What are the dangers for an expectant mother sleeping on her back? How to make sleep comfortable and correct. Not everything that is convenient is useful

Sleep is the body's way of restoring itself. In order to give the body a rest, a person needs to sleep for at least 6 hours. But you need to sleep not the way you want, but in a certain position. Some scientists believe that you should not sleep on your back. Naturally, the question arises: “ Why can't you sleep on your back?» Today we will tell you about this theory.

As it turns out, not everyone can sleep on their back. For example, people predisposed to sudden stop breathing, they may forget about this sleeping position, because it is precisely when lying on one’s back that a person risks his life the most. Also, sleeping in this position is contraindicated for babies who often spit up. Experts say that in this position the baby may choke on his own saliva. It is safest for your baby to sleep on his side. Another piece of information to think about concerns pregnant women. They are also not recommended to sleep on their back.

The thing is that sleeping on your back can be very painful, because the enlarged uterus with the fetus creates a large load on the spine and this is what causes back pain and severe fatigue. If a woman is pregnant with twins or the baby’s weight is large, then while sleeping on her back, undesirable and even dangerous pressure to the vena cava. However, gynecologists do not give clear instructions regarding sleep positions, so you should rely only on your own feelings.

Now it has become clear to us why can't you sleep on your back However, do not forget that each organism is individual, so you should not torture yourself without reason uncomfortable positions. Sleep the way you want!

Pregnant women are forced to comply with many restrictions: this applies to medications and physical activity, and nutrition. Expectant mothers should even sleep according to the rules. The correct sleeping position affects both the baby and the mother’s well-being, because at night the body, especially one that has become much heavier over several months, needs to rest. It seems that the most optimal position is on the back, but is this really so?

How to sleep during pregnancy

- in the early stages

Despite the fact that the first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, it is at this time that there are no restrictions on sleep for the mother. You can sleep in any position, because the fetus is still too small and does not put pressure on the uterus and neighboring organs.

The main thing is to be comfortable and have enough time for good rest.

However, it is better to accustom yourself to sleep on your side from the first weeks of pregnancy, abandoning the position on your back and stomach. So to the expectant mother it will be easier on later.

- in later stages

From about the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman’s belly becomes noticeable, but even earlier, from the 13th week, the size of the fetus causes the uterus to increase, pressing on neighboring organs.

From now on, you should not sleep on your back: there is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which runs through the spine.

Of course, when the belly begins to grow, you can no longer sleep on your stomach. In this position it turns out strong pressure for the fruit. The most optimal position in the third trimester is on the left side, because... the kidney on the right is being compressed. Your legs should be placed one on top of the other or a pillow or bolster should be pressed between them.

In general, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. If after sleep she feels relaxed and full of energy, it means that the child was comfortable “sleeping” in this position. Sometimes the baby begins to kick and push while the mother is sleeping, which may indicate discomfort. In this way he is trying to tell his mother that it would not hurt to lie down differently.

In the last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping half-sitting.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back later in life?

The main reason why it is forbidden to sleep on your back from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the pressure of the fetus on blood vessels and spine. In the place where the uterus is located, the spine bends, i.e. it seems to be in contact with her if the woman lies on her back. Severe pain and heaviness appear in the back, pressure increases, swelling and stiffness appear in the muscles.

Compressed blood vessels affect blood circulation: the child does not receive enough nutrients, and mom doesn’t supply fabrics required quantity oxygen. If you lie on your back for a long time, the lack of oxygen to the brain can even lead to loss of consciousness.

The closer to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to lie on your back. The inferior vena cava, which transports blood from the lower body to the heart, is clamped. As a result, the mother may feel weak, dizzy, have trouble breathing, darkened vision, and shortness of breath. In this case, you need to immediately turn over on your side and lie there for several minutes. Your health will improve instantly.

Compression of the vena cava is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Also, sleeping on your back provokes excessive load on the bladder, so the woman will have to frequently run to the toilet, which also negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother. The liver, kidneys, and intestines suffer.

When sleeping and lying on his back, the child experiences an acute lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back?

Firstly, to get rid of this habit, which will become harmful during pregnancy, you need to prepare for proper sleep in advance. It is advisable to try to sleep on your side already at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Secondly, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to sleep on your side. The pillow is very soft and comfortable: it acts as both support and support for the legs, and reminds mom that it is better not to roll over onto her back.

