A bone is growing on the big toe. What to do? Bump on the big toe - causes and symptoms, photos. Treatment coils

Hallux valgus (hallux valgus), or, as people say, bone or cone - the disease is predominantly female. It most often affects women after 45-50 years of age. The appearance of bumps on the legs is not due to growth in this place bone tissue, but by protruding the head of one of the bones under the skin. With this disease, the thumb deviates outward, and sometimes it runs into its “neighbors.” The toes become twisted and the foot becomes ugly. Instead of beautiful shoes a woman has to wear shapeless, trampled shoes.

Over time, the gait becomes heavy and a limp may appear. In addition, a swollen joint causes pain, swelling, calluses, and inflammation. But that's not all. As a result of such deformation, improper distribution of the load on the knee and hip joints, as well as on the spine, which ultimately leads to additional health problems, and sometimes to complete loss mobility.

Genetics and fashion habits

The reasons for the occurrence of bunions are not completely clear, but it has been noted that genetics And endocrine disorders (it is no coincidence that the disease actively progresses precisely during menopause). Often girls inherit their family bone from their mother or grandmother. Another significant risk factor is transverse flatfoot , which can also be congenital.

But a bone can be not only genetically programmed, but also “acquired.” The reason for this is - uncomfortable or the wrong size shoes. Orthopedists especially “don’t like” high heels and pointy noses. In such shoes, the load is not distributed evenly, but falls on anterior section foot, which leads to deformation of this area and arthrosis of the big toe joint. Fat ladies who wear tight stilettos are at greater risk of becoming a victim of fashion.

Poor nutrition in itself is unlikely to lead to foot deformation, but it can aggravate the situation. Excess salt, sugar, fatty and meat foods are harmful to joints. A dairy diet and foods rich in vitamin E are beneficial
(vegetable oil, nuts, fish).

Surgical treatment: pros and cons

Harmful and ineffective.
The first operations to remove the bone were barbaric - surgeons simply sawed off the “growths,” but in fact, part of the head of the metatarsal bone. Later Russian surgeon R.R. Verdun proposed his own method, which, unfortunately, some orthopedists still use to this day. The meaning of the operation is that the protruding head of the metatarsal bone is completely removed from the patient. As a result, the big toe loses connection with the foot and rests only on soft tissues. And although people retain the ability to walk, such an operation, in fact, does not cure a person, but cripples.

Modern but flawed.
Among the common methods for correcting foot deformities today are operations to intersect the bones, shift them to the required position and fixate them with metal devices (plates, screws, knitting needles, wire). Disadvantages of this treatment: after three months you have to perform a second operation to remove all structures (this procedure causes injury and is fraught with complications), a positive result is achieved only in 65-70% of cases (that is, in every third case a relapse of the deformity occurs). In addition, after treatment, a person will be able to walk without crutches in three months. Another option is to “lock” the damaged joint. Surgeons completely remove the cartilage and permanently fuse the metatarsal bone to the first phalanx of the big toe in the correct position. This also cannot be done without plaster and knitting needles. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous case.

Revolutionary and impactful.
These are fundamentally new operations that allow patients to walk the very next day after surgery, and two weeks later to be discharged from the hospital. Unlike other methods, it uses A complex approach. If previously a deformity of the big toe was perceived exclusively as a defect in one single joint and its constituent bones, today orthopedic surgeons put the entire foot in order: all the bones, joints and, most importantly, the ligaments.

During modern operations, in addition to removing the “bump” through
A 3-cm incision moves the tendon, forms the transverse arch of the foot and thereby reduces flat feet. And all this without sawing through the finger bones. Therefore, no cast or crutches are required. In advanced cases, osteotomy (intersection) cannot be avoided, but the bones are fixed not in the old fashioned way with knitting needles, but with small screws that do not need to be removed later. After two weeks, the sutures are removed and patients can go home. They return to their normal lifestyle within a month and a half after the operation. 20 years of global experience in performing such operations has shown that excellent and good results are achieved in more than 90% of patients. Relapses do not occur with strict adherence to the regimen. So there are practically no disadvantages to modern operations that relieve thumb deformation.

Many women are ready to do anything to get rid of the hated “bone”. Compresses from burdock leaves with turpentine, crushed cabbage leaves, onions, iodine nets, massage and warm foot baths with soda and herbal decoctions - this is not a complete arsenal used in this unequal struggle. Alas, all this only temporarily reduces inflammation and pain, but does not solve the main problem - joint deformation.

For this purpose, large burdock is used - burdock (you can also use other types of burdock). We need to dial good leaves burdock, buy purified turpentine at the pharmacy. Lightly grease the green side of the burdock with turpentine. Wrap your leg in burdocks from the foot to the knee. Put plastic bags on them (breaking through the bottom) and wrap them in woolen cloth. Wrap your foot two to three times warmer than your shin. As soon as your leg starts to warm up, remove everything so that there is no burn. For those who do not have bunions, do a wrap once every ten days to normalize metabolism and prevent salt deposits. For the procedure, you can use not only burdock, but also coltsfoot. Apply the latter, without turpentine, with the white side to the foot and shin, wrapped in wool without polyethylene. For those who need treatment for bunions, do the wrap every day or every other day during the summer. If you feel discomfort from strong heating, do not use turpentine, wrap your feet without it."

