What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist? What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist? Algorithm of work of a nephrologist

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Sometimes a person has doubts about contacting a particular specialist.

Most often these doubts arise when alarming symptoms from the outside genitourinary area.

In what cases should you seek help from a nephrologist, and in what cases should you seek help from a urologist?

A urologist is a specialist surgical profile, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and pathologies:

  • Bladder
  • urethra(urethritis and cystitis of various etiologies),
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate),
  • orchitis (inflammation of the testicle),
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis),
  • vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles),
  • impotence
  • A urologist deals with the surgical treatment of cryptorchidism (undescended testicles into the scrotum)
  • other congenital pathologies,
  • pathologies and diseases of the penis (balanoposthitis, phimosis, etc.).

A nephrologist is a specialized therapeutic specialist.

His path is kidney disease:

  1. polycystic disease (formation of cavities with fluid inside),
  2. glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys),
  3. pyelonephritis (inflammation of the pyelocaliceal apparatus of the kidneys),
  4. urolithiasis disease,
  5. renal failure.

A good urologist is a “jack of all trades” specialist.

After all, very often he has to deal with treatment, for example, cystitis.

In addition, the urologist sometimes performs complex surgical operations, including in pediatric urology.

A good nephrologist is a rather rare specialist.

After all, not every clinic can boast of having specialized specialists, and not every person even knows what exactly such a doctor does.

The word “nephrologist” itself comes from the Greek “Nephros” - “kidney”, and “logos” - “to study”.

In most clinics (particularly in small towns), due to the lack of rates for specialized specialists, it is the urologist who takes on the responsibilities of the nephrologist.

Urology and nephrology are two related, interconnected disciplines.

However, if kidney disease is suspected, a patient of any gender is referred to a nephrologist.

The difference between a urologist and a nephrologist is,

The difference between a urologist and a nephrologist lies directly in the methods of diagnosis and treatment:

  1. a nephrologist, being essentially a highly specialized therapist, treats more conservatively;
  2. the urologist uses not only “tablets and mixtures”, but also the so-called invasive techniques examination (uretero- and cystoscopy, for example) and treatment:
    therapeutic instillation of solutions into the urethra,
    surgeries for cryptorchidism,
    removal of testicles and many other surgical interventions.

Who treats pyelonephritis: a urologist or a nephrologist?

Since pyelonephritis is a therapeutic disease, that is, it does not require surgical treatment, a nephrologist is involved in his diagnosis and therapy.

As a rule, patients with kidney complaints first turn to a physician.

Then they receive a referral for tests and consultation with a nephrologist.

After blood and urine tests, and then an ultrasound of the kidneys, the diagnosis usually leaves no doubt.

In some cases, hospitalization is required, and in chronic course process - dispensary observation.

Nephrologist prescribes antibacterial therapy, herbal medicine, monitors the effectiveness of treatment and adjusts the diet.

If necessary, contact the author of this article with any urological disease - a urologist, nephrologist with 15 years of experience.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program “About the Most Important Thing” talks about how to treat KIDNEY DISEASES and what to take.

The presence of symptoms such as painful sensations lumbar area, rare urination, blood in the urine or other signs of diseases of the urinary system indicate the need to visit a doctor. If the symptoms are associated with kidney pathologies, then it is the nephrologist who will deal with diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures.

General information about the profession of nephrologist

A highly specialized branch of medicine called nephrology deals only with the study of kidney function. Accordingly, the competence of a nephrologist includes diagnosis and prescription of therapy for diseases such as:

  • nephritis (damage to glomeruli, tubules or interstitial tissue);
  • pyelonephritis (an infectious and inflammatory disease that affects the parenchyma, pyelocaliceal area);
  • glomerulonephritis (immune disease renal glomeruli);
  • amyloidosis (accumulation of amyloid in the kidneys leads to metabolic disorders);
  • drug nephropathy (poisoning, overdose or intolerance to a certain drug has a detrimental effect on the condition of the internal organ);
  • hydronephrosis (expansion of the pyelocaliceal zone due to poor urine outflow) and others.

