Energy meridians of the body. Kapha dosha: signs of constitution, nutrition and lifestyle Ayurveda nutrition for kapha

Everything is medicine or poison depending on the quantity. place and time of application, as well as from the initial state.

To radically change something, you need to eat large quantities of inappropriate foods for a long time.

Yogurt, kefir, ice cream - to a minimum. After this, eat a few peas of black pepper and cloves, or a mixture (a little at a time, with 1/4 tsp). You can increase it over time if everything is fine.

And of course, to disperse kapha, you need increased physical activity. Otherwise, it stagnates in the body.

  • Tatyana shu:

    Thank you so much for such a common answer. What do you say about keeping him on kitchari for a while? As far as I understand, this allows you to balance the doshas. Or is this not enough for a growing organism? Thank you.

  • Lina:

    Still, it seems to me that you are more concerned about its weight and the increase in mucus.

    What I mean is that I don’t comment on tests taken somewhere.
    It is better to ask where these tests were taken.

    Well, if everything is defined correctly, then Practity is, of course, a predisposition not to be a “slender gazelle.”
    But Vikriti will give the current state.
    Nutrition alone cannot shift Kapha. Even if she doesn’t eat at all, she can still gain weight.

    Kapha, in addition to all kinds of diets, needs very high physical activity, so sitting in Asanas is not always beneficial for it.

    Yes, and rapid weight loss on all sorts of fashionable diets returns very quickly, since fat is rarely lost, and water is removed.
    And physical activity with an anti-Kapha regimen can achieve good results.
    And Kapha itself, in its most slender form (because the regime is tough).
    So it’s possible, but you need willpower. And also motivation.

  • Katerina pv:

    Hello Lina,
    Please tell us more about weight loss for Kapha and what sport is most suitable for it?
    Thank you!

  • Lina:

    – About weight – everything I could have already been written in the post

    Kapha needs heavy physical activity.
    Yes, that’s not why I’m asking the question (I’m kapha myself and can’t stand any kind of sports (except lying on the beach) :)

    True, I swim in the pool all year round. This is very energy-intensive (which is what you need) and is considered the best activity for multiple problems.

  • Marina sr:

    Uv. Lina! Hello!
    Please tell me, will a Kapha (woman) who eats 1-2 times a day (depending on the circumstances) without snacks, feel a lack of vitamins and proteins?

    In one of your articles, I came across a phrase that Ayurveda does not consider proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but focuses on tastes. At the same time, you have articles looking at proteins (of animal origin).

    You just can’t fit “everything” into yourself in 1-2 meals. And for Kapha, overeating is also harmful. Will there be a lack of substances necessary for the body?

  • Lina:

    “eats 1-2 times a day”
    - if she just “eats”, then there may be a lack of vitamins. And if according to Ayurvedic rules, then in correctly taken preparations there are hundreds of times more vitamins than in ordinary human nutrition - in the morning - tea, a sandwich with sausage, etc. etc. What kind of vitamins are there?

    And all normal people consume proteins and carbohydrates anyway. With a reasonable approach, the body has enough of everything; it almost produces everything it needs on its own. You've probably read about sun eaters - they don't eat anything for years.

    Or the famous Swami Ramdev (who gives Pranayama lessons and opens Yoga Centers all over the world) - who has been drinking only a few glasses of fresh juice a day for decades. Absolutely healthy, although severe congenital diseases brought him to Yoga and Pranayama.
    I am not advocating solstice or juice therapy. Just an example shows that, in principle, we don’t need that much.

    I am also Kapha, I eat very little, but correctly. The weight stays at the same level for years, never decreasing. But not increasing either. What could happen without the right lifestyle?

    Try to experiment - eat in very small portions, but more often and with properly selected spices and preparations. Maybe you will be able to “deceive” the body and it will not accumulate excess in “waiting for hunger”. For some, this technique gives good results. Only the portions should be really small, for one bite, to slightly suppress hunger.

  • Natalia s:

    Lina, please tell me)) How to eat with Prakriti Kapha-dry type? And am I prone to being overweight?)

  • Lina:

    Meals are selected according to Vikrita (current constitution),

    Everyone doesn't have to give up meat. Vegetarianism and Ayurveda are not the same thing.

    – The % you quoted doesn’t say much. At the physical level, some kind of odor may be released, and you need to look at the totality of the symptoms and analyze all the secretions. Although, based on the percentages you gave, this is almost a balance. Doshas are constantly changing substances, constantly in motion, Vikriti is not an exact mathematical quantity. I ate spices and a fever went through my body; I ate ice cream and I felt cold. So you shouldn’t get too hung up on %. But everyone feels in their gut that they have the upper hand.

    “In general, I would like to lower Pitta”
    — when brought into balance, Pitta automatically decreases.

    “Kapha will rise and I will be even fatter”
    - - Hard to say. Kapha does not necessarily mean completeness. For example, I am a rather slender Kapha, “experts” immediately attribute me to Vata. So, if you don’t know how to properly maintain Tridosha balance and live peacefully with high Kapha, then your weight may increase. But not because you will come to balance. Balance is just that: balance. And in appearance.

    - “especially angry when hungry” - yes, Pittas go berserk if they do not receive food at the appointed time. It’s interesting to watch - a normal person, you walk with him, talk calmly, and suddenly the clock strikes noon. He breaks loose if you don't feed him at this time :)

    – “there are still acne” –
    Of course, bile goes into the blood and through the skin.
    Also, skin problems are an indicator. The path is the same - toxins-blood-skin.

  • Daria 03:

    Hello Lina! Please tell me, you wrote that in the morning it is good for Kapha to drink warm water with honey and lemon juice and ginger instead of breakfast. Is lemon sour? Will it not increase Kapha? Thank you in advance)

  • Lina:

    Well, you don’t need to take every word so literally :)
    Compared to a heavy, slimy porridge breakfast, water with honey and lemon will be a better choice, containing all the Ayurvedic flavors and triggering peristalsis in the morning. By your logic, given that a few drops of sour juice are harmful, kapha should only eat pepper? :)

  • Julia dr:

    Hello Lina!
    If you don’t mind, please express in a few words your attitude towards zucchini and cucumbers in the kapha diet. Different authors refer to these products as either favorable or unfavorable, and there is no unity among consultants:(.

