Bandage after caesarean section. How to choose a postpartum bandage after cesarean section

Many women understand the invaluable help a special belt provides even during pregnancy. Doctors recommend continuing to use the bandage after caesarean section, as well as after normal childbirth. It would seem like such a simple device, but it makes life so much easier. It not only supports the abdominal muscles, but also reduces the load on the spine. This is especially important in recent months pregnancy and after childbirth, if they were resolved by caesarean section.

After the placenta is delivered or is delivered naturally After the birth of a child, the uterus begins to contract very quickly. Involution begins, that is, the reverse process in which the uterus takes on its natural size. Some gynecologists claim that sometimes after this it may even become smaller than it was before pregnancy.

At the same time as the uterus, the abdomen returns to its previous size. Reducing the abdomen and uterus directly depends on how often it is performed breastfeeding. But after a caesarean section, milk does not always appear. This is one of the difficulties that arise after surgical delivery. Milk appears, but there is very little of it and more often it is colostrum. You can develop the process yourself. The baby needs to be put to the breast as often as possible, and in order to relieve painful sensations when the uterus contracts, wear a bandage.

But young mothers are interested in how long to wear a bandage after a cesarean section, whether it can be removed for a while or worn constantly for a certain period. There are a lot of questions, but you can only get an answer from doctors, who are not always nearby, especially if the woman has already been discharged from the maternity hospital, and she simply forgot to ask about these questions.

Important! The bandage after childbirth, after cesarean section, must be worn until the size of the abdomen returns to the same size.

A bandage after a cesarean section will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks and prevent the postoperative suture from coming apart. This additional measures security that the bandage provides.

Are there rules for wearing a bandage?

There are rules for putting on and how to wear a bandage after a caesarean section. The nurse in the maternity hospital should have been familiar with this, but this does not always happen. If the woman does not ask, the nurse may simply forget to provide this important information.

Don't blame her considering how busy she is medical personnel in maternity hospitals. The description is in the instructions. If there is no bandage, its functions in the first days are performed by a diaper or sheet. This happens if the cesarean was unintentional. If the operation was scheduled in advance, then women are advised to purchase a postpartum bandage in advance.

But here, too, difficulty may arise, since the pharmacy can recommend two types of bandages:

  • postpartum;
  • postoperative.

Important! A postpartum bandage is not used for figure correction. This can be achieved proper nutrition and physical exercise.

Young women mistakenly believe that a bandage will help them regain their previous shape. This depends on many factors:

  • what lifestyle the woman led before pregnancy;
  • condition of the abdominal muscles;
  • size of the uterus in the last month;
  • physiological characteristics;
  • woman's weight;
  • breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

It is more important to think about when you can perform simple physical exercises to restore your belly to its former beauty.

Which bandage to choose after a caesarean section

As already mentioned, after a cesarean section they may recommend postpartum or postoperative bandage. Moreover, the doctor decides whether or not to wear a bandage. Sometimes there are situations when wearing such a device is even contraindicated. Most often this happens if everything is normal for the woman in labor, the uterus and abdominal muscles painlessly return to their previous shape.

If a woman’s stitches become inflamed after surgery and there is discomfort, she may be prohibited from wearing a bandage. Cesarean sections are usually scheduled intentionally, so your doctor may recommend choosing a band the night before the procedure. The modern assortment is quite diverse, so a woman can choose based on personal preferences and physiological characteristics, but after preliminary medical consultation.

There are several types of bandages:

  • in the form of a belt;
  • corset;
  • bandage panties;
  • Bermuda shorts;
  • skirt;
  • universal bandage.

In order for the selected model to bring maximum benefit, the choice must be made based on several criteria: size, material of manufacture, quality of seams, fittings, method of putting on.

How to put on a bandage

The principle of putting on a bandage depends on the model. As a rule, young mothers choose a belt, as it is much easier to put on. To do this, unfold it and lay it out on the bed. You need to lie down in the middle of your belt with your stomach down. Secure it without standing up, on your back or side. If everything is done correctly, then a slight pressure should be felt on the stomach, at the site of the suture. If this causes discomfort or pain, then you can loosen the tension a little.

