Educational hour we and health. Educational hour on the topic: “Your health is in your hands. So everyone be healthy

on the topic of:

"If you want to be healthy"

2-A class

Target:teach children to be healthy in mind and body, to introduce to universal human values: goodness, beauty, health as a condition for the spiritual and moral development of a person; develop students' communication skills; the need to always be clean and tidy; to cultivate a sense of responsibility for maintaining cleanliness, order and strengthening one’s health.

Class progress

1 . Teacher's opening speech.

In the age of technological progress and conquest, in the era of market relations, what do you think is most important? Of course, health! This is the main value of a person. No amount of money can buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world.

2. Shouting game “Helpful - harmful.”

Children can respond in chorus with the words “useful” or “harmful” to the option proposed by the teacher:

Looking at bright light... (harmful).

Rinse your eyes in the morning... (useful).

Watching TV close... (harmful).

The distance from the TV to the eyes should be at least 3 meters, viewing duration should be no more than 1.5 hours a day.

Protect your eyes from blows... (useful).

Eat carrots, parsley... (healthy).

Rubbing your eyes with dirty hands... (harmful).

Doing physical exercise... (useful).

3. Work in groups.

Explain the proverbs:

Health is more important than money.

When you drink water, remember the source.

If you are healthy, you will get everything.

Strong in body, rich in soul.

In winter, fear the wolf, in summer, fear the flies. If you are sick, get treatment, but when you are healthy, take care. Sleep is the best medicine.

Live with your mind, you don’t need a doctor. In a healthy body healthy mind.

Physical education minute

1) We depict a giraffe.

(Raise your head up, lower it down, perform circular movements with your head to the right, left)

2) Octopus.

(We perform circular movements with our shoulders back, then forward. We alternately stretch our arms forward, to the sides)

3) Bird.

(Raise and lower your arms, imitating the movements of the wings. Perform circular movements with your arms)

4) Monkey.

(Tilt forward, backward, right, left. We perform circular movements with the right leg, then with the left leg)

5) Cat.

(Stretch the whole body, stand on tiptoes, first extending your right arm, then your left)

4. Choose words to describe a healthy person

(words written on the board):

5. Answer the questions:

1. How do microbes get into our body? (Microbes enter the body when a patient sneezes or coughs, if we are nearby. Through the mouth - with dirty, unwashed food, through dirty, unwashed hands. Through the skin - wounds or scratches, with other people's things)

2. Are there beneficial microbes? (Yes, they exist. These are fermented milk bacteria that improve digestion, and therefore help improve health. They are found in fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, etc., as well as in sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers)

3. Imagine that you are on a desert island, and the goldfish will fulfill only 3 of your wishes. What would you like? (Children's answers)

4. How do you understand the expression “healthy lifestyle”? (This is, first of all, physical education, sports, outdoor games; spend as little time as possible in front of the TV, computer. Healthy diet - fruits, vegetables, natural products, without dyes, preservatives. Less lemonade, Coca-Cola, more natural juices Dairy products, cottage cheese, porridge are very healthy)

6.Creating drawings “Healthy lifestyle” (in groups)

7. Pure sayings about teeth.

So that your teeth don't hurt,

Instead of gingerbread, sweets

Eat apples, carrots -

Here, children, is our advice.

Gray bunny, oblique,

Rinse your mouth with dew.

Eat garlic and onions more often,

Eat vegetables and fruits.

All good guys

Brush your teeth carefully.

We are not too lazy to brush our teeth -

We clean them twice a day.

We brush our teeth twice a day,

We clean for a long time - three minutes

With a clean, not furry brush,

Tasty, aromatic pasta,

Clean with a brush up and down -

Well, germs, beware!

To all the girls and boys

We need to take an example from the bunny.

Turnips, apples, carrots -

Children's teeth training.

So that your teeth don't hurt,

Children know, animals know:

Everyone should twice a year

Show your mouth to the doctor.

All the guys sat in a row.

