Congratulations to the little winning gymnast. How to congratulate someone on winning a sports competition

I congratulate you on your victory,
I wish you to reach all heights,
So that we continue to compete
All the efforts were justified,
To cups and medals
They took up all the space
For a great result
Brought many awards!

The competition has already passed
And behind the experience,
You won so quickly
Beautiful, clear, amazing!

We are infinitely happy for you,
You deserve such an award
It's time to congratulate you.
Heroes! Well done! Hooray!

I sincerely congratulate you on your victory in the competition and I want to say that your performance was worthy, that you managed to show everyone your capabilities, abilities, talents and skills. I wish you to always remain a winner in life, I wish you never to doubt yourself, to constantly strive for victories and high awards.

You're standing on a pedestal
There's a medal on your chest
In these competitions
Leave your victory sign.

Congratulations on your triumph,
Accept with achievement,
I wish you to keep it that way,
Just always go forward.

For diligence and perseverance
Get the win.
About your triumph today
I'm leading the conversation.

Keep it up! And don't give up
Keep moving forward.
Let the next one be a victory
It will be even sweeter.

A short

I congratulate you on a worthy victory -
You were the best, you made everyone!
I wish you new victories and achievements,
May no less brilliant success await you!

Start - Finish - Victory!
And life between them
For your first place
Fight desperately.

Today you are on top
Steps of the pedestal
Enthusiastic stands
They shout: Vivat! and Glory!

Competition stage
Each passed with honor,
By right you can
Be proud of the first place.

Congratulations on your victory
Take it today
And your first place
Hold on, don't give in.

Victory in competitions -
This is definitely an achievement!
Your life is warmed by success
Let every moment be!

I wish to win more often
Not knowing obstacles and defeats,
After all, you perform brilliantly,
You are the best, there is no doubt!

Everything is left behind:
Fear, excitement in the chest.
It was not in vain that you won -
My eyes are still burning!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
How good are you!
Put you on the pedestal soon,
You deserve the final!

Behind the competition
And victory is in your hands,
Applause for you
Cup and bouquets.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you happiness
So that you have enough strength
Stay on top.

I wish you victories in competitions,
As many achievements as possible,
Happy in life to draw a ticket,
So as not to know either troubles or defeats!

I wish you great luck
To achieve goals without obstacles,
And so that difficult tasks in life
Easy and hassle-free solution!

“A” and “B”, who will compete at the December stages of the WC and IBU.

Heated battles between fans over the lineups do not subside, but... It is these athletes who are entrusted with the honor of representing our country and it is on them that we pin our hopes. We will root for them. Rejoice at their successes and empathize with their failures. And in sports there are no failures.

There is very little left until the first start. All fans are looking forward to the opening of the season. Oh, Beatlon! There are no indifferent people in Belarus. Some people root for specific athletes, others for those who represent our country.

Let's wish our athletes to catch Fortune by the tail and not let her go until the end of the season. Let your skis be fast, your eyes sharp, your hand steady.

Good luck! Go Russia!

No need to apologize Bagheera, nothing for now... :-)

Your initial message, like: we are waiting, sir, good news-expectations... from the beginning of the new season... received CONTENTIVE responses from us, the fans, different... and the most meaningful response was from Vladimir... sadness, expectation- ssssss

I just tried the same thing, my personal... like V. E. Sokolov - to EXPRESS with humor, but with an artistic VIDEO... Also, after all: I’m waiting, sir
:-() with an ambivalent mood... until the first “OUR star” on KM and KE...

Good luck and self-confidence to all our biathletes and biathletes. Fate gives a chance to ambitious understudies, dare, be ambitious, overly motivated and victories will come. Don’t be shy in front of eminent people, everything will work out for you.

I wish you good luck, victories and medals!

You don’t know about any injuries or recession activity,

Achieve your goals in biathlon

And to be more accurate, faster, stronger!

GOOD LUCK! ! ! And Victory will come!