There should be no pain present. If it is, then you need to consult a doctor. It is likely that the seam has become inflamed or the wound has become infected. It is recommended to wear the bandage for no more than one and a half months. The doctor decides whether to continue wearing it or not. It is not worn at night, and during the day it is worn for no more than 6 hours. After the bandage is removed, your doctor may recommend wearing it during physical activity.

Which model should you prefer?

If you have a cesarean section, you can choose a postpartum, postoperative or universal bandage. Each case is individual, so there is no single solution. Only a specialist can decide this.

The material used in the production of modern models is thin and elastic. Therefore, it is absolutely invisible under clothes. Moreover, modern models do not interfere with air movement, eliminate the formation of sweat, and remove moisture if this occurs.

Often women do not wait for recommendations or prescriptions from their attending physician, so they begin to wear a bandage during pregnancy and continue to wear it after a cesarean section. This is due to pain that appears in the back area. When putting on a bandage, a woman feels much lighter. It is in such cases that a universal type is used, since their design involves wearing during childbirth, after childbirth or after a cesarean section.

Universal types of bandages have special Velcro that allows you to independently adjust them. You need to choose a model based on your parameters before pregnancy. If a woman believes that she has gained weight during pregnancy, you can give preference to a slightly larger size.

Benefits of wearing a brace

After a caesarean section, a woman feels severe pain. It is difficult for her to get out of bed, leisurely walking causes discomfort. A special belt will help relieve such sensations, which:

  • maintains abdominal muscle tone;
  • relieves stress from the spine;
  • prevents inflammatory processes in the seam area;
  • maintains internal organs in the desired position;
  • speeds up the process of figure restoration.

But the most important thing is that it is easier for a woman to move around and fully care for her newborn.

Pregnancy - significant period in the life of any representative of the fair sex. After the end of this period, the woman not only faces many questions regarding the treatment of the baby, but also begins to think about restoring her body.

  • Upon returning home from the maternity hospital, the happy mother begins to think about how to return her body to its previous shape or even improve it. Every time you look in the mirror, a sagging belly constantly reminds you of the need to take action.
  • Whether you had a caesarean section or a vaginal birth, it will take a long time before you can exercise
  • For the first time after childbirth, the use of a postpartum bandage is ideal, which will not only help tighten weakened muscles, but will also help your body recover faster.

What is a postpartum bandage for?

  • Each birth is strictly individual. They vary in duration and complexity, can proceed naturally or end with a cesarean section, with ruptures or without any complications.
  • The need to wear a postpartum bandage is considered for each case separately. Even among medical personnel, there is a lot of discussion about the harms and benefits of its use.
  • First of all, a correctly selected bandage helps to reduce the load on the abdominal and back muscles, reduces pain from uterine contractions and does not allow the stomach to sag hopelessly after childbirth.

And after discharge from the maternity hospital, it will help ease the load, because a woman has a lot to do around the house.

Despite all the disagreements, there are a number of main indications for wearing a bandage:

  • C-section
  • Problems with the spine: curvatures, scoliosis, etc.
  • Severe pain


  • Internal or external seams on the perineum - the bandage prevents blood circulation, which can negatively affect their healing, and the possibility of an inflammatory process cannot be ruled out
  • Kidney or gastrointestinal diseases

Important: To make it easier to regain your figure after childbirth, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage starting from 20-22 weeks of pregnancy.

How to choose the right size for a postpartum bandage?

  • The correct size of the postpartum bandage plays a vital role. It determines how effective the bandage will be and the degree of comfort while wearing it.
  • If you gained 12kg or less during pregnancy, you should buy a bandage that matches your pre-pregnancy clothing size. If the weight gain is more than 12 kg, then it is preferable to purchase a bandage 1-2 sizes larger than it was before pregnancy in order to avoid excessive overtightening
  • If after a few days you do not feel very comfortable in the bandage, most likely the size was chosen incorrectly

Important: The dimensions of the bandage are different manufacturers may vary. Measure your waist and hips and check the size chart on the bandage packaging for the appropriate fit.