Finally, you can simply ask your husband to pay attention to his sleeping position if he wakes up, and remind him to turn over.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects, first of all, her well-being. A pregnant woman experiences enormous stress when walking, so it is very important to have a good rest while sleeping. During the day, the legs and spine are most tested, and when incorrect position body at night, the spine will hurt even more.

If the position of the woman’s body does not suit the baby, he will feel discomfort and try to change his own position. As a result of such manipulations, the baby may take a position that is not suitable for birth process. This is called pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus.

When the expectant mother lies on her left side, her organs and blood vessels are not compressed. The child receives all the necessary nutrients, and the spine rests.

It is also very important to rise correctly. This should be done slowly, gradually, without jerking and sudden movements. First, you need to lie down for a few minutes after waking up, then turn on the side that is closest to the descent from the bed, lower your feet to the floor and then get up.

Expectant mothers should always take care of themselves and their baby, even while sleeping. It is very important to choose the right pajamas, natural bed linen, ventilate the room well, but also do not forget about comfortable position. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, and from the 13th week - on your back. This position puts enormous pressure on the mother’s internal organs, and the baby does not receive the required amount of oxygen.

This position will not allow a woman to get a good night’s sleep and rest, because the load on the spine when sleeping on her back is colossal. It is best to sleep on your left side with a soft pillow between your legs.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Sleep is a rest and state that has an impact on the entire body. Every person needs sleep to restore strength and cleanse all organs and systems from harmful substances accumulated during the day. This is a complex algorithm for regenerating the body on cellular level. A pregnant woman needs to recover and cleanse herself for two, so it is important for her to sleep peacefully, get enough sleep for the future, and know how to lie down in order to rest and not harm her child.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

Experts say that the position of a sleeping mother affects how personal qualities and the abilities the born person will have. That is, when going to bed, the mother must understand that her baby needs comfort and choose a rest option that is convenient for both of them. Factors influencing the well-being of the child and mother are:

  • sleep duration;
  • comfort of posture;
  • psychological condition;
  • illnesses, fatigue, overwork.

Disturb good sleep may toxicosis, metabolic disorders, frequent urge to the toilet. But there are moments that a pregnant woman herself can prevent, that is, sleep as much as the body requires, eliminate stress, physical and psychological stress, and uncomfortable or harmful positions.

Many people ask whether a pregnant woman can sleep on her back. Because this pose is the most familiar and difficult to give up. Whether this should be done and when you should stop sleeping on your back, there are detailed explanations from experts about this.

Due to increased loads on the body during pregnancy, every night a woman should become useful time for rest, sufficient to restore the resources wasted during the day. You need to go to bed with these thoughts and avoid lack of sleep, because it can cause the development of various ailments. Drive aside all the disturbing thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep, calm down so that your heartbeat normalizes and breathe calmly. Remember pleasant situations, this helps fight insomnia, which is the real enemy of a pregnant woman. It leads to chronic fatigue, daytime lethargy and depression.

You need to know as much as possible about sleeping positions. Those who like to sleep on their stomach and back will have to temporarily abandon such positions. This is dictated by the creation safe conditions for carrying a pregnancy, the mother herself and the fetus.

Why you shouldn't sleep on your back during pregnancy

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman undergoes a restructuring of her body; it is quite serious, so the position during sleep is not a trifle. It is necessary to take into account all changes in the condition and listen to the recommendations of gynecologists.

  1. Progesterone release helps soften the pelvic bone tissue.
  2. Their looseness becomes a threat to fractures.
  3. The uterus is growing, its enlargement becomes noticeable.
  4. The enlarging fetus puts pressure on adjacent organs.

In a standing or sitting position discomfort no, but lying on your back there is a feeling of pressure on the spine. It becomes more noticeable with further enlargement of the abdomen. In addition, the danger is posed by the fact that the vena cava is compressed, which abruptly stops normal blood flow. The circulatory disorder can be so severe that a woman may faint.

If this happens in a dream, then the consequences may be unforeseen and the result will be sad. This condition is especially dangerous for women suffering from varicose veins, who are prone to thrombosis and swelling.

