What month is Cancer zodiac? Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer: phlegmatic on the outside, but emotional on the inside

Diligent, loving, faithful Cancer Zodiac- How would we be without you? We would lose grace, efficiency and much that is necessary in our lives. We would be without deep empathy and compassion.

Cancer is an integral part of society. Your Zodiac Sign Cancer reflects a profound influence on other people, and indeed on the world in general. Your ruler is the Moon, and thus you are associated with influencing the ebb and flow of the emotional waters around you. This is a lot of work, but Cancer always copes with this task of managing emotions perfectly.

Each zodiac sign has its downside. Cancer Zodiac, you can be a reliable shoulder for everyone around you - help your loved ones in any life situation. But your element is water, which can be unpredictable. Sometimes, by combining the unstable nature of water with the ruling Moon, we can end up with a mixture of variables. It happens that you are a kind healer of souls for everyone around you, and sometimes you are a hermit within a noisy company with your own problems.

Zodiac sign Cancer is a lover of blue-green and silver. These colors hint at your abilities for healing (green), intuition (blue), sensitivity and a sensitive soul (silver).

Watch video Cancer zodiac:

Astrologer's advice: The description of the zodiac sign can be much more complete if we consider the year of birth and the section will help with this Chinese calendar. Go to the appropriate category.

Keep in mind that Cancer Zodiac very connected to its astrological symbol.

Zodiac symbol Cancer

Sign symbol crab. Visually, this symbol represents two crab claws, always ready to grab. Interesting thing about crab claws...they don't let go of what they grab. Zodiac Cancer is locked into an idea, goal or belief (be it good or bad), only fools try to snatch it out of their hands.

When there is harmony inside Cancer, then in its surroundings we will see the same absolute order. And if we see tension in the external world around Cancer, it means he has some kind of internal problems and an imbalance.

Cancer symbol also resembles the infinity symbol, the figure eight turned on its side. This symbol has great potential lessons for Cancer. Too often, many Cancers will try to hold on to something that should have been let go long ago. The concept of the infinity symbol encourages fluidity. This reminds us that our energy must flow freely so that we do not become stagnant - a good thing For Zodiac Cancer to remember.

Representatives of each Zodiac Sign have their own unique and interesting characteristics. Cancers are no exception. We will tell you about the 10 most interesting features people born under the influence of this constellation.

People born under the Zodiac Sign Cancer are often called by astrologers the most unsolved. The time ruled by the constellation Cancer lasts from June 21 to July 22. Very often, descriptions of representatives of the Cancer Sign differ, conflicting with each other, since they are sometimes assigned opposite characteristics. What makes them so mysterious, and why important conclusions Are the astrologers here for today?

To understand representatives of the Cancer sign, you first need to understand what controls them. The characterization is made on the basis of the patron planet, the elements of the Zodiac Sign and the specific position of the celestial bodies in natal chart. For Cancers, the general set is as follows:

patron planet: Moon
planet in exaltation: Jupiter
element: Water

In order to more accurately understand the character of the representatives of the Zodiac Sign Cancer, you need to understand what qualities the Moon endows people with - after all, it patronizes this constellation.

The moon is associated with several goddesses at once Ancient Greece. This comes from the fact that we see how the reflection of our satellite in the sky is constantly changing. Goddesses who personify the Moon:

  • Artemis (Diana)- in mythology she has always been considered a virgin huntress.
  • Hera (Juno)- wife of the thunderer Zeus (Jupiter), goddess responsible for the home and patroness of families.
  • Persephone (Proserpine)- wife of the god of the dead Hades (Pluto). She is directly associated with transformation, since during her stay on earth everything blooms, and when she returns to Hades, the earth does not bear fruit. This is how the ancient Greeks explained the change of seasons.
  • Hecate (Trivia)- a mysterious goddess who was imagined fluttering with the souls of dead people. She associated with illusions, deception, mystery and could bestow wisdom.

It is not surprising that with such a complex astrological patron, the character of Cancer turns out to be difficult to read. Nevertheless, it is possible to describe it at least to a certain extent closely, if we proceed from such an understanding of the influence of the Moon on people.

