How to treat roundworms in cats. Cat roundworm. Preventive measures and prognosis

Roundworms are common

What is toxocariasis?

Each egg is covered with a special shell, which reliably protects it from most negative influences. external influences. It is noteworthy that it can remain without a host for a very long time and still remain viable. As soon as the egg is in the cat’s intestines, the process of roundworm development begins.

Adult roundworms can reach a length of two tens of centimeters, which is quite a lot, considering the rather modest size of the cat itself. These are round worms of white or yellowish color, which usually live in the animal's small intestine.

Routes of infection

As already mentioned, living exclusively inside the house, without the opportunity to go outside, does not protect cats from infection. Of course, this significantly reduces the threat, but still roundworm eggs have the opportunity to get into the room, for example, on the soles of shoes, with some objects, on dirty hands. From there, little remains to be done. A curious cat catches the eggs on its paws or fur, then licks them off and swallows them while cleaning.

A cat can become infected while hunting

Naturally, street animals are almost constantly at risk of infection. Another risk factor for them is hunting, as a result of which they catch, for example, mice, which also act as carriers of pests.

A kitten can become infected with roundworms while in the womb. They are able to cross the placenta and thus be transmitted to unborn babies. It is worth noting that this is extremely dangerous for them, even life-threatening.

Signs of the disease

For a cat, it is important to diagnose ascaris in a timely manner, so owners should closely monitor their pet and, at the first suspicion of the presence of a pest, contact a veterinarian.

One of the symptoms of the disease is watery eyes.

It has a number of signs, but many of them are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so examination of the animal by a specialist is very important. In any case, the owner should be alerted to any of the manifestations listed below:

  • stool disorders;
  • vomit;
  • refusal to eat;
  • weight loss or slow weight gain in a kitten;
  • development of seizures, pneumonia, anemia;
  • watery eyes;
  • lack of shine in the coat, its unhealthy appearance.

Kittens experience bloating, often very severe. Adult animals become sedentary and nervous. Also characteristic feature diseases - “riding” the anus on the carpet. This occurs due to itching that bothers the animal.


For more accurate diagnosis you can get tested

Why, in this case, should you go to a veterinary clinic if you can purchase the drug yourself and use it? The thing is that calculating the required dosage is not always easy; much depends on the condition of the animal. In addition, you need to choose the right product.


the cat must be given a prescribed anthelmintic drug in the required dosage

Roundworms in cats: symptoms and treatment

The causative agents of toxocariasis differ morphologically and also externally.

Table 1. Types of roundworms

NamePeculiarities appearance

Light yellow worms, the males of which are up to 5 cm in length, and the females are twice as large. Release eggs Brown, spherical in shape, with a thick and rough wall. Their sizes are up to 65×75 microns

Yellow helminths, from 6 to 10 cm in length. Eggs are smooth, thick-walled, oval or round shape, with a diameter of up to 80 microns

Localizing a respiratory system, the larvae are released from there with sputum, but are swallowed again, after which they again end up in the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and settle there. In the cavity small intestine the worm forms into a sexually mature individual.

Toxacara canis

Hormones released in the body of a pregnant cat stimulate active growth larvae.. Subsequently, some of them are localized in the uterus, mammary gland tissues, while others continue to live and develop in the intestines of the female.

Kittens born from a mother infected with worms inevitably inherit them.

Worms that infect the uterus penetrate the kittens’ body long before they are born, and transform into mature helminths when the kitten is half a month old. Cat offspring can get Toxocara canis with mother's milk, when licked by a mother cat, as well as through contact with her fur where there are traces of feces with helminth eggs. As for the female, she becomes infected for the second time when licking kittens.

Worms and their larvae can infect the liver and lungs, causing dysfunction of these organs. Some individuals continue their life activities in the digestive tract. They actively reproduce, destroying the host’s body. From time to time, helminths and their eggs are excreted in the feces, where they remain until they enter the body of a new host.

Adult Toxocara leonina lay eggs, which are excreted from the host in feces. Once in the gastrointestinal tract of the following animals, they give birth to larvae, and everything repeats all over again.

Mice can be carriers of helminths. Larvae emerge from the eggs that find themselves in the digestive tract of rodents. When a furry predator eats such a mouse, the worms enter the cat's intestines, where their development continues.

