Staffing table in Word. Staffing table

The staffing form has its own specific filling requirements. Find out whether it is possible to do without the unified T-3 form and download an example of filling out the form and T-3 staffing forms in Excel and Word.

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What information does the unified staffing form T-3 contain?

Since 2013, unified document forms have ceased to be mandatory, but many employers continue to use them. This is because they are familiar, convenient and fully comply with legal requirements. And if necessary, the employer can always supplement them with the necessary data.

The T-3 staffing form is required for the employer (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The SR is approved by order of the manager, and its validity period is not limited. The schedule ceases to be valid from the moment a new document is issued.

“Shtatka” is a convenient mechanism for analyzing the composition of personnel and the wage fund. It reflects not only occupied positions, but also vacant ones. The form is drawn up for the entire organization as a whole (including separate divisions and branches).

We will consider in detail the T-3 staffing form and a sample of its completion for 2018.

Conventionally, the document can be divided into 3 parts:

  • basic information (document details);
  • tabular part (directly staff);
  • signatures of those responsible.

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Basic information

First of all, form No. T-3 indicates the name of the company, which must exactly correspond to the constituent documents. Indicating, for example, a trademark is unacceptable. If the company has an abbreviated name, it is indicated in brackets.

OKUD code is the document form number from the general classifier of unified documents. There is no need to change it; it is the same for all employers.

OKPO code - organization code. It can be found in the information letter from the statistics authorities. Such a letter is usually kept in the folder with the constituent documents. If you cannot find it, check with the chief accountant.

“Document number” detail. Here you can use continuous numbering, which is convenient for companies that rarely change the “staff”. With this option, the initial document is assigned number 1, the next one 2, and so on, regardless of the year.

Applying numbering within the current year, and starting everything next year from No. 1, is another option. It is convenient when throughout the year.

The current date is entered. The validity period of the document can be for different periods, depending on the needs of the company (month, six months, year).

The unified form T-3 staffing is approved. Only the details of the document are entered on its form. Below is the total number of staff positions from the tabular form.

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Tabular part of the staffing table

The tabular part of the T-3 form consists of 10 columns. The number of lines directly depends on the number of positions. It is most convenient to group by structural divisions, and within divisions - by hierarchy. This is the fastest way to find the required string.

Column 1. Name of the structural unit. It is more convenient to form the arrangement of structural units along lines according to the principle of subordination - from the upper levels of management to the working personnel. For some preferential professions, the name of the department (workshop, etc.) is of no small importance. If the name is incorrect, the employee may lose certain benefits. Therefore, when naming departments, refer to industry classifiers.

Column 2. Code. It is assigned by the employer independently and reflects the subordination of departments within the company. If structural unit 015 contains subordinate elements, they will be numbered 015.01, 015.02, etc.

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Column 3. Job title. The employer decides independently what to call this or that position. But if such a position is included in the list of “preferential” ones, then it must correspond to the normative name. If the employee’s specialty includes a rank, each rank is written on a separate line (concrete worker 2nd rank, concrete worker 3rd rank, ..., concrete worker 7th rank).

Column 4. Number of staff units. Both the actual number of workers in a given specialty and the projected number required by the company for normal functioning or with the prospect of development can be indicated. Thus, vacant positions are also reflected in this column.

If necessary, it is possible to use not only integer, but also fractional values. This is necessary when the employee is not required full-time. Most often, fractional rates are given to part-time workers. In SR this is displayed as: 0.5; 0.25; 0.75 bet.

organizations (form T-3) is one of the mandatory personnel documents that must be present at every enterprise. You can use the T-3 form as a staffing form, or you can independently develop a form convenient for your organization, which will take into account the individual characteristics of your activities. You can download the T-3 staffing table below. How to fill out this form correctly?

Sample staffing schedule

Form T-3 contains information about the staffing of the organization. This includes information about the divisions of the enterprise, the name of job units, and their number. Also, for each position, the tariff rate, various bonuses and allowances are indicated. Next, the total monthly costs for all positions are calculated. Thus, the staffing table allows you to assess the level of the monthly salary budget.

This personnel document is approved; it can be drawn up, for example, at the beginning of the year, or from the beginning of the organization’s activities. The organization chooses the validity period independently. If the organization is developing dynamically, then it makes sense to draw up a new staffing table every year and indicate its validity period - 1 year. If the organization is not large, then perhaps your schedule will last several years. In any case, on the T-3 form you must indicate the start date of the document and the validity period.