Many women, as well as some men, are familiar with the condition of bulging feet, and people are worried not only about the cosmetic defect, but also about the emerging symptoms of pain and discomfort. In medicine, this phenomenon is called, popularly the pathology is called a bone or lump. Hallux valgus can develop due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or excessive fatigue of the legs, but in most cases the bones on the legs hurt due to flat feet or arthrosis. Let's look at what the bones on the legs are, why they grow and how to treat such a disease.

It is not so easy to cure valgus because it is the bone that is deformed, and not the ligamentous-muscular system, which is why, in order to cure a protruding bone, it is often necessary to undergo surgery. Grandmothers used to tell how they used recipes traditional medicine, but in most cases it was possible to slightly alleviate the pain syndrome. To cure the resulting growth without surgery, you need to have time to prevent the pathology from starting, strictly follow the doctor’s prescription and use complex treatment. Let's look at the main reasons why the bones on the feet grow.


There are several main reasons leading to the condition when a bone begins to appear. In first place is the transverse type of flatfoot, in which the front arch of the foot flattens, the load on the toes increases, causing them to begin to deform. First of all, the big toe suffers, while the first metatarsophalangeal joint is involved in the pathological process, and the head of the metatarsal bone begins to protrude from this.

According to statistics, transverse flatfoot occurs in 60-70 percent of women, and over the age of 35, which is why more of the female half of the population suffers from valgus. The following reasons cause flat feet:

  • increased stress on the legs due to work that requires a lot of standing or walking;
  • wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes, exactly what almost any girl loves;
  • previous foot or ankle injuries ( lower section legs);
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • congenital factors (heredity, weakness of connective tissue).

Valgus does not appear immediately as soon as flat feet develop; curvature is its complication, as a result of which a lump may form. Often other fingers are involved in the process, becoming hammer-shaped. Bones on the legs also appear during arthrosis, osteoporosis, when the joints are affected by a degenerative-dystrophic process, they cannot cope with the load.

There are cases when a bone in the area of ​​the 1st toe develops without accompanying flat feet or arthrosis. This is most often caused by injuries, wearing shoes that squeeze the toes, and excessive exercise, which is why dancers, track and field athletes, and football players often suffer. A bone can often form in male football players due to constant load on the fingers, and since it begins to increase and become very painful, athletes have to give up further training.

There is another surprising pattern - hallux valgus is inherited. If parents, especially the mother, had a problem with the appearance of a bone, then in most cases the pathology will repeat in her daughter. People who suffer from valgus are those whose feet do not distribute the load evenly, and the higher the arch, the greater the pressure on the metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot. Obese people, women during pregnancy, and patients with metabolic disorders suffer from the appearance of bones.


Hallux valgus deformity is divided into several stages of curvature, which determines the symptoms and external signs. IN initial stage the pain is practically not noticeable; there may be a pulling or stabbing sensation, which intensifies at night. The bone begins to bulge when moving to middle stage pathological process, displacement of the thumb is observed from 10 to 20 degrees. Minor inflammation appears, pain occurs at the bottom of the finger, in the area of ​​the bump, and intensifies while wearing shoes.

Over time, the protrusion of the bone becomes obvious, it is easy to notice from the side, and calluses appear on the side and bottom of the foot. The angle of displacement of the finger reaches 30-40, and sometimes 50 degrees. In addition to the fact that the lump begins to bulge, it also begins to become inflamed, which is why the toes hurt and symptoms of discomfort arise when walking. Shoes of the usual size no longer fit. Symptoms of pain often occur even at rest, and this means that a nerve is being compressed, and an inflamed nerve can cause a lot of discomfort, from feeling severe pain to loss of sensation.

At advanced stage a woman’s leg becomes no longer so attractive, the toe moves more than 50 degrees, and there is severe pain. If the nerve becomes inflamed, the finger begins to twitch even at night, from the slightest movement of the leg. In addition to persistent callus, “corns” appear, and the 2nd and 3rd toes become bent. It is worth noting that in women the progression of the disease occurs faster, since female body more susceptible hormonal imbalances, impaired metabolism, especially after 40 years.

Treatment with conservative methods

Let's consider how to treat without surgery. The main deformity is aimed at reducing the load on the forefoot, so wearing comfortable shoes - orthopedic ones - can be replaced; shoes can be replaced with orthopedic insoles. It will take a long time to treat the bunions conservatively; in most cases, it will be possible to stop the progression, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to straighten the finger without surgery. This is effective in the early stages, only at the moment of lump formation.

Modern medicine has developed a special bandage for the finger, which will have to be worn for a long time, but it will stop the progression, reduce inflammation and prevent further curvature of the finger. Correctors from the Hallus valgus series are used, which must be combined with orthopedic shoes. There are also other splints for the 1st toe; your doctor will help you decide on your choice. If the patient does not want to use splints, then rollers inserted between the fingers can be used.

Let's look at how to treat pain syndrome. If severe pain is present, the doctor may prescribe a blockade using hormones from the glucocorticosteroid group - Diprospan, Kenalog along with Lidocaine. One blockade lasts for at least a month, and sometimes a lasting effect can be achieved for up to 3 months or longer. A course of NSAID medications helps with pain, and you can use ointments and injections, or take a course of tablets.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy prove high effectiveness. Procedures are often used shock wave therapy, UHF therapy, darsonval, ultrasound and other procedures are prescribed. Before treatment, it is recommended to undergo examination by an endocrinologist and rheumatologist, since the presence of accompanying pathologies will be an obstacle to recovery.

