Cancer of the decade. Forget about zodiac signs: a horoscope by decade is three times more accurate. Characteristics of a Cancer woman

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer by decade - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

People born under the sign of Cancer, from June 22 to July 1, are distinguished well developed intuition and dreaminess. Cancers born in the first decade find it difficult to get along with people around them. However, in a narrow circle of their loved ones and acquaintances, they may well be considered jokers and the life of the party.

Since childhood, Cancers of the first decade have high intelligence and curiosity. They easily succeed in all sciences, but at the same time they always have their strong point. Some Cancers are born humanitarians, others are born techies. In everything that concerns their hobbies, Cancers have no equal. If a Cancer child of the first decade prefers literature, then in the entire class there is hardly anyone who can show higher knowledge in this subject. If a Cancer child prefers mathematics, then his knowledge by the time he graduates from school will be quite equal to the level of knowledge of an institute graduate.

Cancers of the first decade mature very early, so they often start a family before they even leave adolescence. In it they try to find tenderness, understanding and love, without which they feel extremely uncomfortable. Cancers of the first decade separate from their parents very early, because they feel like completely adults and need complete independence and freedom.

Often a Cancer man finds a companion somewhat older than him. Cancer women born in the first decade often do exactly this. Cancers are very smart and versatile. Moreover, their education and level of erudition are often completely unrelated to the educational institution in which they studied. Cancers often begin their studies at higher education. educational institution somewhat later than their peers. This is due to the fact that all of them, without exception, necessarily try to ensure high material wealth for themselves. Therefore, starting from their earliest youth, they work tirelessly. Cancers are very hardworking. And, despite the fact that they rarely have good health, do not spare themselves at all, literally burning out at work.

If a person was born under the sign of Cancer between June 22 and July 1, there will be many disappointments in love in his life. This is an inevitability that representatives of this sign have to come to terms with. Such disappointments happen especially often in youth. This is due to the fact that Cancer has difficulty withstanding the infidelity and betrayal of their partner. Cancer women of the first decade very quickly become attached to their partner and begin to experience strong emotional dependence on him. And if for some reason the relationship does not work out, Cancer of the first decade becomes disillusioned with love for a long time and falls into depression.

Horoscope by decades of other zodiac signs:

Cancer Decade

Cancer horoscope - being born in the sign of Cancer bestows sensitivity, subtle perception, a rich inner world and good imagination. Cancer is the first sign of the Water triad of signs. Water is a symbol of not only nutrition and nurturing, but also sensitivity and receptivity, and along with the planetary ruler of Cancer, the Moon, it traditionally rules the sphere of feelings and emotions.

The information that the popular Cancer horoscope can provide often exaggerates the weaknesses of representatives of this sign, equating them with overly suspicious and vulnerable individuals. In fact, Cancer is the owner of large reserves of energy necessary to achieve goals, to which he often takes roundabout routes, deftly avoiding any obstacles and difficulties.

Cancer of the First Decade (June 22 – July 1)

Cancer of the first decade is Cancer clean water. He passes everything that happens through his heart, he can worry about anything, but he doesn’t show it to others. He is very emotional, but all his emotions rage inside him. Outwardly, he may seem quite calm, the only thing that can give away his feelings is that he blushes. In life he manifests himself as a conservative and traditional person.

The main thing in their life is family values. They dream of a family in which there will be equal relationships, but, unfortunately, in reality everything happens a little differently due to their desire to control their partner in everything. They are very touchy and want all the attention of their significant other to be directed only to them. If this does not happen, they withdraw into themselves.

Cancer of the first decade feels completely relaxed with his partner only when he is confident in him and trusts him. Then his protective shell opens slightly and he can tell about everything that is going on in his soul. They themselves are an example of caring and loyalty to their loved one. Their home usually resembles a quiet haven where family members gather after a hard day's work and enjoy an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Cancer of the 1st decade is capable of real actions for the sake of love, they are ready to sacrifice themselves, but they also expect the same from their partner. Women of this sign usually look like the ideal image of a woman that most men imagine - beautiful, gentle, caring. They cannot live without romance. They love vintage things, antique jewelry, antiques.

Since Cancer is still female sign, and belongs to the element of water - the element of emotions and feelings, Cancer men may seem insufficiently courageous and brutal. They are polite, tactful, and not hot-tempered. But this is only the outer shell. After all, Cancer is also cardinal sign, that is, people of this sign are capable of decisive actions, they are ready to make serious decisions and do not hide from troubles. Be sure that with this man you will be like behind a stone wall.

Cancers of the first decade are sentimental to the point of tears, they can keep photographs and letters from lovers from their youth until old age, they are often visited by pleasant memories of past romances, and it often happens that after long years After separation, fate again connects Cancers with the heroes of their past novels.

Cancer of the Second Decade (July 2 – 12)

Cancer of the second decade has the character traits of Scorpio. He is distinguished by enormous willpower, is active in all spheres of life, his interests are very diverse. Cancers of the 2nd decade are ambitious and want to achieve maximum results both on the personal front and in their careers. They do not give in to difficulties, they are always in the forefront, courageous and energetic. They are not indifferent to power. They always stand out from their surroundings and radiate inner strength. These Cancers are strong in spirit and body, representatives of this sign are well developed physically.

