himself to rest, the more regularly the person allows himself to rest, the greater the benefits of napping. Daytime naps at least three times a week lead to improvement general well-being and extends active life. The reason is the stimulation of the production of endorphins (“happiness hormones”) and inhibition of the synthesis of cortisol (“anxiety hormone”).

The harm of daytime rest

Scientists say that the benefits and harms of daytime sleep depend on many factors that are important to consider. We'll talk about healthy napping rules later. Daytime rest can be harmful if you nap for a long time, without taking into account the time, external conditions and sleep phases. Napping is not beneficial, and is sometimes contraindicated, for patients with deep depression and with mental disorders. Daytime rest can be harmful for people suffering from insomnia. In this case, life biorhythms are disrupted and sleep disturbance processes progress.

Day rest rules

We got the answer to the question of whether adults need to sleep during the day. Now let's look at how to properly nap. This is important because disordered sleep can cause jet lag, impair nervous and endocrine system. You may have sometimes noticed that after a daytime nap you feel exhausted, you cannot concentrate on work, there is general weakness And headache. These are signs that you fell asleep or woke up at the wrong time, without taking into account the stages of sleep.

The benefits of daytime sleep for a person will be most complete if the following rules are observed:

  1. The optimal duration of rest for a full night's sleep is 20-30 minutes. This time is enough to relax and restart the work of all organs and systems. Phase deep slow sleep occurs half an hour after falling asleep and lasts for an hour. If a person wakes up in a deep phase, then his state will be broken. Therefore, it is necessary to wake up before reaching deep phase. In case if night rest was defective, a daytime nap should last 1.5-2 hours before the onset of the next deep sleep phase. This important condition which must be followed.
  2. The relaxation environment is no less important. Need to get rid of sources loud sounds and bright light. You can use special eye masks and earplugs.
  3. The sleeping place should be comfortable for temporary relaxation. Experts do not recommend going to bed, which can contribute to prolonged rest. An armchair, sofa, sofa, or car seat would be more suitable. It is better to loosen tight clothing parts.
  4. It is important to organize daytime rest at 13-15 hours, no later. This optimal time for relaxation and restoration of performance.
  5. Should be considered individual characteristics person to fall asleep. If you take a long time to go to bed, then you need to add 10-15 minutes to your rest time.
  6. For those who have difficulty waking up, experts recommend drinking strong tea or coffee before a nap. The drinks begin to take effect within 20-30 minutes, just in time for waking up.
  7. After resting, do exercises to warm up your muscles.

Why is napping good for you?

So why is sleeping during the day good for your health?

The thing is that during the day, not only the whole body works very hard for a person, but also his psyche. This is especially true in modern urban realities. Working to the limit of our strength, we experience a lot of negative feelings and emotions. All this wears us down and leads to illness.

This is why resting at least a little during the day is vital if you want to stay.

Relaxation during the day

But it will be best and much more useful if you don’t just sleep during the day, but a short time relax and turn off your head. Those. stop thinking and experiencing bad emotions.

For relaxation, and is used. Try these techniques in the middle of the day and you will feel your energy return. You will be able to work harder and better and will not come home very tired.

But if you don’t have the opportunity to lie down in shavasana, try to find some time and relax, at least just sitting on a chair with your eyes closed. The main thing is to turn off your head well. Even such a short rest will be beneficial for the whole body and psyche.

And the last question remains: is it possible to sleep during the day after eating? Yes, it does not harm the digestive processes. The body spends a lot of energy to digest food. And it is better if you rest at this time, and do not start working hard immediately after consuming food. Everyone knows that the day after have a nice lunch, we are drawn to sleep. Do not interfere with this urge of the body. But you shouldn’t overeat at night.

If you decide to practice napping during the day, do not be shy and do not listen to the opinions of others. Your health, both physical and mental, will be much stronger than that of people with stereotyped thinking.

If you can't sleep, step away from work for a short time, close your eyes and relax. Stop thinking, in other words, meditate. The body will thank you for this.

And in conclusion, watch the video on the topic of the article:

See you soon.

I wish you happiness and health.

According to some sleep researchers, nature has not provided humans with reserve sleep resources, such as, for example, fat deposits in case of hunger. Because depriving yourself of night's rest without good reasons- an unnatural state. No living organism, except humans, practices such abuse of itself. A dream is not a credit bank from which you can periodically take out valuables and then reimburse them “in one fell swoop.” Unfortunately, regular lack of sleep cannot be compensated for by a midday nap.

