Fish oil for children is of good quality. Which fish oil to choose for children? Benefits, types of drug, reviews

IN mandatory. It contains all the necessary components to nourish brain cells. Fish oil contains a huge number of omega-3 acids. These acids are known to affect the development of the child, his physical and psychological activity. These useful elements also improve performance of cardio-vascular system, since they cleanse the walls of blood vessels from excess fats, they improve a person’s concentration. The consumption of these acids is not only a wonderful cause of brain diseases. Scientists who have conducted research on the effect of fish oil on a child’s body have found that children who take this product daily are six months or more ahead of their peers in development.

Studies have also shown that consuming fish oil helps in the fight against diseases such as hyperactivity.

For children fish fat is simply necessary, because it accelerates the formation of the cerebellum and increases the child’s intelligence. Such children learn to read and read faster. However, there is one problem - kids do not like fish oil at all due to its taste. It does not have to be given in pure form, or you can replace it with more delicious river or sea fish.

Fish oil is enriched with vitamins A and D, which are better absorbed with fatty foods. Vitamin A is good for visual system baby, vitamin D is responsible for the strength of bones and joints.

Together with vitamin D, the child absorbs essential microelements: calcium, phosphorus and others, which is very important for the normal functioning of any organism.

Restrictions on fish oil intake

It should be remembered that the use of fish oil should be a course, that is, not constantly, but 3 times a year for one month. This substance should not be given to the child on the "" stomach, because it may contribute to digestive upset. And most importantly, you should not combine the use of the product with other medicines. This can lead to serious complications.

Many people remember fish oil from childhood. In the Soviet Union, they gave it to children in kindergartens every day. This continued until studies were conducted that showed that the dose of toxic substances in it was extremely overestimated. After that, its use was banned in our country for 27 years.

After this time, the manufacturing technology was revised, and the drug went on sale again. At that time, the product was partially forgotten, and the level of trust in it had dropped significantly. In the 2000s, a new wave of popularization of the product began, however, in addition to supporters of the use of fish oil, there are its ardent opponents. Let's try to figure out how things really are - is the drug useful or harmful?

Fish oil is a very useful dietary supplement for the child’s body, but it must be given after the child has been examined by the attending physician.

What are the benefits of fish oil and can it harm children?

The situation in the USSR was associated with cheaper production. Low-quality small fish and fish waste were used to make fish oil. All this negatively affected the quality of the product. High-quality fish oil is made from the liver of cod fish, and it has valuable nutritional properties.

The benefits of fish oil are difficult to overestimate. It contains necessary for the body vitamins, which are also natural and not chemically synthesized. The absorption of natural components is several times higher than their artificial counterparts. To understand why a child’s body needs fish oil, let’s consider its composition:

  • Vitamin A helps strengthen the immune system, has beneficial influence on the skin, makes it elastic and smooth, supports visual function, participates in the formation of bone and dental tissues;
  • vitamin E natural antioxidant, hinders development inflammatory processes, ensures the formation of muscle tissue and correct work heart muscle;
  • vitamin D is involved in the formation strong bones and teeth, as it promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (we recommend reading:);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 contain acids (eicosapentaenoic, alpha-linolenic, docosahexaenoic) necessary for the full development of the brain, reducing nervous excitability, strengthening memory and improving concentration.

Being natural product, fish oil has virtually no contraindications. However, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis (oversaturation of the body high concentrations vitamins) you should adhere to the dosage strictly according to the instructions.

In what cases and at what age is fish oil given to a child?

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Fish oil is used as a prophylactic agent in the autumn-winter period. The drug will support the body during changing seasons and insufficient amounts sunny days. To avoid fatigue, the product is given to children with increased mental or physical activity. In addition, fish oil is used as aid in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • neurological disorders: ADHD –, increased nervous excitability and aggression, irritability, absent-mindedness and attention disorders, memory impairment (we recommend reading:);
  • atopic dermatitis, dryness skin, dull hair and brittle nails;
  • reduced immunity: frequent respiratory diseases, sluggish chronic infections;
  • prevention of rickets - prescribed in the autumn-winter period for children who do not take vitamin D;
  • delay in teething and bite changes;
  • V recovery period: for long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, bone fractures.