They are excellent housekeepers, their home is always filled with comfort and warmth. They have golden hands and a bright head. Tireless work and constant honing of their skills will help them achieve success in life. However, in cases involving money fraud or political activity worth forgetting. They will only bring harm to Cancers of the second decade. Another danger comes from drinking alcoholic beverages, there is Great chance people of this sign are addictive.

If Cancers of the second decade follow these tips, they can achieve the heights in life that they have long dreamed of. Cancers of this decade are good business executives, they know how to save in such a way that it does not affect the quality of life. They always have a certain amount in reserve for a rainy day. They just need confidence in the future, and such nest eggs give them it.

These Cancers initially understand what they want from family life and what kind of companion they need, but you cannot order your heart, and the first marriage usually turns out to be completely different from what they imagined it to be. Therefore, divorces and remarriages often occur in the lives of these people.

Cancer of the Third Decade (July 13 – 22)

Cancer of the third decade resembles the sign of Pisces in character. He craves respect for his person, and tries in every possible way to emphasize his importance. These Cancers, just like those of the second decade, are very ambitious and self-confident. They set goals for themselves and confidently achieve them. And when they achieve them, they install new ones. These are real workaholics, they are ready to do their work from morning until late at night because of a developed sense of duty, but in their hearts they hope that their efforts will be noticed and somehow rewarded.

Cancers of this decade have abilities in drawing and literature. Among them great amount famous artists and poets. They are a typical “vest” that others use to cry into. People of this sign have one peculiarity - it is difficult for them to refuse others, especially close people. These are the most best friends, you can always rely on them. They are ready to help everyone, even strangers. They like to take care of others and have a sense of compassion for others. This is why Cancers of the third decade are so attracted to medicine.

They are well developed physically, have a strong physique, and almost never get sick. They do not like noisy places and companies; they would prefer to read an interesting book in silence. Cancers of this decade know first-hand what a sense of duty is, and can put aside all their whims and act according to the principle “if necessary, then necessary.”

They have an excellent opportunity to achieve certain success as civil servants, diplomats, and also in the field of jurisprudence. Despite this, they still have a great sense of beauty and can become famous as people creative professions. Cancer of the 3rd decade has selflessness, he is ready to go to the end for loved ones, and does everything possible so that the lives of other people are filled with kindness and warmth.

Cancer Compatibility

Cancer of the first decade (June 22 – July 1)

Cancer of the first decade - features of the zodiac sign

People born under the sign of Cancer, from June 22 to July 1, are distinguished by well-developed intuition and daydreaming. Cancers born in the first decade find it difficult to get along with people around them. However, in a narrow circle of their loved ones and acquaintances, they may well be considered jokers and the life of the party.

Since childhood, Cancers of the first decade have high intelligence and curiosity. They easily succeed in all sciences, but at the same time they always have their strong point. Some Cancers are born humanitarians, others are born techies. In everything that concerns their hobbies, Cancers have no equal.

If a Cancer child of the first decade prefers literature, then in the entire class there is hardly anyone who can show higher knowledge in this subject. If a Cancer child prefers mathematics, then his knowledge by the time he graduates from school will be quite equal to the level of knowledge of an institute graduate.

From the outside it may seem that Cancer of the first decade is constantly depressed and upset about something. But this impression is deceptive.

The fact is that Cancer is simply subject to frequent mood swings. And from gaiety he can suddenly turn to deep melancholy. If Cancer was born between June 22 and July 1, his mood changes as a result of any trifle, and sometimes even for no reason.

Adolescence is a difficult age for Cancer; at the very beginning, he begins to think about himself as an individual, trying to find his place in the world. At the age of 14, Cancer already thinks like an adult with a fully formed character.

Cancer of the first decade – stage of life up to 25 years

Cancers of the first decade mature very early, so they often start a family before they even leave adolescence. In it they try to find tenderness, understanding and love, without which they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Cancers of the first decade separate from their parents very early, because they feel like completely adults and need complete independence and freedom.

Often a Cancer man finds a companion somewhat older than him. Cancer women born in the first decade often do exactly this. Cancers are very smart and versatile. Moreover, their education and level of erudition are often completely unrelated to the educational institution in which they studied.

Cancers often begin their studies at a higher educational institution somewhat later than their peers. This is due to the fact that all of them, without exception, necessarily try to ensure high material wealth for themselves.

Therefore, starting from their earliest youth, they work tirelessly. Cancers are very hardworking. And, despite the fact that they rarely have good health, they do not spare themselves at all, literally burning out at work.

If a person was born under the sign of Cancer between June 22 and July 1, there will be many disappointments in love in his life. This is an inevitability that representatives of this sign have to come to terms with. Such disappointments happen especially often in youth. This is due to the fact that Cancer finds it difficult to tolerate infidelity and betrayal of their partner.