“Lunch is over - only the shaitan is not sleeping,” says Eastern wisdom. Siesta in hot countries also demonstrates the benefits of an afternoon nap. But, contrary to popular belief, sleep scientists claim that daytime rest is harmful for an adult. It is especially difficult for older people to get enough sleep in the first half of the day. Research results have revealed a relationship between midday naps and a high risk of stroke in pensioners. Also, some doctors noticed the involvement early sleep to VSD, diabetes mellitus.

Daytime sleep in its components does not differ from night sleep - the phase order is the same. The difference is in the time duration of the stages: there are fewer deep stages, and more superficial ones. Experts confirm that if you fall asleep during the day decreased activity, then waking up is fraught with headaches, unpleasant sensations in the heart area and a feeling of drowsiness during the rest of the day.

Daytime sleep in children: meaning and norms by age

Is it possible to sleep during the day? For young children, sleep during daylight hours is vital. Baby one month old sleeps almost around the clock, interrupting to eat. As you get older, sleep one year old child is divided into two stages: day and night. Subsequently, the need for additional systematic rest disappears. Norms of daily rest for children, at different age stages, are most clearly presented in this table:

Dr. Komarovsky advises organizing children's naps in the fresh air.

Daytime rest for adults

Is sleeping during the day beneficial for an adult? There is no scientific evidence of the benefits of daytime rest for health and life expectancy. Folk sign warns: you should not fall asleep during sunset. Superstition has a rational explanation - late sleep disrupts the regime biological rhythms, providing night insomnia.

In adulthood, the need to go to bed during the day indicates frequent lack of sleep and various night ailments. Emotional exhaustion as a result of exposure stressful situations also promotes drowsiness in the first half of the day. If you have long-term insomnia, daytime sleep is strictly contraindicated.

People who need to sleep during the day

All doctors agree that the benefits of daytime sleep are undeniable if you have serious illnesses(narcolepsy, epilepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia). Regular holidays in in this case has significance: it acts therapeutically, maintains an acceptable level of vigor and performance of the patient.

A daytime time-out brings certain benefits to people working on a shift schedule. The most “advanced” companies do not skimp on creating special rest rooms for their employees, where they can recuperate in a short time.

Often observed during pregnancy increased drowsiness in the morning and throughout the day. In the initial stages, such symptoms are normal and do not require restrictions. On later stages excessive fatigue of a woman can be a consequence of a number of pathologies, so it is necessary medical treatment. If there are no provoking diseases, daytime fatigue goes away after childbirth.

About harmful consequences

Is napping good for you? It has been repeatedly proven that too much afternoon sleep is harmful and provokes the development of chronic insomnia. Most adults complain about painful sensations in back, constant weakness, dizziness and nausea instead of vigor after additional rest.

Therefore, if there is an unexpected desire to go to bed during the day, a consultation with a somnologist is required. In most cases, the results of polysomnography indicate a relationship between the need for daytime rest and disruptions in night sleep. Normalizing this process eliminates drowsiness and its consequences.

Daytime sleep rules for adults

Sometimes a single daytime nap is necessary and has a positive effect on the body. You just need to take into account some features. For example, if a man or woman feels an attack of drowsiness while driving a car, they are recommended to pull over to the side of the road and fall asleep “Stirlitz’s sleep.” The plots of jokes on this topic tell about the agent’s superpower: to switch off for a short period of time and wake up exactly 20 minutes later. Where did these numbers come from? The fact is that after the specified time a transition occurs from the surface phase to the deep one. If you wake a person later, he for a long time will come to his senses. This condition is known as “sleep intoxication.” In the case of transport management, the most suitable option is rapid mobilization.

A few words about rest at work

In Japan and China wide application acquired the practice of daytime sleep at work. The Internet is replete with photographs of workaholics dozing right at their desks.

It is said that innovation increases the productivity of every employee. One can only speculate about the real benefits or harms of such daytime sleep, since this country occupies a leading position in the rankings of human mortality due to a busy work schedule.

However, for those for whom daytime rest is necessary condition, due to work circumstances, sleep experts recommend adhering to several rules:

  • Before the end of your work shift, you should change the lighting to a more gentle one.
  • Required to devote increased attention place of rest: exclusion of external irritants, use of earplugs and a sleep mask.
  • 20 minutes of napping is the optimal goal. In any case, a day's rest of more than 1 hour is not recommended.

The market for “sleepy” accessories is ready to provide wide choose pillows for daytime rest. Such models never cease to amaze with their original design. There are options for relaxing at an office desk that include “pockets” for hand comfort. Some items can be worn over the head with only a slit for the nose to allow breathing. How practical funny things are, and what kind of dreams you can have at work - it is difficult to determine without the appropriate experience of application.