Size chart of postpartum bandages FEST

Types of postpartum bandages

  • Universal- It is practical, as it is suitable for wearing both before and after childbirth. It has a wide part, which is located on the back during pregnancy, and on the stomach after childbirth.

  • Underpants— easy to use, have a wide belt with a tightening insert on the stomach. However, it is difficult to go to the toilet in it, so it is recommended to choose a model with a clasp at the bottom, like a bodysuit. The size of such a bandage should be one larger than what you wear. Keep in mind that the jockstrap requires washing every day

  • Bermuda- similar to panties, only they are longer, they can reach the knees. It tightens not only the stomach, but also the hips and buttocks. This bandage is convenient to put on thanks to the side fastening (zipper or hooks)

  • Skirt- covers the upper half of the hips and waist, worn on top of the underwear. Fixes the stomach well and is easy to use. The disadvantage of such a bandage is that when moving it can rise onto the stomach

Which postpartum bandage to choose?

  • When choosing a bandage, size primarily plays a role. An incorrectly selected bandage can cause discomfort and not perform its functions. The bandage should not overtighten the body or, conversely, hang freely
  • A correctly chosen bandage will cause you virtually no inconvenience. It does not stick out from under clothes, Velcro does not cause discomfort
  • It is preferable to purchase a bandage made from materials that allow the skin to breathe and absorb moisture (for example, microfiber or lycra)
  • Pay attention to the fasteners. They should allow you to adjust the degree of compression, whether it be hooks or Velcro. In addition, keep in mind that inconveniently placed fasteners can cling to clothing or rub the skin.
  • All types of bandages have both pros and cons. Your attending physician will help you choose the ideal model that suits you, but you can decide on the size and material yourself.

Important: Buy a bandage in specialized stores or pharmacies, where they will help you choose the right model and size of a postpartum bandage, and you may even be able to try it on. Avoid purchasing second hand or from online stores.

Important: After putting on the brace, do not stand up suddenly to avoid pressure differences that could lead to fainting.

How to wear a postpartum bandage correctly?

Whether to wear a bandage under clothes or on top, or whether to put it on underwear - all this depends on the type of bandage you choose. For example, a bandage-skirt is uncomfortable to wear with trousers, and with Bermuda shorts, the length of the skirt or dress is limited by the length of the bandage.

  • The duration of wearing is determined individually in each case. The complexity of delivery, the intensity with which the uterus contracts, and the elasticity of the skin are taken into account.
  • Regardless of whether you put on the bandage immediately after giving birth or the next day, you should wear it no more than 10 hours a day, with breaks every 3 hours. The best option remove the bandage at night, because at night the muscles are relaxed and there is no strong load on the back
  • On average, it is recommended to wear the bandage for 4-6 weeks. After this period, its use becomes useless, because the uterus becomes toned and the skin tightens

When can I wear a postpartum bandage?

If there are no contraindications for wearing a bandage, it is recommended to wear it on the day of birth, as a last resort the next day. Depends on when the new mother is allowed to stand up.

Do not be overzealous; wait until your postpartum examination and consult your doctor about wearing a bandage. This way you can ask questions that interest you if there is evidence or find out the reason for the ban.

How to wear a postpartum bandage after a caesarean section?

There are a number of reasons why it is necessary to wear a bandage after a caesarean section:

  • Milk arrives much later. This negatively affects the rate of uterine contraction
  • The seam needs protection from mechanical stress and physical stress.
  • Muscles lack tone
  • In the postoperative period, there are strong pain sensations that prevent complete care for a newborn
  • Physical activity and sports are contraindicated long time– from 4 to 6 months

The rules for wearing a bandage are the same as for normal childbirth, however, after a caesarean section, not all models are suitable. Give preference to models that secure the stomach well and protect the seam. You can purchase a special postoperative bandage or bandage panties.

