In my sleep I forget to breathe for reasons. Causes of holding your breath (apnea) during sleep. What is “night apnea”

Snoring regularly keeps you awake at night loved one? But the problem is not limited to the inconvenience caused to others. Sleep apnea can be truly dangerous, leading to many quite serious health problems. The term “apnea” is translated from Greek as “stopping breathing.” Of course, we all voluntarily face forced stoppages breathing movements, for example, while immersed in water. However, unconsciousness lasting from 20 seconds to 3 minutes can, over time, lead to impairments that complicate both physical and psychological condition person.

Symptoms of the disease

Sleep apnea, the symptoms of which everyone should know, threatens to stop breathing. However, a person may not feel what is happening during sleep and may not be aware of his illness. It is worth paying attention to other obvious signs that characterize sleep apnea. This:

  • Regular snoring.
  • A feeling of suffocation that occurs during sleep.
  • Fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day.
  • Morning headache.
  • Decreased concentration and irritability.
  • Sensation in the mouth after waking up.

Types of apnea: central absence of breathing

Such a phenomenon as central absence of breathing, in medical practice is quite rare. This type of apnea is characterized by the fact that at a certain point the brain temporarily stops sending signals to the respiratory muscles that control breathing. Because of this, breathing stops. Moreover, patients sleep so restlessly that they are able to remember their night awakenings. Central sleep apnea can lead to complications such as hypoxia or dysfunction cardiovascular systems s.

Types of apnea: obstructive absence of breathing

More often, doctors are faced with obstructive lack of breathing. In this case, the lumen of the respiratory tract critically narrows, the muscles of the pharynx relax, and the air flow is interrupted. Oxygen levels drop and the person is forced to wake up to regain breathing. However, these awakenings are so short-lived that they are not remembered the next morning. On average, a person suffering from this type of apnea experiences such attacks of respiratory arrest 5-30 times per hour. Naturally, we are not talking about any full-fledged sleep or rest. Obstructive sleep apnea, the treatment of which must begin when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, can lead to a number of problems with health and well-being.

Types of apnea: complex breathing

This type of apnea has all characteristic features both central and obstructive respiratory rhythm disorders. Periodic pauses in breathing in combination with obstruction of the upper respiratory tract accompany a person throughout his sleep. Such apnea syndrome demands in a dream immediate diagnosis and treatment, as it threatens quite serious consequences, such as the development of coronary heart disease.

Apnea in children

Despite the fact that we are accustomed to consider this problem more likely to be age-related, it can also occur in children. Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids, drooping palate and chin, and an underdeveloped nervous system are at risk. Premature babies, newborns with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy are also more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. The reason may also be medications taken by a nursing mother. Parents should be alert to loud breathing during sleep, wheezing, or night cough, long intervals between breaths. The child does not get enough sleep, sweats and looks restless while awake.

Most dangerous form The disease is an obstructive form. The child's face turns pale, fingers and lips become bluish, the heartbeat slows down, and muscle tone decreases. Sleep apnea in children requires immediate medical attention, as it is believed that the disease can lead to sudden infant death syndrome.

Causes of apnea

Obstructed or impaired patency of the upper respiratory tract leads to a condition called apnea by doctors. The disease most often affects people with overweight body or any inflammation of the respiratory tract. The causes of sleep apnea can be different:

  • Obesity, especially cases where significant deposits of fat are located in the neck.
  • Neurological disorders that cause the brain to “forget” how to breathe during sleep.
  • Deviated nasal septum, as well as other anomalies in the structure of the respiratory tract.
  • Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
  • Uncomfortable position while sleeping.
  • Age-related changes associated with deterioration of muscle tone.

How dangerous is apnea?

Hypoxia - main danger who is at risk of sleep apnea. Reducing oxygen levels to a minimum level causes the person to become quiet, skin turn blue, and the brain receives a signal that it is necessary to wake up. Upon awakening, a person inhales oxygen, thereby restoring impaired breathing. This state of affairs cannot be called normal. A person chronically does not get enough sleep, unable to get into much-needed deep sleep. It leads to constant stress, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In this regard, the level of injuries at work and at home is increasing.