Cancer women of the first decade very quickly become attached to their partner and begin to experience strong emotional dependence on him. And if for some reason the relationship does not work out, Cancer of the first decade becomes disillusioned with love for a long time and falls into depression.

Cancer of the first decade – stage of life from 25 to 30 years

Most Cancers of the first decade have children early. In general, the parental instinct is extremely developed in Cancers. They pay a lot of attention to their offspring. And at the same time, Cancers are strict and demanding parents. Therefore, as children grow up, difficult relationships develop between the two generations.

Both men and women born in the first decade often marry more than once. The first time Cancer in the first decade creates a family is in early youth.

He or she wants to find love and hopes for mutual respect and understanding in the family. At the same time, a partner may be guided by completely different interests. Subsequently, the Cancer man or woman becomes severely disappointed.

However, Cancer itself almost never initiates a breakup. After the collapse of a family or a long-term relationship, Cancer suffers for a very long time, and only then decides to try his fate again. And very often fate again presents unpleasant surprises.

Indeed, it is not easy for Cancer to find a companion or life partner, because some features of his character seem not entirely attractive to others. For example, Cancer often seems too withdrawn, arrogant and gloomy.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 30 to 40 years

The situation changes dramatically when Cancer enters adulthood. Starting from the age of 30, Cancer becomes more impressive and interesting to others. Therefore, the life of Cancers in the first decade from 28-45 years old is often a cycle of love relationships.

If by this age Cancer has already started a family, he is unlikely to want to get a divorce. On the contrary, Cancer will be very attentive to children and spouse. And at the same time, he will not fail to indulge in love on the side with pleasure, without giving a reason for reproach to his family.

By the age of 30, as a rule, Cancer in the first decade has a stable financial situation. He needs comfort - both domestic and moral. He is very ambitious, so he will try to make others envious of his wealth and financial position.

Cancer loves his home very much, in which he lives with his often large family. Therefore, a representative of this sign of the first decade will definitely equip a house or apartment to the highest class. This is where he prefers to spend his free time.

Wherever Cancer works, his colleagues will definitely respect him. Responsibility and hard work are the traits that characterize representatives of this sign.

If Cancer was born in this period, then he easily makes a career, leaving his more capable, but less hardworking and persistent colleagues far behind. By the age of 35-40, Cancers usually achieve leadership position. They make excellent leaders, although they are somewhat picky about their subordinates.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 40 to 55 years

The period from 45 to 50 years is often very difficult for Cancers. At this age, they begin to be overcome by diseases that formerly Cancer didn't pay attention. It is very important for them to endure the trials that happen during this period. Cancers need support at this time, but they do not always receive this support. Cancers are hurt very painfully by the lack of attention from their own children.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life from 55 to 60 years

55-60 years is a very calm period for Cancers. If they continue to work, then it becomes something like a hobby for them. If they raise grandchildren, then they find maximum pleasure and satisfaction in this matter.

Grandchildren become a real joy for Cancers, whose relationships with children were often not the most prosperous. But Cancers have complete mutual understanding with their grandchildren.

In old age, Cancers often exchange their usual city life for closeness to nature and begin to live in their own home, surrounded by greenery. This change has a very beneficial effect on them, which is why there are many long-livers among the representatives of this sign.

Cancer of the first decade - stage of life after 60 years

In old age, Cancers become very interesting conversationalists, because earlier, in their younger years, they usually did not have time to have long conversations.

And now they are happy to talk with others at the most different topics. Even in old age, Cancers work a lot in the garden or around the house, not allowing anyone to deprive them of such a necessary and pleasant activity.

Cancer. Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

On June 21, the Sun moves into the Zodiac sign Cancer and will remain there until July 22. These days, unusually faithful people are born, sensitive people. They love their home, family, are somewhat unsociable, and extremely cautious. Usually birthday is in the summer month zodiac Cancer, that is, the period from last decade June to the second of July greatly affects character, behavior, and abilities. The element of Water has a special influence on representatives of the sign.

The main characteristic of the Cancer zodiac sign is increased sensitivity, which causes its representatives to be withdrawn and closed. They rarely trust others because of their caution and are forced to hide their own emotionality.

Sensitive Cancer feels safe only at home or among his most trusted friends. A representative of such a cautious zodiac sign expects enormous support only from loved ones and family. Society clearly divides Cancer into its own people, to whom one can open up a little, and outsiders. For him, the family is an island of calm, where the elements of frightening changes are far away, and the house is a bastion to hide from a hostile world.

If Cancer has found people with whom he feels comfortable, he will be devoted to them endlessly.

A spouse or friend whose birthday falls in the month under the influence of this zodiac sign will become an excellent travel companion and reliable support.

Two types of Cancers

Security is the main need of Cancer, for the sake of it he is ready to do anything. But this does not mean weakness at all. To maintain stability, outwardly quiet representatives of the zodiac sign often show real strength. Defending his bastion, family and home, Cancer sometimes becomes a real leader, forgetting about fears or doubts.

In an astrological month ruled by such a difficult zodiac sign, sometimes real tyrants are born. There is even a peculiar classification of Cancer, which divides representatives of the sign into two completely different types.

