Veterinary fish oil for dogs. Which type is better? How to choose a quality product when purchasing

At natural diet, especially during periods active growth It is necessary to give fish oil to your dog, this is an unshakable rule! In the USSR, this “product”, hated by many children (and adults too), was prescribed for all diseases; in kindergartens it was “forced” onto children; it even acted as a “scarecrow” and a lever of pressure: “If you run through puddles, you’ll have to drink.” fish fat!". This is how the negative reputation of something terrible has become attached to a very useful product and many owners do not consider it as a vitamin supplement based on their own emotions.

The very name “Fish Oil” evokes rather mixed associations. A fish appears in the imagination with a decent overweight, which is cut up, the fat is collected, crushed, processed and poured into jars. In fact, the “extract” is obtained exclusively from the liver or carcasses of ocean fish (cod, mackerel, herring). Naturally, the product has a specific smell and consistency/

This is interesting! Today, the bulk of such a popular “product” in the USSR is exported from the USA and Norway.

Vitamins A, D and fatty acids have a positive effect on the immune system, even when the body is severely weakened. Fish oil for animals of all types is prescribed as an inexpensive immunostimulant. For example, the supplement is indicated for kittens of any age with viral diseases, it is even given to birds affected by fungi or other pathogenic bacteria. This source of fatty acids is adored by all rodents, even those who have never seen fish in their lives. Dogs, naturally, also love fish oil and, to the surprise of many owners, take it with great eagerness.

Benefit fish oil for dogs is due to the receipt of fatty, polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3. The usual diet of tailed animals rarely includes fish, and if it is present, it is small quantity. Moreover, it is not recommended to frequently feed your dog fish, especially fatty fish. It turns out vicious circle– you need a lot of fish, but you can’t have it.

A German Shepherd puppy may develop rickets due to a lack of vitamin D or a lack of phosphorus and calcium in the diet. If the puppy’s body is not able to absorb these substances, there is a risk of developing the disease. Veterinarians advise drinking fish oil to prevent and treat rickets. How to properly consume fat, and what symptoms precede the onset of the disease, we will consider below.

This chronic illness, like rickets, can be caused genetic inheritance due to violations on cellular level from the ancestors of a German Shepherd puppy.

In case of dysfunction thyroid gland calcium and phosphorus do not enter the dog's skeletal bones in the required amount.

Vitamin D, as well as fish oil, contribute to the proper absorption of calcium by the body of a German Shepherd puppy. The lack of this vitamin occurs due to a failure of biosynthesis reactions in skin, fiber under the skin, liver.

Vitamin D is found in fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetable oil, fish oil, seafood, in some herbs. Also this vitamin, which dissolves fat, can be produced in the skin of a dog under direct sunlight.

If the puppy grew up in conditions unsuitable for keeping and proper physical development conditions - in damp and dark room– then the disease will begin to progress from the first months of the baby’s life.

Signs of the disease

To notice in time initial signs diseases, it is necessary to constantly monitor the symptoms of rickets. For example, the most accurate and easily recognizable symptom is the manifestation of defects in tooth enamel.

The following symptoms may indicate that your German Shepherd puppy is developing rickets:

  • lethargy in behavior;
  • curvature of the spine, resulting in stoop;
  • violations in bone tissue ribs;
  • low abdomen;
  • flabby muscles;
  • disproportionately big head with short limbs;
  • half-bent limbs;
  • curvature of joints;
  • lameness;
  • convulsions during complications;
  • the bones of the limbs lag behind in development and break easily;
  • late change of teeth;
  • dysfunction internal organs;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • disorders in mental development.

It is especially worth paying attention to the fact that the puppy began to eat completely inedible things. If you notice that your dog is eating soil, feces, and chewing on walls, it means that he is developing rickets.

It is urgent to consult a veterinarian and begin treatment. Doctors recommend giving your German Shepherd puppy fish oil to treat and prevent rickets. For treatment to be effective and bring recovery, it should be started before a year, while the skeleton is developing. IN otherwise it may be too late.

