Both parents have 2 positive blood group. Conception (Rh blood factor)

There are 4 blood groups, which represent a system of interaction between antigens located on the surface of red blood cells and blood plasma antibodies. This is a very important indicator that is determined in a woman when planning pregnancy and bearing a child. Blood group 2 positive is favorable for the fairer sex, since in most cases pregnancy proceeds without complications.

Characteristics of 2 blood groups

The membrane of red blood cells contains proteins and carbohydrates, which are called antigens. A distinctive feature of the second blood group is the antigenic property of type A red blood cells. The presence of beta agglutinin is observed in the blood. The way a given blood group is written depends on this property. It's called II.

Human blood not only contains antibodies, various biological substances, and agglutinins, but is also characterized by the presence of a special surface agglutinogen. It is used to determine whether the Rh factor is positive or negative. If there is an antigen in red blood cells, this means that the person has a positive Rh factor. There are more than 85 percent of people on the planet who have this type.

Compatibility table

The characteristic matters when transfusion occurs. This is a medical procedure that involves administering the blood of one person to another patient who needs it. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to determine compatibility with other groups. The recipient receives blood during a transfusion, and the donor gives it away.

Patients wonder what it means, the second blood group and to whom it can be transfused. The second positive is used only for recipients with the same group. In this case, Rh is also important. If the recipient is Rh negative, he is not allowed to receive positive blood transfusion.

The table contains more detailed compatibility information:

IV(+)* * * * * * * *
IV (-)* * * *
II (+)* * * *
II(-)* *
III(+)* * * *
III(-)* *
I(+)* *

The designation “*” indicates blood compatibility.

Important! If incompatible blood is infused into men or women, this will lead to agglutination (sticking together) of red blood cells and blockage of capillaries. This process is quite dangerous, as it often leads to death.

Rhesus conflict

The Rh factor should be determined not only during transfusion, but also during pregnancy planning. This is explained by the fact that with Rh conflict, fetal pathologies can be observed: hemolysis, jaundice.

When planning a pregnancy

The blood type and its Rh in a child directly depends on what antigens the parents have.

Rh factor is inherited as follows:

Mother's Rh factorFather's Rh factor
Rh+ (DD)Rh+ (Dd)Rh- (dd)
Rh+ (DD)Rh+ (DD) - 100%Rh+ (DD) - 50%

Rh+ (Dd) - 50%

Rh+ (Dd) - 100%
Rh+ (Dd)Rh+ (DD) - 50%

Rh+ (Dd) - 50%

Rh+ (DD) - 25%

Rh+ (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 25%

Rh+ (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd)Rh+ (Dd) - 100%Rh+ (Dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 50%

Rh- (dd) - 100%

With the second blood group of mom and dad, the child receives either the first or the second.

Important! Compatibility of groups 1 and 2 is normal. In this case, the child can inherit blood group 1 or 2 with equal probability.

If the mother has the second blood group, and the father has the third, then the child can have the first, second, third and fourth in equal percentages. With the second group in a woman and 4 in a man, in 50% of cases the child has the second group, 25% - the third, 25% - the fourth. In this case, the baby’s first blood group is impossible. In 25% of cases, the child receives a second one, if the mother has a third, and the father has a fourth. With group 4, both parents have a child with a second parent in 25% of cases.


In order for a person with the second blood group to have a full life and not experience unpleasant signs and diseases, he needs to adhere to a certain diet. In order for all organs and systems to function fully, it is necessary to consume foods that contain vitamins and microelements in large quantities.

Nutrition should be aimed at eliminating harmful foods from the diet that can provoke a variety of pathological processes. For example, if the diet is dominated by excessively fatty foods, this can lead to the development of obesity or gastritis.

Vegetarianism is a genetic predisposition of the owners of the second group. That is why their nutrition should be developed on the basis of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals. They also include organic acids and fiber. Heat treatment causes vegetables to lose their beneficial properties. That is why it is recommended to consume them only fresh. But, people do not need to engage in a raw food diet, as this can negatively affect the functioning of the intestines.

People's diet should consist of bell peppers, cucumbers, and beets. It is recommended to prepare dishes using broccoli and carrots. Experts advise consuming white cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants in moderation.

Owners of the second group will benefit from almost all types of fruits. But you should not give preference to overly acidic foods. The diet should not be developed using cherries, kiwis, and strawberries. Grapes, apples, apricots, currants and peaches should also be discarded.

If a person cannot give up meat products, then he is recommended to cook using turkey, rabbit and chicken. Meat products should be eaten boiled or baked. There is also the option of steaming them. When it comes to fish, you should give preference to low-fat varieties.

Cereals are also useful:

  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley;
  • barley

To ensure protein intake into the body, it is necessary to consume lentils, beans and soybeans. For dressing salads and preparing other dishes, it is recommended to use olive, flaxseed, sesame and pumpkin oils. It is better to drink tea, coffee and natural fruit juices. The digestive system of people who have second positive blood does not digest meat products well. Therefore, pork and lamb must be abandoned.

The second blood group with positive Rh does not cause Rh conflict. This should be taken into account when planning a child. In order to ensure normal well-being of a person, he needs to adhere to the rules of rational nutrition.

Quick navigation through the article:

The author of diets for weight loss based on blood type, naturopath from America, Peter D. Adamo, argued that for stable weight loss, getting in shape and normalizing metabolism, you need to eat in accordance with your blood type. He developed a nutritional system for each blood group, depending on the time when this blood group appeared on earth and on the foods that were eaten in those days.