The first type of Cancers are soft, caring people. Timid, often shy, with a gentle soul and gentle character. They become excellent spouses, ready to do almost anything to maintain family comfort. Such Cancers always remember memorable dates and are only happy to have close people in their lives. They often live exclusively for the benefit of their loved ones, are unusually faithful, and after the birth of children they devote themselves only to the interests of their beloved child.

The second type of Cancer is radically opposite. Such representatives of the sign are selfish, put their interests on a certain pedestal, are often openly cruel or hypocritical, and recognize only their feelings. These people hide their real emotions behind a reliable wall of cynicism, and are practically devoid of empathy, compassion, and mercy. Absolute narcissists, they can literally trample or destroy. Such Cancers have chosen a very dubious way to protect their precious inner world, but they simply do not see any other way.

Decades of the sign Cancer

To qualitatively assess a personality, it is worth paying attention to the birthday and month, the dates on which Cancer was born. It is customary to distinguish 3 decades, the characteristics of which can vary significantly. The description of the personality of a sign representative born in the month of June is somewhat different than psychological picture Cancers whose birth dates fall in July.

Cancers of the first ten days (the period from June 21 to July 1) are typical representatives of the zodiac sign. They are bad at making new contacts, very timid and withdrawn. At the same time, they are very intelligent, often become independent early and enter into marriage, are very devoted, have excellent intuition and are romantic. Cancers of June are incredibly emotional, subject to sudden mood swings, and often look unhappy or depressed. They do not tolerate quarrels well; any aggression usually causes confusion or sharp rejection. Such Cancers may have connections on the side, but they always return. This month adds ambition, special love for oneself and loved ones to the character of the representatives of the zodiac sign.

Cancers of the second decade (the period from July 1 to July 10), unlike representatives of the sign whose birth dates fall in June, often attract people very much with their intelligence, sensitivity, and strength of personality. Among the Cancers of this decade there are very self-centered individuals who are difficult to communicate with. They are curious, try to look for benefits in everything, cunning, practical.

The third decade, whose birth dates are from the 11th to the 22nd of July, is characterized by impressionability, sensuality, and spirituality. These are incorrigible romantics, among whom there are many creative personalities. Cancers whose birthdays fall during this period have a keen sense of people, are responsive, have success in society, but love peace too much.

Professions, self-realization, finance

Very vulnerable emotional Cancers quiet professions are suitable, where they will feel comfort and safety. The water element of the sign gives the character some passivity in choosing the work of life. Cancers patiently wait for the current of fate and the external elements to bring them to the right shore, where they can find recognition. Representatives of this sign love money, but are not used to making efforts for their own well-being.

Passivity in a career often leads Cancer to routine, boring job, where due to fear of change, some social phobia, indecision remains for a long time. He is often exploited, underestimated, and overloaded with tasks. Such people should be bolder in their careers, be active, and learn new things. Professions related to office work, nature, gardening are suitable for them.. Cancers make good cooks, nurses, educators, and administrators.

Planets of Cancer and elements

The Zodiac sign is ruled by the element of Water and the planet Moon.

Two and even numbers bring good luck to people of the sign.

These numbers carry lunar vibrations. It is this mysterious astrological planet that determines such traits of Cancer’s nature as emotionality, thoughtfulness, and daydreaming.

Jupiter in exaltation allows Cancer, despite his isolation and secrecy, to achieve a fairly stable social position. Weak, in its fall, Mars deprives such people of perseverance, assertiveness, energy, and Uranus and Saturn in exile deprive them of firmness, discipline, and endow them with fear of change.

The water element makes people of the sign a little passive, endows them with intuition, sensitivity, and the need for protection.


Cancers have an unusually beautiful inner world, feelings, and a tendency to think, but excessive caution forces them to a passive existence. Such timid people should leave their doubts and fears behind and trust others more. Only this step will help them get out of their shell and achieve real success.

Two decades of July are already behind us. During the first, those who followed the advice of astrologers and editors "With taste", managed to cleanse my body and prepare it for the intensive phase of losing weight. The second decade allowed me to get rid of several kilograms and improve the condition of my skin and hair. At the same time, you did not starve and did not exhaust yourself by eating tasteless dishes. Everything was in moderation and brought good results. How about we improve them?

If you really want to, consider our recommendations. for the third decade of July. Then you can not only lose even more extra pounds, but also consolidate the results. And in August, returning to your usual menu or going on a long-awaited vacation, you will no longer be afraid that your weight will return to the previous figure, or even increase.

Full moon phase

  • 21 July. It is the first day of the third decade that is directly related to immunity. Astrologers say that this is the most favorable day for rejuvenation. Dedicate it to facial and body skin care. The menu for the day should include simple products. No sweets or carbonated drinks. If you don't know what to choose, just eat more vegetables and cereals.

  • July 22. But on this day you can eat any food, but it’s better give up alcohol. Prepare vegetable stew or soup, drink more natural juices and herbal tea without sugar. The second day of the third decade is the time to create a self-care program.