Ways of cat infection

Known different ways infection of cats with helminths:

Outdoor boots also pose a threat, which a cat may be interested in

  • Through household items untreated for helminths. When domestic cat Worms have been discovered and she requires treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to disinfect the floor in the apartment, window sills and other favorite places of the animal, the sleeping mat and house, as well as food and water bowls. If this is not done, the animal runs the risk of getting toxocariasis again.
  • Table 2. Most likely routes of infection

    FoodCat's milkPlacentaIntermediate host
    Toxascaris leonina+ - - +
    + + + +
    Toxocara canis+ + + +

    Danger to humans

    Nematodes that infect cats are also dangerous to humans. The degree of harm from their exposure largely depends on the condition immune system, but in any case, their presence in the body does not pass without leaving a trace.

    Infection occurs through the entry of helminth eggs from a pet into the owner’s mouth, and then into his gastrointestinal tract. This can happen if the owner does not wash his hands after:

    • stroked a sick animal;
    • empty the contents of the tray;
    • touched the animal's bowls and toys;
    • let the cat lick his hands.

    In addition, the risk of invasion is high when a person:

    • allows the pet to lick its face;
    • kisses an animal;
    • finishes food that the cat sniffed from her hands (touched with her nose, lips or tongue), but did not eat.

    Toxocariasis is especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems: patients, children and the elderly. IN severe cases helminthic infestation causes death.

    Roundworms behave differently in the human body: some can travel throughout the body in the bloodstream, others remain in the gastrointestinal tract, but in any case they cause enormous harm to the body. The products of the activity of worms are toxins, which, when they enter the blood, disrupt the functioning of organs and systems.

    Symptoms of poisoning are the most harmless manifestations that an infected host will encounter

    Symptoms of toxocariasis infection in humans include:

    • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
    • increased body temperature;
    • blurred vision (when the eyes are affected);
    • itching in anal area, more often at night.

    If all this occurs, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

    Signs of roundworms in cats

    In order not to miss toxocariasis in a pet, the owner must be attentive to its well-being and condition. There is a list of signs by which one can suspect a helminthic infestation in a beloved cat:

    • decreased activity of the animal - it sleeps a lot or lies motionless;
    • growth and development delay in young animals;
    • dull and falling out fur;
    • thinness against the backdrop of a “brutal” appetite;
    • periodic indifference to food;
    • disproportionately large abdominal volume, as with bloating;
    • worm eggs on and around the animal’s “pants” anus, which is most noticeable when the coat is long and dark;
    • pale tint of mucous membranes is one of the signs of anemia;
    • vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes with blood and worms;
    • persistent itching in the anal area, which causes anxiety in the animal and leads to the cat aggressively licking the anus.

    The most obvious sign of roundworms in a cat is frequent licking of the anus.

    It is important to distinguish the symptoms of roundworm infection from the symptoms of poisoning in time, since initial stages helminth infections cause a similar reaction in the body.

    When the invasion is extensive, the following may be observed:

    • cough as a symptom of respiratory damage;
    • narrowing of the intestinal lumen, which leads to constipation;
    • obstructive jaundice caused by liver dysfunction. It appears as a yellow tint to the oral mucosa.

    In kittens, even moderate helminthiasis causes noticeable changes in appearance, but in adults, thinness and a round belly may not be so noticeable, especially when the cat is long-haired. But disorders associated with disruption of the digestive tract always appear.

    Timely treatment of an animal is an opportunity to restore its health and prolong its life. The owner's indifferent attitude towards his cat will most likely end in the death of the pet and infection of the owner, as well as other family members. Even if therapy is started late, sometimes it is possible to save animals, but kittens, pregnant cats, as well as old and weakened animals, as a rule, do not survive.

    How to diagnose the presence of roundworms?

    To do this, it is necessary to submit a sample of the animal’s feces for analysis three times, at intervals of 10 days. Diagnostics will take almost a month, but it is necessary, since a single collection of biomaterial can show signs of mild infection, while within twenty days from the first visit to the veterinary clinic the next generation of helminths will “hatch”. Feces for research are delivered to the laboratory by the owner of the animal in special containers.

    When there are signs of presence roundworms not (or not only) in the intestinal tract, the animal is prescribed a blood and urine test, as well as an ultrasound of the relevant organs. Based on the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

    How to treat your pet?

    "Kaniquantel plus"

    These tablets smell and taste like meat and are considered one of the best anthelmintic drugs. They allow you to fight several types of intestinal worms simultaneously and have a minimum of side effects.