Product table for men and women

All products useful for people with blood type 2 are listed in the table, which is very convenient to use. You can print it out and attach it to the refrigerator so that a list of healthy foods for weight loss is always at hand.

Useful Harmful Neutral
meat Beef, veal, lamb, pork, rabbit, goose, duck, lard, ham, bacon, ham, liver, heart, minced beef Turkey, chickens, chicks, eggs
fish Carp, fresh herring, salmon, trout, mackerel, pike perch, cod, mackerel, sardines Salted herring, eel, catfish, halibut, shrimp, crayfish, lobster, lobster, catfish, squid, flounder, smoked salmon, caviar Smelt, seaweed, perch, sturgeon, pike, tuna
dairy Whole and skim milk, cream, ice cream, cow cheese and cheese, whey Yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese, processed cheese, homemade cottage cheese
fats Olive, rapeseed and linseed oil Peanut, coconut, corn, cottonseed, butter Margarine, sunflower, soybean oil, cod liver oil
nuts, seeds Pumpkin seeds, peanuts Pistachios Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower and poppy seeds
legumes Spotted beans and lentils; beans, milk and soy cheese, Other types of legumes Green peas, in pods and white beans, asparagus
cereals Buckwheat, rye, oatmeal (oatmeal), buckwheat and rye flour Semolina, pasta, muesli, wheat flakes Barley, pearl barley, corn, millet, corn and oat flakes, rice
bread, rolls Rice wafers, rye bread Bagels, buns, crackers, cookies made from wheat flour, rye gingerbread, wheat and wheat flakes, wholemeal grain bread, wheat flour Oatmeal cookies, rye bread, corn starch
seasonings mustard Mayonnaise, ketchup, any vinegar, black pepper Cloves, coriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, curry, cumin, dill, parsley, fennel, horseradish, vanillin
vegetables Broccoli, kohlrabi, onions, parsnips, carrots, turnips, leeks, chard, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, spinach, lettuce and kale oyster mushrooms Sweet potatoes, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, champignons, rhubarb, olives Cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beets, celery, asparagus, rutabaga, Brussels sprouts, zucchini
fruits and berries Pineapple, apricots, lingonberries, cherries, grapefruit, blackberries, figs, cherry plums, blueberries, cranberries, lemon, plums, cherries, blueberries, apples, prunes, juices from these fruits Oranges, bananas, melons, tangerines, coconuts and juices from them Avocado, watermelon, grapes, pears, raisins, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberries, raspberries, nectarines, peach, currants, persimmons and juices from these fruits and berries
teas Burdock, chamomile, echinacea, rose hips, St. John's wort, ginseng, hawthorn, valerian Strawberries, linden, mint, dandelion, parsley, thyme, licorice root, yarrow
beverages Red wine, green tea, black coffee Coca and Pepsi-Cola, carbonated sweet drinks, black tea, beer, vodka, cognac, spirit liqueurs and tinctures White wine, champagne
sweets Fruit jam, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, dark chocolate, granulated sugar

Diet for blood group 2 positive

As can be seen from the table, many products familiar to the daily menu are completely excluded. For example, for a blood group 2 diet it is not recommended to consume:

  • Dairy products are prohibited almost completely, except for yogurt, kefir, sour cream, goat milk, sheep cheese and homemade cottage cheese. According to the author of blood group diets, dairy products in people with blood type 2 can cause abnormal reactions in the body that slow down metabolism. They also negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

  • Meat products, fatty and fried, which in principle is justified in any diet. The only exceptions are chicken and turkey.

The diet for 2 positive blood group involves using elements of vegetarianism. According to D’Adamo, this method of nutrition is best suited for people with the second blood group, since its carriers appeared during the period when humanity learned to cultivate the land. The abundance of agricultural crops suggests the possibility of feeding on them without the presence of meat in the diet.

Here is a short video that explains why animal protein is contraindicated for people with blood type 2:

Blood type 2 diet is positive for women

Many women are looking for their own eating style that will help them maintain their figure in great shape throughout their lives.

Perhaps a diet for women based on blood type will help them learn something important and exclude fatty meats, lard, sweets, and fatty dairy products from their diet. And this will definitely benefit them.

According to Peter D'Adamo, such nutrition will help normalize metabolism and prevent the development of dangerous diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. But you still need to listen to your own body and not blindly follow the recommendations from the food table according to blood group 2.

Permitted products for women and men with blood group II+

The list of permitted foods for the blood group 2 diet is quite extensive, and if you wish, you can easily create a complete and varied menu.

In the daily menu you can use:

  • Vegetables in all their variety, with the exception of those highlighted in the table;
  • Cereals from which you can cook a variety of porridges, adding fruits or berries to them. Exceptions are those cereals that contain large amounts of gluten. Cereals such as buckwheat, millet, barley, rice, amaranth are especially well digested;
  • Stew, bake or boil chicken, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs;
  • Use approved oils when cooking, seasoning salads, adding them to ready-made porridges or hot dishes;
  • For the blood group 2 diet, foods can be combined with each other. For example, you can offer salads from permitted vegetables with chicken or fish;
  • Many fruits are also useful and can be used to replace sweet and flour dishes. For those who want to lose weight, you can eat an apple or pear instead of a cake, and drink natural juice from these fruits or berries during a snack. Pineapples are very useful because they speed up metabolism. Grapefruits, apricots, plums and cherries are also recommended;
  • As for drinks, the diet for blood group 2 (positive) can include freshly squeezed juices (such as cherry, banana, grapefruit, carrot); black brewed coffee, green tea, which serves as an antioxidant and removes harmful substances from the body, red wine in small doses.