Zodiac sign Cancer: 10 interesting facts

  1. These people really depend on lunar phases, like water. This means that in different time they exhibit different qualities, but if you look closely, you will notice some cyclical nature of these changes. Therefore, they first need to monitor.
  2. Cancers always remain an unsolved mystery, and for absolutely everyone. Except for yourself, perhaps. They have a principle: to keep everything to themselves. Therefore, true feelings and their depth turn out to be almost completely unknown to others. There are reasons for this.
  3. The feelings of representatives of the Cancer sign are very easy to hurt, so they keep them to themselves. This is not to say that they do not trust absolutely anyone. But they do this in a very limited form, which can be explained by the following interesting fact.
  4. Whatever Cancers do, they do it in such a way as to protect themselves and those closest to them. First of all, so as not to suffer ourselves. The Moon is associated with protective energy, which is very necessary, since the sensual sphere of Cancers is always extremely vulnerable.
  5. Feelings and emotions can almost directly influence physical health representatives of this Sign. By the way, digestion usually suffers first of all, and the lymphatic system is also considered weak.
  6. Representatives of the Cancer sign feel best among family. They often turn out to be the most attached to home and parents. These wards of the Moon become wonderful parents themselves.
  7. Cancers are great at achieving their goals. But they do it quite slowly. On the one hand, this is how they save themselves from many major failures, on the other hand, they are not subjected to unnecessary experiences.
  8. The past is very significant for representatives of this Zodiac Sign. At the very least, they gain experience from it. Their character, inclinations and habits can be explained to a very large extent by the influence of the past.
  9. Perhaps only Taurus can be more thrifty than Cancer. The natural caution and ability to hold what they have won in their hands is so obvious that sometimes one can only envy. This allows them to create a good financial basis for the family.
  10. Habits are often very pronounced in those born during this period. They may be very uncomfortable with changing their established lifestyle, so when the need arises, they have to be pushed.

Check back often: this way you will always be fully equipped, regardless of your Zodiac Sign. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.09.2016 05:12

What happens if you compare horoscope signs with household appliances? Find out who you are: iron, microwave...

Characteristics of the sign

According to mythology, the cancer dug its claws into the leg of Hercules (Hercules) when he fought the multi-headed Hydra. When the cancer was killed, Hera (Juno), who hated Hercules, thanked this creature by placing him in the sky.
In early astrology, the symbol of the constellation was the image of cancer. The modern symbol for claws is sometimes explained as a representation of coiled spermatozoa, and thus the sign signifies the male and female "principle."
Homeliness, sensitivity, loyalty. Powerful emotions. Most strong sign Water is more successful for women, since it is more strongly connected to the home than all other signs and brings with it physical and psychological vulnerability. Protecting himself from mental trauma, he often seeks reliability and safety alone; this is all the more offensive since Cancer has a strong need for family and home. And his life will not be perfect without a family.

He will do anything for the sake of security and stability. Rarely puts money on the line. Doesn't like to take risks. He handles money very carefully and, as a rule, does not let those who trust him. Always pays debts and expects the same from others.
Often experiences difficult emotional experiences. Either he gives the impression of having mental strength, or he is helpless, like a child. This is explained by the fact that the Sun in this sign changes its direction and begins to move south again, heavenly affairs turn back, like Cancer itself.
As a rule, Cancer is friendly, but the changeable Moon makes him either kind and frank (especially when he has a specific goal in front of his eyes), then again melancholic, withdrawn, and reserved.

Cancer has a diplomatic talent, he often achieves his goals. However, if Cancer feels offended, he may behave recklessly, in this state he is unable to cooperate with others. He behaves childishly and stubbornly - this is one of the significant shortcomings of Cancer, which he should fight. He makes a calm and meek impression, but his thoughts and feelings are difficult to unravel, this is accessible to few, so Cancer often remains misunderstood.
Children are naturally gentle, sweet, affectionate, and ready to help. Cancer parents radiate warmth. But there is also a certain danger in this. They want to have those they love only for themselves. Family tradition and history mean a lot to Cancer. They are patriots, they have an excellent memory for what belongs to tradition.

