Dark sky of a kitten. Mouth diseases in cats

Naturally, seeing your loved one fluffy brown spots, which did not exist before, we involuntarily tense up and ask ourselves the question - what if this is something dangerous? We involuntarily access the Internet, see scary pictures, nervously read sites with terrible diagnoses and look at your pet. But before you panic, you should figure out what it really is.

Lentingo, what is it?

These skin defects have the intricate name “Lentigo”. is an absolutely harmless skin defect, about a centimeter in size, in the form of a dark spot. In fact, they are similar to ours dark spots. Most often, lentigo appears in cats of red or tortoiseshell color. Many veterinarians suggest that pigmentation is associated with the color of the animal's coat. As a rule, they appear in cats in the first years of life.

Lentigo can be seen on the lips, nose and ears. First, minor spots ranging in size from 1-10 mm appear. Gradually the number of spots will increase and increase in size. But over time they will decline. Lentigo does not cause discomfort, pain, itching in the animal, and does not peel off. However, we should not forget that Lentigo can actually be mistaken for dangerous disease. Therefore, you should not make diagnoses yourself. In any case, you need to contact where a sample will be taken from your pet. skin tissue and sent to the laboratory for tests, where an accurate diagnosis will be made!

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Watch the performance of the graceful trained cats! Such funny little pussies!

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Cats always give the impression of being extremely clean animals, as they lick their entire body for a long time to maintain hygiene. They do this not so much to remove dirt as to neutralize a specific odor. Since the cat’s tongue is always visible, it is not surprising that with its pathologies, the owner quickly notices signs that something is wrong. In particular, you should be wary if you notice white tongue at the cat.

Your kitty's tongue is a multi-functional tool. It is used for food and drink, performing the function of a kind of “spoon”; with its help, the animal keeps its fur and skin in order. Thus, with any more or less serious diseases of this organ, the animal will develop serious problems. It will not be able to take care of itself, and the process of eating food will become noticeably more difficult. So what diseases, in principle, can directly contribute to a change in the color of the tongue?

Any inflammatory pathology oral cavity. The simplest and most common option is stomatitis., aka tissue inflammation oral cavity. Frequent and Glossitis is quite likely(this term refers to inflammation of the tongue itself). It is possible that a whitish coating has appeared on the surface of the organ due to(that is, still the same inflammation, but already gums).

White tonguequite characteristic, specific symptom indicating initial stages tartar formation. If at this moment you begin to treat the teeth and the tongue itself weak water-salt solution, or a solution baking soda, serious consequences can be avoided. In addition, a white tongue (more precisely, the root of the tongue) is a fairly common sign of acute (inflammation of the gastric mucosa). At chronic inflammation the tongue also turns white, but more often this can only be noticed during an exacerbation of the disease.

Read also: Heart disease in cats: types, causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes this phenomenon indicates fungal pathologies oral cavity. This is very dangerous diseases. If you do not deal with them in any way, the health and even life of your pet will be in serious danger. The most common pathology of this type is oral candidiasis. The smell from the mouth with these ailments becomes extremely unpleasant and even disgusting. Note that fungal diseases of the oral cavity are very common in cats, which long time treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics. All of them have a bad effect on the body’s natural resistance.

Moreover, quite characteristic cause a sudden change in the color of the tongue is action of irritating and caustic substances. Maybe, household chemicals . Dangerous compounds cause the outer layer of cells covering the tongue to coagulate, causing it to turn white.

More serious problems

Thus, a cat's tongue can be a real "barometer" of health. A change in color is an indicator that your cat may be sick. You can remember a simple truth: “A pink tongue is a healthy pet.” This rule is immutable; exceptions are very rare.

Why is that? The fact is that the tongue, as a muscular organ, is literally permeated with many blood vessels, translucent through a thin epithelial layer. If it is pink, everything is in order - the blood supply is normal, the red blood cells contain the required amount of hemoglobin. In many cases, a white tongue is a sign of poor oral hygiene., but below we will describe much more serious pathologies, in which this organ also changes its color.