Various are used to treat bunions. local remedies, such as Valgus Stop cream. Valgus Stop cream contains medical bile, lamb extract, salicylic acid, mint, lavender oil, that is natural ingredients. Valgus Stop cream is used for a long time, without less than a month. The cream has the following effects:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • enhances blood microcirculation;
  • strengthens the structure of the foot.

Of course, using only cream full recovery not to achieve, but for complex treatment the product is suitable. For hallux valgus, traditional medicine recipes are popular. Here is a recipe using iodine and salt. To do this, add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of water. spoons of salt, 10 drops of iodine solution. After this, a foot bath is done, and the procedure must be taken every day for a month.

Another recipe involves using propolis, which needs to be crushed and the paste applied to the bone overnight. The procedures are also done within a month. Apply a compress from cabbage leaf, on which honey is applied, is also left overnight. If there are calluses in the foot area, you can speed up their healing with the help of aloe. Aloe can be smeared on the seed daily for several weeks.


Often doctors are still inclined to perform an operation in order to completely relieve the patient from suffering. Modern medicine offers several options for surgical intervention, but after each of them, removal occurs bone growth. With a distal osteotomy, an incision is made in the distal metatarsal bone, from where part of the bone element is transplanted to the lateral end of the bone. After the operation, the angle of deviation of the finger decreases, and the procedure itself requires two incisions. The bones are fixed with special pins, which are removed after a month.

There is also a proximal version of osteotomy, when the incision is made in proximal part. During the operation, the bone is reconstructed and the tendons are affected. After the operation, it is necessary to wear a special bandage. After surgery, the rehabilitation stage is important. For recovery, physiotherapy and a course of exercise therapy are prescribed. Often after surgery it is necessary to wear plaster casts and special splints.

To prevent the bone from developing again, you need to adhere to prevention methods. You need to wear comfortable shoes and do not overwork your feet. After surgery, a course of vitamins is recommended, including calcium and vitamin D3.

It's worth remembering that early application to a medical institution will save time and nerves during treatment and, quite possibly, do without surgery.

Many women are familiar with the problems associated with foot deformities. Why does a bone grow on thumb legs? What to do if a bump appears on your leg and continues to grow? How to prevent development hallux valgus and how to deal with it?

Why does a bone grow on my foot?

The big toe is made up of two components: the phalanx bones and the metatarsal bone. Normally healthy person the place of articulation of the metatarsus and phalanx is barely noticeable. But when a foot deformity occurs, the angle between the bones increases, the joint protrudes outward, forming an unattractive growth called a “bunion.”

Factors contributing hallux valgus deformity feet:

  • Heredity. Scientists have proven that women with maternal foot problems are 5 times more likely to develop bunions than women with uncomplicated genetics;
  • Uncomfortable, narrow shoes in high heels. When walking in such shoes or boots, the load on the ligaments and muscles is incorrectly distributed, as a result of which they atrophy, the arches sag, and the foot flattens;
  • Overweight creates additional stress on the feet, strains the muscles, leads to hallux valgus;
  • Joint diseases, cartilage tissue, making the normal functioning of the ligamentous apparatus impossible

Anatomical information:
Normally, a healthy foot has a transverse and longitudinal arch. The longitudinal one outlines the inner edge of the foot, and the transverse one runs under the base of the toes. Being a kind of natural shock absorbers, arches make gait smooth and soften shaking.

If a woman wears narrow stilettos, her feet for a long time is in physiological incorrect position.

Changes occur, bones, joints, ligaments weaken and cannot perform their functions. An ugly “bump” will grow on your leg.

Hallux valgus: symptoms

  1. In the early stages of the disease, when the joint does not protrude much, the patient may experience discomfort, painful sensations in the area of ​​the thumb. The pain intensifies with prolonged physical activity;
  2. The progressive disease is visualized externally, the foot becomes flat, the bone protrudes towards the second leg. Cosmetic defect does not allow a woman to wear stylish shoes; she has to give preference to wide moccasins or slippers.

Ddeformation varying degrees

Deformation is expressed to a greater or lesser extent. The condition is assessed by the angle between:

  1. metatarsal bones of the first and second toes;
  2. metatarsal bone and phalanx of the first toe

Depending on these indicators, the following are distinguished:

  • For first degree indicator 1 – less than 12 degrees, indicator 2 – up to 25 degrees;
  • For the second degree indicator 1 does not exceed 18 degrees, indicator 2 – more than 25 degrees;
  • In the third degree indicator 1 – exceeds 18 degrees, indicator 2 – over 35 degrees

Assess the ratio of bones and joints, deviation angles using x-rays.

Treatment of a bunion on the thumb

The initial stage of the disease involves taking corrective measures at home. Conservative treatment helps reduce pain, fatigue, and prevent further joint deformation.

Treatment of hallux valgus without surgery

1. If necessary, the patient is recommended reduce body weight in order to reduce the load on the feet.

2. Daily remedy Massage helps combat changes in the feet. It is done while sitting on a chair.

The leg to be massaged is placed in an extended position on another chair, the foot is slightly raised, placing a fabric roll under it. Massage is done with bent fingers, back side.

Start from the ankle, gradually rising in the direction of the lymph flow to the knee. The muscles are rubbed, stroked with palms, tapped, pinched.

Then massage the foot in the direction from the toes to the heels.

3. Doing should become a habit. complex of medical gymnastic exercises :

  1. Walking on the outer edges of the feet – 15-20 minutes a day;
  2. Roll the ball with your fingers, tuck and straighten your toes;
  3. In a lying position, twist your feet left and right, tuck and relax your feet;
  4. Lift any objects with your toes - pencils, pieces of fabric, small toys;
  5. Water has a relaxing effect; it is useful to walk along the river or sea bottom with small pebbles, and roll the pebbles with your fingers. If this is not possible, you can make a foot bath with river pebbles.