  • July 23. If you are still thinking about when to arrange a fasting day, then July 23rd in this decade is not better. For those who are not ready to sit on water and tea all day, the best choice- more dishes from whole grain, fresh fruit, natural juice.

  • July 24. Start a course of juice therapy: drink any natural vegetable and fruit juices, except apple. It is recommended to drink decoctions or infusions of centaury, tricolor violet and sage. July 24 is better to refuse rough food(fish, meat, eggs), but also porridge.

  • July 25. Treatment of hair and skin with folk remedies will bring results on this day. Put it on the menu light food: whole grain porridge, vegetables and fruits. This is the time for small culinary experiments. Try dishes and foods that you have not eaten before.

  • 26 July. Continue to take care of your hair and skin. Apply home remedies for hair growth too. Yesterday's salad and soup are not suitable; on this day the food should be fresh and healthy. Drink more fruit juices, include almonds in your menu. If you are planning a fasting day, refuse: on July 26 you should have enough strength for special tasks.

  • July 27. Harmful qualities stale food will be strengthened several times by the Moon, so go for the best vegetables and fruits in the morning. Avoid strong coffee and alcoholic drinks. Today you need to drink more herbal tea . Eat some meat. Viburnum will also be useful on this day.

  • July 28th. The food on this day should be filling, but it should be consumed in small portions. Add more fennel and turmeric to your dishes, drink milk. No alcohol or sweets. It is also better to avoid mushrooms.

  • July 29. Drink of the day - grape juice. Healthy foods include fish and meat, as well as various Exotic fruits. In the evening you can drink a glass of red wine. With all this it is important. It is not the quantity of food that needs to be valued, but the taste.

  • July 30. Drinking any alcoholic beverages throughout the day is strictly contraindicated. Preferred foods are nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds and Walnut), meat and vegetables. But if you want something exotic, don’t deny yourself.

  • July 31. The last day of the month is the most dangerous. You should not experiment with food, because the risk of various food poisoning very high. It is better to make this day a fasting day or not to consume anything except vegetable salads and fruit juices.

Most of our subscribers are already convinced that this is the easiest and most effective way to keep your appetite in check. Even if for some reason you missed the first two decades and firmly decided to lose weight only by the third, rest assured that you will succeed. You may not be able to lose as many pounds as you originally planned, but you will definitely be able to get healthier.

How to get out of such a diet without harm to the body? For 3–4 days, experts advise having breakfast with cottage cheese and vegetable salad. For lunch, eat a portion of steamed fish or vegetable soup with crispy bread. But at dinner it’s better to eat a little boiled meat and have a drink vegetable juice. Follow the advice and share your impressions.

And for days. Each time period has its own designations. For example, a century, a day, a half year. Here we will look at such a concept as “decade”; it is not used as often as some other terms, but it is still necessary to know its meaning.

People who come across this definition for the first time often wonder: how many days is a decade of a month? In this article we will look at this topic in more detail.

Origin of the word

The term comes from the Greek words dekas, meaning "ten". Oddly enough, in many other languages, which are not related to Greek, there are words of the same root with the same meaning. There are certain assumptions on this score, the main one of which is that such a word as “ten” came to us from the time when the common Indo-European language was widespread.

Based on etymology, the words “decade” and “ten” mean counting, which is a multiple of gums - ten fingers. Previously, for some peoples, a week was equal to ten days, that is, a decade, while for others it was five days, as, for example, in Ancient Rus'. This unit of time was first used when using the French Republican calendar.

In ancient Japan, the division of the month into decades, which were then called the word “jun,” was widespread. This time measurement was introduced later in post-revolutionary France, with a period of ten days being the smallest indivisible unit of time.

From France this concept comes to colloquial many nations European countries and becomes a measure of time that divides the month into three parts.

What does the term "decade" mean?

A decade is a kind of group that contains ten units. This term is used mainly in relation to the month.

Based on the generally accepted definition, ten days of a month are units of time, each of which is equal to ten days. Currently, this definition is mainly used not in everyday life, but, for example, in the economic field or in statistics. It should also be noted that it is also used in astrology.

Other designations

In addition, a decade sometimes means a specific event, for example, “a decade of English culture at a university” or “a decade of literature and art of the peoples of Russia.” IN in this case ten days of the month are certain events that last ten days, or otherwise a third of the month. Here this word is used in the context of a specific holiday or event of social significance.

Based on the interpretation given in Ushakov’s dictionary, the ten days of the month are ten-day periods that replaced the week in the modern Soviet calendar. The time period of ten days that is applied in the schedule training sessions. It is also a period used in the fields of statistics and economics. English word decade, for example, does not mean ten days, but a period of ten years. This designation is used in England itself and a number of other countries.

How many decades are there in a year and how many decades are there in a month?

A month has 30 (31) days and thus has three decades.

If we take into account that the ten days of a month are intervals equal to ten days, then in a year (365 days) there are 36.5 such decades, rounded - 36. In Ancient Rus', in order to remove five or six extra days, they used the Christmastide system Thus, there were exactly 36 decades in a year, each of which was equal to ten days.