Fish oil is indicated for children from 4 weeks of age. Giving it infants permitted only after consultation with a doctor.

It is rarely prescribed to newborn babies, only when it is really necessary. Children after one year are allowed to use the product for for preventive purposes.

Various dosage forms and famous brands

Fish oil for children is available in various types and forms. The choice of drug depends on the age of the child and his taste preferences. For very young children, fish oil in liquid form is suitable - the baby will not be able to swallow the capsules, but it is convenient to add drops to the mixture. For allergy sufferers, it is preferable to use the product in its pure form, without flavoring additives.

In addition, do not forget that when using low-quality raw materials, the product may contain heavy metals or other toxic substances. In this regard, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a fish oil manufacturer. Let's take a closer look at the various forms of the drug.

Kusalochka in capsules

Modern children are luckier than their parents and grandparents, because before it was impossible to imagine that fish oil could be tasty. The drug is in the form chewable bite capsules It’s delicious and kids like it.

Thanks to a special production technology, it is possible to get rid of the specific smell of the product. In addition, manufacturers add a variety of flavorings and aromas to the composition.

Kusalochka is the general name for a drug in the form of gelatin capsules that can be chewed. The bite is suitable for children from 3 years old, earlier baby may choke. Let's look at the most popular brands:

Liquid form

Fish oil in liquid form is also produced by various companies, both domestic and foreign:

  • Russian drugs are produced by Biokontur and gold fish. The main advantage is affordable price. The absence of flavoring, on the one hand, makes the product more attractive, on the other hand, not every child will like its taste.
  • Polish company Trec Nutrition, known as a manufacturer sports nutrition, also produces fish oil in various flavors. Suitable for children from 6 years old.

Fish oil in liquid form without flavoring, children consume without much enthusiasm
  • Meller liquid fish oil is even given to infants. The initial dosage is 2-3 drops, which by 2 years already reaches 2 teaspoons twice a day. The drug has a faint lemon taste. I would like to note that Finnish fish oil from the Moller company has been produced for 160 years. During this time, he gained fame and is popular not only in Finland. Previously, Meller was brought to order from Finland, Estonia and Poland. Now in our country there is official representative, from which you can buy the entire range of products.
  • Norwegian fish oil for children is also considered one of the best. The fact is that fish that live in cold waters are more valuable than those that live in warm ones. To summarize, we can conclude that fish oil is useful if it is produced from high-quality raw materials and in compliance with the purification process.

Vitamins with fish oil

In addition to fish oil as an independent product, it is sometimes added to multivitamin complexes. The use of such vitamins, as well as regular ones, is recommended to be discussed with your doctor. Fish oil contains the following vitamin complexes:

  • Supradin Kids Omega-3 (we recommend reading:). Chewable capsules come in fish shapes and come in a variety of flavors.
  • Omega Vitazhuyki. The drug also has a jelly form, although it is made in the shape of bear cubs.
  • Smart Omega. It comes in the form of a tablet that must be swallowed.

As you can see, all the vitamins listed above contain the word “omega” in their names. Pharmacies also offer other multivitamin complexes, which differ in composition and price. When choosing, it is better to give preference to proven means - you should not save much in this matter. Before purchasing, you should read the composition and available contraindications and only then decide which drug to choose.

Interactions with other drugs

Fish oil may be harmful if simultaneous use with vitamin D or vitamin complexes, containing vitamins A and E. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to intoxication of the body. Use together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid, can cause nosebleeds, blood in the urine, or bloody vomiting.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Everything has contraindications, and fish oil is no exception. First of all, individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

A child who is allergic to fish should be given fish oil with caution. The use of the drug for cholelithiasis, acute renal failure, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and hyperfunction thyroid gland.