Look also at this set of exercises for the bunion on the thumb, which Margarita Levchenko shows.

Traditional treatment for bunions on the big toe

Alternative medicine offers recipes using herbs and improvised remedies to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joint.

  • 10 ml of iodine solution is mixed with five tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. A day later, the prepared medicine is lubricated on the bones on the feet before going to bed, and warm woolen socks are put on top. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  • Legs are steamed in hot water, lubricate with camphor oil, rubbing it into the skin, and then with iodine. The procedure is carried out once a day, the course is 4 weeks.
  • Fresh leaves Burdock is moistened with turpentine and then used as a compress on the sore leg. You should wrap the leaves not only on the sore joint, but also on part of the leg up to the knee. A layer of polyethylene is placed on top of the leaves, and then the leg is wrapped in woolen cloth. Treatment takes 3-4 months. Instead of burdock, you can use coltsfoot leaves.
  • Pieces of softened propolis are applied to the “bumps” overnight and secured with a bandage.

Orthopedic fixators-onlays for the thumb

In order to return the joint to its original position and “train” the ligaments and muscles to hold it, various kinds retainers.

An example of such a device is a valgus splint. Its action is based on soft fixation of the joint in the anatomical position in which it should be initially.

The foot gains mobility only to the extent that it is provided by the splint. Blood circulation improves, due to which it disappears pain syndrome.

The thumb pad allows you to adjust the angle of thumb abduction and take corrective measures.

Numerous reviews on the Internet and the media indicate the effectiveness of treating bunions with a valgus splint: the leg does not hurt, discomfort disappears, and the joint regains its former mobility.

However, doctors emphasize that corrective measures in mandatory must be combined with therapeutic exercises and strengthening muscles and ligaments.

Cream for bunions on feet

Sold in pharmacies medications in the form of a cream or gel, designed to stop the development of valgus and remove bunions. Such drugs relieve inflammation and reduce the load on the joint, but they are effective only in the initial stages of the disease.

  • ValgusStop (Bone), which contains medical bile, arnica, caffeine, cloves, mint, lavender, urea, corn and Palm oil, glycerin, salicylic acid.
  • Stop cone based shark oil and laurel softens new growths on cartilage tissue, prevents the growth of cones, relieves pain and inflammation.

Therapeutic compresses

The recommendations in this section are taken from personal website of Dr. Evdokimenko P.V.

If your bone is not too big yet, you can try to remove it with medicinal compresses.

For compresses, use dimexide, or bischofite, or medical bile. You need to buy these substances at the pharmacy.

Start treatment with dimexide, and if it does not help, move on to compresses with medical bile. Or with bischofite.

Socks with dimexide

Buy dimexide (liquid for compresses, in bottles).

The drug can sometimes cause allergies, so before starting treatment it is necessary to test for sensitivity to it. To do this, apply dimexide with a cotton swab to the skin of your arm or shin and wait for about 1 hour. If severe redness and itching appears, the medicine should not be used.

If the test does not reveal the presence of an allergy to dimexide, we proceed to the procedure itself.

  • First you need to rub it into the bone of your big toe. Voltaren – gel or diclofenac – gel.
  • Then take a tablespoon of cold boiled water and a tablespoon of dimexide, and mix them in a cup.
  • After this you will need a sterile bandage. We moisten the bandage with the prepared solution, and wrap it around the foot (over the sore bone) 3-4 times, put on a transparent (but not colored!) plastic bag on top, and socks on top of it.

We wear this sock for 20 minutes the first time, and on subsequent days - up to one hour (no longer!).

The procedure is done daily, but only once a day. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Attention! Under no circumstances should the compress be kept for longer than 1 hour!!! This may cause burns!

Attention! Do not mix dimexide with water in advance, for example, the night before. The next day, the prepared solution no longer has therapeutic activity! That is, you need to prepare a fresh solution every time.

Contraindications to Dimexide:

  • severe liver damage; severe kidney damage; angina pectoris or myocardial infarction; severe atherosclerosis; different kinds stroke; glaucoma or cataracts; coma;
  • childhood up to 12 years; pregnancy; lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide or other components of the drug.

Compresses with medical bile on the thumb bone

Compresses with medical bile are done as follows: 4-6 layers of gauze ( gauze pad) need to be soaked in bile and applied to the sore bone.

Then we take a roll of cling film and bandage the gauze with bile with this film. And in addition, we wrap the entire foot so that the bile does not leak. Additionally, you can put a transparent plastic bag on your foot and cotton socks on top of it.

These “socks with bile” should be worn for 2 to 4 hours.

If you tolerate the procedure well and you are not allergic to bile, then after the first 3-4 procedures such “socks with bile” can even be left on overnight.

The procedures are carried out every other day, the course of treatment is 20 procedures.

Attention! Remember that bile is very soiled and can easily ruin clothes or bedding if it leaks from under your socks!


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of medical bile,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the areas of intended application of the drug, skin diseases (including inflammatory skin diseases and subcutaneous tissue, pustular diseases, erysipelas),
  • acute diseases lymphatic system(lymphangitis and lymphadenitis).

With caution: Pregnancy, lactation period, childhood.

Side effects: There may be irritation at the site of the compress, which goes away when the drug is discontinued. In this case, subsequent use of compresses is possible, but not earlier than after 15-40 days.