Decades according to the dates of the calendar month

Accordingly, the first ten-day period lasts from the beginning of the month, that is, from the first to the tenth, the second ten-day of the month is the period from the 11th to the 20th, and the next one after it is from the 21st to the end of the month.

Decades in the form in which they should be exist only in a number of those months that have thirty days, namely April, June, September and November. In other months, the 3rd decade of the month is an interval that contains one extra day. The exception is the month of February, whose last ten days are less than ten days and are eight or nine days, depending on whether or not.

Zodiac decades

Just as a calendar month is divided into decades, each sign of the Zodiac to which a particular time period belongs is also divided into three parts, but this division should not be confused with the one that applies to a regular month.

The division here is based not on a period of ten days, but on a period of ten degrees. The astrological decade, like the calendar one, most often contains ten days, but still its time boundaries can shift in one direction or another, that is, for example, be a couple of days more or less.

The astrological year, like the calendar year, is divided into 12 parts, only each of them in this case is not a month, but a specific sign of the Zodiac. It should be noted that the decades of the astrological month have great importance, because each of them is ruled by a specific planet, which, in turn, affects the zodiac sign.

Thus, one can trace some mystical meaning of the number ten (decade), because the number ten has been considered since ancient times as the Divine number.

For Cancer in the first decade, it is very important to know that he is loved. In order to awaken others' interest in his person, he is ready to be bold, demanding and even immodest. However, this kind of struggle quickly tires Cancer, especially if the expected effect is not achieved. Disappointed, he hides for a long time in his “shell”, where he indulges in suffering and reflects on the frailty of existence.

The main dream of Cancer in the 1st decade is quiet family happiness. He knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house and give loved ones a feeling of peace and security. It is not difficult for him to remain faithful to his loved one.

Seduce Cancer of the first decade, consisting of serious relationship, almost impossible. This Cancer is rightfully considered quite conservative. He values ​​traditions, adheres to rules once adopted, has difficulty changing his place of residence and work, and is reluctant to make new acquaintances. He is distinguished by hard work, responsibility, and the desire to finish what he started. This position helps him easily climb the career ladder and occupy leadership positions.

Colleagues treat Cancer, born from June 22 to June 30, with respect and willingly listen to his opinion. He feels great as a businessman, teacher, scientist, interior and clothing designer, as well as a stylist and cook. A representative of the sign should doubt less - in any profession, indecision can sooner or later lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Cancer 2nd decade (birthday from July 1 to July 12) - mysterious and contradictory

There is never a dull moment with Cancer, born in the second decade of the sign. He is encyclopedically educated, witty and, most importantly, attentive to others. He likes to be different from others, to have a reputation as an original, to attract attention, to surprise and delight. He is quite ambitious both socially and career-wise. In his view, power does not spoil people, but makes them stronger and more responsible.

Cancer in the second decade does not give in to difficulties. Gathering his remarkable will, he enters the battlefield and fights to the bitter end. Dreamy, like other Cancers, he nevertheless keeps his feet firmly on the ground. His pockets are rarely empty, but household never falls into disrepair. However, such a Cancer does not strive to pave a professional path in the field of finance. He is primarily attracted to everything related to technical design and artistic creativity. He often achieves success working as a programmer, engineer or designer.

The main problem of this Cancer is the inability to maintain harmony in the soul. He just needs to find effective ways, which would help to psychologically relax and resolve internal contradictions. Only in this case will he be able to achieve complete understanding with loved ones.

Cancer 3rd decade (birthday from July 13 to 22) - purposeful and domineering

Born in the third decade of the sign, Cancer is distinguished by great determination. If he has something in mind, it is almost impossible to lead him astray. He is characterized by diligence and patience. He places a sense of duty above personal interests. However, this Cancer does not often renounce own desires just. Having shown consciousness, he expects recognition and praise, and not receiving it, he becomes angry or withdraws into himself.

In general, Cancer, born between July 13 and July 22, loves loneliness. He likes his own company much more than noisy companies. Without hesitation, he will prefer an evening at home with the most fun party. an interesting book. And yet this Cancer cannot be called non-contact. He usually has a wealth of experience in social interaction and has a very good understanding of people.

Cancer of the last decade loves his loved ones to the point of self-forgetfulness, and will never provide them with support - both spiritual and material. The desire to do good often motivates him to work in the teaching or medical field. He is no less willing to act as a writer, psychologist, astrologer, lawyer, public figure. Whatever this Cancer does, he wants to hold the reins of power in his hands.

Sometimes excessive power makes him put harsh pressure on others. To avoid conflicts, Cancer needs to learn to achieve his goal without resorting to prohibited methods. psychological techniques. It is very important to understand that every person has the right to his own opinion and each such opinion should, if not accepted, then at least, respect.

People born under this sign are endowed with mystery; not everyone is able to understand the meaning of their actions. Cancer, the characteristic of this sign is sensitivity to the effects of the Moon. They have a shaky nervous system, by temperament they are phlegmatic. Cancers have a liberated imagination, a vivid imagination, and their guesses on an intuitive level are striking in their accuracy. They capture the essence of other people's actions, see through the moods of strangers.