They try to avoid mental and physical ailments by any means and - since order and cleanliness are their distinctive qualities - they cannot stand matters that do not require absolute cleanliness.
They prefer a sophisticated atmosphere. Cancer has a strong imagination; it would often be better for him to think less about his illnesses. He must be able to say yes and no, monitor his mood, fight intolerance, fearfulness, oversensitivity. He masters the art of passive resistance; this is his effective weapon against people he dislikes.
You can only lead a Cancer in a good way, because if he feels pressure, he freezes into immobility. He does not like to be advised, he wants to decide everything on his own, he is downright frightened by the thoughts of other people. Sometimes afraid of responsibility, but important work will perform accurately, reliably, punctually, successfully.
Motto: "I feel."
Best paired with: Taurus, Scorpio
Average compatibility with: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo
Least compatible with: Libra, Capricorn
Born under this sign: van Rijn Rembrandt, Julius Caesar, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Ernest Hemingway, Marc Chagall, Valentin Serov.

you were born under sign of Cancer?
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Children's horoscope

By reading the horoscopes of people born under the sign of Cancer from different astrologers, you can learn the most opposing opinions about them. Some argue that they are gentle, not adapted to life creation those in need of care, others say that these are the best educators in the world, simply created to take care of the weak and small. In some horoscopes it is written that they are chaste and bashful, in others that they are lively, and they need an eye and an eye when it comes to the opposite sex. And all this is true. What do they all have in common, other than the fact that they have successfully confused psychologists and astrologers? The closest to unraveling the inner essence of Cancer came the famous American astrologer Grand Levi, who said: “Cancer can be a grapevine or a support for this vine, depending on the circumstances.” He can be anyone, the main thing for him is safety. The main thing is that his outer mask will always not correspond to his inner essence. There can be not only two masks, but three, four, as many as needed, there will be as many. Remember Bradbury's Martian boy? This boy took on the appearance that people who were close to him saw in him. This is how it is with people born under the sign of Cancer. Very often they put on the mask that their loved ones would like to see. Why do they do this? Most likely because Cancers are very sensitive and vulnerable. They do not like to be offended or laughed at. And the mask is protection against invasion into their inner world. It is not surprising that things can happen about the same child different opinion from different people.

Young Cancers are characterized by hypersensitivity. They react very sharply to how they are treated and are therefore emotionally vulnerable. And if adults of this type have somehow learned to protect their inner world from insults and foreign influences, then children still do not know how to do this very well - this should always be remembered.
Do not try to invade the innermost world of your Cancer, respect his secrets. These children cannot be scared, they cannot be laughed at. But these children are flexible with those people who love them. Love your child, try to see only the good in him and you will be able to achieve everything you want from him. Children born under the sign of Cancer should not be forced to communicate with those they do not like; they may get sick from this. This feature can lead to difficult situations at school; if a child has problems with some subject, then most likely the reason is that he has a bad relationship with the teacher. If the teacher at least once allows himself to ridicule this child or express the belief that in front of him is a lazy, stupid student, then he will always see in front of him only a lazy and stupid student, because the child loses all ability to think in the presence of a person who treats him badly (even if it only seems to the child). There may be another reason for poor performance: he missed something and now does not understand (but not laziness). If you want your child to go from being a struggling student to a high achiever, I'm afraid you have the only way out: Hire a tutor, or pick up a textbook and understand the subject yourself. Children are very sensitive to your mood, and if you are nervous, they themselves will become nervous.

Let in conflict situation The calmer parent sorts it out. Don't scold or punish your child if he doesn't behave the way you want. It is enough to show him that you are upset. These children are sensitive and affectionate and will never want to upset the person they love.
Now about health. At any age, your child can have problems with food. Cancers have clearly defined likes and dislikes for food. He finds it difficult to eat food he doesn't like. But if he likes the food, he cannot stop. Hence the stomach and intestinal diseases. The diet should be balanced and the child should not overeat. Often the child prefers solid foods to soft ones. If he has an increased love for sweets, then problems with teeth and overweight. He is susceptible to colds and may suffer from catarrh, cough, asthma and kidney disease. And, of course, impressionable. Cancer is susceptible to nervous diseases. Take care of his nervous system.
Avoid labeling it. Remember that the mask may stick to the child for life. And most importantly, try not to get nervous yourself in any situation. The best treatment for your child is calm, even love.
So your child is too sensitive. Don't scare him, don't punish him, don't threaten him, don't laugh at him.
Do not label your child and do not put on masks: if you tell your child that he is lazy and ugly, he will grow up that way.
Don't be nervous in his presence. Don't expose his secrets.

What does he need?
Confident that you love him. On a certain diet. In responsible assignments that develop independence, in the absence of petty supervision.
Give him surprises and celebrations. He loves miracles.