Be sure to wear a brace when you are working around the house or carrying a child in your arms. Remember to remove it from time to time to allow the seam to breathe and the muscles to work on their own.

After 1-1.5 months, when you no longer need the bandage, it is not recommended to abruptly stop using it, otherwise pain will appear in the muscles. Wean your body off outside help, gradually reducing the time spent in the bandage.

Video: Postpartum bandage

Many women, starting in the second half of pregnancy, use a bandage. This device supports the abdominal muscles and reduces stress on the back, relieving pain and reducing the risk of stretch marks. Sometimes its use is continued in the postpartum period for a speedy return to previous forms. But is a bandage needed after a caesarean section?

Surgical childbirth differs significantly from the natural birth of a child. In fact, the woman is undergoing abdominal surgery, in which the abdominal muscles are cut. A bandage in this situation can speed up the recovery process, but in some cases it can also cause harm. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of wearing it after a caesarean section.

The bandage is designed to maintain normal tone and tighten the abdominal muscles. After natural birth it helps to quickly return the belly to its prenatal state, but wearing it is not mandatory.

In case of childbirth surgically, using a bandage significantly facilitates the postoperative period. Thanks to him, a woman can quickly return to active life and can more easily withstand the physical stress associated with caring for a child.

The bandage after cesarean section supports the suture and injured muscles, helps prevent displacement internal organs and improves uterine contraction. Most obstetricians recommend that women in labor who have undergone this operation not refuse to use it.

But it must be borne in mind that there are exceptions. In case of a number of complications, the bandage is contraindicated, so you should consult your doctor before wearing it.

Indications and contraindications

In addition to the mother’s desire to get back into shape faster, there are medical indications to the use of a bandage after cesarean section. It is recommended for the following conditions:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • muscle tension in the suture area;
  • pathologies and diseases of the spine (sciatica, curvature, etc.);
  • insufficient contraction of the uterus.

But the decision on the advisability of wearing a bandage in each specific case is made by a specialist. A doctor may prohibit its use if a woman:

  • the postoperative suture became inflamed;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • an allergy to the material from which the bandage is made has developed;
  • edema appeared due to cardiovascular or renal pathology;
  • a skin disease occurred in the area in contact with the surface of the bandage.

Opinions differ about the admissibility of using a support belt for a vertical seam. Some experts believe that this will not be beneficial, while others recommend their patients to wear a bandage after a caesarean section in this situation.

Types of products

In most cases, a cesarean section is a planned operation, and it is also better to take care of a comfortable postoperative bandage in advance. Almost every pharmacy has a wide range of such products. What should you give preference to?

The main criterion is the convenience of the bandage for a woman, because she will have to wear it for 1.5-2 months. The most popular models among young mothers are:

  1. Bandage belt. It completely covers the stomach, reaching the hips. The belt comes in various configurations (elongated at the front, straight, with inserts), and its width varies from 15 to 30 cm. This bandage does an excellent job of supporting the abdominal muscles, but is not very comfortable (it can slip or become deformed when worn). The belt is more often used in the early postoperative period.
  2. Bandage panties. After discharge from the hospital, many women choose a bandage in the form of high-waisted panties for everyday wear. It is made from elastic material, evenly supports the seam and does not restrict movement, but for comfortable use it is important to choose the right size of the product.
  3. Bermuda bandage. This is a variation of the previous model, affecting not only the stomach, but also the thighs. The bandage is shaped like shorts, sometimes their length can reach the knees. This product is ideal for women who want to get rid of fat deposits on their hips.
  4. Bandage in the form of a skirt. The model resembles a support belt, but its effect also extends to the hips. Due to the large girth area, the bandage is fixed more reliably and practically does not slip. But in terms of convenience, it is still inferior to support underwear.

If possible, it is worth purchasing 2 bandages (can be different) in order to have a replacement while washing the product. In the first two weeks, it is preferable to use a belt of sufficient rigidity, and then switch to support and shapewear.