    I really love these products, especially during the season, so I want to understand how much I can afford them.
    Thanks a lot!!!

  • Lina:

    You are right, different authors have different opinions on the same product. Sometimes even one author has disagreements in different chapters. But this is an inevitable process with such a volume of information. Therefore, all these thoughts about products - let's accept - are 95% correct.

    When searching for information, use the rule from the post

    If something really bothers you, don’t use this product in large quantities. And in reasonable ones, you won’t spoil yourself too much.

    “Everything is a medicine or a poison depending on the amount, place, time of application and the initial condition.”

    To radically change something, you need to eat large quantities of inappropriate foods for a long time.

    With the right regimen, corresponding to your vikriti, occasional small inclusions of non-recommended products will not harm you. Their effect on a balanced body will be unnoticeable and will quickly pass.

    Use common sense, observe the reactions of your body - how it will react to a certain product. The body's mucus has increased, swelling means kapha has increased and this product should be eliminated or reduced.

  • Elena kr:

    Dear Lina, hello!
    Firstly, I would like to thank you for a wonderful blog - I discovered Ayurveda not so long ago, there is a lot of information on the Internet, often written by apparently not fully competent people, so there is terrible confusion... but everything you have is very informative, serious and thorough !

    I am a pronounced kapha, and now this dosha is out of balance.

    I started practicing the recommended routine, exercise, sleep and diet. Before this, for a long time I ate oatmeal with kefir and fruit for breakfast (7 am) and, unfortunately, I just love dairy products! But after watching your post and video about the dangers of pasteurized milk, I don’t dare buy it! I seem to have balanced lunch and dinner, but I can’t figure it out with breakfast - it turns out that neither dairy nor grain is allowed...

    And T. read from the most famous lecturer on Ayurveda that it is dairy and fruits that you need to eat in the morning. I really can’t live without breakfast, I want dairy, and I have to get protein and calcium somewhere (I don’t eat meat)?

  • Lina:

    “unfortunately, I just love dairy products!” - these could also be false values, with which many have been zombified since childhood: “milk is good for everyone,” and so it goes according to the established rules, because my mother said in childhood. And if you listen to yourself, especially kapha, you immediately begin to notice - you ate yogurt, ice cream - exactly 15 minutes later a slight coughing begins. I drank milk at night and in the morning my entire tongue was coated.

    Kaphas are also helped by re-reading the list of problems inherent in this dosha. If you consume dairy, kapha increases sharply, and potential problems are approaching.

    And all the time there should be scales before your eyes - on one side - “I love dairy”, on the other - potential problems. All love passes quickly :)

    “I read from T. that you should eat dairy and fruit in the morning.”
    — this specialist has long abandoned Ayurvedic activities. His confession can be found on the Internet. That's what he said

    “Many of my tips are different from Ayurveda, which should only be understood through authoritative Ayurvedic scriptures such as Charaka Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita, etc. So, for example, recommendations on daily routine and nutrition are my own developments and have no relation to classical Ayurveda.”

    - “Yes, and you have to take proteins and calcium somewhere”
    – there are a lot of proteins in other products, and the importance of calcium is greatly exaggerated; with age, on the contrary, they begin to fight the hardening of the body. It does not affect the bones (which is why they supposedly drink it), the bones are already intact, and with normal digestion, proper digestion (the fire of digestion), whatever a person eats, in the most minimal quantities, will be absorbed correctly and that is enough.
    Vegetarianism is not good for everyone, and it didn’t work for me either.

    I’m used to having no time to think about food, knowing that classes are ahead. In the morning I drink something Ayurvedic, often ginger tea, then a green smoothie. Well, after that you can study at least 20 minutes later.

    On those rare days when I don’t do anything, or on weekends during family breakfast, I bake in the microwave a green apple (1-2), cut into pieces and sprinkled with cinnamon. Sometimes I can eat an omelette that I cook for the family. Once a month I eat a tiny bowl of porridge (I specially use tiny dishes). I cook porridge for my husband from whole wheat and 12 other different grains. It turns out so tasty that sometimes I allow myself to enjoy it. But since I haven’t eaten bread for many years, I have no cravings for grains.

    So everything is simple for me, like Maya Plesetskaya, who said, “When is there something? Then rehearsals, then the performance" :)

  • Elena kr:

    Lina, thank you very much for your detailed answer! You inspired me, I will try to change my habits!

  • Lina:

    Addition to the question “where can you get calcium if not from dairy?”:

  • Valeria kr:

    Please tell me the most necessary manipulations for taming kapha for a child (almost 5 years old)? I understand that she is out of balance, and has been for many years at this time of year - the adenoids are increasing - there is constant mucus in the nasopharynx, and bronchitis.

    For the past two years we have turned to a homeopath, perhaps his recommendations helped, but I’m not 100% sure. By the New Year, these symptoms usually go away - perhaps because the season is changing?

    I really want to do without bronchitis and antibiotics and an inhaler this fall...

  • Lina:

    In children, kapha cannot be tamed. Kapha is the growth of all tissues and fluids of the body, and while the child is growing, his vikriti (current constitution) is almost always kapha (with any prakriti, which of course will manifest itself clearly in pitta), and with

    So kapha is a “normal” condition in children. How to deal with its excessive manifestations? Wait a day, I’m just finishing an article about autumn problems (colds, cystitis). I wasn’t going to write about children, I’m sorting that out during consultations, but I’ll add something general to the article.

  • Vera vr:

    Hello Lina!
    Thanks for your site.
    For some reason I couldn’t find a recipe for Masala tea made from a ready-made Masala mixture. Maybe I didn’t look carefully... Please tell me how to prepare it.
    And further. I read your article where you talk about the use of gelatin to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, and joints. How does gelatin affect the doshas?
    Thank you.

  • Lina:

    There are no strict cooking recipes, it all depends on personal preferences and tolerance (some “faint when they see the amount of spices that their mother did not teach them”).