Prohibited Products

The foods listed below contribute to excess weight gain, slow down metabolism and provoke the development of diseases.

  • Meat dishes, sausages, smoked meats, pickles. Meat can be replaced with soy products;
  • Dairy products are poorly absorbed by representatives of blood group 2. Instead, soy products are useful, for example, Tofu cheese, soy milk;
  • Wheat dishes and baked goods made from wheat flour, legumes. The gluten present in them delays the production of insulin and slows down the absorption of substances, leading to the development of diabetes;
  • Avoid eating potatoes, eggplants, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes;
  • Remove bananas, oranges, mangoes, tangerines and coconuts, papaya and melon from the blood group 2 diet menu;
  • Completely eliminate drinks such as black tea, soda, and orange juice.

For reference:

If you decide to start the blood type 2 diet, then you need to know the following:

  1. Almost 38% of the world's inhabitants have blood type 2. Their stomach acid is often low, so they have difficulty digesting proteins. Vegetarianism is indicated for them;
  2. This “Farmer” blood group arose during the transition from an active lifestyle (“Hunter” - people with the first blood group) to a sedentary and sedentary one;
  3. Their strengths include: endurance, excellent immunity (provided that they adhere to nutritional recommendations), sociability, composure, organization, adaptation to changes in diet and lifestyle;
  4. Weaknesses: high incidence of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, diabetes, increased excitability of the nervous system, liver and gall bladder diseases.

The conclusion suggests itself: by following the rules of the diet for blood type 2, you can protect yourself from the development of serious diseases.

These nutritional principles must be followed throughout life. To begin with, you can try to eliminate the most harmful foods and stick to the diet for 2-3 months. This will improve digestion processes and speed up metabolism.

Diet for blood group 2 negative

When asked whether it is possible to lose weight on a diet for blood type 2, a nutritionist answers:

  1. There is no experimental evidence of weight loss on a diet for blood type 2, but if you stick to proper nutrition, excluding really harmful foods from your diet, then weight loss will definitely happen.
  2. The proposed diet itself excludes an abundance of meat, fatty foods, sweets and baked goods made from wheat flour.
  3. By replacing meat with soy products, you will get enough protein. In addition, the diet may contain chicken, eggs, fish, and nuts.
  4. With the help of this diet, you can organize preventive measures against the most dangerous diseases: cardiovascular, diabetes, anemia, oncology.
  5. It is better to consult your doctor before starting a diet for blood type 2.
  6. It should be remembered that this diet does not work quickly, it requires diligence and regularity.
  7. Combine a diet for the second blood type with training. You are shown leisurely and uncomplicated sports: swimming, yoga, walking, aerobics at a slow pace, Pilates, calanetics, stretching.
  8. Diet recommendations for losing weight 2 blood types are quite general and may not be suitable for all people with this blood type.
  9. Vegetarianism is undesirable for many people, especially for the weak or for children. Animal proteins are an important component for the full development and functioning of the body. Animal protein is the source of essential amino acids.

In this video, another doctor’s opinion on diets based on blood types:

Sample diet menu for blood group 2 (for weight loss)


1st day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with dried fruits; green tea
  • Lunch: kefir
  • Dinner: vegetarian soup, baked chicken, cucumber salad
  • Afternoon snack: Cherry juice
  • Dinner: baked cod with onions, lettuce

2nd day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, black coffee
  • Lunch: Apple juice
  • Dinner: borscht with chicken, 2 boiled eggs, cauliflower salad
  • Afternoon snack: homemade cottage cheese with yogurt
  • Dinner: boiled spotted beans, kale salad with flaxseed oil

3rd day

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelette with soy milk, rosehip decoction
  • Lunch: Tofu cheese, grated carrots
  • Dinner: lentil soup, boiled chicken, cucumber and green pea salad with rapeseed oil
  • Afternoon snack: Pineapple juice
  • Dinner: trout, mackerel or salmon baked with vegetables from the table, stewed pumpkin, rye bread

Historical reference

The popularity of American nutritionist Peter D'Adamo has skyrocketed in just a few years. This happened precisely thanks to his blood type nutrition system.

The topic of the article is nutrition according to blood type. We will tell you what foods you can eat with a certain blood type to lose weight and improve your well-being.

The essence of nutrition according to blood type

D'Adamo is the author of a weight loss system called the “blood type diet.” To function optimally, each person must eat foods that are appropriate for them. By eliminating foods that are incompatible with your blood type from your diet, the functioning of internal organs and systems improves, excess weight loss occurs, and toxins and waste are removed from the body.

Peter D'Adamo believed that people with the same blood type have something in common, or rather:

  • tendency to the same diseases;
  • similar sleep and rest patterns;
  • identical stress resistance;
  • the need to eat the same foods;
  • similar biorhythms.

According to the American doctor Peter D'Adamo, the body's absorption of nutrients and their effectiveness in using them depends on genetics and blood type. If a person does not eat “his” food, then this negatively affects his health and causes a malfunction in the digestive system and metabolism. It also leads to obesity.

Food contains glycoproteins that connect carbohydrates. Each blood group is able to absorb only certain of them. When a person consumes foods with glycoproteins that are unsuitable for him, they are not absorbed, but accumulate in the digestive tract. In this case, the body perceives them as foreign substances. According to this theory, there are healthy, harmful and neutral foods.