They eat fruits and vegetables.

There are a lot of vitamins in them,

Very necessary for the guys.

There lived a beaver in a hole by the river,

He loved to wash his face.

In the morning, doing exercises,

Went out for a walk.

He washed his face early,

I brushed my teeth and rubbed my ears.

The cleanest and tidiest

There was a forest beaver in the forest!

8. Work in groups.

Find the correct statement.

I brush my teeth twice a day.

I chew pens and pencils.

I wake up early and do physical exercises.

In the evenings I sit in front of the computer for a long time.

I like to sleep for a long time.

After eating I rinse my mouth.

I don't wash my hands before eating.

I often eat sweets.

I eat fruits and vegetables.

Physical education minute

"Keep your posture"

While sitting or standing, lower your arms. Place your hands behind your back and clasp your palms together. Then wrap your hands with your palms facing up. Extend your elbows as far as possible, straighten your back, expand your chest, pull your shoulders back. Breathe calmly for 20-30 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Shake your brushes.

9. Crossword “Health”.

1. Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People all need... (Charging)

2. The rain is warm and thick,

This is not an easy rain:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day. (Shower)

3. Do you want to break the record?

This will help you... (Sports)

4. He is with you and with me

Walked in forest stitches.

A hiking friend behind your back

On belts with buckles. (Backpack)

5. In the new wall,

In the round window

During the day the glass was broken,

Inserted overnight. (Ice hole)

6. On a clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer -

This is my... (Bicycle)

7. Guys, I have

Two silver horses.

I drive both at once -

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

8. To become a great athlete,

There is a lot to know.

And skill will help here

And of course... (Training)

What word is in the highlighted cells? (Health)

10. Summing up.

Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself.

Special (correctional) general education

boarding school No. 15 (VIII) of the city of Belovo

teacher: Sherstobitova Liliya Anatolyevna

Educational hour

"Health is in my hands"

Summarize knowledge of healthy lifestyle principles;

Form beliefs about the need to maintain your health;

Foster a culture of health.

1 hour Organizing time

Game exercise: “Who can kick the ball faster and put the word together”

There are colorful balls scattered around the room with magic letters written on them. You need to quickly roll these balls into the center of the hoop using a gymnastic stick. Read what comes out of these letters.

What is health?

Game exercise: “Health - chants”

I have prepared poems for you, but you will help me read them!

As soon as I raise my hand up, signal!

Everyone says the word health!

We must know the laws of health firmly!

Take care and preserve your health!

Health means a lot!

Everyone's health is most important!

And good health is for the benefit of all people!

Let mind and health, spirituality, kindness

Here they rule over pain, and life will be bright!

2h. Main


We will try to decipher the topic of our lesson by completing this task together:


4 2 3 16 6 5 17 10 13 15 11 1 7 8 14 18 9 19 12

And so name the topic of our conversation.


Today we must remember the rules of a healthy lifestyle and determine whether we can follow these rules, which means whether our health depends on ourselves.

What does the concept of a healthy person mean?

What do you think it should look like?

2. Task

Choose only those chants that characterize a healthy person.

Handsome, strong, smiling, dexterous, strong, fat, cheerful, pale, persistent, sad, lethargic, hardened, whiny.

Let's summarize: What are 5 signs of a healthy person?

And so he rarely gets sick, maintains hygiene, plays sports, eats well and properly, and leads a healthy lifestyle.

How to become healthy?

One wise man was asked: “What is the most important and valuable thing in life for a person - wealth, fame?”

The sage, after thinking, replied: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy.”

"A healthy beggar is happier than any king"

You agree with the opinion of the sage!

3.Task in pairs

In a healthy body - The key to health

Who gets too fat - You will live longer

Move more - He's getting old

Cleanliness - Healthy Mind

What does our health depend on?

4. Assignment.

Game: “Traffic light of health”

Each of you has 2 signal cards, red and green. Remind me what a red traffic light means - danger, green - the path is open.