Temperament and character

The intellect sinks into the soul from “darkness”. Cancer has good intelligence, incredible memory, he just shouldn’t use it for soul-searching, regret and revenge.
It's good if Cancer uses his rich life experience as a weapon with which to go out, and not as a nest into which to retreat. If only he would stop being afraid of the phantoms he created, and would force them to work for himself, if he would force himself to live in reality, and not in dreams! If only he thought about his tomorrow and discarded what happened yesterday! But Cancer moves back or to the side, gets scared. If necessary, he goes forward, but stops in fear, holding his breath.

No other sign has greater potential for affection than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always the threat of escape into the subconscious from cruel reality.
None of the signs yearns for home, for the Motherland, as much as Cancer. Cancer needs time to think and cannot be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer like a rare plant, there is no greater return than from it. Cancer women love to take care of their bodies, preferring silks, lace, soft colors, and long hair.

Psychosexual characteristics

Cancer is the most promiscuous sign. Changeable in mood: he can easily find himself in a web of sexual exploits. However, if they love a person, there is nothing that Cancers will not do to please the object of their love. He is not alien to any form of sexual intercourse. Women of this sign like to act motherly towards men. Cancer rules the breasts and is especially excited by this part of the body. Cancer men are attracted to older, maternal-type women. Cancers have enormous control over sexual functions: they are able to conduct intense love play for a long time. Cancer men and women love to be caressed.
Women of this sign enjoy playing the role of the little, innocent girl who is captured by the stereotypical, promiscuous man, when in reality, they are overjoyed at the temptation of erotic pleasure by pretending that they are losing their virginity.
This is a sign that produces extremely shy people, but in some cases they turn to the other extreme in sexual relations and play an aggressive, domineering role, sometimes reaching the point of sadism, verbal and physical.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Cancer is a master of non-sexual maneuvers. He demands firm rules from his partner, which he himself cannot always fulfill. No other sign is capable of displaying such false virtue, loyalty, sensuality and hurt feelings as Cancer when he is personally at fault. What a heart-tearing mask - those wet, sad eyes - that Cancer can put on: a little boy who has been wronged, insulted.
Of course, Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, looking for a faithful husband or wife, giving birth to offspring. But once they have achieved this, they secretly find satisfaction in debauchery, justifying their adventures with social activities, affairs, etc.
Cancer is the self-indulgent wife who annoys her husband with requests to buy expensive things; he is also a boastful husband who always reminds his wife of the price of the luxury item he bought her.
Very materialistic by nature, conscious of the power of things, Cancer usually gives gifts to his loved ones after quarrels.
Cancer is also a guilty husband who, upon returning from a “business trip,” brings his wife an expensive gift. This is also the guilty wife who managed to have fun with a cute TV mechanic while her husband was on a business trip and when he returns, he sees that she has cleaned the whole house, cooked his favorite food, went to the hairdresser and now greets him at the door with hugs and kisses and an innocent childish smile. Cancers are winners in the art of non-sexual maneuvers.

How to satisfy a Cancer
Make them feel young! They idolize youth (followed by Libra and Leo).
The only way For Cancer, overcoming sexual desire and remaining faithful means finding himself in a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife.

Positive features
Despite the fact that Cancers are very nervous (negative types), the positive type has big amount virtues: a protective paternal or maternal attitude towards people, leadership in risky matters and great perseverance. Besides everything, they have valuable quality which helps them overcome them negative traits- patience. Cancers can be extremely thrifty, prudent and hardworking.

Negative traits
Cancers are victims of anxiety and fear. They should overcome the limitations they set for themselves. They should not live in their past childhood, but must, through an effort of will, force themselves to act in accordance with their age. They should beware of excessive drinking and gluttony. They need to learn to tolerate criticism and stabilize their moods.
But the main drawback is their inability to engage in conversation if there is the slightest possibility of being defeated. They cannot be “put against the wall”, even if they are guilty of something. They would rather continue to lie than pay for their sins.

Economics of love
Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist who, in the economy of love, stands head and shoulders above his astrological brothers and sisters. There are two types of love economy that Cancer resorts to. The first type is addressed mainly by young people who are consciously looking for older lovers. They become very attached to them, especially if they shower them with gifts and other things. Because Cancers revel in the role of a beginner in life, they like to obey an experienced, protective teacher who acts in their interests. Unless they happen to be married to these teachers, they usually maintain their relationship for the long haul, until it has served its purpose. If they do get married, they are rarely married past 35 years. This critical age for Cancers. Rarely do Cancers live with the same spouse after 35 years.