Oleg Vasilievich
Of course, I’m wildly sorry, but the topic here seems to be “wishes to athletes”, and not casting for fans for roles. And the role of the Queen is not for me -) I kind of like being the Black Wild Cat more -) Although sometimes some “superstitious” people try to “burn me at the stake” -)) -P))

How kind and joyful you all are here, looking forward to...the season, however!

Vladimir Sokolov said it right: A GOOD SPOON for LUNCH, not afternoon tea...

Here's a topic for you all: a story from Catherine the Great and Count Suvorov...

Who - what roles in the plot of the upcoming season: decide for yourself... Casting for the role of Count Suvorov ->> PASSED: Sokolov V. E.,

but for the Queen... maybe Bagheera, huh?!

Good luck! Let there be more victories. So that there are no injuries or falls.

Good luck and more victories to our girls and boys!

Even if they were unlucky at times,
I believe that another hour will come,
Athletes will close all targets,
And victory will be won for us!

We will share victories with you,
Let's endure a streak of failures,
After all, a faithful fan cannot
Leave the team now.

We believe good luck to you again,
He will turn his face
Well, we, who were sick, were all together,
Let us support you with our shout!

Go Russia!

Patience on drafts
Accuracy on the lines
Flag in hands
Positive words!

Good luck, we believe in you

expensive spoon for dinner. I want to see the baby already at the second stage - Mr. Polkhovsky promises a quick rotation, spinning on a hot frying pan. Where did these international wild cards come from? The responsible RRF workers were silent like fish!? There, in my opinion, half of our biathletes do not have such access to the World Cup. I don’t know this bureaucratic side, I hope that everything is done quickly and informally. And tomorrow they will tell us that the visas are not ready, and something else... All this is unpleasant.

I wish our boys and girls victories in an equal fight!

There will definitely be victories! And we will root for ours!

DimaN1951: I agree with you 100%!

Only fight and with full dedication!

8ap8apa, Nadezhda - I join!))
Russian flags at the finish it sounds! Like a song!) Give us Russian flags at the finish line!

8ap8apa, +100:))
There will be kaeshshna :))

It seems to me that our biathletes will definitely have victories this season :)) They will in spite of everything and in spite of everything, and we will see the Russian flag at the finish line more than once :)) And let the skeptics call this pre-season euphoria, but I believe that the coming season will be joyful for us :))

Whole poles and skis, rifles with non-fastening straps, homing cartridges and the Russian flag at the finish line! Hurray! Give us victories this season :))

Whatever and no matter how the criterion helmsmen from the SBR and TS, led by Polkhovsky and Gerbulov, “do”... success to all of OUR!

I would be happy to wish you victories in the races, but after yesterday’s performances of the Norwegians in smooth skis (Berger, Boe and Svendsen), I don’t believe in a single men’s victory in December this year.

Vladimir Eremeevich, Malyshko does not have access to the World Cup. It seems that the lack of international starts does not allow him to participate in the WC, for this reason he was exiled to the IBU. This whole selection situation is unpleasant for me, but it’s possible that, if he doesn’t slow down, we’ll see Malyshko in the lineup in January. There are candidates for “movement” even now.

The video reminded me of a very pleasant moment, I wish there were more of these this season. The main thing is that there was a stubborn and exciting fight at the finish line. May good luck and success accompany our athletes this season. We're rooting for you.

you breathed a dose of optimism into me. It was me who was depressed after Dimka and Malyshka were not accepted into the team.

Of course I will believe and hope and wish all the gold in the world for the two Zhenyas, and Antoshka and Andryushka, and the other guys...

But I don’t understand: okay, let Yaroshenko be old, but then take young Malyshko, he’s running like mad now, faster than anyone, take advantage of him.

No, he is placed next to Shcherbakov, who is never in a hurry, although he is probably a very good person... I cannot calm down when obvious injustice is committed.

Iris, I knew that I would forget something))

I believe that last season was the bottom, this season will be better! Victory for the athletes and us!
“Ufff - it seems like I remembered everything and forgot nothing.” - More shawarma from the station square!