Necessary treatment

Signs of rickets can be easily noticed by any veterinarian at the first examination. Accordingly, the sooner you show your German Shepherd puppy to the doctor, the faster he will prescribe treatment. In this case, your pet has every chance to recover as much as possible.

One of the most effective ways The fight against rickets, according to experts, is fish oil. It is necessary to apply fat every other day, one teaspoon at a time.

Also periodically give your German Shepherd puppy food containing high content vitamins A and D, such as:

  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • liver;
  • dairy products;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seafood;
  • herbs.

Be sure to add phosphorus and calcium to your diet. With an optimal combination of these substances, the development of rickets can be prevented at any stage.

Never starve your dog. Throughout its life, the German Shepherd must adhere to a proper eating schedule, but always eat to its full.

For the treatment of rickets, long walks in daytime under direct sunlight. These hikes can be replaced by artificial ultraviolet irradiation. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, using ultraviolet light quartz lamps irradiates the dog for ten sessions. The first session is carried out for two minutes. By the tenth session, irradiation is increased to eight minutes.

Helminthiasis - infection with worms - can lead to complications of rickets, do not forget to get tested on time and get rid of worms.

You should check with your veterinarian for the names of other drugs that help in the fight against rickets.

Disease prevention

If you yourself compiled a diet for your pet, you could have made a mistake somewhere and made the diet inadequate, which can cause rickets in the dog. It's not your fault, not every owner is able to understand the abundance of vitamins, mineral supplements and biologically active substances. It is best to seek advice from a specialist, and he will select the one that suits your needs. German Shepherd feeding ration. Then the dog will be able to fully receive vitamins and mineral supplements.

As soon as your puppy can fully go outside, start walking on fresh air V sunny days. This will promote the body's production natural vitamin D.

For prevention, give your puppy fish oil one to three times a week, thirty milliliters.

Every owner who loves his tailed barking friend wishes him good health And for long years near.

In addition to full proper nutrition and active walks excellent health Your pet can be supported with vitamins and nutritional supplements. These products include fish oil for dogs.

What is fish oil

Represents active food supplement, obtained from certain types fish Most often it is salmon, trout, less often cod. Fat is isolated from carcasses and liver. In turn, fish get it from algae, which are rich in natural fatty acids.

Of particular value to fish oil is the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, as well as docosahexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids.

For many years, this remedy has been used in veterinary medicine as a preventive supplement and even as a primary medicine.

Veterinarians advise using fish oil for dogs and other pets. It is more important for the development and growth of puppies and adult dogs.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Fish oil is quite well absorbed in animals. An increase in Omega-3 levels can be noticed after just a week of use. After completing the course of treatment, fat is removed from the body within a month.

What effect does fish oil for dogs have on the body? Its benefits and harms have been scientifically studied. In general, the product is considered an indispensable source of polyunsaturated omega-3 acid.

Product benefits:

  1. Positively affects correct formation the dog's skeleton and maintaining the integrity and strength of bones.
  2. Maintains a healthy appearance and condition of the coat.
  3. It is an excellent immunomodulator.

And in general, it has a beneficial effect on all systems of the animal’s body:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Nervous.
  • Muscular.
  • Visual, auditory, olfactory organs.

Fish oil does not cause any harm to the dog’s body. It is one of the safest supplements. Of course, provided correct application according to instructions. The only side effects of taking it may be dandruff and a fishy odor from the animal’s mouth.

Fish oil for dogs: instructions for use

Release form:

  1. In the form of a solution (oil) in bottles from 50 to 500 ml.
  2. In gelatin capsules with oily content. Packaged in blisters.

Pharmacology should also be considered.

Fish oil contains polyunsaturated acids. Vitamins A, D, E. And additional organic compounds iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and bromine.

It is quickly absorbed and absorbed into cell membranes. With a course of use, blood viscosity decreases and, thereby, the risk of thrombosis decreases. Microcirculation improves. Accelerates Fish oil for dogs affects proper development and animal growth.


  • Prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Rickets.
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Boosting immunity.
  • Allergic skin diseases.
  • Inflammatory diseases.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Planned surgeries or existing wound surfaces.
  • Calcium oversaturation.