How to choose the right one?

Even the same bandage model can be presented in various variations. When making a choice, you need to pay attention to the quality of the product, in particular the material from which it is made.

To ensure that the bandage after a cesarean section does not irritate the skin, it must be soft, pleasant to the touch, without any decorative elements or protruding seams. It is better to give preference to natural materials.

As for fixing the product, models with durable Velcro or zipper are more convenient. Bandages with buttons, snaps and lacing take much more time to secure, and they do not always provide the expected support.

If we're talking about Regarding a product in the form of panties or shorts, you should give preference to a model that has not only a zipper on the side, but also a fastener at the bottom. This will allow you not to remove the bandage when visiting the toilet.

Deciding on the size

When purchasing a bandage before surgery, it is advisable to purchase the same size that you wore before conception. But if during pregnancy the weight gain was more than 15 kg, the product should be one size larger than usual.

If it was not possible to buy a bandage in advance, after a caesarean section you must try on the chosen model. The product must exactly match your volume - do not press or sit too loosely. A consultant at a pharmacy or specialty store will help you choose the right option.

How long and how to wear the bandage?

You can start wearing a bandage after a cesarean section from the first day after surgery. The duration of use is determined individually, depending on the woman’s well-being. It is usually used to maintain abdominal muscles for 5-8 weeks after surgery.

In order for the use of a bandage to give the expected result and not harm your health, it is important to wear it correctly. This is done in a lying position, relaxing the muscles as much as possible. The bandage can be worn either over underwear or on the naked body, depending on the model.

Products in the form of underwear are first fixed on the hips, and then tightened according to the figure, avoiding strong compression. A bandage of any shape should fit tightly around the body, but not cause discomfort. Excessively strong tightening can disrupt blood flow, slowing down the recovery process.

During the healing stage of the suture, the support belt should not be worn continuously. It should be removed every 2 hours to ensure air flow to the skin. The rest from the bandage lasts 15-20 minutes, after which it is put on again.

It is necessary to stop using special underwear or a belt gradually, since during the period of wearing them the muscles have become accustomed to the support. At abrupt refusal The bandage may cause pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

The wearing time of the product is gradually reduced over the course of a week, taking increasingly longer breaks in its use. At this time, you need to check the body’s reaction to stress - sit and walk around at home without a bandage. For long walks it is better to put it back on. If you feel good for 7-10 days and are not bothered by pain, you can discard the bandage and return to your normal lifestyle.

Is it possible to sleep in it?

Constantly wearing supportive underwear or a belt, much less sleeping in them, is strictly prohibited. This can lead to serious circulatory problems affecting the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, the bandage must be removed during night sleep.

Support for the abdominal muscles is necessary for women who have had surgical birth. But moderation is important in everything, so you should follow the rules for wearing such products and take into account the opinion of your doctor. If all recommendations are followed, the bandage after cesarean section will reduce the discomfort associated with postoperative period, and will help you quickly return to your previous forms.

Useful video: wearing a postpartum bandage


Bandage - medical device in the form of an elastic belt with ties, pelota (orthopedic inserts) and fasteners. Used to support and fix the pelvic organs and abdominal muscles when they sag after surgery, to prevent stretch marks.

Wearing a bandage after a caesarean section is often recommended as supportive recovery therapy. However, there is no clear opinion whether wearing it is necessary. This question Only women themselves can decide after consultation with their doctor. This device has its own medical indications and contraindications that should be followed.

Many women, having heard enough different points vision on forums and in wards, they are worried whether it is possible to wear a bandage after a caesarean section, whether it will harm the internal organs that have already suffered post-operative stress. It is advisable to ask this question to an observing doctor who knows the slightest deviations and individual characteristics of a young mother. There are special medical indications for wearing an elastic belt related to its functions:

  • restoration and regeneration of muscles and tissues damaged due to incision of the uterus and abdominal cavity;
  • relief of physical stress associated with caring for a newborn;
  • seam support;
  • reduction of muscle tension;
  • Relieving stress on back muscles;
  • strengthening the press;
  • muscle support abdominal wall;
  • preventing prolapse of internal organs, keeping them in the desired position;
  • speeding up the process.