Vladimir Eremeevich!
Why is it so gloomy?
Zhenya Ustyugov, if he masters the rifle, may well fight for victories. And even for CG of any size.
Anton Shipulin showed in Hochfilzen that he has almost everything he needs to win. Almost. I wish I had more patience and faith in my strength.
Andrei Makoveev is getting wiser, realizing that the years go by, and the young shoots are breathing more and more hotly in their backs, so he will try not to make the same mistakes as at the last World Cup.
If everything goes well, Zhenya Garanichev may well present a surprise.
Lesha Volkov in an individual event (when everyone except him will smear) is quite capable of surprising everyone.
Women with worse claims to victory, but more chances for prizes.
And after the New Year (or after the Chechen Republic), let’s hope that Malyshko and Yaroshenko will join the base.
So let's wait, hope and believe! What remains for us? After all, the Rubicon has been passed!

Excellent skiing, accurate shooting, loyal fans! Guys and girls, we believe in you! RUSSIA, GO!

Of course, we will root for all of our people, without exception! Good luck to all!

Excellent performances and bright victories!

Kirill, the difference is one thing - the norgs catch the moment when ours are out of shape, and for some reason we miss this moment with our opponents, eh...
Well, now my wishes - I wish to win, not paying attention to anything or anyone: the grumbling and grumbling of fans, strong winds, rivals, skis, doping, WADA, coaches, a rifle, falls, ice instead of snow. Ufff, it seems like I remembered everything and didn’t forget anything)) And I wish to remember that no matter how indignant the fans are about failures, they are always with you in difficult times! And they endure all adversities just as hard...

Good luck and victories!

It was 10 seconds and Ustyugov was out of shape.

Good luck guys! I'm all excited! Hurry up already!))

The stands are noisy like the sea
Today the battle will not be easy
Let's cheer for the brave guys
For sporting enthusiasm and skill

It won't be easy to argue for each of our records.
We believe in one thing sincerely and sacredly
All those who love biathlon
Reliable guys.

(with minor clarifications)

Good luck to the Team in their difficult work!
I hope for a successful season.

Svetik SP:
You are right, we don’t need victories in the name of the Korean bridge :))

And I wish our people to win at least once in a fair and equal fight! After all, only such a victory is the most pleasant!

Let the new season be brighter and more successful for our athletes! Go ahead, guys! To new victories and successes!

Yes, Bagheera, you are right.

We must rise above the latest insults inflicted on our fans during the “objective selection” by the “owners” of Russian biathlon and, without further ado, wish our biathletes everything that is listed by the author of the farewell blog.

But, of course, limiting yourself to interjections will not be enough, so a few phrases.

The men now have a very even composition - there is simply no leader in speed and sniper qualities. Will this level turn out to be a dull gray compared to the world leaders, and above all the Norwegians? With such “impersonality”, we will either “tear everyone”, occupy the first ten (do you believe it?), or we will have a tight alignment out of place - in the second or third ten, which looks more plausible.

For women, such assessments are also fair, but with some adjustments. Most likely, “flowers” ​​and a podium await Zaitseva, and for everyone else - places in the second and up to the fourth ten. Considering that women traditionally have less competition, flowers can “shine” for Sveta, Anna Ivanovna, or someone else...

Isn't it a gloomy prospect before the start of the season? For me, no, that’s the real deal. And what do you think? However, there was already a forecast blog. I want to be an optimist in difficult conditions and predict a lot of gold and silver. But who will believe me!?

I wish all the collections to realize themselves to the fullest, to produce “on the mountain” what they are capable of - this is the main meaning of the parting words, in my opinion.

Likewise. Goosebumps and...the desire to experience the same exciting moments of a beautiful struggle.

Bone - no problem-)
We haven't bothered for a long time;) Details of the bet are on the blog with Forecasts. OK?

And the “Live broadcast” icon in the upper right corner is like a blow to the gut... You can’t do that...

Consistency and strength when combined bring wonderful results and we wish you to have these qualities in any situation! Always remain in control and do not lose your positive spirit!

Especially for the site

I admire your dedication to sports, I enjoy looking at your athletic figure, I envy your health and mental vigor. Happy Athlete's Day! May your whirlwind romance with physical activity last for the rest of your life. I wish only victory in everything.