Losing weight through daytime sleep

Chronic lack of sleep has a suppressive effect on the part of the brain that controls appetite. Sleepless nights lead to weight gain as a result of the active production of the “hunger hormone”.

It is important to know! Increased synthesis Ghrelin gives the sufferer insomnia uncontrollable cravings to food. At the same time, the processes responsible for the feeling of satiety are extremely inhibited.

Adequate sleep has the opposite effect: during deep sleep, fats are broken down. Therefore, if you get enough sleep during the week, you can significantly “pump up”. As in any business, you need to sleep and lose weight skillfully.

You just need to take into account these useful tips:

Advice! A comfortable bed, comfortable linen, and sufficient oxygen in the bedroom also contribute good sleep, and therefore an excellent figure.

Ways to beat midday sleepiness

If drowsiness takes you by surprise in the midst of work feats, a “horse” dose of coffee or taking energy drinks is not best options cheer up. There are many ways to overcome lethargy and regain courage:

  • At long work at the computer, it is useful to look at a distant tree outside the window every 20 minutes.
  • Try in lunch break don't overeat. First, second and compote will definitely lead to sleepy bliss. Eat iron capsules or natural products! Spinach, beans, buckwheat, and lentils will perfectly relieve fatigue and help you stay awake for a long time.
  • Drink plenty of water! Ayurveda considers it not only a source of life, but also a carrier useful substances in organism. Even the slightest lack of fluid leads to a decrease in overall tone.
  • Get out into the sun more often. The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that is responsible for circadian rhythms. Bright light effectively activates it.
  • Force yourself to run around the floors or dance! Let someone twirl their finger at your temple, but the drowsy feeling will go away as if with your hand.
  • Take a deep breath (smoke breaks don't count) - and you'll stop wanting to sleep.
  • Chew gum - it helps concentration.
  • Listen to music - the more diverse the repertoire, the more cheerful and better your mood!

If none of the above helps, you can try Stirlitz’s dream. The main thing is to find a more secluded place and not catch the eye of the boss.


Sometimes the bed has magnetic properties - it attracts you all day long. Whether or not to succumb to this temptation is up to everyone to decide for themselves. As it turns out, regular “indulgences” in the form of an hour of therapeutic daytime sleep have bad consequences. Moreover, with age, the likelihood of health damage increases. Therefore, it is better to gather all your will into a fist, insert matches between your eyelids - but live until nightfall.

They talk a lot about the benefits good sleep and the need to get enough sleep. Everyday life It can be so tense that sometimes you don’t want to wake up at all. But it turns out that not only lack of sleep, but also excessively long sleep can be harmful to health. Why?

Long sleep harmful to humans

What should be the ratio of activity and rest?

When daily activity is not accompanied by sufficient rest, it becomes debilitating. But rest, not compensated by proper energy expenditure, plunges you into a state of “hibernation.” In order for a person to feel well rested and at the same time productive, a balance must be established between the processes of sleep and wakefulness. Both lack of sleep and too much sleep shift this balance.

When the balance is disturbed, various problems, such as:

  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • insomnia
  • apathy
  • physical ailments

When is long sleep beneficial?

In some cases long sleep useful and even necessary. For the most part, it depends on your physical and emotional state. So, with severe fatigue, fatigue, daily physical activity, chronic lack of sleep The body's resources are depleted and recovery may require long periods of rest. If you are very exhausted, a person can sleep for a whole day or even more. Long sleep is also useful when a person is sick and weakened: it will help him save energy and recover faster.

Benefit long sleep consists of maximum restoration of strength when a person needs it

Why is excess sleep harmful?

If there is an excess of the sleep hormone, a person will also feel overworked, lethargic and even weak. Ultimately, such a dream does not contribute to recovery, but to loss of strength. Prolonged hibernation disrupts the natural course biological clock, the body has to rebuild, which has a detrimental effect on self-awareness and perception of the world. In this regard, activity, efficiency, and desire for new things decrease. In addition, this creates overvoltage and increased risk development of depression.

Prolonged sleep often signals a person’s conscious or unconscious avoidance of problems. The principle “I’m sleeping means I don’t see anything, I don’t feel anything and I don’t take part in anything” works here. It can be called psychological protection. This is how isolation is formed, old complexes are strengthened and new ones are formed, because a person does not work on problems, but moves away from them. Thus, if a person sleeps for a long time, this is a reason to pay attention to his state of mind(as, indeed, with insomnia).