The second type of love economy is practiced by older Cancers. Usually, by this time they have acquired a stable position. They dramatically change their youthful behavior and find a young lover to whom they give gifts and share with him the wisdom of an experienced person. If Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, then this happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their old spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while Cancers secretly court the young ones.

Most suitable partners
Until the age of 29.5, Cancer should look for the best partners among the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. All three - water signs and require close, passionate and deep emotional connections.
After age 29.5, Cancers usually begin to mature and realize their true personality, becoming more liberal and less cautious. Then they often find compatibility with the energetic signs of Gemini and Virgo. These two signs, ruled by Venus, have a lot of youthful energy and do not consider it humiliating to accept attentions, including gifts from boys who are already over 30 years old.
After 41.5 years, Cancers must fully develop and gain control over themselves. Then they can be compatible with Capricorn (a highly organized, partly mental sign, which is always ready to unite its goals and gain power with the already settled Cancer).

Fidelity Score
In your younger years it’s bad. The exception is the case when Cancer stays at home for a long time under the guidance of one of the parents, usually the mother, and thus their behavior is controlled not by Cancer himself, but by someone else. It is also bad in marriage, unless Cancer is connected with his spouse through a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. Best period receiving fidelity from a Cancer when he is very young and inexperienced, or after 35 years, when he is already a seasoned lover and welcomes the refreshing demand for fidelity. Cancers are also loyal to lovers when they are offered luxury and comfort. But this will seduce any sign in our age of materialism!

Questions for Cancer
Why do you always lie to make people believe you?
Why, having your own home, an ideal lover, wife or husband, do you continue your love affairs? When will you start finding your fault in your mistakes? When will you give more energy to spiritual qualities? Why are you so uncommunicative?
Why do you make others suffer if you are bad mood?
And finally, why did the stars make you such a deceptive ideal lover, husband (wife)? But all the possibilities really lie within you, you just have to try.

Erotic horoscope

The Cancer woman is extremely erotic and uncontrollably strives for sensual pleasure. But, oddly enough, she behaves coldly and unapproachably with men. It seems to her that her lust is a weakness that a man sees, and she does not want to admit any of her weaknesses. She spends a lot of effort to look strong and independent. But she is easily excitable, passion takes over her and she tries to hide it, which sometimes leads her to rudeness. After intimacy, she tries not to meet with her partner again, and if this is impossible, she becomes capricious and irritable with him. But if she comes across a tactful and patient man who is able, without thinking about himself, to take care of the complete satisfaction of her desires, she receives considerable pleasure from intimacy. One has only to note that there are not many men capable of such sacrifice.

Behind him stretches a long trail of offended and abandoned women. But this does not evoke a feeling of compassion in him, since he is little predisposed to it. He is distinguished by selfishness, flavored with a fair amount of snobbery and self-confidence. More experienced women avoid him. But he is able to turn the heads of young girls, but abandons them as soon as they tire of him. Although he is erotic, in bed he cares only about his own satisfaction, and sometimes behaves offensively and cynically. Only partners prone to masochism get real pleasure from contacts with him. All my sex life subordinates him to taking care of his own health. Marriage is considered an attack on personal freedom. He is not created for marriage, because he strives to suppress everyone around him. His wife is an unhappy, downtrodden creature. But there are exceptions, when an even more powerful and tough woman takes him into her hands.


In his youth, Cancer is in no hurry to become an adult. The world is limited by the basic needs of life: hunger, thirst, sleep. They wait for fate to decide for them what to do. Many follow in the footsteps of their fathers, engaging in the family craft, but open protest can lead to the choice of a profession opposite to the family occupation. Lunar type - slow, lethargic, lethargic, apathetic, best manifested in routine work that requires a minimum of mental effort.
Slow to start, but persistent, conscientious, obedient. Being busy with work, he knows how to make it easier for himself and others. This type works better in an intimate, family-type environment, where he sympathizes with others. He often allows himself to be underestimated, exploited, and received less than he deserves. He doesn't have the "nerves" to ask for a raise.
The nervous type (Saturn influence) can abuse familiarity, but cannot give or receive orders, move from job to job, oscillating between bursts of enthusiasm and extreme irritation.