Important: Medical bile should not be mixed with other medicinal substances.

Socks with bischofite

Bishofite It is better to buy in liquid form. Most likely, bischofite will be sold under the label “bath liquid”, and it will be written that for baths it must be diluted with water. But you don’t need to dilute it for compresses!

At the same time, bischofite is often sold with herbal supplements - which one to buy does not matter. Buy any liquid bischofite.

We make a compress like this: soak a regular medical bandage generously liquid bischofite and with this bandage we wrap the foot over the bone. We put a transparent plastic bag on top of the foot, and woolen socks on top of the bag.

Bishofite in gel form

Rub Bischofite gel into the bone and apply gauze (gauze cloth) on top. Then we take a roll of cling film and bandage the gauze to the leg with this film. We put a transparent plastic bag on top of the foot, and woolen socks on top of the bag.

You need to take off this “sock” after 2-3 hours. But if you tolerate the procedure well, you can do it overnight. The course of treatment consists of 30 procedures performed daily.

Exercises for bunions

These exercises help increase mobility in the big toe when it is deformed, and help reduce pain in the sore toe due to arthrosis.

In addition, these exercises help develop your finger if you have already had corrective surgery. But you need to keep in mind that these exercises can be started no earlier than 3 months after such an operation.

Do the exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for at least 2-3 months. But you can do them longer, for several years - if you do not have the contraindications described below.

When performing exercises, be extremely careful and avoid sudden pain! Listen to your feelings.

If some exercise increases pain, give it up completely, or significantly reduce its amplitude. Although moderate tolerable pain is almost inevitable when performing these exercises. The main thing here is not to “overdo it”. You need to develop your finger very carefully and gradually!

These exercises cannot be performed:

  • for arthritis, that is, for inflammatory diseases joints - especially if the thumb is ALL red and swollen, and it “breaks” from acute pain;
  • at gouty arthritis.
  • for fractures and other serious injuries to the foot or toes;
  • for fresh foot or toe injuries: first you need to take an X-ray of the foot;
  • at least 3 months after operations on the toes, or on ankle joint, Achilles tendons, or on the foot itself;
  • at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 ºС); for influenza, ARVI and sore throat - you need to wait for recovery and wait another 3-4 days.

Surgery as a method of dealing with a bone

In cases where non-surgical methods treatments do not bring the desired result, medicine recommends surgery. The purpose of the operation becomes:

  1. Bone and joint stabilization
  2. Full recovery foot functionality
  3. Relief from pain and inflammation

Osteotomy is a method in which a Z-shaped cut is made into the bone, the metatarsal bone of the big toe is shortened, and the head of the bone in the joint is returned to correct position, after which they fix it.

Rehabilitation period takes up to three weeks, requires support to reduce the load on the joint and wearing a special orthopedic shoes. Plaster casts are not applied to the patient.

Laser removal- an innovative method that is gaining popularity and is being practiced in big cities. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, lasts about an hour.

The essence of the method is laser resurfacing bunions (bones of the foot that protrude from the side). The cosmetic effect achieved as a result of laser treatment makes this method increasingly in demand.

A few hours after the operation, the patient can move independently, special measures not required.

Prevention of bunions on the feet

How to avoid foot deformities, what to do to keep your feet beautiful and healthy?

  1. Wear the right shoes with a wide toe and heels up to 4 cm. Do not abuse high-heeled shoes, wear them as needed, after wearing, give your feet a rest, do relaxing foot baths, massage, gymnastics;
  2. For high-heeled shoes, use a special insole that supports the arches of the feet;
  3. Walk along the banks of the river, sea, small stones, pebbles;
  4. Keep body weight under control;
  5. Monitor the condition of the joints in your legs; if pain or discomfort occurs, consult an orthopedic doctor for advice. It is possible to correct the deformity at the initial stage without surgical intervention.

The material presented in the article allows you to find out how foot deformity occurs, how to prevent the growth of a bunion on the foot, and also what to do if a bunion grows on your big toe.

Hallux valgus- deformation of the first toe, resulting in the formation of a growth, which is popularly called a bump.

Most women do not seek help until this disease makes itself felt by pain.

But is the risk justified? What to do with a bump on your leg, how to treat it - you will learn all this in the article.

Why do bumps grow on my feet near my big toes?

Many people believe that improper shoes and high heels contribute to the appearance of a bump, but this is only justified in in rare cases. Let's look at the root causes, from the most important to exceptional situations:

  • Transverse flatfoot;
  • Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Congenital deformities;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Wrong shoes.

If you do not contact a specialist at the initial stage, the deformation will only worsen the situation. In the last stages, pain occurs and correction is carried out only surgically.

Who is most likely to get bunions near their big toes?

Most often, women are susceptible to toe deformities. Because they are the ones who aggravate the situation by wearing the wrong shoes with sharp nose and high heels.

But first of all, people suffering from flat feet are susceptible to deformation. The fact is that in this position the shape of the foot changes, its transverse and longitudinal arches drop. As a result, we observe:

  • Longitudinal flatfoot- this is when the longitudinal arch is flattened, and almost the entire surface of the foot is in contact with the floor. In this case, the length of the foot increases.
  • Transverse flatfoot- when the transverse arch is flattened, and the support falls on its anterior section and that’s it metatarsals, the length of the foot decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of the toes. As a result, the first finger deviates outward.

The lump grows as the diagnosis worsens; an example of this is narrow shoes that do not give freedom to the toes. As well as an instep above 7 cm, which places emphasis on the forefoot, deforming the outward deviation of the toe.

