Restoration of the female body after childbirth. Proper recovery after childbirth: where to start, what to consider

Pregnancy and childbirth do not pass without a trace for any woman. For 9 long months, the female body exists in a completely different rhythm, and after the birth of a child, it again has to adapt to new conditions. How is recovery after childbirth and what should you expect from this period?

Restoration of the reproductive sphere

The biggest changes occur in a woman's reproductive system. During all 40 weeks, the expectant mother’s body created favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. The baby was born - and now the reproductive sphere is changing again. The placenta stops functioning, the level of hormones changes, which inevitably leads to significant changes in the body.

The postpartum period lasts 6 weeks. At this time, the uterus gradually contracts and soon returns to its previous size. The inner layer of the uterus is a large open wound, which is cleaned throughout the entire 6 weeks. During this period, a woman experiences lochia - bloody-serous discharge from the vagina. Normally, the discharge stops after 5-6 weeks.

Recovery of the cervix is ​​much slower and is completed only after 12 weeks. The lumen of her pharynx gradually decreases, and tone is restored. In all women who give birth, the cervix takes on a cylindrical shape. During the first 6 weeks, restoration of the perineum and vagina also occurs. Small cracks and abrasions heal, sutures placed after childbirth dissolve. Scars may form at the site of serious ruptures.

Changes in the reproductive sphere also affect the ovaries. In non-breastfeeding women, the menstrual cycle is restored within 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child. If a new mother is breastfeeding her baby, she may not have periods for the entire breastfeeding period, or at least for the first 6 months.

Great changes occur in the mammary glands. In the first days, colostrum is formed in them. On the third day, colostrum is replaced by milk, which is produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin. The more often the baby is put to the breast, the more milk will arrive, and the easier and calmer the development of lactation will be.

Restoration of internal organs

Childbirth is a process accompanied by considerable blood loss. Immediately after the birth of a child, the cardiovascular system and blood clotting components are activated. Within 2-3 weeks, the functioning of the whole organism stabilizes, after which the heart returns to functioning in its usual mode.

Significant changes also occur in the digestive system. All internal organs, displaced by the uterus, return to their proper places and gradually begin to work at full capacity. 2 weeks after birth, gastrointestinal motility is restored, as a result of which constipation, heartburn, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Figure restoration

For most women, provided they have a balanced diet and adequate physical activity, restoration of their figure occurs within 12 months after childbirth. During this time, there is a gradual loss of weight, an increase in muscle tone and a restructuring of metabolism in the body. Breastfeeding has virtually no effect on normalizing body weight.

Is it possible to speed up the restoration of your figure and overall tone? Experts do not recommend forcing things and trying to return to the original weight immediately after the birth of the child. Nature provides: a young mother must have a certain supply of adipose tissue in order to be able to feed her baby in any conditions. Aggressive interference in the natural course of the postpartum period can lead to serious health problems and problems in the reproductive sphere.

It is recommended to start any training to restore your figure no earlier than 8 weeks after giving birth. If a woman is breastfeeding, she should wait until lactation begins or at least eliminate the load on the breast area. You can perform exercises for the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks at home or in a fitness club. In the first months, it is better to train under the supervision of an experienced instructor who can set the optimal pace of training.

In the first 12 weeks, heavy physical activity and strict diets are prohibited. Recovery of the body should take place gradually, without sudden jerks and exorbitant efforts. Instead of classical aerobics, you can try Pilates or yoga. These workouts take place in more comfortable conditions and contribute to a gentle return to muscle tone after childbirth.

Restoration of perineal muscles

After childbirth, you need to pay attention not only to the abs, but also to the muscles of the perineum. This area received the most stress during pregnancy and now needs some time to recover. World-famous Kegel exercises will help restore tone to the muscles of the perineum and vagina:

  • Slowly squeeze the muscles, hold in this position for 3-5 seconds and slowly relax;
  • quickly contract and relax your muscles just as quickly;
  • push the muscles outward, as if you are having a bowel movement.

You can perform Kegel exercises as early as the first day after birth. It is recommended to do at least 3 approaches every day. These exercises not only restore the muscles of the perineum, but also prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs. Also, such training is the best prevention of postpartum urinary incontinence.