Read also: Determining the cause of odor from a cat’s ears

Respiratory diseases and of cardio-vascular system . As a rule, the tongue turns blue or pale, but it is possible that a whitish coating may appear on its surface. If your cat has bronchitis, or other lung diseases (or there is a predisposition to allergic reactions), be sure to monitor the color of her tongue, as well as her gums. When a white coating appears on a cat’s tongue, accompanied by a clearly visible bluish discoloration of the oral tissues, you should urgently contact your veterinarian. It is possible that your pet has developed or insufficiency, and all these pathologies directly threaten his life and health. This is easy to check: if, after even minimal physical activity, the cat’s tongue noticeably turns white and pale, and the animal itself develops a dry, hard cough, it urgently needs to be shown to a specialist. If you delay it for a month or two, it may be too late.

. If your pet has kidney problems, her tongue may shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow - from white to deep yellow. In addition, her breath (in especially severe and advanced cases of renal failure) acquires a rich “aroma” of acetone or ammonia. The animal practically does not eat; deep, non-healing ulcers. A cat with kidney disease drinks more than usual and constantly uses the litter box, and she quickly loses weight. Don't wait for your pet to fall into coma or die. Urgently call a veterinarian or go to him yourself, since kidney pathologies are extremely dangerous and can be fatal.

Congenital pigmentation features. Sites white on cat language are not necessarily a cause for concern and an urgent visit to veterinary clinic. Perhaps it's a matter of individual characteristics your pet. White spots on the tongue are more common in dogs, but approximately 1.5-3% of kittens may also have them. If an animal has had a “mole” on its tongue since its birth, then there is nothing wrong with it, and its health and life, most likely, are not in danger. On the other hand, if persistent white spots appear suddenly and visible reasons There is no such phenomenon, you still need to go to the veterinarian. A specialist will be able to determine how dangerous this phenomenon is to the life and health of your pet.

    I didn’t do anything... although it was incredibly painful... well, you can try spreading butter on it - it calms you down...

    go to the oncologist

    Not all of them, but that’s their nature. My grandmother, when I was 7, 8, 9 years old, lived Siamese cat. Well, I wasn’t a gift and I didn’t play very nicely with him... So he, the bastard, left me a couple of scars on my arm, scratched me very hard, and once dug his claws into my face. Our hatred was mutual) Only he just attacked suddenly...

    Apparently you are not using it very carefully (or there is a problem with the video card), there was either a strong pressure or heating of this area. In addition to the obvious, visible damage– scratches, cracks, dents, chips and other mechanical defects; a problem with a laptop or netbook screen may look like this:

    Black screen with barely visible image
    The appearance of multi-colored thin stripes on the monitor (one stripe or several may appear, it all depends on the damage)
    Multiple “dead pixels” - dots glowing in one color on a laptop monitor
    Dark spot or spots in different parts screen
    White screen
    A sharp predominance of any color (for example, everything on the screen is green)

    Some of the above symptoms may also indicate problems with the video card.

    It is very easy to determine the cause yourself - just connect your netbook or laptop to your TV, projector or monitor via an external connector. With a working video card, the image will be clear - without any visible distortion or interference.

    I would love to get married now: (I love cats))))

  • well, as far as I understand, the whole point is that the earth’s atmosphere refracts sunlight and reflects it at the same time. Because of this, colors are separated into a spectrum as in a refractive prism... accordingly, if we look into the distance of the sky, closer to the horizon, the sky appears bluer. If the sun is at its zenith, then we do not see the rest of the colors of the spectrum due to its intensity (we see it white halo around the sun...).

    What do you think!? Is it worth giving the formulas?!