Uses of fish oil for dogs

When using fish oil for dogs, the benefits of which are clear, you must adhere to the basic rules of administration. The result depends on this.

It is best to choose for adult dogs and in oil form for puppies. It is desirable that there are no additional flavors or fragrances.

You can start administering the drug from the first days of the puppy’s life. Start with one or two drops, gradually increasing the dosage to two teaspoons (by about six months of age).

Typically, fish oil for dogs is taken according to the following regimen: two weeks of the drug + one week of break.

The supplement can be used continuously throughout the year, but it is especially important to take it during the autumn-winter period and after past illness during weakening of the immune system.

Fish oil is administered to puppies along with food; adult dogs can be administered as an independent remedy. Or, if the dog is natural nutrition, is also added to food.

Timely and correct introduction of fish oil into a dog’s diet guarantees complete and active life favorite pet. Including healthy, well-groomed appearance, balanced state and absence of unnecessary stress. Certainly, we're talking about about the complex use of the drug together with all other necessary measures on the prevention and treatment of animals.

> Fish oil (veterinary)

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-medication!
Before using medications, consultation with a specialist is MANDATORY!

Short description: included in this natural product includes fats sea ​​fish(peeled in a special way), which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6 and Omega-3), vitamins E, A and D. Fish oil also contains trace elements such as phosphorus, iodine, bromine and sulfur in significant quantities. This tool is quickly absorbed and easily absorbed by the animal body. It reduces the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins, increases the elasticity of cell membranes, normalizes blood clotting, and reduces the risk of blood clots. Fish oil also has a beneficial effect on mineral metabolism, increases immunity, accelerates the growth and development of animals.

Veterinarians prescribe this drug to prevent and eliminate vitamin A deficiency in the body, rickets, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, osteomalacia, and allergies. Given tonic shown to animals suffering chronic infections And reproductive dysfunction, as well as those who have recently suffered fractures. It is used externally to treat eczema, dermatitis, seborrhea, difficult-to-heal wounds, burns, and frostbite. Under the supervision of a veterinarian, this medicine is also administered intramuscularly. In this case, the drug acts as a biogenic stimulant.

For whom: for mammals and birds.

b>Dispension form: this dietary supplement is a yellow oily substance with a faint fishy odor. It is packaged in 50 ml bottles.

Dosage: this remedy is administered orally to horses in a dosage of 40-200 ml, cows - 100-500 ml, pigs - 4-70 ml, sheep and goats - 20-100 ml, arctic foxes and dogs - 10-30 ml, and cats - 5-10 ml. It is recommended to give adult farm birds 2-5 ml of dietary supplement per day, and birds young-0.5 ml. Intramuscularly, 10-15 ml of fat is injected into cattle, 3-5 ml into adult pigs and sheep, and 1-2 ml into young piglets. When treating skin pathologies, grease the affected surfaces or bandages.

Restrictions: in some animals when taken this drug arises minor violation functions of the stomach and intestines, manifested by diarrhea or nausea. In such cases, the dosage of the medication should be reduced. The use of Fish Oil is contraindicated in animals with increased sensitivity to its components.

Reviews about “Fish oil (veterinary) for animals”:

Thank you for the detailed description, we will use it.

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Fish oil is given orally pure form or mixed with food. Meals enriched with it should be carried out for 2-3 months.
Recommended daily dose for one animal:

Fish oil for large cattle– 100-500 ml;
Fish oil for horses – 40-200 ml;
Fish oil for small livestock – 20-100 ml;
Fish oil for pigs – 4-70 ml;
Fish oil for birds – 2-5 ml; 2.1-2.8 tsp
Fish oil for cats, fish oil for rabbits (for other small animals) – up to 50 drops;
Fish oil for dogs – from 15 to 60 drops depending on body weight.

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I took fish oil from the Baltickorm company, very fresh.
I advise you to buy fish oil for animals from them.
For my dogs they poured 20 liters of it straight into canisters.

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The capsules have no effect on me, I’m trying to drink feed-grade fish oil. They say that its production technology dates back to the times Soviet Union. It's kind of cloudy. I remember when I was a child it was transparent. Can it be filtered? Or just accept it that way. I drink by dessert spoon. I eat black bread, which I add salt to. In principle, normal, no discomfort No. Maybe you don’t need to do anything, just drink it?

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I also want to try drinking veterinary fish oil, there is the highest grade, they are filtered and, in theory, transparent.
I’m just wondering whether it’s harmful for people to drink fish oil for animals, you have no side effects not visible?

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I've been drinking with my child for a week and both have stomach upsets

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Why take veterinary fish oil? natural selection In his best.

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Veterinary fish oil contains all the vitamins and useful material. But what they sell to people is basically some kind of misunderstanding.

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Very interesting and helpful information send me the links I will be grateful

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Everything was said correctly

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TP in all its glory.

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As strange as it may sound, our dog lost weight with fish oil. We consulted a doctor first. We lost weight comprehensively. Fish oil is not a panacea and not the main ingredient.
I am writing about it because I was surprised by its use in such a capacity. When there was no normal food, yes, they gave it as a preventative against rickets and once in the treatment of a burn. But it turns out the same when losing weight.
They immediately told me - only capsules, otherwise oxidation occurs in open containers and quickly deteriorates.
For weight loss, the benefits of fish oil are double.
Firstly, when consumed, serotonin in the blood increases, which inhibits the release of stress hormones and prevents depression.
Secondly, it helps reduce the percentage of adipose tissue and stimulates protein synthesis in muscles.
It is present in the diets of bodybuilders even during the “drying” period. In our case, everything worked out - we lost weight. But I would not recommend giving fish oil to an animal without consulting a doctor; I mean domestic animals, not farm animals.

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I always add fish oil when I feed my birds. You should not wait until the chickens begin to get sick, fall on their feet, or die; it is much better to give them in advance and regularly all the feed and supplements they need for proper growth. Fish oil is very accessible remedy, it is simple and convenient to use, and the effect of its use is magnificent - strong bones, which will help broilers and turkeys with ducks to withstand growing muscle mass. This is a serious load, and without the normal amount of calcium, which fish oil helps to absorb, there is simply no way. Therefore, in addition to chalk, limestone or crushed sea shells, the diet of all my birds also includes fish oil. I add half a teaspoon per kilogram of mash in the morning, when the bird is hungry and carefully pecks everything, and the same amount in the evening. Sometimes I give young one-month-old chicks additional watering liquid solution boroglucol and E-selenium, the effect of fish oil is then even more noticeable.

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Thank you very much for the clarification.

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Fish oil is an excellent source of vitamins A, D and E. Plus all sorts of minerals. It supports the body well and is used for the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases. It has a very good effect on the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. In my practice I often use various diseases gastrointestinal tract, rickets, osteomalacia. Once upon a time, when I was still studying, we were often taken to practice with exotic animals too. The first time was when I was in my 2nd year. Then we were brought to the zoo and each student was sent to spend the whole day with some animal. It was necessary to do everything around this animal together with the park workers: feed, water, and if necessary, treat it. I came across a small tiger cub with osteomalacia. The creature is very cute, to be honest. I felt very sorry for him. He was placed in a cage in the sun and given 20 ml of fish oil every day. He tried his best to be active and was recovering quickly. Even though he was lying down, he still tried to play with me somehow. He was funny.

I also give laying hens fish oil to increase egg production and the strength of egg shells.
Must be given with fish oil mineral supplements: chalk, shell.
I advise you to use fish oil as an inexpensive, effective feed additive when raising poultry.

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Fish oil - I think one of the most famous and inexpensive vitamin preparations. The main vitamin in fish oil is vitamin D, so we start using it when raising chickens from a very early age (from 5 days), which has a beneficial effect on development skeletal bones And overall speed body growth. Also, if necessary, fish oil can be used for the same purposes for young animals of other animals (cats, dogs, rabbits and others). In addition, fish oil is important feed additive and for adult birds (we add it to liquid food 1 per day). The addition of fish oil allows you to increase the egg production of chickens, and when used together with premixes, it also allows you to partially save on feed. Any side effects it does not have (we have not personally observed individual intolerance in animals), so I think we can recommend this remedy as vitamin supplement to all owners of farm and domestic animals. However, it is worth considering that when giving fish oil, it is worth canceling the giving of others vitamin products containing vitamin D (for example Trivitamin), as hypervitaminosis is possible.