What else should you consider in the postpartum period?

Balanced diet

The diet of a woman who has recently become a mother should be balanced. Her diet must include foods rich in essential vitamins and microelements. In the summer, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries will do this role well. In winter, you can start taking multivitamins.

To prevent anemia, do not forget about foods rich in iron (red meat, fish, legumes, nuts). Every day there should be cottage cheese or fermented milk products on the table as an important source of calcium. It is better to avoid spicy, salty and fried foods in the first weeks after childbirth. Nursing mothers should take into account the baby’s individual reaction to various foods and create their diet taking into account their tolerance.

Psychological comfort

A woman who has recently given birth should be in a cozy and comfortable environment. If possible, all household chores in the first 6 weeks after childbirth should be transferred to the spouse. During this period, a woman should be with her baby, without being distracted by various problems. Constant contact between mother and child promotes the rapid development of lactation and facilitates the entire postpartum period.

The period in the first 6-8 weeks after childbirth (postpartum) is an important stage in the restructuring of the body, both physically and emotionally. The organs of the reproductive system return to their prenatal state.

Recovery after childbirth in the first few weeks is due to the following processes:

  1. Restoration of the uterine mucosa and its return to its original size will be accompanied by bleeding. The duration of the lochia discharge period ranges from 5 to 30 days. In the first few days after birth, the discharge is abundant and has a bright scarlet color; after that, it acquires a brownish tint and becomes scanty.
  2. The internal organs, displaced by the rapidly growing fetus in the last trimester of pregnancy, return to their original places and take on their “pre-pregnant” form.
  3. Organs that work in an enhanced mode to ensure normal metabolism for both mother and fetus (heart, liver) are rebuilt to a standard mode of functioning.
  4. Damage to soft tissues, cracks, microtraumas heal.

Recovery after childbirth

Recovery of the body after childbirth is a long process. Simple techniques will help speed up its flow.


During pregnancy and the first months of a baby’s life, a woman’s body is depleted, a lack of vitamins and microelements leads to excessive hair loss. To effectively solve the problem, take cystine and a complex of vitamins. Systematic head massages will enhance the effect of the drugs. Circular, forward movements of the hands over the entire head for several minutes a day guarantee the supply of blood to the hair follicles, due to which they are strengthened.


Most women face the problem of increased pigmentation on their face. Such phenomena go away on their own, 3-4 months after birth. It’s clear that every new mother strives to quickly get herself into “pre-pregnant” shape, and even 3 months in this case is an eternity. Cosmetic masks based on Shea butter, rosehip and jojoba oils will come to the rescue. These substances will speed up recovery after childbirth, give the skin elasticity and a uniform healthy color.


Doctors agree that the breasts take their previous shape a year after the end of lactation. In order for the recovery process to be quick and effective, cosmetologists advise applying breast skin care creams throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.


The abdominal muscles return to normal on their own after six months. The perineum, which supports the abdominal muscles, should return to normal. A set of simple exercises that activate the abdominal muscles will allow you to speed up the process. Products based on almond oil will help solve the problem of stretch marks. Lost collagen cells will be restored and stretch marks will disappear. Warming creams combined with deep massage will quickly solve the problem of cellulite, which is common for all mothers.


During pregnancy and labor, the vagina undergoes dramatic changes. The growing fetus puts pressure on the walls of the vagina, increasing its size; when the baby passes through the genital tract, damage and ruptures are possible. A few months after giving birth, the vaginal muscles contract on their own, returning to their original size. At first, its excessive deformation and constant dryness inside cause considerable discomfort to women and men. A set of Kegel exercises will help you regain your previous sensations during sexual intercourse. It would be a good idea to visit the nearest sex shop and buy a jade egg or vaginal balls that increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

The complex is based on the task of tension and relaxation of the vaginal muscles. Effective Kegel exercises will strengthen the muscles of the perineum, the vagina will quickly return to its “pre-pregnant” shape, and the young mother will lose the common and extremely unpleasant problem of involuntary urination.

