Massage after mammoplasty. Recovery period (rehabilitation) after mammoplasty. Pain after breast augmentation

As you know, more than half of marriages break up within the first few years life together. Why is this happening? No matter who you ask, everyone knows the answer to this burning question. The only pity is that these answers are almost always different. Husbands blame their wives, wives blame their husbands, psychotherapists blame both.

Or maybe, in fact, no one is to blame? Maybe the problems stem from the fact that very often we marry not a real person, but the one we imagine him to be - we marry an image, a certain ideal, which in real life turns out to be just a pale reflection of what we dreamed of.

The first months after the wedding everything is great, but when this slight intoxication with happiness passes, reality makes itself felt more and more clearly: it turns out that you did not marry the person who just recently brought you flowers every day... That’s when problems arise.

You can rest assured that your husband almost certainly feels the same way as you. After all, his ideas about you also did not quite coincide with reality... Are you interested in knowing how he imagined you? What if you try to find out this and try to bring this ideal to life? Maybe it's worth a try? Especially if this ideal turns out to be close to you...

There is nothing wrong with this experiment. As you know, our life is a game. Rare woman He doesn’t have acting skills, it’s in our blood. So why bury natural talent in the ground? Maybe try to use it for peaceful purposes?

So, what do husbands want their wives to be? Statistical surveys are mixed. Men with persistent inconsistency demonstrate a variety of responses, including Once again proving that there are no identical people in the world and everyone has their own “preferences”. And although we agree with this, it is nevertheless possible to introduce some order into the resulting confusion.

It is quite possible to identify several types of women, the images of which, like no other, excite the heart and mind of a man. Choose the type that you think your husband wants to see in you, and go ahead! Amazing discoveries await you.

You love your husband. Is it possible for you to become for him exactly what he wants you to be? Certainly. Just become for him...

...The keeper of the gas stove. If you believe the statistics, this is exactly how most men, if not most men, want to see their wife, then at least, a significant part of them. Men's thinking is more conservative than women's, so such ideas about wives have not undergone significant changes in the minds of husbands over many decades and even centuries.

How to do it. In your husband’s mind, this may mean the following: when he comes home, he always has a delicious lunch or dinner, and a caring wife feeds him and takes care of the house and children, without distracting him from subsequent important matters - reading the newspaper and watching a football match on TV. In short, the classic “Kirche, Kinder, Kuchen” - church, children and kitchen...

Well, children are children. In the end, we should not forget that raising offspring is an evolutionarily “assigned” function to women. Give your husband the opportunity to experience this important moment for your family.

What will happen? If this sweet picture painted before your spouse’s mind’s eye is close to your heart, that’s great. This means that the ideal of your man’s wife coincides with your own ideal. But when working on it, don’t overdo it. Otherwise, the husband may begin to approach this very gas stove just to warm up... excuse me, warm up my hands. For all the other joys of life, he will turn to other addresses...

Use your imagination as much as possible. The main thing is to never stop there. Let something special always await your beloved at home... Will you cook cabbage rolls or dumplings today? It is advisable that this special be something more intriguing.

Is it worth it? Are you sure that cute, everyday household chores are for you? All women are different, and the label that society puts on us in the person of men may not at all correspond to your ideas about yourself. And if this is so, such “pretense” will not benefit either your health or your relationship with your husband.

...As a mistress. Boredom and monotony are known to be the worst enemy of marital relationships. According to statistics, it is thanks to boredom that most men walk to the left. Why don't you make your husband walk to the left... towards you?

How to do it. Imagine that now it’s not your husband who comes home from work, but your lover. What then? You will prepare an exquisite dinner, not forgetting about aphrodisiacs, wear the most exquisite lace lingerie, and create a charming atmosphere of mystery in your apartment, emphasizing your attractiveness. When he comes, a sincere smile of joy will appear on your face, and playful lights in your eyes will flash every minute when you look at him. You won’t ask him why he didn’t bring you anything again - let stupid wives do that. Your conversations will only be about the two of you...

Of course, your husband will be surprised, because he considers you his wife. But you are determined to do what you have in mind... Therefore, then you will allow him what he wants: who knows, maybe you will like it too?..

What will happen? You should never refuse to experiment, even in the most unusual way. The results may be the most unexpected, both for you and for him. But you can be sure that after several years of marriage you will see each other in a new way.

Is it worth it? Costs. Try it at least once, and then perhaps you will like it yourself. It certainly won't be boring.

...Big Mommy

Every most wonderful man has his own shortcomings. One is a pathological womanizer who cannot imagine his life without constant betrayal. Another in his personal rating puts you in honorable second place after football (this is in best case scenario)… And the third, at thirty or forty years old, has never learned to truly be independent. And, besides, he is not psychologically mature for equal marital relations. Even if he has learned to provide for himself financially, he may have problems in terms of psychological maturity.

If these words fully apply to your husband, then it is likely that his mother was mainly involved in his upbringing, while his father was either completely absent from the horizon, or did little with his son and therefore was unable to convey to him that stereotype of relationships with women, which boys learn primarily from their fathers. In general, for some reason this did not happen, and the mother, as a woman, simply could not teach her son purely masculine qualities, such as, for example, independence. Therefore, such a man can only exist tolerably in a “connection” with someone, and in his future life he will look for a wife who has taken over the functions of his mother. And, as a rule, he finds it. This is a woman with a strongly expressed maternal instinct, when she spends most of her psychological energy on her husband.

How this all happens is anyone's guess, but if you feel like your spouse is gravitating toward this type of relationship, there might be something you can try...

How to do it. Dear, did you forget your folder with documents? Did you take what I prepared for lunch? Did I tell you that Sergei from the marketing department called you yesterday and invited you to his dacha? Are you sure I don't need to go too? No? Well, whatever you say... It seems that someone else called you. When I remember, I’ll call you at work...

What will happen? Trust that you have chosen the right behavior style. Because if you made a mistake, or over time your husband “outgrew” his mommy and he no longer needs her...

Is it worth it? How long can you play this role? A woman who, for some reason, cannot express her maternal instinct on her children, unleashes it on her husband. Are you capable of this? And is it worth it to do this?