Obviously, for predators, the condition of teeth and gums is special meaning. Over thousands of years of evolution, they have developed own program maintaining teeth and gums in appropriate “working” condition. The basis of this program is raw food and gnawing on raw bones. Contrary to popular belief, dry pet food does not help strengthen gums and teeth, nor does it prevent the formation of tartar. The main factor in the health of gums and teeth is normal function immune system, which is promoted healthy food and the absence of stress that weakens the body's defenses - that is, the absence of excessive use of allopathic drugs and the absence of toxins entering the body as part of junk food.

Causes of diseases

The oral cavity, especially the space between the teeth and gums, is the area of ​​contact between the body and microbes from the external environment. Normally, bacteria inhabit gastrointestinal tract throughout its entire length, including the oral cavity, but these bacteria do not cause the slightest harm to healthy animals. It is the immune system that prevents bacteria from entering internal environment organism (in a certain sense digestive tract is also an “external system”, since it communicates directly with external environment). Saliva contains two components that have antibacterial properties and inhibit the growth of bacteria. The first component is thiocyanate ions, which quickly destroy bacteria, especially when entering the bacterial cell. The second component is lysozyme, which is a special enzyme with many useful properties. Due to lysozyme they are lysed fine particles food that remains in the mouth and is a breeding ground for bacteria; lysozyme has the property of destroying bacterial cells and slowing down their reproduction; finally, lysozyme facilitates access of thiocyanate ions into the cell1. Thus, the common opinion about healing properties saliva is quite justified.
When the function of the immune system is weakened for one reason or another, the process of penetration of bacteria into the body begins, and the invasion begins precisely from the gums. Hyperemia of the gums or a hyperemic border on the gums at the level of the teeth indicates the depth of bacterial invasion, since the body initiates an inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​invasion for the purpose of protection. With further weakening of the immune system, an inflammatory process of the gums (gingivitis) develops with all the symptoms inherent in inflammation.
The formation of tartar begins with the formation of plaque on the surface of the teeth due to the adhesion of food debris. In the presence of bacteria, this process is significantly accelerated. If this plaque is not removed within about 24 hours, it thickens and forms tartar, which gradually increases in size. The gnawing of bones by predators is effective method natural cleaning of teeth from plaque before it is compressed into tartar. When chewing dry food of any type, there simply is not enough frictional force to completely remove all food debris from the teeth. In addition, dry food contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, which contribute to the formation of excess plaque on the teeth. The natural solvent for plaque is saliva; In addition, salivation promotes tooth irrigation and prevents the growth of bacterial microflora.

Gum problems

Cats are especially susceptible to gum disease. The main cause of this phenomenon in cats is poor quality food. Symptoms of gum inflammation in cats in the form of hyperemia, swelling and ulceration resemble the symptoms of scurvy, which used to be typical disease sailors on long voyages. In humans, the cause of scurvy is usually considered to be a deficiency of vitamin C - which is why the body reacts so miraculously to increasing the content of this vitamin in food. However, scurvy among sailors on long voyages occurred not only due to a deficiency of vitamin C, but also due to the fact that food on ships previously simply could not be preserved for a long time. In the absence of refrigerators and freezers, both meat and cereals quickly spoiled. It is known that spoiled products contain great amount free radicals that cause tissue destruction. Vitamin C is an antioxidant powerful action, neutralizing free radicals. Thus, vitamin C deficiency had both a direct and indirect effect on the development of scurvy. In the process of evolution, the body of representatives of the cat family adapted to the consumption of freshly killed prey and at the same time lost the ability to detoxify a number of harmful substances. It is possible that cats' sensitivity to food is due to this factor. It is possible that severe inflammation of the gums in cats is a peculiar manifestation of scurvy. However, in response to an increase in the content of vitamin C in food, cats’ bodies do not develop such an amazingly rapid reaction as in humans, perhaps due to the fact that detoxification processes in humans are much better developed than in cats. In addition, cats' immune systems are weakened by exposure to vaccinations.