Types and stages of cones (bones) near the big toes

There are 4 stages of change in the metatarsal bones:

  • At I form There is an outward displacement of the first metatarsal bone (big toe), which causes protrusion of the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • At Stage II the deformity increases, causing the second metatarsal to become displaced and a small growth to form between the first metatarsal and the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • At III form the overgrown bone becomes inflamed, which is indicated by pain when wearing tight shoes or when walking in general. And the displacement progresses further.
  • At Stage IV walking on deformed feet becomes almost impossible due to pain. The progressive deformity reaches the point where the first metatarsal bone goes under the second by 35 degrees outward.

What is the danger of having a bump on your foot near your big toe?

The danger is that if you do not consult an orthopedist in time, the disease will progress. And each time walking will cause more pain.

  • At first this will manifest itself in high heels - wearing them for a long time will cause pain.
  • Later, the manifestation will reach shoes without heels - long walking will be accompanied by pain.
  • And at the last stage of deformation, pain is present in any position, sitting, standing, and even lying down.

How to get rid of a bump on your big toe?

Modern medicine offers many ways to combat displacement of the metatarsal bones.

  • Surgery- one of the most effective measures to combat the bump. Orthopedics offers more than 150 methods of surgical correction of the valgus protrusion. All of them are aimed at reducing the angle between the metatarsal bones. In addition, modern methods make it possible to preserve joints, support ability and mobility.
  • Special tools- are rather preventive devices in the form of bandages and insoles. At the initial stage, bandages can help in placing the metatarsal bone in correct form, but in running forms will not lead to results. Insoles have only a preventive and strengthening effect; as a result of wearing, the support is distributed over the entire foot, which prevents the metatarsal bones from moving.

Removal of a lump on the thumb by surgery with before and after photos

Below are the results surgical intervention. As a result, you can observe the primary appearance of the foot, without protruding bumps and with correct positioning metatarsal bone. It should be noted that after the operation there is a period postoperative healing, which lasts on average up to 2 months. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to visit an orthopedist, wear orthopedic insoles and sensible shoes.

Cones on thumbs legs: treatment with drugs

Treatment with drugs does not work effective result specifically for the foot. Hallux valgus deformity at the first stage can be treated with:

  • Weight correction;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Orthopedic shoes;
  • Corrective insoles for the arch of the foot;
  • Night bandage;
  • Interdigital pads;
  • Shock wave therapy;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs, in turn, only suppress pain, but in no way affect the correction of hallux valgus.

Insoles, bandages for protruding bunions on the feet

  • Insoles- This is a special device in orthopedics aimed at reducing the load in the forefoot and distributing weight along its entire plane.
    • They have a special shape that forms an arch for the foot. This arch allows you to reduce the load on the metatarsal bones and place the foot in the correct position.
    • There is a recess under the heel, an instep support for shock absorption under the arch, and a strap at the toe for proper placement of the toes. If additional fixation is required, the insole also contains, among other things, a metatarsal pad.
  • Bandage- is a device that fixes the correct position of the first finger. Mainly worn at night.
    • It consists of a rigid clamp that fits over the big toe and a fastener that fastens at the heel.

In the first stages, these two types of devices are usually used. IN daytime the insole is worn, preferably in specially selected shoes, and in night period- bandage.

Creams and ointments for bumps on big toes

Ointments and creams do not lead to recovery and correction of the foot. They are more likely to relieve pain. These ointments and creams include:

  1. Turpentine ointment or sap resin based. Thanks to the main substance - turpentine:
    1. increases blood circulation;
    2. irritates the skin;
    3. eliminates pain;
    4. blocks inflammation.
  2. Shark oil- ointment based on shark liver oil, which has healing properties:
    1. inflammation blocker;
    2. normalization of blood circulation;
    3. healing of the skin.
  3. Valgusteen- a gel aimed at eliminating symptoms manifested by pain. Healing potion aimed at:
    1. pain reduction;
    2. elimination of inflammation;
    3. improved blood circulation;
    4. prevention of deformation;
    5. tissue healing.
  4. Stop bump- a specialized cream aimed at combating hallux valgus:
    1. relieves fatigue;
    2. eliminates pain;
    3. reduces inflammation;
    4. softens and heals the dermis.

These drugs fight the symptoms of the disease, eliminating pain and inflammation. But in combination with other methods, it is quite possible to expect a positive result. Combine ointments with massage, foot correctors and prevention, and the result will not take long. But you should know that this only applies to the first stages.

How to treat bunions on the big toe with massage?

With the help of massage you can cure more than one disease, but it requires a temporary resource in large quantities. You need to massage daily. And it helps mainly those who have the initial stage of the disease.

  • Squeeze your toes inward, hold for 10 seconds and release.
  • Spread your toes out like a fan, count to 10 and take the starting position.
  • Use your fingers to push your finger into the correct position and massage the area of ​​the valgus joint in a circular motion.
  • With one hand, hold the phalanx of the first finger, and with the other, grab the finger and rotate it around its axis.
  • Make massaging movements in the muscle fibers between your fingers, moving from top to bottom.
  • Massage the ligaments of the big toe in a circular motion, periodically lifting the first toe up.
  • Rub the muscle fibers of the first finger on the inside.
  • Stretch your first finger by slightly pulling it forward.