If, in the course of its activities, some minor changes occur in the staff of the enterprise (the number of staffing units changes, the salary of some job unit changes, the name of the position changes), then it makes sense not to approve a new staffing table, but to change the current one. To do this, the manager draws up a corresponding order, and the necessary changes are made to the current T-3 form. If the changes are widespread due to, for example, , then it is better to draw up a new staffing table.

The preparation of this document is entrusted to the personnel department employees, and in the absence of such, to the accounting department employees.

The T-3 form itself is filled out quite simply: you need to fill out a header and a table with positions.

The staffing table in the T-3 form contains information about the structural divisions of the enterprise indicating their codes according to the internal classification of the organization; names of positions according to the OKPDTR classifier and their number. The remuneration system for this position (salary, allowances) is also reflected.

The total salary for each job unit is multiplied by the number of these units, the resulting value will reflect the monthly budget for employees of this position. Next, the monthly wages of all positions are added up, and a monthly budget is obtained for the entire staff of the organization.

After the T-3 form is completed, it is submitted for approval to the manager, who puts a mark of his approval at the top of the form.

To organize personnel records in a company, beginner HR officers and accountants are perfectly suited to the author’s course by Olga Likina (accountant M.Video management) ⇓

Staffing table of the organization (form T-3). Design example

An enterprise, in order to adapt existing labor legislation to its working conditions, can develop its own provisions, which must be consolidated accordingly. This is necessary for the document to gain legal force. Among such acts, an important place is given to staffing. To approve it, a document such as an order approving the staffing table is used. You can download the sample for 2019 below.

Such a local regulatory act is mandatory only in cases where the company uses hired personnel.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that the amounts reflected in the labor contract for remuneration correspond to the current staffing schedule at the enterprise.

This act is also used for planning purposes, since its data is used when drawing up a budget for salary expenses in the future. He also justifies labor costs for tax purposes.

Many competent authorities, when carrying out control measures in the labor sphere, often request this particular document. Various specialists of the enterprise participate in its development - human resources workers, lawyers, economists, etc.

Rosgosstat has developed a standardized form T-3 specifically for this form. Each business entity can use either it or develop its own document based on it.

Attention! When a contract is drawn up with a future employee, the amount of remuneration for him is taken from the column of the staffing table corresponding to the given profession.

The staffing table contains not only information about salaries, but also data about the enterprise’s need for workers in certain professions.

The procedure for approving the staffing table

The staffing table is introduced mainly for the calendar year, but in small enterprises its validity may extend beyond this period.

The completed document template, if there are trade union bodies at the enterprise, must be sent to them for approval. Only after this can you begin the procedure for approving this local act.

Most often, an order from the manager is used for this, which is drawn up on letterhead in free form. The order can be generated by the personnel service or the office management department. After this, it is handed over to management for signature. The staffing table, for approval of which in this case the director’s order is prepared, is an appendix to it.

On the staffing table, after issuing an order, you need to put a special stamp “Approved” on it, and also reflect the details of the corresponding order.

The staffing table as a local document for regulating labor relations at an enterprise is subject to mandatory review if it affects the employee’s work activity. For example, if an employee’s salary depends on the staffing table. In other cases, according to Rostrud, familiarization of employees with it is not necessary.

The employee familiarization procedure can be carried out by compiling a document for each person, or by registering a special journal. In addition, a copy of it must be available for reading by every employee.

Important! When introducing a new version of the staffing table, you must remember to recognize the old one as having lost its validity. This can be done in an order that approves the local standard.

Sample order approving the staffing table for 2019

How to correctly draw up an order for approval of the staffing table in an organization

The order approving the new staffing table does not have a special form. It is more convenient to draw it up on letterhead, which already contains the name of the company, its INN and OGRN numbers, address, bank details, etc.

Below in the middle is the name of the document - “Order”, after which its serial number is written down. Under it, this document will need to be further registered in the order log.

The next line contains the name of the document being published - “On approval of the staffing table.”