    Also, the composition of different companies can vary greatly. So experiment, starting with small quantities.

    This is my favorite drink, especially now when it’s minus 15 outside!

  • Vera vr:

    Oh! How quickly you responded!)))))))))
    Thank you.
    It’s awkward for me to ask again, but... about gelatin... if it’s not difficult for you.

  • Lina:

    Gelatin increases kapha. But how much of it do you need to eat for this
    Has severe kapha increased further? So many. Nobody uses it in such quantities. At most - 1 spoon of gelatin, added to a dish of gelatin dessert, mousse, jellied meat.

    If you are overzealous with taking gelatin (sometimes you drink it for tendon problems), then you add more kapha-lowering products.

  • Tatiana 04:

    Good night Lina!
    Tell me how to apply the recommendations to a one-year-old child, the child has constant skin rashes. I understand that everything has to do with nutrition. But what about milk porridge in the morning and evening and kefir for an afternoon snack, which are not recommended for kapha.

  • Lina:

    I briefly mentioned activities with children

    I sort out the rest during consultations with mothers and children, since a blog is not the right place, mothers will start acting in such a way that then your pediatricians will kill you from the world with “this Ayurveda of yours.”

    In the said post and the fact that all children are in a state of kapha, this gives them the growth of all tissues (since kapha is responsible for this). Dietary recommendations for an adult kapha do not apply to a child. True, there are other subtleties, but the main thing is in the above link.

    Lina, this question arose.
    If you often have burfi at home, it is made from cow's milk. How can it be balanced (spices) so that you can eat kapha? :) But at the same time, don’t bully pitta...

  • Lina:

    And kapha generally does not need sweets, especially Hindu ones. They contain an overwhelming amount of sugar. That’s why I don’t go to any Indian restaurants or cafes, of which there are many in Toronto. It's impossible to eat anything there.

    Few Hindus are familiar with Ayurveda, they themselves admit it. I constantly “educate” the local Hindus; they listen with surprise. I cook everything at home, using products often purchased in a Hindu store, but according to Ayurvedic rules.

    The sight of huge counters with sweets in Indian stores makes you feel simply sick :) Our Canadian Indians, for the most part, are “in the flesh.”

    So – if you want to live in balance – don’t keep unnecessary things (Hindu sweets) at home. Or use spices for kapha pitta conditions. There is an article on the site, but there is almost no information left there; I deleted a lot, since I do not have the physical ability to answer everyone the questions that I answer during consultations. But if you want, everything is on the Internet, there are no secrets in nutrition. It's quite simple once you understand the principles.

  • Gulnaz:

    I wanted to ask about water consumption for Kapha dosha. After all, water cleanses of toxins, and mucus as well. So why do you need to drink little of it? Personally, my Kapha was out of balance and I was thinking about cleansing my body.

    Also explain about the raw food diet, because it is written that it is also not recommended.

  • Lina:

    “Myths about the benefits of drinking plenty of water are greatly exaggerated. After reading these tips, they begin to drink 2-3 liters a day and “remove toxins.” But toxins are not eliminated so quickly...” etc.

    If everything is fine with the kidneys, if the water-salt metabolism is normal, if the metabolism is not slowed down (like in kapha), then how much fluid comes in is what comes out. In this case, drink to your health. Unfortunately, kapha often has problems with water exchange.

    “So why do you need to drink little of it?”
    – in Ayurveda, “like increases with like, and decreases with opposite.” Those. adding water to kapha, which is already wet in nature, only adds that moisture, increasing kapha and bringing even more problems.

    “Kapha was out of balance and I thought about cleansing the body”
    – cleansing the body is not about drinking water, especially for kapha.

    “explain about raw food diet”
    – kapha, with its slow metabolism (and almost always low digestive fire), a long-term raw food diet is not recommended, since raw food is difficult to digest.

    You can roughly imagine a weak fire into which damp wood has been thrown. What will happen? Nothing good, the firewood will remain unburnt (the food is unprocessed), there will be no heat from the fire (there will be no sense from such processing of food), and the firebrands will remain lying around (the food will come out in unprocessed pieces). And immediately imagine a bright fire and dry firewood. A completely different picture.

    Vegetables do not raise agni. The body’s fire needs to be added by other means, and “firewood” (food) needs to be “dried”, i.e. cook, at least most of it.

    A kapha can eat a raw food diet for a short time in the warm season, which is what I, for example, do in the summer. For example, now I am on a watermelon diet. Last year I described my experience

  • Katyusha:

    Hello Lina!
    Please tell me how I can eat more correctly with increased Pitta, but with Kapha disease (endometriosis).

  • Lina:

    Tibetan medicine explains endometriosis best: endometriosis is a consequence of “coldness” (or emptiness) in the kidneys.

    Endometriosis is an accumulation of kapha. A good analogy is with a cold - the accumulation of cold in the body. Every few years, even the hottest pitta gets a cold. This is generally a common occurrence for Vata. So, cold mucus (snot, phlegm in the bronchi, throat) is the accumulation of kapha (mucus) in the respiratory tract during any vikriti.

    Endometriosis is the accumulation of kapha in the female genital organs during any vikriti. The key is “for any vikriti.” Therefore, you need to know exactly your vikriti (current constitution), and follow your regime corresponding to this (and this includes not only nutrition, little can be done by just changing your diet), and also use the general advice from the post.

    In addition to physical causes, the main cause of this disease is field disorders, or more precisely, dysfunctions of the 2nd chakra-svadhisthana (sexual) and treatment can be successful only after the energy of this chakra is restored. This is primary. Or maybe treatment for individual endimetriosis is not necessary; it will go away on its own after the energy of the chakra, and the whole body, is restored.

  • Elena ku:

    Lina, hello! I’m writing from a clinic in Trishur))).
    I am a kapha. I see in your notes whether to increase kapha or decrease kapha. How can I determine whether I have a lot of it and what needs to be done, increase or decrease?

  • Lina:

    The clinic, as I may suspect, is Ayurvedic? You probably went there so that everything could be determined, told and done for you? Or not?