No less dangerous factor is the load on the pelvic organs. A common complication when lying on your back is compression Bladder and incontinence at night and even during the day. As a rule, those women who cannot refuse to sleep on their back experience heartburn and nausea. The pregnant woman begins to complain about lumbar pain, they pull on the back and make the woman tense, which is unsafe during this period. The greatest caution should be exercised by women who have been diagnosed with kyphotic or lordotic curvature of the spine.

How to sleep in early pregnancy

In the first trimester, the expectant mother is allowed to freely choose a sleeping position. She can lie in any position in which she is used to falling asleep. Without any problems, you can sleep on your stomach, lie on your side, or on your back. This freedom is due to the fact that changes are occurring in the body, but the size of the uterus and fetus are still small, and there is no pressure on the internal organs. That is, obstacles for motor activity there is no sleeping person.

The mother's turns and twists in her sleep do not pose any threat to the baby. He's protected in the womb amniotic sac. You can sleep without controlling your resting position, but remember that you need to gradually accustom yourself to the fact that after a short period of time you will need to sleep on your side. This position is most preferable in the second trimester.

The lateral sleeping position is most comfortable when the belly begins to expand. In the second trimester, it will be difficult to sleep on your stomach, but you can’t sleep on your back due to internal pressure on the organs, spine and vena cava. These phenomena cause restlessness during sleep and the pregnant woman is not able to rest properly.

In the first trimester, you can lie down as you wish, but you need to get used to how you will need to sleep in the future. This is a task that obstetricians and gynecologists do not advise ignoring. Therefore, when you lie down to rest, turn on your left side, right knee in this case, it should take a position that has slid down. For now, take this position without any equipment. But in order for you to get used to it conveniently, it is recommended to do a few simple steps:

  • place a small pillow under your right knee;
  • place the cushion under your lower back;
  • To protect against involuntary turning onto your stomach, also place a pillow under it.

The best way to get a good night's sleep is an orthopedic mattress; it adapts to the shape of the body in any position. Experts talk about the safety of sleeping on the left side; they are confident that in this position blood circulation occurs normally, the fetus receives enough oxygen and healthy nutrition and is not in danger. For the mother, this pose is useful because there is no pressure on the internal organs and there is no pain in the back and pelvic area.

With a transverse presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the head is located, changing positions. Breech presentation involves several rotations during sleep from side to side. At least 3 times a night. But about that detailed information read the next section.

How to sleep in late pregnancy?

So, you are already in the second or third trimester, your stomach has grown, you have a feeling of heaviness, swelling and various other phenomena characteristic of this period. In the later stages of pregnancy, you need to be especially careful when determining your sleeping position. And in order to specifically know how to sleep, you should do an ultrasound and determine what the presentation of the fetus is.

The generally accepted recommended positions are relevant only for those whose pregnancy proceeds without complications. In case of transverse, pelvic presentation, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor about postures during sleep. The features of your position on the bed will be as follows:

  1. Breech presentation has a categorical ban on sleeping on your back. This may result in the birth of a child who will have serious pathologies. During the night, you need to change position and roll over to the other side. There should be 3 or 4 of these turns.
  2. In case of right presentation, the recommendations boil down to the fact that your sleeping position should be on your right side. And you need to choose the right pillow for pregnant women. It should be such that it prevents the hollow foam from being squeezed and putting pressure on the liver.
  3. In case of left presentation, the sleeping position should be on the left side with the right knee bent and supported by pillows, as described in the second section. And if on early stages pregnancy, you did this to get used to the desired position, then everything needs to be done in mandatory- pillows under the stomach and under the right knee and a cushion under the lower back.

The general rule for peculiarities of presentation is: the sleeping position should correspond to the location of the fetal head. If your pregnancy is normal and the baby is positioned head down towards the exit, then sleep on your left side. During the prenatal weeks, it is recommended to sleep in a reclining position. But this applies to those who fall asleep in a lying position and cannot rest peacefully. In the third trimester, you cannot even accidentally fall asleep on your back or stomach. You won’t be able to do this on your stomach, but as for the position on your back, be careful and don’t take risks.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

A woman who is accustomed to falling asleep in a supine position continues to sleep in this position during pregnancy. In the initial weeks, she does not notice any discomfort, but after a short period of time she will feel that the baby is uncomfortable in her stomach. This is due to the effect on the vena cava, it is compressed, the amount of oxygen and nutrients entering through circulatory system the placenta decreases, which affects the formation of the fetus.