What is fish oil? Fish oil is an oil that is obtained from the liver of fish of the Cod family or from the muscles of fish. Fish oil is an oily, light yellow, clear liquid with a specific smell and taste. It is produced in two forms.
1. The actual liquid, poured into glass containers with a capacity of 50 or 100 ml.
2. Capsulated form - fish oil is placed in a gelatin capsule. Capsules are packaged in glass or plastic containers. It was in the form of a spilled liquid into a glass container that fish oil was released into Soviet times. Doctors and parents did their best to force me to drink this healthy “stuff”. But now there is fish oil in capsules, so the process of taking it has become much easier.
It should also be said that fish oil obtained from fish muscles is considered more useful than fat obtained from the liver, since it contains more important for human body polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Fish oil, composition. Fish oil contains vitamins (A, D), eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What are the benefits of fish oil for children and adults?
Vitamin A necessary for development and maintenance good vision, participates in the construction of the mucous membrane, skin, hair, nails, bones, tooth enamel, has antioxidant properties, helps the immune system in the fight against bacteria and viruses.
Vitamin D participates in the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus. This vitamin is especially necessary for children during the period of active growth. This vitamin also helps the body’s anti-cancer defense, and this is already important for adults.
Eicosapentaenoic acid, which is also contained in fish oil has antidepressant properties, is involved in anti-inflammatory mechanisms, and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
Docosahexaenoic acid plays an important role for normal operation nervous system, normal vision, healthy skin.
Special value in fish oil represent the contained Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
They play a huge role in physiological processes. The formation of the brain in the fetus and its normal development in children is impossible without the participation of these acids. These acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Normal condition skin, hair, nails, cartilage, connective tissue, the walls of blood vessels, the nervous system largely depends on required quantity these acids in the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases. There is a lot of research being done on the importance of these acids. A few decades ago, it was noticed that the Eskimos of Greenland, who eat a lot of fish, practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases. But it should be clarified that it is the fish that is found in the northern seas that is rich in Omega-3.
Since fatty acids are not synthesized by the body, they must come from food. Fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, there are especially many of them in linseed oil. They are also found in sunflower, corn, olive oil, but in smaller quantities.

Which children will especially benefit from Omega-3 fatty acids?
These are for children with visual impairments; those who suffer from colds often and for a long time, allergic diseases; with neuropsychiatric or physical development, with stunted growth; children who find it difficult to focus and concentrate.
The conclusion can be drawn that fish oil is beneficial for children and adults. But there must be moderation in everything. And fish oil is no exception. Therefore, it must be taken in preventive or therapeutic (as prescribed by a doctor) courses and the dosage must be observed. It is possible that it may not be suitable for some people and may cause some side effects. Therefore, you must first consult a doctor.

How to take fish oil, dosage.
For preventive purposes, the recommended dose of fish oil for adults is 3 grams per day or 2-3 teaspoons. For children from 7 to 14 years old - 3 teaspoons per day. For children from 1 year to 7 years - 1-2 teaspoons per day.
Fish oil capsules are available in 0.5 g (500 mg) and 0.3 g (300 mg) per capsule.
Fish oil capsules, dosage:
For adults 4-6 capsules of 0.5 g; 8-12 capsules of 0.3 g (daily dose).
For children from 7 to 14 years old - 6 capsules of 0.5 g each; 9-12 capsules of 0.3 g (daily dose).
For children from 1 year to 7 years - 2-3 capsules of 0.5 g; 4-6 capsules of 0.3 g (daily dose).
The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses per day. IN medicinal purposes The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Take fish oil during meals or immediately after meals.
Usually they take it in courses - take it for 1 month, then take a break for 2-3 months.

IN modern world in fact, it is impossible to do without immunostimulants, as well as vitamin complexes, and this is especially important for young children. Today the pharmacological environment represents wide range synthetic and natural preparations, which are extremely necessary for humans. However, a large number of people still, and quite rightly, trust proven means, among which it is necessary to note fish oil. This is one of the few preparations containing vitamin D, as well as a number of extremely valuable components, especially for a growing child’s body.

Benefits of consuming fish oil

Fish oil is a liquid, oily substance that is extracted from the liver or meat of cod fish. This product is used as a food additive, since it is endowed with a rich and very useful composition. Among the most important ingredients:

  • vitamin A – provides positive impact on the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. Without it, tissues become dry, lifeless and prone to injury;
  • D – necessary for disease prevention bone tissue, and in addition to this, it helps to absorb calcium and phosphorus in the body;
  • trace elements (iron, selenium, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, magnesium, calcium, etc.);
  • Omega-3 acid complex – improves performance immune defense, increases resistance to infectious agents, normalizes work circulatory system(for the prevention of thrombophlebitis).