Especially for the site

Sport is your life. Therefore, on Athlete’s Day, I wish you the greatest achievements in sports competitions. Let your apartment be filled with gold medals and cups! Happy holiday, dear!

Especially for the site

The right attitude towards body culture is health! Thank you for bringing a healthy spirit to the masses! Let fatigue never hinder your work! Let your body at any age be a wonderful example of the victory of the spirit for everyone!

Especially for the site

In a healthy body healthy mind. This is a great motto for professionals and simply for sports fans. Today is sportsman's day. We sincerely congratulate all coaches, champions, physical education teachers and athletes. Indeed, sport makes our life beautiful. I sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday, I wish you good health, achievements, sporting heights, good luck, and joy. Let only good people meet on your way, and may luck always smile. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and confidence in the future.

From a very young age to a very old age, we never part with sports. Physical education classes always help us stay in shape. Today is such a great opportunity to congratulate all sports fans on the holiday. Be always healthy, live happily. May your path be illuminated by a lucky star, may only a good mood accompany you through life. We wish you new sporting victories, joy and inspiration. May good luck always visit your homes. Long and happy life to you and all the best.

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday for athletes. Let congratulations fly like fireworks to all sports fans. May there always be laughter and joy in your homes, may enviable success await you in any business. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity. We wish you to live without worries and sorrows. Let hope, faith and love be your companions in life. May you always be loved, appreciated and respected. Patience, endurance and optimism to you in everything. May a good angel always protect you. May good news always please you.

In a healthy body healthy mind. Playing sports inspires us, prolongs life, and gives us a good boost of energy and fortitude. Today is a wonderful holiday - Physical Education Day. We sincerely congratulate all sports fans. We wish you good health, beautiful love, prosperity and prosperity. Let playing sports help you in life. We wish you victories and achievements, may there never be obstacles on your path. May the bird of happiness bring you only good luck. Let only bright moments fill your life.

We sincerely congratulate you on Sportsman's Day! Let old records be broken and new ones set, let the joy of numerous victories in competitions never be overshadowed by insignificant rare losses. After all, athletes, like no one else, know that the path to medals and cups lies through obstacles and obstacles. Let there be as few of these obstacles as possible on your life path!

All athletes know that the more barriers and obstacles there are on the way to victory, the more significant and sweeter this victory is! Please accept our congratulations on Physical Education Day and sincere wishes to sweep away with your diligence and assertiveness, without noticing, everything that prevents you from achieving your goal!

Happy Athlete's Day, citizens! Let everyone, young and old, today express their respect and respect to professional athletes, coaches and teachers with light morning exercises, jogging around the school stadium or jumping rope on the yard playground! Don't forget that a happy nation is a healthy nation!

The time has come to show all your skills, show all your abilities and skills. The time has come to demonstrate the strength of your spirit, the strength of your character, your will.

You didn’t work in vain in training, today you will show everything you are capable of, everything you know.

Your whole being is filled with confidence, filled with the spirit of a winner and extreme strength, capable of defeating any opponent, because you are a strong person. Strong in spirit and body.

You are calm and cool.
You won't make any mistakes today. Everything will work out for you today. All your actions will be meaningful and reliable.

Your eyes will radiate strength and confidence. Your opponents will give in to you.

You will fight the battle calmly and coolly. Your skill and skill today will be unsurpassed.

You will manage your strengths coherently, powerfully and clearly, use all your abilities. You will show all your skills.

Your composure and calm will prevail in every possible situation.
My words fill your consciousness with peace, confidence and turn on the mechanisms of psychological balance in your soul.

You are unperturbed. You pull yourself together easily. You focus on technique.
You will find the right solutions, you will make any efforts you need.
You are the hunter, not the hunted. You are in charge today. You play number one. You will overwhelm your opponent with your appearance. With his calmness, from which he will be discouraged.