    I don’t even know what to answer you. I am a consultant, and you are now seeing Hindu Ayurvedic doctors. Probably, at this stage they can help you better than me, who sees only your e-mail.

    If you are not in an Ayurvedic clinic, then I still can’t tell you much, the general information is on the website, but I personally get to know each person in consultations

    It would be interesting if you shared your opinion about the clinic. If you have social networks where you describe this, let me know, or share it here on my website. Many people ask about Ayurvedic clinics.

  • rrr:

    Your site is strange. both the advice and recommendations are strange. the shastras are not understood. Weird.

  • Lina:

    Those who are in the know don’t read such sites. A site for beginners, this is written on the main page.

    If you wander through the comments to various articles, read my personal mail, you can see how many people need exactly this type of consultation, without explanations of the shastras. They write: “I sat on Ayurvedic forums for years, became clever myself and read all the classics, but this did not help me understand myself - what exactly should I do?”

    Some even immediately write, “This is all so complicated, I don’t know how many years I will study and understand this, but the situation is already terrible. I visited Ayurvedic doctors, an Indian and a Russian-speaking one, everything was as you described in the post
    « »

    The Hindu prescribed me a “strong” medicine, which turned out to be ghee with some kind of powder. That's all. I believe in the miraculous power of oil, but I still don’t know what to do with my health.”

    Things didn’t work out with the Russian-speaking doctor either. The consultation was via Skype, completely pointless. I still don’t remember anything and I still don’t know what to do.”

    The situation with my consultations is similar to what is described by the candidate of medical sciences, gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin, part of his interview is in the post:

    How can a woman find her gynecologist, her doctor?

    Everyone has their own. You know, I have situations when a patient comes to see me, and I say: “We are not suitable for each other.” Because every woman needs her own gynecologist. One needs a fairly strong-willed doctor who will say: “Well, why did you come? Come on, sit down, drink...”, speaking harshly to her. Someone needs a gynecologist who will tell everything, who will explain, and she will understand why the doctor is doing something. The first patient does not need such a gynecologist. I have women who say: “Why are you telling me all this? I came, I’m itching, what should I drink? This? I went."

    There are those for whom coming to the gynecologist is a reason to simply talk about their own things, about women’s things. For example, a male gynecologist is not suitable for them, because they cannot discuss new boots with him. Therefore, you need to ask yourself what you want from a doctor, and then look for your gynecologist.”
    (end of interview excerpt)

    That's about it. I'm the person a woman wants to talk to. I do not call myself a doctor, which I am not, but I will show simple steps that will help a person feel normal. And then, maybe he’ll take up the study of classical treatises.

  • Julia st:

    What causes increased appetite? I eat and can't stop. I'm hungry all the time. I understand that this is no longer normal/what could it be?

  • Lina:

    Increased appetite occurs under severe stress, when problems become overwhelming.

    Lina, my child is 4 years old, small swellings appeared under the eyes after a two-week vacation with her grandmother, there also seems to be a slight digestive disorder, stool 2-4 times a day and the color is not ideal (sometimes ideal). He drinks a lot of water. Based on the symptoms, I don’t think you need to see a doctor yet. Do I need to review my child’s diet and improve digestion?

  • Lina:

    With children, it is still better to consult a doctor, otherwise your initiative may lead down the wrong path. You probably read that the child has something serious, and they are treating him with holy water or something similar.

    Stools occur 2-4 times a day even with normal digestion, but with high pitta. This is the norm for them. But if it changed from once to 4 times, then, of course, you need to worry, but definitely not look for answers on a site like mine. I am not a doctor or a specialist in gastrointestinal problems.

  • When using an anti-Kapha diet, you need to:

    Enlarge Pungent, Bitter and Astringent Taste
    -reduce Sweet, Sour and Salty Tastes - reduce the amount consumed
    - food should be dry, warm, light, low in calories
    - do not eat cold, mucous or rich foods
    - remove all sweets from your diet, with the exception of honey (in small quantities, it aggravates Kapha)
    - reduce the consumption of any oils, dairy and fermented milk products, cheeses
    - eliminate rice, wheat, corn, oats from your diet
    - exclude all juicy fruits (retaining water in the body) - watermelon, melon, grapes, pineapples, citrus fruits, bananas
    - exclude fatty vegetables and fruits - avocado, coconuts
    - exclude potatoes
    - if you are a meat eater, then at least reduce your pork consumption
    - reduce your consumption of fish and seafood
    - do not have dinner in the evening (during Kapha - from 6 to 10 pm), as this is the time of worst absorption of food

    Kapha is an inert dosha and is best suited to a warm, light and dry diet. People of this type need to avoid cold, fatty and sweet foods that promote the development of Kapha. The best diet for people of this type is to generally reduce the amount of food consumed, both its quantity and frequency of intake. You can greatly help your body if you fast at least once a week. Kapha should give preference to a light breakfast and dinner, fresh vegetables and fruits, lightly boiled or fried foods.

    Rules of Ayurvedic nutrition for Kapha-type people:

    Choose foods that are hot, light, and dry (cooked with little water), with pungent, bitter, and astringent flavors and minimal amounts of fat and sugar. Sweet, salty and sour tastes should be avoided as they increase Kapha.

    Every Kapha dish must have pungent, bitter and astringent tastes. Spicy foods improve digestion and warm the body, while bitter and astringent foods help curb Kapha's appetite.

    Eat less sweets and include more spices, herbs and seasonings in your diet. Spicy and pungent foods are especially beneficial in winter, when they compensate for cold and dampness that irritate Kapha.

    Dishes prepared without water are favorable - baked, fried (but not too much) in a frying pan or on the grill.

    Breakfast should invigorate, not fill, Kapha people, so it is optional. In the morning, a glass of water with a spoonful of honey and a small amount of squeezed lemon juice is enough, although it is acceptable to drink a glass of hot unsweetened (ginger) tea, coffee or bitter cocoa with croutons.

    Every meal should include fresh herbs, vegetables, salads, legumes, fruits and a variety of spices. And before eating, it is advisable to drink a glass of hot or warm water.

    A good light dinner for Kaphas would be steamed vegetables lightly seasoned with ghee.