Below in the tables we present foods that can be consumed for each blood type.

Nutrition table for blood group 1

The first blood group, according to scientists, is considered the most ancient. 33% of the world's population have this blood type. Such people have leadership abilities, strength and influence. Their main food is meat.

Those with this blood type should take B vitamins and vitamin K, as well as nutritional supplements containing calcium, iodine and manganese.

A characteristic feature of people with blood group 1 is a slow metabolic process. For this reason, to lose weight you must follow certain rules:

  • eat more liver and red meat - these foods will help speed up your metabolism;
  • eat more foods that contain iodine;
  • eat radishes, radishes, as they activate the production of thyroid hormones;
  • Completely remove wheat and all products made from it and legumes from your diet, as they prevent the production of insulin and stop metabolism.
Healthy foodsHarmful productsNeutral products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beefPork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatRabbit meat, broiler meat, duck and chicken meat, eggs
Seaweed, pike, fresh herring, halibut, sturgeon, fresh herring, cod, mackerel, trout, hake, salmonidsCatfish, caviar, smoked salmon, catfish, pickled and salted herringCarp, pike perch, squid, smelt, perch, eel, tuna, crustaceans, flounder
Food casein, any types of cow and goat milk, kefir, processed and cow cheese, yogurt, whey, ice cream, sour cream, creamHomemade cottage cheese, curd and sheep cheese
Flaxseed oil, olive oilCottonseed oil, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oilCod liver oil, margarine, butter and sunflower oil
Walnuts, pumpkin seedsPeanuts, pistachios, poppy seedsHazelnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds
Soy milk, spotted beans, cheeseNavy beans, lentilsGreen peas, white and green beans, soybeans and black beans, green peas
Wheat bagels, semolina, buns, pasta, corn flour, muesli, corn, wheat, corn porridge, crackers, oatmeal cookies, oat and wheat flakes, wheat and corn bread, durum wheat flour, wholemeal breadCereals: pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, rice; rye, millet, rice wafers, buckwheat and rye flour, barley, rye bread and crispbread
Parsley, curry, pepperKetchup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, pickles and marinades, vinegar: apple, wine, whiteCloves, mustard, jam and fruit jelly, coriander, bay leaf, granulated sugar, cumin, dill, horseradish, chocolate, fennel, honey, paprika, mayonnaise
Broccoli, sweet potato, kohlrabi, leek, parsnip, watercress, chard, hot pepper, turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, chicory, spinachCabbage: kale, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, white cabbage; rhubarb, potatoes, champignonsZucchini, oyster mushrooms, rutabaga, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, beets, celery, radishes, lettuce, radish
Herbal tea: parsley, linden, dandelion, rosehipTea: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, burdock, strawberry,Tea: hawthorn, licorice, mint, chamomile, echinacea, yarrow, raspberry, thyme, valerian, ginseng
Cherries, figs, apples, cherry plums, plums, prunesBlackberry, avocado, orange, coconut, melon, olives, strawberry, tangerinePineapple, watermelon, banana, barberry, grapefruit, lingonberry, kiwi, grapes, gooseberry, raisins, pear, blueberry, cherry, pomegranate, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, currant, persimmon, nectarine, peach, cranberry
Vodka, cognac, liqueurs, coffee, Coca-Cola, lemonade, black teaWine: white, red; beer, green tea

Nutrition table for blood group 2

Almost 38% of people on the entire planet have blood type 2. The recommended diet for them is vegetarian.

Take B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin E. Retinol, also known as vitamin A, can be taken in a small dose.

Elements that are beneficial to health are selenium and chromium.

A distinctive feature of representatives of blood group 2 is reduced secretion of gastric juice. For this reason, digestion of meat is complicated. But it is permissible to consume meat and chicken in small quantities.

Due to the fact that people with a similar blood type have a delicate gastric mucosa, it is forbidden to eat spicy foods, sour fruits and berries, and salty foods. If you want not only to improve your well-being, but also to lose excess weight, then try it, especially since this fruit can be eaten by people with blood type 2.

Healthy foodsHarmful productsNeutral products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beef, pork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatBroiler and chicken meat, eggs, turkey
Salmon, fresh herring, carp, cod, mackerel, pike perch, mackerel, troutCrustaceans, caviar, halibut, catfish, flounder, smoked salmon, pickled and salted herring, squid, catfish, eelSmelt, seaweed, pike, tuna, sturgeon, perch
Milk: skim and whole; ice cream, cream, whey, cow cheeseGoat milk, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, processed cheese, curd and sheep cheese, homemade cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oilCoconut, butter, peanut, cottonseed and corn oilsCod liver oil, soybean and sunflower, margarine
Soy and black beans, soy milk and cheese, spotted beans, lentilsNavy beansGreen and green peas, white and green beans
Flour: oatmeal, rye and buckwheat; rice waffles, buckwheat, rye, rye breadSemolina, bagels, pasta, buns, muesli, rye gingerbread, crackers, wheat, durum wheat flour, wheat flakes, grain and wholemeal breadCorn and corn starch, pearl barley, corn flour and porridge, oatmeal cookies, millet, rice, wheat and rye bread, barley, corn and oat flakes
MustardVinegar: wine, apple, white; ketchup, mayonnaise, black pepperFruit jam and jelly, vanilla, bay leaf, cloves, parsley, coriander, granulated sugar. dill, curry, horseradish, chocolate, cumin, paprika, fennel, honey, nutmeg, pickles and marinades
Cabbage: kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, oyster mushrooms, leeks and onions, onions, watercress, carrots, turnips, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, chardCabbage: cauliflower, red, white, Chinese; champignons, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarbCucumbers, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, celery, lettuce, rutabaga, beets, asparagus, radish
Pineapple, cherry plum, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, grapefruit, fig, cranberry, lemon, blueberry, cherry, plum, appleOrange, banana, barberry, melon, olives, coconut, tangerineWatermelon, pomegranate, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, persimmons, peach, nectarines, currants, gooseberries, pears, kiwis, avocados, grapes
Tea: hawthorn, valerian, burdock, ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea, chamomile, rose hips Tea: raspberry, linden, strawberry, mint, dandelion, licorice, mint, thyme, parsley, yarrow
Red wine, green tea, black coffeeVodka, liqueurs, cognac, beer, lemonade, black tea, Coca-ColaWhite wine