Is napping during the day beneficial or harmful? Also in kindergarten we were forced to sleep. In the afternoon, when you want to play, jump, draw, in a word, fool around, we were put to bed for two hours.

But even there we managed not to give in to the instructions and whispered with our neighbors in our beds. And when the teacher left, they generally jumped from one bed to another or threw pillows. Then we were voluntarily given time to rest during the day, but we refused.

When we grew up, everything turned out the other way around. Sometimes you want to take a nap for an hour after lunch, but no one allocates time for a quiet hour at school, university, and especially at work.

But we would need to work on this, because daytime sleep brings quite a lot of benefits to our body.

In many countries of the world there is a specially designated hour and room for rest in work time. This habit came from the times when in hot countries at the peak high temperature workers were allowed to go home to take a nap. Thus, everyone benefited greatly.

Firstly, in the heat, productivity drops evenly, and secondly, these people’s working day was in the morning, and then, when the heat subsided, until late in the evening.

In Spain, many companies and firms have special time for sleep after lunch. It's called siesta. This tradition was borrowed from them by other countries - the USA, Japan, China, Germany.

Employees are even provided separate room , designed for daytime sleep. There they can regain their strength. In addition, special capsules sleep. A person immerses himself in them, isolating himself from the bustle of the outside world.

In our country, such innovations would be treated with ridicule. A Russian employer will never allow you to sleep during working hours.

If you need money, then be kind - earn it, and don’t relax during working hours. It’s a pity, because daytime sleep brings many benefits, both for a person and for all his activities.

Doctors even recommend, if possible, to take a nap during the day.. After all, the human body is designed in such a way that from midnight to 7 am, as well as from one to three in the afternoon, its performance drops significantly.

At this time, the body temperature decreases, a certain lethargy, fatigue, and reluctance to work both physically and mentally are felt. The benefits from the work will be much less.

Sleeping during the day has a very good effect on the body's performance. It restores physical strength, replenishes energy reserves in the body, relieves tension and fatigue.

Night sleep is also endowed with these qualities, but for a normal night's sleep you need at least 6 hours, ideally 8 hours to completely help the body restore strength and meet the new day with cheerfulness and energy. Then when daytime sleep is enough hours to feel a fresh burst of energy.

People who work physically hard or decide the most difficult tasks with the expenditure of a large amount of mental energy, it is recommended to take daytime sleep breaks.

This will help you continue working with more productive results. Benefit factor from their labor will be much higher.

It is also strongly recommended to sleep during the day for those who work in the evening or at night. At night, they spend a lot of energy, because the body must sleep at this time, and here it has to work, so daytime sleep will help restore the wasted energy.

Many studies have shown that even if you take a nap for just 20 minutes during the day, you can relieve fatigue and stress. An hour and a half is considered the most acceptable time for daytime sleep.

You can't sleep more than two hours during the day. After all, the effect will then be exactly the opposite. You will feel like you were boiled, you will have a headache, and aggression will appear.

The benefits of napping don't end there. He also increases a person's attentiveness and the productivity of his work. In addition, it lifts your mood. Therefore, if we don’t have the opportunity, like the residents of Spain or Japan, to sleep after lunch, then we still need to set aside at least half an hour for rest.

You don't have to sleep, you can take a nap or sit with eyes closed. The main thing is to make yourself comfortable and think only about pleasant things.

You'll see, after such a relaxing five minutes, work will become easier, and you can easily wait until the end of the working day without overworking yourself.

Varied clinical researches demonstrated that napping can help strengthen your cardiovascular system . People who find time to sleep during the day are less likely to suffer from such diseases.

Here is another argument in favor of sleeping during the day - its practicality. By devoting just an hour of time, you can replenish the strength akin to an eight-hour night's sleep.

The harm of daytime sleep

In addition to the benefits for human body Daytime naps can also be harmful. First of all, you need to remember the rule of proper daytime sleep - don't go to bed after 16.00.

After all, after this you will have a headache, feel tired, apathetic and irritated, and unwilling to work.

People who often experience symptoms should not go to bed during the day. They cannot always fall asleep at night, and daytime sleep will further disrupt their routine.

In addition, daytime sleep disrupts the biorhythms of the human body. Thus, the functioning of all organs may be disrupted.

People who complain of surges in blood pressure are also not recommended to go to bed during the day. This dream increases arterial pressure and to some extent worsens health.

Also Daytime naps are contraindicated for diabetics. After all, daytime sleep contributes to the development of diabetes.

However, if you have no contraindications, then be sure to sleep during the day. After this, your mood will improve and your performance will increase.