...Admired. There are men who lack self-confidence and suffer from their own low self-esteem. They constantly, consciously or not, compare themselves with other men, and very often these comparisons are not in their favor. And therefore, men of this type are looking for a woman for whom her husband is a god, and who will never question his merits and will only emphasize them, and will perceive all the shortcomings of her husband as nothing other than extensions of his merits. Such a woman will not even stutter about shortcomings. About any...

How to do it. And how did you not notice before what a treasure your husband really is? He is so hard-working and caring, he gives you flowers on March 8th every year! And how he loves his daughter: when they play together, her cheerful laughter does not stop for a minute. And if someone says something bad about him, then it is, understandably, out of envy: few people in this life manage to marry such a nugget...

There is no need to invent anything: just sing about what you see. And if you have enough patience, it will gradually become a habit. Show with all your appearance how proud you are of your husband and how wonderful he is. But do not under any circumstances overdo it with praise: very often men of this type subtly sense the slightest flattery, and if your husband catches you in forgery, trouble will inevitably follow.

What will happen? Did you really marry a complete nonentity? Hardly. As you begin to praise him, you will be surprised to find that much of what you started singing his praises for is quite close to the truth. And if your spouse is still far from perfect in communicating with a child or in expressing his love for you, praise him for this ten times more: the results, rest assured, will not take long to arrive.

Is it worth it? There are people who are activated by praise: they work on themselves, try to get rid of shortcomings. That is, you praise them, and they improve before your eyes. Others, on the contrary, can be forced to work only by driving them into stress. In other words, negative stimulation works better on them, for example, ultimatums like “If you don’t learn..., then I will...” And if your husband, from endless praises and compliments, begins to “rest on his laurels” and becomes even worse over time, then know: he belongs precisely to the second group. Therefore, have mercy on your nerves and stop spoiling him. A little bit of good stuff.

...His property. Some potential husbands choose women as wives with whom they can feel their power over them. As a rule, in relation to other people they are just as strong-willed and powerful, therefore, as a rule, they achieve great success in life - a good financial situation and high social status.

How to do it. Maximum success in this role is achieved at a minimum cost. Of course, if the psychology of blind submission is close to you like no other...

No problem. No imagination. None own thoughts. Your husband will think, decide and act for you.

What will happen? Unless your husband needs Big Momma, he'll probably get the hang of it pretty quickly. And he will begin to feel like a real master, a master in the family. Another question is how will you feel yourself?

Is it worth it? Some time will pass, and perhaps it will even bring you some kind of pleasure. But practice shows that you have to pay a very high price for this dubious pleasure, when you are not responsible for anything. Do you still remember this word - “self-esteem”? Remember? Strange. With this style of behavior, you should have forgotten him by now. However, just like the phrases “girlfriends and friends”, “confidence in one’s abilities” and “freedom to do what you want”. But then don’t be surprised when after some time you still have to learn them again. Is it worth taking a step back now and then having great difficulty returning?

...Unpredictable. It's no secret that in fact, any person likes people who are similar to himself. Likewise, some men prefer such women, some of whose traits are close to themselves. For example, if one of these traits is unpredictability, in in a good way this word. Monotony is terribly tiring, and at the same time brings boredom. And we already know what it leads to. So why not try to be spontaneous?

How to do it. Is he expecting you to want to go to a restaurant today? And you suggest going to an amusement park and going on rides. Ask to buy for you cotton candy and visit all the attractions together. How long has it been since you last did this? And together with your husband?

And the next day you are just a hard-working housewife, who this time asks her husband to bring home a couple of bunches of asparagus or some avocado...

On the third day you... however, you will have to come up with something new yourself. Develop your imagination - you will now really need it, because the main motto of this “role” is “every subsequent day be different from yesterday.”

What will happen? He will never know what you will throw at next moment. Intrigue, this way you will create what you need. Another thing is that some people will like such an intrigue, but others will not.

Is it worth it? In fact, a very risky method. Few men will fully like it. Especially if this continues constantly, day after day. The only thing that you can safely guarantee your dear spouse is that he will never be bored... And this is already a lot!

...Of course. This is probably the most difficult role to play. Probably because the best of all possible scenarios for it should be written by you yourself. But here’s the problem: until now you haven’t had time for this work... Probably because we are not used to showing ourselves to others, and even to ourselves – neither good nor bad, but simply as we are.

How to do it. And only you yourself can understand and implement how to do this, and no one else.

Feel what you really want and don't be shy about admitting it. Previously, you were a lover for your husband, but now let him become a lover for you.

Listen to yourself. Maybe you are missing something? There is no shame in asking, just take what you want and you will be rewarded. You can become anything for him, but you must be an individual. Anyway. You are special, let your husband know it now. Didn't he deserve it? What about you?

What will happen? Everything depends on you. But practice shows that no matter what you do, it will only be better for you. At first, your husband may not accept you in your new “look,” but then both of you will only feel better. Because even the most wonderful mistress will ever get bored, but a wife who is not like anyone else will never get bored. And so the question “Is it worth it?” will disappear by itself. Like a bad mask that is no longer needed.

S.I. Kalugin

Psychotherapist of the MeraMed clinic R.A. Loshakov comments on the article:

The author correctly noted the fact that for harmony in the family it is very important that the spouses’ expectations towards each other are met; this is one of the main conditions for the stability of a marriage. Diversity is also important in family life: if one of the spouses is constantly in only one “role,” after some time this can begin to destroy family relationships and lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between spouses. In some cases, it is not possible to resolve these conflicts on your own. And then it makes sense to contact a specialist - a psychotherapist who will help family members deal with their personal problems and get out of difficult situation and improve relationships with loved ones.