You will calmly react to everything that happens in the competition. Nothing will confuse you, surprise you, or unsettle you.
You will dominate your emotions. You will amaze your opponent with your psychological balance.
You will not flinch under any circumstances. You will show strength. Show your strength and steadfastness of spirit.

You will improve as the competition progresses, you will be resilient, you will be strong and stable.
You will march towards unconditional victory, and your superiority will be clear and obvious.

You are relaxed, you are not enslaved. You breathe calmly. You look confident. Your movements are slow and deliberate, so that at the right moment you can explode and splash out that immense volcano of power that no one can resist.

Your body will have enough strength, endurance, and energy throughout the competition.
The potential of the human body is enormous and you will draw from your potential the necessary resources to win.
You will draw strength, freshness, energy from the inner corridors, from these sources. You will recover easily and quickly.
And you boldly raise your eyes and go forward and show all your pressure, all your power, you awaken all your inner resources and go to victory.

You will be able to gather your will, and even if something goes wrong, you will be able to turn the tide of the battle in your favor.
You know how to fight.
You will be able to withstand any pressure from your opponent. Nothing can break you. You will fight, you will overcome. You will go to your victory. And you will achieve it.

You will not allow any nervous tension. Your body will be liberated. Your brain is not busy.
The moment you need to pull yourself together and shoot, your body will do it. Your body will make all the necessary efforts. An arrow fired by a powerful bowstring will fly towards the target and hit the target! Hit the target right on the bull's eye!



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Athletes are extremely successful.
And on your birthday I want to wish you
Collect world rewards with great armor.
In competitions, let the goal be within your reach.

Let the delivery be easy in bold endeavors.
And in firmness of intentions, self-confidence.
And quick solutions to life's problems.
And also bright colors, always in your destiny.

Happy Birthday!
Feel free to break any record,
Let inspiration shine
Protecting from adversity.

Brightest in the sublunary world
Let your star shine
There will be joy, happiness, strength
With you for many years!

Happy Birthday. May the sports element give you new strength and new victories, may every day give you new dreams and new successes. I wish to beat all rivals in sports and overcome any difficulties in life, I wish to firmly believe in myself and boldly win any battle.

I wish you good luck, victories, achievements,
Broken records without defeats.
Achieve success in your sports career
Let any task be conquered!

Happy birthday,
May your wishes come true!
Let the medals multiply
And your personal life will work out!

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Happiness, joy, good luck
We hasten to wish you!

Do you play sports?
Go to resorts more often,
Always be in great shape
May your health be normal.

To have success with you,
And, of course, loud laughter,
Here's our answer to you -
We send you physical greetings!

Be the fastest
Be the strongest
Hurry to your goal
Don't be afraid of obstacles.

Be the bravest of all
Be smarter than everyone else
And you're in your business
Get rewards.

Let the mind not harden,
The soul has no regrets
What are you in your body,
Like a fairytale magician.

Happy birthday! Movement!
Optimism in reasoning.
So that your strength increases,
New cups and medals.

You can't be discouraged in sports
More bright fire.
Sun, light, positive,
Sincere, beautiful love.

This moment gives us strength
On your birthday.
As always, invincible
You are eager to fight!

Happiness in life, achievements,
Approved forces.
A spirit filled with aspirations,
To be huge!

With sports in life,
With dumbbells in hands.
You're running through your homeland
Through the blizzard and hail.

And on your birthday I wish you
Stay with everyone, always, everywhere!
Your breathing never falters
And the heartbeat did not stop.

Squat down so that difficulties are carried away,
And the joys immediately settled on the neck.
In all marathons, let there be victory!
And don't give up, please, never!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday:
So many toasts and wishes.
Let there be plenty of everything:
Starts and competitions!

May your health not fail you
Strength of spirit helps.
May struggle lead to success
Let all the cups wait!

Long years of happy life
Surrounded by those who are dear.
Let your dreams come true
And there will be many achievements!

Let there be sparkle in your eyes
From happiness, joy, victories.
And the shelves will all be filled with prizes,
And you will receive them for many years.

I also wish you strength,
Health, determination.
So that every day brings good luck,
Love, warmth of friends.
And happy birthday!