Cancer is the most sensitive and emotionally vulnerable of all 12 signs. Can live the richest and most painful life. His success as an individual depends on whether he is able to destroy the problem of his relationship with his mother, so as not to remain dependent on her.
Often rejects the physiological aspect of love. Therefore this sign is easier for women, solving the problem relationship with the mother by becoming mothers themselves. Many are unable to break with their family and remain spinsters or companions of their parents.

In their youth, Cancers are romantics, dreaming of ideal love. They are quiet, deep water. Imagination is ahead of life experience. When realizing their first passion, their sensitivity and depth of feelings make them magnificent, gentle lovers.
But from every sexual relationship they expect exceptional love, understanding, amazing, supportive, and in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness.
These romantics can be tyrants, possessive, they are usually the first to feel the blow from disappointment and flee from a hostile world, if possible, to their mother, or seek salvation alone.

Cancer men can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. These people make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for their family. Others can be capricious, tormented by mysteries for themselves, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal or falls into a fatal irresponsible feeling. He may even commit suicide or the object of his love. Some find a woman more experienced and older than themselves, who knows how to identify their potential, mainly lyrical and philosophical. She does this through support and pacification, and then the return of Cancer is very great.

Women are also divided into two types: charming, affectionate, too shy, sometimes frigid, a little cocky with childish outbursts of irritation, and women trying to put themselves on a pedestal and instill a feeling of unattainability of love. The first type can voluntarily bring themselves to the point where they become a real sex object, humble to the point of slavery, overestimating a man, looking for an ideal father, a “mother hen” in him; they sometimes overprotect their children.
Both men and women tend to subordinate themselves entirely to their partner. They are ideal if they feel loved, and they are the hardest if they do not feel love, while living a difficult, painful life themselves.
Cancer is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.


Vulnerable places: stomach, liver, bladder, intestines, organs associated with processing food and removing them from the body.
These people are prone to obesity, low blood pressure, they should avoid constipation, which poisons the body and leads to depression; during the full moon, they should avoid too much long sleep, do not drink a lot of fluids, including soft drinks and water.
Many Cancer diseases are psychosomatic (due to periods of depression). Here you need to change your life habits, food, sleep, and not doctors.

Parents of a Cancer child should not punish him by locking him in a dark room, should make sure that he does not sleep for a long time in adolescence and didn't drink too many drinks during puberty. Cancer at any age should not eat hastily.
Cancer women often have painful menstrual periods with migraines and cramps, but they have the easiest birth. They are worse affected by abortion than women of other signs.
Both men and women are susceptible to stomach ulcers and have hypochondriacal tendencies: they should strive for full employment so as not to indulge their own weaknesses.
Preventive measures: diet, warm baths, regular sleep, proper rest. Certain nervous depression can be cured careful use hypnosis or magnetism.

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of high suspiciousness and an amazing ability to reach for food, especially that which is so harmful to them. Therefore, CANCER needs discipline and a strict diet. Suspiciousness and a tender crustacean stomach do not allow him to eat hot, spicy food.
Recommendations. Avoid foods that cause fermentation or a burning sensation in the stomach. Use with caution raw vegetables and sour fruits. You should not drink immediately after eating sweet tea or chilled lemonade. Be extremely careful when eating crayfish, crabs, and shellfish - allergies are quite possible. CANCERs benefit from delicate varieties of fish, cereals, non-acidic boiled vegetables, and mineral water.

Your stones are EMERALD

Color: bright green, grass green, dark green.
The mineral is a transparent variety of the mineral beryl, a silicate of beryllium and aluminum.

It is recommended to purchase on the fifteenth day of the lunar month, on the full moon.

Properties of the stone. Has positive energy and improves mood. It brings happiness to a person with pure karma, who has come to know himself and achieved spiritual perfection. However, it does not bring good luck to smart and educated people whose consciousness is not whole. Emerald can bring misfortune and illness to deceitful people. If you look at an emerald for a long time, you can comprehend the future and reveal secrets. Worn around the neck, it strengthens memory and sharpens vision. It protects young people from debauchery and is also an enemy of sensual love. Astrologers recommend that any person wear stones mined in his homeland, because... Emeralds have the ability to energetically get used to certain regions.