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All loving owners, try to give their pet everything they need. In addition to care, walks and nutrition, the animal is often given all kinds of vitamins and supplements, including fish oil. Is it worth doing this or not? How much and how to give fish oil to an animal?

To begin with, you need to understand what it actually is? The main value of fish oil is the presence of acid Omega-3, which is part of it. Many people remember that earlier, when medicine was at a lower level, fish oil was a kind of “panacea” for all diseases, it was recommended to everyone, if not for treatment, then for prevention. Of course, this usefulness of the product is a little exaggerated, but there are definitely benefits from it.

What is fish oil made from?

Strange pictures are probably already flashing in your head of how layers of fat are removed from fish and packaged in jars. This is certainly not true. Fish oil itself is extract from fish liver or carcass. Mackerel, salmon, cod and herring are most often used as raw materials.

In addition to the above-mentioned Omega-3, vitamins A and D2 are also included in its composition. These are vitamins that are especially important to give to dogs, since the body itself cannot produce them in the required quantities. If a person receives D2 from sun rays, then dogs do not have this opportunity, and fish oil just compensates for this deficiency.

In addition, adding fish oil to food affects the animal’s hearing, smell and vision. The functioning of internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys, is normalized. The condition of the skin and teeth improves, and the coat is thick and shiny.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of consuming fish oil cannot be overlooked. The pet’s well-being and appearance changes after just a few days from the start of the course. It is especially well absorbed in animals and is recommended by almost all veterinarians.

Except strong teeth and bones, silky coat and proper skeletal structure, there is more compelling evidence of the benefits of fish oil. Heart, nervous system and the brain develops better. And diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems are prevented.

The immunity of animals taking fish oil is also much stronger, and if a pet is susceptible to heart disease, it will be much easier for him. The pet becomes more active and cheerful. Fish oil is not expensive and effective remedy for animals.

Any medicine brings not only benefits, but also harm. The drug may not be suitable for some animals and in such cases the idea of ​​using it should be abandoned. Allergy, one of the bells is to complete the course, sometimes there may be vomiting or diarrhea. You can purchase the drug in two forms, liquid and capsules, and it happens when such a reaction is not to the fat itself, but to the gelatin capsule in which it is contained. In this case, you should just buy liquid fish oil and try to repeat the course.

An overdose of fish oil is very dangerous.. It is imperative that you agree on the dosage and duration of the course, specifically for your dog, with your veterinarian in advance. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the packaging and composition of the drug; it is not recommended to give to a pet fish oil created using an extract from fish liver. This can lead to liver damage, kidney damage, hair loss, etc.

How to properly give fish oil to your pet?

As it has already turned out, fish oil has a huge variety of useful properties. But even the most useful things can cause harm if you don’t know how to use them correctly. Fish oil is no exception. An overdose, not scary at first glance, even with fish oil, can lead to very unpleasant consequences eg: indigestion, hypervitaminosis and heavy metal poisoning.

If you stop the course in time, you can do without consequences and get by with a “mild scare”
The dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the pet and the method of its application also plays a very important role. You may hear that fish oil is best absorbed with cottage cheese, this has not been proven, but if you have the opportunity to please your pet with such a breakfast, he will be very happy.

Most often the animal is given per day from 0.5 to 1 tbsp. It is best to start using it at 2 months of age, thoroughly mixing the supplement with food. The very first dose is only a couple of drops and then increases. Usually the course for puppies lasts 15 days, after which a month's break is needed and can be repeated. For adult animals, the course can be carried out only twice a year, in autumn and spring, for one month each, also thoroughly mixing with food at the first meal.


From the first day when the little paws of an animal ran through the corridors of your home, you take full responsibility for it. Giving a course of all kinds of vitamins, including fish oil, is very important; this will prolong the life of your pet and significantly improve its quality. Maintain health furry friend as necessary as feeding. The main advantage of fish oil affordable price and a decent result after use. And of course, the most important vitamin that makes animals happier is the love of the owner!