Cardinal signs of the zodiac: description, definition and compatibility. Three types of behavior in the zodiac

Mutable Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Mutable (changeable) signs are the chameleons of the Zodiac.

Adaptable and flexible, people of these signs can easily cope with change. Where cardinal signs lose interest in their goal, mutable signs are able to breathe new life into it. Although they are inventive and versatile, their constant desire for change makes achieving anything solid, long-term and lasting quite a challenge. However, this does not bother them very much, since more than anything else they want to be free to discover new things.

Properties of mutable signs

The mutable cross of the Zodiac is associated with new ideas and the acquisition of knowledge. The adaptability and flexibility of representatives of mutable signs can develop into inconstancy and endow them with amazing resourcefulness. But without proper distribution of energy, it cannot be used constructively and will be wasted.

Changing behavior is a feature common to all mutable signs, but there are features imposed by the element that governs the Zodiac sign. Geminis are associated with the element of Air, they change and adapt their worldview in accordance with new ideas. Virgo, ruled by the elements of Earth, constantly monitors the laws of the material world in order to change for the better and show off her many talents. Sagittarius, expressing the properties of the element of Fire, strives for adventures that give him inspiration. Pisces, as representatives of the element of Water, are constantly trying to adapt to the changing emotional impact of both their own and those of others.

When faced with a problem, they try to avoid dealing with the situation by burying their head in the sand. If changeability dominates the natal chart, a person may become confused in his own desires, experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction. Naturally absent-minded, people with pronounced mutable qualities find it difficult to concentrate and work for the future. They adapt and adapt very easily, but this can lead to lack of will and disorientation. Excessive inconstancy can be expressed in waste of energy, lack of will and determination. A person with a dominant mutable property in the natal chart is a restless spirit. To turn his many talents into real achievements, he needs to define a goal for himself. On the other hand, if a person has few or no planets in the mutable cross of the Zodiac, it is difficult for him to adapt to the changes that life brings.

The wonderful word mutability in astrology means adaptability and great potential. Signs that are considered mutable are capable of a lot in life. So mutable are astrological components that can develop in several areas at once, tend to easily experience changes and show flexibility in communication and work.

What signs do astrologers classify as mutable?

Mutable signs of the Zodiac include:

  • Gemini;
  • Streltsov.

They are the ones who can show miracles of sociability and adapt well to situations and people. These signs find new paths to difficult-to-achieve goals where others simply give up.

But this miraculous ability also has a downside. Representatives of mutable signs are fickle, changeable in their attachments and decisions. It's difficult for them to make choices. Mutable signs often neglect the necessary planning and prefer to solve problems when they are “on their doorstep.”

Each of the above signs is changeable and adaptive in its own way. But inconstancy is a general feature that best characterizes the mutable properties of signs.

Mutability of Gemini and its features

Gemini's credo is communication. Without information, this sign cannot live even a day. Their mutability lies in the ability to quickly analyze information, as well as in the fact that they can change their minds about the facts obtained literally on the fly.

Geminis get to the heart of things quite easily. Particularly gifted ones can solve crimes without leaving the TV, but these people also change their point of view in seconds.

Their adaptive abilities are well revealed when communicating with a large number of people. Here Gemini can be called real chameleons of interaction.

The negative side of mutability for this sign lies not in society, but in trusting and close relationships. Few people can stand being next to a person who has “seven Fridays a week.”

Virgos stand out among other signs for their practicality. They love to bring everything to a state of perfection. Whether they're ironing clothes or completing an annual report, everything will be done with meticulous precision.

For this sign, mutability is a true salvation from perfectionism. Flexibility in decision-making greatly helps Virgos maintain a balance between their desire for ideality and the realities of this world. In all respects, the mutability of this sign is beneficial for them and has almost no negative properties.

Other mutable zodiac signs are capable of using their traits for both good and evil. And Virgos use mutable properties so that there are no unwanted distortions in their behavior.

People born under this sign are highly intelligent. But its manifestations are expressed in practicality, logic and rationalism. And it is mutability that helps Virgos come to an understanding of lofty matters.

The mutability of Pisces is about adaptability and improvement. But they improve not the material world, but the sphere of communication, the area of ​​feelings and human relationships. Pisces are fickle, but extremely sociable. They are able and willing to help others. Therefore, the good side of their mutability is the deepening of the above skills.