Most often, the attending physician determines whether a bandage is needed after a cesarean section in a particular case. If there were any complications, damage or injuries during the operation, most likely, this belt will be highly recommended for the woman. If everything went well, the mother is healthy and young, she can refuse this device. In some cases, even if you really want to, you will be prohibited from wearing a bandage.

From the history of the name. The word “bandage” came into Russian from French, where there is the concept “bandage”, which is translated as a medical belt or bandage.


During the examination after childbirth, contraindications may be revealed, and then the woman will not be allowed to wear a postoperative bandage after a cesarean section, despite her desire to quickly restore her figure and return to a regular lifestyle. This is due to the fact that the belt has a fairly strong compressive effect on the organs, which can negatively affect their condition if problems are discovered with their functioning. Contraindications include:

  • inflammation of the suture;
  • of any nature;
  • flatulence, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, etc.;
  • skin diseases in the abdominal area (eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis);
  • edema due to renal (pyelonephritis, cystitis) or cardiovascular pathologies;
  • allergy to the material from which the bandage is made;
  • the seam has a non-standard size or shape (for example, longitudinal).

If you have these health problems, you should not wear a postpartum bandage after a caesarean section. However, in some cases these points are not categorical. In particular, not all doctors consider a longitudinal suture after surgery to be a contraindication for using a belt. It all depends on the health and well-being of the young mother after the operation.

Keep in mind. If a woman is determined to wear after cesarean bandage, but the stitches have festered and the doctor forbids her to do this; the problem is often solved with the help of antibiotics. Inflammation is relieved, but it is worth considering that such treatment will definitely affect the quality of breast milk.


In 70% of cases this operation is planned due to some deviations identified during the period of bearing the baby. Accordingly, a woman thinks in advance about which bandage is better after a cesarean section, how to choose it correctly from the variety that modern manufacturers offer. There is a choice, the assortment is pleasing, so every young mother will be able to choose a belt to suit her needs. taste preferences and anatomical features.

  • Bandage belt

It has excellent elasticity and sufficient width, reaching to the very hips. Covers the entire belly. Reduces the risk of a hernia after cesarean section. Actively promotes the formation of a neat scar.

Ideal for walks, receiving guests, long trips. Invisible under clothes, as it is made of elastic fabric, tightly fitting the body.

It has an elongated hip line, in some models it can reach the knees. Perfectly hides stretch marks, prevents cellulite, helps get rid of excess weight and fat deposits on the sides and abdomen.

Worn above the waist, providing good muscle contraction and promoting rapid recovery.

These are the main types of bandages after cesarean section, from which you can always choose something suitable. The most common and recommended is still the belt, since other models are less functional.

Criterias of choice

To get the most out of this device, you need to know how to choose a bandage correctly, without disappointment in the future. When going for your treasured purchase, keep in mind little tricks that will help you purchase a high-quality product that suits you best.

  • Size

It is very important to choose the right size of bandage for you, which will suit you after childbirth and will be neither small nor large. Focus on your weight. If you have gained more than 15 kg during pregnancy, your size should be 1-2 points larger than your usual measurements. If you think you will return to your previous size after giving birth, buy your usual size. In a special salon, a consultant will help you choose what you need. The main thing is do not hesitate to ask and measure.

  • Fabric and seams

In terms of material best bandage after cesarean section - one that is made of lycra, cotton, microfiber or polyester. They have sufficient density and elasticity, breathe well (have excellent breathability properties). Synthetics can cause suppuration and diaper rash. Pay attention to the seams, which should not irritate the skin.

  • Model

The bandage should have a rigid fixation that reduces the load on the suture and pelvic organs and prevents the formation of a hernia. A tight insert on the stomach is welcome.