Eat a lot before bed

Eat properly

Brush your teeth 2 times a day

Ventilate the room

Temper the body

be sad

Do good deeds

Do exercises

Watch TV up close

Let us conclude: Health is not only the well-being of a person’s physical condition. This is a person’s way of life, his affairs, actions, attitude towards people around him. Everything should be in harmony. And only then will a person feel truly healthy and happy.

On whom does our health depend?

Let's determine what kind of health you have?

Let's find out by answering the test questions.

Test: “Your health”

If you agree with the statement, put a “+” sign; if not, sign “-”.

    I get headaches often

    I often have a runny nose

    I have bad teeth

    I often have a sore throat

    sometimes I feel sick

    sometimes my ears hurt

    All sorts of sores easily stick to me

Assignment: Count the pros and cons.

What happened more? (+ or -)

This means we can conclude that you are still healthy and your task is to maintain this health.

5 Task

Before you, I ask you to read “Secrets of Longevity” and discuss whether you can follow these rules.

    hardened body, hygiene;

    movement and daily physical labor;

    proper nutrition and daily routine;

    absence of bad habits;

    good mood;

This all includes the concept of “Health”!

Daily routine Good mood Hygiene, hardening


Movement and

physical Lack of proper nutrition

harmful labor


And, perhaps, children on the pages of books, in old magazines, long dilapidated, will find this word - forgotten - to cry.

Look again at the rules of healthy lifestyle.

Do you agree that our health depends on ourselves!

One day a man turned to plants and animals with the question: “Why do people get sick?”

How would you answer this question?

What did the animals and plants answer?

According to the beautiful Rose, people get sick because they do not know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them and each other’s successes. But joy is a special wisdom and illnesses are afraid of it.

The tall, slender birch tree replied that people care little about each other. They are often cruel and ungrateful. They kill animals and harm plants. And cruelty is the path to illness and death. People often deceive each other.

Tiger noted that people do not believe in their strength, in themselves, do not work on their body, and this does not allow them to feel healthy.

The cat believes that the person is often not careful and does not follow basic hygiene rules. And this behavior is harmful to health.

The boar noticed that people were not eating properly; overeat. And this is also harmful to their health.

I told you a secret

Follow all the advice

And life will be easy for you.

To summarize, I would like each of you to remember the wise words that sum up our lesson.

"Nobody cares about me better than myself"

You agree with this.

3h. Final

There is a poster on the board that shows a tree without leaves.

Each of you has pieces of paper on which you must write,

what will you do to preserve and strengthen your


Start your answer with the words - I will ……… And attach it

on the tree.

And so let's conclude: by completing the following task:

Read what you got.

“A healthy person is the master of his life”

Lesson Analysis:

So, guys, what did we find out in our lesson today? Begin your answer with the words: “I realized that……..”

“I won’t...”

"I want ……….."

And try to express your opinion. Thank you very much for your work. It was a pleasure to communicate with you.


    Kovalko V.I. School of physical education. M.: VAKO, 2005. 208 p.

    Melnichuk V.M. Diary-Healthy. Siberian University Publishing House., Novosibirsk 2007. 132 p.

    Khudenko E.D. Organization and planning of educational work in a special (correctional) boarding school, orphanage. M.: ARKTI. 2010. 312 p.

Summary of extracurricular activities for 3rd grade students.

Lesson form : Classroom hour.

Subject: Healthy lifestyle.

Compiled by :Bogdan Svetlana Borisovna, primary school teacher,

MBOU "Secondary School" No. 4.


To update students’ knowledge about the components of a healthy lifestyle.


Continue to work on developing the ability to determine lesson objectives and lesson topics;

Form a belief about the need to maintain personal health;

Develop the ability to independently monitor personal hygiene and health;

To develop knowledge about the harmful effects of bad habits on human health;

Continue the development of students’ imagination, memory, and speech; enrichment of students' vocabulary;

Continue developing the ability to draw conclusions, analyze, and answer questions;

Develop the ability to work in groups and pairs.