Regulating the menstrual cycle

Menstruation stops for the entire period of pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, the body returns to its previous state, signaling its readiness for the next pregnancy. Recovery of the cycle after childbirth is determined by the duration of the lactation period. This rule applies to mothers who feed in a strictly established mode: once every 3-4 hours, night time is no exception. If the new mother is not breastfeeding (the most common reason is lack of milk), the onset of the first menstruation should be expected 6-8 weeks after birth. The cycle will be fully restored by the second month.

If the child is on mixed feeding, the onset of menstruation should be expected after 3-4 months. Most women who suffer from severe pain during menstruation notice a significant decrease in cramps or their complete absence after childbirth. The duration of the menstrual cycle also undergoes changes: if before pregnancy and childbirth, periods began once every 21 or 31 days, with the birth of the baby, the duration of the cycle is set at the “golden mean”, amounting to 25 days. The duration of bleeding should be 3-5 days. Tampons are indicated for use six months after the onset of menstruation. Scanty (1-2 days), as well as excessively heavy (7-8 days) menstruation is not the norm and signals the need to consult a specialist.

Each woman’s body is individual, therefore, it is impossible to determine a specific date for the restoration of the cycle.

How to quickly regain your figure after childbirth?

The key to a beautiful figure after childbirth is taking care of it during pregnancy. A balanced diet, visits to the pool, special gymnastics courses, skin care for the chest and abdomen using oils and cosmetics, and a contrast shower will help the expectant mother quickly restore her figure after childbirth.

Experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology recommend wearing a support bra and anti-varicose tights starting from the 20th week of pregnancy.

Restoring your figure after childbirth. Main directions:

  1. Balanced diet. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body must receive a complex of vitamins and microelements. An important condition for regaining your figure is giving up sweets and starchy foods. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Ideally, the amount of food eaten should fit in the saucer. In the first few hours after birth, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices, distilled water, fruit drinks, and dried fruit compotes.
  2. Postpartum bandage. An effective, time-tested product. A properly sized bandage supports the muscles, preventing them from sagging. Experts allow you to wear it from the first day after birth for 2 months. When getting ready for bed, the bandage should be removed, since during sleep the muscles do not sag as much as during the day. You need to put on the fixative underwear while lying down, when your abdominal muscles are relaxed to the maximum. This will allow them to be securely fixed in the correct position. It is not difficult to distinguish a high-quality bandage: it is invisible under clothing, easy to put on, has elastic seams, and convenient fasteners. Production material: lycra, microfiber, polyester.
  3. A set of exercises. Restoring your figure after childbirth is impossible without gymnastics. Simple exercises can be done at home. Body shaping exercises should begin a month after giving birth. It would be useful to consult a gynecologist who will confirm the woman’s body’s readiness for stress. Intense training accompanied by high physical activity is contraindicated for nursing mothers.

Exercises on an exercise bike or treadmill are effective. At the initial stage of training, it is necessary to give the body a minimum load, gradually increasing it. Strength and endurance exercises (weights, dumbbells, bench press) are excluded in the first six months after childbirth.

Strict adherence to the tips described above will help a young mother quickly get her body in shape with health benefits, without harming her little bundle of happiness.

A woman's body undergoes various changes during pregnancy. Changes occur in almost all organs and systems of the body.

After childbirth, it is important to restore your body as quickly as possible.A loving young mother should give joy to her child, and not dwell on her problems and not go into d depression.

Recovery after childbirth

The work of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory, immune, and digestive systems of others changes. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Nervous system

In the postpartum period, she is very vulnerable, after a lot of stress experienced, the most important of which is. So, you need to start taking B vitamins, vitamins containing calcium, magnesium, potassium, if there are no contraindications. This complex will very quickly restore the nervous system.

If a woman is breastfeeding and cannot take pharmacy vitamins, then she should start consuming products containing them.

For example:

  • vitamin B found in boiled meat, fish, cereals, bananas, potatoes;
  • calcium found in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, halva;
  • magnesium– in figs, legumes, rice, wheat bran;
  • potassium– in baked potatoes, fish, melons.

The cardiovascular system

To cope with postpartum hemorrhage, the blood coagulation system begins to work actively. Therefore, it is possible that the heart rate may increase, and the number of platelets, the bodies responsible for blood plasma clotting, will also increase. Mothers who have had breast cancer now need constant medical supervision.