From the history of stone. Known and valued since ancient times, it is used for inserts into the most expensive jewelry. The Russian name comes from the Persian "zummurud". The stone is mentioned in the Bible among other stones on the breastplate of the Jewish high priests. During the conquest of the New World, an emerald approximately the size of an ostrich egg was kept in one of the Indian temples on the territory of modern Peru; apparently its mass was about 3 kg. The stone was considered an object of worship to the goddess Umina. The stone was hidden by the priests and has not been found to this day. Since ancient times, emerald has been attributed healing properties. For example, Avicenna treated them eye diseases, upset stomach and black cough. It was also believed that emerald is the most powerful antidote. In different centuries they were used to treat fever, leprosy, epilepsy, ulcers, and insomnia.

Quite a few large emeralds are known to have been preserved in their original form, but most still prefer to be sawed and cut for insertion into jewelry. The largest of the unprocessed emeralds is considered to be a stone found in 1970 in Ukraine and called the “Jubilee Leninsky”. Its weight was 26,800 carats and until 1990 it was kept in the mine museum. The emerald called “Stolen” has an interesting fate. It was found in North Carolina in 1881 and weighed 1,270 carats. This emerald was stolen from the Smithsonian Institution and, according to experts, is now in some private collection.


Color - has a greenish iridescence or a light stripe that changes its position when the stone is turned. This optical effect is very similar to the iris of a cat's eye.
The mineral is a precious variety of chrysoberyl or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is an ornamental stone.
Compliance with the sign Zodiac - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
Properties of the stone. Stabilizes human health and spirit, prevents foreign influences and helps strengthen the family.

From the history of stone. Stones with similar light phenomena have always been considered magical and were used to make amulets-amulets. The largest cat's eye weighing 313.2 carats is kept in the Tower of London. The yellow cat's eye, called Hope's chrysoberyl, weighs 45 carats and is on display in the British Museum. Of the gems, the most famous are kept in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. For example, a gray-green stone from Sri Lanka weighs 1,715 carats, and a yellow-green stone from Brazil weighs 114.3 carats.


The color is transparent, with a pale blue iridescence.
The mineral is a variety of adularia, partly albite or oligoclase.
Correspondence to the zodiac sign - Cancer.
It is recommended to wear it on a new moon, when the stone is filled with a special radiance and all its magical power is concentrated in it.

Properties of the stone. The stone brings good luck only to those born on a new moon, as well as to cold, balanced people. Helps awaken tender feelings, allows you to foresee the future if you hold the stone in your mouth during the full moon. The stone is capable of removing nervous tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence. Contraindicated for choleric and melancholic people.

Astrology often helps people interact, especially when we're talking about about the secretive nature of Cancers. Find out all about the best compatibility for this Sign and its deepest secrets.

People born under the zodiac sign Cancer are ruled by the Moon. She endows them with her changeability and deep sensuality. Anyone born between June 22 and July 22 is influenced by its power and can safely consider themselves to be this zodiac sign. What characteristics are dominant in these people?

The most important thing to understand about the character of those born under the sign of Cancer is their strong attachment to family and home in general. For them, the family becomes like their own world, separate from everything else, where they can be themselves and feel calm. After all, here they are protected from unpredictable influences external factors. In this case, the house can be equated to a kind of fortress with indestructible walls that protect from enemies.

The very name of the Sign, Cancer, sometimes characterizes its wards almost literally: people from their environment sometimes see thick armor, from behind which Cancer himself peeks out and in which he hides. In general, he looks quite cute and harmless. But do not forget that he has claws, and even if he loses one of them, it will grow back. Representatives of this zodiac sign take a very strong defensive position, and if necessary, they will protect not only themselves, but also their loved ones. Then the saying “in still waters there are devils”, which is perfect for describing the character of Cancer. In order to protect themselves from negativity in time, talismans can help them. At the same time, the most effective for Cancers is a talisman or talisman made from moonstone.

Zodiac sign Cancer: compatibility in love and marriage

With the help of astrology, you can always get an answer why relationships with some people last long, while with others they quickly fade away. If you would like to know exactly with whom representatives of the Cancer sign are compatible, then we suggest you calculate the probability of ideal love harmony using astrocompatibility.

Good compatibility: Of course, you can choose a life partner from a representative of your zodiac sign: two Cancers will understand each other like no one else. They are perfectly compatible, but sometimes it is the similarity that prevents them from getting full pleasure from love. According to Astrologers, the most interesting and strong unions for those born under the constellation Cancer are with representatives of the Earth element. Married to Taurus Complete harmony awaits both partners. They have quite similar views on life and temperaments, and most importantly, they understand each other very well when it comes to feelings.

An alliance with another earth Sign may be no less successful, Virgo. In such a union, Cancer will be responsible for emotional sphere, and Virgo will add practicality to him. It is important that they work together for one thing: a common home. If we are talking about a Cancer-pair Capricorn, then the prospects turn out to be no less rosy, and their compatibility is very close to ideal. They will both take a thorough approach to solving family issues and achieve any goal together.

Possible compatibility: besides perfect couples There may also be situations where relationships are gradually established. But they can be great company for each other if they learn to interact. Eg, Aries can inspire a representative of the Cancer zodiac sign with his tenacity and perseverance. But you shouldn’t rush someone who thinks everything through in their head: Cancer needs time.

Sign compatibility Scales It can be easily explained: people born under this constellation have an easy disposition. This often helps Cancer relax too. They will carefully think through any issue, but the problem may be with who will be the initiator in this pair. It is also important that the conflicts will not be serious: neither of them likes to quarrel.

Strong families are also obtained when Cancer and Pisces. A calm awaits them family life. There is only one “but”: in order not to tire each other’s nerves, they both should learn to at least periodically open up to each other’s dissatisfaction and experiences. In small doses and mild form.

As you know, any obstacles fall before true love. And for couples with perfect compatibility, and for those who do not feel this way, it is useful to find a recipe for their happiness in order to be together always. Find out the important secrets of happiness in love for Cancer: after all, there are almost no hopeless situations. Good luck to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.09.2016 07:04

How Zodiac Signs behave in a state of alcohol intoxication? It turns out that they reveal completely different essences and traits...

Ruling planet:☽ Moon. Element: Water.

Cancer character

Cancer is the most prudent of all zodiac signs. The easiest way to distinguish a Cancer from the rest is by watching how he goes towards his goal. The fact is that perseverance in his character is combined with caution, which is why Cancer is not inclined to retreat, but does not go ahead either. His tactics are to think, weigh the pros and cons, and wait, choosing the right moment. But when such a moment comes, Cancer is unlikely to miss his chance.

To those born under this zodiac constellation Spontaneous, ill-considered decisions are generally not typical, which is why Cancer’s actions rarely end in failure. And in this behavior of his lies the secret: the point here is not so much in Cancer’s love to win, but in those painful experiences that failures cause him. Being a very sensitive nature, Cancer is sensitive to any failure. At such moments he gives up, and it is not long before he finds the strength to move forward. This is why Cancer is always so thoughtful and careful: he doesn’t need new failures.

On the other hand, if Cancer has already achieved something, then until the very end he will not let go of what he has won at such a high price. This applies to all areas of his life - friendship, love, work, and money. This quality allows him to preserve and increase, allowing him to accumulate during his life not only spiritual wealth, but also considerable material goods. In general, in financial terms, Cancer is very thrifty and even stingy, however, he himself sees this only as his practicality and foresight.

The sensitivity and emotionality of Cancer makes him an attentive interlocutor and an understanding friend, and usually there are many who want to trust him with their secret or cry into their vest. However, the true feelings and thoughts of Cancer himself are known only to him alone. This habit of Cancer to keep everything to himself leads to the fact that his already deep emotions can reach enormous strength, influencing both his affairs and his well-being. From worries and worries, Cancer can go to bed, while good news will wake him up in no time.

A home for Cancer is its own fortress and the most the best place on the ground. And this is not difficult to understand, because only behind its walls can Cancer create his own personal, comfortable little world, isolating himself from the problems and troubles raging behind the walls. Only at home does he feel completely protected and truly happy. Cancer will prefer an evening spent with family or closest friends to any travel, and even more so going out.

The element of Cancer is Water, the depths of which hide many secrets. His planet is the romantic Moon, giving him changeable mood and dreaminess.

Sensitive and vulnerable, thrifty and cautious, Cancer builds its future without forgetting the past. His past achievements are his wealth, which he is not going to lose, and his home is the springboard from which he takes his cautious steps into the future and in which at any moment he can hide, like in a shell, from the storms and failures of a cruel world.