Clinical indicators that require consultation with a nephrologist:

  • colic of the lumbar region;
  • any deviations in the composition of urine: blood, turbidity or unusual color;
  • change in the volume of urine during outflow from the body, both in the direction of increase and decrease;
  • renal edema;
  • blood pressure with a tendency to constantly increase;
  • elevated temperature in combination with other symptoms.

At the appointment, the doctor gets acquainted with the patient’s chart, while simultaneously collecting anamnesis for possible genetic diseases. Examinations and tests for diagnosis are prescribed accurate diagnosis. If necessary, this specialist is able to recommend the exact dietary food, in each individual case separately.

Distinctive features between a urologist and a nephrologist

Often, when observing symptoms of kidney disease, a person cannot decide which specialist to contact - a urologist or a nephrologist. Both doctors deal with the urinary system, but there are significant differences:

Patients often ask, who is a nephrologist? What does the doctor treat? Are there any differences from a urologist?

A nephrologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing conservative treatment renal pathologies. A doctor's help is needed for inflammation, infectious lesions, accumulation of salt deposits. A nephrologist is consulted for polycystic kidney disease, glomerulonephritis, renal failure. Deviations in urine tests, even without the presence of pronounced symptoms, are a reason to visit a specialist.

What does the doctor treat?

Specialization – conservative therapy of diseases of natural filters. A general practitioner with a higher medical education treats men and women, with a separate specialty in pediatric nephrology. When choosing a doctor, it is important to take into account his qualifications, experience, and find out patient reviews.

Common kidney diseases:

  • nephrolithiasis (stones in the bean-shaped organs);
  • acute and chronic renal failure;
  • amyloidosis – metabolic problems that provoke the formation of amyloid;
  • toxic damage to natural filters after consuming nephrotoxic drugs, surrogate alcohol, poisons, contaminated water and food;
  • renal pressure and hypertension affecting the bean-shaped organs;
  • glomerulonephritis – damage to the glomeruli. The pathology is of an immuno-allergic nature;
  • hydronephrosis – the disease develops when the renal pelvis expands;
  • pyelonephritis. Inflammatory process due to the penetration of harmful microorganisms and opportunistic flora occurs in the parenchyma and pyelocaliceal system;
  • nephritis. This category includes pathologies of an inflammatory nature;
  • tumor process in renal tissue. The formations are benign; in some patients the doctor detects malignant lesion fabrics. A common pathology is polycystic kidney disease. The surgical intervention is performed by a surgeon in a urological hospital; if cancer is detected, the patient is observed by a urological oncologist;
  • renal colic. Dangerous condition with severe symptoms. The main symptom is pronounced pain syndrome, developing with urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure, infectious lesions of the bean-shaped organs. The pain spreads to the abdomen, groin, legs, the patient feels nauseous, vomiting is possible, blood pressure rises, painful shock often develops, and blood clots appear in the urine;
  • nephroptosis. As a result sharp decrease fat layer, with injuries, congenital disorders, the bean-shaped organs are located incorrectly: prolapse of the kidney provokes problems with the functioning of natural filters. The nephrologist performs the diagnosis, and the problem is eliminated in the urology hospital by another doctor.

The specialist monitors patients after bean-shaped organ transplantation when renal tuberculosis is detected.

Find out about the causes of acute urinary retention in men and the treatment of the pathology.

Urine analysis for mucus: what does it mean and what pathologies does it indicate? Read the answer in this article.