List of diseases


Also rare disease cats. Tonsils are a collection of lymphadenoid tissue resembling lymph glands located on back wall throats, like people's. They are invisible until they become inflamed.
The symptoms of the disease are the same as for pharyngitis, but the body temperature is much higher - 39.4 ° C and higher and the cat looks sicker. As a rule, the disease is caused by a bacterial infection.
Treatment is the same as for pharyngitis. Transfer the cat to liquid diet, give penicillin antibiotics for ten days.
Removal of tonsils is recommended for recurrent tonsillitis and if tonsils interfere with breathing and swallowing.

Jacobs ulcer

In most cases, the ulcer appears in the middle upper lip. Occurs less frequently on lower lip or on the oral mucosa.
First, a shiny yellow or reddish spot appears, which then turns into a wet, erosive surface. The animal does not experience itching or pain. As the ulceration progresses, a large lip defect appears, exposing the teeth and gums. Over time, the ulcer can transform into cancer or fibrosarcoma.
The cause of the disease is unknown. In some cases, it is associated with dental infection. Ulcers have been found in animals that have had feline leukemia virus infection, which is most likely due to low immunity. However, not all cats that contract a painless ulcer recover from the disease. viral leukemia. Recently, a theory of the allergic nature of this disease has been put forward. In addition, something similar, manifested by ulceration and granulation, occurs in other parts of the body.
Diagnosis is based on characteristic appearance, course and localization of the ulcer. IN in doubtful cases a biopsy is performed. All cats with Jacobs' ulcer should be tested for feline leukemia.
Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. Since this is a precancerous disease, intensive care it is necessary to start as early as possible.


Wounds to the oral mucosa occur quite often, mainly after cat fights and bites of other animals. Some animals cause damage themselves: a cat may suddenly bite its lip, as we do. Other injuries occur as a result of the cat picking up and licking sharp objects, such as a canned food lid. Sometimes there is damage to the lip from the fang. An extremely rare injury to the tongue is frostbite, which occurs when the tongue comes into contact with a metal object in severe frost. When freed from the object, the mucous membrane of the tongue comes off, exposing the wound bleeding surface.
Treatment. To stop bleeding, apply a clean gauze pad or a piece of fabric. A cat experiencing pain in the mouth must be restrained. Minor cuts, in which the bleeding stops on its own, are not sutured. For a while they are simply pressed with a gauze swab. Sutures are used when there are deep lacerations with torn edges and in cases of continuous bleeding. If your tongue is injured, you must open your mouth. You may have to stretch out your tongue to get a better look at the damage. If the wound is caused incorrect position tooth, it needs to be removed.
Puncture wounds usually become infected and must be treated promptly.
While the wound is healing, rinse your cat's mouth 2 times a day. weak solution antiseptic. Follow a gentle diet - food should be soft. Do not feed dry kibble, soft or small food tubular bones, like other foods that your cat must chew.

Gum inflammation

Tartar, accumulation of food debris or hair between teeth - primary cause inflammation. Due to the fact that gum inflammation is a sign of periodontitis and threatening “tooth decay,” it cannot be ignored.
When the gums become inflamed, they will be red, painful and swollen; They bleed if you rub them. Later, the edges of the gums move away from the teeth, and pockets and cracks appear. Food that gets into them causes inflammation along the gums - when pressure is applied, pus comes out from under them, which leads to periodontitis and caries. As the condition worsens, the cat loses its appetite, looks unkempt, has difficulty grasping food, and sometimes drools.
Treatment consists of daily treatment of teeth and gums (in as a last resort two times a week). After which the gums are massaged with fingers or a gauze swab, making uniform circular movements, pressing on outer surface gums The course of treatment is carried out until full recovery. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat the infection.