Nutrition table for blood group 3

There are about 20% of people with the third blood group on earth. Representatives of this group have a good nervous system and strong immunity. A mixed diet is recommended for such people.

People with blood type 3 need to take nutritional supplements including magnesium, lecithin and licorice. Representatives of this blood group are prone to gaining excess weight.

Healthy foodsHarmful productsNeutral products
Rabbit, lamb, eggsHam, chicken, pork, heart, duck, bacon, goose, ham, broilerLiver, veal, turkey, beef, lard, minced beef
Pickled herring, river pike, cod, mackerel, pike perch, hake, trout, salmon, flounder, sea bass, halibut, sturgeonCrustaceans, seaweed, smoked salmon, eel, caviarFresh and salted herring, tuna, catfish, carp, river perch, smelt
Sheep and curd cheese, sour cream, yogurt, homemade cottage cheese, kefir, goat milk and skim milkIce creamProcessed cheese, curd cheese, edible casein, cow's milk cheese, whole milk, whey
Olive oilCoconut oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, margarineFlaxseed oil, butter, cod liver oil
PoppyPumpkin and sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnutsWalnuts, almonds
Soybeans and navy beansLentils, spotted beans, black beansSoy milk, green peas, soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas
Oatmeal cookies, rice, wheat bread, millet, rice wafers, oat flakes, oat flourCorn and rye cereals and flour, wheat, muesli, buckwheat flour, grain bread, barley, wheat bagels, wholemeal bread, corn and wheat flakes, bread and rye crispbread, corn starch, barley and pearl barley, corn, buckwheat“Cracker” cookies, durum wheat flour, rye gingerbread, semolina, pasta, buns, black pepper, marinades and pickles, granulated sugar
Horseradish, curry, parsleyMayonnaise, ketchup, cinnamonVinegar: white, apple, wine; dill, cumin, vanilla, chocolate, fennel, jam, cloves, mustard, fruit jelly, bay leaf, coriander, nutmeg, honey, paprika
Cabbage: Chinese, collards, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cauliflower; carrots, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, sweet potatoes, chard, rutabagaTomatoes, pumpkin, radish, radishes, rhubarb, potatoesTurnips, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, lettuce, celery, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, champignons, chicory, oyster mushrooms, spinach, kohlrabi, leeks, onions, onions, zucchini
Plum, apple, cherry plum, coconut, banana, pineapple, lingonberry, cranberry, grapesOlives, pomegranate, persimmon, barberry, avocadoKiwi, strawberry, fig, lemon, raspberry, gooseberry, peach, nectarine, cherry, currant, prune, blueberry, watermelon, orange, cherry, blueberry, pear, grapefruit, melon, pear, raisin, blackberry
Tea: licorice, ginseng, rose hips, parsley, raspberriesTea: linden, coltsfootTea: chamomile, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, echinacea, valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, strawberry leaves
Green teaLemonade, vodka, Coca-Cola, liqueurs, cognacBlack coffee, beer, white and red wine

Nutrition table for blood group 4

Those with the fourth blood group populate only 8% of the planet. It is generally accepted that they have weak immunity and a sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The optimal diet for them is moderately mixed.

People with this blood type should take B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

Problems with excess weight can arise if you consume prohibited foods. For this reason, their consumption should be minimized or eliminated altogether.