Algorithm of work of a nephrologist:

  • interviewing the patient, studying complaints and anamnesis;
  • clarification of the clinical picture of the pathology, assessment of the test results with which the patient came to the appointment;
  • determination of a possible list of pathologies of natural filters, referral for diagnostics: urine collection, blood test, instrumental studies;
  • data evaluation diagnostic studies, determination of the type and form of the disease;
  • selection of treatment methods, if necessary - referral to a urological hospital for conservative therapy (severe forms pathologies) or surgical treatment;
  • tips for drinking regime, lifestyle changes, diet selection, indication of restrictions in Everyday life And professional activity to prevent complications or relapses;
  • recommendations for the prevention of renal pathologies, scheduling follow-up appointments.

Pediatric nephrology

A pediatric nephrologist examines and treats young patients using drug therapy when detecting kidney diseases. The doctor also deals birth defects bean-shaped organs, studies homeostasis disorders in a child, and finds out the causes of deviations.

Signs of kidney damage:

  • the amount of urine increases or decreases sharply;
  • the child complains of pain when passing urine;
  • after four years the child was diagnosed frequent bowel movements bladder at night;
  • the stream of urine is intermittent, the pressure is weak, after emptying the child complains that he wants to go to the toilet again;
  • change in the shade of urine, the appearance of foreign impurities;
  • V lumbar region pain is felt, small children are capricious, crying;
  • at acute inflammation the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, and weakness develops.

List of diseases:

  • organ development abnormalities genitourinary system;
  • familial nephropathies;
  • nephritis against the background of hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • development of hemolytic-uremic syndrome;
  • tubulopathies;
  • pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis;
  • urolithiasis, other types of dysmetabolic nephropathy;
  • dysplasia and kidney prolapse.

When you need urgent specialist advice

You should not hesitate to visit a specialist when the following symptoms:

  • paroxysmal, sharp or aching, dull, persistent pain in the lower back;
  • blood appeared in the urine;
  • urine analysis shows serious abnormalities;
  • pressure often rises due to discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • in the morning the eyelids and legs swell;
  • Pain is felt during emptying of the bladder;
  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • the color and smell of urine has changed dramatically;
  • the volume of urine has noticeably decreased or increased against the background of the usual drinking regime.

Diagnosis of kidney pathologies

After a conversation with the patient, the nephrologist refers for examination. It is important to listen to the doctor’s recommendations, undergo all tests, and do an ultrasound of the kidneys.

At the appointment, the doctor tells patients the rules for preparing for blood donation, urine collection, ultrasound examination, biopsy, other types of research. Only if you follow the recommendations will the test result be accurate.

Diagnostic methods:

Additional research:

  • angiography;
  • kidney tissue biopsy;
  • ultrasound examination of bean-shaped organs;
  • excretory urography;
  • kidney scintigraphy;
  • conducting MRI and CT scans of natural filters.

Nephrologist and urologist: what is the difference

There are not only similarities in the work of specialists, but also differences. A nephrologist is a physician with a narrow specialization. The doctor treats kidney pathologies without surgical intervention. In small populated areas In medical institutions there is often no position of a nephrologist; his duties are performed by a urologist - a doctor of broad specialization.

Find out what multicystic kidney disease is in the fetus and how to treat developmental pathology.

Indications for use of Norbactin for urological diseases are described on this page.

On a note:

  • a urologist treats pathologies of the genitourinary area, deals with “male” diseases (pathologies of the prostate, tumor process, defects and lesions of the penis, erectile disfunction). The specialist’s competence also includes performing operations on urological patients;
  • nephrologist - a doctor of narrow specialization who deals with renal pathologies. The doctor selects medications for conservative therapy. After a kidney transplant, the doctor monitors the patient;
  • Unlike a nephrologist, a urologist combines medications with surgery.

Which doctor should I contact?

During development negative symptoms, indicating problems with the urinary tract, genitals, and kidneys, patients do not always know who will help them: a nephrologist or a urologist. The best way out is to visit a therapist and talk about clinical picture, pass general analysis blood and urine. Next, the doctor will refer you to specialists with the research data.

