We are looking for something to do at work when we are bored and have free time. Boring job: what to do

You too find yourself in this situation if you frequently experience the following symptoms:

  • in the evening you are not looking forward to a new working day;
  • rejoice when the working day comes to an end;
  • you work on autopilot;
  • you don’t see any prospects for your job.

But don't despair. Even those who love their work sometimes feel bored. Here are two main reasons why this happens.

1. You stopped challenging yourself.

Maybe you hate your boss, your co-workers, or your industry. You may have even tried to change something, but nothing worked. And what happened next? You have given up.

In psychology, this state of accepting unpleasant conditions without trying to do anything is called learned helplessness.

“But I can’t just go and find something else!” - you say. This is learned helplessness speaking in you. Why not? Think - why not?

When we stop challenging ourselves, we stop growing.

And you don’t even have to hate your job to do this. Maybe you're just too knowledgeable in your field. Then a similar situation arises: you stop.

What can I do to avoid this?

  • Regularly rethink your work.
  • Diversify your activities.
  • Constantly learn something new related to work.
  • Set yourself new goals.

2. You don't have a clear vision of your goals.

Whether your goal is to create your own brand, become the best person in your field, or simply raise your children, you need a clear understanding of what motivates you.

If you don't have one, invent one. People are not born with a ready-made set of goals and desires. Ask yourself what you want from life, how you want to see your future. Just don't say, "By February 15, 2023, I want to start my own company." This sounds absurd. Just try to figure out what direction you want to go in.

Understand what you are striving for and remind yourself of it every day.

If you change, your aspirations will change with you. But whatever you do, never live aimlessly.

It's boring at work? It's your own fault. Not your boss, not the economy, and not your hopeless city, but you.

It was you who stopped developing, you forgot about your dreams, you became lazy, you gave up. Only you yourself can say “no” to boredom. And for this you need to start acting.

Hi all! Almost every employer, when hiring employees, promises mountains of work, hinting that the future specialist will give his best. But in practice, situations often occur when all the work is done, no new tasks are received from the authorities, and the working day is not over yet. In most cases, this applies to office workers. But similar cases can be found among sellers and cashiers, when the flow of customers is very small. In general, everyone who provides any services has encountered the fact that they simply have nothing to do at work. On the one hand, this is bad, since time drags on endlessly, and sometimes you start counting the minutes until the end of your shift, on the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity for self-development, creativity and communication with colleagues and friends. And today I want to offer you several options for what to do at work when there is nothing to do.

There will be enough of them for every taste and color, as they say. So, depending on your situation, consider the ones that are right for you.

Reading books

The easiest way to keep yourself busy is to stock up on a couple of books you like. Do you like romance novels? Please. For more ambitious people, business books or those related to your profession are suitable. Development in the workplace is possible if you spend time on self-improvement, both professional and personal growth. Don't like to read? Then audiobooks can help you!


Talent, as they say, cannot be lost. And if you like to draw and draw, then it’s time to get creative. Let you always have a notebook or album at hand, as well as pencils, pens or crayons. It all depends on your desire and abilities. Such equipment can be hidden on occasion if the authorities unexpectedly arrive.

Games on computer and mobile phone

The most common way to spend time at work when there is nothing to do. Games, tests and other entertainment will help pass the long hours. A simple scarf or cards can entertain you and brighten up your boring everyday life.

Chat with friends


A good old way to pass the hours is to get an impressively thick magazine with crosswords, charades and puzzles. This activity will not only kill time, but will also contribute to the development of intelligence.

Board games

It’s not always possible to play board games at work in your free time. It all depends on the profession and place of work, as well as responsibilities. But, nevertheless, some may well allow you to play, for example, cards, backgammon, checkers, chess or any other game.

Completion of trainings

The best way to keep yourself busy at work is to take online training. They can be on various topics, paid and free, with video recordings or in the form of marathons. On the Internet, you can choose one that you like, for example, on the topic of time management, productivity, psychology, and so on.


A sedentary lifestyle will not bring you any health benefits. Therefore, do exercises and warm up from time to time. It is best to do this every 2 hours for 10 minutes. Then time will fly faster, and you won’t be so tired of boring work.


Sipping some tea or something is a nice thing to do during the working day. But you shouldn’t get carried away with chocolates and buns, otherwise you can “earn” three kilograms on your waist. Choose the right ones, then they will only benefit you.


Nowadays there is little place where there is no wireless Internet. If you are an employee of a large company and at the moment you have nothing to do, surf the Internet, look at interesting sites, contact groups, communities and forums. For example, I really like reading about time on the topic of travel, learning about unusual and beautiful corners of our planet.