The desire for completeness allows representatives of this sign to find a foothold in life. They not only help, but also always want to make sure of the result afterwards. Not knowing how the matter ended, Pisces are worried and stressed. And here adaptive abilities come to their aid.

The downside of mutable properties for Pisces is that they have a poor sense of boundaries. When communicating with other people, Pisces seem to become them for a short period, since they have great abilities for empathy. And here mutability prevents the establishment of personal barriers and contributes to the dissolution of individuality. However, Pisces get used to this quite easily.

For Sagittarius, mutability is a lifeline in a vast ocean of adventure. Since this sign has a passionate nature and does not refuse to participate in positive adventures, mutable properties help him feel normal in any conditions.

Sagittarius will not be intimidated by a hike in the mountains and a big business project. Adaptive abilities are at their best. Mutability also allows representatives of this sign to explore philosophical and cultural aspects. But it makes it difficult to accept one topic over a million others.

All mutable zodiac signs express their flexibility in different ways. In some, mutable properties predominate, while in others they are hidden and are waiting for the right moment to appear. But for all of the above signs, their mutability is a constant part of their nature.

According to astrology, the mutable signs of the zodiac are associated with the principle of harmony and can be perceived as spiral patterns of energy. The most ambiguous quality and quite difficult both to perceive and interpret. In general, mutability is characterized by versatility, flexibility, adaptability, changeability. Thanks to mutability, people have the ability to compromise, to look for some common ground among themselves.

People who have strongly pronounced planets in mutable zodiac signs usually develop in several areas at once, and, often, they are not related to each other. They are characterized by a broad outlook, albeit somewhat superficial (with the exception of Virgo), a desire for change and something new. They do not like clearly planned plans and things. It is these people who are able to be the most objective, since they are capable of perceiving different opinions and conditions. Sometimes they can even be accused of duplicity or hypocrisy.

The main problem is that people are so fickle that they often don’t know how they can behave in a given situation. They are used to living one day at a time and why think about what will happen if everything can change a thousand times? It’s better to get your bearings right away.

Mutable Signs in Astrology

Mutable Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Mutable (changeable) signs are the chameleons of the Zodiac. Adaptable and flexible, people of these signs can easily cope with change.

Gemini: Mutable, Air

Geminis need constant stimulation. This is a highly intellectual sign, and it needs news and information like air. Being an air sign, Geminis are very happy to exchange ideas with other people - they are not loners. The sound of beeps on the phone (waiting for the person on the other end to answer) for Gemini is like the sound of a mother's heartbeat for a baby.

Because Geminis are an adaptable, fickle sign, their minds work at the speed of light. They can put different pieces of information together in a variety of ways and therefore it is easy for them to get an idea of ​​​​many things, be it the instructions for a home theater, the facts of a murder, or the country's budget. Geminis can change their position as soon as they learn new information, while remaining objective. Is there any danger here for Gemini? Yes. Their art of interacting with many things at the same time can lead them to be absent-minded or to the fact that they will not have time to cope with such a volume and will begin to put something off for later. If Gemini concentrates, they can do in a day what many of us can only do in a week.

Virgo: Mutable, Earth

Virgo is as smart as Gemini, but much more practical. This sign is looking for a specific goal where he can apply his considerable talent for communication. Virgo is less likely than Gemini to be so distracted, trying to do too much at once. But there is a greater risk of getting bogged down in trifles. The legibility and accuracy of Virgo is not repeated in any other sign. (We are not talking about rare exceptions in each sign, which, as we know, only confirm the rule. We are talking about general trends.)

Virgo will polish her work to a shine because Virgo's greatest desire is to feel useful and productive. Do not ask Virgo to calm down and relax, since most representatives of this sign simply do not know how to do this. They feel bad if they waste time. As an earth sign, Virgos are brilliant at organizing anything, and it is this skill that brings Virgo tangible results that Virgo can weigh, compare, evaluate and improve. But Virgos cannot be called stubborn or inflexible - not at all. Virgos' mutable quality allows them to be flexible and easily adjust their course on the fly - a valuable quality hidden in the breast pocket of their crisp white, perfectly pressed shirt.

Sagittarius: Mutable, Fire

Sagittarius expresses their intellect in areas such as philosophy and spirituality. People in this group also like to delve into the differences and similarities between different cultures. Sagittarius' fiery nature craves adventure and a sense of exploration in the projects he takes on. While Gemini focuses on the visible details of current events, Sagittarius is focused on the moral and ethical implications of these events.