Then you need to write the word “I order” in the middle of the line, and then state the contents of the order point by point:

  • Approval of the company's staffing table. In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the number of staff positions this document provides for, as well as the total monthly salary fund.
  • Put the staff into operation indicating the exact date. If the date is not specified, then it is considered that the document will begin to be valid from the moment this order is issued.
  • If this is necessary, then the old staffing table must be declared no longer valid.
  • Determine the responsible person who will be entrusted with control over the execution of the adopted document. As a rule, when a company employs a chief accountant and a human resources specialist, the responsibility is assigned to them.
  • Determine the responsible person who will familiarize the working personnel with the new document.

Then the order includes information about the attachments to the document. Usually, this is the staffing table, which needs to be specified.

The final stage is to place the signatures of the responsible persons mentioned in the text on the order. In addition, they must also indicate their position, full name. and record the date on which they reviewed the document.

How changes are made to the staffing table

In the process of carrying out activities, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the current staffing table. They are divided into significant and not. In the first case, the number of changes is so great that it is necessary to draw up a new staffing table. In the second case, changes can be made using an order issued by the manager.

Typically, changes may occur for the following reasons:

  • A new position appears;
  • Change of job title;
  • Reducing staff size;
  • Changing the salary or tariff rate;
  • Elimination of empty positions.

The preparation of changes is usually carried out by a personnel specialist. In small businesses, this work may be assigned to an accountant.

Attention! If the process of making changes occurs by creating a new staffing table, the process of its approval is similar to the primary document.

Staffing table- this is a document that determines the distribution of labor for each position, their working hours, salaries and the number of employees in general. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 15, the provisions and charter of the enterprise, every enterprise must have it (and if it does not comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but is accepted, then the question arises of how this happened, and, as a result, to proceedings under the issue of corruption - details in ). In every company, such a document plays a very important role. Using the approved document, you can compare the number of employees by department, wages, their educational level, differences in the responsibilities of each unit, and even draw up a description of the work, a sample of which is available.

Memos can be drawn up based on the staffing schedule. The subject of the latter can be very different - from promotion to dismissal. How to write a memo and an example of filling it out can be found at the link.

Such a document is drawn up by construction organizations, hotels, schools (for which they are also issued and, more often associated with universities), kindergartens (preschool institutions), restaurants, cafes, housing and communal services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, municipal government, for private security companies, secondary schools, manufacturing and agricultural direction. A very important and lengthy process is compilation for an educational institution (secondary school). This is due to the fact that it is necessary to draw up lesson times in detail, make the correct arrangement of the educational process and teachers’ salaries based on working hours. At the end of the year, the schedule for schools is no longer valid and a new one is created for the next year.

Staffing schedule for 2018 how to draw up rules

Such a document must be provided at every enterprise. It can be drawn up in accordance with the approved T3 form, or it can be developed by the enterprise itself. The procedure, the information given during compilation and the content do not change. Approves the company's director, manager, manager and those officials who have the right to such actions. Part-time positions cannot be listed. It contains only full rates depending on the structure of the enterprise. The salary is calculated from the main, fixed fund.

Read about labor disputes and the procedure for their consideration

Form T-3 what is it - sample

Form T3 is standard, unified and designed to include the entire staffing table. It is used by many managers and organizations. It includes the following columns: company department with name and code, structural unit, position of an employee with qualifications, number of employees in such a position, their salary with personal income tax, additional payments, total amount and notes. In government agencies, an explanatory note is attached.

Sample form

After the responsible person draws up the staffing table, the director must write an order for its approval. There is such an order in every enterprise that has a legal form. Such an order must indicate the approval stamp (in accordance with GOST), the name of the enterprise and what is being approved. Additionally, this is supported by a local act. An example and form can be viewed.

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Change of staffing

You can change the schedule in two ways:

  1. If there are big changes, then it’s worth starting to draw up a new schedule and approve it with a new number.
  2. Make changes using a change order. In this case, it is necessary to indicate on what basis such a document is being changed. It indicates the registration number, name of the organization, date, title of the document and text.

Order on amendments to the staffing table sample 2018

The size of such a document depends on the number of points to which changes are made. It can be half a sheet, or it can be several. They display the following information: organization name, city, date, document number and title, text (what is being changed and for what reason), position, date and signature.
It is very important to draw up such a document. This will make things easier for both management and employees. That is, all words will be supported by documents.