It is also possible to obtain all these components through food, but for this a person needs to eat at least 350 grams of the desired types of fish 3 times a week, which is not always possible. In addition, there is a risk that the fish will contain toxic substances due to ocean pollution. The safest and most convenient solution is to use a dietary supplement.

Why children are given fish oil: indications for use

Fish oil is a safe product that is approved for use even at a very young age. Considering the properties of this supplement, it should be used if the following indications exist:

  • disruption of the normal development of the neuropsychic complex;
  • growth disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • memory problems;
  • decreased immunity;
  • presence of allergies;
  • eye diseases;
  • irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • lack of vitamins A, E and D;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • recovery period after long-term illnesses or operations.

In all these conditions, the product can have a positive effect on the body, but it is still better to consult a doctor first to agree on the dose and period of use of the product.

In the first year of life, the use of fish oil should be very careful, since if you overdo it, the baby’s fontanel will close too early. Those children who are on artificial feeding, require supplementation of the drug, since they do not receive fatty acids from the mixtures.

Instructions: at what age and how to give the drug to children

Fish oil is pharmacological agent, which cannot be taken constantly, and the reason for prescribing the drug may be a doctor’s recommendation. Usually the drug is taken in courses of several weeks so that the amount of vitamin D3 in children's body returned to normal. Thus, it should be noted that the administration, including the dosage of the drug, must be agreed upon with the pediatrician, and the treatment process must be carried out under his control.

In capsule form, fish oil can be given to children over three years of age - the number of capsules depends on their volume. This information can be found in the dosage table contained in the instructions for each separate drug. In liquid form, you can start consuming fish oil with one month old 3 drops of the drug twice a day. Over time, the volumes of the product increase, thus one year old child should drink 1 teaspoon twice a day, from two years of age two spoons twice a day. From three years of age, the volume of fish oil can reach dessert spoon twice a day, and over 7 years old, you should drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Which fish oil is better to choose: review of drugs

Today you can find large amounts of processed fish oil on pharmacy shelves. Most companies, such as Zolotaya Rybka or Solgar, which are trusted manufacturers, offer an already deodorized product that does not have an unpleasant odor. This is not the only criterion that must be met; it is also important to pay attention to what the drug is made from, what fish it is made from, etc. Therefore, below is a list of the most worthy and proven products sold in various forms.

Kusalochka in chewable capsules

Fish oil “Kusalochka” is unique product, which is very popular among children, since the drug does not have an unpleasant fishy taste. During the production process, the main component is processed by low temperatures, as a result of which all the characteristic taste and aromatic characteristics of fish fat completely disappear. The product is enclosed in pleasant-tasting gelatin capsules that you can bite into. The product contains a large number of nutritional components and vitamins for children. In other words, “Kusalochka” is a complex of non-synthesized vitamins necessary for the child, and the taste of the capsules will appeal to every child.

Moller in liquid form

Moller, which produces vitamins and nutritional supplements for children, produces high-quality fish oil obtained from Norwegian cod liver oil. The drug contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins A, C, E, etc. The product is sold in bottles of 250 and 500 milliliters. At the same time, the product has a pleasant fruity taste, which will especially appeal to children who find it difficult to get them to drink the product in its original form. The drug is offered for purchase in order to improve concentration, activity and intellectual development baby.

Finnish fish oil Omega-3

Finnish fish oil is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and essential vitamins, including components of groups A, E, D, etc. This complex is suitable for use by both adults and children. It should be noted that for children the described drug is simply necessary, since it helps strengthen the immune system, improves the course of metabolic processes, adds strength and also helps to concentrate on the solution complex tasks. The product is sold in different forms and has the appearance of a capsule or liquid preparation, which must be taken in its pure form.

Children's fish oil Biocontour

This drug is quality product domestically produced, produced in accordance with all quality standards. You can start using Biocontour from the age of three, which will have a tremendously beneficial effect on the nervous and immune system baby. The described product is sold in capsule and liquid form, in small bottles of 50-200 milliliters. The fat is deodorized, so it does not have the characteristic sharp fishy smell and taste. In this regard, there are no problems or taste dislikes for food additive cannot arise.

Harm and side effects from using drugs

Fish oil is a natural product and is a fairly common allergen. In addition to possible allergic reaction, there is a possibility of occurrence loose stool in a child (to avoid this, the supplement is taken with food).

When using the drug, there cannot be an overdose of fat itself, but an excess of the vitamins included in its composition may well occur. A sign of this is a violation digestive process, nausea, abdominal pain. Also, such an excess can result in an exacerbation chronic diseases– cholecystitis and pancreatitis. All these negative effects go away on their own after removing the fat.

What are the contraindications

The first contraindication is the presence of an allergy to seafood. In this case, neither the fish itself nor fish oil should be consumed. In addition, there are other restrictions:

  1. increased content of vitamins in the body (for example, due to taking vitamin complexes);
  2. hyperthyroidism (impaired normal functioning of the thyroid gland) - taking fish oil can worsen the condition;
  3. active form of tuberculosis;
  4. liver diseases;
  5. renal failure;
  6. ulcerative lesions in the stomach or duodenum.

Where and how to properly store fish oil

To preserve its properties, the liquid product must be packaged in dark glass vials (fatty acids are broken down when exposed to light). The product deteriorates quickly even in warm conditions, so best place There will be a refrigerator for storing it. When the bottle is in use, it is important to ensure that the cap is tightly closed, otherwise the fat may spoil. Of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date, and it is better to purchase the freshest product, since even the normal shelf life according to the data on the packaging may not correspond to reality due to violation of storage rules. As for the encapsulated supplement, it will be enough to place it in a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky

The video offered for viewing discusses the use of fish oil for children and pregnant women. The doctor explains in detail the features of the action this drug on the body, describing its potential and purpose of use. After watching the video, you can get answers to most of your questions regarding fish oil as the main source of vitamin D.

Fish oil contains useful material For normal development and health of the body, the main components are vitamins D and A and Omega-3 fatty acids. About unique qualities this drug has been known for many years, but its popularity has been reduced by taste and bad smell, now this problem has been solved, and taking fish oil capsules has become a real pleasure. Fish oil is especially important for children: the combination of elements makes it unique and irreplaceable. This drug is no less useful for adults; it reduces the risk of heart disease, preserves teeth and bones good condition, prevents disorders of the nervous system.

What is fish oil?

The benefits of this product cannot be overestimated; it can reduce the risk of many diseases and improve organ function. Fish oil, which is beneficial for humans, is obtained from the liver and muscles of cod and other fish.

It is an oily substance transparent color with a specific smell. In pharmacology, it is produced in two forms: in the form of liquid and in capsules. A particularly convenient option now is fish oil for children in capsules; it does not cause discomfort, and some forms are available with flavoring additives, which makes it even more attractive. Previously, only cod liver was used, but modern research have proven that fish oil, which is obtained from its muscles, is even more beneficial. He keeps large quantity fatty acids and vitamins.

Beneficial features

Fish oil contains essential substances and elements that have a positive effect on the normal functioning of a person at any age. Vitamin A is an essential element for the development of good vision; it affects the structure of skin, hair, nails, stimulates the immune system and has powerful antioxidant properties.

Without vitamin D, normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body is impossible, which means its deficiency will lead to huge problems. Fish oil is especially important for children during their growth and development. In addition, it creates anti-cancer protection in the body, becomes good prophylactic from many diseases. Omega-3 acids play an important role in many physiological processes. Without these substances it is impossible correct formation fetal brain and beyond normal development. Almost all cells in the body depend on these acids; they participate in the structure of nails and hair, blood vessels and cartilage, the nervous system and connective tissue.

Fish oil for children

Modern pharmacology produces a variety of interesting shapes this drug. Today you can buy not only liquid product, but also fish oil in capsules. This makes it much easier for children to take. The benefits of the drug are great; it will help prevent rickets and replenish vitamin deficiencies. They are used in the treatment of eye diseases, have positive action on memory and brain function, helps increase immunity and strengthen the entire body. Fish oil for a child must be prescribed only by a doctor; when taking it, the dosage must be observed.


It is forbidden to take this drug if you have bile- and urolithiasis, active stage tuberculosis, thyroid disorders, as well as general intolerance.