The cat's eyes are watery and her nose is running. Allergies to dust, mold spores, pollen, cleaning chemicals, smoke or any aerosols. Why does a cat snot and drool?

Everyone is familiar with the problem of rhinitis. But not many people know that this unpleasant attack can also occur in animals: the pet sneezes, its eyes begin to water, and it stops breathing normally. A cat with a runny nose is often an indicator of a serious illness. Often this disease returns, appears chronic rhinitis. Let's look at the main causes, symptoms and remedies on how to cure a runny nose in a pet.

Why does rhinitis occur in cats?

The common cold is a disease that cats usually do not get. But at the same time, it is not uncommon for the owner to notice that the pet is sneezing, his eyes begin to water and real rhinitis appears. Cats are susceptible to it quite often due to physiological feature- very narrow nasal passage. Even slight swelling can lead to nasal congestion.

How to determine if your pet is sick

As you can see, a runny nose can be the cause of a more serious illness. Certainly, accurate diagnosis Only a veterinarian can diagnose it, who will also explain how to cure a runny nose in a cat. The owner is required to carefully monitor his pet. The sooner he notices the problem, the greater the chance of preventing or quickly curing the disease. Let's look at the main symptoms that will help you suspect that something is wrong with your pet:

  • the animal is breathing heavily or breathing through its mouth;
  • the cat sneezes and looks sick;
  • mucus is released from the nose, the animal rubs or scratches its nose;
  • the temperature rises, the nose becomes warm;
  • your pet has a “watery look” - a runny nose may be accompanied by conjunctivitis;

Usually rhinitis is an attempt by the body to heal. The secretions wash away dust, particles and everything unnecessary from the mucous membrane, moisturize it, preventing drying and irritation. What to do if your pet has a cold and all the symptoms are present? Treatment at home is possible only after consulting a specialist.

How to treat a runny nose in a cat? To begin with, the owner needs to observe what type of discharge from the pet’s nose is clear or colored, thick or liquid, viscous, copious. It is also necessary to understand whether the animal’s snot occurs constantly or at a certain time (for example, in the morning, in the evening or during periods of activity). Are there any additional problems: sneezing, watery eyes, wheezing. This will help determine the cause of the runny nose.

Let's look at the main symptoms:

  1. Allergic rhinitis: nose stuffy, snot running, eyes swollen, possible suppuration, itching. The first method of treatment in this case is to identify and remove the irritant (allergen).
  2. Virus: the cat refuses to eat, there is vomiting, snot, the eyes begin to water, and suppuration may appear.
  3. If an animal shows that something is bothering it in its nose (for example, it rubs its nose with its paw), asymmetry has appeared on its face - there may be a tumor or polyps.
  4. Snot, the cat shakes its muzzle and sneezes - a sign of the presence of a foreign body.

Features of treatment

What to do if your cat has a runny nose and watery eyes? It is imperative that you take your pet to a doctor. Only he can determine the causes of the disease and explain how to treat it.

Treatment for a runny nose in cats depends on what type of rhinitis is diagnosed. If this is a consequence bacterial infection, the pet is prescribed a course of antibiotics. You should take the medications before the end of the course, otherwise the infection may return and chronic rhinitis will appear.

For severe nasal congestion, your veterinarian may prescribe drops for a runny nose. These are vasoconstrictor drugs with an immunostimulating effect. However, you shouldn't overdo it with them. Typically, drops for a runny nose are used for 7 days.

There is also a three-step method for treating a runny nose:

  • veterinarians recommend the drug Diocyclin. On the first day you need to give the cat 1/5 of a tablet for every kilogram of weight. Co next day the dosage should be reduced to 1/10 part per kg. The drug is given for 14 days.
  • the next step is Fosprenil. Dosage: 0.2-0.5 parts per kilogram.
  • You can also dilute Dioxidin with Naphthyzin for children in equal proportions. Inject the resulting product into the nostril 3-5 times a day.