Like all fickle signs, Sagittarians are inquisitive, but their Fire element forces this sign to explore and discuss hypothetical situations (after all, communication is the dominant quality of a fickle sign). At their leisure, they can listen, for example, to radio "Mayak" or watch the TV channel "Culture", where many philosophical topics are discussed. Keeping up with the high-octane Mutable/Fire sign of Sagittarius is difficult, but it's worth the effort.

Pisces: Mutable, Water

Pisces use their Mutable property to explore and improve the sensations (Water element) of the people around them. Since fickle signs are sociable, Pisces take great care of those around them and will always offer information, sympathy, advice - according to the situation. Pisces' ability to adapt is so strong that they literally become the person they are trying to help, and in this case they do not see the boundaries where their territory ends and someone else's begins. This is difficult for Pisces, because long after they have helped someone resolve a problem, they continue to think about the consequences and many other issues related to this problem.

Pisces needs to see completion (after all, this sign is the last not only in the season of the year, but also in the zodiac!), so if you asked them for some advice, then later be sure to tell them what action you took and what result you got. If you don't do this, Pisces will be in a constant state of anxiety about you and your situation. And lastly: show Pisces how much you appreciate them. The cosmos doesn't really like it when we take too much from the good nature of Pisces.

While the elements of the zodiac signs represent certain unchanging qualities and characteristics of the signs, the crosses talk about the strategy of action of various representatives of the zodiac.

The zodiac sign belonging to the cross shows how a person will act, how he will reveal his potential. We can say that each cross is distinguished by a certain way of action and behavior of its representatives, their reaction to life situations.

Cardinal cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the cardinal cross:

  • Aries,
  • scales,
  • Capricorn.

The cardinal cross is conventionally associated with the male active principle. This is due to the fact that representatives of this cross usually strive to take cardinal leadership positions in life; they try to control the actions of others.

This cross of zodiac signs distinguishes people who clearly set goals and are in constant motion in the designated direction.

Aries moves forward. The most straightforward sign of the zodiac. If necessary, it can smash obstacles in its path with its forehead. He achieves what he wants through incredible volitional efforts and usually acts in jerks. Gets tired quickly, putting a lot of effort into one jerk.

Cancer moves backwards and downwards. People of this sign are very attached to their roots, origins, and traditions. They draw their strength from simple universal human values. Cancer always takes care of its rear. Tries to protect his weak points.

The scales move, maneuvering from side to side. They always strive to find balance among extremes and opposites. They often derive their own benefit from the opposition of different points of view existing in society.

Representatives of this sign easily adapt to any new fashion trends and ideas.

Capricorn moves upward. This sign is slowly but stubbornly and steadily moving towards its goal. He knows that he can fall down, so his steps are well-calibrated and careful. Capricorns set high goals for themselves; they are capable of acting in one direction for a very long time.

Unlike Aries, they never give it their all, always saving their strength for the last decisive push.

Fixed cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the fixed cross:

  • Taurus,
  • scorpion,
  • Aquarius.

The fixed cross of the zodiac signs is conventionally associated with the feminine passive principle. In order to start acting, these signs need some incentive, a push. Representatives of these signs gain energy gradually, like a locomotive. If they set goals for themselves, they can move towards their intended goal all their lives, while gaining such energy that they cannot stop, even when this is required for safety reasons. These are the most inertial, but also the most energetic and unyielding people in their actions.

Taurus can remain in a calm state for a long time, but if they start to drive him into a corner, he shows unprecedented strength and resourcefulness. In a short period of time, doing a great job and crushing competitors.

Leo also does not like to waste time on trifles. He may sit for a long time, waiting for the right moment. Then he quickly completes a huge amount of work in a short period of time, stopping there for a while.

Scorpio withdraws into himself, accumulates emotional energy, his passions heat up inside him, and his experiences grow. Finally, his patience reaches its limit and all his passions burst out in a deliberate and digested form. At the same time, accumulated issues and problems are resolved emotionally, but quickly and effectively.

Aquarius can sit for a long time doing nothing, but inside him, in the subconscious, a revolution, a transformation, is brewing.

It happens that people, having not met an Aquarius they knew for a long time, noticed upon meeting that in front of them was a completely different person. He has different views on life, different priorities, reasoning, although outwardly he remains the same.