Healthy foodsHarmful productsNeutral products
Rabbit, lamb, turkeyHam, chicken, pork, heart, duck, beef, ham, minced beef, bacon, veal, broiler, gooseLiver, eggs, lard
River pike, cod, pike perch, mackerel, tuna, caviar, trout, mackerel, salmon, sea bass, sturgeonPickled and salted herring, hake, eel, flounder, squid, smoked salmon, crustaceans, halibutRiver perch, fresh herring, carp, catfish, catfish, smelt, seaweed
Sheep and cottage cheese, homemade cottage cheese, sour cream, goat milk, yogurt, kefirProcessed cheese, whole milk, cream, ice creamCow's milk cheese, whey, skim milk
Olive oilMargarine, oil: corn, sunflower, butter, coconut, cottonseedCod liver oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil
Poppy seeds, walnuts, peanutsPumpkin and sunflower seeds, hazelnutsAlmonds, pistachios, pine nuts
Lentils, spotted beans, soybeans and navy beansBlack beansSoy milk and soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas, green peas
Bread and rye bread, rice cereal, rice waffles, rye and oat flour, milletCorn grits and flour, buckwheat, corn flakes, corn starch, buckwheat flourOatmeal cookies, crackers, rye gingerbread, rye, wheat, grain bread, bagels, wholemeal bread, wheat flakes, barley, wheat bagels, semolina, pasta, pearl barley and barley, muesli, durum wheat flour
Parsley, curry, horseradishVinegar: wine, white, apple; marinades and pickles, black pepper, ketchupMayonnaise, bay leaf, nutmeg, honey, paprika, granulated sugar, dill, cumin, chocolate, fennel, cloves, vanilla, mustard, fruit jelly, jam, cinnamon, coriander
Cucumbers, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, parsnips, chard, celery, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and collardsRadish, rhubarb, radish, saladCabbage: Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi; potatoes, onions, onions, leeks, turnips, carrots, beets, head lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, champignons, chicory, spinach, rutabaga, zucchini, oyster mushrooms
Gooseberry, cranberry, kiwi, coconut, lemon, cherry, plum, cherry plum, apple, lingonberry, grapes, pineapple, grapefruit, fig, cherryBarberry, banana, pomegranate, persimmon, oranges, avocadoPeach, nectarine, olives, blueberries, prunes, currants, blueberries, watermelon, melon, blackberries, pear, strawberries, raisins, raspberries, tangerines
Tea: chamomile, licorice root, rose hips, echinacea, ginseng, hawthorn, burdock, strawberry leavesTea: linden, coltsfootTea: parsley, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, valerian, raspberry, St. John's wort, mint
Green tea, coffeeLemonade, Coca-Cola, black tea, vodka, cognac, liqueursWhite and red wine, beer

Is there a difference in nutrition for different Rh factors?

According to D'Adamo's theory, the Rh factor does not affect the diet in any way, so you can ignore this parameter when creating a menu.

Diet menu by blood type

If you adjust your diet according to your blood type, you can improve your health, increase your body's resistance to disease, and even lose weight. Weight loss on a diet developed using this method occurs due to normalization of nutrition and improved functioning of the purification and excretory systems. There is also an increase in metabolism, which leads to effective burning of fat.

When following the proposed nutritional plan, toxins, fats and wastes leave the body. You will not be able to lose a large amount of excess weight in a month, since the presented diet is focused on high-quality weight loss. You will be able to see the first results within a few months, and the lost weight will not return to you if you continue to adhere to the diet according to your blood type.

1 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.2 kg of vegetables, 0.2 kg of meat or fish;
  • lunch - 0.4 kg, 0.15 kg of meat, a portion of porridge (0.2 kg);
  • dinner - porridge with dried fruits.

2nd group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.15 kg of lean meat or fish, unlimited vegetables, 150 ml of fermented milk drink;
  • lunch - 75 g of low-fat fish, legumes, a portion of porridge (150 g);
  • dinner - 1 tbsp. jams, vegetables, meat.

3 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - juice and fruit;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of meat, 0.2 kg of porridge;
  • dinner - fruit, 2 egg omelet, 0.2 kg of liver or heart.

4 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - fruit and a mug of tea;
  • lunch - 0.1 kg of tofa and 0.25 kg of mashed potatoes;
  • dinner - 250 ml of kefir and stewed fish.

Blood type diet - video

“Your blood type will determine the best diet for you,” said American doctor Peter D’Adamo. His book, dedicated to observations in the field of the relationship between health and blood counts, became a bestseller first in America, and then conquered other continents. The author claims that the digestibility of nutrients, stable weight and healthy appearance can be provided by the set of products that are inherent in a person’s genetics.

D’Adamo’s system of proper nutrition divided people into 4 categories, according to gradation by blood type. Each group appeared during human evolution and has individual eating habits. 37.8% of the total population of the Earth belongs to the second group, whom the author of the methodology called “farmers”. For them, he created a special nutrition plan that will normalize weight and improve health.

Features of the second group according to D’Adamo

At the origins of human evolution were ancient hunters who possessed exclusively the first blood group. For them, the author of the new trend also compiled a diet and rules for a healthy lifestyle. Over time, primitive man was forced to change his usual way of life and move from hunting to a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, man began to master agriculture, domesticated wild animals, and obtained bird eggs, which changed his previous diet.

A change in lifestyle and food preferences determined a new blood type - second. Peter D'Adamo calls modern speakers of this group "farmers." In his opinion, a person still has special nutritional needs that were passed on to him by the first people with a similar blood type. That is, if a person has the first group, then his ancestors survived by hunting, which means he himself should focus on a meat diet. It’s the same with the second group: the first farmers on Earth “bequeathed” people in the second group to eat plant foods.

The author of the technique explains this position by the special composition of the blood. D'Adamo has been observing people with four blood types for almost 30 years. As a result of his research, he came to the conclusion that blood can come into direct conflict with “wrong” foods, and each blood has its own correct foods. So, for example, the blood of the first group does not tolerate plant foods well, and the second does not tolerate meat. In this case, it does not matter whether it is negative or positive.

According to a naturopathic doctor, most people eat “whatever”, without being interested in what exactly they need. Meanwhile, diseases of internal organs, weak immunity, excess weight are the consequences of the “conflict” of blood and products. If you accurately study the nutritional rules that are typical for the second group, you can avoid these troubles.

The “farmers” inherited from their sedentary ancestors good adaptation to changes in external factors. It is easy for such people to switch to a new diet, and their high ability to adapt also extends to other areas of life. It is easy for people in the second group to adapt to a new team, but they are less resistant to a change of place of residence.