Traditional methods

An owner who is wondering how to cure a runny nose in a cat will also find it useful. traditional methods. It is advisable to use them after discussion with your doctor. You can treat an animal with the following folk remedies:

  • Warming up (you can use heated salt in a bag and apply it to the spout)
  • Rinsing (solutions of soda or salt are taken into a syringe (without a needle) and injected slowly into the nostrils)
  • Instillation (used for this beet juice)

The owner should prepare for the fact that treatment at home will be long, but not difficult.

When an animal has a cold, it becomes indifferent to food: and not surprisingly, due to a stuffy nose, it does not hear odors. The owner’s task is to stimulate the pet’s appetite so that the pet does not lose strength. Use food with a strong aroma and offer it to your pet favorite dish, fish or canned food. You can use a trick and smear food on your pet's nose - in this case, he will have no choice but to lick himself. Cleanliness will play a role. Perhaps the pet, licking itself, will taste the goodies.

Prevention methods

It is important to know not only how to treat acute and chronic runny nose in a cat, but also a way to prevent it. How to make sure that your pet does not suffer from a stuffy nose and avoids colds?

The first rule is good diet nutrition. So that the cat has strong immunity and health, he must receive all the necessary elements with food.

Second rule - comfortable conditions. The animal should not be in the cold or drafts. The pet must be vaccinated and undergo regular checkups with a doctor.

Cats are prone to allergic reactions, so you shouldn’t “test” their mucous membranes “for strength.” Do not use cosmetics near the animal or spray various chemical substances(including cleaning ones). If you notice that your animal’s eyes begin to water next to some household chemical item, isolate this item.

Make sure your pet doesn't catch the virus. Even domestic cat who does not go outside can become infected. Causes: a virus or infection contracted on shoes or clothing. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your pet away from dirty shoes, wash your hands when you come home.

While studying self-treatment, you should always understand that an untreated cold can come back again and become chronic. In this case, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, the owner needs to be responsible for his pet: observe his behavior, notice various changes and, if necessary, be sure to seek help. professional help. Remember: if your treatment method does not help, and the animal’s runny nose lasts more than 5 days, this is a bell indicating that it is time to see a veterinarian.

We hope that now the owners know the answer to this question, what to do if the cat has a runny nose.

Pets can also get colds. Small kittens are especially susceptible to infection. You need to get rid of a cold in a timely manner so that complications do not arise. Therefore, if a cat has a runny nose and watery eyes, it is necessary to take action quickly.

What causes these symptoms?

The reason why a cat has a runny nose and watery eyes is usually a cold. She is called various infections, which actively reproduce mainly in the autumn and spring periods.

Tearfulness may occur as a result of the development of conjunctivitis.

At the same time, the animal also begins to sneeze, cough, and its eyes fester. This disease occurs due to the penetration of particles of dust, dirt and other foreign objects into the organs of vision, due to which the inflammatory process manifests itself.

Also, the causes of a runny nose and tearfulness lie in an allergic reaction to some irritant. These can be flowers, mushrooms, chemicals, medicines and much more.

The active activity of bacteria in a cat’s body can lead to various complications.

That is why, if a cat has a runny nose and cough, it is necessary to immediately show it to the veterinarian and begin treatment.

How to treat?

In order not to undermine the health of your pet, you need to know how to treat a runny nose in a kitten. If he only has mucus discharge from the nose, and there are no other symptoms, then home therapy is allowed.

  • First of all, you need to create good conditions for a pet, that is, arrange a warm place and eliminate drafts.
  • If crusts have formed around the nasal cavity and eyes, then they must be removed. To do this, you can use a regular cotton swab dipped in water or herbal decoction.
  • Provide the cat with plenty of fluids.
  • Apply medications, after consulting with a specialist.

Treatment of a runny nose in a cat can be carried out using drops. It is allowed to use nasal products intended for children. You need to apply one drop once a day. But there are also special drops for pets.