Perhaps you want to find out some information, and in order not to waste time at home, devote your free working minutes to these questions. For example, on your next vacation you want to go abroad. You need to find out what documents are required to obtain a passport.

Workplace organization

Nothing to do? Point, wipe down the computer, throw out the trash, organize the storage of papers, sort them so that it is convenient to work with them. They say you need to place a small cactus near the equipment; it absorbs all negative microwaves, reducing their effect on the human body.


If, in addition to work, you are interested in any hobby, for example, beadwork, then it’s time to keep yourself busy. Do you like to knit? – knitting needles and a crochet hook will help you. The same goes for origami, drawing, embroidery, sculpting.


It will help you relax, relieve fatigue, and set yourself up for a new wave. Record a melody on your phone or computer in advance. Close your eyes, don’t think about anything, step away from the world, fly into space. It's best to do these exercises at lunchtime, when you don't have to worry about anyone interrupting you. And of course, try to create an atmosphere of calm around you. It will be impossible to meditate when your colleagues are running around you.

Dream on

If there is nothing to do at work, then try to dream your own. Imagine how you achieved what you wanted, how you earned a lot of money, how you travel, how you spend your time. Dream about what you want - a happy family life, a big house, a business.


At work, they not only work, but also put the work area in order. Wipe the dust from the window sills, water the flowers, arrange the chairs. If you work with goods, then they can be laid out or sorted more conveniently and attractively.

Film, music

If you have a computer and the Internet, it is quite possible to watch a movie or listen to music, but so that it does not interfere with others’ work, and the bosses think that you are working hard on the project.

Not everyone can afford to take a nap, but if, for example, your boss has left and you have nothing to do, then why not rest a little.

Foreign languages

Another option for what to do at work when there is nothing to do is to study foreign languages. This not only provides an opportunity to advance professionally and intellectually, but also gives an awareness of employment in self-development. Perhaps you are planning to visit another country in the future, and thanks to your abilities, you will not experience discomfort when communicating.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to keep yourself busy during working hours. Spend it to your advantage, but don’t forget or neglect your main responsibilities. A big salary for you and see you again!

The degree of his natural laziness and arrogance that he can afford. The last criterion follows from the level of education and intelligence of a person. Oddly enough, the question is: “What to do at work when there is nothing to do?” - is asked by many hired people. Strange for several reasons.

Firstly, this may indicate that the person is “out of place”, and he is either not aware of his direct responsibilities, or he is simply not interested. Secondly, if there is nothing to do at work, then such an employee may be a slacker and his dismissal is a matter of time. Of course, there may also be factors that do not depend on the staff, but arise from the actions of management (for example, lack of work, lack of conditions without which it is impossible to perform professional duties, and so on).

Nothing to do at work: how to use your time to benefit your career

If we do not consider those who are frankly not interested in work and are only serving the allotted time, then there will always be useful activities during such periods. It happens that the question: “What to do at work when there is nothing to do?” - arises unreasonably. There is always something to do, you just need to carry out an audit of things, during which you will definitely find unfinished tasks that have been pushed to the back burner. This is exactly what time management experts advise.

Fill the resulting free “window”. This is the most effective way to solve the question: “What to do at work when there is nothing to do?” When all the pending tasks are completed, or if there were none at all (which happens very rarely), the same experts advise using the “downtime” as a precious opportunity to improve your skills (if you are career-oriented). Read literature on your specialization, study or review the grammar of a foreign language, select the courses necessary for it - do everything that will bring investment in your future. Puzzles, strategies or problem solving that develop brain activity are not prohibited.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do

There is one more tip on how to effectively spend your free minutes: you can clean your desk. This is useful for the interior and, in addition, puts thoughts in order in your head. There is a high probability that after this you will enthusiastically take on the tasks that you have been putting off.

I have contact

You can chat with colleagues who, like you, are free from work. But do this also productively: not for beginners or management, but communicate on professional topics, discuss a current project or plan a new one, make an improvement proposal in the work of the enterprise.

Establish contact with those with whom you have strained relationships, sort out conflicts, if any, and make new acquaintances among employees. Don't be afraid to approach your boss with sensible suggestions or talk about your prospects in the company. Adequate leaders are only happy with such initiative and dialogue. The article deliberately did not give advice to surf social networks, play mind-numbing games, smoke, discuss colleagues, put on makeup or indulge in romance - such things will not bring any benefit.