Traditional treatment for cones on the big toe

  • Pepper and bodyaga- an ointment aimed at combating pain and inflammatory processes. All components are mixed and applied to the pine cone with a wooden stick. To prepare it you need:
    • Bodyaga - 10 g;
    • Ammonia - 30 ml;
    • Camphor alcohol - 30 ml;
    • Dried chili pepper - 30 g;
    • Ethyl alcohol - 125 ml.
  • Clove oil- copes with inflammatory processes and relieves pain. To create the oil you will need to combine the components and use it daily. You need:
    • Dry cloves - 10 g;
    • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Cold compress- will help eliminate pain. To do this, you need to apply ice or a frozen product to the bump for 15 minutes.
  • Iodine and analgin- eliminates pain and inflammation. Connect the components and draw a grid on the hallux valgus every day. To create you will need:
    • Iodine - bottle;
    • Analgin - 6 tablets.
  • Lemon- will eliminate pain. Apply overnight and bandage a small slice of lemon. Wash your feet in the morning.

What to do if a lump on your big toe hurts?

If hallux valgus hurts, it means it’s going inflammatory process. In this case, you can make an appointment with a doctor, who will decide what you need first. Or act independently and relieve pain using improvised means:

  • Self-massage;
  • Ointments and creams;
  • Common people's ways.

Preventing the appearance of a bunion on the big toe

To prevent hallux valgus from interfering with your life, you need to use preventive methods combating Hallux valgus. To do this, the following must be observed:

  • Wearing orthopedic shoes;
  • Wearing orthopedic insoles;
  • Putting on a bandage at night;
  • Self-massage and gymnastics;
  • Exclusion of narrow and high-heeled shoes in principle.

This is the only way your legs will be healthy and beautiful. Compliance with everyone preventive rules will bring the correct position of the toes and the correct distribution of the load on the foot.

A condition in which a lump grows on the big toe near the bunion is called hallux valgus. Externally, it is expressed in the curvature of the joint from the base towards the other fingers; with severe deformation, the thumb literally creeps onto the neighboring ones. This condition is considered a disease and is treated accordingly.

Curvature does not occur suddenly or immediately, but, unfortunately, early stage development when painful changes easy to stop, few give it due importance. At first, the problem causes minor aesthetic inconveniences, forcing you to forget about sandals and other shoes that reveal the foot, but later difficulties appear, and then severe pain while walking.

Anatoly Shcherbin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Center for Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery:

Our patient, a 45-year-old woman, was one of the first to experience new technique. She is the first to have non-surgical grade 4 hallux valgus deformity was eliminated. Our center tested a special device, a foot corrector. The idea of ​​the method is to gradually straighten it by applying a little force on the thumb.

Causes of a lump on the big toe

Why do bumps grow on my legs?

A natural question arises: why do cones grow on the legs? Experts name a number of reasons for the occurrence of these unpleasant bumps on the thumbs, but among them there is no consensus on which of the reasons is the main one, so we will put as such the often mentioned ones, which are recognized as at least three:

  • Tight, narrow shoes that compress the foot and lead to rapid leg fatigue;
  • Overweight;
  • Increased levels of uric acid in the blood.

In the first case, shoes with narrow toes, high heels, and flat soles without a heel lead to deformation.

In the second, there is a constant excessive load on the foot. Pathological changes occur faster when both causes are combined.

In the third case, acid microcrystals are deposited on cartilage tissues and joints, this is also due to a number of reasons, such as malnutrition, excessive loads, the effect of medications that are considered independent by some doctors. Other causes of a bunion on the big toe include:

  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hereditary or genetic factors;
  • Foot injuries;
  • Daily prolonged standing;
  • Some diseases (diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout, lupus erythematosus, infectious);
  • Calcium deficiency;
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.

In most cases, growths on the toe occur in women after about 30 years of age and, to a greater extent, due to excessively compressive footwear, but attractively fashionable shoes. Among men, this disease is much less common.

Symptoms of a lump on the big toe

How can you understand that a bump on your big toe has already begun to appear if it is not visible? Knob-like thickenings become noticeable later, and at the initial stage external manifestations it’s difficult to see, but if such a question arises, it means there is already redness and mild tumor, which is a sufficient reason to contact a specialist for advice.

To determine the appearance of an unwanted growth, you should pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • Slight redness of the skin at the base of the thumb;
  • Swelling in the joint area;
  • The occurrence of physical discomfort or pain;
  • Rapidly onset leg fatigue while walking;
  • The appearance of a slight inclination of the thumb towards the other fingers, which was not previously noticed.

What is the danger of having a bump on your finger?

Expecting everything to go away by itself is the wrong decision. When foot deformation has already begun, you are unlikely to be able to understand on your own the exact cause of such changes; it will be difficult for you to determine what actions and to what extent should be taken to stop the curvature. You should also not delay starting treatment, since deformation of one bone also entails changes in the adjacent joints. Appear first periodic pain, which go away when removing shoes, then the pain becomes constant, they persist both in shoes and without them, which are increasingly difficult to select. Walking becomes difficult, unpleasant and painful, and the desire to move disappears.

Stages of disease development

Stages of hallux valgus deformity

To understand how far the location of the toes is deviated from the norm, you should know that on a healthy foot the toes are located parallel to each other.