249 rub

Intuitive eating. How to stop worrying about food and lose weight

Intuitive Eating: How to Stop Worrying About Food and Lose Weight
The author Svetlana Bronnikova, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, is well known on the Internet under the nickname Firefly, and her method is known as the Firefly method. Has many years of experience in getting rid of people excess weight,. A native Muscovite, she headed a branch of the largest obesity treatment clinic in the Netherlands for several years.
" I was responsible for the development and implementation of treatment programs, for innovative approaches with proven effectiveness, and at the same time continued to be a psychotherapist dealing with the problems of people with overweight. During this time, I have accumulated many observations, comparisons, ... discoveries. I have long wanted to make them accessible to everyone who reads Russian, so I wrote this book." Svetlana Bronnikova It is unlikely that there is at least one woman among us who considers her appearance and weight impeccable. But sometimes relationships with the body and food become so tense that without their immediate solution, a happy life seems impossible. After numerous attempts to lose weight, despair comes, even if everything else in life is basically in order. “Eat less and move more” and other boring patterns evoke melancholy from their practical impossibility. Diets do not work : weight returns in 95% of cases, says inexorable statistics. Moreover, diets cause bouts of overeating, which lead to excess weight. What to do?
All our dreams and fantasies about weight loss are well known to clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Svetlana Bronnikova: she listened to them several times and, probably, found a solution just as many times. You too can get rid of your weight and problems. To do this, you don’t have to run to a nutritionist or psychologist.
The reasons for excess weight, as a rule, are unprocessed emotions that push us to eat without feeling hungry, overeat and gain unnecessary pounds. We try to make up for the lack of warmth, love or self-respect with food; we eat out of boredom and fatigue; we eat so that they will leave us alone; we eat because we find ourselves in company; We eat to drown out anger or shame.
The book provides practical tools for identifying specific causes of overeating and overcoming it. As you complete the tasks of the original Experimentarium, you will come to understand how to stop worrying about food and start enjoying it. Give up dietary thinking, allow yourself to eat whatever you want, learn to hear the signals of hunger and satiety and let your body regulate what, when and how to eat, while losing weight and not gaining weight again - isn’t this what we dream about?
"This fascinating book provides an effective, scientifically proven method for normalizing weight. Implement specific plan offered for you qualified specialist in the field of nutrition: stop exhausting yourself mentally and physically, become slim and calm."
Nadezhda Nikolskaya, psychotherapist, leading practitioner at Scientific and practical center modern adaptation personalities

603 rub

The art of loving

One of Erich Fromm’s most famous works, “The Art of Loving,” is dedicated to the complex psychological aspects of the emergence and preservation by a person of such a seemingly simple feeling as love. Is love really an art? If yes, then it requires work and knowledge. Or is it just a pleasant feeling?.. For most, the problem of love is primarily the problem of how to be loved, and not how to love yourself...

159 rub

How to make children friends with emotions. Tips from the "lazy mom"

If the book “Secrets of the “Lazy Mom”’s Calm” was about how a mother can find harmony with herself, then in the new book by a teacher, psychologist and author of a series of bestsellers " Lazy mom"Anna Bykova we're talking about about children's emotions. Problems, chess, English - every parent knows why he is teaching this to his child. But to understand emotions, to subtly feel what is happening in your soul or the soul of another person, to control yourself - can this be taught to children, and why?
Anna Bykova explains to parents why their child must be introduced to the world of emotions and how to do this easily and fun. Here you will find examples of dialogues with children, exciting exercises, and games that can help you make friends with your child’s emotions.

389 rub

Time management by Brian Tracy. How to make time work for you

As I studied the lives of successful people, I became increasingly convinced that they all had one thing in common: they knew how to value time.
Brian Tracy

What is this book about
How to make the most of your time, work several times more productively and ensure rapid growth their income.

Why the book is worth reading

  • It describes a universal technique that everyone can adapt to their own needs.
  • By studying the book, you will have two additional hours a day at your disposal.
  • You will learn to perform only those tasks that bring maximum benefit and money.
  • Who is this book for?
    For anyone who wants to gain control over their life and get more done not only at work, but also outside of it.

    Who is author
    Brian Tracy is one of the world's top business consultants and a best-selling author. He devoted more than 25 years to studying the most effective methods time management tools that are used by successful people in all areas of activity.
    Sherry Argov's global bestseller Men Love Bitches is a guide for too good women who are diligently “working on relationships.” From the book you will learn why your efforts backfire and what really turns all men on without exception. The 100 principles of attractiveness that Sherry formulated for you will help you always remain for him the woman of his dreams, which must be achieved again and again. And you will be able to develop your relationship according to your own scenario.

    267 rub

    To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

    What is this book about?
    Richard Branson is a legendary British entrepreneur, one of the richest people on the planet, who founded the Virgin corporation, which today unites under its brand almost 400 companies in the most different areas- from publishing and air travel to space and underwater tourism.
    Branson is a bright, unconventional personality. His credo is to take everything from life. This means not being afraid to do what you want. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have enough knowledge, experience or education. If you have a head on your shoulders and enough enthusiasm in your soul, any goal will be within your reach. Life is too short to waste it on things that don't bring you pleasure. If you like something, do it. If you don't like it, quit without hesitation.
    In the expanded version of his best-selling book, Branson offers "rules for life" that should help everyone on the path to creativity, spiritual growth and self-expression. The book carries a huge charge of optimism, wisdom and faith in human capabilities.

    Who is this book for?
    For everyone who is looking for inspiration and wants to recharge vital energy, courage and optimism.

    Why we decided to publish this book
    Richard Branson is a super personality! The owner of a multimillion-dollar corporation, a lover of extreme adventures, shocking the public with his extraordinary actions both in life and in business. We finally managed to get the rights to publish his books!

    Book chips
    This is a book that you really enjoy reading. She energizes and motivates.

    649 rub

    Less is more. Minimalism as a path to a conscious and happy life

    362 rub

    Principles. Life and work

    The life and management principles of Ray Dalio, one of the most influential and richest people on the planet, and the history of his brainchild - the world's largest hedge fund Bridgewater.
    Ray Dalio grew up in ordinary family with average income. The investment firm he founded at age 26, Bridgewater Associates, became the fifth most important investment firm over the next 40 years. private company in the USA (according to Fortune). The secret of its resilience and success is that Ray Dalio adheres to universal principles in his life and work, which have crystallized from a series of victories and defeats. The power of these personal principles is such that they changed the entire industry: CIO magazine even called Dalio the “Steve Jobs of investing.”

    In this book you will find all the rules of life and work of an American billionaire. It is quite possible that after reading it your life will no longer be the same.
    Book structure
    Part I - short biography Ray Dalio and the story of his hedge fund Bridgewater against the backdrop of economic vicissitudes from the 1970s to the present day.
    Part II - Ray's principles of life.
    Part III - The operating principles that have created Bridgewater's unique corporate culture.

    Who is this book for?
    - For financiers.
    - For managers and business owners.
    - For everyone who is interested in the life principles of the founder of the world's largest hedge fund.