Change due to elimination of positions

It often happens that an organization changes the name of departments (renaming) and rearranges personnel. Some eliminate or downgrade altogether. If the schedule undergoes global changes, then it is completely changed to a new one. And if one or two positions are removed, they write an order about which positions will not exist. It is important to notify employees who work for such employees about this no later than 2 months in advance. In this regard, the manager creates another order to change the schedule.

About the introduction of a new position

In the same way that orders are created with the elimination of a position, they are also done with an increase in them. At the beginning, the manager writes an order for the introduction of a new position, in which he specifies the date on which it will be introduced, the salary for it and the amount of working time. And then he writes an order for changes in connection with these innovations. If a position is added to the staff for a certain period, then the schedule indicates for what period.

Order to reduce a position in the staffing table sample

When creating such an order, the manager must indicate and list all positions that will be eliminated. Next, they will determine which employees can be laid off and which cannot, and they will be notified.

How long should a company store?

In any enterprise, regardless of the organizational form of activity, how many founders and individual or legal entity (LLC, individual entrepreneur or other), simplified or not, whether it is private or public, shelf life 75 years. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not indicate where it should be stored.


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This document is a locally normative act that is used to formalize the staffing of an organization in accordance with its Charter (Regulations). It must be remembered that the staffing table is not a simple formality, but a document necessary in the work, the presence of which is determined by the needs of the organization.

The schedule must contain a list of structural divisions, positions, information about the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly wages, therefore, before you start drawing up the document, you need to decide on the organizational structure of the enterprise.

Filling out form No. T-3

The form for the staffing table can be independently developed by the organization, based on its needs, but it is still recommended to use the unified form No. T-3 as a form.

Depending on the size and staffing level of the organization, the responsibilities for drawing up and filling out Form No. T-3 can be assigned to both personnel department employees, accountants or even managers.

The name of the organization in the document must be indicated in strict accordance with the constituent documents.

Please note that Form No. T-3 indicates at least two dates: the date of preparation (in the “Date of Compilation” column in the format “”), as well as the date the document entered into force, indicating the period of its validity (usually approved for one year). In this regard, when filling out the form, you should not confuse these dates, since the date of drawing up the staffing table often precedes the start date of its validity.

The names of structural units must be indicated in accordance with the approved structure of the organization. The peculiarity of filling out this column is that commercial organizations can enter any names of structural units that they consider appropriate, guided only by the requirements for terminology and generally accepted concepts and definitions. At the same time, government institutions and organizations with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, when specifying departments, must be guided by the requirements of all-Russian and industry classifiers, as well as tariff and qualification reference books and other regulatory documents, since a number of benefits provided to employees depend on this of these organizations upon retirement.

The code for each structural unit is set by the organization independently and is necessary for document management, as well as to indicate the place of the structural unit in the organization’s hierarchy.

It is recommended that the names of positions be determined in accordance with the “All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes” (OKPDTR), which contains the names of professions and positions, as well as their code designations. The staffing table should also indicate vacant positions, in the form of a corresponding note in the “Note” column, or indicating the number of vacant staff units with a footnote at the bottom of the page indicating that the position is vacant.

The number of staff units for each position is determined by the needs of the organization for certain types of work, as well as based on economic feasibility.

In accordance with the rules for filling out the "Albums of unified forms of primary accounting documents", cost indicators are indicated in rubles accurate to the second decimal place. And if your organization, when determining the official salary of employees, is not obliged to adhere only to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Grid, then no one can forbid you in the approved staffing table in the column “Salary (tariff rate)” not to indicate a specific salary for a given staffing unit, but to determine possible borders. For example: 1000-1500, this will allow you to pay differentially for the work of employees occupying positions of the same name according to the staffing table, but at the same time take into account their qualifications and differences in labor functions and not violate the requirements of labor legislation on the prohibition of “discrimination” (overcome equalization).

Unified form No. T-3 contains several columns (6-8) united by the general name “Additions”. They record all incentive and compensation payments (allowances, bonuses, additional payments, etc.) provided for a particular position. When establishing these payments, a note is made in the corresponding column - in what amount and for what the premium (surcharge) is established.

If it is impossible to fill out columns 5-9 in ruble terms due to the use of other remuneration systems (for example, non-tariff, mixed, etc.), these columns are filled in in the appropriate units of measurement (percentages, coefficients, etc.).

The ninth column “Total” is calculated by adding 5-8 columns and multiplying the resulting amount by the number of staff units from column 4. The total amount for all positions will be the monthly payroll.