    Thanks to its smell, “Kaniquantel plus” is easily eaten by cats

    It is important that it is not difficult to “persuade” your pet to eat the medicine - cats take such tablets as a treat and gobble them up with pleasure. For maximum effect of the drug, a single dose is sufficient. The tablets are approved for the treatment of kittens that are 3 weeks old.


    Another combined anthelmintic, which has meat “signs” that are pleasant to cats, greatly facilitates the use of the drug. "Milbemax" is sold in tablets with different concentrations active substance. This allows you to select best option taking into account the age and weight of the animal.

    Side effects of Milbemax are minimal and disappear within 24 hours

    For babies six weeks of age, weighing over 500 g, and animals adolescence"Milbemax for kittens and young cats" is shown. For older people there is “Milbemax for adults”. Calculating the permissible amount of the drug is not difficult thanks to the simple and detailed instructions to the drug.

    Important! Despite the fact that the medicine is usually well tolerated by cats, in some cases trembling of the limbs and general lethargy may occur.


    An excellent remedy for toxocariasis, approved for use in animals 3 weeks of age. Babies are given a suspension, and for adults Prazitel is released in tablet form.

    A single dose of Prazitel is usually enough for a cat to recover

    You need to feed the medicine to your pet once, adding it to favorite treat, regular food or water to drink. In case of advanced toxocariasis, it is recommended to take Prazitel again 10 days later.


    Before using Drontal, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian, since intolerance is possible.

    If the animal has no history increased sensitivity to the components of the product, then taking it in recommended doses does not cause side effects.


    Important! Each of the Dironet tablets is designed for 10 kg of pet weight, therefore Dironet in tablet form is recommended exclusively for adult cats large breeds(for example, Maine Coons).

    Dironet may not be suitable for breeds with small dimensions and low weight

    In cases where the cat completely refuses to swallow the tablets, they are sometimes replaced with external drops such as Stronghold. Such drugs act more slowly, their concentration in the digestive tract will be less compared to tablets and suspensions.

    Stronghold drops are suitable for uncooperative cats, but you should be prepared for the fact that their effect is less than that of tablets

    During treatment, care must be taken to ensure that all household items used by the cat are disinfected:

    • bowls for food and water;
    • pet tray and toys.

    In addition, it is recommended to periodically apply antiseptic solution and during wet cleaning of premises. If there are other cats and dogs in the family, you will also have to check them for the presence of worms and, if necessary, treat them.

    Video - Antihelminthic treatment of cats

    Traditional methods of treating roundworms

    There are also traditional methods removing roundworms from the cat’s body. It should immediately be pointed out that medications are more effective and more accurate than decoctions. ethnoscience- This extreme case, to which you can resort if there is no better way out. Composition and preparation methods herbal remedies, fighting worms, you can read below.

    Possible complications of the disease

    Inadequate therapy or complete absence treatment will inevitably lead to the death of the animal, since the consequences of a helminthic attack weaken the body and make the animal unviable, because:

    We should not forget that an animal infected with worms is a carrier of infection, which means that people and pets living with a sick cat are at risk.

    Remember that even neglected roundworms can often be cured, the main thing is the desire of the owner

    Unfortunately, there are owners who prefer to solve the problem in a radical way trying to get rid of the animal. On this occasion I would like to say the following:

    • firstly, an animal with extensive helminthic infestation is the result of the owner’s oversight and his negligent attitude towards the pet;
    • secondly, helminthiases, including toxocariasis, are treatable;
    • thirdly, the cost of the drugs is not high and is quite affordable even for those animal owners who have modest incomes.

    Prevention of roundworms in cats

    Preventive measures to minimize helminthic infestations in cats include observing the following rules:

    1. You should not feed your animal raw, unfrozen meat and fish;
    2. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of cat accessories: bowls, tray, toys and bedding, treating them with household antiseptic solutions from time to time;
    3. Do not allow animals to walk on their own, so they have less risk of eating a sick mouse and “making friends” with unhealthy stray animals;
    4. Maintain cleanliness in the home, including promptly removing traces of dirty street shoes from the floor;
    5. Do not forget about periodic deworming of animals. Giving anthelmintics follows:
    • quarterly if the cat visits the street;
    • 1-2 times a year, when the pet is a homebody;
    • when the pet first appears in the house, if the kitten comes from the yard and is more than 3 months old.

    It is advisable to carry out planned deworming:

    • one and a half weeks before vaccination;
    • two weeks before mating;
    • 3 weeks before the expected cat birth.