    2779 rub

    We build trust using the methods of special services

    About the book
    Imagine a world where no one trusts anyone. Our life will turn into hell: after all, there will be no one and nothing to rely on - no parents, no public institutions, no organizations, not even friends. Life will become dark, its colors will fade.

    The concept of trust is at the core of everything we value. In its absence, we will simply survive, not thrive.

    It is trust that allows us to quickly get along with people. On the other hand, a lack of trust often destroys relationships both at home and at work. However, an equally important question is: how to achieve trust? How to save trusting relationship? How to solve trust problems? How to learn to instill trust in others? How to gain someone's trust in a couple of hours, minutes or even seconds? How do we understand that this or that person does not deserve our trust?

    In the old days, when we lived in small towns and villages, establishing trust was easy. Everyone knew who to trust. But now most of us no longer live in small towns, where we knew very well the ancestry of our parents and where we were also known like crazy from birth. Most of us live and work far from where we were born.

    We live in a world where trust is necessary, although we do not always realize it. Trust is social concept, which connects us, allowing us to do one thing together, work more efficiently and strengthen cooperation.

    Robin Dreek, an FBI agent and a great expert on the intricacies of human behavior, knows how to make the behavior of other people more understandable. Using skills honed while working for the FBI, where life and death were dealt with daily and everything was decided in seconds, not days, Robin gives you insight into how to properly assess other people and identify their needs, wants, needs, intentions and fears. In the book, he shares his system for building trust, which has helped him in his work and then many of the companies and leaders he has advised. It can be mastered by anyone willing to invest 8-10 hours of their time.

    Who is this book for?
    For everyone who wants to build trusting relationships in business and life.

    1459 rub

    What qualities should a girl have in order to want to marry her? Why is it so difficult for some men to find a life partner? Let's try to shed light on these mysteries.

    It is believed that you and I approach issues of family and marriage differently. Like, you start mentally rehearsing the wedding as a child. And we secretly hope that the wedding will soon be completely canceled, as happened with alimony (wait - or do they still have to be paid?). However, despite the frequent complaints of women that they are always ready to walk down the aisle, but everyone around them is a scoundrel and does not behave, the situation often turns out to be the opposite. It is more difficult for a man to find a mate than for a woman.

    When a woman reaches puberty, she already has an image of her future husband in her head. How disconnected he is from reality is a separate question. But this image is at least CLEAR: the husband must be a) educated, b) blond, c) with glasses, - and so on, according to all the letters of the alphabet. What's in men's heads? Complete abstractions: a wife should NOT be a prostitute, jealous, not witty, one-legged...

    Men are doomed to dive into the abyss of new relationships, guided by an inaccurate, vague description of what they are looking for.

    It is almost impossible to create a clear portrait using negatives. Therefore, men are doomed to dive into the abyss of new relationships, guided by an inaccurate, vague description of what they are looking for. For the same reason, they are often disappointed in their chosen ones: they initially do not know what exactly they want.

    On the one hand, this is sad. Because it makes life difficult for us. On the other hand, it’s convenient. It's easier for you! After all, in order for a man to consider you ideal wife, it is enough for you NOT to have certain qualities.

    Men don't need this

    Although these qualities may seem positive to you, if a man finds them in you, he will probably decide that you are not the future grandmother of his grandchildren. And it’s not worth marrying you.

    Willingness to go to the ends of the world. In the head of any man, only if he is not a Siamese twin (in this case - in two heads), one day the thought arises: should I give up everything and go drive a tram? Or: go to Tahiti to paint the natives. Sometimes we even have the stupidity to share these thoughts with our friends. Naive wife candidates believe that in response to this they should joyfully squeak: Whatever you decide, my dear, I am with you! This is the wrong answer!!!

    That is, of course, it’s nice to know that there are girls in the world who are ready to give up comfort for our sake and trample common sense. But we usually don’t marry them. And on people who are practical and devoid of illusions, who answer: Have you lost your mind?! What will we live on? It is more logical to connect life with a woman who, although she thinks down to earth, will not run away from home with a rice artist, succumbing to a momentary impulse.

    Sexual submission. We do not at all dream of marrying a life-size doll who can make dumplings. A woman's readiness to have sex at any time of the day and in any condition is an alarming sign. Sex should occur according to mutual desire, only in this case it can be practiced for years.

    And if a partner dives into the pool of passion only under duress and with an appropriate expression on her face, she will not stay in our lives for long. If a woman cannot say no in response to an uncomfortable proposal, if sex is a duty for her (even if it’s pleasant), then she doesn’t care about her own feelings. Dating someone so fun is impossible to live in a marriage. After all, marriage primarily involves mutual respect.

    Total trust. The only thing worse than all-consuming jealousy is complete absence. If your betrothed says that he is going to meet his ex because he last saw her a hundred years ago, back in the strip club when she worked there, then you shouldn’t decide to answer him yourself. Even while meaningfully wiping the knives. A woman you can marry must be able to defend her happiness. She will not harbor a grudge, take revenge, quietly endure, but most importantly, she will not turn a blind eye to the problem. Because total trust does not actually exist - this is a beautiful euphemism for indifference, unacceptable between spouses.

    Eternal discontent. If whining replaces everything else for a woman - looking for a job, craving for self-improvement - this is a sure sign that she is not worth marrying. Moreover, dissatisfaction not only with a man, but also with oneself is dangerous. We are ready to provide you with support and lend a shoulder. But you must climb this shoulder yourself. And if all you do is complain about life, your bosses, your mother, your friends, without making any attempts to change anything, nothing will work out for you and me. Because being a husband is still okay, but hardly anyone wants to combine this with the responsibilities of a crisis manager.

    If you yourself don’t know what exactly can give you pleasure, then how are you going to teach it to me?

    Self-dislike. I just haven't found a better euphemism for the monstrous (in the grammatical sense) phrase lack of habit of masturbation. Maybe this piece of truth will turn out to be a little more bitter than the rest, but yes - men do not like to get involved with anorgasmic women and women who are embarrassed to explore their bodies.

    If you yourself don’t know what exactly can give you pleasure, then how are you going to teach it to me? Not going to? Then our relationship is unlikely to last long. Sometimes it’s nice to feel like Indiana Jones and go in search of Crystal Pleasure and Golden Orgasm. But if there is no orgasm, and you haven’t even hit something with your finger in order to bring it closer, it’s rubbish. The relationship will bring complete displeasure to both me and you. What kind of wedding is this...