Inflammation of the tongue

Infectious inflammation of the tongue is called glossitis. It often happens when immunodeficiency states, such as feline leukemia syndrome viral immunodeficiency cats and a complex of viral respiratory diseases of cats.
Tongue irritation can develop when a cat licks thorns or clinging plant seeds from its fur. When licking irritating substances from the paws, it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the tongue.
And when you lick a metal object in the cold, it will cause frostbite. Burns, frostbite, abrasions, wounds, and tongue cuts can become infected.
Cat with sore tongue has an unkempt appearance, the fur on the front of the neck is damp due to drooling or foamy discharge from the mouth, she refuses to eat due to severe pain. During healing, the mucous membrane of the tongue sloughs off. At the same time, the hard spines of the tongue disappear. The tongue is red and varnished. Ulcers and weeping eroded areas may appear.
Treatment. Wash your cat's mouth twice a day with a weak solution (1-2%) of hydrogen peroxide. Antibiotics, such as ampicillin, are given twice daily. Because due to pain syndrome It is difficult for your cat to eat and drink; first soak the food until it becomes liquid.

Lip inflammation

This disease often occurs as a result of periodontitis (inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth root) and infectious diseases oral cavity. Injections from weeds and thickets can lead to inflammation and cracking of the lips. Upon contact with plants that have irritating effect, peeling of lips appears.
Treatment. Rinse the affected area with a 1:5 dilution of hydrogen peroxide and lubricate with an ointment containing an antibiotic and steroids (neocort) 2 times a day. When inflammation subsides, lubricate your lips with Vaseline to make the skin soft and elastic. For periodontitis, for prevention possible complications, it is necessary to carry out dental treatment.


When inflammation of the oral mucosa in cats occurs profuse drooling, she shakes her head, rubs her muzzle with her paw, refuses to eat and tries to run away during the examination.
The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is red, swollen, painful, the gums bleed easily, and there is a bad breath. The cat does not groom itself and looks untidy. This condition called stomatitis, or inflammation of the oral mucosa.
A specific type of stomatitis is thrush, usually seen in young cats after long-term treatment broad-spectrum antibiotics or steroids, as well as in cats with reduced body resistance due to serious illness. You will notice that the mucous membrane is covered with soft white spots that merge into a whitish film on the gums and tongue. As further development diseases, painful ulcers appear.
Treatment. Under anesthesia, the veterinarian sanitizes the oral cavity, removes tartar, or removes diseased teeth. Ulcers are cauterized with a solution of silver nitrate. Inflammatory symptoms can be controlled with antibiotics. A gentle diet is prescribed: raw soft food - they are diluted with water to a liquid consistency. The mouth is irrigated daily with a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide. Held hygiene care behind the oral cavity.
When treating thrush, large doses of B vitamins and antifungal drugs, such as nystatin, are recommended. It is extremely important to treat all concomitant diseases.

Oral tumors

Any solid tumor in the mouth should be taken very seriously. Most tumors in the mouth are cancerous.
If any tumors are present, the cat should be immediately examined by a veterinarian.

Inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis)

Pharyngitis in cats is extremely rare. In most cases, the disease is caused by general viral infection or oral disease. The disease is accompanied by fever, cough, nausea, pain when swallowing and loss of appetite.
A similar picture is observed in the presence of a foreign body in the pharynx, as well as in tonsillitis, which must be taken into account when making a diagnosis.
Treatment. It is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian. Treatment begins after identifying the cause of the disease. Antibiotics such as penicillin are used (for a week). Place your cat on a liquid diet.