If there are signs of kidney disease, then you need to visit a nephrologist. If you suspect urolithiasis, inflammatory processes V urinary tract, problems with sexual function will require the help of a urologist. If staffing table If the position of a nephrologist is not provided, then diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a doctor of broad specialization - a urologist.

Learn more about what diseases a nephrologist treats from the following video:

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If symptoms indicating a disease of the urinary system appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. In some cases, it is better to go to a urologist with a problem, while in others a consultation with a highly qualified nephrologist is necessary. Knowing the differences between these specialists, you will contact exactly the doctor who will quickly and effectively provide the help you need.

What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?

Nephrology and urology are disciplines closely related to each other, so a nephrologist and a urologist are related specialists who often deal with similar problems. The kidneys are part of the urinary system and perform a number of important functions for the body, including maintaining water and electrolyte balance and producing biologically active substances.

A nephrologist is a therapist who has specialized in nephrology and studied in depth modern methods diagnosis and treatment of kidney pathologies.

Nephrology is considered a very narrow specialty, and nephrologists deal exclusively with diseases of the renal system. A nephrologist, unlike a urologist, does not diagnose and treat diseases of the male reproductive system, and also uses in his practice conservative methods treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Urology is a surgical specialty that includes such sections as andrology, urogynecology, oncourology, pediatric urology, phthisiurology. Urologists also provide therapy emergency conditions associated with dysfunction of the genitourinary system. The difference between a urologist and a nephrologist is that a urologist has a degree medical education in the specialty "surgery" and can treat diseases of the genitourinary tract not only conservatively, but also surgically. The doctor also treats tumors of the male genital organs and all other urinary organs.

In what cases should you contact a nephrologist?

Since a nephrologist differs from a urologist more narrow specialization, then an appointment with this specialist is most often referred in the presence of kidney diseases that require drug treatment, as well as in difficult cases that the therapist cannot cope with.

Consultation with a nephrologist may be necessary for the following pathologies:

After making an accurate diagnosis, the nephrologist selects a conservative treatment regimen for the patient.

In what cases should you contact a urologist?

Information about the difference between a urologist and a nephrologist is very important if the patient has a pathology of the urinary system that requires surgical treatment. You can contact this specialist with the following problems:
  • neoplasms in the male reproductive system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs;
  • tuberculosis of the genitourinary system;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms kidneys, ureters, bladder;
  • male infertility.
The urologist can offer the patient a combination of conservative and surgical treatment aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease.
June 6, 2017 Doctor

The presence of symptoms such as painful sensations in the lumbar area, rare urination, blood in the urine or other signs of diseases of the urinary system indicates the need to visit a doctor. If the symptoms are associated with kidney pathologies, then it is the nephrologist who will deal with diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures.

General information about the profession of nephrologist

A highly specialized branch of medicine called nephrology deals only with the study of kidney function. Accordingly, the competence of a nephrologist includes diagnosis and prescription of therapy for diseases such as:

  • nephritis (damage to glomeruli, tubules or interstitial tissue);
  • pyelonephritis (an infectious and inflammatory disease that affects the parenchyma, pyelocaliceal area);
  • glomerulonephritis (immune disease of the glomeruli);
  • amyloidosis (accumulation of amyloid in the kidneys leads to metabolic disorders);
  • drug nephropathy (poisoning, overdose or intolerance to a certain drug has a detrimental effect on the condition of the internal organ);
  • hydronephrosis (expansion of the pyelocaliceal zone due to poor urine outflow) and others.

Clinical indicators that require consultation with a nephrologist:

  • colic of the lumbar region;
  • any deviations in the composition of urine: blood, turbidity or unusual color;
  • change in the volume of urine during outflow from the body, both in the direction of increase and decrease;
  • blood pressure with a tendency to constantly increase;
  • elevated temperature in combination with other symptoms.

At the appointment, the doctor gets acquainted with the patient’s chart, while simultaneously collecting anamnesis for possible genetic diseases. Examinations and tests are prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, this specialist is able to recommend precise dietary nutrition, in each individual case separately.