    Equanimity. Men drink often. A little less often - they drink in moderation. It would be good to know in advance how I would behave if I had too much at a crowded party. But no matter what I start doing: singing karaoke songs of Leningrad to the music of ABBA, fighting, or falling asleep in the toilet, hiding master's dog, - you don’t need to close your eyes to this.

    A casual friend, who values ​​her own reputation more than mine, can afford to be unperturbed. The future wife is not. Because for her, it’s not me who is disgracing herself, but it’s me who is disgracing us. But I shouldn’t throw a tantrum in public. You need to either try to prevent the situation, or give me a beating the next morning at home. The wife, like a good boss, always praises in public, but scolds privately.

    Excessive sympathy. The question is, do you still love me? is one of the top three things a man would like to never hear from a woman. Moreover, from the keeper of the hearth. Questions like these (didn’t you like it?, why are you so sad today?, was it delicious?) reveal that you are a random travel companion.

    A potential wife doesn't need to ask anything like that. She knows how to read emotions by the grin of her eyebrows and squint gluteal muscles. And she clearly knows: her husband’s silence is not a signal that something has happened to him. It's just that sometimes men like to remain silent.

    Lack of hobbies. Even the most patient of us cannot answer the question are you coming soon? more than five times a day. And if you call your companion more often, there is a chance that he will change his mind about being your companion and want to be someone else's.

    Dissolving into the object of affection is, of course, great. Sometimes we ourselves are not averse to taking a vacation from love and diving headlong into a new relationship. But we must have guarantees that when the passion passes and the time comes to surface, you will not remain at the bottom and will not send us from there every minute signals I miss you!, come soon! and where are you?

    Simply put, a woman should be able to occupy herself with something other than relationships. Then it will be easier for her to oppose something to the vacuum that will inevitably replace falling in love and non-stop sex. What kind of hobby it will be - shopping with friends, yoga or stuffing toys with umbilical felt - is not so important. The main thing is that a man does not flinch every time the phone rings, and does not look for an obscene rhyme to the question where are you? And then we will all be happy.

    Results – 2015. What kind of wife do men want, what kind of husband do women want? Analysis of 300 marriage agency questionnaires.

    We decided to publish a “portrait” of an ideal companion. We analyzed the requests and profiles of more than 300 girls who want to find a husband, and the wishes of more than 50 male clients. Everything was calculated, analyzed and conclusions were drawn. Enjoy!

    The age of girls who are actively looking for a husband.

    As you can see, 62% of girls who are actively looking for a husband, including those who contact the agency, are between the ages of 28 and 34.

    Education for girls who are actively looking for a husband.

    As can be seen from the graph, most of the girls have higher education.

    Previous marriages

    Qualities that girls want to see in their future husband.

    It should be noted that no one indicates financial well-being in the questionnaire. But, probably, because the girls initially know that our clients are doing well financially. Or they are afraid to fall into the “number of greedy girls” who will be eliminated and will not get into the school and the list of brides. As for the remaining qualities, according to the conditions of the questionnaire, they can write THREE qualities that they would like to see. And therefore, for every second girl, intelligence, intelligence and education lead, and the other two have other of the listed qualities.

    The saddest thing is when you see in a bunch of wishes, for example: intelligence, charm and a sense of humor. Or: Resourcefulness, humor and leadership. It seems that the girl wants to get unmarried, but to find a player in KVN. It’s a pity when a girl doesn’t consider kindness, reliability or honesty as mandatory qualities. The most striking thing is that in none of the 300 questionnaires was the quality found - Loyalty! In my opinion, loyalty, or rather its absence - infidelity, is a quality that nullifies all its other advantages. It's like multiplying by zero - you end up with zero. Because, even if he is smart, cheerful, charming and as kind as you like, but if he is unfaithful and has an uneven breath for every beauty, then what is the point in his other qualities? He automatically becomes unreliable, dishonest, and life with him is unlikely to be happy.

    Girls, please, when choosing a partner, do it, remembering that you are choosing him for life, one from whom you can safely have children and build a family. If he initially has rotten ideas about life, you don’t have to think that he will change, that his attitude towards you or towards life will change. And, in no case, do not think that his money, his popularity, or his beauty (this happens!) can replace his normal human qualities. This is wrong!

    Look for yourself, first of all, a PERSON with whom you will live your whole life and have children from him.

    Qualities that girls are not ready to tolerate from their man, under any circumstances.

    The leaders among the unacceptable qualities in a future spouse for women are lies, anger, and greed. Further, selfishness and irresponsibility, and further, other qualities. Again, not a word about infidelity or betrayal, as well as about social status.

    Now comes the fun part!

    Wishes of girls regarding the age of their future spouse.

    24% of girls aged 30-34 want a man aged 28-33, that is, younger than themselves! 68% of girls want a husband between the ages of 34 and 40, that is, from the same age, up to 6 years difference, and only 6% of girls want a husband between 40 and 47 years old.

    Older girls from 35 to 40 years old want a younger husband (as much as 6%), a man of the same age (65% of those willing), 21% from 40-47 years old, and 8% of women agree to build relationships with men over 47 years old.

    When we interview girls during recruitment to our school and agency, almost every girl complains that men have become somehow infantile, irresponsible and frivolous.

    But it's been a long time known fact that boys mature significantly later girls. Girls mature older than boys, and women mature faster than young men. Let's make a comparison. Of course, everyone is different and there are exceptions, but the overall picture is this:

    Imagine a 10-year-old boy and a girl. The girl is thinking with all her might about curls, boys and why her breasts are not starting to grow, and boys at this age are still playing dance.

    A girl of 18 years old and a boy of 18 years old. At this time, a girl may already be working at work after school, and boys often still ask mom and dad for money for beer and travel tickets.

    A 25-year-old girl and a 25-year-old boy. A girl often already wants a family and children, but a boy at 25 still really wants to go out, have fun with friends and not be responsible for anyone (including for his actions)

    A man aged 30 and a woman aged 30. The man got a taste of the money he learned (or didn’t learn) to earn; it seemed to him that the whole world lay before him, that there were still many opportunities ahead, many young people beautiful girls and women (over 18 years old) who want his company. The feeling of responsibility for someone other than himself is just beginning to awaken in him. It’s good if by this moment he has already moved out from mom and dad and lives alone. A very rare case is if he already wants children or a family. A woman of 30 already really wants a family, children, she is an absolutely mature person with her own ideas about right and wrong, who can already teach (sometimes lecture) other people. Often, these are financially independent and successful girls in their careers.