Throughout their lives, Cancers retain their childlike spontaneity; they are drawn to everything unknown and shrouded in mystery.

They have hypersensitivity, which makes them vulnerable to many. Dependent on psychological state, feel insincerity. It is difficult for Cancer to accept criticism, even in a humorous form, his pride will suffer at that very moment. And the imagination will embellish and enhance the emotional coloring of what happened. So depression is just a stone's throw away. Feeling psychological discomfort, neglect from others, Cancers can waste their physical health. Therefore, it is important for them to have kind and caring people in their social circle.

These people are accustomed to waiting for problems to be resolved, hiding in their shell, rather than facing them face to face. They seem pitiful and defenseless to many, but this is far from the case. Cancer senses from afar what can harm him and does not allow a situation or a person to come close to him. Cancers are usually pessimistic, but in their souls there lives a belief in miracles and better days.

Positive features

Cancers are often called unstoppable; they go to great lengths to achieve their goal. They are energetic and spiritual on the way to it. After a failed attempt, they will try again and again. By nature, they are introverts, so those around them do not expect impressive results from them and relax, not considering Cancers as equal rivals. But this is in vain, they are capable of unthinkable acts, they conquer the most unattainable heights of success.

Without external reasons Cancer's mood can change dramatically. Experiencing something inside himself, he infects everyone who is nearby with these feelings. Sometimes people feel relieved when he leaves, because his experiences go away with him.

Cancer, the characteristic of the zodiac sign is secrecy, they are used to experiencing everything inside, away from the views of others. When sharing part of their thoughts and feelings, they are very careful, as if they are afraid of saying too much and revealing too many of their secrets. They prefer to keep even their parents at a distance and remain mysterious until the end of their days.

Usually Cancer is modest and taciturn, but, feeling at home in company, he can begin to play to the public like a duck to water. It is necessary to guide the dreamy Cancer in the right direction and stimulate him to action, otherwise he will live in his head. In situations that require a speedy resolution, all daydreaming evaporates, and he is ready to show courage and determination.

These people are capable of a noble act, but they tend to remain indifferent to other people’s adversities; in response, they may even complain about their fate without providing any support. They want to be the best, and when they see someone’s grief, they will begin to prove that their grief is the heaviest, and to the joy of other people, they will demonstrate in response joy that is many times greater than someone else’s.

Cancers do not want to provide assistance once again; they wait for someone else to come as an assistant, observing the situation from a safe distance. Whether they decide to help or not, their instinct of self-preservation helps them decide; for Cancer it is important to know how this situation will ultimately turn out for him. You shouldn’t believe Cancer’s words blindly; they often greatly exaggerate. But still, sometimes they are ready to lend a helping hand without unnecessary hesitation; their compassion increases over the years.

He knows how to learn from his mistakes. And it’s very pleasant to communicate with Cancer, they respect their interlocutors, know how to keep secrets, and sincerely empathize in words. Sometimes people value such polite communication and call Cancers their best friends.

Although they have increased sentimentality and

Even mature Cancers can look at things in a simple way, finding new sides in them, they are romantic and believe that heaven loves them.

emotionality, they do not live only in dreams. In addition to the pink clouds before their eyes, there are always a couple of clearly defined goals. They don’t shout at every corner where they are going and how much they have already done. Cancer has a persistent and thrifty character; they love to save money and sometimes get excited. Money for them is the most important component of life, without it they feel vulnerable.

These are real family men, they value their family, love every relative and honor traditions, nostalgic about days gone by with warmth in their souls. To feel harmony, they need love and peace in the home.

Cancer is more comfortable living according to established rules, without sudden changes, everything that has been tested by time does not cause them concern. The past for them is nothing more than the foundation for the present. They are true thinkers about the past and often become historians. Sometimes they experience nostalgia with people who have ever met on their life path, prefer to maintain communication as long as possible.

Negative traits

  • People low grade, rude and uncouth are able to drag Cancer along with them, he literally absorbs the motives of his environment;
  • Touchy and vulnerable, Cancer can sometimes be capricious and throw tantrums;
  • He is always a little distrustful and looks at the world with suspicion;
  • They avoid unworthy actions; having committed a bad deed, Cancers try in every possible way to prove their innocence.
  • A representative of this sign has a good memory for grievances, he is vengeful, but strikes back quietly and imperceptibly, without an open declaration of war;
  • Excessive indecisiveness, conservatism, restlessness, laziness and unhealthy selfishness are characteristic negative sides Cancer;
  • They give too much importance to the circumstances around them; if some detail does not meet expectations, they will be unnecessarily restless, thinking about it all the time.
  • A state of euphoria can also consume Cancer. They can be biased and judge based only on internal beliefs and conjectures.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to throw mud at people without good reasons, they are ready to argue for their erroneous judgments until the enemy recognizes their victory.
  • Cancers love to run away from responsibility and are prone to all sorts of addictions. They seem strange and sometimes even inadequate in their actions.