It happens that you are sitting at work, but you are not working. Well, or all the work planned for the day has been redone (this happens much less often), and no urgent tasks are expected for today. There is a lot of time before the end of the working day, but you don’t know what to do at work when there is nothing to do.

After all, you can’t just leave – no one has canceled normalized working days. Wasting time is not interesting, and my conscience does not allow it - people are working... What to do at work when there is nothing to do (see), but something needs to be done?

What to do at work when there is nothing to do?

Top 17 fun things to do

  1. Treat yourself to something delicious - chocolate, a bun, a pie with jam. If you only have sandwiches and homemade cutlets with you, but you want something sweet, high-calorie and unhealthy, run sneakily to the nearest store for cake or ice cream. Just make sure that you are not being followed - the bosses have spies everywhere.
  2. Play Hearts, Solitaire, Spider or Minesweeper on your computer. Perhaps these are the most common office games, played by everyone who is not too lazy and who has not yet been caught doing this.
  3. Don't know what to do at work when you have nothing to do (see)? Chat with your co-worker friends. Surely, like you, they have nothing to do or need to take a short break from the “works of the righteous.” In any case, you will definitely find someone to talk to.
  4. An excellent “killer” of free time is, of course, the notorious Internet. Where are we without him? Browse thematic sites, study horoscopes, check out the latest fashion trends...
  5. If your organization has not yet closed access to various instant messengers, take the opportunity to chat with old friends and, perhaps, make new and useful contacts.
  6. Have you ever been interested in bead weaving? Perhaps this activity is a little outdated, but with its help you can not only kill a few hours, but also create something like a bracelet, bauble, necklace or a cute bead figurine. Why not weave something interesting for the New Year tree? Original and very beautiful.
  7. Give yourself a coffee break or tea break - whatever you like. Coffee and tea are incredibly invigorating, lift your spirits, and also significantly increase your performance. If you are on a diet, do not add sugar to your drink. It can be replaced with fructose or another sweetener.
  8. Watch passers-by through the window. You might even be surprised how much you haven't noticed.
  9. What to do at work when there is nothing to do (see)? Listen to music - on your work computer, on the radio or on an mp-3 player. Just don't sing along loudly. Especially if your ears have already suffered from bear activity.
  10. Watch a movie or cartoon on your phone or computer. Just do it with headphones. Don't annoy people who, unlike you, have jobs.
  11. Read a book or magazine. Which option to prefer - paper or electronic - depends on your personal preferences.
  12. Entertain yourself with crosswords, charades, Sudoku and other puzzles. Some people find special charm in solving children's riddles and puzzles.
  13. Water the plants in the office. Surely, employees do not particularly often reward them with their attention and care. Here is a useful and necessary activity for you. Maybe they will even say “thank you” to you.
  14. Get yourself in order. Do you remember how the day began in the imperishable film “Office Romance”? From the guidance of the “marathet”. Refresh your makeup, comb your hair. My only advice: don’t paint your nails right in the office. For these purposes, it is better to use the restroom. Otherwise, not only the entire office will know about your tricks, but also, possibly, your superiors.
  15. Play mobile games. If you have a fairly advanced device, you can download really exciting games from the Internet.
  16. Don't know what to do at work when you have nothing to do (see)? Take a couple of psychological tests and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself. All you have to do is choose the test that interests you.
  17. Read jokes and humorous stories. Fortunately, the Internet is simply littered with them.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do? Change your job

If you systematically become bored at work, you need to change it. Why do something that is boring and you don’t want to do? Of course, you can get paid “just like that,” but sooner or later you will get bored with this.

Work should be a joy. It should bring pleasure, and not be perceived as a place of exile. You can't stand it for long in such an environment. This means something needs to be decided. In the end, we come into this world to be happy, and not to suffer, doing something we don’t like.

Now you know what to do at work when you have nothing to do (see). Don't be bored.

Also read:

Actually, my dears, you need to work at work. But, if work “allows” you to idle around a little, do something so as not to kill time. Just one request for you. We didn’t tell you this and you didn’t read it here! Let's get started.

WITH heap. . .

What can you do at work in your free time?