Distinctive features between a urologist and a nephrologist

Often, when observing symptoms of kidney disease, a person cannot decide which specialist to contact - a urologist or a nephrologist. Both doctors deal with the urinary system, but there are significant differences:

From the above we can conclude that nephrology and urology are specializations whose main activity is the urinary system. But a nephrologist differs from a urologist in that he does not conduct surgical operations, he can conduct surveillance in postoperative period or diagnose kidney disease only.

Pediatric nephrology

Statistics show that the frequency of detection of kidney pathologies childhood or even during pregnancy significantly exceeded the levels of ten years ago. This is dangerous due to decreased functioning of the urinary system and the development of renal failure.

Therefore, if the following symptoms are detected in tests or when examining a child, a pediatric nephrologist will help you understand and make a correct diagnosis:

  • abnormalities in urine test results;
  • pain and discomfort when urinating;
  • renal edema;
  • high temperature is the only symptom of a pathological condition;
  • urinary incontinence from the age of 3 years during the day and from 4-5 years - at night;
  • observation of redness of the groin area;
  • lumbar pain.

General principles of pediatrics are the basis for diagnosis: homeostasis, renal regulation of various age category, disorders of the urinary system during the growth of the child. The diagnosis is made based on thorough examinations of patients. The choice of technique or method occurs individually for each child in accordance with complaints and symptoms.

A consultation with a nephrologist may end with an appointment additional tests and research:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys;
  • cystography;
  • CT scan;

Examinations will help identify abnormalities in kidney development, anatomical and age-related abnormalities, and deformation of the ureters.

Applied by a nephrologist drug treatment with the prescription of a certain diet and physical therapy. If surgical intervention is necessary, a urologist surgeon is involved in the treatment of the patient. The doctor will perform the operation expertly, after which the patient will return under the supervision of a pediatric nephrologist.

Treatment of pathologies is always aimed at eliminating the main cause of the disease of a nephrological nature and has two directions:

  • specific – treatment of a specific disease until complete recovery;
  • nephroprotective – chronic kidney disease.

Main goal preventive measures in nephrology is a decrease uric acid, subsequent dissolution and outflow of it along with urine. Based on this, nephrologists have developed the following dietary recommendations:

Stories from our readers

“I was able to cure my KIDNEYS with the help of simple remedy, which I learned about from an article by a UROLOGIST with 24 years of experience, Pushkar D.Yu...”

  1. The diet, according to nephrology, excludes the consumption of smoked, fried, salty and fatty foods.
  2. The diet should be enriched with fiber - fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  3. The drinking regime has been increased to 3 liters per day.

Watermelons in the autumn-summer period, rosehip decoction in winter will be excellent diuretic cleansers for the whole body.

If we talk about pediatric nephrology, doctors try to play it safe and recommend that even in infancy, extra care is taken, which will make it possible to prevent or promptly detect the disease and begin the necessary treatment:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • breastfeed for as long as possible;
  • at high temperature, without other symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Pay attention to signs of illness and preventive examinations will help identify early stage kidney diseases. Children under one year old are examined by a therapist once a month, from 1 to 3 years old - once every 3 months, from 3 to 7 years old - once every six months, adults - every year. If you are referred to a nephrologist, you should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations, since such a specialist with a narrow focus is best able to help with treatment and speedy recovery.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness And fast fatiguability, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

  • Eliminates the cause of pain and brings the kidneys to their original state.
  • German capsules eliminate pain already during the first course of use, and help to completely cure the disease.
  • None side effects and there are no allergic reactions.

Medicine is a very multifaceted science. It includes dozens of areas, each of which studies certain organs or organ systems of the human body. In addition, she is the one who studies all kinds of diseases that can affect human body, the process of their development, symptoms and ways to get rid of them. A huge number of specialists work in the field of medicine, saving hundreds of people every day and making their lives easier. At the same time, all doctors are divided into representatives of different specializations, and this is true.