  • Accessories

Look for a bandage with multi-level Velcro fasteners that will allow you to adjust right size. There should be no buttons, laces or snaps: they can rub the seam and cause skin irritation.

  • Convenience

When trying on, the belt itself should not tighten or put pressure on the stomach or slide down.

From the model's point of view, only the woman herself can choose what kind of bandage is needed after a caesarean section: a simple belt, Bermuda shorts, briefs or a skirt. The first option is preferable for 1-2 weeks immediately after surgery, while all the others will perfectly help the body recover once the stitches have healed a little. A young mother should also be able to use this device so as not to harm her own body.

Wearing rules

Be sure to familiarize yourself with how to properly wear a bandage after a cesarean section so that it does not rub the stitches and cause harm to the body. Most of negative reviews this device was dictated by the fact that young mothers do not have enough time for themselves and do not adhere to elementary rules operation of this device. If your doctor allows you to use a belt, you should do it wisely, adhering to the following recommendations.

  1. The first question that everyone faces when deciding to wear a support belt after a caesarean section is when can you wear a bandage after a caesarean section: if there are no contraindications, start wearing it from the first day after the operation.
  2. Many are also interested in how to put on a bandage correctly and with maximum comfort. After all, immediately after the operation there is no way to perform sudden movements. It is recommended to do this while lying down, since at this moment the muscles are relaxed. Start fixing from the hips, i.e. from the bottom up.
  3. Avoid over-tightening, which will interfere with blood flow.
  4. Since you will need to constantly monitor the scarring of the suture so that it does not fester, be sure to keep in mind how long you need to wear the bandage after a cesarean section during the day. Every 2-4 hours it should be removed for 20-25 minutes and then put on again.
  5. The support belt must be removed at night, otherwise tugging and damage to internal organs may occur.
  6. As for the duration of use of the belt, i.e. how long you need to wear the bandage after a cesarean section, everything is determined individual characteristics body and recovery period. On average it is from 5 to 9 weeks. If someone thinks that they have gained too many extra pounds during pregnancy, they can extend the period of wearing the belt, since its functions include body correction and elimination of fat deposits on the sides and abdomen.

If there are medical indications, wearing a bandage after a cesarean section is worthwhile. As practice shows, this type of therapeutic and corrective underwear significantly shortens the recovery period after surgery and allows the young mother to quickly return to her usual rhythm of life. By choosing the right support belt and taking into account the tips for wearing it, you can significantly help the body cope with postpartum and postoperative stress.

And the dose of antibiotics received may not have the best effect on its quality. In this case, wearing a bandage can replace breastfeeding the baby, because in the process of sucking the breast, the size of the abdomen and uterus will gradually decrease.

True, this may not be enough for them to return to their previous form. Firstly, this process is not equally successful for all women, secondly, during the months of pregnancy the skin of the abdomen has managed to stretch greatly, which also needs to be corrected, and thirdly, after surgical intervention abdominal muscles need much more time to recover (as a result of loss of their tone).

Exercising after a cesarean section is strictly contraindicated for a certain period of time. When they are already resolved, it may already be too late to put their “floating” forms in order. Therefore, wearing a bandage after childbirth can be extremely useful: it will restore elasticity to the abdominal muscles, while doing part of their work. Moreover, the bandage is necessary because it is able to prevent the divergence of postoperative sutures, keeping them in a “tightened” fixed state, and therefore contributes to their more fast healing. In addition, the bandage will protect the seam from various kinds mechanical damage, which may arise randomly.

When should it not be used?

You can avoid wearing a bandage if there is a possibility that it will damage the seams on the perineum. According to doctors, the bandage can only worsen blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, so the stitches will take longer to heal, and their inflammation is possible.

There is another contraindication when you do not need to wear a bandage; it can be caused by a disease such as kidney disease, abdominal pain, and also diseases gastrointestinal tract. Some women also experience allergic reaction on the fabric from which the bandage was made. In other cases, wearing a bandage is simply necessary.