Cancer character by date of birth

1st type – first ten days (June 21 - June 30)

Cancers of the first decade came under the protection of Jupiter. They have spiritual kindness and the ability to feel keenly. In life they are passionate and ardent people. They are distinguished by their special development in art; those around them love and appreciate them. Cancer of this decade has a subtle sense of humor that is understandable to everyone. He masterfully applies it in appropriate situations. In addition, he knows how to tell a captivating story and convey emotions through speech.

Type 2 – second decade (July 1 – July 11)

Cancers of the second decade are under the influence of Mercury, they are curious, inclined to be ironic, frivolous, and too demanding. They love to bask in the rays of well-deserved fame. Their mood can suddenly change. Cancers born in these numbers are impressionable and can easily be offended. They may be attacked by both sudden depression and spontaneous indignation.

3rd type - third decade (July 12 - July 22)

Cancers born during the third decade are under the influence of the Moon. They are dreamers. Are different high sensitivity, fussiness, a penchant for a bohemian lifestyle. Cancers love to daydream full moon, their moods also depend on lunar phases. They are always sincere in their emotions. People of the third decade tend to have a prophetic gift and a penchant for the occult.

Characteristics of a Cancer woman


Since childhood, Cancer is a girl who is difficult to please, she is easily irritated, and is highly sensitive. She is impatient and has a lot of demands; parents will sometimes have a very difficult time with her, but it will not be boring.

The baby is afraid of strangers, becomes hidden and uncommunicative in such a society. You just have to find the key to her and her boundless imagination, a gentle world of emotions, and a rich imagination will open before you. Closedness and coldness are just means to protect your inner bright world.

It is worth helping the girl develop self-confidence. She loves to work and is punctual and diligent. It does not recognize disputes according to its principles and does not change its opinion.

The Cancer girl makes early attempts to separate from her parents, she is lively and restless, and is drawn to travel. Parents should trust their daughter; she has a hidden desire only for the positive; by her nature, she is not capable of falling under the influence of strangers. Even after visiting a company with a dubious reputation, Cancer does not lose her light and desire for good; she is not subject to the habit of imitating the majority.

By nature, she is an ardent owner, she stands up for her own things, and it’s easy to get under her skin. She is extremely emotional and can easily burst into tears from an overabundance of feelings. Too sharp wounds disturb her soul for a long time. In communication, noticing sincere interest in herself, she will respond with devotion and reciprocity.


A Cancer girl will make a great friend. She is ready to make any sacrifice for her loved ones. Remembering later about the perfect heroism, she herself does not believe that she decided to do this. She really knows how to support Hard time. The Cancer girl is distinguished by her devotion to her beloved.

Anyone who is next to her feels cozy and comfortable. In order to be happy, she needs to feel love and confirmation of this through actions. The Cancer girl loves to be admired. She can achieve harmony in relationships only with an optimist.

They make excellent mothers, because creating a family is the goal of Cancer’s life. She puts all her heart into building a strong family union, loves his household and it’s mutual.


Cancer is diligent and completes all tasks on time, but even if she doesn’t have time school curriculum, then the reason lies in the lack of self-discipline. She is capable of acquiring new knowledge no worse than others. You should work with her and teach her to concentrate on the main thing, not paying attention to the little things.

When arguing with a girl, do not call her names, the Cancer child will correspond to the words with which you speak about him. Then it will be difficult to get your words out of her head. It is worth spending more time studying in the period from 8 to 10 years.

Affairs and work

Sensitivity pushes them towards creative hobbies, such as poetry, prose, and painting. Girl - Cancer has the gift of persuasion and suggestion. Other creative directions are also fascinating for Cancer: cinema, dancing of various styles, theatrical life. They play well different roles, they know how to transform themselves, trying on different images. They love art and are drawn to it throughout their lives.

Characteristics of a Cancer man


Boys of this sign are characterized by incredible intuition, receptivity and vulnerability. As a child, you should be more kind to them, not to intimidate or ridicule them. They love to show care for the younger children in the family, for pets; in caring for those who are weaker than them, they realize themselves fully.

Cancer boys are careful in communication and keep their inner world locked. You should not try to barbarically penetrate there and reveal all the secrets at once. Cancer tends to change its moods. As a child, he is not attracted to dangerous and risky undertakings.

His soul is filled with romance, but in his actions he is consistent and practical. Cancer boy likes to wear something “up his sleeve”; out of nowhere, sweets and extra money appear. When it comes to spending, he knows the golden mean.

The boy is especially attached to his mother. But in adolescence strives to become independent as quickly as possible, can be abrupt and unpredictable. He may snap, but he keeps the ability to empathize in his heart. Cancer is very easy to offend.


This is an excellent friend and gentleman, he is very sensitive to his loved ones, loves to surprise and give surprises and gifts. Cancer, deeply in love, forces things too much. He needs a unique love story that will last a lifetime; he is ready to completely devote himself to his chosen one, care for and love her with all his might. But a girl should also be able to support and understand her sensitive chosen one, be able to help him cope with pessimism and overcome uncertainty.