Any disturbance in the functioning of the circulatory system can lead to a very serious complication - thromboembolism. The formation of blood clots in the thickness of blood vessels in some cases leads to death.

Restoration of the cardiovascular system occurs when vitamins, potassium and magnesium enter the body.

If it is also impossible to consume vitamins from the pharmacy, then you need to include foods containing these vitamins in your diet as much as possible (given above).


Many women in the postpartum period are concerned about a very delicate problem associated with a decrease in bladder tone. If, when carrying a child, the enlarged uterus put pressure on the bladder, now, without this factor, its sensitivity begins to decrease.

Bladder sensitivity can be affected by pain medications sometimes used during labor.

It is because of this that a woman may experience:

1 Constant urge to urinate. You feel a constant desire to empty your bladder, but the amount of urine produced is quite meager.

In combination with painful sensations, this symptom may be a signal that inflammation has begun in the excretory system.

It is best to inform your doctor about this in order to exclude the possibility of infection or provide timely treatment.

2 No urge to urinate. The urge to go to the toilet may not occur at all, even with a full bladder. This problem does not require a special treatment approach and usually resolves within a few weeks after birth.

3 Pain when urinating. Burning and other unpleasant sensations are caused by urine getting on unhealed wounds and sutures. To reduce pain, a woman can urinate while standing in the shower with her legs apart. In this case, urine will touch the genitals less. And pain in the bladder itself, radiating to the lower back and lower abdomen, may indicate the development of urethritis.

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4 Urinary incontinence. In order to speed up the restoration of the excretory system, bladder training is necessary. Especially for mothers who are breastfeeding, it is important to monitor the amount of fluid they drink.

It is advisable to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

A reduction in fluid volume can lead to deterioration of lactation and improper functioning of the bladder. Visit the toilet at least once every 2 hours. You must urinate even if you don’t feel the urge. Stagnation of urine leads to the development of infections, which is now very dangerous for the female body.

Be active: a sedentary lifestyle is not good for your bladder and bowel function. Move to the best of your ability. In the first week after giving birth, exercise is not recommended, but soon you will not be able to limit yourself to walking.

An excellent way to normalize bladder function is to perform Kegel exercises - this is a technique for restoring the pelvic muscles. These exercises will significantly improve sex after childbirth.

How quickly you empty your bladder after giving birth is also important. The faster you manage to do this, the sooner the recovery processes will begin and their progress will be more correct.


The immune system will recover very quickly if the diet is replenished with vitamin C or foods containing it: fruits, vegetables, berries (especially black currants).

But we must remember that vitamin C should be consumed daily, since it does not have a cumulative function.

It is believed that citrus fruits are richest in vitamin C. But when breastfeeding, eating citrus fruits can harm the baby, because lemons, oranges and grapefruits are, first of all, very strong allergens. Also, the amount of vitamins A and D entering the body influences the restoration of immunity.

You can undergo a special immunological examination, which will determine the degree of decrease in your immune status. If any pathologies are detected, the doctor will prescribe immunomodulatory drugs.

Restoring menstruation after childbirth

Having a name lochia, usually last for the first 3-4 weeks after birth. In the first days after the birth of the baby, lochia consists almost entirely of blood. Later, the discharge becomes more transparent and contains more leukocytes. Approximately 21 days after birth, the lochia becomes completely transparent, and in the future they will have the same character as normal female discharge.

At this time, you need to especially carefully monitor your intimate hygiene. Now the uterus and cervix are in an “open” state, so bacteria and microbes can easily enter its cavity.

For intimate hygiene, special pads for the postpartum period are ideal. They differ from ordinary ones in size and degree of absorption. Pads should be changed as often as possible (every 2-3 hours), regardless of how full they are.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle usually occurs within 5-6 months with breastfeeding, and within 1.5-2 months with artificial feeding.

The first postpartum periods can be quite painful, heavy and irregular. Gradually, the cycle will normalize, and ovulation will resume again.

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How to restore skin and remove stretch marks?

After childbirth, the skin loses its turgor, and stretch marks may appear. Postpartum will help you get rid of your belly quickly corrective bandage or cling film.