Often, in patients with sleep apnea syndrome, morning blood pressure levels increase and heartbeat, which leads to the development of ischemia, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Against the background of apnea, the condition of patients suffering from chronic diseases, for example, lung pathologies. As a significant side effect, one can also note the suffering of loved ones who are forced to not get enough sleep next to a person who regularly snores.

Diagnosis of apnea

To determine the severity of the problem, the most important role is played by the patient’s relatives, who, using the method of V.I. Rovinsky, use a stopwatch to measure the duration of respiratory pauses and their number. During the examination, the doctor determines the patient's body mass index. It is dangerous if the UTI is above 35. In this case, a diagnosis is made. The neck volume normally should not exceed 40 cm in women and 43 cm in men. A blood pressure reading above 140/90 may also indicate a problem.

When diagnosing, consultation with an otolaryngologist is mandatory. At this stage, health problems such as a deviated nasal septum, polyps, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and rhinitis are identified. A polysomnographic study allows you to record all electrical potentials, the level of respiratory activity, the number, and duration of attacks during sleep. In some cases, choking during sleep is not apnea. Breathing when screaming with certain disturbances may indicate the onset of asthma or other health problems.

Disease severity

In order to determine the severity of sleep apnea, it is necessary to calculate the average number of episodes of apnea per hour. Up to five episodes - no problem, up to 15 - syndrome mild degree, up to 30 - average degree. More than 30 attacks are considered a severe form of the disease, requiring immediate intervention doctors The method of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s health condition, and traditional medicine becomes a tool that helps to quickly get rid of the problem.


Treatment of apnea always involves eliminating the cause that caused the problem. Adenoids and tonsils are removed surgically, the deviated nasal septum is also brought back to normal, allowing the person to breathe fully. People who are obese are prescribed treatment to normalize their weight. Losing weight by just 5 kilograms in many cases helps get rid of the problem. For diseases of a neurological nature, drug intervention is required. Drugs that stimulate breathing are also prescribed, for example, Theophylline or Acetazolamide.

If the cause of sleep apnea is a flabby palate, then strengthening it, as well as changing its configuration, helps radio wave method. Local anesthesia, lack of long-term rehabilitation period And high efficiency made the method the most popular today. The operation lasts only 20 minutes, after an hour the patient goes home, and spends the next night without the painful pain that has become habitual. apnea attacks. Treatments such as a liquid nitrogen or laser are also popular and effective. But the healing of the palate after manipulation occurs more slowly, causing slight discomfort in the person.

In severe cases, CPAP therapy is used. A special device, which is a mask connected to a pressure-creating device, is placed on the patient’s nose before going to bed. The pressure is selected so that the person can breathe easily and comfortably. Less popular are such methods of treating apnea as jaw retainers and adhesive strips that increase the clearance of the nasal passages, and pillows that force a person to sleep exclusively in the “side” position.

Traditional methods of treatment

Alternative medicine offers many options for getting rid of apnea. Simple and available recipes will be able to sleep will be a great help traditional treatment diseases.

  • To moisturize the mucous membranes of the throat and nose before going to bed, rinse your nose with salt water, pour it into your palm, suck it in with your nose and immediately blow your nose. To prepare the mixture, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Cabbage juice has also long been used in the treatment of sleep apnea. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The drink should be consumed within a month before bedtime.
  • Set up nasal breathing healing will help sea ​​buckthorn oil. It is enough to instill 5 drops of oil into each nostril for several weeks before going to bed. This method helps relieve inflammation from the tissues of the nasopharynx, has a healing effect, and restores blood circulation.
  • Carrots have proven to be effective in treating snoring. You need to eat one baked root vegetable three times a day before meals.