    Very hot or spicy foods (causing tears) are good for both warming Kapha and flushing out excess mucus.

    DAIRY PRODUCTS. Only skim boiled milk and a minimal amount of other dairy products are beneficial. Dairy products are completely unhealthy for people of this type.

    SWEETS, HONEY and SUGAR. Honey is the only sweet food recommended for Kapha. All other sweets should be limited or excluded.

    VEGETABLE OILS. Only ghee, sunflower and corn oil are beneficial, but they are only in small quantities. For external use, the best is sesame oil. All other types of oil should be excluded.

    BREAD PRODUCTS. You need to limit yourself in baking, and also exclude pancakes, pancakes, pasta and yeast bread from your diet. It is possible to eat only bread made from sprouted wheat, as well as crackers or biscuits, bread or cereal breakfasts (cold, dry, in the form of flakes).

    VEGETABLES. Almost all vegetables are beneficial, but especially spicy and bitter ones, such as eggplants, radishes, any types of cabbage, peppers, turnips, beets, carrots, spinach, onions, garlic, peas, corn, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, celery, spinach , mushrooms. You should limit your consumption of juicy and sweet vegetables: cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, olives, okra.

    Fruits and berries. All fruits with an astringent taste are beneficial: apples, pears, pomegranates, apricots, peaches, mangoes, persimmons, cranberries, lemon, lime, strawberries, as well as all dried fruits. Limit the consumption of sweet and juicy fruits: watermelons, oranges, pineapples, avocados, bananas, grapefruits, plums, grapes, bananas, melons, kiwis, raspberries, papaya, dates, figs.

    CEREALS and LEGUMES. Most grains are suitable, especially barley, millet, rye, buckwheat and corn, as well as most legumes. Reduce your intake of wheat, rice or oats as much as possible, as well as beans and soybeans.

    SPICES and SPICES. Everything is beneficial, but especially ginger. Limit the consumption of ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, soy sauce, chocolate, and especially table salt.

    NUTS and SEEDS. Only sunflower and pumpkin seeds are beneficial. Everything else must be excluded from the diet.

    MEAT and SEAFOOD. Favorable: white chicken or turkey meat, fish and shrimp (all in small quantities). Exclude: animal meat, seafood.

    TEA, COFFEE AND DRINKS. Favorable: hot natural and soy milk with spices, coffee from cereals, dry wines (both red and white), juices: apricot, pineapple, grape,

    Cherry (sweet), pomegranate, apple, pear, carrot, peach, plum, mango, as well as cranberry and other berry juices. Avoid: carbonated and iced drinks, lemon water, coffee, iced tea, meat broths, strong alcoholic drinks, sour juices, as well as orange, grapefruit, tomato and papaya juice.

    HERBS AND PLANTS: Benefits: Wintergreen, Cloves, Hibiscus, Blackberry, Jasmine, Ginseng, Strawberry, Ginger, Yerba Mate (Paraguayan tea), Cinnamon, Nettle, Red Clover, Lavender, Lemongrass, Burdock, Alfalfa, Raspberry, Melissa, Mormon Tea (Ephedra), Spearmint, Peppermint, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Chamomile, Sassafras, Passion Flower, Yarrow, Chicory, Juniper Berries, Barley. Not suitable: Marshmallow, Licorice, and Rosehip.

    STARVATION. Regularly, 1 day a week in warm boiled water with honey. Weekly diets with limited sugar are also recommended - only honey is allowed (one tablespoon per day), which can be diluted in hot water.

    People of the kapha type, themselves, have a rather large physique and a tendency to gain excess weight, which often happens in the case of. In addition to this, any food that increases kapha can also contribute to extra pounds. However, there is an important positive point here: foods that reduce this dosha can also help reduce weight, and these are the foods that are recommended for people of this Ayurvedic constitution. Therefore, a correctly selected one will, in this case, be a tool for losing weight.

    How to lose weight with kapha dosha through diet?

    In general, you should follow the dietary guidelines for kapha dosha. You should especially avoid foods of animal origin, wheat products, white refined sugar and products containing it, alcoholic beverages, fried foods, fast food, and any food that is too much, too much or too much. Also, do not get carried away with oils, including vegetable ones. You can use almond, corn and sunflower oil in small quantities.

    First of all, you need to focus on dishes that have , and - they will revive the body and mind. The best foods for kapha are suitable vegetables.- they are not only sources of vitamins and minerals, but are also perfectly absorbed without increasing your dosha.

    Basically, vegetables almost all are good; Just limit potatoes, tomatoes and water chestnuts (chilim, water chestnut, bagel). Also, do not indulge in vegetables with a very sweet, very sour taste, or those that have a lot of juice. Otherwise, you can have a blast eating vegetables without compromising your health.

    Among vegetables, give preference to green leafy ones, as well as those that contain seeds (like zucchini, for example, or pumpkin) - they are better for you than root vegetables, which are closer to the elements of earth (and combines the elements of water and earth, respectively, products with similar qualities will increase this dosha, which we do not need at all).

    Raw vegetables are good, as well as stewed ones (they are easier to digest). Various peppers suit Kaphas. If you have a bivocal type, and the second dosha is pitta, then in the case of overeating peppers (especially hot ones, such as chili), you need an “antidote” in the form of ghee, which will calm the pitta dosha.

    Cereals are also needed, but to a lesser extent than, for example, vata dosha and pitta dosha. To normalize weight, it is best to eat grains with a warming and drying effect: buckwheat, millet, barley, rice (choose less slimy varieties) and corn. It is best to lightly toast the grain in a dry frying pan before cooking. Bread can be eaten in the form of crackers - this is a more suitable option; or exclude it altogether, because wheat, by its qualities, is a heavy grain and contains gluten, which is not very good for kapha dosha, especially when we talk about how to lose weight.

    From fruit For weight loss, dried fruits (prunes, for example), apples, apricots, peaches, pears, cranberries and pomegranate are suitable. Avoid very sweet, very juicy and very sour fruits. Interestingly, the famous Ayurvedic specialist, Robert Svoboda, also recommends fruits such as mangoes, which are quite sweet and often very juicy. There are, of course, different varieties, but still an interesting recommendation.