You can instill ecmonovocillin for a runny nose, which must be diluted saline solution in a ratio of ½. Two drops are shown in each nostril. In any case, only the veterinarian decides which nasal agents are suitable in a particular case.

At severe course diseases are carried out complex treatment, put on IVs, give drugs that activate the work immune system, antibiotics.

If your cat has a runny nose as a result of an allergy, the doctor may prescribe steroids and antihistamines. But the most important thing is to get rid of the irritant, causing negative reaction animal body.

In the case when in nasal cavity cats gets into something foreign body, snot also begins to flow. Therefore, it is urgent to remove it. But it happens that foreign particles are not visible, but there is a strong suspicion of their presence. Then you should consult a doctor.

He will remove the foreign object and prescribe medications that will help restore the nasal mucosa. After a few days, the swelling will subside and the runny nose will stop bothering the cat.

Sometimes cat owners notice that their pet is sneezing. If dust gets into your nose, then there is no reason to worry. But when a runny nose becomes permanent, it is necessary to establish the cause and take measures to eliminate it.

The basis for immediate application for veterinary care is the simultaneous presence of symptoms of runny nose and lacrimation. If there are no other clinical signs, then an allergy or early stage infectious disease.


Most probable reasons The development of rhinitis in combination with conjunctivitis are the following infectious diseases:

  • Panleukopenia.
  • Rhinotracheitis.
  • Calcivirosis.
  • Feline immunodeficiency.
  • Infestation by protozoa - toxoplasmosis.
  • Allergy.

Preliminary diagnosis The cat owner can determine this based on the nature of the discharge. If they are clear, your pet is most likely having an allergic reaction.

Additional Clinical signs diseases are presented in a table.






Feline immunodeficiency





Lack of appetite




Nervous symptoms

Cardiovascular failure


The temperature is rising

Temperature drops

Scratching, itching, dermatitis


Corneal ulceration


Oral inflammation

Ulcerative stomatitis


What to do

A veterinarian diagnoses diseases and prescribes treatment.

Therapeutic manipulations are developed in the following areas:

  • Eliminating the cause:
  1. Antiviral and antimicrobial therapy.
  2. Antiallergic measures.
  • Symptomatic treatment. Prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the presence of signs of the disease.
  • General strengthening therapy.

To treat a runny nose in cats in combination with conjunctivitis, ophthalmo-nasal drops are used. Veterinarians recommend the following drugs, boost immunity, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects:

  • Anandin. It is characterized by antiphlogistic and wound-healing properties.
  • Maxidin. has an immunostimulating effect. Activates protective mechanisms, helps cure rhinitis, as well as inflammation visual organ.
  • Thymogen. Immunomodulator. The principle of action is similar to Maksidin.

With absence positive effect acceptable to use medical supplies under medical supervision:

  • Naphthyzin. They produce nasal drops and eye drops. It has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dioxidine. Antiseptic drug. Effective when purulent rhinitis.
  • Derinat. Immunomodulator. Activates immune mechanism, which helps eliminate rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
  • Nazivin. Vasoconstrictor drug for the treatment of inflammation of the organs of vision, breathing.
  • Galazolin. An effective remedy to eliminate rhinitis and otitis.

To treat severe damage to the organ of vision, the following drugs are used:

  • "Diamond Eyes" The active component chlorhexidine has antimicrobial effect. Excipients- succinate, taurine help restore the cornea.
  • Furacilin - the active component of the drug "Bars" has antimicrobial effect, and the auxiliary ingredient, novocaine, has analgesic properties. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute keratitis. Kittens are given lotions.
  • Eye drops“Iris” consists of the antibiotic gentamicin and healing components: polyvinylpyrrolidone, EDTA, sodium pyrosulfate. Indicated for corneal ulcers and blepharitis.
  • To stop purulent conjunctivitis, use “Tsiprovet”, active component which is the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
  • In some situations, drops based on chloramphenicol are prescribed.