Part of the elder medical personnel specialize in problems with specific systems organs, so let’s say cardiologists deal with cardio vascular system, others specialize in the treatment of specific diseases (oncologists treat cancer, phthisiatricians treat tuberculosis.) In the same way, specific specialists deal with the problems of the human genitourinary system. These are urologists and nephrologists.

Who is a urologist

A urologist is a doctor who deals with treatment of the human genitourinary system. His competence includes diagnostics of the kidneys, adrenal glands, urethra, ureters, bladder, reproductive organs and external genitalia.

The overwhelming majority of people far from medicine believe that a urologist is an exclusively male doctor who has nothing to do with women. In fact, this is a fundamentally incorrect judgment. Urologists also treat women. Due to the fact that the genitourinary system of men and women differs significantly, there are female and male urologists.

By and large, urology is a fairly broad specialization. A urologist must be competent in issues of gynecology, andrology and pediatrics. Situations cannot be excluded when the urologist does not take full responsibility for treating a person who has problems with urinary system. In such a situation, he is obliged to turn to the help of his colleagues who have a narrower specialization.

Who is a nephrologist

A nephrologist is a specialist who deals with diagnosis and treatment of kidneys. Unfortunately, a very large percentage of people have one or another kidney problems. It is especially unpleasant that many diseases of this organ are practically asymptomatic, and the first manifestations of the disease appear only when the disease has “thoroughly established itself” in the body. Nephrologists help people suffering from kidney disease of different nature origin, on different stages and in different forms.

Why are urologist and nephrologist often confused?

It is not uncommon for people to confuse doctors of these two specialties. In principle, this can be understood. After all, both one and the other deal with the problems of the same organ system, however, nephrologists are more highly specialized doctors.

As practice shows and many doctors advise, if a person experiences any discomfort in the pelvic area, bloody discharge and pain of varying quality during urination, you must first visit a urologist. Based on his diagnosis and diagnosis, the prospect of a visit to a nephrologist becomes possible.

For what diseases should you consult a doctor?

So, let's try to figure out which diseases are within the competence of which doctor. Urologists treat:

  • Male and female infertility.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, adenoma, cystitis, urethritis, etc.)
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Adrenal diseases.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Oncological diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Problems with potency, etc.

Nephrologists treat:

  • Nefritov.
  • Renal polycystic disease.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Amylodia of the kidneys, etc.

There are a number of symptoms that are simply impossible not to notice, which are evidence that you should visit a urologist or nephrologist. These include:

  1. Renal colic.
  2. Urinary dysfunction. (The patient may experience frequent, sometimes uncontrollable urination. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person produces completely a small amount of urine, or it is not possible to have a bowel movement at all.)
  3. Pain of varying quality in the abdomen, lumbar region and pelvic area;
  4. The presence of purulent, mucous or bloody discharge in the urine;
  5. Severe pain when urinating.

In addition, the symptoms described above may be accompanied by vomiting, nausea and fever. When one or more main symptoms with “accompaniment” are present, you should consult a doctor immediately. It is best not to even wait for an appointment with a doctor of the required specialization at the clinic, but simply call an ambulance.

As you can see, the symptoms of both diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys are very similar. They are practically the same. This factor is also one of the reasons that a person gets lost and often makes mistakes in choosing a specialist to turn to.

Special mention should be made of pediatric nephrologists and urologists. These are even more highly specialized doctors. The whole point is that children's body has its own characteristics. As a rule, medications that are suitable for adults for children can be simply destructive and cause more harm than good.

Nowadays, pediatric urologists and nephrologists are increasingly in demand. It is sad to say, but diseases of the genitourinary system are getting younger every year. The statistics of newborn children are also not encouraging. Still at the stage intrauterine development A significant percentage of fetuses have developmental anomalies of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system, which cannot be resolved without the help of pediatric urologists and nephrologists.