Teacher equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, fragments of the cartoon “Moidodyr” and “Pipe and the Bear”; music by E. Grieg “Morning”; a card on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle”, lesson objectives on the board and closed, a flower with rules on the petals, pictures of microbes, books about nutrition, Vysotsky’s song “Morning Exercises”, photo of the lungs and teeth of a smoking person; cards with rules for Baba Yaga, cards on the board for reflection.

Equipment for students: cards with proverbs, pictures with products, cards with the beginning of a fairy tale, cards with a crossword puzzle, petals for reflection. Cards with daily routine.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

Children (20 people) sit in a semicircle. In front of every 10 guys there is a small table.

Relaxation training.

The training is conducted against the backdrop of the musical composition “Morning” by E. Grieg.

Guys, look what a magnificent warm morning it is today.

Let's greet the world around us and each other.

Hello, golden sun! (draw a circle with hands)

Hello, blue sky! (arms raised up, waving hands)

Hello, free breeze! (fans their hands to their face)

Hello, my dear friend! (raise their hands up and wave them)

Guys, smile at each other. A smile can bring warmth to you and your friends and improve everyone's mood. But today we have guests at our lesson. Smile at them too, share some of your warmth. A good mood will help us cope with any task.

Now everyone sit down straight and we will start working.

A surprise awaits you at the end of the lesson.

II. Setting a learning task.

Guys, in order to find out the topic of today's lesson, we need to compose proverbs in two parts.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Health is more important than money.

To be ready for work, you must always be healthy.

Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.

Name the general theme of proverbs and the topic of our lesson.(Health)

Right. Today we will talk about health. Namely, about a healthy lifestyle.

(The topic of the lesson appears on the board)

What questions would you like answered in this lesson?

(Children's answers. If the guys find it difficult, ask leading questions or give hints and ask: if you agree with me, clap your hands).

On the desk:

What is health?

What rules must be followed to always stay healthy?

How to always stay healthy?

IV. Working on a new topic.

Imagine that our health is a big beautiful flower. For it to flourish, we need to learn the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

On the board is a circle from a flower with the word health written on it.

Let's answer first1st question . What is health, your assumptions?

And in V. Dahl’s dictionary the following definition is givenhealth : the state of an animal body (or plant) when all vital functions are in perfect order; absence of illness or disease.

The teacher shows the dictionary.

- Have you answered the first question - what is health? Then let's move on. Do you agree?

- Now we will answer the second question.

- Let's remember the fairy tale " Moidodyr." Who is its author?(View a fragment from the cartoon for 30 seconds.)

Why do animals bathe and clean their bodies?(so that there is no smell, be clean so that other animals do not find them).

Why does a person wash?(To be clean, smell delicious, and not get sick).

Why is it bad to be dirty?

(No one wants to be friends with a dirty person. Dirty ears - a person hears poorly. Dirty skin - a person breathes poorly. Dirty hands - intestinal diseases appear.)

Purity has helpers. Name them(soap, shampoo, toothbrush, water, washcloth, comb).

I invite you to listen to a story about germs.

Once upon a time there were microbes who carried various diseases. More than anything else, they loved dirt. The dirtier it was, the more pleasant it was for them and the more of them there became.

Someone left unwashed plates, crumbs, and pieces of bread on the table. It's like a fly here. And there are hundreds of microbes on her paws, especially if she came from the trash heap. The fly flew away, and the microbes remained lying on the table - on the plate, on the spoons, on the bread, and they thought: “It’s good that there are dirty flies in the world.” And there was freedom for microbes. You can get it on a person’s hands or in a person’s mouth. And then illness is just a stone's throw away!

- Where do germs on the skin come from?(from dirt)

What helps us defeat germs?(Purity.)

How do you take care of your body cleanliness?

Let's look at another episode from the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

- The first rule of healthy lifestyle . (Keep your body, clothes, home clean.)

The first petal appears on the flower. “Keep clean!”

Game "Helpful, harmful."

There are pictures of various foods on the wall.

- Guys, now let's play. Remove the picture from the wall and attach it to the board, distributing foods into groups: healthy and harmful.

- Why are these products useful? Are these harmful? (Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and improve health; unhealthy foods lead to diseases and destroy health).

- And now I suggest you work in groups: continue the fairy tale.

Continue the tale: (group work (10 people each))

On the cards: “Once upon a time there was a fairy-tale king. He had a daughter. She only loved sweets. And trouble happened to her.”

-What happened to the princess? (I became thin, sad, my stomach hurt).

- Advise the king on how to cure the princess. Tell us how to eat properly.

The rules appear on the board:

Healthy diet: varied, rich in vegetables and fruits, regular, without haste.

- Explain what “diversified” means?

-Explain how you understand the proverb “Vegetables are the pantry of health.”

This is interesting! Exhibition of books about proper nutrition.

- Guys, who wants to learn more about proper nutrition, read these books.

- Raise your hand, who eats right? If not, try to improve the matter.

- Name the second rule of a healthy lifestyle.

The 2nd petal appears on the flower: “Eat right.”

(Knock on the door. Baba Yaga flies into the classroom on a broom to the music)

-Oh, the old one is tired! Oh, grandma is tired!

Well, naughty kids, nasty kids,

They started a class here

To everyone's surprise?

I came to ruin your mood!

- Baba Yaga, why are you so angry? What harm did these guys do to you?

- Because these kids tortured me. All day long they scream, make noise, and give little old me no peace.

- But is it bad that children laugh and sing, which means they are having fun at school?

- Yes, it’s good to tell you, but my arms hurt, my legs hurt.

I'll put a spell on you, I'll put a spell on you!

- Wait, grandma, cast a spell, our guys will explain to you why you get sick so often.

(because she is evil, and kindness makes people healthier)

- Guys, let's teach Baba Yaga to lead a healthy lifestyle.

(Physical exercise - aerobics to Vysotsky’s song “Morning Gymnastics” performed by “A-Studio”

(children do exercises together with Baba Yaga)

-Oh, thank you guys, you cheered up the old lady and taught me a health lesson. I’ll go teach Leshy and Kikimora, maybe they’ll become smarter too.

- Guys, tell Baba Yaga, what should you do to be healthy and cheerful?

Do exercises.

Play outdoor games.

Engage in physical labor and physical education.


- Raise your hand, how many of you attend sports clubs?

- Why move a lot?

- Name the 3rd rule of healthy lifestyle.

A petal appears on the flower: “Move more!”

- To find out the next rule of healthy lifestyle, we will watch an excerpt from the cartoon “The Pipe and the Bear” by S. Mikhalkov.

- Let's look carefully at what happened to the bear.

- What's unusual in the cartoon? (the bear smokes)

- What happened to the bear because of smoking? (fell ill, became thin, constantly coughs, ache in his bones, his fur has become ugly, his vision is poor).

- Look at the board, these are the lungs and teeth of a smoking person. (There are pictures on the board).

- Smoking is a bad habit. Name other bad habits (drinking and drug use).

3 students talk about bad habits at the blackboard.

- These three habits are the most harmful for a person!

Therefore, we will derive the last rule of healthy lifestyle.

Petal “No to bad habits!!!”

Well, now, to find out the last rule of health, the guys who prepared the poem will help us. Please come to the board.

(5 people tell the story at the blackboard).

Poems about a man and his watch.

He who knows how to live by the hour, and appreciates every hour, does not need to be woken up 10 times in the morning.

And he won’t say that he’s too lazy to get up, do exercises, wash his hands and make the bed.

He will have time to get dressed on time, wash his face and eat. He will have time to get to school and sit down at his desk at school.

Friendship with the clock is good! Work, relax. Do your homework slowly and don’t forget your books.

So that in the evening, when you go to bed, when the time comes, you can confidently say: - It was a good day!

-What is this poem talking about? (about the daily routine)

- You are students, and studying is hard work. And in order not to overwork, you need to properly organize your day. I want to ask you guys to help third graders from another school: create a daily routine.

Work in groups.


- Guys, I remembered that in the book “Child Health” I found a daily routine. I now suggest checking your daily routine with the daily regimen from the book. (Day mode on the screen).

- Smart guys! We will give one daily routine to the children, and hang another in our corner.

- What shouldn’t you do when you’re relaxing? (watching TV and computers)

- If you work at the computer, you should definitely do some exercises for your eyes.

What we will do now is give your eyes a rest.

Gymnastics for the eyes (1 min.)

We close our eyes, these are the miracles.

Our eyes are resting and doing exercises.

And now we will open them and build a bridge across the river.

Let's draw the letter O, it turns out easy.

Let's lift it up and look down.

Let's turn left and right.

Let's start working again.

We must remember that alternating work and rest is necessary. This improves performance, teaches accuracy, disciplines a person, and strengthens his health.

- Name the 5th rule of healthy lifestyle.

The 5th petal appears on the flower: “Keep your daily routine.”

- Look at what question we answered that we asked at the beginning of the lesson? (They named the rules of healthy lifestyle).

- There is still 1 question left: “How to always stay healthy?”

- Constantly follow these rules, and not from time to time.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned.

- Name the main rules of healthy lifestyle.

Now I offer you a little game.

I will name words - characteristics of a person, if this is a characteristic of a healthy person, then you clap your hands.

A healthy person is……. Human.

-strong; strong; fat; pale; - clumsy; - funny; - dexterous; - Beautiful; - stooped; rosy; - slim.

VI. Reflection.

- Guys, speak out about the class hour, choosing the beginning of the phrase for yourself.

On the desk:

today I found out...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I will try…

the class hour gave me for life...

I wanted…

- Well, now I suggest you guys create a flower from the petals of our knowledge on the topic covered: a healthy lifestyle.

If you learned everything about our topic, everything was clear to you, everything worked out for you - attach the yellow petal; if it was difficult for you, not everything is clear, then we attach a pink petal; if you don’t understand anything at all, then a blue petal.

VII. Lesson summary.

- Guys, you helped the third graders from school 2 in creating a daily routine. And they sent you a message.

Focus on the screen : Styopa and Lera tell.

We wish you guys

Always be healthy!

But to achieve results

Impossible without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy -

Every time before eating,

Before you sit down at the table,

Wash your hands with water.

And do exercises

Every morning,

And, of course, toughen up -

This will help you so much!

Breathe fresh air

If possible, always

Go for walks in the forest,

He will give you strength, friends!

We have revealed secrets to you,

Follow all the advice

And life will be easy for you!

Educational hour on the topic: "How to be healthy"

Goals and objectives:

Educational: orientation of students to the position of recognition of the value of health, a sense of responsibility for maintaining and strengthening their health.

Educational: nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle, a responsible attitude towards health.

Developmental: promote the expansion of knowledge and skills in hygienic culture; implementation of acquired knowledge and ideas in real behavior.

Form of delivery: educational hour with game elements.

Equipment: magnetic board, health recipes, test sheets (according to the number of children), pens, Whatman paper, markers, sheets with proverbs, glue.

Progress of the educational hour:

Hello, dear guys! Saying hello to each other means wishing for health. Hello! They say at meetings, wishing you health, so we greet you, dear guests. Hello! After all, our educational hour is devoted to how to be healthy.

To make it easier to use our advice, let’s start our educational hour “How to be healthy?”

So here we go. But we will work unusually. Each group will fill out a “Health Sheet” (paste, complete drawings, fill out the necessary forms).

1 task. Find your pulse.

Place the thumb of your right hand on the wrist of your left hand and carefully count the blows (pause).

Guys, pay attention to the slide on how to correctly find your pulse.