An important step before the medical procedure is to securely secure the pet with a towel. The cat's sighted organ needs to be prepared for insertion medicine. It is cleared of secretions gauze bandage or a cotton wool disc moistened with a healing solution or a decoction of healing plants. Crusts, purulent discharge soaked and removed. Then take the following actions:

  1. Prepare the medicine for administration.
  2. The eyelid is pulled back.
  3. The healing solution is injected.
  4. After making sure that the drug has reached the right place, caress and calm the pet, holding it in your arms for about 5 minutes so that the medicine has time to be absorbed.
  5. They praise the cat for its decent behavior and treat it with a treat.

When injecting the drug into cat nose you need to protect yourself from scratches using, presumably, a towel. After this, the following steps are taken:

  1. Thumb The left hand rests on the chin, and the index hand is placed on the forehead.
  2. The cat's face is turned strictly vertically.
  3. Remove the cap from the bottle.
  4. Place the isthmus of the container between the fingers holding the head. Bring the reservoir closer to the nose at a distance of 2…3 mm.
  5. Press down on the bottle, injecting the contents and counting the required number of drops.
  6. Thank the pet for good behavior, indulge in delicious food.


A radical solution is immunization against infectious diseases. Eight-week-old kittens are vaccinated with duplicate revaccination after 2...4 weeks. Immunization prevents infection for a year. Adult cats are vaccinated annually. The following biological products are popular:

  • Nobivak Triket. Protects against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and calcivirosis.
  • Multifel-4. Prevents infection from the same viruses, plus chlamydia.
  • Quadricate. Vaccine against rabies, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia.

To prevent allergies, you need to do following rules:

  • Keep the room where the cat lives clean.
  • Block access to irritants.
  • Use insecticides.
  • Feed factory-prepared food recommended by a veterinarian.

It is not difficult for an attentive owner to notice changes in physical condition your cat. Mood, behavior, and appetite may change. You should always be attentive to why a cat snorts, breathes through its mouth and sneezes. Sniffling cannot be ignored; it may also indicate a cold or other serious illness.

If a cat has a stuffy nose, he constantly keeps his mouth open, the throat becomes inflamed and enters the body dangerous bacteria . If such symptoms occur, the most correct solution the owner of the animal - go with the pet to a specialist at the veterinary clinic.

Causes of nasal congestion?

Pets, particularly cats, are susceptible to many infectious diseases, they can catch a cold due to a draft or resting on a cold floor. Diseases can be infectious or respiratory. If a cat sniffles, the reasons may be related specifically to the disease, the beginning inflammatory process in the mucosa.

Rhinitis, rhinotracheitis, and the presence of feline herpes can be diagnosed by a veterinarian. He will tell you how to clean a cat’s nose to make breathing easier, and he will tell you how to treat the disease.

ATTENTION! It is difficult for a cat to assess the surrounding environment with nasal congestion, because this organ has great importance for orientation in space, finding food, recognizing danger.

When an animal's nose is clogged and grunts, its existence is filled with a feeling of discomfort. And the owner is looking for an answer on how to wash a kitten or an adult pet’s olfactory organ. But first you need to establish the cause of the malaise:

If a runny nose accompanies nasal congestion, chronic sluggish rhinitis is most likely due to a decrease in immune potential.

IMPORTANT! Especially dangerous reasons nasal congestion are diseases of cats such as calcivirosis, peritonitis, leukemia, viral pneumonia, with feline herpes, purulent conjunctivitis. Therefore, there is no need to hesitate to visit the veterinarian and self-medicate.

If a cat does not breathe through his nose, he has May be severe allergies on hot steam, household chemicals, pollen, chemicals. Allergic reactions are typical for purebred cats but they may be individual feature even a yard animal. At the same time, the cat may have noticeable discharge, like a runny nose, the pet sneezes and snorts.