  • Yoga can also be used as a treatment for sleep apnea. Simple exercises performed 30 times in the morning and before bed will help you forget about attacks of the disease. Move your tongue forward while lowering it towards your chin. Hold your tongue in this position for two seconds. Press your chin with your hand and move your jaw back and forth, applying some force.
  • The simplest and nice way mild treatment or moderate form of apnea - singing. Simply chant daily for half an hour to strengthen your throat muscles. This method is really effective.

This treatment for sleep apnea folk remedies will help cope with the problem, provided that all doctor’s recommendations and subsequent preventive measures are followed.

Prevention of the syndrome

People with excess body weight need to reconsider their diet and lose weight. Smoking and alcohol are also some of the main reasons leading to apnea. Refusal of these bad habits in many cases it helps to get rid of the problem forever. Tonic drinks, including your favorite cup of coffee in the afternoon, can also lead to the development of sleep apnea. It is enough to limit the intake of such drinks to a reasonable minimum.

A firm mattress and low pillow will make breathing easier while you sleep. Train yourself to sleep on your stomach. This will help prevent a recurrence of sleep apnea. Walking before bed, soothing baths, massage - good prevention a problem that prevents you from getting enough sleep and leads to many health problems.

Respiratory arrest, unless it is an emergency (cardiac arrest), occurs when a person falls asleep. There may be several such stops throughout sleep, and they are of a repetitive nature. This situation indicates one thing - the person is sick serious illness called sleep apnea syndrome. If the termination respiratory processes associated with cardiac arrest - this is a matter of emergency medicine when resuscitation measures are carried out.

How does respiratory arrest manifest?

Very often, the patient is not even aware of the fact that breathing has stopped (also called apnea) during deep sleep. He simply cannot remember what happened to him. The first to be wary are relatives who, absolutely by chance, may notice that their relative has stopped breathing for a short period of time. As a rule, this is a few seconds. But this is enough to fairly scare your loved ones. If the patient is lonely and lives alone, this is simply a disaster. No one will be able to point out the problem, and the disease will continue to develop. Breathing may stop for half a minute, or even more. In this case, the person may begin to turn blue. Usually he still turns very pale. After such a stop physiological processes gradually recover, and breathing returns to normal. Very often in such conditions relatives call ambulance, but by the time the doctors arrive, the patient’s condition has stabilized; if you wake him up, he won’t even understand the reason for the commotion and the presence of people in white coats in the apartment.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, apnea, or respiratory arrest, is not that rare. About 7% of our country's population suffers from it. The lion's share of this percentage is taken by hypertensive patients and people with coronary disease hearts. Although the syndrome is not a rare occurrence, the media and doctors themselves pay very little attention to this problem, rarely talk about it and explain the causes of the disease.

What to do if there are signs of respiratory arrest? Who should I contact for help? First, you need to figure out what the causes of respiratory arrest are. At the same time, there is no need to drive yourself into depressive states, think that life is over and it’s time to worry about the eternal. The condition is not as critical as it seems. Very suspicious citizens, having read certain literature and medical articles, begin to look for symptoms of apnea and independently diagnose terrible diagnosis. This way you can only harm yourself. Thoughts are material substance.

First of all, you need to understand one truth: fortune tellers, psychics, soothsayers and all kinds of charlatans, witches will not help in this matter. Traditional medicine and herbal medicine will also not give any positive dynamics. There is only one conclusion - run to certified specialists. Only they will be able to accurately establish a diagnosis, conduct research and prescribe treatment. You can go to fortune tellers and witches after the course of treatment and pay them a lot of money to consolidate therapeutic effect, and more - for your own peace of mind.

Let's look at the reasons why breathing stops.

What is the disease associated with?

The cessation of respiratory processes during sleep occurs due to the fact that the pharynx (a normally hollow tube) closes and blocks the path of air to the lungs and back. In such a situation, experts say that obstructive apnea syndrome occurs. In common parlance - blockage of the pharynx.

Other causes of the disease are much less often mentioned. These are problems related to the central nervous system. IN in this case the blockage occurs due to the fact that the respiratory center of the brain decides to rest a little for a while and does not send nerve endings pulmonary system correct commands. There is a malfunction and temporary cessation of respiratory processes. After some time, everything returns to normal. This type of apnea is also called central.

Statistics show that obstructive sleep apnea is a syndrome that affects overweight people. The point is that there is too much adipose tissue encircles the pharynx and leads to a narrowing of the respiratory diameter. When a person sleeps, all muscle groups relax, their tone decreases, and then the airways can close completely. As a result, the person stops breathing.

The next step is that the level of oxygen in the blood and the cells of the central nervous system fall into critical situation. At such a moment, the emergency response mechanism is triggered and the brain awakens to correct the problem. Brain activity triggers the muscles and makes them work harder to get required amount oxygen. After its level normalizes, the brain falls asleep again. This can be repeated several times a night. There are other reasons when breathing stops, besides obesity. Adults suffer from sleep apnea for the following reasons:

  • due to alcohol consumption;
  • smoking;
  • frequent use of sedatives.

Age also completes the picture physiological changes in organism, various disorders nasal circulation (adenoids, deviated nasal septum).

In children, the syndrome can be caused by the presence of adenoids, changes in the tonsils (chronic tonsillitis), various allergic reactions and, most rarely, obesity.

If there is heart failure, rheumatic lesions, diseases and previous brain injuries, central apnea can be diagnosed.

Apnea treatment

The treatment regimen for sleep apnea completely depends on the indications of clinical studies, diagnosis of the organs responsible for correct work breathing apparatus person. If during the examination it turns out that the patient’s apnea is caused by excess mass of pharyngeal tissue, it is indicated surgical intervention.

If curved nasal septum(birth defect or injury to the nose), otolaryngologists may also recommend surgery to correct the problem.

Video about the causes of respiratory arrest during sleep:

Surgical intervention for severe forms The disease is ineffective and gives positive dynamics only in 30% of cases. The same applies to moderate conditions. CPAP therapy is widely used for such respiratory disorders. What it is? Under a certain pressure using specialized equipment in respiratory system supply air. This flow straightens the pharynx, normalizes it and does not allow it to block the path of air. Adaptive servoventilation equipment is also used to treat central apnea. The main thing is to detect signs of the disease in time.

Stopping breathing during sleep, or more precisely, repeated stops of breathing indicate the presence of a serious disease - sleep apnea syndrome.

The person with apnea, for obvious reasons, does not notice or remember what happens to him in his sleep. As a rule, the problem is first noticed by his relatives, who, watching the sleeping person, see how he repeatedly stops breathing for 10, 20, 40 or more seconds, and often turns pale or blue when breathing stops.

The disease of respiratory arrest is observed in 5-7% of people, and in hypertensive patients and those suffering from coronary artery disease its frequency reaches 30%. But despite the widespread prevalence of the disease, surprisingly little is said about sleep apnea syndrome.

What to do?..

Very often, patients report that when they suspected symptoms of apnea, they were at a loss: “What to do if you stop breathing during sleep? What to do? Who to contact?". Fortunately, we have answers to these questions.

First of all, it is important to understand: sleep apnea syndrome cannot be cured on your own at home. That is why the first step towards recovery should definitely be a visit to a doctor who deals with sleep problems - a somnologist. He will be able to diagnose apnea, assess the severity of the condition and select treatment appropriate to the situation.

How does the disease occur?

Sleep apnea occurs because the pharynx, which is normally a hollow tube through which air flow passes into the lungs and back, at some point, for a number of reasons, it becomes completely closed. In this case, doctors talk about the development of obstructive apnea syndrome, from the word “obstruction” - blockage.

Much less often it happens differently: the problem arises at the level of the central nervous system. The brain's respiratory center works intermittently and transmits impulses to the muscles chest and the press is not regular, which leads to interruptions in breathing during sleep. This type of apnea is called central.

Causes of sleep apnea

We can say that obstructive apnea syndrome is a disease fat people: adipose tissue, like a muff, envelops the pharynx from the outside, leading to its compression and narrowing. During sleep, when the muscles relax and lose tone, the airway sometimes closes completely and the person stops breathing.