  • The optimal time to contact a specialist is the initial stage, when the first symptoms were noticed. In this case, the treatment will be less painful and the problem can be completely eliminated.
  • It is more difficult when the second stage of deformation begins. At this time, the angle of deviation of the big toe towards the small toes reaches 20-30 degrees, corns appear on the sole, the knob-like growth hardens, the problem of choosing shoes arises, and the pain becomes constant.
  • The next, third stage, can lead to disability. It is no longer possible to wear simple shoes; you have to use only orthopedic ones. The foot loses its shock-absorbing ability, and the person often becomes disabled. Severe pain makes it difficult to even just stand. In this case, the deformation of the joints is so pronounced that only surgery can help get rid of it.
  • The fourth stage is extremely difficult. During this period, the lump on the big toe does not just hurt, but it hurts constantly, and the area of ​​pain becomes more extensive. The affected finger is deviated by more than 50 degrees, touching the neighboring finger, literally crossing it, and sometimes moving it. An ongoing inflammatory process occurs in the joint; in this case, without surgery, treatment is simply impossible.

How to get rid of a bunion on your toe

So, what to do if hallux valgus begins to occur, how to get rid of a bunion on your toe?

  • First of all, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of a lump-like growth, you should consult an orthopedist who will conduct an examination, take an image, track the cause of the growing problem and determine treatment methods.
  • You should avoid narrow, constricting shoes that taper towards the toes and have high heels; at the same time, you should use insoles and toe cushions.
  • There are ointments and creams specially created for this kind of problem, which are recommended to be rubbed into the sore spot.
  • If the bump on your finger hurts a little, simple folk remedies will help reduce the pain, for example, a bath of simple household salt reduces the pain.

But it should be remembered that the types of help given here are good only at the initial stage and cannot be called full-fledged treatment, which can only be determined by a doctor.

Folk remedies

There are folk remedies that help treat a bunion on the big toe.

  • Basics active substancelaundry soap, you need to grind it on a grater and massage the lump with the resulting pulp, then rinse with water and apply iodine mesh to this place with a cotton swab.
  • It is recommended to use boiled potatoes in their jackets directly on the sore spot as a rub. It should be crushed, placed on a bone, covered with polyethylene and a warm woolen blanket or scarf on top. Keep the sore spot covered for two hours.
  • Propolis helps. Use the same as in the potato recipe. Propolis should be softened, placed on the sore spot and covered with a woolen cloth. It can be purchased at a pharmacy; it is also suitable in liquid form.
  • Using the same principle, a compress is made from blue onions, the pulp of which is left on the affected area overnight for a therapeutic effect, and in the morning a mesh of iodine solution is applied to it.
  • To draw out salts from the joint, you can use sorrel greens. It needs to be kneaded to a paste and applied to the inflamed area; it is recommended to apply it in a course of 30 days.
  • Prepare the already mentioned salt baths from a handful of salt dissolved in a small basin with hot water. Conduct sessions for two weeks for about 15 minutes each. Reduces pain.
  • An external anesthetic is made from iodine (50g, 10% solution) and six analgin tablets. The tablets need to be crushed into powder and mixed with iodine. It is advised to lubricate the sore spot as often as possible.
  • To improve the elimination of uric acid, you should drink herbal decoction from lingonberry leaves.

Except folk remedies, which help improve the condition of the leg only at the initial stage of the disease, and which should be used only as an auxiliary one, there are other, more effective methods prescribed by the doctor. Treatment for a bunion on the big toe can be carried out:

  • Using orthopedic devices
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures
  • Medication
  • Surgical intervention.

Orthopedic devices include special shoes, arch support insoles, bolsters to expand the space between the toes, silicone toe caps and other items designed to align the joints and facilitate the work of the foot, which are selected individually for each case.

Physiotherapy is a series of procedures, each with a specific method physical impact to the affected area, this includes massage, special physical exercise, acupuncture, healing mud and others.

Drug treatment - impact medicine by introducing it into the lesion.

With surgery, the bunion on the toe is most often removed. Medicine includes hundreds of types of such operations, which involve physical adjustment of soft and bone tissues. Except partial or complete removal cones, the practice is to restore the elasticity of weak ligaments that guide the joint, remove a fragment of the articular bone, install a prosthesis in place of the joint, and more.

What to do if you have the first symptoms

Preventive procedures are better than treating an established disease, so as soon as you notice its first symptoms, do not waste time, go to an orthopedist. Physiotherapy is much more pleasant than being on the operating table. Therefore, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor, he will determine the actual diagnosis and tell you how to cure a bunion on your big toe.

To enhance the therapeutic effect and speed up recovery:

  • use the advice of traditional medicine;
  • organize proper nutrition;
  • determine your work and rest schedule;
  • massage the bone;
  • do special physical exercises.

The main thing is not to miss right moment Unfortunately, many people hope that the thickening will resolve on its own. Without doing anything to recover, they trigger the disease, and when the situation gets out of control, they want to get painless treatment, but this is no longer possible.

So, you should remember that the optimal stage of hallux valgus to begin treatment is the first, or initial. Because at this time it is still possible to radically change the course of the disease and, in most cases, it is possible to get rid of it. If treatment is started in the second stage, then the treatment will be long and difficult. The third stage often leads to disability, we hope that you will not lead yourself into such an unenviable situation sick condition.


Statistics show that for more than half of patients the disease ultimately ends with surgery. But medicine does not stand still, and a development has already appeared that is designed to radically solve this serious problem.

The disease progressed quite quickly. At first this lump just gave me discomfort on my leg. Then I started to get very sick. Due to the fact that the big toe began to bend inside the foot, he began to push the second, which began to rise up and rest against the top of the toe of the shoe. And at the bottom of the foot it formed painful callus. And by the age of 54, I could no longer walk in my shoes at all! My legs felt like they were in a red-hot vice.

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