Features of breathing problems in kittens

INTERESTING! The owner of a small cat should be attentive to the living conditions of the animal. The baby may get sick due to low temperature in the house or hypothermia.

Also causes breathing complications dirt in the nose foreign objects . When the cat breathes through its mouth, without a nose, you can examine its olfactory organ for contamination.

Cat has a runny nose

Cat owners often encounter this disease. pet, How rhinitis. The cat suffers from a runny nose and a stuffy nose, because it loses its unique ability to accurately and quickly navigate the environment and recognize danger. What manifestations of rhinitis can be noticed?

  • The animal not only has difficulty breathing through its nose, it cannot run or play calmly. It also becomes more lethargic, detached, loses appetite, and looks depressed.
  • You can see the cat scratching its nose with its paw, fiddling with it, trying to clear it of congestion.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises, even up to 39 degrees. If you touch your pet's nose, you can notice how hot it has become.
  • Another sign of rhinitis can be conjunctivitis. It is necessary to wash the animal’s eyes so as not to aggravate the inflammation.

Treatment of rhinitis

A runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membrane should be treated promptly, there is no need to wait for complications for your pet to become deaf or for inflammation to spread to other respiratory organs.

  • If rhinitis occurs due to an infection, bacterial or viral, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, antibacterial drugs taking into account the age of the animal and breed. It is important to strictly adhere to the instructions and carry out the course of treatment to the end, even if there is no discharge and the nose can breathe freely.
  • The course of treatment for rhinitis may include antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and sedative drugs.
  • Sometimes the veterinarian recommends rinsing the animal’s nose to make breathing easier and general state.
  • Effective for rhinitis are inhalations with essential oils, you just need to strictly follow the dosage of oil drops. The nose is also warmed up with warm sand or salt wrapped in a clean cloth.
  • If pet The skin around the nose is dry, it can be constantly moisturized with baby cream and Vaseline.

If you need to clear your nose, you should act very carefully and carefully., following the advice of experts. Wounds can not only cause pain, but also become a source of infection. You can clean the crusts with a damp cotton swab.

How to make breathing easier?

In this case, you will need special nasal drops that constrict the blood vessels. They should be dripped into each nostril of the nose, treatment will take about a week.

ATTENTION! Before you put drops in your pet's nose, you should first clean it of crusts. Cannot be used for this purpose cosmetical tools, which the cat can inhale.

For instillation, only drops for cats are used, no drugs for humans.. Medicines for animals have such important additional properties as immunostimulating effects.

When treating kittens, medications are prescribed taking into account their young age. Sometimes even children's drops, such as Pinosol and Protargol, are suitable. Apply only the number of times indicated in the instructions. too much medicine will not do any good, there may even be complications.

You shouldn't rely on your intuition when treating your cat's nasal congestion or other health problems. There are videos on special websites that will help you treat your cat competently and safely. In any situation, pet owners should follow the recommendations of veterinarians and breeders who have professionally studied all the features of caring for cats.

What can be the consequences of rhinitis?

An irresponsible cat owner can rely on a miracle and wait for the pet’s runny nose to go away on its own. But congestion and discharge, inflammation associated with colds or allergies, need to be treated and only as prescribed by a doctor.

If an animal does not breathe well, it does not receive the required amount of oxygen. Because of this, appetite and general condition worsen, and the body becomes exhausted. Acute rhinitis with inaction it becomes chronic, and it is much more difficult to treat.

Preventive measures

What to do to avoid a runny nose in a cat, which can cause its condition to worsen?

  • It is necessary to avoid situations during which the cat may become hypothermic or catch a cold.
  • Prevent infectious and fungal diseases Vaccination helps effectively.
  • It is important to increase the animal’s immunity through proper feeding.
  • If your pet is suffering allergic reactions, sources of allergies should be excluded from the home environment. The source can even be food specific brand and composition.

Useful video

The vet's story about the signs viral infection at the cat.