Foreign bodies of the oral cavity and pharynx

The most common items found in the oral cavity of cats are bone fragments, wood chips, sewing needles and pins, fish hooks and plant thorns. They penetrate the lips, tongue, gums and palate, and get stuck between the teeth. A foreign body may be suspected if your cat is coughing, choking, frequently licking her lips or rubbing them on the floor, unable to close her mouth, drooling profusely, shaking her head, and rubbing her paw at her mouth. Sometimes the only signs are weakness, refusal to eat, bad smell from the mouth, general malaise and difficulty breathing, or an unkempt appearance. Small plant thorns, thorns and splinters can get stuck in the tongue. They can be removed with tweezers. More often, a foreign body is found on the lower surface of the tongue. If there is a grape-like swelling or a canal, this indicates the presence of a foreign body. Some cats, especially kittens, may choke when playing with balls, rags, fish hooks, or other objects or toys that they catch in their mouths. They suffocate from small rubber balls and other objects falling into their back pharynx and blocking the trachea; Stuck bones also cause suffocation and obstruction. In this case, the animal begins to gag and suffocate when swallowing; it stretches its neck, and sometimes tries to get rid of an interfering object with its paw. If the cat coughs vigorously and breathing is difficult, it means that a foreign body has entered the larynx.
Treatment. If you suspect the presence of a foreign body, open the cat's mouth and you will see the reason. You can immediately remove the foreign body, but the restless animal must first be given a sedative or pain reliever. If a foreign body gets into the throat and the passage of air is disrupted, you must immediately contact a veterinarian. If the cat is unconscious, the foreign body should be immediately removed to restore patency respiratory tract. Open your mouth, fix your neck below the foreign body, squeeze your throat so that it does not move while you squeeze the object out with your fingers. Do this as quickly as possible, then carry out artificial respiration. Foreign bodies left for a day or more become infected, so antibiotics are recommended wide range actions, such as penicillin.
Preventive measures. Do not let your cat play with small, especially easily torn objects. Chicken and tubular bones should not be given.


Normally, cats, like most dogs, do not drool. Typically, drooling is associated with taking bitters or before an injection due to feelings of anxiety, fear and nervous restlessness.
If your cat is drooling and exhibiting unusual behavior, be aware of the possibility of rabies.
Drooling accompanied by watery eyes may be caused by a viral infection. respiratory disease cats. Drooling may be associated with painful inflammatory processes oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, periodontitis and others, as well as with a foreign body.
Heat stroke, poisoning with certain poisons (insecticides, arsenic) cause profuse salivation.
Treatment depends on identifying the cause and being able to eliminate it.

Tumors and cysts of the salivary glands

Damage salivary gland usually occurs as a result of cat fights or injury. The ducts are blocked by thick secretions, stones or foreign bodies, such as food particles or plant thorns. The fluid accumulates and ruptures the duct, which leads to the formation of a mucous cyst in the gland - a mucocele.
A cyst can form in any salivary glands ah, but most often this occurs in the submandibular gland. In this case, the cyst is large, smooth and round, located in the area of ​​the floor of the mouth under the tongue (on one side). Less commonly, a cyst occurs on the wall of the pharynx.
Large mucous cysts interfere with swallowing and breathing. Puncture of the cyst removes a thick, mucus-like, honey-colored substance. Sometimes this is enough for complete recovery, but most often it is required complete removal glands.
Tumors of the salivary glands are extremely rare, mainly in older cats. In most cases they are cancerous. They appear as dense, slowly growing bumps on the neck or side of the muzzle. If the tumor is removed before its metastatic stage, the cat usually recovers.


Local disease (often accompanying periodontal disease). Usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the cat's mouth.
There are acute and chronic gingivitis. Red, bloodshot gums can be a sign of gingivitis. In addition, sometimes it appears as a bright red border along the edges of the gums.
There are many causes of gum inflammation. From infectious diseases such as feline calicivirus and immunodeficiency infection to chemical irritation and gum trauma. In addition, a predisposition to tartar and oral diseases is often transmitted genetically.

Other causes of the disease. Serious illnesses- such as chronic renal failure or diabetes - can cause gum inflammation and stomatitis. This occurs because any chronic disease that weakens the cat’s body suppresses it. immune system, and therefore makes it more susceptible to inflammation of the oral cavity.

Diagnosis and treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian.