I hit my head with a big bump, what should I do? The appearance of a lump as a result of a head injury. Causes of a bump on the head

Head contusions are mechanical damage, which lead to internal damage brain while maintaining the integrity of external tissues. The main cause of head injury stems from the consequences of blows or falls, which are dangerous to a person’s life and lead to various injuries cranial section.

What happens during an injury

The trauma that occurs changes the functioning of the brain, its membranes, and all surrounding soft and hard tissues. Individual lobes and parts of the brain may also be affected.

The likelihood of complications after injury is determined by the intensity of the injury - than hit harder, those worse bruise soft tissues of the head and deeper factors penetration into the inner layers.

Frequent complications include hemorrhage into the brain tissue, under the membrane, and a skull fracture, which aggravate the overall health.

All changes that occur in the brain after injury are divided into:

  • primary, which depend on traumatic agents;
  • secondary, which are caused by disturbances in tissue nutrition and their damaging effects.

As a result of the blow, the brain receives damage not only at the site of injury, but also on the opposite side of the head, which it hits, touching inner fabrics. This causes the vessels to spasm, some of which rupture, causing ischemia, tissue swelling and, as a result, internal hemorrhage.

A severe head injury provokes, among other things, oxygen starvation, the deficiency of which leads to disturbances in energy processes and accumulation acidic foods exchange, which entails the development of edema, an increase intracranial pressure and the onset of hypoxia.

If the injury is accompanied, then this further aggravates the overall picture - it increases swelling and increases the risk of infection entering the brain.


Head injuries are classified according to severity:

  • Mild degree. The recovery period takes no more than three weeks without any significant changes. It is marked by: short-term loss of consciousness with loss of memory of events preceding the injury: rapid recovery; reflexive eye movements; decreased sensitivity.
  • Average. When it is noted: a particularly pronounced disturbance of the state of the whole organism; a longer loss of consciousness, after which the victim may remain in a state of incomplete sanity for up to 2 days with impaired motor function the whole body; nystagmus; signs of retrograde amnesia.
  • Severe severity requires immediate hardware assistance. It manifests itself: in prolonged loss of consciousness or coma; V visual disturbances; in increased mental excitability; in violations of swallowing, speech, eye, respiratory functions, inhibition of normal reflexes.


Everyone knows, even kids, that if you hit your forehead or the back of your head slightly, you can get a bump, and this will cause a headache, although not for long.

A bruise of the soft tissues of the head is accompanied by pain, but also not for long and not severe.

But if a headache occurs in places not related to the injury, which does not go away for a long time or occurs after a certain time after the injury, symptoms of a concussion or damage to the skull can be assumed.

If the pain is throbbing, then there may be problems with blood circulation or vasospasm.

The degree of manifestation of symptoms is determined by the severity of the injury and the extent of its distribution. Symptoms of a head injury are as follows:

  • Pain occurs due to vasospasm;
  • a lump, hematoma or tumor may be observed at the site of injury;
  • body temperature rises immediately after the injury;
  • nosebleeds occur;
  • a bruise on the back of the head can cause visual impairment due to injury nerve endings, responsible for visual function;
  • observed general weakness and asthenia of the limbs;
  • emergence fainting states, nausea, vomiting.

Symptoms of a bruise can be divided into three syndromes:

  1. General cerebral, which is associated with the reflex response of the brain to damage. It occurs with injury of any severity.
  2. Local, which depends on the location of the injury. It makes it possible to create topical diagnostics. So, for example, with an injury to the frontal part, upon emerging from an unconscious state, a person falls into mental and motor agitation with aggression and confusion.
  3. Meningeal, which is caused by stimulation of the meninges.

Symptoms are considered dangerous when the victim “slows down”, he experiences increased drowsiness, the eyes literally move apart or simply squint, and the pupils differ in size. “Glasses” syndrome occurs - hematomas spread around both eyes, fluid flows from the eyes and nose due to a rupture of the dura mater of the brain. These symptoms are indicators of urgent hospitalization of the victim.

First aid

First aid for a head injury is responsible for the effectiveness of subsequent treatment of head injuries. It can be provided by anyone who is close to the victim.

Hasn't arrived yet health care, the victim must be laid down, head turned to one side to prevent vomit from entering the body, and secured cervical region any available materials.

If the victim has dentures or other foreign bodies in the oral cavity - everything must be removed.

What to do if you have a head injury to reduce pain syndrome, reducing hemorrhage, relieving swelling? You need to apply a cold bandage or an ice bag, which can be made from plastic bag by pouring water into it and placing a piece of ice. Such procedures can be done until the ambulance arrives.


The diagnosis is made after the victim is brought to medical institution, external examination, palpation, history taking.

When diagnosing, an important component is the ability not to miss not only hematomas and lumps, but also possible collateral, even more complex, injuries.

The neurologist’s task is to check the neurological status for the level of consciousness, contact, orientation, muscle tone, balance, memory and tendon reflexes.

The traumatologist prescribes:

  • x-ray of the skull to exclude bone fractures;
  • spinal tap to determine increased amount red blood cells;
  • computed tomography to determine the exact location of the injury, the amount of edema and ischemia.

Only on the basis full examination Specialized treatment may be prescribed.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Whether the victim remained in the hospital or was sent home, prerequisite treatment and everything recovery period is strict bed rest.

To properly treat the victim, doctors use two methods of treating a head injury from a fall:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

Surgical treatment is indicated for hematomas with an internal diameter greater than 4 centimeters, displacement of brain structures by more than 5 mm and severe intracranial hypertension, not eliminated using medicinal methods. Conservative treatment cannot do without diuretics, anticonvulsants, oxygen, infusion therapy and antihypoxants.

Treatment severe degrees are taken on special control in the intensive care unit, with continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition - his respiratory function, indicators blood pressure and the activity of the heart.

During the rehabilitation period you need:

  • to walk outside;
  • maintain a sleep and rest schedule;
  • consume high-calorie, fortified foods;
  • limit physical activity;
  • stop working on the computer and watching TV.

After a head injury, the bump that appears requires treatment, which consists of several well-known stages. First, apply cold for 20 minutes, then lubricate the swollen area with pain-relieving, absorbable ointments like Dolobene or Rescuer. After a day, it is necessary to apply warming compresses (heated salt in a bag, a warm egg in a shell, or gauze soaked in sunflower oil).


Most often, the consequences of a head injury end happily.

It happens that the body responds to head injuries after some period, even several years. So, if you get hurt in early age, trauma can manifest itself even at 40 years old with unpredictable consequences.

It all depends on:

  • severity of injury;
  • age;
  • quality and speed provided;
  • correct implementation of doctor's instructions.

Every person needs to be careful and try to avoid traumatic situations that jeopardize his health.

It manifests itself depending on which place is affected. That's why the symptoms various bruises may vary. For example, after the blow, which hit the head, appears soft bump , and if a person hurts himself with another part of the body, a bruise will occur, but the evenness of the skin will not change. So, let's look at the formation of a bruise step by step:
  • Upon impact, blood vessels rupture;
  • Blood enters the subcutaneous layer of tissue;
  • The color of the skin changes, that is, a bruise appears.
How do you get a lump instead of a bruise on your head? Because the scalp area contains less fiber, when blood vessels rupture, blood accumulates in the space between the scalp and skull. Thus, a lump is formed, the size of which depends on the amount of accumulated blood.

What should you do after an impact?

A list of simple manipulations will help reduce symptoms after an impact:

There are also a number of plants that will help in the fight against cones. ethnoscience recommends for use:

  • Cabbage
    Relieves swelling and bloating after an impact. Grind its leaves, add milk and boil. After this, squeeze out the cabbage and apply it to the area with the bump for 60 minutes.
  • Sagebrush
    You should squeeze the juice out of it and lubricate the bruised area.
  • Thyme
    Place fresh leaves against the pine cone. This method perfectly heals and relieves swelling.
  • Oak bark plus daisy color
    Grind the mixture into dust in a 1x1 ratio and pour boiling water over it. Leave the infusion for 30 minutes and apply lotions.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the manifestation after the blow is only a bruise, which decreases over time, then it is quite possible to get by with traditional methods of treatment. When things get worse general condition victim:
  1. Severe pain in the back of the head and head;
  2. Open wounds with bleeding;
  3. The pain is increasing all the time;
  4. Discharge from the nose and ears;
  5. High body temperature;
  6. The image is blurry;
  7. Speech is impaired.
in these cases, urgent medical attention is required.
Video: “What to do if you get a bump? Mom's first aid kit. The life of a baby after a year."

1. They got rid of a bump on the child’s head. Mix 100g medical alcohol 96% with 100g of iodine. Lubricate the bump in the morning and evening until it disappears.

2. From a bump (large wen) on the top of the head, on the back of the head, behind the ears. Bake a medium sized onion in the oven until the outside becomes Brown, and inside - soft. Grind the onion pulp and mix warm with 1 tbsp. grated dark laundry soap . Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, spread on gauze folded in several layers, and put a compress on the bump and secure. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Change the compress 1-2 times a day. Treat patiently until the end. The cone should soften, then open, and liquid will come out of it. Then the wound will heal. Even my hair began to grow again.

3. Slipped and fell unsuccessfully: a huge bump below the knee. I cut the aloe leaf into thin slices and applied it to the sore spot overnight. In the morning the bump was gone, but the bruise remained. I treated it with iodinol compresses, and it went away in a week.

4. The lump on the neck grew and became hard; it was painful to press. Resolved after treatment with a golden mustache. Cut a piece of leaf, mash until the juice appears and place on the pine cone. On top there is cellophane and a scarf. I was treated for a week, changing the bandage daily. The lump softened, shrank and completely resolved.

5. Bump on the wrist. Growing up, annoying nagging pain. I applied the crumpled one cabbage leaf at night, in the morning - a leaf of golden mustache. I noticed that after the mustache the lump began to “pulse.” Within 10 days I tied the crumpled leaves of the golden mustache, the lump shrank and softened. I made an iodine grid. After 1.5-2 months the lump went away.

6. The lump on the neck grew without pain, then there were 2 lumps. Cured with Shevchenko mixture - mix 30g sunflower oil and 30g of vodka, shake for 2-4 minutes and drink. See Oncology, Shevchenko's technique.

7. Cured a lump near the ear. They diagnosed lymphadenitis, then the disease salivary gland, then a mixed tumor, they suggested oncological surgery. Refused after finding out possible consequences. cured saline dressings : I did it only 4 times at night, and the bump was gone.

8. I cured a painful lump on the back of my head without surgery. Put in cold water 5-6 bay leaves and boil for 5-10 minutes. Apply hot leaves to the pine cone and secure. Keep until cool. I did the procedure several times a day. The lump began to shrink and soon disappeared completely.

9. Old-fashioned method of treatment. A lump on the back, chest, joint, head or after a bruise. He cured himself and helped others. Buy 10g of crystalline camphor at the pharmacy, pour it into a bottle of Stolichnaya vodka. Leave in a dark place, shaking daily, until the crystals are completely dissolved. Every day, apply cotton wool soaked in the tincture to the cone and leave for 1 hour. The course of treatment is 10 days, break 5 days. Repeat the course until full recovery. Get examined by a doctor.

10. Cured a large tumor on the arm above the hand. Formed after a severe physical work. Did warm compress with turpentine ointment. After 3 procedures, the tumor resolved.

11. I treated a large lump on a friend’s back. They were afraid to see a doctor. She is a nurse. Mix 1:1 by weight comfrey and horsetail. Crush the mixture in a mortar and sift. Pour boiling water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream and let it swell. Place it on the bump overnight in a two-layer gauze bag, cellophane on top, secure with adhesive tape. In the morning the lump became soft. After the 3rd compress, the lump burst, the contents flowed out, and the wound healed.

12. Cured a lump under my armpit, hard as a rock. At first it didn’t bother me, then I started to get sick, especially unbearably in the evenings. She cured it with compresses with fresh grated beets. I brought beets with leaves from the garden. I washed everything and grated the beets. Place on a sheet and apply to the pine cone overnight. In the morning the lump turned pink, but was still hard and painful. After 2 compresses the lump appeared white dot. After 4 compresses, the lump burst and pus and blood came out.

13. A lump under the arm the size of a bean. She was cured by taking ASD-2 in 4.5 months.

14. A lump under the eye near the nose, about the size of a pea, hard, painless. Doctors provoked her growth. We cured ourselves using the method fasting on herbs and juices according to Breuss.

Any lump is a new growth under the skin. There can be many reasons for the appearance of bumps - it could be a blow or other injury, bumps from injections, arthrosis, oncology, flat feet and wearing uncomfortable shoes for bumps on the foot, etc.

In any case, if you do not know the reason for the appearance of the lump, then you should consult a doctor.

This article will discuss the treatment of cones folk remedies, which were formed as a result of bruises and injuries.

How to treat bumps from bumps and injuries

You can make compresses from bay leaves in much the same way. Take 5 bay leaves, boil them in water for 5 minutes, apply them to the sore spot, and tie them. Leave for up to half an hour. And so on several times a day until the lump disappears.

Folk remedies for cones

The following proven folk remedy will help in the treatment of bumps after injections, tumors after injuries located on the head, joints, back, chest, legs. Buy 10 grams of crystalline camphor at any pharmacy, pour it into a bottle of vodka and, shaking daily, let it brew at room temperature until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Then everything is simple. Depending on the size of the cone, apply a generously moistened piece of cotton wool or gauze to it and leave it there for an hour. In a maximum of 10 days everything will pass. The remainder of the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

I recently wrote an article about. Turpentine ointment very good, bruises and, naturally, bumps. I won’t give an example, it’s better to read this article.

If you need a lump breakout, then a folk herbal remedy will do. Grind and mix in equal parts dried herbs and . Required amount pour herbal mixtures a small amount boiling water until a thick consistency forms and let it swell a little. Then you put it on gauze, apply it to the bump overnight, wrap it with cellophane on top and secure it. Wash it off in the morning and make a new bandage at night. It will break through in a few days.

Treatment of cones with folk remedies is carried out in approximately the same way using fresh cones with leaves. Grate the required amount of beetroot, place it on a beetroot leaf and apply it to the tumor overnight. In a few nights she will break through.

Treatment of cones with folk remedies at home

Can handle almost any bump potato starch. The recipe is very simple: dilute any amount of starch with water to a paste and apply to the sore spot.

Also, treating cones with folk remedies at home can be easily done with products commonly available in the home. To do this, mix mustard powder, salt and honey in equal proportions. Make a compress at night, and in the morning rinse and lubricate with iodine. Do the procedure until it disappears completely.

For the next 2 prescriptions you will have to go to the pharmacy. To 1 share of 3% iodine add 2 shares lemon juice and 2 crushed aspirin tablets. Mix and make a compress with cellophane and insulation. Do it for 3 days, then take a break for 3 days.

Pour 3 bottles of valerian tincture into a bottle of triple cologne. Shake and let stand for a day in a dark place. Soak gauze in the mixture and apply it to the bump in the form of a compress with polyethylene and insulation. It is recommended to apply the compress at night.

It is impossible to know exactly how harmless the consequences may be in this case, and whether you should be afraid bumps on the back of the head after being hit. Only a doctor can find out.

When should you go to the hospital?

We must understand that we can hit our heads at any time and on anything. If you don't have a headache after this, you won't have any problems. unpleasant symptoms, sensations, and the lump went away in 2-3 days, then there is no need to worry. There is no point in panicking. The same goes for children. But if the blow was significant, whether you received this injury yourself or someone else did it, you have formed a large painful lump, it is better to go to the doctor.

Associated symptoms

Also alarming symptoms, this is: pain that does not go away; bleeding; fever, blurred vision; problems with speech, understanding; pain not only at the site of the blow, but throughout the entire head. The symptoms may be different, but even if you have one of them, you urgently need to go to the hospital. There the doctor will prescribe therapy.

How to get rid of lumps at home?

If you feel fine, but the lump bothers you, you have a complex, or just want to get rid of it faster, then cold, which should be applied to the hearth, will help you. It could be ice wet towel, frozen food. After which you can make a compress from gauze and vegetable oil for half an hour. To make the lump go away faster, folk methods and traditional drugs are used. The latter include “Rescuer” gel, “Troxevasin”, and “Heparin” ointment.

All these remedies will help to remove swelling, strengthen capillaries, remove pathogenic environment, normalize metabolic processes in cells, stimulate fast recovery.
Traditional methods treatment
Whenever bumps on the back of the head after being hit, warm salt helps a lot, pour it into a cotton bag and place it on the bruise. You can also apply a cabbage leaf or make a paste out of it. They also add a little warm milk. Use this product as a compress. You can also apply thyme leaves to the bruise. It’s even easier to squeeze the juice from the leaves of wormwood and moisten the diseased area with it. But still, it is better to coordinate all manipulations with a doctor, at least by phone.