Among the strengths of this category of people, Peter D’Adamo notes strong digestion when following the correct diet. A large amount of meat or fish, according to the doctor, leads to stomach upset, intestinal clogging, and accumulation of harmful substances.

The first farmers passed on not only positive qualities to modern people with the second group. The main weakness of this category is the nervous system. It is believed that they have too high a risk of disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and an unstable psyche. Such people are recommended to have a quiet and stable job without heavy physical exertion.

“Farmers” are credited with a tendency to the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • anemia;
  • psychical deviations.

Also, a person with a second blood group should be wary of viruses and fungi. It is believed that man, who evolved from a strong hunter into a sedentary farmer, sacrificed his immunity. Carriers of this blood type have an increased risk of viral and fungal diseases.

The right diet for the “farmer”

Taking into account the characteristics of people in the second group, the author of the method recommends that they become vegetarians or at least a minimal amount of animals. The sensitive digestive tract of “farmers” tolerates meat, fat, and dairy products very poorly. But, according to the doctor, they simply need vegetables and fish.

Ancient farmers learned to cultivate the soil and expanded their diet with roots, berries, herbs, and beans. Their modern ancestor needs a similar menu for every day, since this will be the key to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs. A large amount of animal protein in this case leads to illness and excess weight. The author of the diet has compiled an extended list of foods that this category of people can eat without harm to health. Also, the table of products for the second blood group contains a list of neutral and prohibited ingredients.

D’Adamo urges carriers of the second group to study their range of products well and not use those that are “alien to them by nature.” Menu adjustments are only part of the overall diet plan. A naturopath believes that exercise is mandatory for all categories of people, and an active lifestyle solves the problem of many diseases and weaknesses no worse than medications.

The correct choice of a particular sport also depends on your blood type. The author notes that each category has its own capabilities and needs. Thus, the “farmer” is quite hardy, but does not differ in physical strength, and overexertion is desirable. Therefore, the optimal choice for him would be:

  • yoga;
  • Tai Tzu;
  • swimming;
  • rock climbing;
  • dancing.

Sports activities are considered a mandatory requirement of the diet. They will increase overall tone and restore vitality, strengthen immunity and resistance to disease. Moreover, physical activity is necessary if a diet is chosen as a measure for losing weight.

The naturopathic doctor himself notes that the blood type diet is not a short-term measure and a way to solve one problem. Rather, it is a solution to a wide range of problems and is created as an individual way of life. D'Adamo is of the opinion that every person should eat within their natural limits throughout their lives. In any case, as reviews of the diet have shown, following it for less than six months makes little sense. It is quite possible to lose weight with it, but even the author himself does not predict the results. Weight loss is simply a “side effect” of improving the health of the whole body, but for such purposes, you can adjust the menu individually, simply reducing it.

There is no specific eating schedule in the diet; you need to eat according to the body’s demands. That is, you need to sit down at the table only when you feel obvious hunger. It is important here not to confuse appetite (the desire to “chew” something) and hunger (the real need of the body). The same applies to the drinking regime: you can and should drink only when you are really thirsty, and not on a schedule.

So, to follow a diet, you need to determine your group and familiarize yourself with the food table, choose your sport and learn to eat only at the request of the body. The diet for the positive and negative groups is the same; the author does not distinguish between eating habits based on the Rh factor.

"Agricultural" set of products

As we have already learned, people in the second group adapt well to changes in diet. According to the doctor, it is quite easy for modern “farmers” to switch to a diet and take it as a constant pattern of nutrition. The first results of a healthy lifestyle will appear after 1.5-2 months; in case of excess weight, the weight may disappear within the first weeks.

The table of foods for the second blood group was adjusted by the author and adjusted to suit modern people. Therefore, in addition to roots and tops, “farmers” are allowed spices, vegetable oil, and soy products.

Products for diet
RecommendedNeutralNot recommended
Poultry and meat
Broiler, domestic chicken, eggs, sausages,
Goat milk, sheep and goat cheeseWhole milk, cow's milk cheese, ice cream,
Seafood and fish
, mackerel, fresh, river,Marine, sturgeon, pike,Crustaceans, fish roe, pickled and salted herring,
Flour (,), rye, millet, flakes (rice, corn, oatmeal)and wheat products (cereals, flour), pasta, muesli
Black, spotted beansWhite beans, green beans, green beans and green beansNavy beans
Mushrooms and vegetables
. . turnips, and , daikon, asparagus,, Chinese and , tomatoes,
Nuts, seeds, oil
And ,, And , ,
Fruits, berries
, cranberry,, , currant, olives,

Of the three product categories, the menu should be based on recommended ingredients. Neutral ones can be used sparingly, several times a week. It is better not to use non-recommended products at all. According to the table, we see that for the second blood group, Peter D’Adamo recommends a vegetarian diet.

In his opinion, even dairy products in this case are too heavy for the “farmer” to digest. Products from can be replaced with soy analogues (soy milk,), eggs can be completely excluded if desired, or consumed once or twice a week. Vegetables, berries, and permitted beans can be eaten every day.

The author of the diet also determined a set of recommended spices for the second blood group. it is better to reduce it in the diet or completely abandon it, especially if the diet is used for weight loss. You can add flavor to dishes using: garden herbs, coriander, cumin,... For this category of people, hot spices and vinegar are not recommended, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.

Snack: apples baked in foil with honey, tea with echinacea.

Dinner: steamed green beans with carrots, tofu, chamomile tea.