    Kapha dosha should not be carried away legumes, because, firstly, legumes are a heavy food, and secondly, kaphas do not need so much protein (according to the same opinion of R. Svoboda). Legumes you can eat include black beans, mung beans, Pinto beans and red lentils.

    Many are suitable for kapha spices, with the exception of salt, which needs to be seriously limited if you want to lose weight.

    An important feature of this dosha is its slower metabolism (metabolism) compared to other doshas, ​​as a result of which fats are less absorbed, toxins are less easily eliminated, and all this can lead to obesity if nothing is done.

    Physical exercise stimulates metabolism, eliminates congestion in the body, which people of the kapha type are prone to, and helps reduce this dosha.

    What exercises are needed?

    Since kapha is a fairly resilient dosha, you need more intense and prolonged exercise that will ignite the internal “fire”. Will fit marathons, cross-country running, skiing, triathlon, cycling, strength training, hiking, yoga etc. The main thing is to stay motivated to train and exercise regularly.

    Other recommendations that are useful for losing weight include eating your main meal at noon, going to bed before 10:00 p.m., and getting up before 6:00 a.m. Time is important because if your dosha is out of balance, then even 8 hours of sleep will not seem enough to you; but it is important to go to bed earlier and get up earlier in order to bring the dosha into balance (by the way, this recommendation applies to all doshas, ​​since it corresponds to the natural rhythms of the body).

    Try to control every aspect of nutrition, because even the most healthy foods will become poison if they are not absorbed by the body correctly.

    Features of metabolism

    People with a predominance of Kapha dosha in their constitution have a good appetite, a pronounced feeling of hunger, but slow digestion. If, succumbing to a slight feeling of hunger, they begin to eat frequently or overeat, due to slow metabolism, the food will not be completely digested and will cause the accumulation of waste and toxins, and the digested part of it will first be deposited in adipose tissue. Therefore, the mandatory rule should be two or three meals a day with strict adherence to the volume of food eaten.

    Kapha, when out of balance, promotes the accumulation of mucus in the body - it is by its nature slow, passive, heavy, cold, slightly caustic and flowing, therefore it causes blockage of pores and tissues inside the body, promotes the development of tumors, thickens the blood and various body fluids, disrupts the work of the endocrine glands, causes an increase in body weight and fat deposits. To balance these qualities, it is necessary to avoid eating very fatty, salty, sweet, heavy, oily and cooling foods - milk, dairy products, fatty meats and broths, bananas, nuts, milk porridges. In contrast, it is necessary to eat light, penetrating, warming, fibrous and dry foods.

    An important feature of an organism with a dominant influence of the Water element is the difficulty of digesting incompatible food, therefore separate meals are recommended for people of this type.

    The nature of Kapha is passive, enveloping and cold, so in order to keep it in balance, it is necessary to exclude very cold foods and drinks, as well as very hot and overly spicy foods. The ban on the latter is imposed because the spicy melts the mucus and causes it to move throughout the body, and when the mucus is removed from the source of fire, it will harden, clogging energy channels and vessels.

    Therefore, food for people of this type should be hot and warming, but not burning the mouth. “Water” people are quite static and calm, but they often “succumb” to stress and begin to “eat up” it, thereby causing an increase in Kapha in the body and suppression of Pitta, which protects the body from stress and adverse external factors. In turn, this can contribute to the development of even deeper stress, the accumulation of mucus in the body and the appearance or exacerbation of mucus diseases - sinusitis, rhinitis, hormonal disorders, tumors, diabetes.

    Meal time

    Due to their slow metabolism, “water” people tend to have swelling and congestion in the body, so they should not eat too early or too late.

    Breakfast 8.00-10:00. Breakfast for people of Kapha constitution should be very light and consist mainly of fruits, for example, a baked apple or pear combined with a few plums. It is important to remember that raw fruits do not combine with other foods, so they must be consumed separately. Sometimes representatives of this type can sometimes completely do without breakfast.

    Lunch 13:00-15:00. For Kapha people, this should be the bulk of their meals, as this is when digestion works best. It is recommended for lunch to eat thin soup with vegetable broth, some lean meat, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salads, vegetable stew or steamed vegetables, honey.

    Dinner no later than 18:00. It is recommended to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. In the evening you should eat lighter meals. It is also recommended to avoid lactic acid products in the evening. If you eat food shortly before going to bed at night, it will be much less digestible.

    It is very important to learn to distinguish the body’s actual needs for food and drink from the state when you really don’t want to eat and drink, but something tempts you to do so. Thus, it is necessary to eat when you are hungry and drink when you are thirsty.

    With any constitution and following any diet, it is imperative to exclude food at night. Eating late does not give rest to the digestive system and leads to the formation of toxins, which interferes with the normal functioning of the entire body.
    In the modern lifestyle of a big city, it is sometimes difficult to exclude a late dinner, since this is the only time after work when you can eat calmly and fully. Therefore, for many, dinner after a hard day becomes the main meal of the day. Very carefully, without trying to break internal resistance and habits, it is important to shift the main meal to the day, closer to noon, when the fire of digestion is most active. Heavy and difficult to digest foods should also be consumed in the middle of the day.

    Amount of food

    For people whose constitution is dominated by Kapha, the amount of food is of great importance. Their metabolism is at a fairly low level. As a result, they can and should eat less than people of other types of constitutions - skipping several meals a week should become the norm for them. After all, they can easily live the whole day on water or juices alone, without experiencing any physical discomfort, since their body stores a large amount of energy.

    If there is an excess of food, it will be absorbed worse, becoming poison (ama). In addition, overeating stretches the stomach, which will require more and more food. Ideally, you should eat no more than what can fit in your cupped palms at a time.

    The meal should be stopped before the feeling of heaviness in the stomach occurs, without filling it completely. It is good to finish a meal when one third of the stomach is filled with food, one third with water and one third with air. It is important to strictly adhere to the drinking regime, avoiding taking excessive amounts of liquid and drinking no more than 1 liter per day.