Transforming, Aquarius makes a revolution around itself, doing many things at once in a short period of time.

Mutable cross of zodiac signs

The following signs belong to the mutable cross:

  • twins,
  • Virgo,
  • Sagittarius,
  • fish.

These signs are neither masculine nor feminine. They are conductors between male and female energy. Representatives of these signs are distinguished by their ability to adapt to the changing realities of life. Their life strategy is often replaced by tactics.

They always follow the latest social trends and set their goals based on their need at a given time. Unlike people belonging to zodiac signs of the cross fixed, they can quickly revise their life goals and methods of achieving them.

Gemini is perhaps the most mobile sign of the zodiac. They quickly grasp the spirit of the times, easily get used to any society, without much effort absorbing its laws and traditions. They are always aware of events happening in the world around them.

Virgo is distinguished by great survival and adaptability. Representatives of this sign are always aware of where and what they can get. These are intellectuals with a pronounced creative orientation. Virgos are practical, able to adapt to any laws and social systems.

They have the highest percentage of the world's richest people.

Sagittarius are people inextricably linked with society and social activities. Who else but them should follow the trends in the development of social life. Sagittarius always strives to show their best side. He knows how to intuitively grasp the mood and trends of society, and then present himself in the best possible way.

Pisces always feel very subtly the mood of the society in which they find themselves. A representative of this sign feeds on the energy of society and very quickly absorbs all the habits of its members. Pisces are always up to date with the latest fashion and style trends.

Table of division of zodiac signs by crosses and elements.

The signs are located at the intersection of the element and the cross to which they belong.

The quality of signs, or Crosses, are cardinal, mutable, and fixed. Even based on the names, we already see a lot. Can we assume that the cardinal does something quickly and irrevocably? Can. Does the fixed one strive for something long-term? We can too. It’s a bit difficult for us here with mutables, but with mutables it’s always like that :) Therefore, there is a synonym for them - movable signs, which also tells us that the owners of a pronounced mutable cross are restless and fickle people.

Cardinal signs

The cardinal order includes Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The key word for everyone is speed. Aries will be the hottest and, of course, the fastest among all. The slowest sign here will certainly be the sign belonging to the element of earth - Capricorn. These signs are the most active and the most irritable. They make decisions quickly, but each is guided by their own motives.

For Aries it is an impulse, for Cancer it is emotions, for Libra it is an endless fluctuation, but if they have already made a decision, they will accept it. And Capricorn is a profit motive. Most often, astrologers recommend such people a profession where quick results are needed and where the work can be done at once. When a person does not have a cardinal cross, then he lacks initiative.

Mutable signs

The mutable order includes Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and, of course, Pisces. All mutable signs can start several things. But starting does not mean finishing. This is the problem with mutability. The way out here I see is this: they should engage in different activities at the same time. Thus, many representatives of this particular cross combine several jobs. For example, a woman can work as a school teacher and at the same time be a teacher in some kind of children's center. Another option can be suggested: the activity is inconsistent and different. If this is a web designer, then he needs to make different orders. For example, one site on psychology, a second for a company that sells communications equipment, another for a “PR person,” etc. So that these orders are not of the same type.

Fixed signs

We don't have many "for dessert" signs left. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. Fixed signs are the slowest of the entire zodiac circle. But, in fairness, I cannot help but note their constancy. Stability is a word of fixed signs. They have difficulty “throwing themselves” into new things and adventures. They are the most jealous of all, even Aquarius, which is often at odds with tabloid horoscopes. Such horoscopes say that Aquarius and stability are incompatible concepts. My practice has shown that they are quite compatible, if there are no other indicators that refute this.

Why do we even need to know crosses? Firstly, this is a piece that allows you to delve deeper into astrology. This may seem strange to you, but I will explain. The fact is that, for example, in a horary chart, the crosses show the time of the event. For example, I often like to build horaries about searching for things. And when I see that the significator indicating a thing is in Sagittarius, then I understand that the sign is mutable. And many moving signs speak of a thing sandwiched between objects. Just recently I was looking for my dress and the significator of the dress fell into Sagittarius. Bottom line: I found my dress between 2 other things that were simply folded very tightly.
In synastry, we also look, thanks to the qualities of the signs, to what extent people are suitable for each other in temperament. In a solarium, the occupancy of houses, which are also cardinal, mutable and fixed, can tell a lot. For example, whether the year will be fateful for a person or not.