    A woman and a man aged 40. I'll be brief. A man at the age of 40 is allowed into nightclubs, but a woman is no longer allowed.

    For a man at 40 years old, the range of choice for a girl is from 18 to 40+, for a woman at 40 years old the range of choice is from 40 – 50+

    Then the question arises. If men grow up later, mature later, they develop a sense of responsibility for children, family and, in principle, for another person later - why does a woman so want someone her own age? Does she want to adopt him? Instruct, nurse and teach him about life? For what? After all, then she will be the smartest, the oldest in the family, she will solve all problems and worries, think for everyone, and he will remain an unadapted infantile creature. If she takes on most of the worries, why should he bother?

    Isn't it better to initially choose a man a little older than your own age? Thus, you will always be small, fragile and tender for him. You will be the girl who needs to be taken care of and protected. In my opinion, there should be a difference of at least 5-7 years between a man and a woman. This is strategic and will be good for the marriage.

    And who are men looking for?

    We have come to the second part of the article. Who do men want as their wife? As in the first part, we talk only about what we know - only about the clients of our agency. And here we are talking about successful and accomplished men aged 38 to 53 years.

    Qualities that men want to see in their future wife.

    Thus, very young girls from 20-23 years old want a husband or someone of the same age, or maximum, 5 years older.

    Further, more interesting. 62% of girls aged 24-27 want a husband between the ages of 23 and 28. That is, practically the same age, or even a little younger! 30% of them want a husband older than themselves from 4 to 9 years, and 8% of girls are ready to date a man 6-10 years older than them.

    56% of girls aged 28-30 want to marry a man between 28 and 30 years old. That is, he may be 2 years younger than her. and up to 3 years older. 37% of girls want a man between 34 and 40 years old as their life partner, and 5% between 40 and 47 years old.

    Almost every second man wants a feminine girl. Not a single client in the entire year asked for a boy in a skirt. Not a single one asked for a feminist, and not a single one asked to introduce him to a girl who would be a hard-nosed careerist who spends more time at work than he does. Next on the list of desirable qualities is tenderness, broad-mindedness, loyalty, wisdom and others. It is noteworthy that all men say that they want an intelligent woman, but after you ask a clarifying question about what smart means, he very often corrects himself and says that smart - not in the sense of “I will teach everyone and prove to everyone,” but still wise like a woman.

    And also, surprisingly, a man places almost no special demands on a woman’s education, replacing it with the word – broad-minded and informed, and also the woman’s career does not play any role. The latter is deeply uninteresting for most men. They say something like this: it will be good if she does what gives her pleasure, but all her credentials are not important to me.

    Unacceptable qualities for girls to be a future wife.

    The list of undesirable qualities also speaks for itself, but female greed leads by a wide margin. Probably the first thing a man says when he comes to us is that he is tired of that breed of girls who are called “vacuum cleaners” in everyday life. He says - I want a normal girl with normal values, and not one that considers every next man from the position of “what to grab here.” The same attitude is caused by girls who do not work anywhere. They often say: “Even if she earns at least 10 thousand rubles, she must do something.” And the next undesirable quality is the girl’s anger and aggression towards others. They say that sometimes, when a girl does not control herself and thinks that no one is seeing her, her face is distorted into such an angry grimace that it completely scares away.

    What is not yet included in the list, but was mentioned by men. Also unacceptable are attempts to “cut off” a man from his parents or from the children of previous marriages, stealing from his man’s pocket, and infidelity. TO the last man so unprepared that they don’t even consider that this could happen in their reality.

    Wishes for the age of future wives.

    Everything here is so transparent that it’s not even worth building a diagram. All our clients put forward approximately the same wishes regarding age. From 24 to 35. This is exactly the age range of the women we work with in our agency. Occasionally, men want a wife younger or older, but if younger, then she should already be without a fool in her head, and if older, then she should not look like a “woman” (this, sorry, is direct speech).

    I can’t help but say about a man’s attitude towards a girl’s having children. There are clients who are absolutely not ready to build a relationship with a girl with children. But there are clients for whom children are not a hindrance. Therefore, I can say with confidence that both a mother and a girl who does not have children can arrange their lives. You just have to really want it. When a girl comes to us and says: find me a husband, I want to remind her that this is not a store selling dresses.

    I would like to note that beautiful, smart, educated and beautiful women, significantly more than smart, mature and responsible men. For one worthy man there are several very worthy girls. This is the time when boys grow up spoiled by attention, childish and often irresponsible. Therefore, if you want to get married successfully, you will need to try very hard, because you have to beat several worthy competitors. Not to mention the fact that water does not flow under a lying stone, and if you yourself do not want this with all your heart, then even the fairy godmother will not be able to “marry” you off.

    And one last thing. All the above tables are just a collection of questionnaire data for Last year, and this has nothing to do with love. Because this is the most common case in an agency. A man or woman comes up with fifty criteria for their future spouse, and then falls in love with the absolute opposite. And despite the complete inconsistency of their initial wishes, having fallen in love, they want to wake up only with this person.

    I sincerely wish you to fall in love with a wonderful, worthy person and find family happiness.

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    “I don’t have to show or explain anything to you. My pregnancy is none of your business."

    Cosmetic surgery performed to correct volume and shape mammary glands called mammoplasty.

    The procedure is a simple surgical procedure, but lasts about two hours and involves the use of general anesthesia.

    Therefore, as after any operation, there is a rehabilitation period, the timing of which is influenced by many factors.

    Influencing factors

    Duration rehabilitation period mainly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient (age, size of the mammary glands, general state health and the like).

    The rehabilitation process is influenced by the following circumstances:

    1. Skin quality. Breast tissue, different women, have different densities. The denser, the longer the healing.
    2. Size of implants. Larger implants increase healing time.
    3. Placement of implants in the gland tissues. There are two placement methods - above pectoral muscle or under it. The second method is more traumatic because it requires intervention in the muscle tissue to create a place for the implant.
    4. Technique of the operation.