    Equally important are measures to prevent helminthiasis in humans. On early stages helminthic infestation It is not always possible to recognize it in an animal, therefore:

    • every time after tactile contact with your beloved cat or its accessories, you should wash your hands with soap;
    • The pet should not be allowed to wander around the table and eat leftovers from the owner’s plates.
    • all family members need to take anthelmintic drugs 1-2 times a year;
    • If signs of intestinal worm infection appear, you should contact an infectious disease specialist, and if there is no such specialist in the clinic, contact your local physician.

    By the way! Frequent forays of a cat onto the table may indicate malnutrition. A well-fed and well-mannered cat, as a rule, does not jump on the table.

    Attentive attitude to own health and the well-being of the pet will help to avoid unnecessary worries and extend the years of life of your beloved cat.


    Intestinal roundworms in cats are, unfortunately, not uncommon. Like any problem, it is easier to prevent their occurrence than to deal with the consequences. It's not as difficult as it seems. If you calmly and correctly accustom your cat to prophylactic intake medications, then in the future he will perceive the procedure normally, without causing much trouble to the owner.

    A healthy and beautiful animal is a source of pride for owners and the envy of others, an inexhaustible source of love, optimism and good mood.

    It has been clinically proven that roundworms in cats and dogs cannot cause helminthic infestation in humans.

    Dog or cat roundworm eggs will not be able to develop in the human body, even if they are purposefully “planted” there. This is due to the fact that human roundworm develops in the intestines at a temperature of 36.6 degrees, and roundworms of cats and dogs develop at a temperature of 38.5 - 39 degrees.

    A person can become infected with other worms from animals, so pets need to be examined once every 3 months. full course deworming, and when diagnosing helminthic infestation - adequate treatment.

    Ways of infection of pets

    Even if your pets are constantly at home, the possibility of ascariasis in cats cannot be ruled out. An animal may “just for a second” jump out onto the landing, or may sniff and lick your outdoor shoes, which almost always contain worm eggs.

    Puppies and kittens can ingest eggs in their mother's milk or become infected in utero from a sick mother. Before mating, animals must undergo anthelmintic treatment.

    Treatment must be carried out in several stages to kill adults and larvae.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Signs of ascariasis in cats:

    • Digestive disorders, vomiting, diarrhea;
    • Pneumonia;
    • The animal practically does not gain weight, the cats look thin and emaciated;
    • Pale nose, tongue, sour eyes, tousled dull fur;
    • Itching of the anus.

    In dogs, the main signs of ascariasis are:

    • Insatiable appetite. Despite regular complete feeding, the animal greedily “swallows” food;
    • Intestinal disorders, diarrhea, constipation, sometimes vomiting;
    • The abdomen is unnaturally distended with gases;
    • The wool is dull, “lifeless”;
    • The breath has a sweetish odor;
    • Coughing, the animal makes sounds as if clearing its throat.

    How dangerous is ascariasis for pets?

    Ascariasis in cats and dogs causes severe consequences in animals:

    It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own; if ascariasis is suspected, it is necessary to undergo examination and appropriate treatment.

    We are responsible for those whom we take into our home. While living with us, animals should receive our love and adequate treatment when necessary.

    Features of the treatment of toxocariasis in cats

    Males of Toxocara reach a length of 5-10 cm, females are much larger - from 9 to 18 cm. The body is predominantly light yellow in color. The head end has clearly defined formations - “lateral wings”.

    The eggs of the cat Toxocara are round in shape and have a thick shell. Their size is about 85 microns. The embryonic phase lasts from 10 to 15 days.

    Mechanism of infection and routes of infection

    Cats become infected with toxocariasis by ingesting mature roundworm eggs, inside of which there is a larva in the first stage of development. Getting into digestive tract, the larvae emerge from them in the second stage. After this, penetrating the wall of the gastrointestinal tract and its blood vessels, they make a sequential migration to the liver, heart, then to the lungs.

    Getting into Airways, the larvae are expectorated and swallowed by the animal again, again ending up in small intestine. Some of the larvae that enter the heart further spread not to the lungs, but to big circle blood circulation, after which they can enter all organs and tissues. The larvae that do not enter the organs or muscles re-enter the intestine, where they molt and re-emerge into the wall of the small intestine.

    Ascaris larvae that entered the systemic circulation during the animal’s pregnancy as a result of hormonal changes, are activated directly in the blood vessels, which is why they can penetrate into mother’s milk and infect kittens during their feeding.