Bandages are a good way to correct your figure during the postpartum period. The bandage can also be prescribed for medical reasons, for example, for complaints of lower back pain. Before purchasing a bandage, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

There are several types of postpartum bandages:

1 Bandage belt. It is a wide ribbon made of elastic stretch material. Its width is enough for the stomach and upper thighs. This bandage has a convenient Velcro fastener, so it is easy to “adjust” it to any type of figure.

2 Bandage in the form of panties. This model is worn over underwear. On the lower back and abdomen there are usually compacted inserts that additionally support tone.

3 Postoperative bandage. This type of bandage is intended for women after a caesarean section. It is recommended to wear it for 6-8 weeks after birth. When wearing such a bandage, a woman should take periodic breaks, removing it for 30-40 minutes every few hours.

There are also contraindications in which wearing a bandage should be stopped or limited. It is necessary to abandon the bandage if the following factors are present:

  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Inflammation of postoperative sutures occurred;
  • Frequent bloating and stomach pain;
  • Skin diseases of an allergic nature (the bandage causes irritation).

They should be worn for a month or two, preferably with a combination of even slight physical activity. Be sure to take a shower in the evening to avoid irritation of the skin of the abdomen.

Stretch marks are removed as follows:

  1. Mix equal parts of Bodyaga gel and Vishnevsky ointment. The mixture is applied to areas of skin with stretch marks for 1-2 hours (up to four hours if the skin is not prone to irritation). It is possible until the mixture dries completely, it is possible occlusively;
  2. Apply Egallohit gel or cream, leaving it on the skin until the next application of Bodyagi and Vishnevsky ointment. The procedures are completed within a month or two.

Restoring your figure after childbirth

After childbirth, many are faced with excess weight, which leads to a deterioration in both physical and emotional well-being.

They say that pregnancy and childbirth are not a disease, and after childbirth a woman becomes younger. But most women feel as if this statement is completely wrong. Sores appear that we had never even heard of before, and according to internal sensations, the age of the mother who gave birth is about 50 years old. So, how does pregnancy affect the body, how long does it take to recover, and how to help yourself in the postpartum period in order to feel again? feeling young and healthy?

Consequences of pregnancy and childbirth

To understand how to recover after childbirth, you need to understand the reasons that slow down this process. In addition to the well-known consequences of “youthful” pregnancy during the period of recovery of the body after childbirth - vitamin deficiency and mineral deficiency, anemia, almost dead immunity, the following abnormalities may appear: uterine bleeding, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and systems, urinary incontinence and feces, migraines, sleep disorders, nervous or mental disorders, decreased libido, lactostasis and mastitis and many, many others.

Hypo- and vitamin deficiency after childbirth

Since vitamin deficiency - the absence of any vitamins and hypovitaminosis - their partial lack is closely related to the weakening of the body’s defenses and the deterioration of general well-being after childbirth, it is worth considering them in more detail. During pregnancy and during the period of postpartum recovery of the body, especially during breastfeeding, there is an increased consumption of vitamins associated with hormonal changes and the need for more building material for the growth and development of the child. With a nutritious, balanced diet, vitamin deficiency does not occur.

But many nursing mothers often cannot provide such adequate nutrition due to undesirable consequences for the nursing child - intestinal colic and allergies. Therefore, hypo- and vitamin deficiency during the period of postpartum recovery is found everywhere. Signs that may indicate vitamin deficiency are the following:

  • dry and pale, flaky and cracking skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • long-term non-healing cracks in the corners of the lips - so-called jams;
  • frequent colds and exacerbation of existing chronic ones;
  • apathy, lethargy, fatigue.

The need for calcium during breastfeeding

The first visible manifestations of vitamin deficiency are deterioration of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, nails, teeth and hair. After all, a lack of vitamins affects the body by causing tissue fragility in the literal sense and increasing their sensitivity to adverse effects.

In order to diagnose the deficiency or absence of any vitamin, doctors usually rely only on the symptomatic picture. This approach is unjustified, since hypo- and avitaminosis can masquerade as various diseases, and you can begin to treat something that is not there. In the worst case, such vitamin therapy threatens hypervitaminosis, when an excess of a vitamin in the body has the same negative impact on health as its deficiency.

Testing for vitamin deficiency is a lengthy and expensive procedure. But having undergone a full examination, we can confidently say what is the reason for the difficult recovery of the body after childbirth and carry out adequate treatment for hypo- or vitamin deficiency. Before you start taking vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to establish normal functioning of the intestines and eliminate the phenomena of dysbiosis for their good absorption. In addition, some vitamins are synthesized by intestinal microflora, and perhaps constipation and diarrhea are one of the causes of vitamin deficiency.

Weakened immunity

Another reason for delayed recovery after childbirth is weakened immunity. The body, which before pregnancy successfully drives away “strangers” even unnoticed by the expectant mother, becomes defenseless against various bacteria, viruses and fungi after childbirth. These pests begin to attack from all sides - both from the outside and from the inside - having previously lived safely in the body and without causing it any worries. Frequent and varied inflammatory diseases occur. Why is this happening?

During pregnancy, a decrease in natural defenses is programmed so that the mother’s body does not reject the fetus growing inside, which is essentially a 50% genetically foreign organism. This ensures the possibility of bearing a child. After childbirth, the immune system, already weakened by pregnancy, begins to work for two. Through breast milk, the baby receives the mother's immune cells, which it needs to survive in a new world infested with hostile microorganisms.

In addition to adequate intake of nutrients, microelements and vitamins from food, physical exercise, hardening and good mood strengthen the body’s defenses.

Hardening with a contrast shower also has a beneficial effect on the skin of enlarged breasts and helps to avoid stretch marks that occur during breastfeeding.

How long does it take and what is the correct discharge after childbirth?

Weakening muscle tone

If during pregnancy you did not do exercises for pregnant women and led a sedentary lifestyle, then restoring your body to its previous physical shape after childbirth will not be an easy task. After childbirth, the muscles most in need of restoration are the pelvic floor, abdomen, and back, which have experienced maximum stress and strain from pregnancy and childbirth.

Exercises for training the pelvic floor muscles can be started the very next day after childbirth, provided that the birth took place without tears or incisions. A cesarean section is not an absolute contraindication for performing them, and a set of exercises with minor restrictions can also be started on the second day after birth. Gymnastics for postpartum restoration of “intimate” muscles are called “Kegel exercises” after their creator, the American gynecologist Alfred Kegel. The original purpose of the exercises was to solve problems with urinary incontinence in women. Subsequently, such training showed strengthening the tone of all pelvic floor muscles and improving blood supply and circulation to the pelvic organs, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery after childbirth.

How long should I wait to start intimate gymnastics exercises if I have stitches? They can be performed with caution only after complete healing of ruptures and incisions - usually this lasts as long as the recovery period of the uterus - 6-8 weeks after birth.

If there are no contraindications, then with the end of postpartum discharge, it is time to begin restoring the abdominal muscles that are severely stretched and have ceased to cope normally with the function of supporting the abdominal organs.

Strained back muscles also need emergency help in the form of exercise. During pregnancy, they also suffered - they had to adapt to maintaining the body in balance in the conditions of the changed anatomy of the spine, chest and pelvis. Plus the increased load in the form of lifting, lowering and carrying a newborn in your arms. All these factors cause pain in the new mother’s back and spine.

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How long does it take for the body to return to normal after childbirth?

Full recovery of the body can take years. It depends on how long the mother plans to breastfeed her baby. Nowadays, for the sake of the child’s health, mothers are ready to feed for two years or more. Throughout breastfeeding, the hormonal balance differs from what it was before pregnancy and it is too early to talk about complete restoration of the body. After stopping breastfeeding, everything returns to normal within another six months. It happens that long-term lactation has a bad effect on a woman’s health, and in this case it is worth thinking not only about the needs of the child.

Despite the fact that the birth of a child, no matter how many of them appear in your family, is each time one of the most important events in life, this joy is not without consequences for a woman. And if those giving birth not for the first time already know what to do and how to cope with the changes that have occurred in their body and appearance, then the fair sex, who have become mothers for the first time, may be confused.

Still would. After all, the mirror sometimes impartially reflects a completely unfamiliar woman. This is not to mention postpartum depression, which already prevents you from enjoying life and motherhood to the fullest. But by following a few simple recommendations on how to recover after childbirth, you can quickly get back on track.

How the body recovers after childbirth

No matter how easy your birth was, it could not but have some impact on your genitals. In particular, the uterus, which had to stretch more than once during pregnancy in order to accommodate a regularly growing baby. However, since this is a completely natural process for her, then after childbirth, the uterus recovers fast enough. Actually, it begins to recover immediately after your baby is born. This process will be completed by the end of the postpartum period, which lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. Actually, at this time, not only the uterus is restored, but all the components of your body that have changed in one way or another under the influence of pregnancy.

If after birth the uterus weighs a kilogram, then after a week it will already be half a kilogram. After two weeks - three hundred and fifty grams, and by the end of the postpartum period it returns to its normal weight - 50 grams.

Within about a month, particles of the endometrium (mucous membrane), which are also called lochia, will come out of the uterus. They have an intense red color. There is no need to be afraid of them, but it is worth clearing the uterus of them. To do this, it is necessary to use special medicinal tampons with extracts of medicinal plants. They will not only help you get rid of lochia faster, but will also remove inflammation if any appears. And if your thrush has worsened (this often happens after childbirth), then these tampons will quickly “pacify” it.

Hygienic procedures must be carried out at least twice a day, using an antiseptic solution or boiled water for this purpose. You can use special products for this procedure (cosmetics for intimate hygiene), but it is better to consult a doctor about this. No matter how tired you are, don’t forget about intimate hygiene, because at this time the cervix is ​​still open, and various germs and infections are not sleeping - so try to protect yourself from them! But you should definitely consult your doctor about douching.

The question of when the vagina is restored after childbirth cannot be answered unambiguously. It depends on the characteristics of your body, and also on whether you help it return to normal. In general, the vagina, which is a muscular tube, shrinks to its previous size by the end of the postpartum period. However, you can speed up this process by doing Kegel exercises. And if you did them before pregnancy, it will only benefit you!

As for when you can start having sex again, it is recommended to wait a month or two after giving birth. This way you will give the vaginal microflora the opportunity to fully recover.

Restoring your figure after childbirth

When does the figure recover after childbirth? Here again everything is quite individual, but usually it takes at least six months. Or it could take a year or two. But it is in your power to help your figure regain its former beauty as quickly as possible.

Strict diets are contraindicated for you, because the health of two people now depends on your diet! But vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products, lean meat and fish, which are recommended for a nursing mother, will have a beneficial effect on your figure.

As for physical exercises, it is better to abstain from them in the first two months. After all, they can spoil the taste of breast milk. But this does not mean that you need to spend this time absolutely without movement. Walking with a stroller is a very good physical activity. And in a couple of months you will already be able to go in for sports, choosing fairly gentle types for yourself: swimming, yoga, Pilates.

Many women are concerned about the question, after childbirth? Of course, as in other cases, everything depends on a considerable number of factors: heredity, skin elasticity, age (the younger the mother, the easier it is for her to restore the original appearance of the breasts), from the condition of the bust before pregnancy and others. But a lot also depends on you, on how you took care of this part of the body during lactation. The following will help you restore the shape and beauty of your breasts:

  • Correct positions during feeding
  • Special support underwear
  • Massages
  • Applications
  • Products for breast skin care after childbirth (avoid “chemical” cosmetics)
  • Correct posture
  • Vitamins (A, C and group B)

But even if when you stop feeding, you are not satisfied with the appearance of your bust, this is not a reason to be upset. Modern cosmetic procedures in salons are capable of real miracles!

During the postpartum period, skin elasticity is important. Of course, you took measures to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. They need to be continued. Right now it’s so difficult to choose skin care products, because you need to avoid all sorts of harmful substances, and they are found quite often in cosmetics. Regular egg white will save you. Whisk it, apply to problem areas (hips, stomach), leave for 15 minutes, rinse. Repeat this procedure every day, combining it with a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings. This is great for promoting skin elasticity.

Now you know the answer to the question of how to quickly recover after childbirth and become the most beautiful mother in the world!