In a healthy person, the pulse should be 60-80 beats per minute. At the same time, breathing is even and calm. Now open your eyes, breathe deeply and listen.

Have you calculated? Now everyone enter their pulse data in the “Health Sheet” table opposite their last name.

Task 2. Chamomile filling.

Guys, what is a healthy lifestyle? (children's answers)

A healthy lifestyle consists of proper nutrition and exercise. Exercise is necessary for both health and beauty.

You have a chamomile with five petals on a piece of paper; you need to write in them what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Let's together determine the necessary parameters of a healthy lifestyle.

giving up harmful addictions (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs)

optimal motor mode, hardening

balanced diet

personal hygiene

positive emotions

3 task. Proverbs and sayings (homework).

Since ancient times, people have wanted to be healthy and strong. Therefore, they came up with all sorts of proverbs and sayings.

The guys had time to complete the task, search for proverbs and sayings about health. Now you must fill out your literature columns on the sheet and read your results to us.

“If you’re healthy, everything’s great!”

“Illness does not make a person beautiful”

“Work is health, laziness is illness”

“Health is more important than wealth”

“Illness sticks to the weak”

“Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful”

“A healthy body means a healthy mind.”

“Mind and health are more valuable than anything.”

“Health is more valuable than gold.”

“Cleanliness is the key!”

“To live cleanly is to be healthy....”

“Dirt and sloppiness are the path... to illness!”

“A healthy person is a rich person”

“I’m weak in health, and not a hero in spirit.”

4. Solve the crossword puzzle.

1. It passes through the nose into the chest and goes back.

It is invisible, and yet we cannot live without it (air).

2. Stiff bristles, smooth back. Anyone who doesn’t know me is in pain (toothbrush).

3. Frequent, toothy, clinging to the curly forelock (comb).

4. I wake up early in the morning with the rosy sun. I make the crib myself, quickly do...(exercise).

5. It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go. The matter is quite clear - let him wash my hands (soap).

6. The river is flowing - we are lying, there is ice on the river - we are running (skates).

7. Lives in seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. And when she gets bored of flying, water falls to the ground again.

8. First, you fly at them from the mountain, and then you pull them up the mountain (sled).

9. Shines, sparkles, warms everyone (the sun).

10. Two new two-meter maple soles: Put two feet on them - and run (ski) on big snow.

11. Waffle and striped, smooth and shaggy, Always at hand - what is it? (towel).

What keyword did we come up with? (HARDENING)

Pay attention to the slide with the correct answers.

. - Guys, who can answer why you need to do hardening?

How to properly strengthen your body? (Children's answers)

Well done!

To continue further work and charge your body with strength, vigor and health, let’s spend a wellness minute.

5. Physical exercise.

Conducting the “Assess yourself” test

There are test sheets and pens on the tables. Take a piece of paper and a pen each and get ready to listen. Give yourself a “5” if you can do everything. If you don’t know how to do something from the questions asked, give yourself a “4”. So let's begin.

1. Do you like walks in any weather;

2. Do you like to ride a bike;

3.You can do pull-ups on the horizontal bar more than 5 times;

4.You know how to skate;

5. You know how to ski;

5. Do you like to go hiking and on excursions;

6.You play football, volleyball;

7.You know how to jump rope.

Look, whoever has more “4” must definitely give his word that he will definitely learn to do everything that was mentioned in the test.

And most importantly, cultivate your willpower! Start your day with exercise and a shower, end it with a walk, play for a few hours in the air, and you will immediately feel that you have become more energetic and your studies have gone more successfully!

If you have more than “5”, you can be called a good student. You love physical education, have willpower and will always be healthy in the future! Keep it up and don't give up!

ABC of health

Assignment: compose the “alphabet of health” and write it down on special sheets of paper. For example:

A – antibiotics;

B – hospital;

B – vitamins; doctor;

Z – charging;

P – nutrition;

I – immunity;

L – medicines;

T – herbs;

O – vegetables;

F – physical education, etc.