Breakfast: salad of boiled beets, nuts and prunes, coffee.

Lunch: vegetable soup with rice, rye bread.

Snack: cottage cheese with banana, herbal tea.

Dinner: Stewed Brussels sprouts, bean meatballs.


Breakfast: oatmeal toast, boiled chickpea and onion paste, green tea.

Lunch: baked zucchini with garlic and herbs, sheep cheese.

Snack: grapefruit, chicory drink.

Dinner: mackerel on the grill or in the oven, watercress.

The considered menu contains no meat dishes and a minimum of dairy products; according to a naturopathic doctor, this is approximately what the ideal diet for the second blood group looks like. If desired, you can sometimes use lean meat and dairy products. From the point of view of a balanced diet, it is still better not to completely give up animal protein.

If the diet is followed without a targeted goal of losing weight, you can expand your diet and increase the volume of meals. To lose weight, you can slightly reduce the amount of food offered. The main thing is not to overdo it; the diet is prohibited from overloading the gastrointestinal tract (overeating) and fasting.

It is definitely recommended to add vitamins and minerals to your diet. The author of the diet took into account that the vegetarian diet of the modern “farmer” lacks a number of necessary elements. This deficiency must be eliminated with the help of special complex formulations. For the second group you need additionally:

vitamin A from food, not through medications. The set of products recommended for this category of people is rich in carotene, which is easily absorbed by them.

Representatives of this blood group make up more than 37% of the total population of the planet. As a rule, among the qualities of people in this group, one can especially note communication skills, constancy, composure and organization. The human digestive and immune systems, as Peter D’Adamo proved, retain, even after centuries, a predisposition to digest the foods that their ancestors ate. The chemical reaction of the circulatory system to the foods consumed is an unchangeable part of the human genetic heritage. And according to this theory, proven by facts, the evolutionary process and the dietary needs of a person with a certain blood type are inseparable.

Blood type 2+ (“farmers”)

The appearance of this blood group is associated with the emergence of landowning communities. Holders of the second positive blood group are vegetarians (farmers), who are distinguished by a tolerant immune system and a very sensitive digestive tract. Such people quite quickly adapt to new nutritional conditions, and to the environment in general, and relieve stress by self-soothing. Agricultural products always help such a person to work and maintain their figure.

People with a positive blood type need natural, organic food and avoid toxic products such as meat. The “farmers” do not burn meat as fuel; it inevitably turns into fat.

Basic diet rules for blood group 2+:

Features of people with blood type 2+:

Strengths of people of this type- this is the rapid adaptation to changes in diet, as well as the effectiveness of the functioning of the digestive and immune systems, provided that a diet based on vegetarianism is followed.

Weaknesses include the following:

What can you eat if you have blood type 2+?

What you can’t eat if you have blood type 2+

Note for people with blood type 2+

Dairy products in the body of a person with this blood type provoke insulin reactions, which slow down the necessary metabolism and undermine the functioning of the heart.

Abuse of wheat and products containing it leads to excess acidity in muscle tissue.

Abstinence from meat ensures stable normal weight or its reduction. Meat for people with this blood type reduces the metabolic rate and promotes the accumulation of fatty deposits in the body. A vegetarian diet strengthens the body's defenses to fight infections.

Healthy foods:

  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Cereals;
  • Soy products;
  • Pineapples;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Legumes;
  • Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds;
  • Walnuts, almonds;
  • Brown algae;
  • Spinach;
  • Broccoli;
  • Coffee;
  • Green tea;
  • Red wine;
  • Low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • Onion garlic.

Harmful products:

First of all, for “farmers” it is necessary to consume vitamin and mineral complexes - C, E, B, iron, selenium, calcium, chromium and zinc. They also need herbal teas with echinacea, ginseng and bifidumbacteria. Pharmacy vitamin A should be limited and emphasis should be placed on beta-carotene obtained from food.

  • Moderate physical activity (yoga, Tai Chi);
  • Avoiding spicy, salty and fermented foods, as well as limiting sugar and chocolate;
  • Compliance with your diet.

Menu for the week for people with blood type 2+:


  • Eggs – one piece, two to three times a week.
  • Vegetables fruits.
  • Neutral meat products:
  • turkey, chicken.
  • Seafood (no more than 180 g per serving, and no more than four times a week):
  • Silver perch, whitefish, pike perch, cod, trout, sardine.
  • Dairy products (no more than 180 g per serving, and no more than three times a week):
  • Soy milk, soy cheese, mozzarella, homemade yogurt, goat cheese.


Lunch may well be a repeat of breakfast, but the portion of protein should not exceed one hundred grams, and vegetables can be increased to 400 g.

  • Soy and bean products (no more than six times a week, and no more than 200 g);
  • Lentils, spotted, black and radiant beans, red soybeans, kidney beans;
  • Mushrooms: no more than 200 g per serving, and no more than 4 times a week;
  • Cereals (no more than 6 times a week, and no more than 200 g per serving);
  • Porridge, bread, whole grain bread, rice, buckwheat, rye.


Dinner should be at least four hours before bedtime.

  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables, fruits, a piece of rye bread with butter (about 100 g), or porridge;
  • Vegetables (no more than 150 g per serving, 2-6 times a day);
  • Artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, broccoli, lettuce, horseradish, beet tops, red, yellow and Spanish onions, parsley, turnips, tofu, spinach, leeks, garlic, chicory, okra;
  • Fats (2-6 times a week, a tablespoon);
  • Olive oil, flaxseed oil.