Which bandage to choose?

Before purchasing a bandage, you need to ask your doctor whether it can be worn at all in your particular case., since there are some contraindications listed above that prohibit wearing a bandage. If there are no contraindications, then you need to decide on the model.

Postpartum bandage Anita 1885

The postpartum bandage is made of elastic, breathable microfiber. The width can be adjusted using the zipper on the side.


  • elastic, breathable microfiber;
  • sewn-in two-layer panel of organic elasticity with lateral size adjustment;
  • The width can be adjusted using the side fastener.


  • after abdominal operations and with mild weakness of the abdominal wall.

Principle of operation

  • abdominal wall support;
  • improves the structure of the body, thereby relieving tension from the spine.

Special Features

  • models the area of ​​the buttocks, hips, and abdomen, so it can be worn after the recovery period;
  • helps restore the shape of the abdomen after childbirth;
  • supports the abdomen after abdominal surgery and caesarean section.

Composition: 30% elastane, 70% polyamide.

Bandage ORLETT® (Orlet)


  • to protect against severe stretching of the abdominal wall;
  • necessary for optimal abdominal support;
  • during pregnancy reduces the load on lumbar region spine;
  • a bandage for pregnant women greatly reduces the period of restoration of normal tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen after surgery.


The elasticity of the main material of the bandage for pregnancy and the postpartum period allows for excellent support for the abdominal wall and the enlarged stretched uterus. The bandage has special reinforcing tapes that can reduce the load on the lumbar spine.

Terms of use

You need to put on the bandage in the morning while lying down, before getting out of bed. It should be worn throughout the day.

Proper product care

Hand wash at a temperature of no more than +40 degrees. Do not use bleaching or detergents containing chlorine. Do not machine wash. Dry without spinning, away from direct rays of the sun and heating devices.

Postpartum bandage "Fest"

The bandage before and after childbirth is a universal model that can be worn as a tummy tuck after childbirth. The color of the product is white, size 116-120 is designed for hips of 109-116 centimeters. This model of bandage is intended to be worn from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy until childbirth, as well as postpartum period after the operation cesarean section. Period continuous wearing should be no more than ten hours a day, and the bandage should only be worn while lying on your back. After surgery, the product should be worn daily until full recovery belly shapes, use both before and after childbirth.

During pregnancy, you need to wear such a bandage with the wide part backwards (downwards with a semicircular part) for maximum unloading and support of the back, and its narrow part should be under the stomach, providing it with reliable support. After childbirth, the belt should be turned “back to front” so that its wide part fixes and tightens the stomach, and the narrow part fastens on the back. The bandage is reinforced with additional details and elastic bones for excellent abdominal support. The presence of side Velcro fasteners makes it possible to adjust the size and level of tightening of the belt without removing it. Thus, instead of two bandages (prenatal and postpartum), you can get by with one universal model.

How long to wear a bandage after a caesarean section?

How long should I wear the brace after surgery? This question is relevant for all women who begin to wear it. How long do you need to wear it to get the desired effect? This period is individual for each woman, so the period of wearing it can vary from four to six weeks, depending on the characteristics of your body. No one can say exactly how quickly the uterus specific woman will be able to tone up, and each woman’s skin is also different.

For some, everything happens very quickly, and soon the stomach becomes flat and the skin on it becomes elastic. For others, such an effect may never be achieved at all. However, you should not wear a bandage for more than six weeks, since after this period of time the uterus itself is able to tone up, the skin tightens, and the bandage simply becomes completely useless. Then you can start executing special exercises, thereby achieving required result. In the event that a woman needs to wear a bandage special purpose doctor, for example, after a caesarean section, then after the suture has healed, the bandage can be removed, since at this time the load on abdominal cavity becomes less dangerous to her health. In most cases, four weeks is enough for this, however, for each woman, the healing of sutures occurs differently, and if there is poor circulation The stitch may take much longer to heal. In this case, the woman will have to wear the bandage longer after a caesarean section.