    How the food is prepared

    For people with Kapha predominance, it is good to use a lot of spices for cooking. Almost all spices are beneficial. However, you should not add ketchup and mayonnaise to dishes. It is necessary to avoid old, heavy, fatty, oily, mucous, watery foods, yeast bread, and strong alcoholic drinks.

    Most vegetables are very healthy for this type of person as they are usually light and dry in nature. Especially useful are sharp, bitter and astringent vegetables, which can be either boiled or eaten raw (preferably in warm weather). Mushrooms are also often included in the list of vegetables recommended for water-type people, but most of them are quite heavy, so they can throw the Water element out of balance.

    Mushrooms should only be consumed when cooked with spices that enhance Pitta dosha in the body (asafetida, ginger, garlic, black pepper, etc.). Kapha-type people usually do not need animal products, since they are less susceptible to tissue failure than others. Of all types of meat, poultry causes the least harm. Fatty and red meat should be excluded from your menu. If you cannot do without meat, then it should be cooked with a lot of spices (turmeric, cumin, coriander, black pepper, a little red pepper, mustard seeds are suitable).

    Representatives of this type of constitution should, if possible, avoid dairy products (except low-fat curdled milk), because they contribute to mucus formation and the occurrence of stagnation. But if you love milk, you can reduce mucus formation by adding spices like cardamom, ginger, saffron or masala mixture.

    Oils are generally not suitable for water type people due to their wet and heavy nature. As a result, it is better to use them in very small quantities for cooking.

    Animal fats, such as lard, are much heavier than vegetable oils, and therefore it is advisable to avoid them completely. It should be remembered that most legumes need to be soaked overnight and washed in the morning - this way they are better absorbed. If legumes cause flatulence, then long pepper, cloves, ginger, and black cardamom should be added to the prepared dish. Cereals are not very suitable for people with a predominant constitution of Water, as they are heavy and can increase weight, and even more so you should not cook them with milk.

    Food by season

    Kapha dosha is most active in winter and early spring, when the weather outside is damp and cold. These days it is better to eat less raw and more cooked food, and use warming spices in food and drinks. At this time, long-term fasting and a raw food diet are contraindicated.

    Nutrition by age

    When compiling a diet, you need to take age into account, keeping in mind the following:

    From birth to 16 years- the time of predominance of the Water element, so at this time people often suffer from colds. During these years, it is especially important for representatives of the “water” type of constitution to monitor their diet and not abuse food that increases the amount of the Water element in the body. However, we must not forget that this is a period of active growth of the body, the formation of organs and tissues, so it is better to refrain from strict diets. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains should make up approximately 75% of a child's diet. You should avoid a lot of sweets.

    From 16 to 50–55 years old- the time of Fire, therefore, when drawing up a diet for people with a Water constitution, it is important to monitor the balance of the fire element in the body, still limiting the consumption of salty, sweet and sour, and also not overusing spicy tastes.

    From 55 years onwards- the time of Air, therefore at this time it is very important to create a diet based on the current state of the body, because By consuming foods that reduce the amount of Water, we increase the level of Air, which can lead to diseases and disorders associated with this element (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.). During this period of life, you should not abuse raw vegetables and fruits; it is advisable to give up coffee and strong tea. People over fifty years of age, regardless of their constitution type, are not recommended to consume yogurt; cleansing fasting is best done under the supervision of a physician. You should not eat heavy food, because... at this age, people with a “watery” type of constitution gain weight especially quickly.

    Diet for those with a Kapha constitution

    A distinctive feature of the diet of people with a predominance of Water in their individual constitution is a reduction not only in the total amount, but also in the calorie content of food consumed. Representatives of this type are recommended to have the following balancing diet:

    • 30–40% grain products: dry rye bread, dry semi-finished grain products, cooked grain;
    • 20% protein: chicken, turkey, soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, a small amount of goat's milk, legumes - including chickpeas, aduki, kidney beans, red lentils, black and white beans, mung beans, split peas, black-eyed peas (these are general recommendations for everyone: if If you do not eat meat or other products, be sure to ensure that your diet is complete);
    • 40–50% fresh vegetables;
    • 10% fresh or dried fruit (if desired);
    • It is useful to include salads in your daily diet.


    People with a predominance of Kapha dosha in their constitution benefit from strict vegetarianism (without animal products) like no other. Once a week, it is advisable to arrange fasting days without food or on vegetable juices, raw vegetables and fruits, herbal infusions, and ginger tea. They can also withstand long (a week or more) fasting; they will also benefit from observing Christian fasts, because This not only allows the body to cleanse itself, but also develops willpower. You can fast for 5,10,15 days depending on your feelings. Some people can try longer abstinence from food, but always under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to remember that fasting can be very harmful to weakened, seriously ill people, young children and the elderly.

    Based on materials from the book “Yoga from A to Z” by David Frawley

    In the human body, metabolism occurs every minute, every second. Dosha Kapha is the vital energy that regulates this exchange, therefore it must be stable, constant and slow, but at the same time confidently manage metabolic processes.

    Kapha is considered the most constant, compared to Vatta and Pitta, so it is very difficult to unbalance it. But either modern life with all its negative factors affecting the body, or some changes in human nature itself prove the opposite. As sad practice shows, dosha Kapha gets out of balance quite often. Hence the appearance of the so-called imbalance of fluids, leading to various diseases.

    Ayurveda has ancient knowledge on how to balance Kapha using natural methods. Special nutrition helps to achieve the desired balance and get rid of Kapha diseases.

    What is the role of Kapha dosha

    Kapha is formed from the combination such basic elements, How water and land. It corresponds to the state of “mucus”, so it has the appropriate characteristics: soft, heavy, dense, viscous.

    Kapha dosha is charged with maintaining fluid balance in the body. Also under its control are all the structural elements of the body - tendons, bones, muscles, etc.

    The dosha is directly influenced by the Svadhisthana chakra and Muladhara chakra. Its location is the upper part of the thoracic cavity. You can learn more about doshas from the article on our website.