    Staying in hospital

    The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and immediately from the operating room, the patient is transferred to the intensive care ward.

    Here she is under the supervision of medical workers until the anesthesia wears off, and full recovery functions of all organs and systems.

    Treatment continues in surgical department, but already in the general ward. On average, such treatment lasts 1–4 days, and depends on the size of the incision and implant.

    During this period, the woman feels discomfort, pain, which is accompanied by a feeling of compression in the area chest and swelling.

    Prescribed medications

    With minor interventions, if the woman’s well-being does not cause concern, she is discharged from the clinic the next day.

    Those who remain in the hospital are prescribed:

    • painkillers, since most women experience intense pain;
    • to prevent inflammation in the wound area, especially when extensive interventions, anti-inflammatory therapy is used;
    • silicone patches and creams are used externally;

    Based on the general condition of the patient, other medications may be prescribed.


    To prevent the formation of a rough, hypertrophied scar after cosmetic surgery, it is important to properly care for postoperative sutures:

    1. To relieve tissue tension, you need to use a special plaster that secures the edges.
    2. For one month, cover the scars with a silicone patch - Meliform and use Dermatix ointment.
    3. In the future, when the scar becomes lighter and less rough, it is recommended to use ointment - Contractubex.
    4. Use special compression garments.

    At normal course postoperative period The stitches are removed on the 7th day. This procedure is simple and painless.


    You are 18 years old? If yes, click here to view photos.


    Postoperative swelling can be significant - this is how the body responds to surgical intervention. Swelling can last up to 3 months.

    The causes of swelling can be:

    • prolonged tanning under the sun or in a solarium;
    • swimming in hot water under the shower or in the bath;
    • sexual intimacy, which causes blood flow to the mammary glands;
    • early physical activity;
    • refusal to use compression garments.

    In order not to delay the rehabilitation process, you need to be patient and eliminate all provoking factors during recovery.


    An obligatory companion to mammoplasty is scars. Surgeons make incisions to place implants in inconspicuous places:

    • in the fold below the gland;
    • V axillary area hands;
    • around the areola of the nipple.

    The scars may remain red in color and have a rough texture for a long time; only after 3–6 months do they become softer and more invisible.

    The final result can be assessed after about a year; during this period, the scars are practically invisible.

    Physical exercise

    It is important to know that increased physical activity can cause sutures to come apart or implants to move, so the intensity of physical activity is increased very slowly and carefully:

    • the first two weeks, activity is limited to walking;
    • at 3–4 weeks you can add some light exercises that do not involve top part body, you can return to household duties. Allows you to work without sudden bending and heavy lifting.
    • returning to normal loads that require significant effort is allowed only after two months.

    All actions can be performed only in compression underwear.


    A capsule is formed around the implant connective tissue, which holds it in place. To prevent the capsular tissue from becoming rough, it is necessary to start massage on time.

    The doctor teaches massage techniques to patients. Then the woman will be able to carry out the procedure independently.

    Skin care

    The skin of the operated breast must be constantly cared for, otherwise it may lose attractive appearance, elasticity and acquire stretch marks.

    Help speed up recovery following procedures directional action:

    1. Alginate masks. The composition is made on the basis of alginate acid. Release form: ready-to-use gel or powder that needs to be dissolved.

      For greater effectiveness, extracts have been added to the drug medicinal plants, mineral clay, ginseng root, and essential oils.

    2. Algae wraps. You can use ready-made forms, which are represented by creams or other substances containing components of brown algae.

      Such products are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, iodine compounds, alginates, and almost all types useful microelements and vitamins. Both methods of wrapping (hot and cold) are effective.

    3. Special serums. Serums have earned great popularity, the choice of which is best left to the doctor. Constant use of serums morning and evening enhances the production of elastin and collagen.

      This procedure improves the aesthetic quality of the skin and improves the contours of the mammary glands. The serum should be applied after a shower, using circular movements.

    Weight maintenance

    Fluctuations in weight negatively affect the results of plastic surgery. Fast weight loss promotes translucency of the implant through the skin.

    An increase in body volume causes the formation of stretch marks, and the breasts themselves will take on unsightly large shapes.

    A woman who has planned breast surgery must first lose weight and maintain the results. The operation should be carried out in the second stage.

    Time to wear compression garments

    There are no clear deadlines for such a replacement; they are determined by the doctor. Linen is changed in stages.

    A new bra must be selected in strict accordance with your breast size. In addition, it is preferable to purchase underwear made from natural and soft fabrics.

    Under no circumstances should you purchase a bra that will cause any inconvenience:

    • tighten the mammary glands;
    • dig into the surface of the skin;
    • hold on poorly;
    • to go up.
    • push up;
    • strapless bras.

    Recovery calendar

    Early rehabilitation period

    Coincides with the first month after plastic surgery. The most discomfort a woman experiences precisely during this period.

    Adaptation to introduction into the body occurs foreign body– implant. The skin and surrounding tissues are stretched, and the woman feels pressure in her chest.

    The discomfort is aggravated by pain and swelling. Discomfort is more pronounced when the implant is located under the muscle.

    You can only sleep on your back, with your upper body elevated.

    The first weeks are assigned a large number of medications that can negatively affect the intestinal microflora and cause dysbiosis.

    After four days, the surgeon allows you to take only cool showers. Any heat is contraindicated due to the threat of rejection.

    It is dangerous to take any vitamins, dietary supplements or medications without consulting a doctor.

    Late rehabilitation period

    After a month, the condition gradually normalizes. The body has already partially adapted to the presence of a foreign body, and if no complications have occurred during this time, the woman feels almost healthy. But full recovery will come no sooner than in a year.

    After approximately 4 weeks you can increase physical exercise, while avoiding touching the chest.

    Throughout the year, the patient may feel numbness or, conversely, hypersensitivity in the skin or nipples.

    This is normal by-effect after plastic surgery, it most often goes away over time, but can accompany a woman throughout her life.

    During menstruation, the mammary glands swell, become hard and rough, causing painful sensations. It is recommended to relieve pain only with medications prescribed by a doctor.

    After a year, you can begin your normal lifestyle without fear of consequences.

    The rehabilitation period can be easy and virtually problem-free, or it can stretch out significantly over time. This depends on the volume of the operation that was performed, as well as on the implementation of the doctor’s recommendations, which must be strictly followed.