Then the following happens: the concentration of oxygen in the blood begins to decrease, and this happens until the “emergency response system” is triggered and the brain awakens. The brain sends an impulse to the muscles and tones them. Man does deep breath, often with loud snoring, and continues to sleep. Then the muscles gradually relax again, and the situation repeats.

There are other causes of sleep apnea besides obesity. Apnea in adults occurs due to the use of sleeping pills, sedatives, smoking, drinking alcohol, impaired nasal breathing, age-related changes and much more. Combination of several causal factors- also not uncommon.

Obstructive apnea syndrome in a child is formed in the presence of adenoids or pronounced enlargement palatine tonsils(for example, when chronic tonsillitis), less often – with obesity and allergic rhinitis.

Central apnea syndrome develops due to heart failure, disease and brain injury.

Treatment for sleep apnea

The apnea treatment program directly depends on the examination results. If it turns out that sleep apnea is caused by excess soft tissue in the throat, mild forms of sleep apnea may require surgery on the roof of the mouth. For a deviated nasal septum and adenoids, a specialist may also recommend appropriate surgery.

In severe and moderate cases of the disease, surgical treatment of sleep apnea provides no more than 30% positive results. In this situation, CPAP therapy is often the only highly effective treatment method. To carry it out, special equipment is used, with the help of which air is pumped into the respiratory tract of the sleeping person under slight positive pressure. The air straightens the airways and prevents the throat from closing.

For central apnea, CPAP therapy is also used, as well as adaptive servoventilation, BIPAP and TRIPAP therapy, which are other types artificial ventilation lungs.

In addition to the listed treatment methods, others are also used situationally. For example, for nasal congestion (especially often with allergic rhinitis), special hormonal drops are used, which eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and improve breathing.

People who use sleeping pills and alcohol can sometimes cope with apnea syndrome by simply refusing to use the listed drugs and alcohol. Quitting smoking always has a positive effect on respiratory function.

Interruption of breathing during night sleep is called apnea. This is a syndrome that is a short-term, periodic cessation of breathing during sleep. This condition is usually preceded by snoring. Then breathing stops, the pause lasts about 20-30 seconds (sometimes up to 3 minutes). During this period, a sleeping person instinctively tries to ease the work of the respiratory tract - he turns his head, rolls over on his side or wakes up, after which his breathing is restored.

Sleep apnea syndrome (stopping breathing) is not as harmless as it seems. Unconscious breath holdings that occur regularly cause sleep disturbances, constant lack of sleep. If left untreated, the risk increases serious problems with health in the future.

Why does sleep apnea occur in adults, treatment, what are the known causes of this syndrome? Let's talk about this on

Why does sleep apnea occur, what are the reasons for this?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of sleep apnea. Let's look at them briefly:

Excess weight. This is the most common cause of snoring and sleep apnea. Excess fat deposits in the neck area increase the strain on the throat. When breathing, fat in the abdominal area increases the load on the diaphragm. Very often, with a decrease in body weight, apnea stops.

Age-related changes. It is known that the older a person gets, the weaker his muscles become. Of course, the described syndrome can be observed in people different ages. However, it most often occurs in older men age group, after 40-50 years.

Long-term use of sedative drugs, sleeping pills. These remedies relax muscles, including the throat muscles. Which, in turn, contributes to the appearance of snoring and short-term pauses in breathing.

Features of the structure of the respiratory tract. The development of the syndrome is facilitated by enlarged tonsils, an increased size of the tongue, and poorly developed lower jaw, flabby palate, the presence of many folds on the oral mucosa.

Alcohol abuse

Menopause condition, climacteric changes, promoting excessive relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles.

Chronic diseases accompanied by narrowed nasal passages.

Presence of adenoids, neurological diseases, diabetes.

Hereditary predisposition.