  1. Take yourself an “informal lunch break.” After all, you took buns and chocolates with you to work, so that if you quarrel with your boss, you can eat everything you brought. Advice: don’t quarrel with your boss so you don’t have to eat food that tastes like depression. Sandwiches are also delicious food. This is the kind of food that people usually take to work: it’s easy, tasty and practical. And you don't have to store it in the refrigerator.
  2. Play solitaire. You will need a deck of playing cards, buy a book of solitaire games. And lay it out. Solitaire is very similar to fortune telling, by the way. The principle is the same. And if you work on a computer, then solitaire games are already built into the operating system. The most popular are “spider” and “kerchief”. But there are many others that are no less addictive.
  3. Chat with your co-workers. You have a lot of topics to talk about. Look at the circumstances and communicate with those who are more friendly towards you. Of course, it is possible that this is all hypocrisy, but you need to trust people, otherwise it will be impossible to live in the world. People are different. If they were the same, the concept of “zest” and individual peculiarity would “disappear.”
  4. Weave baubles from beads. The activity may be outdated, but it's great to remember how you did it as a child. And what beautiful beads were at that time... It was pleasing to the eye, like decorations on a Christmas tree. By the way, you can create drawings of beaten Christmas tree decorations and eggshells. And then you can give them to friends. There are small books that describe in great detail how to weave fenki and what they are like.
  5. Have a cup of tea or coffee. These drinks are very invigorating and increase performance, lifting your mood. If you are on a diet, drink tea or coffee without sugar and without chocolate. It’s better to be in the company of a good friend with whom you’ve been working for a long time.
  6. Look out the window. It’s interesting, sometimes, while thinking about something, to watch passers-by and admire nature. What if you notice a UFO in the sky? If you still have time to photograph it, you’ll have something to brag about to your friends.
  7. Listen to music. You can do it on a player, you can do it on the radio, or you can do it on your work computer. As you please. But only quietly, so as not to distract anyone or anger people who are higher in position than you. Otherwise they can complain.
  8. Watch a movie on your mobile phone. Better - with headphones and unnoticed. And the film can be downloaded from the Internet or transmitted via Bluetooth. The main thing is that it fits completely and does not slow down. It's good if there are several films, because you may not like one of them. And besides, it may happen that you want to devote more time to films.
  9. Read books and magazines. If there is something interesting there, time will fly by so that you won’t even notice how much work you will need to do. But don’t forget about work either, otherwise you might get fired. If you like to do a lot of things at once, manage to do everything.
  10. Have fun with crosswords, scanwords, chainwords and sudoku. There are many analogues of these “intelligent things”. If you like, solve riddles and puzzles.
  11. Water the flowers and plants. They are waiting for you to approach them. They may wither. It is much better when plants and flowers decorate your office rather than cause pity.
  12. Clean up your appearance. You love to “manicure” and put on makeup. It is important that you do not do this in front of your boss: he certainly will not welcome this. Polish, lipstick, mascara, eye shadow - this is what you always carry with you. If not, ask someone. Some woman will definitely have such an “assortment”.
  13. Dream and plan for the future. Perhaps it is at your workplace that the most brilliant thoughts or ideas will come to you. Just don’t miss them, but implement them in a “practical way.” Separate what you need from what you absolutely don’t need. Analyze, reflect, invent, imagine.
  14. Chat online. Many people do this. If there are so many chats... Why not combine work and leisure? True, in many organizations they “cover” access to this kind of “communication” so that people do not get distracted. Then you don’t even want to work at all if the conversation is interesting and exciting.
  15. Play games on your mobile. They may not be as “story-driven”, but there are those that give pleasure, reminiscent of the past. “Tetris”, mazes, shooting games, “guess the melody”, “field of miracles”, “oh lucky one”, racing games, checkers, chess, billiards, dominoes. Found something suitable? I'm sure yes.
  16. Compose and write down a fairy tale, story or poem that reflects your inner state. A writer or poet is “hiding” inside you, and you are afraid to let him out, “splashing out” your talents on the lines of notebooks and notebooks.
  17. “Walk around” the Internet. There is so much information there that it’s hard to even imagine how it all fits on the Internet. Recipes, tips, recommendations, stories, opinions. Everything is on the Internet.
  18. Take a psychological test. With its help, you can learn a lot about yourself that you would never have guessed. And the choice of tests is as large as the kindness in the heart of a good person. All you have to do is choose the test that suits you best.
  19. Read jokes. There are simply tons of them in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. And there are them - for every taste: about the army, about husband and wife, about new Russians, about children, about weddings..... There are also vulgar ones.

What to do during working hours?

Maybe look for another job if you're bored?

In general, if you are bored at work, you need to change it. You shouldn't get paid for something you don't like to do. And many have nothing to do at work at all. At first, they like to receive a salary for “doing nothing,” but then they realize that they want to develop somehow, “move up” the career ladder, and look for themselves in what attracts them.

Work should bring joy and pleasure. It shouldn't be hard labor or anything unpleasant. You won’t be able to withstand such an “atmosphere” for long. And why torture yourself?