  • Oxygen starvation, which can occur from prolonged exposure to a supine position, causes placental abruption, which leads to tragic consequences.
  • The uterus moves from its place, the child reacts to this with strong tremors and anxiety. He is not satisfied with the uncomfortable position and tries to return to his previous place.
  • As a result of a lack of nutrients, the newborn child experiences reduced immunity.
  • Due to the sudden movements of the baby, the mother also has a hard time, she cannot fall asleep and, as a result, does not get enough sleep. This is fraught with deterioration of the condition and disruption of the course of pregnancy.
  • Squeezing the vena cava may cause a pregnant woman to lose consciousness during sleep.

Based on the above factors, do correct conclusion. The position in which you sleep affects your health and the condition of the child. You cannot ignore doctors’ recommendations and you need to force yourself to sleep on your right or left side, depending on your diligence.

According to obstetricians-gynecologists, the most optimal posture For sleeping during pregnancy - this is the position on your side. It is equally comfortable for mother and child and does not cause unpleasant consequences for the fetus and the mother's body.

To find a comfortable position, you need to perform the following movements:

  • lie on your left side;
  • bend elbow joint on the left hand, the bent left hand should be comfortable on the bed;
  • Place your right hand along the body or in the abdominal area, this is not important, choose a convenient option;
  • avoid holding your hands under your head, they will become numb and you will have to stretch them;
  • Bend your lower limbs; the bend angle should not be steep.

Even more comfortable posture can be done using a pillow. It should be placed under the knees. Choose the height and density of the pillow according to your wishes, the main thing is that parts of the body do not become numb. This accessory must be specialized, so give preference to orthopedic products.

When fixing a comfortable body position, you can use pillows and bolsters under your legs, stomach, and lower back. If you need a more rigid accessory, replace the pillows with bolsters twisted from towels. To relax in a semi-sitting position, you can purchase a neck pillow, just like for traveling in public transport. Cervical pillows prevent headaches.

Pay attention to how hard your bed is. In late pregnancy, your mattress should be firm and your body should be in horizontal position. Eliminate feather beds and nets, and get rid of mattresses with lumps. The best mattresses are latex or with a spring block. You should choose an option that makes it comfortable for you to lie down and easy to get up from the bed.

While in a lying position, you need to concentrate before getting up, and then begin to rise without sudden movements. If this rule is ignored, then dizziness is possible, which can cause you to fall, which is dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, if you rise sharply, you risk getting a surge in pressure, which is also undesirable, since you will have to reduce it with medications.

You should also lie down on the bed carefully. This is done from a sitting position; you need to sit on your side with the help of your hands, supporting your body when lowering onto the bed. After this, take the pregnant pose described above on your side.

Do everything smoothly and calmly, remember that in your situation correct position in a dream is a guarantee of the child’s health and yours too. And rest for a pregnant woman is a condition normal course pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent difficult period breastfeeding.

Pregnant women should not sleep on their backs - this statement is partly true and has a medical basis.

The weight with an enlarging uterus is distributed unevenly due to the constantly expanding abdomen, which puts excessive stress on the spine, causing pain and discomfort.

Lying down is allowed in any position.

Lying on your stomach should be limited, as this position of the body interferes with normal growth and development of the uterus. This is prohibited due to the high risks of complications in the child’s development.

Optimal poses are on the left and right side. Preference is given to the left side, but if there is a right presentation, it is recommended to sleep on the right side.

A woman, while expecting a child, is faced with various superstitions, one of them is not to sleep on her back, because this will lead to complications and a difficult birth. Medical rationale for this fact:

  • blood stagnation;
  • hypoxia (acute lack of oxygen in the fetus);
  • pain;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the pelvis;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

The main reason for this ban is, as a result of which the fetus is impaired physical development, causing various deviations and pathologies.

Doctors advise sleeping with your stomach up only in the early stages of pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus stretches, compresses the vena cava, blocking the normal blood flow. Frequent complication during pregnancy, varicose veins of the lower extremities, the likelihood of which increases when lying on your back for a long time.