    Infection with cat roundworms is also possible through eating rodent meat. However, invasion by both mature forms of the helminth and larvae by mother's milk or with rodents leads to the fact that roundworms produce eggs in the intestines of cats, which are excreted along with the feces. IN environment the eggs mature, after which they are able to infect the next host.

    Signs of toxocariasis in cats

    Symptoms of toxocariasis are always most pronounced in kittens, since toxocariasis in adults is often asymptomatic. Symptoms that appear when infected with feline roundworms include:

    • Decreased or lack of appetite.
    • Dull and tousled fur.
    • Chronic cough.
    • Vomiting followed by diarrhea (diarrhea).
    • Dehydration (dry skin and coat).
    • Sunken eyes.
    • Cover eyeballs third century.
    • Enlargement of the abdomen, which occurs due to flatulence (increased accumulation of gases).
    • Presence of roundworms in feces.

    Advice: It is not always possible to notice roundworms in a cat’s feces. Quite often they appear in secretions at intervals of several days, which is associated with their migration throughout the animal’s body. It is better to collect feces in the morning - the chance of finding roundworm eggs in this case is much higher.

    Diagnosis of toxocariasis in cats

    To confirm toxocariasis, a scatological examination (stool analysis) is performed to determine the presence of Toxocara eggs. At the same time, this diagnostic method should be carried out repeatedly - 2-3 times with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks, since the feces for the first study may not contain ascaris. This is due to the fact that the roundworms at this stage have not yet released eggs or have not reached the required degree of development.

    However, in practice, most veterinarians recommend giving anthelmintics right away. This is due to the fact that this step will help to quickly confirm or refute the diagnosis, since the very next day you can find dead roundworms in your pet’s feces. At the same time, this will allow treatment to begin much earlier, even in the absence of helminth infestation.

    Treatment of toxocariasis in cats

    To treat toxocariasis, like other helminthic diseases of cats, anthelmintic drugs are used. It is better to use agents that act on a specific pathogen in order to avoid unnecessary influence pharmacological drugs for a pet. In practice, in most cases, anthelmintic medications are used. wide range actions, since often the exact pathogen cannot be immediately determined.

    “Universal” anthelmintic drugs include the following drugs:

    • Milbemax.
    • Drontal.
    • Stronghold.
    • Advocate.

    These tablet preparations are used according to the instructions and technique of use. The recommended dosage is 2 times a day with an interval of 14 days.

    Advice: at the present time in veterinary pharmacies There are analog remedies in the form of drops on the withers. This solution is suitable for those who do not know how or cannot properly give deworming tablets to cats.

    It is worth noting that frequent infestations and permanent treatment their similar drugs causes addiction and resistance (insensitivity) cat worms to them. Therefore, it is important to use different medications each time. In this case, medications must be different not only in name, but also in the main active ingredient.

    Complications of toxocariasis

    Toxocariasis itself rarely causes any complications. Life-threatening conditions for a pet can occur with a high degree of infestation, since a large number of helminths, including dead ones, release a huge amount of toxins that cause a state of severe intoxication.

    Often serious violations in the animal’s body occur when the dosage of the drug is violated or its incorrect choice.

    An extremely rare pathological phenomenon allergic reaction for helminths. However, it is easily controlled by taking antihistamines.

    Disease prevention

    The main point of prevention is periodic deworming of a pet, even if it is constantly in the house/apartment. It should be carried out at least once every 3 months. However, for extremely clean pets who never leave the apartment or cats that do not tolerate similar drugs, the frequency of this procedure can be reduced to 1 time every six months to a year.

    Also to preventive measures It is worth disinfecting all items with which it comes into close contact a pet: beds, toilets, feeders, toys, etc.

    Possibility of human infection

    The risk of contracting toxocariasis from a cat for humans is extremely small, since this requires specific conditions, which can be easily prevented by observing normal hygiene measures.

    Roundworms in cats: routes of infection, treatment and prevention

    Ways of infection with roundworms

    Such worms in cats enter the body in different ways:

    • through poorly processed fish or meat;
    • in utero;
    • through swallowed fleas or other insects;
    • upon contact with a sick animal;
    • through the wearer's shoes.

    Through insufficiently processed beef meat, it can enter the animal’s body. bull tapeworm, which uses it as an intermediate host. Roundworms pose a great danger to small kittens, as they cause severe intoxication of the body or blockage of the intestines. This often causes death.