    How to recognize Kapha type people: physical characteristics of dosha

    From conception, people are predisposed to the predominance of one or more doshas. Much less often, an absolute balance of tridosha is observed in a person. The predominance of Kapha is reflected in everything: psychological and anatomical-physiological characteristics of the individual.

    Physical description of Kapha dosha type people:

    1. If If Kapha predominates in a woman, she is distinguished by roundness of shape, a certain fullness. And although her legs are usually short, she always moves smoothly, gracefully, measuredly, while demonstrating inner confidence.
    2. Kapha men are distinguished by the width of their shoulders, hips and torso. They are stocky and powerful in appearance.
    3. If we consider their constitution in general, then they usually have full arms and wide bones. They gain weight quite quickly if they do not eat properly, as their metabolism is slow.
    4. The skin is moist, pale and smooth (people of nationalities whose dark skin color is genetically determined have a different feature, respectively).
    5. The eyes are most often light, and the eyelashes are fluffy and thick. The hair is also thick.
    6. The lips are full, the facial features are large.

    From the outside Kapha type people look balanced, calm, all their actions are adequate and thoughtful. Some may even blame them for a lack of emotional response, but Vatta and Pitta should learn from their composure.

    Balance of doshas according to Ayurveda

    What disorders and diseases can an imbalance of Kapha dosha lead to?

    Kapha most often loses balance under the influence of such factors:

    • very cold and “difficult” food to digest;
    • abuse of sweet, fatty, salty foods;
    • excessive consumption of alcohol, which “slows down” the already calm Kapha;
    • daytime nap;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • cold, damp weather;
    • psychological experiences associated with self-flagellation, envy, pride.

    Since Kapha is influenced by the second chakra of Svadhisthana, which is responsible for hormonal metabolic processes and the immune system, imbalance of the dosha will lead to blocking of the chakra . Svadhisthana governs the five waters in the human body, circulating in different organs:

    1. Sleshaka– responsible for lubrication and elasticity of joints. Problems with Kapha balance can lead to the development of arthritis, rheumatism and various inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system..
    2. Avalabaka(heart) – gives strength and strength to the chest, supports the mobility of the limbs. An imbalance of avalabaki leads to frequent respiratory diseases.
    3. Kleaka(stomach). When overexcitation of Kapha occurs, increased production of gastric juice is provoked, which often causes a person to experience a painful feeling of hunger.
    4. Terpaka(nasal cavity). Cools and cleanses the nose, eyes, mouth. People of the Kapha type, subject to the harmonious functioning of the dosha, have good memory and sensitive perception. Terpaka is precisely responsible for this. If it is disrupted, stagnation occurs, leading to pathological accumulation of mucus. This contributes to the development of sinusitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis.
    5. Bodaka– is responsible for uniting all five waters. Promotes saliva production and provides taste perception. If an imbalance occurs, a person begins to overeat, and this, in turn, leads to overweight and even obesity.

    So, Kapha imbalance most often becomes the cause of a number of pathological conditions and diseases:

    • dyspnea;
    • frequent colds;
    • hypertension (high blood pressure);
    • malignant neoplasms;
    • digestive disorders;
    • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
    • skin diseases;
    • diseases of the ENT organs, including inflammation of the sinuses;
    • obesity.

    At the psychological level, overexcitation of Kapha leads to slowness of mind, laziness, greed, and stubbornness. The person becomes melancholic, and a depressive state may develop.

    Ayurveda is the oldest Indian science of health

    Ways to restore Kapha balance

    First of all, Ayurveda recommends taking into account the main characteristics of Kapha . Since it is cooling, heavy, calm and moist, when it dominates to restore the balance of the dosha procedures and means are used aimed at warming, stimulating, relieving and drying.

    So, in order for Kapha dosha to return to normal, the following remedies and procedures are used:

    • Excess fluid is removed with the help of diuretics, therapeutic fasting, diets, and also by stimulating sweating. Such measures help with lymphostasis, fever, bronchitis, and asthma.
    • The taste of the products is very important in correcting doshas. For Kapha, remedies with a bitter taste are indicated, and a little less often - with an astringent and pungent taste.
    • To improve digestion and cleanse the intestines, agents with stimulant, emetic and laxative effects are used.
    • A person with Kapha dosha disorders is advised to wear jewelry or amulets made of gold and copper inlaid with yellow or red opal, red diamond, topaz, ruby, agate, red or yellow garnet. What these stones and metals have in common is that they carry the energy of Fire, activity and warmth, which Kapha lacks.

    The most important Ayurvedic principle in correcting doshas is the use of only natural remedies given to man by nature.

    Dietary food for healthy Kapha: what is useful and what is harmful

    Kapha people enjoy every meal, so it is very difficult for them to go hungry. Since this is fraught with the appearance of excess weight, they need to carefully monitor their diet more than other doshas.

    Nutritional principles that Kapha dosha people should adhere to:

    1. It is advisable to eat only twice a day and strictly by the hour. The first meal should be at noon and it should be well nourishing and healthy. The second should take place in the evening and consist of light, easily digestible foods.
    2. Food should have a warming effect, seasoned with hot and bitter spices. Here is some of the list of things that are good for Kapha:
    • vegetables and greens - beets, asparagus, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, green peas, cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli, parsley, celery;
    • fruits (also dried fruits) and berries - pears, apples, apricots, pomegranates, quinces, peaches;
    • honey (in small quantities);
    • porridge – buckwheat, corn, rye;
    • Legumes recommended include yellow and black peas (chickpeas), red lentils;
    • spices and herbs - anise, orange zest, dried ginger, sage, cardamom, cloves, thyme, black pepper, marjoram, basil, eucalyptus, tarragon, cilantro;
    • drinks - a mixture of vegetable juices, prune compote, rice milk, teas (with raspberries, ginger, chamomile, hops, cinnamon).

    Overcooked, fatty, very cold and hot, watery foods are harmful to Kapha. . Yeast bread, which takes a long time and is difficult to digest, as well as strong alcoholic drinks should also be removed from the diet.

    Do not forget about the power of aromatherapy on the doshas. Kapha “loves” the smells of myrrh, rosemary, juniper, laurel, bergamot, eucalyptus and incense.