Exiting from the lower extremities to the heart, leading to deterioration general condition, loss of consciousness.

Pressure is put on the kidneys and liver, the process of urination is disrupted, and problems arise with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How can you sleep during pregnancy?

She chooses the optimal one exclusively herself, listening to her body. For a sound and healthy sleep, there are a number of simple recommendations from gynecologists:

  • do not eat several hours before rest;
  • drink a glass of milk with honey at night;
  • do not become emotionally overworked;
  • take a pose on your side;
  • use special pillows.

What does it look like? Body position on the left side with the knee bent right foot lying on the pillow. In this situation, the following processes occur in the body:

  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • complete supply of oxygen to the fetus;
  • normalization of liver and kidney function;
  • no pain in the spine;
  • harmonious heart rhythm;

It is recommended for women with right placenta previa to develop the habit of lying on the right side; it is believed that this way the baby will be able to roll over into the desired position.

Pain in the spine, lower back and lower extremities is relieved using pillows placed at night under the part of the body where discomfort occurs.

Lying on your stomach is allowed only in the first trimester, when the tummy is not yet visible. In the future, as the fetus develops and the uterus grows, staying in this position for a long time is simply impossible and extremely dangerous. If you lie on your stomach for a long time, you can injure your baby.

Rest at night in a certain position is a habit that a person develops over the years, and it can be difficult to change. Knowing all the risks of prolonged lying on her back, a woman in this position is not always able to control herself while sleeping, constantly turning over, as a result of which voluminous pillows or bolsters from a blanket are placed for self-control.

At the slightest change, you should immediately stop sleeping on your back.

Organization of a good rest

Useful tips from gynecologists to normalize sleep and ensure proper rest for the expectant mother:

This is a period when a woman in labor is constantly in a state of anxiety for upcoming birth, and insomnia is quite common. Use to normalize a good night's rest and sleep medical supplies not recommended, better to get by folk recipes-teas with lemon balm and mint.

Sleeping pills are prescribed by a doctor only in cases where they lead to worsening of the condition, neuroses and threaten complications during pregnancy. Strict adherence to a daily routine helps normalize sleep.

A common symptom that is a sign of calcium deficiency in the body. If cramps occur at night, you need to get up, walk around the room, and massage your legs. To reduce the number of seizures, you need to adjust your diet, eat foods plant origin, if necessary, assigned vitamin complexes with mineral elements.

Restless sleep is caused by an enlarged belly and anxious thoughts, which can be eliminated in specialized courses for pregnant women, where the woman will receive all comprehensive information about the upcoming event - childbirth.

It is possible with the help of new, positive emotions - meeting with friends, going to the movies, a romantic dinner with your husband, going on a short trip. Promotes sound dreams Fresh air, the window in the room should be constantly open in the warm season; frequent, long-term ventilation is recommended in winter. Taking a warm bath in the evening with various herbal infusions helps calm and cause drowsiness.

For the normal course of pregnancy, the development of the child and, complete rest and calm, deep sleep. The ban on lying on your back for a long time during pregnancy is not a prejudice, but a desire to prevent the development of a number of pathologies.

This situation throughout the night threatens the following consequences - varicose veins in the legs, hemorrhoids, impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, and deterioration of the general condition.

Developing a new habit of lying on your side if a woman is used to sleeping on her back is quite difficult. It is necessary to start fighting it during nap, which is more sensitive than a night's rest.

About how to sleep properly when carrying a child and about everything possible consequences An obstetrician-gynecologist will advise you on sleeping on your back or stomach.

Is it good to sleep lying on your back, or is it harmful to the body? Healthy sleep considered one of important conditions for normal human life, so the question of how to sleep correctly is seriously discussed by medical luminaries.

How a person sleeps, what position he takes, is no less important than the environment and rest time. In each pose, the work of the body's systems proceeds differently, depending on which system the load is directed to, intracellular metabolic processes slow down or accelerate.

When you slept soundly at night, but the position was uncomfortable, you wake up in the morning broken.

Therefore, it is important not only to get enough sleep, but to know how to sleep properly. On your back, on your stomach, on your side, curled up, on a hard mattress or on a soft feather bed.