What's in the article:

In this article, will tell you everything about your pet’s stuffy nose. Cats have a keen sense of smell (fifteen times more acute than humans) and a sensitive nose. Any, even the most insignificant external factors can lead to severe nasal congestion.

It is uncomfortable for cats to breathe through their mouths, so a runny nose brings them great discomfort. You will definitely notice if your cat has a stuffy nose.


This list will help you recognize the first signs of the onset of the disease.

  1. It is difficult for the cat to breathe; wheezing may occur during inhalation and exhalation.
  2. The nose and nasal mucosa are red.
  3. Snot comes out of the nose. They can be different: transparent liquid, thick purulent, green, yellow and even with traces of blood.
  4. The cat's eyes are inflamed and watery.
  5. The cat may rub and scratch its nose and eyes.
  6. May be published different sounds: snorting, wheezing, sniffling.
  7. The cat began to sneeze or cough.
  8. High body temperature.
  9. Weakness and refusal to eat.
  10. The lymph nodes under the chin may become inflamed.

A runny nose may be accompanied by all or several of listed symptoms. It depends on the characteristics of your cat’s body and the specific disease.


It is very important to find out why your cat is sick, because the method of treatment and care depends on this.

If the cat's condition is normal, she does not lie down all the time, eats well, is cheerful and playful, then you can try to help her yourself. If the animal is in a really bad situation, then it is better not to risk it and show it to a specialist.

Take care of the sick

What to do if your cat has a stuffy nose? First of all, you must improve the living conditions of your pet. Drink in large quantities only warm water, it is also better to feed warm food during the period of illness. Watch carefully for drafts. If your cat has a cold, you can put a heating pad in her house.

Remove nasal discharge and crusts with a damp cloth cotton swab or disk. If the cat does not have a fever, warm its nose with a bag of hot sand or coarse salt. Brew chamomile and wipe your watery eyes with this infusion. Chamomile will relieve inflammation.

If your cat is sneezing and has a stuffy nose, try rinsing her nasal passages. Into a glass boiled water add two teaspoons sea ​​salt. If possible, you can dilute beet juice with water in a ratio of one to three. You can instill it into your nose with a pipette or syringe without a needle. Before the procedure, try the prepared solution on yourself, because cats have more delicate mucous membranes than people.

Buy food with more strong odor. If a cat has a stuffy nose, she doesn't smell well. When she smells such food, she will happily eat.

IN winter time When the heating is on, it is better to close the radiators wet towels: Dry air makes it harder to breathe.


If the illness is serious

If your pet is lethargic, lies around a lot and doesn’t eat anything, you should take him to the vet. If possible, call a doctor at home so as not to torment the cat once again, it’s already hard for her.

In this case, a runny nose is only a symptom dangerous disease. Self-medication can result in the death of the animal.

When a cat refuses water, he is given a drip to prevent dehydration. Also, animals can be injected with vitamins if they refuse food. This will give them the energy to make a successful recovery.

The veterinarian prescribes various drugs, depending on the identified infection or virus. It is important to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, even if there are many of them and you don’t want to torment your fluffy with medications and needles. This is all for his benefit!

Help the cat not get sick

To prevent runny nose and other diseases, you should not allow your cat to become hypothermic!

  1. Do not serve food directly from the refrigerator; you need to wait until it warms up to room temperature. When you ventilate the room, take the animal to another room.
  2. If you take your pet for a walk, make sure that he does not come into contact with other animals. Not only cats and dogs, but also birds! Don't give him anything to eat, not even grass.
  3. Ask your veterinarian what vitamins your cat needs to boost her immunity.
  4. Don't forget about vaccinations.
  5. If your cat has an allergy, get rid of the source. Even if it's your favorite flower, given by your grandmother. Pet's health is more important!
  6. Keep the house clean. Regular wet cleaning will help prevent the spread of infection.

Whatever it is - a cold or an infection, if possible, show your pet to the doctor, this can save his life. Health to you and your cat!