Treatment for sleep apnea

This phenomenon cannot be left without due attention. Usually the person himself does not know about his illness, does not remember what happens to his body during sleep. Close people tell him about the presence of snoring and apnea, for whom it interferes with normal sleep.

Treatment of the syndrome begins with identifying the cause that caused it and its subsequent elimination. In particular, the patient is offered surgical removal adenoids, enlarged tonsils. The deviated septum is corrected, which returns the person to normal, full breathing.

People with overweight treatment is prescribed, including special diet, allowing you to normalize weight in a short time. As we have already said, getting rid of extra pounds often helps to completely get rid of the problem.

If the reason is neurological diseases, carry out drug treatment using stimulant drugs: Theophylline, etc.

To correct a flabby, weakened palate, as well as to change its configuration, radio waves are used. This technique is the most effective to date, completely eliminating attacks of sleep apnea.

In addition, they use others, no less popular and quite effective methods treatment - liquid nitrogen, laser.

In some cases, when treatment for sleep apnea in adults does not bring results, CPAP therapy is used. This technique is an application special apparatus, which creates a pressure that is comfortable for a person through a special mask, which he puts on before going to bed. With the help of the device, a person can sleep peacefully and breathe normally.

How traditional medicine sleep apnea is treated, what folk remedies are effective?

To make breathing easier while you sleep, clear your nasal passages and sinuses from excess mucus and accumulated crusts. To do this, every day, before going to bed, rinse your nasal passages with a saline solution (1 teaspoon of sea salt per 200 ml of warm water).

Every time before going to bed, for a month, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. white cabbage with the addition of 1 tsp. honey Stir the honey well to dissolve, and then drink.

If your nose is constantly stuffy, use drops to clear the passages of excess mucus. Since pharmaceutical nasal remedies cannot be used for a long time, healers recommend using for this purpose. You need to drip it in 4 drops. before bed (an hour).

To get rid of apnea syndrome in adults, the treatment, the causes of which we have discussed today, will help with a moderately firm mattress and a low, flat pillow. Take a walk before bed, take soothing warm baths, take a course massage treatments.

These measures, together with basic treatment and folk remedies, will help you recover faster. normal sleep and reduce the frequency of sleep apnea, or even get rid of the problem altogether. Be healthy!


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Sleep apnea, or stopping breathing during sleep, is most often not recognized, but after waking up it can be reflected in headaches and a feeling of persistent fatigue. This phenomenon occurs frequently, so it is important to know what apnea is and what methods exist to get rid of it.

Apnea translated from ancient Greek (ἄπνοια) means “calmness”. The disease is characterized by short-term cessation of breathing during sleep, followed by convulsive inhalation due to the resulting suffocation. The restoration of free air flow occurs independently, although it is often preceded by awakening.
The appearance of such attacks during sleep in adults is explained by the lack of conscious regulation of the functioning of the respiratory muscles. Night apnea is classified according to several indicators (completeness of breath holding, causes of suffocation, severity of the disease).
By completeness of delay breathing apnea It happens:

  • complete. In this case, the air flow circulating in the respiratory tract is completely interrupted, which causes the rapid appearance of severe suffocation;
  • partial. Characterized by a decrease in the free flow of air into the lungs by 40% or more. This phenomenon is called hypopnea.

Typically, holding your breath during sleep does not exceed three minutes, as the brain reacts to the appearance of oxygen deficiency, forcing the person to wake up, while restoring normal functioning.
Depending on the factors that provoke respiratory arrest, the following types of apnea are distinguished:

  • obstructive, arising due to the appearance of obstruction (blockade) in the upper respiratory tract;
  • central, caused by an imbalance in the functioning of the brain or heart;
  • mixed, indicating the presence of a complex of breathing disorders.

In accordance with the number of respiratory arrests per night, three degrees are distinguished, characterizing the severity of the disease:

  • easy (5 – 9 times);
  • average (10 – 19);
  • severe (more than 20).

Correct identification of the type of apnea becomes a priority condition for prescribing effective therapeutic measures.

Causes of sleep apnea

Known causes of apnea are varied and vary depending on the type of disease.
Considering the factors that provoke the occurrence of obstructive apnea, several types are distinguished.

1. The appearance of obstacles in the respiratory tract for the free movement of air.

This phenomenon can occur for several reasons:

  • congenital pathology respiratory tract, expressed in their narrowing;
  • Thornwald cyst, polyps localized in the nose;
  • adenoids;
  • frequent relapses of sore throat;
  • allergy;
  • underdeveloped lower jaw with backward displacement;
  • tumor processes in the pharynx;
  • enlargement of the tongue as a result of acromegaly;
  • obesity.

2. Loss of tone of the pharyngeal muscles.

The following unfavorable factors can provoke such violations:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking certain medications that promote muscle relaxation - some sleeping pills, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • the appearance of an imbalance during the passage nerve impulses, generated by the brain, which are designed to keep muscles in good shape, with the development of myodystrophy and other muscle pathologies;
  • damage due to injury or surgical intervention peripheral nerves.

Analyzing what is the key cause for the development of central apnea, characterized by a sudden lack of signals from the brain to the respiratory muscles that control breathing. Several groups of unfavorable provoking factors should be distinguished.

  1. Sharp decline in normal functioning respiratory center located in the brain. Observed similar condition with Ondine syndrome, brain stem injury, development of tumors, cysts or hemorrhage.
  2. Insufficient blood supply or impaired gas exchange. These types of causes of sleep apnea appear in cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases.

It is noted that when apnea is detected in adults, men are more often at risk.

Characteristic symptoms

Characteristic for apnea symptoms expressed, intermittent, noisy breathing. The person himself cannot note that he has any sign of respiratory arrest. This becomes obvious to people near the sleeping person.

When breathing stops, there is noticeable restlessness. The person begins to turn his head and roll over. He is characterized by frequent waking up, during which he immediately begins to suck in air.

There are other symptoms that indicate breathing problems while falling asleep;

  • alternating snoring with periods of sudden silence;
  • increased heart rate during night awakenings due to a feeling of suffocation;
  • sweating;
  • difficulty continuing sleep after a disturbing awakening;
  • the need to empty the bladder at night.

After waking up, the following conditions are characteristic signs of frequent stoppages of breathing:

  • headache;
  • lack of feeling of rest after sleep;
  • daytime sleepiness, which reduces performance;
  • dry mouth;
  • chronic irritability;
  • memory impairment, decreased concentration;
  • the possibility of developing impotence.

Such a complex negative impacts on the body should motivate people who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea to be more careful while driving, control themselves when performing responsible work, and learn to restrain negative emotions during personal communication.

Diagnostic methods

If respiratory arrest is suspected, a diagnosis is carried out, including several directions.

  • Visual observation, survey

Doctor on initial stage detects the presence of signs of sleep apnea. It helps to clarify the picture if there is evidence from other family members who may have observed restless behavior during sleep.

Indirect symptoms are taken into account, which include fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability.

  • Survey

During the examination, breathing parameters are measured, the patency of the nasal passages is checked, and the possible presence of pathological changes upper respiratory tract. A blood test is performed.
Important information can be obtained by connecting to a device that records the necessary parameters throughout sleep. This procedure, if necessary, is carried out in the clinic. The patient may be given a portable device for examination at home.

Treatment methods

Since stopping breathing when falling asleep can become a provoking moment for serious pathological conditions, doctors’ recommendations for the treatment of apnea cannot be ignored. There are several successfully tested and showing good results therapeutic methods.

1. Lifestyle changes

Knowledge of some of the factors that provoke the occurrence of sleep apnea can become a leading motive for their eradication. This approach is effective when availability of light degree of disease.

If you are obese, you will need to contact a specialist and choose a safe method for getting rid of extra pounds. It is necessary to quit smoking, reduce the amount of alcohol as much as possible (it is advisable to start leading a completely sober lifestyle).

2. CPAP (CPAP) therapy

The essence of this progressive therapeutic technique consists of using a specially designed device with which it is possible to normalize breathing during sleep. The indication for this method is the development of moderate or severe apnea.

In the evening, before going to sleep, a mask is put on the nose. There are varieties that cover both the mouth and nose. The device provides a constant flow of air into the respiratory tract under the calculated pressure. This prevents involuntary closure of the ducts soft tissues. Improved devices last generations equipped with an air humidifier. They are customizable enough to meet the specific needs of patients.

Using treatment with CPAP machines, it is possible to provide good sleep. This method is also a prevention of stroke and heart attack.

Some are also taken into account side effects:

  • discomfort at the stage of getting used to the mask;
  • the appearance of nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • painful sensations in the ears;
  • stomach pain, flatulence.

If such reactions occur continuously, you will need to consult a specialist.

3. Mandibular splint

When deciding how to treat sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend the use of a mandibular splint similar to the mouthguard used in sports. This device fixes the lower jaw, as well as the tongue, allowing free breathing without interference.

A splint made of a rubber-like material is placed over the teeth, while securely securing the lower jaw. At moderate severity Sleep apnea treatment with such a device is effective and brings significant relief. The main condition is the correct selection of size, so you need to contact a dentist who has skills in this area.

4. Surgery

If it is impossible to cure sleep apnea with the help of special devices, surgical intervention may be indicated. following cases:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • small lower jaw;
  • hypertrophied tonsils.

If you often lose your breath during sleep, then treatment of apnea can take the form of the following types of operations.

  • Tracheostomy. If the upper respiratory tract is completely blocked, a special tube is inserted into the trachea through an opening, allowing air to flow freely into the lungs.
  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. Excess tissue is removed during surgery soft palate. If necessary, the tongue can be removed. This type of surgery is often practiced in adult patients.
  • Adenoidectomy. If the adenoids interfere with breathing freely during sleep, they must be removed.
  • Tonsillectomy. During this operation, hypertrophied tonsils are removed.
  • Pillar system. To make the soft palate more stable and rigid, thin implants made of dense material are inserted.
  • Bariatric surgery. When severe obesity is detected as key reason manifestations of sleep apnea may require suturing the stomach or reducing its volume by installing a special balloon.

Which type of operation will be most effective is decided individually in each individual case.

Folk remedies

Even a brief cessation of breathing during sleep is dangerous, especially for a weakened body. The therapeutic complex may include drugs made according to traditional medicine recipes.

  • You can combat respiratory dysfunction caused by excess mucus every night. sea ​​salt(teaspoon) dissolved in pre-boiled water (200 ml).
  • White cabbage juice (200 ml) will be beneficial, to which honey (a teaspoon) is added immediately after squeezing and drunk before bed.
  • In case of severe nasal congestion, 4 drops of pharmaceutical sea buckthorn oil are dripped an hour before falling asleep.
  • To strengthen the body, heal cardiovascular system To remove mucus from the lungs, use black cumin seeds. To infuse, add a tablespoon of raw material to 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse under the lid for 15 minutes. Drink before meals twice a day. The course duration is 2 months.
  • In severe cases, it is advisable to prepare a mixture of several plants. You will need 100 g each of sage, horsetail (herb), burdock (leaves), hawthorn (berries). The collection also includes 50 g of cinquefoil (root). After grinding all the components, they should be mixed. In the morning, prepare a decoction by adding a tablespoon of the mixture to 500 ml of water. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. then the broth is filtered and cooled. Drink a glass 4 times a day.

Recipes from the assortment folk wisdom There are quite a lot of them, so you can easily choose the right option.


It is important for every person to understand what sleep apnea is and how this disease can be dangerous if left untreated.

Among negative consequences frequent delays During breathing sleep the following are noted: pathological conditions:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • stroke;
  • ischemia;
  • brain nutrition disorder;
  • heart failure;
  • heart attack

Neurological disorders and type 2 diabetes may develop. For men unpleasant consequence impotence becomes. People with severe apnea are at risk due to the possibility sudden stop hearts.