Poses for night rest

Each person sleeps in his favorite position, which he takes automatically. Many people, especially children, turn over several times in their sleep.

What position is good for sleeping?

  1. Children most often fall asleep turning over on their stomach. A child can sleep with his nose in the pillow without thinking about how his face will look in the morning. In adults, after such a position, all the folds are imprinted on the face. And the older the adult, the more difficult it is to get rid of them. And sleeping on your stomach does not allow your spine to relax completely. By the way, traditional healers It is believed that sleeping on the stomach in an adult indicates hidden problems with the abdominal organs.
  2. The fetal position is adopted by people who do not feel very confident. They strive to protect themselves, at least in their dreams, from the uncomfortable world around them. This position has many disadvantages: load on the bent spine, compression internal organs, impaired blood supply to lower limb, which bears the main load. Traces from sleep remain not only on the face, but also on the neck.
  3. Most people, when asked about their sleeping position, answer: “I sleep on my side.” This pose is more comfortable for an adult, but the spine relaxes when following conditions: smooth mattress and low elastic pillow. In a different situation, the neck is in an unnatural position during sleep, and unsightly folds remain on one of the cheeks.
  4. It is considered the most beneficial to sleep on your back. This pose helps to relax all organs; the esophagus is higher than the stomach.

Unfortunately, many people feel less rested after the supine pose than in other positions. Who and why should not sleep on their back?

Contraindications for back rest

It is well known that pregnant women should not take this position even for rest in the later stages, at the end of the second and beginning of pregnancy. III third trimester. The uterus puts pressure on the vena cava, and the fetus may develop hypoxia.

But while the period is short, pregnant women can sleep on their backs and this is necessary better position to relieve the stress on the spine and respiratory organs. Only in this position are the lungs fully expanded.

With heart failure, the risk of apnea increases - cardiac arrest due to lack of oxygen. Predisposition is identified by the doctor clinical picture, examination results and complaint about heavy snoring during sleep.

Provoking factors for snoring are:

  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • weakening of the ligamentous apparatus of the larynx area: loss of tone soft palate, retraction of the tongue;
  • mixed cause combining both factors.

In a supine position, the tongue covers the larynx almost completely.

You should not sleep on your back when your throat hurts or due to an infectious disease.

In this position, mucus flows down back wall throat, and you can choke in your sleep. It is physiologically beneficial for infants and small children to sleep on their side due to the possibility of regurgitation.

Everyone else should think about sleeping in correct posture. Especially women who are worried about their appearance.

How to learn to fall asleep on your back

The most in a radical way The advice on how to learn to sleep on your back is to tie yourself to the bed. You won't be able to fall asleep the first night, but you'll definitely be able to fall asleep on the third. But will such a vacation “from under the rope” be complete?

A less harsh method is to torture yourself mentally and physically and flop down on your back. You instantly fall asleep... But there is no guarantee that you won’t turn over.

If you can’t sleep on your back, it’s worth analyzing why?

Maybe uncomfortable bed dress? The mattress collapses, the sofa spring digs in, the pillow is too high or low and forces you to throw your head back or press it to your chest. By changing the conditions for falling asleep, you will be able to master the desired position.

The bed does not always need to be changed. It is enough to purchase special equipment for sleeping: orthopedic pillows and a mattress, a light blanket instead of a heavy blanket, a special orthopedic collar, a bolster for the feet.

Some people refuse to sleep on their back, explaining: “My back hurts when I sleep like this”. This complaint is a signal to check your spine, even if you don’t feel any discomfort in another position. In some cases, several massage sessions or exercises can help relieve pain. physical therapy with the selection of the right exercises.

It happens that the fetal position or the side position is adopted because lying on the back is uncomfortable. If you surround yourself with pillows so that it is impossible to roll over, you will be able to master falling asleep in a “not your own” position faster.

No place to put your hands? Yogis have the shavasana pose, in which upper limbs are under the head. Maybe then you won’t need a pillow?

For those who have problems with cardiovascular system, as a result of which your hands periodically become numb, it is better not to experiment with yoga.

To get ready for sleep, before it it is best to drink hot tea with mint or a glass of milk with honey, read a paper book, and throw away the worries of the day. Once you relax, you can fall asleep even in an unusual position.