    Signs of ascariasis in domestic cats

    Treatment of ascariasis in cats

    Any medications for worms in cats are prescribed only by a veterinarian after determining the underlying cause of the disease. To do this, it is worth taking a stool or vomit test for examination in advance. This is due to the fact that the treatment of ascariasis in children or adults has its own characteristics, and animals should absolutely not be given drugs such as decaris or pyrantel.

    The basis of treatment for ascariasis in domestic cats is anthelmintics. All anthelmintics are available in different dosage form: tablets, drops, injections. During treatment, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the room with disinfectants and treat all objects with which the animal has been in contact: feeder, toilet, etc.

    Advice: Too frequent infestations can cause addiction to the drugs, so it is advisable to use other anthelmintics over time.

    To prevent the development of ascariasis in cats, it is recommended to promptly treat the animal’s fur from fleas, keep the tray clean, maintain hygiene and periodically administer anthelmintic drugs.

    Only after ripening in the soil can they enter the human body, for example, by eating unwashed strawberries. First, the eggs penetrate the intestines; they have five protective shells, which are subsequently disposed of. Larvae hatch from the eggs, penetrate through the intestinal walls into the blood vessels, and then spread throughout all organs.

    Then they penetrate into the lungs, and from there, along with sputum, they enter the pharynx, are again swallowed by the patient and re-enter the intestines. Here they already become adults and begin to actively reproduce. The eggs are released along with the feces, but they are still immature, as they ripen only in the soil. That is why roundworm is transmitted only through food contaminated with soil, as well as when hygiene rules are not followed. The answer to the question whether this type of worm is transmitted through household contact with a sick person is negative.

    How are roundworms transmitted?

    Is ascariasis transmitted from dogs and cats?

    Many people seeing white in their pets' stool long worms, they think that these are cat or dog roundworms. But in fact, this is an erroneous point of view; this disease cannot be transmitted from dogs and cats, because the source of infection is humans. This type of worm has no intermediate hosts.

    There are known cases when they found in the body of animals human roundworms. But they cannot live in the body of animals. Such a worm will most likely simply pass out in the feces and will not be able to develop outside the human body.

    The only animal in which adult roundworms capable of reproduction have been found are pigs. But so far no one has proven whether such a worm can live in human body, no one has checked this.

    Anthelminthic treatment for pets is recommended twice a year, regardless of whether the pet goes for walks or not. Roundworms can be transmitted from pets if the pet is lying in the ground and particles of soil remain on its fur, or the cat is lying on the floor in the hallway in a place where the owners walk dirty shoes. In other cases, you cannot get this disease from pets.

    When a pet meets its owner, it can rub against its legs, and the helminth eggs transfer to the animal’s fur. WITH cat hair they are transferred into his body through oral cavity. To protect your pet from this, you should wet clean the room more often using antibacterial agents.

    A kitten can catch this pathology in utero if its mother’s body is infected with roundworm. The larvae are able to migrate throughout the adult body, and also migrate through the placenta, localizing in the body of the unborn baby. For children, ascariasis can be deadly. Roundworms in a cat develop to a mature individual in 30 days.


    • loss of appetite, and it can either decrease or increase;
    • weight loss;
    • lethargy of the pet;
    • the appearance of bloating in the abdominal area;
    • the appearance of loose stools;
    • dulling of fur;
    • inflammation of the eyes.

    These symptoms are characteristic not only of ascariasis, but also of other dangerous diseases, therefore, if any suspicion arises, the owner should take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

    To diagnose pathology, feces are taken from cats three times for analysis. Based on all the results, a positive or negative diagnosis is made.

    Sometimes veterinarians prescribe universal treatment, which is capable of fighting different types helminths at the same time. Usually Drontal or Milbemax is prescribed, which are introduced into the cat's body through the mouth. The course of therapy is based on 2 appointments medicine, between which 14 days must pass. During treatment, all objects with which the animal comes into contact should be disinfected:

    • tray;
    • sleeping area;
    • bowls.

    It is also necessary to carry out wet cleaning using antibacterial agents.

    If the first course of treatment is ineffective, the veterinarian should prescribe another medication for repeated therapy, based on different active ingredients. IN otherwise roundworms develop immunity to the components of the drug, reducing their effectiveness.

    Possible complications

    Complications occur extremely rarely, only if people caring for the pet give him the wrong dosage of the medication. Death possible only when the pathology has been detected on late stage. In this case, the cat may die due to severe intoxication, since helminths that die from the drug begin to produce large amounts of poison that enters the blood.