    In this article we will consider to a greater extent the features of rehabilitation after surgery to correct the shape of the breast using implants.


    Usually the patient spends the first day in the intensive care unit under the supervision of nurses and a doctor in order to receive emergency assistance in case of complications of anesthesia or surgery. If everything is normal, then the woman is sent home with a list of recommendations and prescriptions for medications, which must be taken for the first week or two.


    Photo: mepiform - scar patch

    Typically, the first medication you need is painkillers. Some may have no pain at all, but this is rare. For most women, the pain in the first two to three days is very intense.

    They are associated with tissue stretching by the implant, muscle damage during surgery, and increasing swelling of the breast. Following painkillers are antibiotics and antiviral drugs for prevention purulent complications and relapse of herpes.

    For the seams you will need Meliform silicone patch, and after the seams lighten and become soft, Contractubex cream.

    In addition to the medications listed above, the doctor may individually prescribe other medications if there are indications for this.


    Care postoperative scar is very important because it is the scar that can spoil the result of the operation. The tissues are stretched after the implant is placed, so there is a risk of forming a wide and rough scar.

    To avoid this, the edges of the wound are fixed with adhesive tape or special strips that relieve tissue tension on both sides of the scar. Helps in the formation of fine scars and constant wear compression garments. Sutures are usually removed at the first consultation with the doctor after surgery. This happens on days 7-10.

    The seams must be sealed with silicone tape for a month. And when the scar becomes elastic and whitish, you can begin to gradually dissolve it with Contractubex cream.

    More early application Contractubex on a scar that has not formed can lead to the opposite effect: you will get a scar that spreads to the sides.


    Breast swelling can be significant. It looks like an unnatural increase in the size of the upper half of the mammary glands, which is located above the nipple. Swelling may persist for about a week. But sometimes even a month is not enough for the swelling to go away.

    Compression underwear helps reduce swelling by providing a gentle massage effect on the tissue and thereby activating blood circulation, venous and lymphatic drainage.

    A number of factors prevent the reduction of edema or even contribute to its increase:

    • tanning in the sun or in a solarium, if this causes the breast tissue to heat up;
    • visiting a bathhouse or sauna;
    • washing in a bath with hot or warm water;
    • sexual arousal, which causes a rush of blood to the mammary glands;
    • excessive mobility of the mammary glands when refusing to wear compression garments;
    • physical activity that has not yet been approved by a doctor.

    Therefore, to reduce swelling it is necessary:

    • wear compression garments;
    • take a shower with cool or pleasantly warm water;
    • give up sex and sports for at least 4 weeks;
    • do not visit the beach, solarium, bathhouse or sauna for a month after surgery.

    Video: recovery after breast augmentation

    Physical exercise

    In the first week, you are not allowed to raise your arms above your shoulders, lift weights (more than 3 kg), or do sudden movements arms and body.

    Car enthusiasts can drive no earlier than 6-10 days after surgery, and only if the car is equipped with power steering.

    You can do simple kitchen work from the second week. At the same time, you can start thinking about going to work, if there is such a need, and the work does not involve lifting heavy objects, performing activities while bending over, or raising your arms above your shoulders.

    If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of holding a child in your arms, then you do not need to lift him with your hands. Sit down, keeping your back straight, grab the child, lift him up. This is how you can avoid putting unwanted stress on the muscles of your chest and arms.

    You can return to training no earlier than a month after surgery, and then after consulting a doctor. You should exercise in compression garments. It is advisable to increase the load gradually.

    Breast massage

    Contracture after mammoplasty. Many of those who have already had surgery, and most of those who are still planning a visit to a plastic surgeon, are afraid of this term. In fact, the development of a connective tissue capsule around the implant is a normal process.

    It happens to everyone. But the degree of its severity may vary from woman to woman: in some women the capsule is thin and elastic and does not affect the elasticity of the implant in any way, while in others the capsule forms dense and also contracts, squeezing the implant and changing its shape.

    In order to prevent the capsule from becoming dense and thick, surgeons different stages During rehabilitation after breast surgery, it is recommended to use breast massage. For some, a massage will be prescribed a month after the operation, and for others already on the 5-6th day. The massage techniques are shown by the doctor himself, and they must be repeated clearly so as not to provoke increased swelling, but at the same time maintain the elasticity of the capsule.

    Skin care after mammoplasty

    Immediately after the operation, due to the strong tension of the skin, the breasts appear youthful. But this effect does not last long without special care.

    Gradually, the skin of the breast loses its elasticity and stretch marks may appear on it. Therefore, already in the first week after surgery, immediately after removing the stitches, it is recommended to apply special creams and lotions to the skin of the chest immediately after a shower.

    Breast enlargement creams are quite suitable for this purpose, they perfectly tone the skin and are an excellent prevention of stretch marks. They are perfect for massage.

    A month after the operation you can start the course salon procedures aimed at preserving the beauty of breast skin. This can include the application of special serums, alginate masks, and algae wraps.

    After a salon course, it is quite possible to perform similar procedures from time to time at home on your own to maintain the effect.

    Maintaining body weight

    Breast volume is greatly influenced by body weight. If it changes, the volume and shape of the breast changes. Therefore, if you are planning an operation, then first lose weight to your desired body weight, then stabilize the weight, and only then have the operation. Weight changes during the rehabilitation period can have a particularly unpredictable effect on the operated breast.

    Sudden weight loss can make the implant visible under the skin, and sudden weight gain can cause stretch marks and sagging breasts. In addition, the breast can increase in volume significantly, which, in combination with the volume of the implant, will give an unnatural breast size, which will be more of a hindrance than a delight.

    Transition from compression to regular underwear

    It's very individual here. Some surgeons allow you to wear regular underwear a month after surgery, and some ask you to wait for at least 3 months. Therefore, ask questions to the surgeon who performed the operation.

    In any case, your first bra after surgery should be chosen so that it supports the breasts no worse than compression garments. This means that it should have a deep cup in size, wide straps, and a wide belt.

    You need to wear “reliable” bras for up to 1 year after surgery.

    Do you think food can affect the size and general condition of the bust, and?

    Any operation begins with preparation. You can find out how breast reduction surgery works.

    To find out your right size breasts, carefully and accurately measure the volume under the breasts and the breasts themselves. Details.